>A girl didn't like me when I was fourteen. >I'll seethe about it for thirty years

>A girl didn't like me when I was fourteen
>I'll seethe about it for thirty years

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    >I'll post about it for thirty years

  2. 3 months ago

    Literally Cinemaphile

  3. 3 months ago

    Lily would still be alive if she chose Snape because he would've Mark Wahlberg'd Voldemort

    • 3 months ago

      ai generated trash

      • 3 months ago

        This. homosexual didn't want to pay a real artist what they deserve.

        • 3 months ago

          What most modern day "artists" deserve is mockery.

      • 3 months ago

        Holy shit we got Einstein over here.

      • 3 months ago

        Wtf you mean Marky Mark didn't beat up a Saudi on an airplane?!

  4. 3 months ago

    By Grabthar's Hammer! She shall be avenged!

    • 3 months ago

      Best Alan Rickman character.

  5. 3 months ago

    literally Cinemaphile
    there are motherfrickers here who are 40 plus and never saw a pussy up close

    • 3 months ago

      I saw a pussy up close 9 years ago and that's part of the reason I'm here now women are fricking disgusting

    • 3 months ago

      I'm only 24

      • 3 months ago

        >only 24

        It's literally over

        • 3 months ago

          I know
          I'm probably going to kill myself in the next few years

          • 3 months ago

            in the next few years you'll get over your obsession with pussy, something that many men never manage. that is, if you stay the course.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        For now.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm only 24

      itt: virgins with rage

      I'll be 27 tomorrow and I've never had sex.

      29 here, hoping to get wizard powers soon

      I am 28 years old and I never touched a woman in my life.

  6. 3 months ago

    he's literally me

  7. 3 months ago

    Who knew this was a realistic character trait at the time? And yet here we are.

  8. 3 months ago

    I always felt like his character was ruined with this shit, why couldn’t he just secretly be a good guy like they pretty much said in the 1st movie?

    • 3 months ago

      well it does explain a lot

    • 3 months ago

      it was supposed to be romantic
      like a criminal guy that becomes good and stops crime because he fell in love.

      • 3 months ago

        why is that more compelling than stopping crime out of an innate sense of justice?

        • 3 months ago

          woman author

        • 3 months ago

          Dark triad

          Women are obsessed with violent psychopaths because they believe they can fix him with their pussy. It's why women are always watching true crime and serial killer crap. Why they write guys in prison love letters and shit. If you really want a Woman to love you, I mean really fricking love you, unironically your best play is to be a violent unstable shithead. It will fricking ruin every other aspect of your life and potentially get you beaten or killed, but until then you WILL get some pussy based purely on the fact that you are aggressive and dangerous.

          • 3 months ago

            we're still animals in many ways.
            Violent psychopaths get to be tribe leaders. If you can unga unga smash head to everyone else, everyone will do what you say.
            This is a desirable trait for women as they require protection.
            It just makes sense. However, as you said, being a violent psychopath WILL ruin your life unless you've already started at a high place on the social chain.
            Doesnt matter if you put someone in the hospital when you go full tard if you have enough money to pay a good attorney.

    • 3 months ago

      wouldnt explain why he was a piece of shit all these year
      being a bitter beta simp fits his character
      the only thing i don't understand how anybody can like him

  9. 3 months ago

    That's true to life though

  10. 3 months ago

    a girl liking you when you're fourteen is really the great divide in life between the haves and the have nots

  11. 3 months ago

    many such cases

  12. 3 months ago

    It was less about her not liking him, and more about how his childhood friend, the ONLY friend he had, got corrupted by his bully and abandoned him.

