12 monkey

i'm almost at the end of season 2
the forced drama and jennifer cringe is never going to end is it? i'm better off cutting my losses and dropping it aren't i?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's impossible for me to remotely assess the value of your time; I'm gonna lowball it and say "worth almost nothing" and tell you to plow ahead.

    • 2 years ago

      if you would assign monetary value to it, indeed it is worth almost nothing, and yet i have better things to do, in theory

      They made a series about it? Why?

      there is no good reason for this to exist, and yet the first season was well crafted and the characters were likeable and complex
      but the second season made everyone hate each other for stupid contrived reasons and i feel like i'm watching a soap now

  2. 2 years ago

    They made a series about it? Why?

  3. 2 years ago

    I never even made it past the trailer. You already wasted your time by watching more than 1 episode.

    • 2 years ago

      a year or so ago i made a post about how much i liked continuum and some anon told me this was better
      i can only assume that anon only watched the first season.

      • 2 years ago

        Just watch the movie bro. 12 Monkies is a masterpiece. Any TV show based off a classic movie is always shit

        • 2 years ago

          i've already seen it multiple times, i agree it's good. this is so far removed from it that it doesn't bother me.
          well the fact that it's based on the movie doesn't bother me. the absolute cringe does. idk how they thought putting the jennifer goines character to screen was a good idea


          what do you think?

          • 2 years ago

            discount ally sheedy

  4. 2 years ago

    after season 1 it becomes schlock with cringe buddy cop movie dialogue and the usual dogshit that has ruined every tv program the last ten years.

    cole going back in time to kill the black guy and undo himself getting cucked by cassie was daring though

    • 2 years ago

      >cole going back in time to kill the black guy and undo himself getting cucked by cassie was daring though
      lmao welp, i'm convinced. i'm not touching another episode of this shit. their relationship was extremely endearing in season 1 and i cannot stomach their forced antagonism in season2
      i was hoping they might reconcile eventually but i see that's not the case

      it's time to rewatch fraiser i guess

      • 2 years ago

        season 1 was 2015
        season 2 was current year
        happened with so many tv shows it's crazy. Like Billions, you had that immaculate season 1 and season 2 goes full on androgynous troony character and stronk black woman tells the evil white men how bad they are every episode.
        I seriously think 2016 was the end of the world

        • 2 years ago

          oh my god you're right. i never even though about it in those terms because i wasn't watching it as it aired. it was made in the year where american libtards went crazy over goran blorph. of course
          i remember noticing the same thing in elementary, the number of libtard wisecracks and preaching increased exponentially. it wasn't as bad as this, but it was definitely a noticeable change

        • 2 years ago

          Mr. Robot and Halt & Catch Fire suffered from this too. Both had kino season 1 in 2015 then became unrecognizable season 2 onward

    • 2 years ago

      Are gays pushing racemixing in this stuff?

      • 2 years ago

        yes the main actress got blacked in season 1
        she was in a relationship at the time too btw

  5. 2 years ago

    how the frick did you get past season 1 ep1?

    are you NEET? not judging but when I was NEET I could bing terrible shows

    • 2 years ago

      lol now that you mention it, i remember that the jennifer introduction scene was at the end of episode 1 and it made alarms go off in my head at it "uh-oh, this character looks cringe... i hope she has a minor role"
      i'm the opposite of neet
      i have so little time that i only put on shows when i'm doing chores around the house or getting dressed. it took me three days to finish episode 1

  6. 2 years ago

    Complaining like this about a syfy show is like snorting nail polish and wondering why it was a bad experience. You have to know HOW to enjoy it right. Syfy only makes camp. They've got a few solid shows which are still pretty campy. If it isn't your cuppa then you should probably not be near Syfy material.

    I wanted to hate this show because I love the movie so much but it has real kino elements and I'm not going to defend it well because I can't. I just like it.

    >Cinemaphile hates Jennifer Goines
    Yeah fricking right.

    • 2 years ago

      that's a cop out. season 1 had decent writing and it stood up as a regular sf show. season 2 onwards is complete dogshit

      • 2 years ago

        >cop out
        Heh. No.
        >other words
        I really don't care. I like the bro stuff. I like timetravel. I like the spooky stuff. I love Jennifer. It's light watching and not a fricking statement on societal norms. It's just people making a campy scifi timetravel series based loosely on the original concept. It brushed against alternate realities too because Madeline Stowe's character was in it played by Madeline Stowe.

