ANSWER IT RIGHT NOW! Dune question

Dune 1984 vs Dune The Smithee Cut vs Dune 2000 vs DUNC vs games
Which one had The closest to the June book And if it's moments then list moments and designs

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  1. 3 months ago

    Lynch on all counts.

    • 3 months ago

      And why Lynch more accurate than
      The Smithee Cut?

    • 3 months ago

      FPBP. The only two problems I see with Lynch is the voice gun and the end, it was cinematic but wrong to the lore. Still a great movie and very faithful to the book.

      • 3 months ago

        Fricking heeb
        >voice gun
        What is wrong with it?

        • 3 months ago

          >Fricking heeb
          Trips of dumbluck. In the end it rains, fricking the whole thing since Paul's power leverage is purely based on melánge, and guess what? The water kill the worms and thus the melange. Great plan.
          >What is wrong with it?
          It's a very lame way to shortcut the Weird Way. It reminds me of when Kamen Rider Black was aired in Brazil, they thought the mc's name was too weird for brazilians (Kotaro Minami) because japanase, so they changed. To Issamu Minami.

          • 3 months ago

            >It's a very lame way to shortcut the Weird Way.
            Frank Herbert okayed it. Just for your interest.
            And the reason it was changed was because there's no good way to visualize it and you'd just end up with ridiculous kung-fu-moves like in DUNC.

            • 3 months ago

              Lol. The underfunded miniseries could do it. Granted it was CGI but the effect could be done using 1980s era tech.

              • 3 months ago

                >The underfunded miniseries could do it.
                And it didn't look any better than it does in DUNC.
                >could be done using 1980s era tech
                Via rotoscoping? Maybe. But it wasn't necessary, and crying about it is ridiculous.

    • 3 months ago

      1. Lynch

      99999999. DUNC
      999999999. Turkish Star Wars-Tier Sci-Fi

  2. 3 months ago

    Prochnow, Chalamet, Stewart

    • 3 months ago

      In terms of looks?
      What about Leto 2nd from Children of Dude? Is McAvoy good cast or fricking schizo?

      • 3 months ago

        In terms suiting the character. I like Brolin but he doesn’t do enough with the poet part of warrior-poet. McAvoy isn’t a good cast*because* he isn’t schizo enough. Leto II is pre-born and has access to all ancestral memories and prescience since childhood. He should be weirder

  3. 3 months ago

    Lynch's Paul looks 40. Did he read the books?

    • 3 months ago

      It is accurate considering how fast Zoomirs are aging right Now.
      Only Gen M were granted the gift of twink eternal life, ie Holland, Chalamedingdong, etc

      • 3 months ago

        hodge twins?

    • 3 months ago

      Kyle is objectively the best Paul and book autists can get fricked it’s an adaptation and in the 80s actors in their 20s always played younger. He was 24 when it was shot and the movie spans several years. Chalamanlet is completely unbelievable as a knife fighter and Villeneuve knew it because in his fight with Feyd they’re constantly shooting him from the back to disguise it’s a stuntman.

      DUNC did the best with the supporting cast but Paul and Chani it would be hard to do worse casting.

      Dune 1984 vs Dune The Smithee Cut vs Dune 2000 vs DUNC vs games
      Which one had The closest to the June book And if it's moments then list moments and designs

      1984 has a lot of problems but the Spicediver cut does a good job of cleaning it up.

      • 3 months ago

        you gotta be brain deficient to shill for lynch

        • 3 months ago

          Don't be mean, what the frick

        • 3 months ago

          If all the adaptions are shit in some way, then I go with Lynch. Simple as.

  4. 3 months ago

    The real question is: You guys got a pet Black person too?

    • 3 months ago

      Not me.
      But if I did she (ie not troon) would be much bigger than me in every fricking way. Just like any other first wife.

