Any movies about coping with regrets?

Any movies about coping with regrets?

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  1. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I'm fricked, aren't I? My regrets will kill me.

      • 3 months ago

        You just learn to live it. Eventually it will just blend into the background of your general misery, where the only comfort you'll have is that it will all end eventually .

        • 3 months ago

          If only we knew as children what awaited us..

          • 3 months ago

            I was a miserable child because I knew what I had was:
            1. Mostly shit (drunk, wife-beater dad at home)
            2. Not going to get better as I would grow older
            My perspectives were so grim, I was having nostalgia for the present. It was like living in a memory. Children shouldn't have to think about this shit.
            Ignorance is bliss, anon.

    • 3 months ago

      Caspere knew this.

      >They say life's a box of chocolates, Raymond. I just found shit in my boot. How's that for philosophy?

  2. 3 months ago

    Caspere knew this.

    • 3 months ago

      JigCaspere knew this.

  3. 3 months ago

    N-no Regrets!

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      So did you take her up on it, anon?

    • 3 months ago

      frick that's a bad one.

    • 3 months ago

      >ywn live through a teenage romance
      >you blew your one and only youth

      • 3 months ago

        >>ywn live through a teenage romance
        >>you blew your one and only youth

        I'm in my 40's, wait till the dread hits you from a 20's and 30's with no love

        • 3 months ago

          I don't want to think about it. I just want to fricking Vincepost in my underwear on my bed right now with my laptop in my room while eating some pistacchios and drinking soda.

        • 3 months ago

          >never loved anyone
          >not even a crush
          >walked out of the one relationship I had
          >still wonder if it was the right decision
          >at the same time I'm so black pilled and jaded I can't imagine myself marrying a post carousel'd woman or risking divorce rape
          looking forward to the decades of loneliness

          • 3 months ago

            >not even a crush
            i dont believe this one, because teenagers go through a lot of chemical changes in their brain and the desire to mate is one of the strongest.

            • 3 months ago

              it's true. Maybe there was one or two girls I liked looking at because they were pretty, but never thought about them when they weren't in front of me, let alone imagine love storys or anything like that.

          • 3 months ago

            In one sense you have a tonne of freedom. Use any money you make for yourself - travel - switch careers occasionally and do cool weird stuff -
            Learn to fly a plane. You can live entirely for yourself if you’re all you’ve got.

    • 3 months ago

      Is this the one where anon found this out many years later?

      • 3 months ago

        I'd kill myself if that realization happened to me. I wasted my youth, I fricking wasted it but at least I didn't have a chance like this.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes. Imagine living with this.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      the alternative happened to me, where a girl left her number in my yearbook and was creeped out when I called her a couple weeks into summer break

      • 3 months ago

        Why the frick would she be creeped out? she gave you her number. women, i swear.

      • 3 months ago

        >couple weeks
        yeah you waited too long

      • 3 months ago

        What really happened is her friend wrote that in your yearbook as a prank for her friend to get harassed by you of all people (GROSS!!). Probably had a good hard laugh about it that weekend after you called her and they hung out together.

      • 3 months ago

        you should have called her the night she wrote it

    • 3 months ago

      Fake and gay.

    • 3 months ago

      I don’t understand why people get so assblasted over this one someone this dense and dumb socially would have fricked it up either way.

    • 3 months ago

      I first met my fiance at a party after high school ended, this reminds me so much of that time. I thought she hated me and almost didn't even talk to her. I thought she was the prettiest girl ever, so I couldn't even get words out when I'd see her, and then she'd make fun of me. Weirdly enough ehe approached me first, texted me and asked if we could be friends in a way that read similar to this note.

      Idk, I treated my youth as something passive, I was in a hurry to grow up and move away. Luckily I took the blinders off for a second and met her. Looking back tons of girls had crushes on me but I just never paid attention.

      If anyone is young reading this, just talk to girls. Girls are so nice man, they probably like you more than you think.