    >be snape
    >grow up in abusive hosuehold
    >have only one friend
    >makes life bearable and gives hope for a better and brighter tomorrow with her cheerful smile and optimism
    >end up going to school with her, she's a witch even though she's from a muggle family
    >get put in to different, enemy houses
    >still try and hang out with her
    >everyone insults and harasses you because of your pasty skin and greasy hair, and gets away with it because "he's a slytherin!"
    >she tries to stand up for you at first, but as time goes on she spends less and less time with you, and more and more time with some boys from her house instead
    >the amount of bullying doesn't go down, but gets worse, and is spearheaded by the guy she's closest with in her house
    >stops defending you all together
    >ignores you, and what's happening to you, because she's dating the bully now
    >he never stops
    >he never apologizes
    >you blame him for everything, because rather than realizing her true nature, you held on to your memories of how she used to be and believe that that's who she really is, not that she just hung out with you because you were the only other magical person in the area who simply moved on now that she had an entire school of choices
    >turn to voldemort's group, as they were the only ones willing to stand up for you and you have nothing left to lose anyways
    >everyone graduates, she immediately marries him
    >eventually get contacted by your old professor, he tells you Lily is in danger because she's a muggleborn
    >go to save her and leave James to get killed
    >is too late
    >blame james for corrupting her, blame james for not hiding her or defending her properly, blame him for her death
    >Professor gets you a plea deal, gives you a job and a home, and keeps you safe and shows true friendship
    >still seethe over voldemort and james because autism

    • 3 months ago

      Why didnt snape use his potionmaking abilities to make the polyjuice potion and impregnate Harry's mom? it would've been kino if it was revealed that snape was Harry's father all along

      • 3 months ago

        Kids born like that are doomed, that's why Voldy ended up the way he did

    • 3 months ago

      Snape is basically the ultimate femoid fantasy
      >Wants you
      >Can't have you
      >You literally frick his bully and bear his child
      >He is so incapable of getting over you that he spends the rest of his life seething and eventually protecting the child you had with his bully in some warped way of protecting your memory
      It's the ULTIMATE cuck. Women eat this shit up with a fricking SPOON.

      • 3 months ago

        are women really this much into cucks?

        • 3 months ago

          Not the cuck shit necessarily but its the idea of someone being so devoted to you and caring about you that much. The cuck shit is just the logical extreme of that
          Just reverse the genders if you cant get it.

          • 3 months ago

            oh yeah i get it, would love it if a girl was devoted to me like that, sad i will never even hold hands with one

          • 3 months ago

            oh yeah i get it, would love it if a girl was devoted to me like that, sad i will never even hold hands with one

            Now that I realize it this is just the plot of Dune with Irulan and Chani

            • 3 months ago

              i havent read the books yet, im busy reading the divine comedy

              • 3 months ago

                basically Paul marries Irulan for political purposes but really loves Chani and keeps her as a mistress and completely ignores Irulan and doesnt have any kids with her.
                Chani dies and Paul dissapears and Irulan raises Pauls children with Chani

      • 3 months ago

        You may be on to something, chudanon

    • 3 months ago

      >Snape’s backstory is a ntr doujin
      At last I see.

    • 3 months ago

      Adding to that, Snape mopes about his own foolish choices that will inevitably lead to his own death and absolutely no legacy.

      And then there's Lucius Malfoy.

      What actually was the bullying?

      Sirius thought it was a funny prank to lure him to a shack with a werewolf with aids
      Book 5 just randomly pull the guy 10 feet in air and pull Snapes pants down.
      I mean with magic there was very nasty shit you can do that won't be taken seriously, like having your boogers turn into bats, crawl out of your nose and attack you, vomiting slugs.
      Magic is terrifying.
      And it was 1v4

      • 3 months ago

        yeah we dont get much of it, only glimpses and they sound cartoony and ridiculous in context but when you think about its kind of brutal
        Werewolf one was really bad, Snape couldve been killed or gotten wolf aids and thus ostracised and made into a outcast for the rest of his life

        • 3 months ago

          Isn't that basically all of Hogwarts though? Students are almost being killed in every chapter.

      • 3 months ago

        Why didn’t Snape make a potion to reanimate Lily’s corpse and make her the perfect gf?

        • 3 months ago

          Lack of Balls and charisma. For all his dark wizard posturing, Snape was nowhere even close being his own man. When Voldemort was being abused, he used accidental magic to make his abusers fall in line. Snape just b***hed and moaned through life. Hell his only redeeming feature is being slavishly devoted to a ghost of a woman that never existed.

          yeah we dont get much of it, only glimpses and they sound cartoony and ridiculous in context but when you think about its kind of brutal
          Werewolf one was really bad, Snape couldve been killed or gotten wolf aids and thus ostracised and made into a outcast for the rest of his life

          What's worse is that Snape got forced into making a unbinding vow of secrecy and getting punished the same as the rest. If I remember correctly it was 2 weeks of detention and loss of points for attempted murder and attempting to make Lupin do it.
          God pre-1991 Dumbledore was such a douche.