  5. 3 months ago

    who gives a shit

    • 3 months ago


      In terms suiting the character. I like Brolin but he doesn’t do enough with the poet part of warrior-poet. McAvoy isn’t a good cast*because* he isn’t schizo enough. Leto II is pre-born and has access to all ancestral memories and prescience since childhood. He should be weirder

      No, I mean in terms of how he supposed to look, is it wrong that McAvoy looks absolutely nothing like MCU Ross guy who plays Leto I in 2000 tv?

      Also what about events? I already know that in the Book Alia is real just like in the Lynch film and show film.

      Also what about Harkonnen looks? What about Emperor?What about... Colors? Design?
      I love how Lynch version suit inspired Raiden suit in MGS2 but is it more accurate towards The book than other versions?!

      • 3 months ago

        >is it wrong that McAvoy looks absolutely nothing like MCU Ross guy who plays Leto I in 2000 tv?
        He’s close enough, believably his grandson.

        > Also what about Harkonnen looks? What about Emperor?What about... Colors? Design?
        All the love action costumes and character designs have been pretty lame. That’s one thing where Star Wars mobs them out of existence

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, but which one is more accurate towards book design descriptions?

          • 3 months ago

            Dune 2021. Why are you asking me? Just look at the books yourself

            • 3 months ago

              I am currently hacking Godot game and can't look into Dune books!

  6. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >He hang up on me
      Wait I thought the ESL's loved Snyder?

      • 3 months ago

        Only Snyder really loves Snyder.
        But many manchildren love the idea of Snyder. The abstract concept.
        I personally don't like his films, but I respect the man for going on the Geeks&Gamers charity stream and calling that G&G guy out for being a racist to his face.

  7. 3 months ago

    Miniseries gets the most right.

    • 3 months ago

      Did Paul have short or long hair? In book I mean

  8. 3 months ago

    >Which one had The closest to the June book
    The closest what?

    • 3 months ago

      To the book

      • 3 months ago

        "to the book" is not a thing that you can have.
        OP wrote "Which has the closest X to the June book", but omitted X.

        • 3 months ago

          Omitted because I generally asked.
          It's like if asked towards which particular Superman version the X live action or cartoon adaptation is close, I would fail immediately because any adaptation only has certain moments, sometimes 180° opposite to the original meaning like Action Comics #1 cover references, only Zack Snyder and maybe some cartoon did actual 1:1 towards the meaning, at the same time only Returns and Superman & Lois did 1:1 to the surface aesthetic of it. Not to mention that Action Comics #1 Superman has more in common with Viltrumites from Invincible than with most other Superman versions. In terms of power explanation role, which essentially plays into the Why of the character and into context of what character can and can't do.

          • 3 months ago

            >Omitted because I generally asked.
            That's not how the English langauge works. You have to put something there, otherwise the whole sentence makes no sense.

  9. 3 months ago

    Villeneuve looks better and is a better movie
    But I still feel that Villenuve's movies lack a certain liveliness to them
    That Lynch's has
    Villenuve's universe seems like it would be absolutely terrible to live in
    Horrors beyond comprehension

    • 3 months ago

      What about 2000 version or you didn't watch it ,gentleman?

      • 3 months ago

        Better designs than Villeneuve but really hampered by the Syfy channel budget

        • 3 months ago

          I dunno I think their effects were alright

          >Omitted because I generally asked.
          That's not how the English langauge works. You have to put something there, otherwise the whole sentence makes no sense.

          Muh bad then, I am really sorry for giving you IV huinstead of ID. Philosophically.

    • 3 months ago

      >Villeneuve looks better and is a better movie
      You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. DUNC looks like shit and is an utter failure in many aspects of filmmaking. The only thing that went wrong for Lynch's Dune was the editing, and even then it had a better narrative flow than DUNC.

      • 3 months ago

        >Well achtually the current thing sucks
        Frick off

        • 3 months ago

          Sorry, but in this case it does.
          DUNC is terrbile.

