Anya Taylor Joy chose Furiosa over Nosferatu

Was this a mistake?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Probably, but I didn't watch Eggers movies for Anya anyway. Oh wait, except the first one.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    even though nosferatu isn't out and nobodies seen it I gotta believe it will be better than furiosa, so yeah.
    and now we're left with jack sparrows bogged daughter.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I mean, Anya is bogged too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        not as badly and depp is a terrible actress.

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >How do you want your cosmetic procedure?
            >Just frick my shit up.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The lines connecting her cheekbones to her mouth look so weird, like Apocalypse, or something H.R Giger made

          • 2 weeks ago

            >mogged by the israelitess
            who is she?

            • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      anything is better than Furiosa. THat movie was dogshit

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >Was this a mistake?
    No, she did me a favor, I don't want to watch her bogged face.
    Though the Depp girl also has an irritating face.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Depp's daughter is twice as bogged and can't act either.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    both of them could play nosferatu with their horrific bogged faces

    • 2 weeks ago

      Lily is a hundred times more bogged than Anya. Seriously, how does something like that happen? She was so cute in Yoga Hosers (fricking terrible movie, but worth it for her)

      • 2 weeks ago

        She was probably molested by her manic father as well as his paedophile friends.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Does Eggers have a fetish for bogged blondes?

      • 2 weeks ago

        She looked so bad in The Northman it took me right out of the fricking movie, distractingly awful

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Depp's inability to act will ruin Nosferatu. Eggers is moronic.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Eh, Skarsgard and Hoult are gonna be the standouts in Nosferatu so who cares. Probably Dafoe too.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This. It’s good for her to have her moment as the lead. Great experience for the future

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's primarily a dark love story, the female lead is extremely important

      • 2 weeks ago

        Isabelle Adjani's role was pretty small, just was a strong tradwife that need a man.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No, she was the lead in Furiosa. It flopped but Margot Robbie had a lot of flops anyway, that doesn't matter, she still get roles


    • 2 weeks ago

      >Eh, Skarsgard and Hoult are gonna be the standouts in Nosferatu so who cares. Probably Dafoe too.
      Anya works best in horror movies like this. Having her replaced by Lily is fricking horrible

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's primarily a dark love story, the female lead is extremely important

      She looks good anyway, Eggers will make it work. Would've preferred Anya though

      • 2 weeks ago

        >She looks good anyway
        Anya looks better

    • 2 weeks ago

      Into the trash

    • 2 weeks ago

      Terrible in everything. Hoult always great though.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Terrible in everything.
        He was pretty good in Clark tbh

    • 2 weeks ago

      nepo babies the movie

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah it was a bad choice. I understand wanting to work with Miller and do an action movie but it was CGI slop so not worth it. Nosferatu is a more artistic and interesting project.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Nosferatu is a more artistic and interesting project.
      Another fricking dracula remake. Frick off. Its going to be shit and you know it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's not a remake, it's a new adaptation. Dracula is a timeless story and the last good version came out in 1992 so it's about time a good new version was made. The director is talented.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    no if you can be in mad max you do it. but she was still miscast

  9. 2 weeks ago

    She was good in Furiosa, looked like she was having fun.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    b***h looks like nosferatu now, why would she want to be in his movie?

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I can't wait, bros

    • 2 weeks ago

      Is he playing Renfield again?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nosferatu's version of Harker

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like him. I recently watched The Weather Man and he played Cage's son in it. Was kind of nice to see his beginnings (I know it's not his first movie) and that he had worked with Nic before

      • 2 weeks ago

        He was such a delicious shota in it

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Does nosferatu have a trailer?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It was screened earlier this year at cinemacon. No public trailer yet tho

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why’s it taking so long

        • 2 weeks ago

          it's release at the end of the year

    • 2 weeks ago

      No he lives in a sewer

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I got the better casting.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I will now watch your movie/show/podcast/commercial ad/magazine interview/book review/crackly radio transmission.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this is a great option, people who still hates on her is fricking stoopid

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Eggers should have cast Nell Tiger Free who is very beautiful and talented

    • 2 weeks ago

      seriously what the frick was he thinking casting Lily Rose Depp

      • 2 weeks ago

        What the frick was he thinking casting Nicole Kidman as the bogged viking? He must have made a deal to get movies made to cast these prostitutes or he really likes the bogged look

        • 2 weeks ago

          The sad part is most actresses are bogged now. It's almost impossible to get a normal looking woman on screen. Everyone at least has lip fillers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She doesn't fit Eggers style

    • 2 weeks ago

      agree - sexy.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >strong female girl boss
    >damsel in distress
    which way western woman?

