Arcane Season 2

>Ambessa leading Noxians against the Undercity.
>Caitlyn assembling a team to find Jinx.
>Jinx becoming a symbol of the Zaunite revolution (VIVA LA JINX!).
>Sevika with Jinx's pistol fighting the chembarons.
>Vi and Jinx fight.

We are so back.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Jinx Did Nothing Wrong

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm so worried about her, Cinemaphile. Arcane and Jinx practically saved my life back in 2021. If anything bad happens to my girl I don't know what I'd do.

      And don't you forget it!

      >Riot games when league released
      >we just wanted to troll people with this body type that's unexpected in movies or video games
      >oh wow what's with that schizo skinny girl, she's so crazy and she's like a stick

      >OMG I'm lusting after this bodytype, she's perfection

      For me, it was love at first sight. Ten years on, I'm still carrying a torch for Jinx.

      • 2 weeks ago

        She was the first champion I have ever played in league (back in 2016 I think) and it was solely because her aesthetic was funny, I didn't find her to at all for years, only Arcane converted me to this body type and now I cannot stop getting horny.

        • 2 weeks ago

          She was the only reason I got into League of Legends in the first place. And it really only just occurred to me that I've more-or-less grown up alongside her. She started off as this quirky-yet-fun character and then matured into someone very deep and complex, someone I can see myself talking to and trying to understand on a more meaningful level.

          I really don't know where I'd be without Jinx. She means the most to me. These past three years have given me a lot to think about when it comes to her and how I feel about her. And, in inclusion, I really do love her. Like, a lot. On a level that many people would probably call "unhealthy". It's why I'm so concerned about her now, going into S2.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Image related but with Jinx.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I'm so worried about her,
        Why? This shit si part of the canon universe so we already know something bad will happen to her. She has to go absolutely insane after all.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Because I love her.

          • 2 weeks ago

            If you love her you'll accept her the way she is. Even when she becomes absolutely insane.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Of course I accept her for who she is. I've been doing so for years. Doesn't mean I can't be worried about her. Don't you worry about your loved ones?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I miss this series it was a good arcane detox. I hope Vi will be in the next season.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i hope not, Jinx is way more fun without VI around.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I imagine it would be a cute non-depressive depiction of them together - just like Lux and her brother.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm Nothing Wrong :3

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gonna be honest with you I'm more excited for season 2 of Valoran Town.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Is there going to be a season 2?

  2. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      The Warden must be very happy to have her on the team. He might visit her for old time sake.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Arcane's only sin was giving me Stockholm syndrome for an Imagine Dragon's song

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Don't forget Singed looks like he is ready to take the Enforcers on a little chase...

    • 2 weeks ago

      When I first saw that scene it didn't register to me and I thought they actually got Singed. Now that you mention ir yeah they're really going to learn don't chase Singed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Actually sweaty, his name is Corin.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Corin MY DICK

        • 2 weeks ago

          Corin Reveck, ackshyually.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Calling it now: Singed will drink his Insanity Potion, and the enforcers will chase him. He will take out the big enforcer guy, and then Singed will take his shield. That will be the explanation for why he uses a shield in-game once he is given an ASU.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >Riot games when league released
    >we just wanted to troll people with this body type that's unexpected in movies or video games
    >oh wow what's with that schizo skinny girl, she's so crazy and she's like a stick

    >OMG I'm lusting after this bodytype, she's perfection

    • 2 weeks ago

      Joke is on you I liked crazy sticks before it was cool.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wanna bet Warwick is going to show up in that temple fight and rip everyone a new one?

      Gonna be honest with you I'm more excited for season 2 of Valoran Town.

      Extremely perfect.

