Andor is actually great

Just finished it. Couldn't sit through a single sequel movie or Solo, Mandalorian is near unwatchable slop, so I am no Yidsney shill.

Andor is somehow great, a callback to the gritty neo oir Dark Horse/Dark Forces/Rebel Assault era of pre-prequel Star Wars.

They narrowed in on what made people like Rogue One and improved it. It's a slow burn espionage/political thriller with solid dialogue and worldbuilding.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I just like it because the Imperials aren't portrayed as complete morons

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's just good, I assume by accident and it will not be repeated in a second season.

      • 2 weeks ago

        second season will probably be a bit more of a mess with less character development, there's going to be multiple year time gaps between episodes. so expect things to just sort of happen so the plot can move along. shame.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's similar to S1 though, every 3 episodes is essentially its own arc.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I assume by accident and it will not be repeated in a second season.
        i find your lack of faith disturbing

  2. 2 weeks ago

    It's almost too good for a Star Wars property.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I actually feel sad for the people who took part in Andor.
      If this wasn't star wars slop they would be praised.
      Andor is basically the only world building done in star wars since ages.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think they designed it to have a bit of the paint removed. Take out the stormtroopers, the clones, a handful of words/names, a ship or wo and bad. standalone scifi spy show.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Except they depicted the empire very well.
        We see generals sitting around a table ANH.
        Why only a media like Andor depicts the security bureaucrats from the empire sitting around a table?

        • 2 weeks ago

          because politics = boring to most people. people want to see shooty shooty lightsaber instead of seeing the internal politics of a galaxy spanning regime

          • 2 weeks ago

            I remember watching TFA with my family and they were completely confused by the plot because of the lack of politics. I was shocked, they're the type to get confused by flashbacks if it doesnt have a filter of some kind. but they brought up good questions to me (they thought I knew something more but TFA had literally nothing leading up to it so I had no idea).
            So apparently even regular viewers need at least SOME political aspects to figure out what is happening.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Of we had ever gotten a Dark Forces adaptation, this is what I would have hoped for it to be like.

        It'a genuinely better than anything I could have ever expected, a great pickle in a shit sandwich.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Heh, the main thing they removed were Jedi and Sith; and it was done so masterfully you didn't even mention them.

        That just shows how much there is to tell in the Star Wars universe, and how it all gets bogged down by Jedi and Sith shit.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Kay I might check it out. Haven’t seen any show past first season of mandalorian or movie past the one with Luke drinking milk. Everything has just seemed shit

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Probably could have been trimmed down a bit.
    Very little hope for season 2.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Frick you, and everyone who looks like you. It sucks donkey donks. Not as bad as some Disney slop, but it is more boring than watching paint dry. Frick all Disney shit since Rapunzel.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Same, OP.
    The prison planet episodes made me sit at the fricking edge of my chair.
    Everything in Andor was great imo, but the moronic rebels and their moronic philosophy.
    Everything related to corporate security guard that was fired, which name I forgot, and that went to live with his mother, dude that shit was brilliant.

    I actually feel sad for Andor, if this wasn't star wars this would be kino of the greatest level.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's the only tv media in the franchise that explores why people actually like the Empire, zooms in on individual rationales and philosophies and paints the Rebellion as largely disconnected cells of psychotic individuals driven by rage and revenge instead of the glossy highminded ideals of the Republic and OT, straight out of a good Expanded Universe novel.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was very troubled by the rebels in Andor.
        Why they would rebel? They have no motivation.
        The empire actually seems good for core world humans. It seems very prosperous.

        • 2 weeks ago

          mass surveillance, horrible prison sentences for any crime, independent systems being taken over and forced to comply. at first its just an annoyance, and then the empire does shit like they did at the end of season 1 where they just murder a bunch of people at a funeral march. then word gets around that the empire is murdering people. more protests. more violence. it snowballs from there

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nothing of this happens to core world humans, just peripherals like Andor.

            The initial cell perfectly described it. A handful ofnidealists leading people angry over dead family, Imperial traitors salty over career issues, and hardened outlaws pretending to have ideals while looking for a chance to steal from both sides. It just works.

            Except they have a whole ideology and a guy on coruscant organising things in a large scale, even with spies inside the bureaucracy.
            Why would this people fight the empire? This is right after a huge bloody civil war.

            It would be like some German opposing the US after the end of WW2.

            Didn't you watch the show? The Empire just attacks innocents, puts bureaucrats everywhere (Mothma mentions it's getting difficult to move money because the Empire increased regulations and monitoring), and they frick up random innocent mining towns like Ferrix.