      • 3 months ago

        god bless you

      • 3 months ago

        >final year of school
        >i develop an insane crush on this cute tomboy girl
        >i find her name and instagram through this mutual friend
        >never get the guts to talk to her due to the fact she was ALWAYS with her friends who probably realized I liked her and gave me death stares when I'd try to glance in her direction
        >time passes, school ends.
        >i go to this concert of a rapper that's popular in my country
        >she's there, with just one friend
        >now or never
        >I talk to her, asking if she's from the same school and that I've noticed her hanging about
        >one thing leads to another
        >we use the subway to go back home
        >she leans on my shoulder as we both got wasted and were tired
        >we talked like we knew each other our whole lives
        >we exchange IGs and we talk for the rest of the school year
        >she tells me she's the first boy she's ever liked and that she can't sleep due to being so excited to see me the next day
        >the feelings are mutual
        >we hang out each other alone for the last few weeks of school, she hangs by my arm. I can't stand the classes away from her.
        >new year rolls along
        >out of nowhere her and her family move to Australia, says she's gonna enroll in a school there
        >we try the long distance thing but after a while agree to take a break
        >still on that break
        I don't know what to tell anons. I am glad I experienced it but I fear it may not last.

        • 3 months ago

          What a kick in the nuts, stay strong anon.

        • 3 months ago

          Time for your australian adventure

        • 3 months ago

          I wouldn't give up on it, even if it ends in heartbreak it's worth seeing through. I think people try to avoid shit that hurts them but that's the only way to grow. Failed relationships, jobs, games, friendships, ect, are all things that build us. Engaging with potential hardship is the only way to have a true victory.

          If it works out with that girl, then it's a story you'll tell your kids. If it fails, then you had this crazy experience you'll never forget and ultimately smile about years down the line.

      • 3 months ago

        >I treated my youth as something passive
        This is the source of many of my regrets. It's easier to make friends when young, relationships are more passionate when you're reaching life milestones together, small things feel exciting just because they're new - even heartbreak and pain felt more meaningful when young instead of just feeling numb.
        Older people are more inclined to mentor and help the young up-and-comer full of potential vs the 30 year old that never took it seriously.
        I had so many great career and relationship opportunities present themselves to me, and I rejected them to do something impulsive, not realizing that the opportunities stop coming after a while.

        "That's future-me's problem."

        Surround yourself with motivated people, value deep connections over quick flings, avoid as much debt as you can, take advantage of the opportunities that make you anxious. Listen to the advice that teachers, professors, and elders try to give you. If you're not going to college use that time to start building a proper career, any career.

        • 3 months ago

          Damn, that's me. Haha, it's over.

        • 3 months ago

          I first met my fiance at a party after high school ended, this reminds me so much of that time. I thought she hated me and almost didn't even talk to her. I thought she was the prettiest girl ever, so I couldn't even get words out when I'd see her, and then she'd make fun of me. Weirdly enough ehe approached me first, texted me and asked if we could be friends in a way that read similar to this note.

          Idk, I treated my youth as something passive, I was in a hurry to grow up and move away. Luckily I took the blinders off for a second and met her. Looking back tons of girls had crushes on me but I just never paid attention.

          If anyone is young reading this, just talk to girls. Girls are so nice man, they probably like you more than you think.

          Yea but as a 25 year old KHV women don’t want anything with me, I’m trying hard now (losing weight and trying to go outside/socialize) but it’s hard to get over the feeling I’m chasing something I can never catch

          • 3 months ago

            I'm not saying that women aren't insane pieces of shit but they're also dumb. I've seen relatively cute girls with utter fat slobs because they just put themselves out there. You can do it but always remember, do the exact opposite of what they want and always act mostly indifferent towards them. That's how they prefer it.

            • 3 months ago

              Yea honestly I’m thinking of just fricking escorts and getting it over with, there’s so many spoken and unspoken rules it’s insane.

              • 3 months ago

                probably the smartest choice and what I should've done before wasting so much time with dumb women. women really are animals. real talk. they're dumb subhumans. not ideologicially or politically charged to say that, it's pure fact of life. once you have a taste, the whole mirage wears off and you can't stand them. focus on yourself and use hookers.

