>2 days after the release of The Acolyte episode 3. >b-but Filoni helped me!

>2 days after the release of The Acolyte episode 3
>b-but Filoni helped me!
>I'm still getting advice from Lucas guys!
That damage control to involve Filoni and Lucas, LMAO

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  1. 1 week ago

    >woman makes shitty tv show
    >men mostly to blame

    • 1 week ago

      Truly this is the universal blame that women lay at any failure.

    • 1 week ago

      Or maybe Filoni and Lucas are hacks?

      In their defence, it was made for 9 year olds not grown up men.

      • 1 week ago

        Made for 9 year olds, not made by 9 year olds.

      • 1 week ago

        >the weird ritual virgin birth sex cult is for kids

      • 1 week ago

        >it's good you chuds
        >and if it's shit it's for kids anyway so it doesn't matter if it's good

      • 1 week ago

        that makes it even worse for all the gaygory propaganda

      • 1 week ago

        >it's homosexual normalization propaganda aimed at children
        You're not helping your case, sister.

  2. 1 week ago

    Roger Roger.

    • 1 week ago

      Oh no the dyke got Filoni’ed!


  3. 1 week ago

    Or maybe Filoni and Lucas are hacks?

    • 1 week ago

      Filoni, yes. Lucas, no.

      Filoni is 100% to blame for the lesbian Black person shit.

      • 1 week ago

        Kek. Lucas is a super genius savant...toy designer. He is a hack director and script writer. Whenever Prequeks say they like Lucas, they meant they like the ships, toys and vidya games. Nothing wrong with that but go to /toy/ or Cinemaphile or even Cinemaphile instead. This is Cinemaphile.

        • 1 week ago

          >still doing le plinkett man in 2024

        • 1 week ago

          That's right. Star Wars was saved by editing!

        • 1 week ago


  4. 1 week ago

    >june 15th
    What dimension are you in?

    • 1 week ago

      Time zones exist anon

      • 1 week ago


  5. 1 week ago

    >very quickly became kind of a mentor
    I'd bet that after previewing what she had shot so far, Filoni was ordered to be her tard wrangler.

  6. 1 week ago

    >desperate plea to authority

    weird, they normally just screech about white men being racist and sexist

    • 1 week ago

      They tried that when the audience review score was sitting around 30%. After several purges of "invalid" reviews it's now dropped under 20%, and people have started to notice that it's not even doing well on pirate sites; these interviews and the Indian shillfarms switching their script to
      >You're imagining it! It's not as bad as you're pretending it is! The gay thing was obviously meant as a joke! All the things you're objecting to were already there, if we stretch definitions to breaking point and ignore all context! REAL fans love it, it's a *love letter* to the fans really!
      is their desperation play.

  7. 1 week ago

    Wait 5 years, Star Wars content blackout except video games and animation.

    Then do a Vader movie of him just going around the galaxy murdering Rebels and having some mild morality crisis.

    Guaranteed franchise rejuvenation and 10 trillion dollars. Easy as frick.

  8. 1 week ago

    Miss me yet?

    • 1 week ago

      Nope, I'm not a nostalgiagay the prequels suck just as much as NuWars.

      • 1 week ago

        zoom zoom

      • 1 week ago

        >the prequels suck just as much as NuWars
        a baffling sentiment, every time someone makes it. I can understand "The prequels suck" or not liking the prequels, but Disney Wars is completely inept, amateurish. The prequels are at least cinematic and "feel like" star wars.

    • 1 week ago

      Yes. The prequels are peak Star Wars

    • 1 week ago

      >Wesa in big doo doo now

  9. 1 week ago

    >makes ‘strong independent coven of powerful womyn of colour who don’t need no man’ tv show at unbelievable expense
    >Spends a bunch of time laughing about how gay and progressive it is
    >It fails to a degree of spectacle heretofore unseen even within the halls of a company that has literally had only two or three profitable products in years
    >”It’s men’s fault, I was mentored by a man”
    This is feminism in a nutshell. Get promoted above your level of competence, talk a big game, then pin it on a man when you fail.

  10. 1 week ago

    How many days until men and chuds are blamed for the bad reviews/numbers?

    • 1 week ago

      Already happened.
      >You are ruining the Acolyte.

  11. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      "lesbians of color" are only powerful because they can hide behind government institutions straight white males created to protect them. This is why their power fantasies are laughable shit no one likes.

    • 1 week ago


  12. 1 week ago
    I have been summoned

    I updated my webm for dummies and discovered you can multi trim. Here are some webms from the press tour that I've yet to see clipped. I'm not super versed in this process. I'm having trouble getting everything in one webm under 4mb. Had to downsize this one to 720.

    • 1 week ago

      her character Sukh Milko is the only good thing about the acolyte

    • 1 week ago

      one trick with webm conversion is that you need way, way less resolution than you think you do. very often like 480 vertical is totally adequate.

  13. 1 week ago
    I have been summoned
  14. 1 week ago

    >Hey Geroge, got any ideas?
    >Just frick everyone's shit up

  15. 1 week ago

    whos the acolyte? what am i missing?

  16. 1 week ago

    It can never be her responsibility, just like all those starlets she fed to Big Harv.

  17. 1 week ago

    Morning frens, just submitted another set of terrible review scores with a new account. We're well on the way to making this Disney's worst ~~*product*~~.

    • 1 week ago

      Chat GPT go brrrrrrrr

      • 1 week ago

        >In the style of a depressed Star Wars fan who is disillusioned with Disney's narrative control of the Star Wars franchise, list all the known criticism of the new Star Wars TV show "The Acolyte" .