          • 3 months ago

            You aren't capable of an opinion past shitting on the current thing

            • 3 months ago

              There are lots of "current things" I like, brainlet.
              Why am I not allowed to dislike any current things, even when they're total crap?
              Do you love every single current thing, imbecile? Because by your logic, you are not allowed to.

              • 3 months ago

                You're allowed to dislike current things but the way you share on my opinion made it obvious that you're incapable of thinking of anything outside of being a contrarian

              • 3 months ago

                >the way you share on my opinion
                Oh, please. You're thinking way too highly of yourself. People don't need to read your incoherent drivel to make up their mind about things.
                >being a contrarian
                And here we have it: Reddit's favourite buzzword to shut down any dissenting opinions. Of course.
                And to think you of all people would accuse others of not being able to form their own opinions.

              • 3 months ago

                >Reddit's favourite buzzword to shut down any dissenting opinions. Of course.
                What the frick did you call your rant to shut down my opinion?

              • 3 months ago

                >your rant to shut down my opinion?
                Disagreeing and calling you out on your ingorance isn't shutting down anything. It's actually the opposite: STARTING an argument. That you had every opportunity to continue by adding substance to your opinion. But you chose to throw a tantrum instead and tried to shut me down for daring to disagree with you.

  10. 3 months ago

    Lynch has the most kino lineup with both Prochnow and Stewart. I don't have anything against Chalamet other than his jaw looking goofy, so if we could get Chalamet but with the face of whoever that guy playing lynch Paul is, it would be perfect

  11. 3 months ago

    The miniseries is by far the closest plot, character, and theme wise
    Second is probably DUNC, despite the fremen/chani getting huge changes. It's also the only one that bothered with prevalent knife fighting. Still, its a distant second
    Lynch is third imo. The novel doesn't have too much visual description but this one does feel the most fitting to it. Everything else feels like it was loosely adapted from a two page synopsis

    This is not a ranking of quality

    • 3 months ago

      >Everything else feels like it was loosely adapted from a two page synopsis
      Frank Herbert disagrees.

      • 3 months ago

        I dont care

  12. 3 months ago

    Lynch wins on aestetics hands down. Never read the books so frick if I can answer about anything else but Lynch's DUNC is by far the most interesting to look at

    • 3 months ago

      >Lynch's DUNC
      Stop calling it DUNC. Only Villeneuve's is DUNC.

  13. 3 months ago

    What do you think will happen in DUNC3 ?

    • 3 months ago

      All bets are off. Villeneuve has already fricked the whole story over with DUNC2. DUNC3 cannot really do Messiah without also completely changing that one. Besides, Villeneuve hates dialogue and wants to make brainless action flicks with long capeshit-tier battle sequences, just like in DUNC2. Messiah doesn't lend itself to that, so I assume he'll show a lot of the actual war? He cannot really do a timejump anyway either, because Chalamet sill looks like a little boy.

      • 3 months ago

        he's going to wait a few years for timmy to get older actually. the fricked up part is they're also waiting a few years and anya is going to be 80.

        • 3 months ago

          Older Anya is sexooo
          I wish Anya would also get fatter

        • 3 months ago

          >he's going to wait a few years for timmy to get older
          No use. He's looked the same for the past 20 years. Not gonna change within the next decade.
          >anya is going to be 80.
          Alia is beyond fricked anyway. Or rather, she isn't when she should be.
          The events of the first book were formative experiences for her character, which cause many of her problems and inner conflicts later on. Villeneuve wrote all of them out of DUNC2 when he (probably correctly) decided that he was too incompetent to work with a child actress.

      • 3 months ago

        >long capeshit-tier battle
        Just out of the cinema. At least three od the action sequences were boring. Frick I wish theyd rather spend the budget on actually inhabiting the sietches and time on perhaps building more behind the stilgar x jessica angle or getting to know the dream of a green arrakis better. Or more visions

        And why were the fremen always out and about during daytime. Breaks immersion.