          • 3 months ago

            >What's worse is that Snape got forced into making a unbinding vow of secrecy and getting punished the same as the rest. If I remember correctly it was 2 weeks of detention and loss of points for attempted murder and attempting to make Lupin do it.
            >God pre-1991 Dumbledore was such a douche.
            It makes many such fanfics very understandable. It also accurately reflect British boarding school culture. Its basically just a fricking prison.

          • 3 months ago

            >God pre-1991 Dumbledore was such a douche.
            Post-1991 Dumbledore wasn’t much better
            >hey Harry, for your entire life I’ve known that the most incomprehensibly evil entity to exist in our time is trying to kill you specifically but I’m not going to add security to the school or anything like that because why do we need it
            >also I’m going to let myself and you and everyone you care about get practically thrown out of hogwarts because we can’t prove this evil is back even though next year I’ll show you the thing that lets you extract and astral project memories (like that time voldy took you to a graveyard) that we’ve had lying around for decades

      • 3 months ago

        About the pants thing, something occurred to me the last time reading that. I'm assuming it's referring to the British term pants, right? So is it normal for them to wear nothing under robes? That seems kind of dodgy, especially seeing as that's not the only time in the series where it talks about robes getting disheveled like that

        • 3 months ago

          Dunno, not a Brit, but he had both normal trousers and underpants on that looked like they had seen better days, given that Snape was a recluse

    • 3 months ago

      you forgot
      >Suffer an incel meltdown and call her a magic coalburner
      >Begin associating with the transparently evil motherfrickers
      >run to the least moral man alive because wizard hitler wants to kill your Normie Nemisis, his worthless brat and the roasty you put on a pedestal

      • 3 months ago

        hey you don't say that about dubledore

    • 3 months ago

      He was the one that got corrupted though, not her. Also he was responsible for her death.
      James and his friends were buttholes to him, true, but he also did some fricked shit, including directly to Lily. Admittedly he did feel terrible about it, but still.
      James and co. also never let Lily know the full extent of what they did to Snape.
      Also he "didn't go to save her", he turned on the closest thing to friends he had and divulged info to the other side, though you're correct that it was too late. If he had actually tried to go to the house and stop Voldy himself it would have been both uncharacteristically stupid of him, but also uncharacteristically brave.

      • 3 months ago

        He did in the books, don't think the film talks about it.

        He was the first one into the Potters house after the deed (and the one who found Harry still alive) IIRC. Dumbledore showed up shortly after and that's when he converted Snape to a double agent.

        • 3 months ago

          >He was the first one into the Potters house after the deed (and the one who found Harry still alive) IIRC.
          He did in the movies, but not the books.
          I think that was a good change for his character. Also in movie 3 when he actively protects harry, ron, and Hermione from someone who he thinks is a killer.

          • 3 months ago

            My bad anon, must have had it backwards

            • 3 months ago

              No worries anon.

    • 3 months ago

      Also he called her the setting's equivalent of Black person.

    • 3 months ago

      >james will be black
      how hot is that

      • 3 months ago

        mental illness

      • 3 months ago

        Played by jason luv. He also has hair like harry in the books

      • 3 months ago

        no sirius is black

        • 3 months ago

          I would have kneeled if they made the black family black.

    • 3 months ago

      You left out the part where he called her a Black person

    • 3 months ago

      >blame james for not hiding her or defending her properly, blame him for her death
      That's 100% correct tho

    • 3 months ago

      Jesus fricking Christ you people
      >but waaaah you don't get it he was boollied when he was 14
      Jesus fricking christ

  13. 3 months ago

    Does he wear the same thing every day or does he have a closet full of the same outfit, please respond,

    • 3 months ago

      hes actually naked
      the clothes are an illusion
      very disturbing actually

  14. 3 months ago

    >>I'll seethe about it for thirty years
    the movies fricked this up, snape is only supposed to be in his mid to late 30s. james & lily married, had harry, & then died before they were even 20 years old iirc

    • 3 months ago

      They were like 24 when they died.