              • 3 months ago

                >fricking escorts
                Escorts don't HAVE to frick you, btw. They can refuse and there's nothing you can do about it outside of rape.

              • 3 months ago

                That would make it more foreclosure than rape.

              • 3 months ago

                But that's the thing, it ain't part of your contract with her.

              • 3 months ago

                probably the smartest choice and what I should've done before wasting so much time with dumb women. women really are animals. real talk. they're dumb subhumans. not ideologicially or politically charged to say that, it's pure fact of life. once you have a taste, the whole mirage wears off and you can't stand them. focus on yourself and use hookers.

                Yea well I’ll stay on my grind for a while there’s a highly rated Amp near me I’ve been thinking of going to. I don’t want to lose my virginity to an escort unless I have to.

        • 3 months ago

          You are young until you are old, and you aren't old until you are dead.

      • 3 months ago

        I have never had a woman show the slightest bit of interest in me, or reciprocate any interest I have shown them in the slightest.
        I have never had a girl approach me or voluntarily start a conversation with me.
        I have NEVER, not ONCE been even passably liked by a single woman who didn't give birth to me.

        Yeah, maybe girls are nice. I wouldn't know. I don't hate them, but they certainly hate me.

        • 3 months ago

          There must have been one, anon. Even this big booty b***h said she found me cute and I'm a fricking sperg.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't think it's that uncommon. I just radiate freak particles I guess

        • 3 months ago

          I feel this anon, same exact thing for me, I'm even 6'4" and am athletic. Just butt ass ugly. I never really hated women they just always hated me and have always tried really hard to get me to meet them halfway.

    • 3 months ago

      >FOUR fricking hearts
      >The Black person never took the queu and blew his one chance in life
      >He had it in a God's given silver platter, just like that "Here's a good life I cooked for you, my son, take it"
      >He didn't

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I dont think I have an image saved on my hard drive that conveys the empty pit that opened up inside me after reading this

      • 3 months ago

        I felt such bliss, losing myself in that scenario while reading it. A torrent of dread came over me vividly once I finished reading it. Why is life so cruel? Why were we born into this? What's the point?

    • 3 months ago

      That I received just one of these letters in my life will probably keep me going to however long my sentece on this prison plane is going to be. Even if the girl and me in the end didn't fit together at all. It was about knowing that people can and will like me.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >ywn live through a teenage romance
      >you blew your one and only youth

      >>ywn live through a teenage romance
      >>you blew your one and only youth

      I'm in my 40's, wait till the dread hits you from a 20's and 30's with no love

      do you guys just refuse to actually talk to girls and later sit around wallowing in loneliness wondering why things aren't the way you want them to be? cause thats how i see it. its pussy shit, anons. pussy shit. this is what happens when you never take any risks, remember that

      • 3 months ago

        this. Notice none of these anons ever talk about attempts theyve made. Just endless wallowing.

        • 3 months ago

          The attempts I've made and the subsequent humiliation and consequences, if happened to a chad would break his brain and probably cause drug abuse of some kind for a few years.
          If they happened to a woman they'd have an hero'd that week.

          • 3 months ago

            how dramatic. storytime, qrd, for a single one.

            • 3 months ago

              >get invited by a girl to go to party, it's a "dinner for schmucks" type of even where they bring the ugliest or biggest loser they can find and vote on who wins...I won.
              Basically about a dozen more iterations of this kinda thing via texting, catfishing, or just gets worse from there. Took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit before I recognized the pattern. (If a girl shows interest in you it's because she's making fun of you with her friends)

              • 3 months ago

                homie you are making that up

              • 3 months ago

                your life is not a movie dude.
                >this silly scenario happened a dozen times
                bull fricking shit.

  4. 3 months ago

    Paris, Texas. of any rec ITT thats probably gonna be the best

  5. 3 months ago

    im rewatching S1 right now and I just rewatched S3 (wise to do this before S1 so you can still enjoy it) and i gotta say its a goddamn crime how half assed and small S4 feels. Rust never would've been down with that no justice ending they went with

  6. 3 months ago

    A movie? I couldn't even perceive reality until I was 38, Ray.