  14. 3 months ago

    Interesting how McAvoy plays Dune's local Jesus and then in Unbreakable Split Glass trilogy he plays The Beast

    • 3 months ago

      Correction Dune's Jesus AND Superman.
      Which is kinda same thing considering that per Siegel Superman's mom was literally called Mary Kent, but still.

  15. 3 months ago

    2000 SciFi miniseries is the best adaptation of the books (with no budget)
    Lynch movie has the best production design (and the least screentime)
    Villenvue moves are the... uhhh.... most profitable...? Best acted? Ummmm

    • 3 months ago

      I "love" how Lynch told story in Less time than Vilnfhrurheiyeyf, but at the same time I understood much better what the frick is going on and the scope.

      • 3 months ago

        The changes Villenvue made to the story, especially in part 2, were bafflingly short sighted.
        Alia wasn't born? So the entire events of part 1 & 2 both occur in 9 months or less?
        Paul manages to go from homeless spoilt Duke's son to leader of the entire fricking universe in less than a year? How does this make anything in the story feel earned or even remotely satisfying? Where was the difficulty, the struggle, the payoff of a hard fight? He literally succeeded in everything he tried on the first attempt.
        And the Harkonnens are barely characterised carboard cutout cartoon villains?
        What a fricking hack.

        • 3 months ago

          >And the Harkonnens are barely characterised carboard cutout cartoon villains?
          Agree...this was weak...not that they are well developed in the book, but a movie shouldnt be worse woth its characters...

          i wonder if the thing about feyds mother was from brian's books.

          • 3 months ago

            No, Feyd's mother was Villeneuve. The man is such a hack.

            • 3 months ago

              I liked the addition

              Btw i dont get why people say its a visual masterpiece. Not a single memorable shot. 2049 blows dunc 2 out of the water

              • 3 months ago

                >I liked the addition
                >he's sooooo evil
                >like, dude killed his own mother
                >dude, DUDE, he never eats his veggies and sleeps when he wants!
                >duuuuuuuuuuuude, he kills everyone around him just because he is LOCO
                It's edgy and dumb just like Leto's Joker but for some reason people buy this shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Feyd from the novel is such a different character, from what we saw on screen. In the novel, he is only ever present in 4 chapters.
                >The early chapter where the Baron gives a big speech on his plan.
                >The arena fight, where he corners the Baron, by faking an obvious attempt on his own life
                >2 years go by, and we see him again when he tries to get the Baron killed, and the Baron offers to make him emperor, but also orders him to murder his slave harem to prove a point
                >And the final battle, where he duels Paul
                He never strikes me as an out and out psychopath in the novel. At best he is a playboy, a gladiator, and a schemer due to the influence of his pedarast uncle. The closest he gets to being noble, is when he respects the Atreides warrior, for killing himself. And even then, he is surprised at the human mind pushing itself to commit such an act. Other times, he wants to be clever and plans stuff, but the Baron sees through him, and Thufir plays him like a fiddle. He has a short temper, and his impulsive nature makes him show his hand too early. And even though he is a great arena fighter, he always goes into a fight with a couple of dirty tricks up his sleeve. He won the fight against the atreides gladiator, by making his muscles relax with a special key phrase. And he tried to use a poison needle on Paul.
                Basically, unlike the family killing (but then acting like killing family is beneath him), henchmen killing, cannibal feeding, not too clever (he had no schemes against the Baron, and the gladiator assassination attempt just was the Baron messing with him), noble demon, the novel Feyd is an impatient man, twisted by his groomer, trying his best to match him, while also using every dirty trick to make sure he doesn't fail.

              • 3 months ago

                That wouldn't be very kino.