      • 3 months ago

        no, they were supposed to be 20, canonically snape is 31-32 in the first book

        • 3 months ago

          21, I just googled it. We're both slightly off. But yes, Snape is supposed to be in his early 30s in the first book. So he really seethed for more like 20 years.

  15. 3 months ago

    snape was fricking handsome he could've had any girl he wanted but he decided to stay a cuck for the rest of his life

  16. 3 months ago

    snape died at 38

  17. 3 months ago

    He didn’t listen to Crumb and paid for it.

    • 3 months ago

      what am I supposed to do instead

      • 3 months ago

        Not that anon but Care about things that are within your control and care slightly about things that are within your influence. Other shit does not matter and will only negatively impact your life. Others are not within your control. Work on yourself, body, mind. Learn to move on. I would recommend reading/listening to Epictetus. His teachings helped my life and many great people throughout history. He even influenced and helped the last known good Roman Emperor. He helped to advance a lot of psychology as well

        • 3 months ago

          I mean what if you already do that, what's the point when you'll die alone anyway. surrounded by my toys and hobbies and maybe some friends but never being loved or having a kid. it's a depressing prospect for me

          • 3 months ago

            If you are able to do that then look for a wife and be a leader. You will also attract women a lot easier when you are confidence, fit, mentally strong. But shit takes time it took me 5 years. Better start late then never and I would rather regret doing something then doing nothing

    • 3 months ago

      Saved pic. Women should enhance your life not be your life.

      • 3 months ago

        homosexual cope

      • 3 months ago

        how is happiness much worse than being a lonely sad virgin?

        • 3 months ago

          I fricked up see

          If you are not happy now a women won't fix anything you must overcome yourself first for true happiness or don't I don't care its your life. Why I said she should enhance your life not be it. Also so many people die and are locked up, wars started over trash pussy that will just move on

      • 3 months ago

        I saved your pic too.

      • 3 months ago
  18. 3 months ago

    >invents spells
    >improves potion formulas from the textbook
    >top death eater in his class
    >still going after some mudblood
    he should have just used that memory modification spell on himself and go on with conquering the world with dr.snakes

  19. 3 months ago


    homosexual cope

    If you are not happy now a women won't fix anything you must overcome yourself first for true happiness or don't I don't care its your life. Why I said she should enhance your life not be it. Also so many people die and are locked up, wars started over trash pussy that will just move on

    • 3 months ago

      >If you are not happy now a women won't fix anything
      I hate this advice
      the only time I remember being happy was when I thought someone liked me, but I was happy
      I could have everything else in life totally lined up and I would still be unhappy being a lonely loser
      and if and when I finally complete this giant bullshit heroic journey I supposedly need to embark on in order to "love myself" or whatever I will be so far above any woman, who probably has never done shit in her life, and so jaded, that I won't want to interact with any of them save the ones who have also gone through a whole lot of shit themselves

      I mean I know I should sort myself out anyway, obviously. But I just know if I put even more work into myself, more than I have already (and I've been killing myself trying to become better), and end up finally being given a chance by someone, I will be so bitter and disgusted that I won't even want anything to do with them. it's like a guy training to race in formula 1 for years and then he finally gets approached by some 2 bit used car salesman or something

      Does that make any sense? Let's say in 5 years I've put in so much blood, sweat, and tears that I'm finally considered good enough by women. It just seems fricked up. Like I need to bring so much to the table just to be recognized and then the people doing the recognizing likely bring nothing themselves. it'll be a battle between my desperation and bitterness if I even want to accept the shit deal.

      • 3 months ago

        You aren’t going to escape samsara with that attitude.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm mostly just venting
          someday I'll be back to whitepill posting, I hope, but I only have my current attitude because I keep getting absolutely shit on lately.

          >but I was happy
          Yes and I was the same but I wanted something permanent not temporary because again you can't control others and they could leave at anytime. You should try and ask yourself deep question example " why do I want someone" is it to not be lonely > what is lonely for me> why don't I like it> expand and really try and go deep you can find a lot about yourself. I would write it down. And if you have multiple points for why do I want someone start making a Pyramid diagram basically. Then counter the negative with positive like "I had it in the past I can obtain that again" im giving super surface level stuff though. You could try and talk to a medical professional to help guide you if you need.