            Mothma is literally an opposition politician.
            Moreover, the empire is huge, the empire is very good for core world humans, look at the people working in the measures and standards bureau.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Mothma is literally an opposition politician

              So what? You think that means they should restrict her money flow? The Empire is literally a Draconian, fascistic autocracy. If Palpatine randomly gets angry then it's everyone's problem. They pick up Andor on the street for no reason, and force prisoners into early graves to build the Death Star. Watch the Mothma scenes again, most of her politico friends express disdain for what the Empire is doing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Andor is some petty criminal on the run, so I don't think the empire did a huge mistake by picking him in the Ibiza planet.
                Surely the prison planet is bad, and those people were death sentenced by a blind ignorant bureaucracy, but this isn't enough to make people organize and finance a rebellion against the political entity that ended a huge galaxy wide civil war.
                I don't think people rebel themselves unless they are suffering economically, and the empire not only prospers, it actually has projects and generate employment for a huge amount of people.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >the political entity that ended a huge galaxy wide civil war.
                The Empire literally started that war lmao.

                Andor committing the raid on Aldhani has nothing to do with why he was arrested, which is a show-don't-tell way of saying "The Empire does this with everyone, not just Andor".

                Both Leia and Luthen lived in wealth, but even they saw fit to fight against the Empire.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Andor has the social markings of his social class, of his planetary background. You look at him, his behaviour, his location, his accent, his clothes and you know he is a runway, suspicious fella.
                It's like a black person being stopped by the police in a beach in Brazil.

                Is this terrible? Only if you are the black person

              • 2 weeks ago

                You think Palpatine gives a single shit about race? Palpatine would hit you with DEI faster than a israelite if it meant he had another means to control people with.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Palpatine stands for core world humans. Palpatine is basically coruscant, naboo, Alderaan and similar elites getting back to positions of power, after a time when coruscant was only the United nations for disgusting far away world aliens, trade federation and other corrupted subspecies

              • 2 weeks ago

                Lmao he thinks the genocidal deformed wizard guy who's self-described as evil actually cares about "le core worlds".

                There's a mark made every minute, I can see how it was so easy for Palps to take over when there's literal morons ready to bark and jump at will.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The initial cell perfectly described it. A handful ofnidealists leading people angry over dead family, Imperial traitors salty over career issues, and hardened outlaws pretending to have ideals while looking for a chance to steal from both sides. It just works.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Didn't you watch the show? The Empire just attacks innocents, puts bureaucrats everywhere (Mothma mentions it's getting difficult to move money because the Empire increased regulations and monitoring), and they frick up random innocent mining towns like Ferrix.

        • 2 weeks ago

          just ignore police grabbing random people off the street to work in the slave factories.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, zoomers get filtered but this is great oldschool Star Wars, you practically expect one of Zahn's or Stackpole's characters to make an appearance.

    Also it's pretty good even without the Star Wars context. This follows the biographies of some of real world revolutionaries in that Andor gets radicalized against the Empire almost accidentally. It's a random roundup that gets him in jail. He doesn't want to become a revolutionary but he's pushed into it by the inept system. Most films show revolutionaries as idealists, but the truth is a lot of these people, be it commies or Islamists or separatists, are just regular people with a grudge.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    looks more like doctor who than star wars

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Fricking KYS you reddit-spacing Trandor sissy holy frick.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Been here since 2004 sperg, anything past two sentences gets spaced and that's the way it has been since 2ch.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    andor is fricking dogshit and you are a moron.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    For me it was so bizarre how there was a culture (for example marriage), architecture and even aesthetic associated with mothma and her people.
    It felt so strange, as if suddenly they put someone intelligent to helm star wars.

    Meanwhile, I take the Acolyte as an example, these witches live in some kind of fortress in exile as some kind of Shia muslims but there is fricking nothing about their culture, clothes, architecture, aesthetic.
    How do they live? Nothing, it's just some bland fortress, and they dress in tunic or whatever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The irony is the Coven is explored as well as the Coruscant people are, you just dislike one because it's got black people and the Coruscant scenes are about a white woman.

      Besides, Coruscant has been depicted on-screen many times before.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not true.
        The witches were poorly fleshed out.
        Tell me something about the fortress they live, the architecture style of it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's a brutalist coven built into a mountain; despite the concrete structures the Coven is furnished with drapes, silk and cushions. It has a very beautiful interplay with nature, with large open windows to see the sun/sunsets, as well as auditoriums to witness Eclipses and practice Force Magic.

          It felt very airy and spacious, and was beautiful. It had brightly colored drapes, but typically had dark and cool architecture. It's proximity to forests and grasslands also puts it in an optimal location for foraging.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Chandrilan lore is old EU stuff, itnwas the first New Repjblic capital world before they retook Coruscant. Wealthy, pacifist human ivory tower planets have been a Star Wars trope since the beginning, Alderaan and Naboo are the same.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Disney Star Wars
    I don't care. The old EU was and is my choice. Nothing else is real Star Wars.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    It's garbage. It's not Star Wars. Stop shilling this slop. have a nice day, homosexual.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Black person the stormtroopers have Sterling SMGs and MG34s and Han Solo had a C96. All post prequel Star Wars blasters are kitbashed Cold War guns.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Only good thing to come out disney star wars and its because it was clearly on the executive backburner.
    now that it has built a reputation as something good, they will undoubtably make it shit in the next seasons.