      I love flat women

  5. 2 weeks ago

    remember that the music video is canon, yes Vi brutally assaulted Powder as they grew up togheter

    • 2 weeks ago

      not brutally but yeah she was clearly somewhat abusive to her. I mean, all the issues Powder had didn't appear out of thin air

    • 2 weeks ago

      not brutally but yeah she was clearly somewhat abusive to her. I mean, all the issues Powder had didn't appear out of thin air

      That should have been in the show

    • 2 weeks ago

      No she didn't. She screamed at her angrily but she didn't beat on her

    • 2 weeks ago

      Music video?

      • 2 weeks ago

        every scene in this video is canon

        • 2 weeks ago

          I love powder so much it’s unreal

    • 2 weeks ago

      >top pic
      powder is much weaker than her sister so she fears getting yelled at or her ass whooped when she causes trouble
      >bottom pic
      jinx is much weaker than her sister and knows with 100% certainty that vi's gonna whoop her ass as soon as she finds out that she betrayed her family and friends to join silco of all people

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Ekko has parents who worked hard to give him a better place to live
    >wants to be a gangster with his homies

    • 2 weeks ago

      His parents were part of the class struggle, and were brutally massacred while protesting for better working and living conditions.
      Worst case scenario for Ekko is that his parents would've been partial to Silco's strategy of getting enforcers off their neck long enough to develop Zaun's industrial and military capacity to where they could force Pilties to the negotiating table. In that case they'd be annoyed he was fricking with Silco's operation.
      Otherwise, Ekko is a teenager leading a militant cell based out of an anarchist compound he helped found. He provides material support for the poor and downtrodden in the form of food, shelter, and community. His cell fights against the undercity's home grown bourgeoisie that exploits its workers just as much as the pilties do, and who poison and cripple the vulnerable with a drug that's just as destructive as alcohol. Ekko is continuing their fight in every way that he can. Short of single-handedly unionizing every undercity worker and waging a protracted people's war against Piltie oligarchs and their goons, there isn't much more they could ask of him. They'd be proud of their son.

      • 2 weeks ago

        damn why do theory commies project on to this show so much

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not that anon, but to be fair Arcane just oozes themes about class differences, and Piltover/Zaun is basically in some earlier stage of capitalism. I'm honestly surprised I don't see more Marxists foaming at the mouth over this show

          • 2 weeks ago

            class struggle is all that matters, the race crap is utterly irrelevant, admittedly and ideally in an Empire races should be segregated, each with their own ethnic leader
            Piltover is still mercantile to be fair, they're all about accumulation of currency from everywhere and even in the lanes, the only good currency is the precious metals based one, everything else is just an accounting tool for temporary usage.
            Their focus on progress has lead to an explosion of wealth as well but they still have the mentality of hoarding it all.
            Their economy is also starting to depend a bit more on international trade which can put pressure on them to become fully capitalistic to be fair, maybe the Piltover - Zaun dynamic could sparkle that and then they can focus on social aid

            • 2 weeks ago

              >admittedly and ideally in an Empire races should be segregated, each with their own ethnic leader
              You sound like a true Patriotic Socialist/Nazbol. Based tbh

            • 2 weeks ago

              Humans are tribalistic by nature. It's deeply ingrained in our DNA after thousands of years of war.
              When filming Babylon 5, the actors playing background aliens started hanging out with those dressing up in the same costumes. It's natural to be among those like you.

          • 2 weeks ago

            maybe pre timeskip, after shimmer became a thing it's as class conscious as robber barons fighting nobles with poorgays as pawns