          For your second paragraph I understand where you are coming from there is a reasons I spent 5 years on myself and it confuses why others don't care to do the same. But I found that I'm doing it for me and to help my family,friends and future partner. Its better also to have these skills as they are life long benefits. But the truth is that most women won't have to struggle like you have and some won't even care that you struggled. But you should also not care as that's not within your control. Being a man is harder than being a women and picking the winners at the finish line.

          I would just start with little things like going for a walk and try and make moment for yourself. Try and read Epictetus or maybe seek professional help. I had a mentor that had a psychology background and it helped a lot so there is some good people in that field. I wish you the best and try regretting doing something than nothing. Work on yourself and be angry at others later. First get at your peak

          I don't know if I could easily break it down. It's not necessarily being lonely. I'm surrounded by friends all the time. It might have something to do with feeling not good enough, though.

          I'll read that. And I am trying to get into (good) therapy but it hasn't happened yet. thank you anon

          • 3 months ago

            I'm going to bed now hope the best and you can do it. You made it this far what's a little more struggle

      • 3 months ago

        >but I was happy
        Yes and I was the same but I wanted something permanent not temporary because again you can't control others and they could leave at anytime. You should try and ask yourself deep question example " why do I want someone" is it to not be lonely > what is lonely for me> why don't I like it> expand and really try and go deep you can find a lot about yourself. I would write it down. And if you have multiple points for why do I want someone start making a Pyramid diagram basically. Then counter the negative with positive like "I had it in the past I can obtain that again" im giving super surface level stuff though. You could try and talk to a medical professional to help guide you if you need.

        For your second paragraph I understand where you are coming from there is a reasons I spent 5 years on myself and it confuses why others don't care to do the same. But I found that I'm doing it for me and to help my family,friends and future partner. Its better also to have these skills as they are life long benefits. But the truth is that most women won't have to struggle like you have and some won't even care that you struggled. But you should also not care as that's not within your control. Being a man is harder than being a women and picking the winners at the finish line.

        I would just start with little things like going for a walk and try and make moment for yourself. Try and read Epictetus or maybe seek professional help. I had a mentor that had a psychology background and it helped a lot so there is some good people in that field. I wish you the best and try regretting doing something than nothing. Work on yourself and be angry at others later. First get at your peak

      • 3 months ago

        That because you're putting women on a pedestal. Their judgment is shit, they can't tell the difference between a deadbeat and a rebel. They lie to themselves to gaslight themselves into thinking their guy is the top guy.

        You do not improve yourself for anyone else but you. You don't do it to get some temporary affection from some hoe, you do it because you want to look in the mirror in 50 years and be confident about it. Women won't save you, the relief and "happiness" provided by their affection is temporary and never as intense as you've imagined.

        Women only get to choose who fricks them, that's all the power they have. Men get to choose which woman he's going to allow into his life. Also, you're probably vastly overestimating women's standards. Sure they all want Chad, but Chad won't settle for them. All the "attention" women get is from guys that are bored or desperate. Either way it won't amount to much for her. That's why being recognized by a woman as a potential suitor means Jack shit for her because now you have the power to choose what to do with her, and she can't do a thing about it. Once she spreads her legs for you, you have all the cards.

      • 3 months ago

        That’s why robowaifus will save men

    • 3 months ago

      This is true a woman wont magically fix your problems, you have to do that.

    • 3 months ago

      This is true a woman wont magically fix your problems, you have to do that.

      these both have the same weird broken english energy. i'm gonna say it's a samegay

      • 3 months ago

        anyway not saying you should not get a woman you really should. just don't expect life to be awesome when you do. unless she is awesome.

      • 3 months ago

        I just connect thoughts together and I can't be fricked to rewrite it. Its late and I have work tomorrow.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not sure about that, I used to be miserable and lonely. Got a girlfriend, no longer miserable and lonely.

    • 3 months ago

      >you have to find true happiness before you meet someone
      Disagree. The same way someone spirals down into misery you can spiral up. Working out gives you some confidence, so you have enough to get a gf, so you get more confidence, so you do better at work so you get a better job that gives you more self worth, etc. Both good and bad things compound, and you’ll never have a problem “solved”, even once you’ve made it.. it takes constant effort to maintain and hopefully grow from that position

    • 3 months ago

      If what you need in life is someone that cares about you, a women will DEFINITELY fix everything
      t. I learned that, I was a miserable frick without a gf, now I'm a miserable frick with a gf, but she's not to blame, I like having her love but what I needed is purpose and a family and she doesn't want children. Still sticking with her because she gave me a chance when no other c**t did, and I'm the one that cares about her, that she needs.