    • 2 weeks ago


  15. 2 weeks ago

    Among star wars shows it had pretty much the smallest budget per episode but it was done in UK where salaries are smaller.

    • 2 weeks ago

      homosexual, this is literally the most expensive SW show. $250,000,000. Imagine. And the costumes still look like some second-hand shit from Amazon.

      • 2 weeks ago

        How can It be the most expensive if Kenobi had a bigger budget per episode?

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Andor proves people just weren’t ready for the prequels. Obviously andor isn’t attempting to be for kids and adults at the same time but a mainline movie could never get away with not also being for kids.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    >Andor is a shit character no one gives a shit about
    >Speeches were tryhard, forced and cringe
    >Mon Monthma's storyline stalled and became boring incredibly fast. No actual politics. The b***h was just sitting at home with a sad face and bickering with her awful family. I felt sadder for her when she said, "Many Bothans died to bring us this information," than throughout the entirety of Andor
    >Saw Gerrera was just a cameo and really had no reason to be in the show
    >Luthen's action scene with the lightsaber ship was garbage and utterly pointless, did not affect the story in any way, because he goes to Ferrix on the next day for some reason, despite being established as a cautious person. He had no reason to be there, because he had already dispatched two deadly assassins after Andor. He went there, because the writer couldn't figure out how to get Andor and Luthen together. And the only reason Andor found him was because conveniently Luthen parked at the exact same spot out of all the places on a fricking planet
    >BE TOO EMO is cringe, forced toybait, much like BB8
    >Flashbacks were useless shit
    >Retconned Cassian's "I was in this fight since I was 6 years old" Separatist background, making the character even less interesting than he was before
    >Useless filler incel clerk storyline that is absolutely pointless and will not lead to anything substantial
    >Lots of empty, pointless Emmy bait talking that reads like the writer jerking off
    >Dogshit pacing and structure, episodes often just end abruptly without achieving anything, no sense of finality or hook to most of them
    >99% of the show was humans, and 90% of them had London accents. Almost no aliens. So much for rich and diverse Star Wars galaxy
    >Doesn't look/feel like SW
    >Absolutely devoid of fun and adventure, dull and exhausting. Pseuds confuse dark and serious for joyless and tiresome, which is what the hacks like Nolan and Villeneuve do

    Plebs really were tricked into thinking this shit is any good, it's hilarious.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Reminder that Blandor is fundamentally anti-Star Wars. It is everything George didn't want Star Wars to be when he made it. When shills try to pretend that "Andor is the first 'real' Star Wars since the originals" they are either lying, dishonest on purpose, or never understood what made Star Wars what it is to begin with.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What started as pulp science fiction became world known pop culture, at that point it becomes more important what you do with the stories in that universe. Is anyone shocked from seeing a face hugger today? No, you can’t just rely on that once the setting and tropes are established. And George obviously agreed with me based on the prequels.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Prequels are still fundamentally Star Wars and align with what George had said in 1977. Blandor isn't. Read again. It says right there, why Blandor isn't Star Wars. Because it's bland as shit. Because it is pedestrian, dull, ordinary, anti-imagination and anti-fun.

        • 2 weeks ago

          There’s ten other Star Wars slops a year you could be angry at and they all don’t care about having an interesting story, andor has a lot in common with the prequels anyway. Andor is absolutely a Lucas approved spin off.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >andor has a lot in common with the prequels anyway.
            It really doesn't.
            >Andor is absolutely a Lucas approved spin off.
            lmao even

            • 2 weeks ago

              >politically motivated agent of chaos whose storyline got scrapped because audiences hated his deceivingly playfully nature too much
              What point were you trying to make again?

              • 2 weeks ago

                You just made the point that you're a moron and didn't understand Star Wars.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Or maybe all you understand is lightsabers and were completely oblivious to what Lucas was trying to do and can only quote something he said over two decades before the prequels and Star Wars becoming as well known as Mickey Mouse.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                All you are showing is phantom menace went over your head. Andor isn’t for you, enjoy the bajillion other slop shows Disney has for you streaming now

        • 2 weeks ago

          >pedestrian, dull, ordinary, anti-imagination and anti-fun
          Just like "The Phantom Menace" then.
          >But muh kewl lightsaber fight at da vewy end!

