After watching all three MCU Spider-Man movies for the first time recently, Far From Home is seriously underrated.

After watching all three MCU Spider-Man movies for the first time recently, Far From Home is seriously underrated.
Everyone hates on it but it's probably the best one out of the three and I'd say the fourth best Spider-Man movie overall.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Spiderman movies in general just suck ass. Even the Tobey ones that are overrated due to nostalgia and memes.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn bro, impressively contrary. You've got elevated taste.

    • 2 years ago

      Cope emo

  2. 2 years ago

    yeah, the villian is better and there's more dynamic between the side characters, the first film only had Ned basically
    also Homecoming visually looks much worse
    No Way Home is non-stop pandering

  3. 2 years ago

    This one imo is the worst Spider-Man movie after TASM.

    Doesn't make sense why
    >Tony Stark would make supervillain glasses that do things only a supervillain would find useful
    >Bequeaths them to a 16 year old
    >Yet another villain caused by Tony Stark
    >All of this and Peter still NEVER for a moment even starts to question his hero worship of Stark or acknowledge that he wasn't an all good dude

    And like, idk
    >Peter's romantic rival takes lewd photos of him
    >Intends to show MJ
    >Peter accidentally orders a drone strike on him
    Like, that's not exactly the kind of set-piece that gets me hype going into a Spider-Man movie.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, there's a few things to consider here.
      First off, Edith is exactly the kind of thing Tony would use, it seems out of place in Peter's hands because he's a hero who doesn't kill, but that doesn't make Edith fundamentally unheroic.
      Secondly, Peter never even gets Mysterio's perspective on Stark, so he has no reason to even question him.
      And third, the accidental drone strike bit's not the best but it's not like it's a huge part of the movie, I'd say overall this film actually has some of the best Spider-Man action ever put on the big screen, the scene where he takes out all the drones on the bridge is probably second only to the train scene in 2 - you'd think it's lame to have Spider-Man fighting a bunch of small things rather than one singular big bad, but his powers complement the set up so well and it's executed so perfectly that it works.

    • 2 years ago

      did you even watch the movie? he does question tony stark and he fricks up big time from his bad conclusion, the villain wasnt caused by tony stark and the glasses are usefull to everyone.

      • 2 years ago

        >did you even watch the movie?
        Yes, did you?
        >he does question tony stark and he fricks up big time from his bad conclusion
        He doesn't question Tony. He cries like a baby b***h about how he doesn't live up to Tony and then Happy reassures him that Tony was unsure of himself too. He never stops to think about how Tony is a dick, how maybe sometimes his heart was in the right place but he did things that hurt other people. It's the same thing as Homecoming but on a grander scale. His interest should be in helping people, not punishing them for committing crimes.

        This is why No Way Home, even without the other Spider-Men, is still the best of Holland's movies and it's clear from the direction that movie takes that they recognized the need for course correction.
        >the villain wasnt caused by tony stark
        Tony took his own project away from him and unceremoniously cut him out of the company. You could argue that Tony was right for calling him unstable, but that doesn't explain the entire crew of people from that same company who support him and agree with him. Not to mention that Tony's actions historically, even within the previous spider-man movie, back up his case.

        >the glasses are usefull to everyone.

        I mean, there's a few things to consider here.
        First off, Edith is exactly the kind of thing Tony would use, it seems out of place in Peter's hands because he's a hero who doesn't kill, but that doesn't make Edith fundamentally unheroic.
        Secondly, Peter never even gets Mysterio's perspective on Stark, so he has no reason to even question him.
        And third, the accidental drone strike bit's not the best but it's not like it's a huge part of the movie, I'd say overall this film actually has some of the best Spider-Man action ever put on the big screen, the scene where he takes out all the drones on the bridge is probably second only to the train scene in 2 - you'd think it's lame to have Spider-Man fighting a bunch of small things rather than one singular big bad, but his powers complement the set up so well and it's executed so perfectly that it works.

        >doesn't make Edith fundamentally unheroic.