  20. 3 months ago

    What actually was the bullying?

  21. 3 months ago

    childhood friend from age 7 or so
    i'd be seething too but i still don't like snape, cuck until the end. beta orbiter. redheads are worthless in the first place so the game was rigged from the start

  22. 3 months ago

    HAHAHAHAHA that would be weird wouldntit

  23. 3 months ago

    The girl I had a crush on in high school and rejected me ended up going to jail meanwhile I'm married, have 2 kids and a high paying career. Feels good man.

    • 3 months ago

      at 4:40 in the morning? on Cinemaphile? in this part of the country?
      are the wife and kids and high paying career yours?

  24. 3 months ago

    wow he's so me!!

  25. 3 months ago

    Literally 4chuds polyps

  26. 3 months ago

    Lily had Harry when she was 20-21, so by the time Harry entered Hogwarts Snape was only 31-32. That's not a very long time to hold on to your oneitis, especially if you're an arrested development shut in culture war incel betaboy like Snape is.

    • 3 months ago

      Severus Simp

    • 3 months ago

      >arrested development shut in culture war incel betaboy
      you have to go back

    • 3 months ago

      posted by someone who will never he a woman

  27. 3 months ago

    Gib some Snape sufferkino

  28. 3 months ago

    Wow he's literally me

  29. 3 months ago

    He is literally me

  30. 3 months ago

    >this is literally every incel/mgtow/blackpill tard

  31. 3 months ago

    he's literally me

  32. 3 months ago

    itt: virgins with rage

  33. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Christian and the Hedgehog Boys are criminally underrated.

  34. 3 months ago

    >I'll seethe about it for thirty years
    Yeah what kind of whacko would do that....

  35. 3 months ago

    Why did Harry name his son after a man who was cucked by his father.

  36. 3 months ago

    I thought women hated incels, yet they love snape. Why?

  37. 3 months ago

    Snape was less than 30 years old when he died. James and Lily died when they were like 20. Thank the movies for casting older actors.

    • 3 months ago

      >Lily and james died when they were 19 reasonably
      Harry by book 1 is 11
      >Snape died at less than 30
      He would've been at least 36-37

  38. 3 months ago

    I think he was really in love with her son as well. Snarry4life

  39. 3 months ago

    >love someone
    >they like you back
    >they fall in love with your bully
    30 years is too short

  40. 3 months ago

    When I was 15 my crush rejected me and to this day everything I do is just to one day show her how fricking good my life is and what she is missing. And I mean everything.
    Getting a haircut, starting running, swimming and going to gym, going to college, getting a good job, friends, girlfriend.
    All of it just so one day I can look her in the eyes when we meet at highschool reunion and let her know she fricked up all those years ago.
    From what Ive seen on the internet, she lost her looks and is with some moronic factory worker in some bum-frick village.

    • 3 months ago

      you are literally me

      Became a software engineer, making 6 figures, work from home if I want to. She does tattoos or some shit and lives with her mom, has lost every boyfriend she has had. Probably for the better.

    • 3 months ago

      Will you feel let down if she doesn't show up to the reunion?

  41. 3 months ago

    Wow, Snape is literally me

  42. 3 months ago

    I'll be 27 tomorrow and I've never had sex.

    • 3 months ago

      29 here, hoping to get wizard powers soon

  43. 3 months ago

    why didn't snape just use magic to create a clone of lily and make her fall in love with him

    • 3 months ago

      Should have saved some of her hairs and give the polyjuice and some love potion to harry.... just sayin

      • 3 months ago

        I did not enjoy reading this

        • 3 months ago

          I did enjoy posting it.

  44. 3 months ago


  45. 3 months ago

    It's weird when you become an adult and realize stuff like that. Our bodies grow and we mature a little, but we're more or less still the same kids and driven by the same things. A 40 year old man will probably still be seething his daddy left him when he was 8, he'll still be seething Stacy rejected him and the school made fun of him. These things tend to leave a permanent impression in your brain. Now, you can and should cope and deal with it, but it will always be there at the back of your mind.