  7. 3 months ago

    Every day has its little defeat, this thread is mine. but at least it will end someday

  8. 3 months ago

    >Life is just birth, suffering and death. Caspere knew this, Ray.

  9. 3 months ago

    Regret is the most pointless emotion of all. Reject it.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, as if it's that easy.

    • 3 months ago

      easier said than done but i agree. at the end of the day you cant go back in time and fix your mistakes. gotta accept you fricked up and fix your mistakes today

  10. 3 months ago

    of course that shitty made up garbage still gets (you)s

    • 3 months ago


  11. 3 months ago
  12. 3 months ago

    >no fun childhood memories
    >no teenage romance
    >no experiencing cornerstone moments during youth like having fun drinking with friends for the first time, first kiss, having a fun endless summer day to look back on
    >don’t go uni
    >waste early 20s
    >don’t develop any skills
    >still no friends or relationships
    >become creepy loser who watches porn
    >work in dead end retail/warehouse work
    >still browse Cinemaphile
    >former school mates are now either a couple years in to parenthood or careers
    >cry and jerk off is the biggest pastime
    >waste money on takeaways, streaming services and gambling

    >this is all the israelites fault

  13. 3 months ago

    K I N O
    Praise be to Pizzaman.

    • 3 months ago

      I've been thinking about this scene daily for the better part of the year. It sums up my life perfectly. I am crippled by regrets but I know deep down that the person I was at the time it was impossible for things to have gone differently.

  14. 3 months ago

    True Detective S2 was one of the worst things I've ever given a shot.

    • 3 months ago

      You need to be 18 and over to post here.

  15. 3 months ago

    I regret more or less every choice I've made since I was 16. At the same time, dwelling on my countless mistakes has given me no greater level of insight or help in avoiding making those same mistakes again.

  16. 3 months ago

    check the movie that gets featured in the 2nd to last episode of the show, anon - Splendor in the Grass

  17. 3 months ago

    I think this every day. I was born with a rare deformity... well, two rare deformities to be exact. For some reason, I've always been judge by normie standards, but the truth of the matter is I could never lead a normal life like this. You can't live a normal life when you are filled with self-loathing and will never be comfortable in your own skin. If only I'd been normal, I could've done so much more with my life other than being an anxious, unsocial shut-in.

    • 3 months ago

      We will be together with our waifus in the afterlife.

    • 3 months ago

      what deformities

      • 3 months ago

        Spine and chest.

    • 3 months ago

      I ended up having parts of my intestines and stomach paralyzed in high school from a super rare type of food poisoning. This causes me to get sick regularly eating food yet everyone around me only wants to see me for outings that involve eating out, they know I have this and that its almost killed me on more then one occasion but I guess forget real quick too since its not "visible". From my prospective it feels like asking someone with no legs if they wanna go for a walk. Also a word of advice for anons, its funny to grab about the neetbux on here but never admit to being on it in real life, people will look at you in a different manner.

  18. 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    why are people s2 posting all of a sudda

  20. 3 months ago

    It's proven scientifically your genetics affect everything, choices you make as a kid don't matter.

    I have a high paying comfy job that I love, despite being lazy, bad at math, having low grades and dropping out of uni. Why? Because I was reading a programming book when I was seven. A little brainless kid, who doesn't know what's good for him, terrorized his mother to buy him a book, and then sat in front of a computer and read it with great interest. It was predetermined.

    The same goes for being popular with girls, being pro at vidya or having basket weaving skills.

    • 3 months ago

      You literally proved yourself wrong. ESL perhaps?

      • 3 months ago

        Nah It is the perfect argument for determinism. Kids can't make rational choices. If a kid is interested in something, that means it's programmed in his genes to be good at it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Kids can't make rational choices.
          you've never been around children. Theyre far smarter and more perceptive than they let on. They do dumb shit, but still.
          t. teacher

    • 3 months ago

      >little brainless kid, who doesn't know what's good for him, terrorized his mother to buy him a book, and then sat in front of a computer and read it with great interest.
      that was literally a choice you made as a kid wtf

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah same, I was fricking terrible in school but started programming at 11 making because I wanted to make flash games. Ended up dominating my CS courses and made the other kids look semi-moronic.