        Addressing both of these together:

        The glasses have 2 functions and only 2:
        >Spy on people and access/alter their personal devices/information against their will.
        >Control an army of weaponized drones
        These things are both only useful if you're some kind of totalitarian dictator or supervillain with ambitions of becoming one. That is not a thing a good person would make or have.

        No Way Home also understands this and acknowledges this by not letting Stark Industries off the hook for it. They should've been more harsh, but it was a step in the right direction.

        • 2 years ago

          ok, so he questions tony's decision of choosing him as the legacy and just gives up early instead of persevering. and its not like he has to follow what tony did 100% or contract null. not even tony gave him that advice.
          also that is no real reason for someone to turn into a villain. thats completely on mysterio. he had a team that backed him up which means that hes got a point? having a following doesnt give credibility, especially here

          • 2 years ago

            In a good Spider-Man story he'd realize Tony's flaws, recognize how evil the Edith shit is and how Beck may have been unjustly hurt. May have.

            He would then seek Beck with the intention of offering him help or another solution to his woes. The ball would be in Beck's court whether to accept the help or not. Likely he would choose "not" because it's a Spider-Man action movie and you need a climax. But he'd put forth the effort to try. Same with Vulture in the previous film.

            >He had a team which means that hes got a point?
            What it REALLY means is that the writers were lazy and wanted a villain with sympathetic motives, similar to vulture. Purely out of the interest of not having a one note cackling evil bad guy. But the problem is they don't think of the grander implications of it at all and just have them be a problem that has to be stopped.

            Again, Tony was monstrous. Not just flawed, but monstrous. And Peter doesn't even THINK of questioning his own worship. He never allows Tony to be anything less than a noble hero in his mind.

            • 2 years ago

              i do agree with you here. especially for the lazy writters part. i gave a bit of a pass to peter's blind follow because he looked up/depended on him but it should stop at some point

  4. 2 years ago

    Donnie darko as the villain is one of the worst casting choices ever.

  5. 2 years ago

    what are 2 and 3 after into the spiderverse

    • 2 years ago

      2 and 1?
      I feel like that's a pretty standard top 3, though I flip flop between liking 2 or Spider-Verse more.

  6. 2 years ago

    I didn't like the fake Fury/chick plot at all.

  7. 2 years ago

    It's a fricking road trip movie

  8. 2 years ago

    I don't like that the nerdy spastic with powers he didn't earn got the quirko autist gf (even if she's Zendaya) and I'm left gf-less

  9. 2 years ago

    Yeah it's good. MJ is kinda cute in this one. Not a c**t like in the previous one

  10. 2 years ago

    I don’t like this movie but it is a bit nostalgic to me because it came out a couple months after I got out of high school and life was much better

    Oh well

  11. 2 years ago

    1 and 2 were good but 3 was trash

  12. 2 years ago

    Why? It's CGI nonsense. Homecoming did a great job of showing Peter's balance between being a hero and a teenager and was pretty comfy and fun with a good villain that was directly connected to him.
    Far From Home is funny and I like the MJ romance subplot but all the actual Spider-Man action is terrible. Chasing about Mysterio, the dumb twist, fighting fricking drones in the climax, stupid nonsense.
    Good writing but terrible action. I wasn't a big fan of No Way Home either though. I just didn't get sucked into the nostalgia shit, the Raimi films will always be superior, reminding me of them only confirms that.

    • 2 years ago

      >fighting fricking drones in the climax
      >terrible action
      Hard disagree, the drone fight is easily one of the coolest displays of Spider-Man's powers ever put on film.


  13. 2 years ago

    No. It's not.

    • 2 years ago

      >2 hours, 50 minutes
      The monumental virgin.

      • 2 years ago

        Cry more

  14. 2 years ago

    Far From Home is the best one out of the Holland trilogy.

    Homecoming is a John Hughes film feat Iron Man and Spider-Boy
    No Way Home is mostly just self-indulgent memberberries fan-service.
    Far From Home is the one that just feels the closest to a regular Spider-Man film. Setting it outside NY was fun, Gyllenhaal as Mysterio is easily one of the best MCU villains. Peter can't rely on Iron Man and acta more like Spider-Man.

    FFH > HC > NWH

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