        • 2 years ago

          big midwit energy here

          • 2 years ago

            >cop out

            • 2 years ago

              well you basically just said you liked it with too many superfluous words, what was i supposed to do? convince you you don't like it?

              • 2 years ago

                You are full of shit and don't know what
                >cop out

              • 2 years ago

                a cop out is like that guy who killed george floyd right?

              • 2 years ago

                No, it's when coins fall from your pocket.

    • 2 years ago

      well i absolutely loved dark matter and continuum so i figured i might like this as well. i was wrong. i was even able to get through killjoys, though that was at the limit of my cringe tolerance
      there is nothing even remotely redeemable about jennifer goines and the actress isn't even cute nor hot and has a fridge for a body

      • 2 years ago

        holy shit Dark Matter.. there's another one!
        season 1 was fricking perfect ... guess when it was made? 2015!!!
        season 2 onwards ... say goodbye to the perfect character dynamics and let's throw in a bunch of minorities with mary sue powers

        • 2 years ago

          idk dark matter didn't bother me as much
          there was that one negress mary sue from the prison but hers was a short lived role... and the main white guy quit the show, though he was kind of a pussy, no leading man material. and six became the lead, though that was set up in season 1. but other than that, i can't recall anything too objectionable.

          i have fond memories of dark matter. for such a short show, it did tons in plot and character progression and it deserves props for the main crew not being perfect goody two shoes but still being likeable and sympathetic.

          • 2 years ago

            >it deserves props for the main crew not being perfect goody two shoes but still being likeable and sympathetic.
            yeah that was absolutely it's selling point, but they removed it more and more as the show went on, falling back on le good minority vs le bad white man

            • 2 years ago

              i'm planning on rewatching it soon so i'll be on the look out for that. all the corporate douchebag captains were definitely white but a lot of the villains were minorities and wahmen too, iirc. four's sister for example. four himself was a good example of someone who went villain but was still clearly likeable.
              and two (honorary) and three (white) were the main protagonists as far as i'm concerned. i realize i said six in my last post but it was two, not six. for obvious reasons it gets confusing

      • 2 years ago

        >Jennifer Goines
        >not cute
        Post waifus.

        • 2 years ago

          taja from mortal kombat conquest (my first)
          kiera from continuum
          cordelia from angel
          sun from lost
          just about every female character from spartacus
          elliot from scrubs
          summer glau
          kim sohee

          • 2 years ago

            >Jennifer Goines
            >not cute
            Post waifus.

            also rebecca and nola from banshee

          • 2 years ago

            >Banshee but not Siobhan
            >Sun and not Kate
            nice but I'm not familiar with the character
            >any from Spartacus
            I only like Lucy a little bit
            >Elliot and not prebog Jordan
            I don't know her but she's pretty.

            • 2 years ago

              i like siobhan a lot too actually. also she gets props for having the best fappening leak of all time. if it weren't for the c**t daughter, maybe i'd amend my rating to "practically any female character from banshee".
              prebog jordan is also very attractive. eh postbog too actually. of all the women who disfigured themselves with ps, she's one of the least egregious cases

              There's a "12 Monkeys" series!?! This is almost as bad as when I found out the remade "Jacob's Ladder " with, of course, a black lead.

              this mystery meat is actually pretty charismatic, i liked that sleeper cell series with him.
              can't imagine how a jacob's ladder series would work though. is he a journalist investigating american use of agent orange in vietnam or something?

  7. 2 years ago

    >page 8
    oh welp.
    thanks for participating in my thread, i fully expected to get 0 replies but this was a good time

  8. 2 years ago

    There's a "12 Monkeys" series!?! This is almost as bad as when I found out the remade "Jacob's Ladder " with, of course, a black lead.

    • 2 years ago

      i like siobhan a lot too actually. also she gets props for having the best fappening leak of all time. if it weren't for the c**t daughter, maybe i'd amend my rating to "practically any female character from banshee".
      prebog jordan is also very attractive. eh postbog too actually. of all the women who disfigured themselves with ps, she's one of the least egregious cases
      this mystery meat is actually pretty charismatic, i liked that sleeper cell series with him.
      can't imagine how a jacob's ladder series would work though. is he a journalist investigating american use of agent orange in vietnam or something?

      >that sleeper cell series
      also that carl urban series where he played a robut
      too bad it got canceled so quickly, it had a lot of potential

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