              • 3 months ago

                If by "kino" you mean trash, like most people who use that word as a meme, then you are correct.
                If, however, you're looking for a charismatic, strong and multi-faceted portrayal of said character, I recommend checking out 1984's Dune.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him, but yeah, Sting had that bratty, spoiled, cheater charisma to him. Sadly they skipped his arena and assassination attempt bits, so his screentime was very lacking. I would have loved more of him.

              • 3 months ago

                >they skipped
                That's the thing about the Lynch film. You never know whether they actually skipped filming certain scenes or whether they still exist out there in some studio archive and just never made it to either of the two cuts. Particularly for the second half of the film.

              • 3 months ago

                I liked how when the 1984 Baron was torturing that boy, Rabban had a smug evil smile, while Feyd had this wide eyed, concerned laugh.

              • 3 months ago

                To be honest Feyd scenes in DUNC weren't that bad, the problem was the script. Killing random thralls and being tested with the Gom Jabbar, ffs. There are better ways to show the guy is evil, also every change from the books wil frick the sequel in some way.

              • 3 months ago

                I just didn't like how they both overplayed him, and toned him down. At times he is too edgy, but then again he also turned a character who is literally summed up as ''guy who schemes and always plays dirty'', into a noble guy who is above all sort of scheming or foul play.
                And him surviving the Gom Jabbar is fricked, because it was Paul's BG training that was tested, and that same training saved him. The Gom Jabbar test for Feyd was such a fanfic moment. Did he just survive it because he is that badass and strong? The thing that was even being tested in the Paul scene, was if he is human enough to wield the potential KH power, combined with the BG training. If he pulled his hand back, then he would have revealed himself as someone who is impulsive and relies on base instincts. But Feyd is just that. It's such a dumb moment.
                Also, I didn't care for how he just repeated what Jared Leto did in Blade Runner 2049 (he cut open a helpless replicant woman with a knife, to show that he is a psychopath with power). It's like the only way he knows how to show that a villain is evil.

    • 3 months ago

      >Best acted?

  16. 3 months ago

    THE TRUTH: Dune is second rate scifi pulp, barely above L.Ron Hubbard quality, only stanned by pathetic friendless 14 year old boys and immature incels, and arguing over the IP adaptations just proves the point.

    • 3 months ago

      But Hubbard's theories make sense actually.
      The Scientology itself is most probably dogshit, but aliens that steal gold from planet Earth and dumb down population....
      That's probably actually true

      behind the dune is the most lore accurate and the closest to herbert's vision

      behind the dune is the most lore accurate and the closest to herbert's vision

      Once again porn people outdo them all?

      • 3 months ago

        >but aliens that steal gold from planet Earth and dumb down population....
        Not Aliens. Politicians.

  17. 3 months ago

    behind the dune is the most lore accurate and the closest to herbert's vision

  18. 3 months ago

    Has popular opinion shifted against this depiction yet? Yeah he was intimidating but he was fricking boring, he had no personality. Dunc had plenty of memorable parts but he wasn't one of them beyond his introduction

  19. 3 months ago

    Any of them
    Probably Chalamet, since he doesn't look like a 30 year old.
    None of them, they're all bad.

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't mean only these three,

  20. 3 months ago

    Dunc at least got Duncan Idaho right, just look at this smug motherfricker
    >Climbs a wall
    >Women orgasm
    How does he do it?

    • 3 months ago

      >Dunc at least got Duncan Idaho right
      Literal capeshit actor who cannot act, and was hired only because the director wanted capeshit-tier fights (and the capeshit audience).

  21. 3 months ago

    How many fricking workers did the Harkonnens kill in this movie? At least 10 right? Why the frick would ANYONE willingly work for them when they literally off their own people for fun on a daily basis?

    • 3 months ago

      If you are a soviet troop, will you really tell Stalin, Beria and others that you quit because they put another troop to death? While the Harkonnens did not so casually and openly murder people in the novel, they still ruled with absolute fear and didn't treat anyone as humans.

      • 3 months ago


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