      Also I was constantly approached by girls my entire life, I have never had to ask a girl out. I never worked out, self-improved, or did anything of note to attract them. I've been hit on in just normal everyday life probably ~10 times or so in a year, literally just walking down the street or after lectures in college. Attracting girls has literally 0 to do with what people on here think it does.

      Your choices matter though, your post is contradictory.

      >get invited by a girl to go to party, it's a "dinner for schmucks" type of even where they bring the ugliest or biggest loser they can find and vote on who wins...I won.
      Basically about a dozen more iterations of this kinda thing via texting, catfishing, or just gets worse from there. Took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit before I recognized the pattern. (If a girl shows interest in you it's because she's making fun of you with her friends)

      You're a fricking idiot

  21. 3 months ago

    I think I found a cool girl anons. After 8 years no sex or relationship. I dont even care that she's 33 and Im 29

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine being almost 30 and thinking a 4 year age difference matters in any way

      • 3 months ago

        I just said I dont even care. But anons will go apeshit.

        You had sex once though so women can tell and give you a chance lol

        Maybe, it's been so long Ive felt like I reverted.

    • 3 months ago

      You had sex once though so women can tell and give you a chance lol

  22. 3 months ago

    the wrestler
    death of a salesman
    withnail and i

  23. 3 months ago

    I'm 28 and haven't kissed a girl since i was 18 (drunk chick with 2 kids on a partybus in college who would have never made out with me sober.) I often think about killing myself. I had a brain aneurysm at 19 and spent a good chunk of it in rehab and learning to do basic shit again so I doubt any functioning woman with a brain will want anything to do with me. Sex is by far overrated, but intimacy, that's what I need.

  24. 3 months ago

    What if the world is just after all, and we are all just getting what we deserve?

    • 3 months ago

      Then I'm terrified of what I did and obviously have blocked it from my memory. May as well just turn myself in to the police, probably a dozen rapes or murders my DNA is attached to.

  25. 3 months ago

    Mr. Nobody (2009)
    >Life is a playground or nothing.
    >Every choice is the right one.
    Extension du Domainede la Lutte / Whatever (1999)
    >You're orphaned by the teenage loves you never had. It's already hurt you. I'll keep getting worse. An agonizing bitterness will fill your heart. There's no redemption, no hope. That's how it is.
    Enter the Void (2010)
    >I got no quote for this one. It deals with dying and how it may affect those around you. Very trippy film.

    • 3 months ago

      >You're orphaned by the teenage loves you never had. It's already hurt you. I'll keep getting worse. An agonizing bitterness will fill your heart. There's no redemption, no hope. That's how it is.

      this. Notice none of these anons ever talk about attempts theyve made. Just endless wallowing.

      shut the frick up. It's all cope. I self improoved like a moron for years, got cheap pussy, got a relationship, got blowjobs and sex in cars and in public, did drugs the whole thing. It's just never enough. Like the above quote says, something happens (or we are born a certain way) that just dislodges you from the world. Out of all my self improoving my 'friends' were nothing more than flimsy acquaintances, every relationship hanging on by a thread. You're constantly policing yourself, spending copious amounts of energy to maintain the bare minimum that people put up with no effort. And if you go through a bad rejection or humiliating experience? you broke your fragile positive feedback loop you spent the last few years building, good luck spiraling out into self loathing again.
      And when it comes to women the more success I had with them the more I fricking hated them. Frick we live in a post tinder experiments world, anyone still hopeful of the female experience is delusional, and it's only going to get worse. I don't know how any man can love a woman anymore, knowing their nature, what they respond to, and what their past usually looks like.

      • 3 months ago

        >>You're orphaned by the teenage loves you never had. It's already hurt you. I'll keep getting worse. An agonizing bitterness will fill your heart. There's no redemption, no hope. That's how it is.

  26. 3 months ago

    On The Waterfront (1954)


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