        As a long-time Star Wars fan, it's disheartening to see the franchise I once adored fall under the corporate thumb of Disney, resulting in a series of disappointing endeavors. "The Acolyte" is the latest addition to this trend, and the criticisms it faces are a testament to how far the galaxy far, far away has strayed from its roots. Here are some of the key criticisms that fans have voiced about "The Acolyte":

        Departure from Original Lore: Many fans feel that "The Acolyte" diverges significantly from the established Star Wars canon and lore, making it difficult to reconcile with the original stories that they cherish.

        Lack of Cohesion: Critics argue that the series seems disconnected from the broader Star Wars universe, failing to integrate seamlessly with the existing narrative arcs and character developments.

        Overemphasis on Identity Politics: There are complaints that the show places too much focus on contemporary social issues and identity politics at the expense of storytelling and character development.

        Weak Characterization: Viewers have pointed out that the characters in "The Acolyte" feel underdeveloped and lack the depth and complexity that made earlier characters in the franchise memorable.

        Pacing Issues: The pacing of the show has been criticized for being inconsistent, with some episodes feeling dragged out while others rush through potentially significant plot points.

        Visual and Aesthetic Choices: Some fans are disappointed with the visual style and design choices, arguing that they do not capture the gritty, lived-in feel of the original trilogy.

        Poor Writing: The dialogue and plotlines have been described as subpar, with many feeling that the writing fails to capture the magic and excitement of the original Star Wars saga.

        • 1 week ago

          Nostalgia Exploitation: There is a sense that Disney is exploiting nostalgia without delivering a product that respects or enhances the legacy of Star Wars.

          Inconsistent Tone: The show's tone has been criticized for being all over the place, unable to decide whether it wants to be a serious, dark narrative or a more light-hearted adventure.

          Corporate Influence: Many fans feel that "The Acolyte," like other recent Star Wars projects, is more about profit and extending the franchise than about storytelling and creative vision.

          Missed Opportunities: The series is seen as a missed opportunity to explore new and interesting aspects of the Star Wars universe in a meaningful way, instead opting for safe and formulaic choices.

          Forced Diversity: While diversity is important, some fans feel that the casting and character decisions in "The Acolyte" come across as forced and tokenistic rather than organic and meaningful.

          It’s a somber reality that the franchise, once a beacon of imaginative storytelling, now feels like a hollow shell of its former self, driven by corporate interests rather than the creative spirit that once made it so special.
          My wife would object to that but then it's not her who decides what happens in this house. Imagine letting women decide anything!

          >AI is now destroying the mouse
          RIP in pieces star wars fans

      • 1 week ago

        Nostalgia Exploitation: There is a sense that Disney is exploiting nostalgia without delivering a product that respects or enhances the legacy of Star Wars.

        Inconsistent Tone: The show's tone has been criticized for being all over the place, unable to decide whether it wants to be a serious, dark narrative or a more light-hearted adventure.

        Corporate Influence: Many fans feel that "The Acolyte," like other recent Star Wars projects, is more about profit and extending the franchise than about storytelling and creative vision.

        Missed Opportunities: The series is seen as a missed opportunity to explore new and interesting aspects of the Star Wars universe in a meaningful way, instead opting for safe and formulaic choices.

        Forced Diversity: While diversity is important, some fans feel that the casting and character decisions in "The Acolyte" come across as forced and tokenistic rather than organic and meaningful.

        It’s a somber reality that the franchise, once a beacon of imaginative storytelling, now feels like a hollow shell of its former self, driven by corporate interests rather than the creative spirit that once made it so special.

        >the negative response to this has been an organic, grassroots affair

        What if we sent you a gf

        My wife would object to that but then it's not her who decides what happens in this house. Imagine letting women decide anything!

    • 1 week ago

      >the negative response to this has been an organic, grassroots affair

      What if we sent you a gf

  18. 1 week ago

    This isn't surprising, Lucas has always been the king of adding goofy shit to star wars.

  19. 1 week ago

    Oh, where do I even start with "The Acolyte"? It's like Disney has taken a beloved universe and turned it into a dark abyss of disappointment.

    Disney's Relentless Push for Diverse Representation: Look, diversity is great, but not when it feels forced just to check boxes. "The Acolyte" seems more concerned with ticking off diversity quotas than actually telling a compelling story. We want depth, not tokenism.

    Lack of Originality: Disney keeps recycling the same tired plotlines. "The Acolyte" promises to explore the dark side of the Force, but haven't we seen that a million times already? It's like they're afraid to take risks and delve into something truly new and innovative.

    Pandering to Woke Culture: I hate to say it, but "The Acolyte" feels like it's more interested in pushing a political agenda than honoring the Star Wars legacy. They're bending over backward to please Twitter mobs instead of focusing on what made Star Wars great in the first place—epic storytelling and unforgettable characters.

    Ignoring Established Canon: Disney has a habit of cherry-picking from the Expanded Universe when it suits them and throwing out what doesn't fit their narrative. "The Acolyte" seems poised to trample over decades of established lore just to tell their version of events. It's disrespectful to longtime fans who have invested so much in this universe.

    Tokenism in Character Development: Every character in "The Acolyte" feels like a cardboard cutout with a checklist of attributes. We want characters with depth and complexity, not one-dimensional stereotypes. Give us someone we can root for, not someone we're supposed to like just because of their background.

    Overall, "The Acolyte" is just another example of Disney's mishandling of the Star Wars universe. They've turned our beloved saga into a shadow of its former self, and it's heartbreaking for fans who grew up dreaming of a galaxy far, far away.

    • 1 week ago

      All of those are excellent points anon, very well written and considerate in both tone and delivery. I would instantly rate as "helpful" if I seen them when scrolling a comment section, unlike some of the stuff you see written by ~~*fans*~~ of this terrible show.

  20. 1 week ago

    >show flop
    >blame men
    fricking dyke

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