  46. 3 months ago

    Most realistic character in the entire franchise

  47. 3 months ago


  48. 3 months ago

    Why didn't He Who Shall Not Be Named (Voldemort) create six million horcruxes and overnight them into space?

    • 3 months ago

      Why didn't Voldemort, possessor of unrivalled power and dastardly magical comprehension, simply devise a spell that would explode the heads of any non-marked wizard and witch within a fifty metre radius?
      Why didn't he transform Hermione's lungs into concrete rats that slowly devoured her from the inside as Ron and Harry were forced to watch?
      True to his malefic avocation, why didn't he whip up an army of tiny twisted Cedric Diggory homunculi to torment Harry over the summer following their encounter in the graveyard?
      So many missed opportunities to flaunt the dreadful occult sorcery a tyrannical man of almost seventy years surely would have amassed.

      Was Snape the only person capable of fashioning their own magical spells to any prolific degree? Surely such a talent, especially in the hands of young Hogwarts student, would be invaluable and the sure sign of a prodigious mindset. With that thought, doesn't that make Snape even more of a worthless cuck? He had all that talent at his fingertips, but willingly committed himself to the ignoble cuckold path. I refuse to believe that Lily Potter didn't ensnare him somehow through the insidious and arcane powers of her veganal voodoo, probably when she was like fifteen.

    • 3 months ago

      I know this is an eagle-level shitpost, but he thought there was power in the amount of Horcruxes he made (eight). He actually hadn't finished making them when he got fricked by Harry's mom's protective magic which is why Harry/the scar turned into the last one.
      Not to mention it took a tremendous amount of magic, and a murder, to create a Horcrux so unless he helped out with the 6 gorilion he'd never be able to make that many.

    • 3 months ago

      Tearing your soul apart is damaging. Which is why Voldemort looked like a snake man.
      Tearing the soul even once is an incredibly stupid move in a world that has definitive proof that the afterlife exists.

  49. 3 months ago

    wasn't he in his late 20's in the book
    still pathetic thoughbeit

  50. 3 months ago

    Every 14 year old twat went fricking insane when it was revealed Snape was, in fact, a fricking cuck. But Rowling just completely killed the character. Instead of being an ex-deatheater in redemption, it's revealed he's just a friendzoned idiot. He's saving kids throughout the books not because there's good in his heart despite a dark past, it's because he gets hard every time he sees Harry's eyes. This is so fricking moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      That's female writers for you. Rowling probably couldn't even comprehend that, his connection to a girl and the fact that his brief interaction with that girl completely dictates his life just sounds so perfect and reasonable in a woman's head.

  51. 3 months ago

    Many such cases

  52. 3 months ago

    >in love with a girl
    >call her a Black person
    >somehow this doesn't win her heart
    >join an organization dedicated to murdering people like her
    >get upset when the boss murders her
    Snape is the dumbest motherfricker drawing breath in Hogwarts.

    • 3 months ago

      >have a fight with a mutt friend
      >call him a Black person
      >next day he joints black panthers and cuts all communication with you and marries a Black person and has a Black person baby
      She took it a bit too far lad

      • 3 months ago

        Very poor analogy.
        James was pure blood.

  53. 3 months ago

    It's more so she got together with the bully that constantly attacked him with a gang and people still consider the bully the good popular guy

  54. 3 months ago

    Harry's dad was a dick, but he was Chad. Many such cases.
    Neville's parents were the true sad story, homies got tortured into insanity.

    • 3 months ago

      Harrys dad was just a rich posh c**t. Snape never stood a chance especially since he was the type of incel that thought it was acceptable to call his crush a Black person.

      • 3 months ago

        Attacking someone with magic who did nothing to you and jumping him 3 to one is cowardly bully behavior, he's just got away with it because he was handsome and rich

        • 3 months ago

          You're right, that was a b***h move on Jimmy and his goons part but that still doesn't excuse Snape reeeeeeeing and calling Lily a fricking Black person.

  55. 3 months ago

    I've always felt sad about this. Not the fact he died, but the fact that he remained a romantic cuck. I've been like him, and I fear I still am. I want to change that.

  56. 3 months ago

    Literally me. Except I have no one to blame but myself.

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