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I see the autist disney shill is back. He literally cannot defend his slop without shitting on the few good shows like andor.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    The show is pretentious, middling and extremely pedestrian. Looks ugly, bland and doesn't feel like Star Wars at all. All the magic and wonder are gone. It tries to be 'adult', but comes off as juvenile instead, i.e. a character saying 'shit' — this is what Star Wars has been reduced to. The dialogues are tedious and dragged out. The writer is definitely an egocentric graphomaniac. It has "literary" quality at the expense of coming off as artificial and forced. The pacing is terrible. The episodes often just end abruptly without concluding anything they set out to do, including the finale. main character is a charisma vacuum Mexican, who dies in the spin-off prequel where he was introduced — and where his entire character arc happened. Other characters are just as dull. None of them behave like real people, they all take everything over-the-top seriously, which comes off as automatons going through the motions the writer requires them, and not how organic, real people talk or act.

    The fanbase is extremely obnoxious, no better than TLJgays. They don't even like Star Wars, they just like feeling smarter than they actually are. Any shill andor thread is basically this:
    Very obnoxious.

    All in all, generic and bland story with no novelty of themes and ideas, that should never have been told. Just like Rogue One ruined the Death Star and Darth Vader, this keeps ruining it even further.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Star Wars is a Flash Gordon-inspired serial adventure for families — a mythological fairy tale, distilled into a space opera format. It has a sense of wide-eye wonder, the aliens, the goofy music, the silly robots, the big space battles, and yes, the lightsabers, the Force, the princesses, the desert shaman, the evil samurai guy in all black choking people with his mind, Sergio Leone inspired space cowboys and pirates, the humor, the charm, the goofiness, the actual spirit of an adventure film made for families. Andor is none of that. It is the opposite of that. It is the antithesis of that. It's a generic sci-fi NBC drama in space london. It has nothing of Star Wars, other than the occasional usage of legacy memorabilia, such as Stormtroopers, TIE-Fighters, etc. — and even those feel grossly out of place when seen next to extremely generic, "grounded" and bland original designs of the show, such as the Black person with AK in the woods. Andor is "Star Wars" made by r/atheism. It is especially evident when it tries so, so hard to be "adult", that it becomes embarrassing. "Look! We have character saying SHIT! Now THAT'S MATURE AND SUBVERSIVE! LOOK! WE HAVE A BROTHEL! LOOK! THE CHARACTERS IMPLIED TO HAVE SEX, LOL!" Really made me cringe.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Blandor is utter soulless dogshit. It appeals only to teenage midwits from letterboxd and twitter film crowd, who think Nolan, Villeneuve and Eggers are the hottest shit ever, but something actually complex and designed to be thought provoking and requiring effort, like Tarkovsky, Bergman, Godard, Eisenstein and other actual filmmakers are "boring". So they settle for that kind of "serious" and "adult" capeshit — it's still capeshit, but, you see, it's kinda "serious", "dark" and "adult", even though it is fundamentally set in the universe of silly super people wearing spandex suits and capes, based on the literal children's media. The perversion and subversion of said children's media seems "smart" to them. But in reality, it is inferior to both. It is nothing but joyless, pretentious, ugly drivel that adds absolutely nothing in terms of narrative or themes, and only exploits the name of the IP in order to promote the author's unnecessary, obnoxious "take" on what he considers fundamentally below them. Utterly irrelevant, pointless, needless story, without a single creative bone in its body. It's revolting. All you need is characters talking constantly without actually saying anything, and a bunch of forced, cringe, emmy bait monologues to make midwits lose their shit. Embarrassing.

    Actual Star Wars has infinitely more substance and depth than any culturally irrelevant thing Disney and/or (heh) Tony Gilroy have come up with in his career.

    • 2 weeks ago

      stopped reading

  23. 2 weeks ago

    tfw I’m seething about a two year old tv show so hard all i can do is spam copy pastas

  24. 2 weeks ago

    What did Andor, the one star wars show with decent writing, ever do to cause this much seethe?
    Let's assume it's not "real" star wars. It's still a pretty decent show

  25. 2 weeks ago


  26. 2 weeks ago

    Could this be Disney's plan?
    Keep churning out awful shit so their previous slop looks good in comparison.

  27. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      The younglings, whatever happened there

  28. 2 weeks ago

    then why did they have a queer homosexual in it?
    any media with a queer in it can't be great

    the queerification of entertainment is the equivalent of the bubonic plague

    • 2 weeks ago

      frick off you insecure homosexual.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the queerification of entertainment is the equivalent of the bubonic plague
      no, thats you

  29. 2 weeks ago

    >my pronouns are and/or
    frick off yidsey

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Andor had its moments, particularly whenever the internal workings of the ISB were depicted, but the show was pretty damn boring overall. It's just a case where everything else Disney has put out is so God awful in comparison it makes Andor look like it's 11/10.

    >muh star wars for adults
    I won't ever forget how pretentious Andor Black folk were.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Stellan delivered an Atlas level of carrying this show

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's the best part of most things he's in

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