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Anya has no talent. And she knows it. She chose the film where she only had 46 lines of text while skipping a script with heavy dialog

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Anya has no talent

      • 2 weeks ago

        True she has a fish face

  17. 2 weeks ago

    She would have made a great nosferatu.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Eggers completely blew his hype train among patricians with Northman. Don't really care to waste money to see his shit in the theaters again.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    They're both shitty fricking movies so it's not going to matter

    • 2 weeks ago

      >They're both shitty fricking movies so it's not going to matter
      Nosferatu's not even out yet. How would you know

      • 2 weeks ago

        Cause it's directed by a moron hack

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Cause it's directed by a moron hack
          Eggers has yet to make a bad movie

          • 2 weeks ago

            He made a breakout one hit wonder movie and then nothing but trash since. he's a fricking britwat m night shambalaya hack

            • 2 weeks ago

              Please have a nice day

            • 2 weeks ago

              Define "trash"

            • 2 weeks ago

              Sixth Sense is good though, The VVitch is mediocre.

  20. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      haha holy frick

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Is this the worst era for actresses?
    ATJ and Zendaya are everywhere shitting up movies with their ugly faces and mid acting.
    What active actresses are any good? Emma Stone? Pugh can be good, but also looks like a little piggy

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What active actresses are any good?
      Nell Tiger Free, star of "The First Omen" is the most beautiful and talented working actress.

      • 2 weeks ago

        She used to post in /got/

        • 2 weeks ago


  22. 2 weeks ago

    Probably a mistake, Eggers is a great director and she was getting to be his Uma Thurman, now replaced.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I guess probably. Furiosa is a flop but you can guarantee Nosferatu is going to be a hit, or anyway at least by horror movie standards.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Nosferatu is going to be a hit, or anyway at least by horror movie standards.
      No gurantees in the current industry, I think Nosferatu has a high budget for a horror movie so it could well flop.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    We have to wait and see if Nosferatu flops to laugh at Ayy

  25. 2 weeks ago

    what a fricking moron

  26. 2 weeks ago

    this was a win for Eggers

    that b***h is washed up

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Johnny Depp must be really calling in favors after Lily's terrible performance in that degenerate HBO show. Any normal person wouldn't have a career after that.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    that is an unbelievable downgrade, is eggars mentally deficient?

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Looks like depp kino is on the way.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    She was good in The Idol so I’m looking forward to it

    • 2 weeks ago

      >She was good in The Idol so I’m looking forward to it

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Who itt has seen the original Nosferatu? Or the Herzog remake? Thoughts on it?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've seen both and have always preferred the Herzog remake. Adjani is downright gorgeous in it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Original is good, Herzog's is kino

    • 2 weeks ago

      herzog is utmost kino

  32. 2 weeks ago

    >shitty nepoc**t actress

    yeah, i ain't watching that slop

  33. 2 weeks ago

    I am obsessed with Annya Taylor Joy. It torments me to know I will never be with a girl like her

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have gigabytes of annyas pics and webms btw

      • 2 weeks ago

        she looks like she's got a chromosome missing, or an extra one

      • 2 weeks ago

        cheesed to meet you

      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Remember how amazing it was when you fapped to porn for the first time vs. what it feels like now? The same thing happens with IRL girls too. You only desire what you haven’t gotten yet.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I wish she still looked like that

  34. 2 weeks ago

    >Anya dropped out
    Ah that sucks, hope they get someone el-
    >Lily Depp in talks
    frick you Eggers you fricking homosexual. You're supposed to be better than Ari Aster, not join him in being a shitty fricking director.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    >look her name up
    >she's only 25 years old

    How the frick do 25 year olds look so decrepit? Is this plastic surgery? Makeup? A combination of the two?