          • 2 weeks ago

            Why the surprise? Arcane doesn't go into any great detail about the political or economic systems that makes piltover and zaun function because it isn't the point of the story, nor does it have the time to. It's a show about how the trauma that comes from oppression effects people, not about those political systems themselves.
            Contrast this with Andor. Throughout its 12 episodes it does the heavy lifting with each arc exploring the real power dynamics of empire. They show us loss of common land (the enclosures), wrongful imprisonment, crooked and violent fascist cops, prison labor, colonialism, industrial disasters, cultural erasure, etc. all real things that have happened. And I think exploring that is far more powerful than a character telling you about it or having a few brief shots.
            When Arcane does explicitly discuss class struggle and what is to be done, it makes baffling decisions regarding the viewpoints of the two most class conscious characters (which is sublimated into nationalism of course, because liberal ideology cannot tolerate a class formation that is purely thus). Instead of taking inspiration from real life movements the writers have Silco and Vander argue as if their only two options were status quo or an unwinnable war. They could've militarized their side of the border; formed militias to keep the enforcers out; organized strikes in the mines and coordinated strikes with topside workers; attract supporters and bolstered their ranks by providing concrete aid to undercity residents in the form of free meal programs, sponsoring schools, education centers to improve literacy, legal aid offices, clothing distribution, local transportation, and health clinics. But no, they act as if the only options were to use shimmer to storm piltover or do nothing. Again, examining the realities of class struggle isn't the point of Arcane, and that's okay, but no one should be surprised lefties don't stan it like they do Andor and Disco Elysium.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I really wouldn't have minded another episode exploring more of the politics to make it an even 10. Mostly going into detail regarding the specific of the relationship of Piltover and Zaun and how Vander dying affected the undercity. The mooks that are under silco's thumb just kinda show up from nowhere and it isn't really all that clear the kind of relationship that Silco has with topside, though he seems generally respected.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah, nine eps felt way too fricking cramped. the first three were too slow paced, and the last six were rushed af. I couldn't buy any of the romances bc of it.
                another ep like you said would've helped.
                twelve eps would be even better and allowed the story to breathe. If they must restrict themselves to nine eps, then condensing the first arc into two eps and added one ep to the second would've been a good compromise.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it isn't really all that clear the kind of relationship that Silco has with topside
                I think they just see him as just another corporate industrialist. They didn't see him as trouble or having any major political ties because he kept his nose down and Marcus insisted everything was on the up and up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      tbh I liked his old backstory a little bit better because it was a little more light hearted despite the fact that ekko's friends kept killing themselves and putting themselves in dangerous situations knowing that ekko would save them

  7. 2 weeks ago
  8. 2 weeks ago

    Ekko must be having the weirdest day, with the youth of Zaun having Jinx as their icon. His ex druggy tree house of understanding seems to be not that popular when the oligarchs goons come crack heads in the slum.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hate Ekko in this show. I get what they tried to do, but everything about it screams cliched Chaotic Good. He's treated like a visionary for having a refugee camp with zero explanation or depth. It would have been more interesting if they leaned further into the fireflies, like they were used to create some sort of biofuel and that was the basis for their little civilization.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He has built a visually imposing high tech tree society in the middle of resource scarcity. He's truly brilliant and wishes to do the best from his station in life. How does that simple thing filter people?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Shut the frick up.

          • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        They're clearly saving Ekko to be the new protagonist when we return to Zaun & Piltover.

        Problem is, that won't happen for years. Next season/show after s2 will definitely focus on the Noxian invasion of Ionia.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I just want them to take five seconds to distinguish Ekko's refugee camp from everyone else. One shot of them crushing fireflies to turn into fuel. That's it. That's all I want.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >when we return to Zaun & Piltover.
          unless they make a AAA game, this is never happening. Riot says they want to explore all corners of Runeterra in new shows and considering how slow they go and that we might get two seasons per show, it will be 2050 before they run out of regions and seasons

    • 2 weeks ago

      To be fair to him, he didn't do something as big as bombing the council. If he did, he might've had more zaunites supporting him. Iirc, Jinx was seen as a freak before she bombed the council.

      I hate Ekko in this show. I get what they tried to do, but everything about it screams cliched Chaotic Good. He's treated like a visionary for having a refugee camp with zero explanation or depth. It would have been more interesting if they leaned further into the fireflies, like they were used to create some sort of biofuel and that was the basis for their little civilization.

