Action Cartoons

Did we have it all before things turned dark for the entire industry?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Action cartoons often require a large budget that needs to be made up somewhere, typically through toy sales. When the Global Financial Crisis hit in late 2007 it suddenly became a lot harder to finance those kinds of productions, and what few productions did come through were often rapidly cancelled because companies were too risk-averse to want to invest in a toy line that might fail because budgets were so tight for most consumers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is part of it, but there was a bit more to it than that. From what I remember, there was a notable shift in the mindset of Cartoon Network executives. The network began to pivot towards more comedy-centric and mixed-genre shows aimed at younger audiences. This shift was partly due to the "Animation Age Ghetto" mindset, which viewed animation primarily as children's entertainment. Executives believed that comedy shows could attract a broader audience and were less dependent on merchandise sales for their success. Remember also that it was around 2006-2010 that the executives for these networks were also getting shifted around (I believe all three of the major cartoon networks had their presidents change around that time, and the newcomers had a much more fervent belief in "cartoons should be funny shows for kids")

      • 2 weeks ago

        Really cheap short form shows like Adventure Time, Gumball, Chowder etc took over and were profitable. So Cartoon Network wanted to shift over to that completely. They were a lot cheaper to produce than a half hour action show and got similar enough ratings.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The adult swim bomb scare shuffled things badly btw

        • 2 weeks ago

          Adult Swim itself was both good and bad for animation
          Good that execs could see there was an adult audience
          But at the same time bad because all their mega hits were comedies with extremely limited animation that cost almost nothing to make. Space Ghost, ATHF, 12oz Mouse, Squidbillies
          The real bright side was Williams Street used to not be afraid to take risks

          • 2 weeks ago

            Every single person who made animated and were the actual brains behind those popular shows are broke as frick and won't ever see a dime.

            And no, frick you for even thinking about putting 12oz mouse on the same level as ATHF.
            Not even a cartoon.
            It's jsut random poorly drawn bullshit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not enough people realize that 08 really fricked over entertainment in a big way.

      Almost all industry jobs turned from salaried positions to almost entirely short, usually 5 month gigs. Everyone is paid little, and works once or twice a year in the best of times.

      This is why
      >Twitter took over, everyone is advertising themselves for their next gig so they have to be perfect, speak the speak and walk the walk. Only Twitter addicted schizos land gigs at all really
      >When everyone on the set is deeply connected to twitter, the suits upstairs assume it is an all important tool that is the pulse of the youth, and do everything twitter says is good
      >A decade later those 2012 tumblr and twitter hires are the ones in charge that only hire fellow twitter friends to most gigs
      >Channels decided to Min/Max their schedules with 20-24 hours of a show that does just reasonably well and takes no chances
      >Storyboards, layout, timing, and key animation is now all the same job by one person, the storyboard artist. Who still works 3-5 months only, so most of them kind of suck at doing 4 jobs at once which reflects in the shit quality of the finished show. Since no one can really do all of that well.
      >Everything is a remake or sequel since studios take no chances
      >Nothing can rely on merch, everything must be made quick, cheap, and be disposable
      >Studios prioritize the 11 minute comedy short because it's cheap and fast
      >Shows that have fricking abysmal animation and uneven character design are even cheaper but people still watch them so studios give the go ahead to drop quality control

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Can CN still sue people who attempt to use the Megas IP? Would they even bother?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I can't allow them to make an independent Megas XLR show. It’s my IP to sit on and do nothing with!

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I can't allow them to make an independent Megas XLR show. It’s my IP to sit on and do nothing with!

      You could apply the idea of third party transformers/third party figures

      >Its not called megas some weird Chinese original name of “Roadster extra large”
      >No megas toy actually exists so it’s not really a knock off

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Favorite action cartoon before they all died? For me its Ben 10

    • 2 weeks ago

      X-Men the animated series, Spider-Man the animated series, Batman the animated series. Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I always liked Xiaolin Showdown best

  4. 2 weeks ago
  5. 2 weeks ago

    Cinemaphile and /toy/ are brothers even if you don’t like the issues toy mandated cartoons had. The rise of iPads have utterly crippled us both.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Man thundercats 2011 is so overrated just because we lack action cartoons now has people jack it off.

    You had the perfect reboot the SHIT was based on a Toyetic ip but it was bad

    • 2 weeks ago

      When Friedle and Mercer weren't fond of it you know somethings wrong.

      Cinemaphile and /toy/ are brothers even if you don’t like the issues toy mandated cartoons had. The rise of iPads have utterly crippled us both.

      Never thought I'd miss merch mandated cartoons until I got older. We have enough tools and money to make the shows we imagined in our heads as kids and we can't even do that right. When there is one it has a change to get cancelled.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Funny how Roar revived discussion of it but literally nobody was talking about the actual contents of the show itself, just the idea of it. I've never seen anyone say what was GOOD about the show other than "it looked like anime and had a serious plot"

      • 2 weeks ago

        >This show was so great cause it was so serious and stuff
        >Have l seen it? No

      • 2 weeks ago

        The first few episodes were good and then it shit the bed so fricking hard it's insane, that's the most praise I've ever seen it get.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    9/11 didn't help either as Nick had to wait until 2005 to release Avatar: TLA

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >includes 2003 titans for some reason
    Barely qualifies.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Would you prefer ones from ‘08 to ‘12?

      • 2 weeks ago

        None. Teen Titans sucks. Only good series of them was 66's cartoon, cause they fought in all the episodes, didn't have try hard anime gags, and actually had Wondergirl.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I think he meant action cartoons.

  9. 2 weeks ago


  10. 2 weeks ago

    IC thread.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    it's not an action cartoon unless it has a MALE protagonist!

  12. 2 weeks ago

    The worst thing is that moronic gen aloha and zoomers dont even wanna play with toys anymore or watch cartoons hence why action cartoons dont really get made

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Also why are cartoon channels so averse to even making merch anymore? I dont get it not even the loud house has that much merch and thats arguably the biggest kids cartoon of the past decade

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Do we still have more action cartoons in this period of time?

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