    • 2 weeks ago

      she was born with decades of smoke, alcohol and drugs already embedded in her DNA.

    • 2 weeks ago

      oddly enough, she looks good naked despite having cankles and that horrific face.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >inherited johnny's sixhead

  36. 2 weeks ago

    was she the one playing nosferatu?

  37. 2 weeks ago

    >vampire movies always bomb
    >this one is directed by eggers
    This is going to be a turbobomb. Furiosa was probably the better choice.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You have no idea what you're talking about. It started as one of his typical lower-middle budget horror movies then once industry top dogs like Chris Columbus, Focus Features and Universal saw what he was doing they wanted involved. It will have both the industry backing and (I'm expecting) the quality to make a run at serious awards.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >vampire movies always bomb
      morons really log on and just say anything

      • 2 weeks ago

        Every vampire movie released the past few years has bombed. Renfield bombed. Last Voyage of the Demeter bombed. Abigal bombed.
        Vampires are not something people will go to the theaters to see anymore. Nosferatu is not going to be a hit.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Renfield bombed
          As everyone expected, it was goofy slop.
          >Last Voyage of the Demeter bombed
          As everyone expected, it's a low IQ horror movie for the sake of it.
          >Abigal bombed
          First of all, no it didn't. Second of all, it was barely even advertised as a vampire movie. It's just a random summer blockbuster.
          If you don't understand the difference between random slop and Nosferatu by Robert Eggers I'm not going to be able to explain it to you, but trust me that there's a difference.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >First of all, no it didn't
            28 million budget
            40 million box office
            >advertised as a vampire movie. It's just a random summer blockbuster
            Who are you gaslighting moron? All the marketing was about the vampire little girl. Which was especially moronic since the movie treats it as some mistery

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yes good job quoting the numbers that confirm it didn't bomb.
              >Who are you gaslighting moron?
              Don't call me moronic when you're literally the stupidest fricking person alive and not even worth responding to which I'm only doing because I have a lot of patience. You don't understand anything at all.
              Abigail, which didn't bomb, was not advertised as a vampire movie, no. Why? Because it's a fricking plot twist you fricking dumb shit. It's time to go argue about himbos in /heem/, you're out of your depth.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Abigail was totally advertised as vampire movie and revealing the plot twist on the trailer was even more fricking worked on the movie didn't you? How's the sequel going moron?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon, even if you were right about everything you're saying about Abigail, which you're not, it still has no bearing on Nosferatu by Eggers. You're mentioning random slop flops like they're the gold standard of vampire movies. If we're talking random vampire blockbusters from whag I recall the Twilight Saga performed pretty decently, no?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >even if you were right about everything you're saying about Abigail, which you're not
                You stupid fricking moron doubling down on shit you're wrong about even after somebody tells you you're wrong.
                The marketing for Abigail was about her being a vampire. It is a "twist" in the movie but the marketing did not hide it at all. It would have taken you seconds of research to find this, but instead you chose to make yourself look like a moron.
                The fricking poster for Abigail gives it away. You don't even need to watch the trailers, which also give it away.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Abigail, which didn't bomb, was not advertised as a vampire movie
                It did bomb and it was advertised as a vampire movie, are you moronic?
                >Because it's a fricking plot twist you fricking dumb shit
                And people pointed out how shitty the marketing was for revealing the "twist" when the movie came out. Why don't you actually take a second to look shit up before calling other people dumb?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Why do zoomers love this word so much?
              I wish they at least used it correctly.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's a hard word to spell for you or something?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >all this cope
            They all flopped. None of them were successful at all. Nosferatu is going to flop too, just watch.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Nosferatu is nothing like them at all literal moron

              >Abigail, which didn't bomb, was not advertised as a vampire movie
              It did bomb and it was advertised as a vampire movie, are you moronic?
              >Because it's a fricking plot twist you fricking dumb shit
              And people pointed out how shitty the marketing was for revealing the "twist" when the movie came out. Why don't you actually take a second to look shit up before calling other people dumb?