      The whole point of his character is that despite how much of shithole of a city Zaun is, he is a symbol of hope, he does what he can to help those that have been left to rot. Just like how that big ass tree was somehow able to grow in a shithole with terrible air.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >If he did, he might've had more zaunites supporting him.
        And he won't do shit now, he will stay in his treehouse if it doesn't get burned, b***h on why everyone is getting so radical or get obsessed about archiving some perfect timeline.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He might if push comes to shove. Ekko isn't really living in the past like Jinx and Vi and he isn't talking about what he could have in future like Silco and Jayce, he focuses on what he can do now for himself and others, so he'll probably just give on trying to go back x amount of years into past with the z-drive.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Ekko has his own beef with Jinx. It's more personal to him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ekko went almost nowhere in season 1.
      Same with himmerdumbass.
      >Looks like the timeskip happened.
      >Uh I guess I’ll attack Silco but also job half the time anyways.
      >Oh ho, what’s this? Vi the jailbird and her new cop friend need a mcguffin stone?
      >Well I’ll just let them march on over to piltover, I’ll even risk my life soloing jinx so the nice lesbian couple can leave for piltover in peace.
      >Oops I got blown up guess I’ll just lick my wounds and frick off to my tree village. (which is totally not war crime bait for season 2)
      Honestly, why was he included?
      He better have some sick nasty time travel scenes up his sleeve if this character is actually going pay off in the end.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ekko's problem is the lack of screen time on top of being a side character. He had less than 30 minutes of screen time. Now that I think about it you can argue that he sort is a plot device.
        >Ekko tells powder about Jayce's place which leads to Vi and company robbing Jayce's home
        >the firelights successfully destroy the cargo on the airship which gets Jinx in trouble with Silco, so she steals the gemstone to prove her worth to Silco
        >the firelights interrupt the sisters' reunion and kidnap Vi which contributes to Jinx's slipping sanity
        >Jinx gets shimmer injected into her because nearly killed herself with a grenade after Ekko whopped her ass, but the reason why she's still in one piece is because Ekko hit the grenade away far enough so that it wouldn't kill either of them
        He's more than a plot device imo, but he basically only has one actual episode of character and that's it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He’s more of a plot accessory than a device.
          Virtually everywhere in the story he is he could easily be cutout or replaced.
          >The heist tip.
          Could have been the shopkeeper or some other zaunite
          >The smuggler fight.
          He doesn’t even face reveal in this fight.
          It could easily have been Caitlyn spoiling the operation instead.
          >Sister reunion
          Instead of the tree gang showing up, you could have Silco’s gang show up looking for both Vi and Jinx. (They literally just had a scene with Silco hunting them)
          The girls get a moment to see each other, but Silco’s gang spoils the mood for Vi and Caitlyn, so they flee.
          Or you could have enforcers show up and they then smoke bomb Vi out of there like the tree gang did.
          Also instead of spending time in the tree village, you could spend time with Vi emotionally reconciling that her sister has changed.
          This would also make Vi’s fight with Sevika later more personal as Sevika would have been the one who interrupted her reunion with Jinx.
          >Bridge scene
          Jinx would ambush as normal but with no Ekko this time.
          Instead Jinx gets blown up by Markus, as was foreshadowed by his fantasy of grenading Silco.
          You could even have him keep the original grenade from that scene.
          He just pretends to be dead until jinx gets close, then boom.

          Would it be better this way? Eh, probably not. I think Ekko is a cool character that adds to the tapestry of the show. But it still really feels like he has no agency and was just slotted into a plot that was built around other characters.