              Don't care about Abigail literal moron

              >even if you were right about everything you're saying about Abigail, which you're not
              You stupid fricking moron doubling down on shit you're wrong about even after somebody tells you you're wrong.
              The marketing for Abigail was about her being a vampire. It is a "twist" in the movie but the marketing did not hide it at all. It would have taken you seconds of research to find this, but instead you chose to make yourself look like a moron.
              The fricking poster for Abigail gives it away. You don't even need to watch the trailers, which also give it away.

              Responding to a post where I try to move on from the irrelevant Abigail so that you can keep harping on it moronicly is the only doubling down happening here actually. You have negative IQ and zero discernment if you can't see the difference between Abigail and an auteuer-helmed, highly anticipated film like Nosferatu. But I shouldn't even say if, because that's literally just the level you're operating at. Wild. Imagine being so out of your depth talking about MOVIES. It's genuinely disturbing to me how stupid people can be. You're a danger to those around you

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Nosferatu is nothing like them at all
                It's like them in that
                >it's a vampire movie
                >it's going to bomb in theaters and nobody will watch it

              • 2 weeks ago

                You know you're literally moronic right? I'm not just saying this in an online way, your brain is literally dysfunctional. Do you seriously not realize that or do you already know and you just want to participate anyway?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nosferatu is going to bomb and Eggers is a shitty director. Keep seething.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Eggers is a shitty director
                Not surprised you "think" so

              • 2 weeks ago

                Your "logic" is literally:
                >Nosferatu is going to bomb because it's a vampire movie. Here are vampire movies that bombed for proof.
                While ignoring the fact that there are many profitable vampire movies, including one of the most popular franchises of all time, Twilight. I have nothing to seethe about. You are a moron with no taste, no discernment, no IQ, and no argument.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >While ignoring the fact that there are many profitable vampire movies
                None recently. Twilight was popular years and years ago when more people went to see movies in theaters.
                Every recent vampire movie, made by directors who have had bigger hits than Eggers ever has, has performed terribly. Nosferatu will too, it's inevitable. Movies with a much wider appeal by much bigger directors and with much bigger stars are flopping.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're literally too ignorant and stupid to respond to anymore, congrats if that makes you feel like you "won". I've never meant this more in my life: you are moronic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Prepare to get even more mad when I'm right. This movie is box office poison.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Every recent vampire movie, made by directors who have had bigger hits than Eggers ever has
                The Witch is an modern classic and did 40m on a budget of 4m, as a debut. Every single one of his films is over 90% on RT. The directors of Renfield, The Last Voyage of the Demeter, and Abigail are random hacks making random slop and are nowhere near Eggers' level.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The Last Voyage of the Demeter, and Abigail
                The directors of those two movies are established horror directors with previous mainstream hits under their belt.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The directors of those two movies are established horror directors with previous mainstream hits under their belt.
                No they aren't. André Øvredal's previous horror films didn't make any money and aren't critically acclaimed. He is a nobody.
                The two directors for Abigail are textbook hacks like I said. They've attached their names to random IP at times like the Scream sequels that did passably. They are not highly regarded auteurs and are not big name directors.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ready or Not made more money on nearly the same budget as The Witch and was also critically acclaimed. Critics liked Ovredal's Trollhunter and Autopsy of Jane Doe, and his Scary Stories made the most money out of any of these on a still fairly small budget.
                Eggers name didn't carry Northman, it's not going to carry Nosferatu in a time when theaters are doing terrible and vampire movies haven't been popular with mainstream audiences.
                I watch a lot of horror so maybe I would have seen it if the cast was better, but I'm not interested and I'm part of the small audience that actually does show up to these vampire flicks sometimes.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ready or Not is a non-serious comedy, same as Renfield. Something like that doing well is not as impressive as a highbrow slowburn like The Witch performing similarly.
                >Critics liked Ovredal's Trollhunter and Autopsy of Jane Doe
                Disengenuously generous way of putting it, they were decently reviewed and made no money.
                >and his Scary Stories made the most money out of any of these
                Almost like it was based on a massive popular IP. Still only did decently, and not a good movie. 77% RT.
                >Eggers name didn't carry Northman
                Not a horror movie and it came out just as theaters were opening again post-covid. Still matched its budget and execs claim it's since turned a profit via streaming.
                >it's not going to carry Nosferatu in a time when theaters are doing terrible and vampire movies haven't been popular with mainstream audiences.
                1. His name doesn't need to carry. Quality will out.
                2. His name will carry it. People have been anticipating this film since his debut.
                3. Vampires are never unpopular. You're conflating bad vampire movies doing poorly with the genre as a whole.

                It's hard to respond to you because you almost gishgallop while saying a bunch of wrong things and giving bad takes. There's so much to cover every time.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Those are all normie slop and this is trendy a24 letterboxd fodder that's becoming increasingly popular with teens

        • 2 weeks ago

          I enjoyed Last Voyage of the Dementer but it would have been better without that much racism shit. Dracula should have died to sucking pozzed blood. That would have been subversive

  38. 2 weeks ago

    It was. The optics of Furiosa not making money is a lot different than an Eggars movie.
    In Furiosa she was the what all the marketing was based around even if she was only in half the movie.
    It will be a blemish on her career.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Career-wise, no.
    Mad Max keeps her name and face in the mainstream
    Nosferatu will go under the radar, wont be played in main theaters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Nosferatu will go under the radar, wont be played in main theaters
      you're moronic

  40. 2 weeks ago

    Please stop responding to him, it makes him feel like he's worth it

    • 2 weeks ago

      You're reacting so negatively because you're worried that I'm right. I'm not saying anything controversial.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine having to explain to someone that Robert Eggers' Nosferatu is not Renfield (2023)

  42. 2 weeks ago

    An enormous mistake ofc

  43. 2 weeks ago

    I think she could have pulled it off fine, tbh.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    A remake of a rip-off of the classic Dracula story.

    Somebody please make it stop.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Depp is really, really bad and probably one of the best worst examples of nepotism.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    the northman was a good film but it didn't do well and had very little impact
    I'm sure that had something to do with her decision to drop eggers
    she definitely sees herself as the next superstar and another northman would be a waste of time for her

  47. 2 weeks ago

    Pick your poison. Both are/were doomed to fail no matter what. Robert Eggers only makes flops and Mad Max movies ONLY flop. But she got paid well so she's fine, but in the long haul, when will studios realize she's box office poison?

  48. 2 weeks ago

    It's gonna bomb too so what's your point

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's worse having a summer blockbuster bomb than a horror movie

  49. 2 weeks ago

    I do not like Lily Depp's face.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i like her titty

  50. 2 weeks ago

    No, because Nosferatu is a film about vampires, not greys.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    I’m liking that ladyboy on the right. Hot.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    >chooses cashgrab blockbuster over loyalty to the auteur who gave her her first critical success
    stupid prostitute

  53. 2 weeks ago

    >Lily Rose-Depp

    Good god that must be a joke. Is Eggers smoking Crack?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Eggers was always a hack. Furiosa was a massive box office flop but might end up being popular in the long run. This nosferatu slop will be forgotten before it's even released

  54. 2 weeks ago

    She'd play a good nosferatu. She's weird looking enough.

  55. 2 weeks ago

    >Lily Rose-Plastic
    >In a period drama
    For frick's sake...

  56. 2 weeks ago

    No it's not a mistake. It's a blessing in disguise. I don't need to see this lady in every film i am looking forward to.

  57. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      that buccal fat procedure is extreme cosmetic surgery so I'd say unlike the bogdanoffs but yes still bogged

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Lily Rose Depp is an awful actress

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Seriously why Lily Rose Depp of all people? Nepo baby or not, who thought she was a good casting choice for a 19th century gothic heroine?

  60. 2 weeks ago

    so we dont even try finding some unbogged prostitute, we straight go to the bogged ones now
    plus only morons enjoy mad max im glad the buccal removal prostitute bombed that shit film

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