          • 2 weeks ago

            At this point the entire story would have to be rewritten. Despite his small amount of screen time he has a big impact on the story and replacing him would mean the story will go in a different direction.
            >heist tip
            Why would she trust some random person? Ekko was her friend so she has more of a reason to trust him, plus he followed Jayce back to his place, so he knew exactly where Jayce lived, also because Ekko was her friend he has a good reason to help her out. A random zaunite wouldn't know her personally and thus wouldn't have a good reason to tell her help her out in that way.
            >the smuggler fight
            Caitlyn is not fighting Silco's goons and Jinx by herself and she wasn't even in the area when the fight happened.
            >"But what if the cargo gets confiscated"
            Then Silco would have no reason to be disappointed in Jinx's performance if the cargo wasn't destroyed.
            >sister reunion
            If Silco's gang showed up instead then Jinx would struggle to trust Silco afterwards.
            >the enforcers
            The enforcers didn't come knocking on Zaun's door until act 3, so you would now have to give Markus a reason for why he decided take action instead of doing business with Silco. They would also need a motive to arrest Vi.
            >Bridge scene
            >Jinx would ambush as normal but with no Ekko this time.
            Instead Jinx gets blown up by Markus
            That wouldn't work because he would have to survive a point blank explosion from a mechanical firelight.
            Again, the story would be very different if Ekko didn't exist.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I fricking love the music in the trailer, it's giving me Ghost in the Shell vibes

    • 2 weeks ago

      It gave me Black folk in africa vibes tbqh.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's Bulgarian folk choir, moron.

        • 2 weeks ago

          So non white, I knew it felt a gypsy vibe.

          • 2 weeks ago

            How do you live with yourself

            • 2 weeks ago

              I am a Bulgarian so I'm just a happy person overall. Now begone, colored hair troon freak.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You are not happy. You are miserable and obsessed with trannies.
                Rope. Use it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >terminally online troon projects his mental state
                such a tragedy

              • 2 weeks ago

                >everyone is a troony!
                Again, how do you live with yourself?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I a woman not a troon
                sure thing, freak

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's a troll or even a bot.

              • 2 weeks ago

                He's OP
                He just says whatever to get engagement out of people
                He's that lonely

              • 2 weeks ago

                he's lonely and happy, you're lonely and a man, never to be a woman, good job schizo detective

              • 2 weeks ago

                He got bullied for avatargayging in Cinemaphile
                Now he's trying to imitate it

                kek what a lonely necro bumping b***h

        • 2 weeks ago


          I thought it sounded familiar

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Heartsteel show next?

    • 2 weeks ago

      did that shit even hit like KDA?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nothing will ever match the numbers of KDA
        It had modest success but got overshadowed by some kpop girl group that released a single for overwatch around the same week. Might have done better than True Damage overall? At the very least there's a fujo audience keeping the AU somewhat alive

        • 2 weeks ago

          why are they hanging out with a black guy and a rotweiler?

        • 2 weeks ago

          this sends strong homosexual vibes

          • 2 weeks ago

            what gave you that idea

            • 2 weeks ago

              the first few frames before I've closed it

    • 2 weeks ago

      People used to play league because it was easy to install and so on but no one cares about valorant because it had a rootkit since day 1, nowadays people don't care about league either.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    There's nothing inherently wrong with tradition, stability. I appreciate this. I find so many good elements in Jinx but the show poisons the well and tries to make these things seem inherently wrong or a pathology. They might as well be her anchors in the most positive sense, had she lacked any issue those might've made her bloom even more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      With all the hubbub, we tend to forget that this is a traumatized girl who has never been able to catch a break since she was born. Her family lived in a hole in the ground, only for them to be killed in an uprising gone wrong. She was taken in by a rogue-ish community leader with a troubled past and basically told that she has to fight nearly every day of her life if she wants to survive. Then, a series of unfortunate events leads her to becoming the adopted daughter of a crime lord, both made to witness and participate in the radical changes that her home endures, as well as witnessing changes within herself. No longer the little girl, she becomes strong and feared, a true survivor. However, survival came at the cost of her mental health, which has been degrading ever since.

      Now, because of her actions, she's being hunted by everyone, including the one person she once believed would always have her back.

      You can't help but look at all of this and wonder: Did it really have to be this way?

      I look at Jinx and I see someone with so much talent and beauty, yet she's made to be a monster by those who need her to be a monster to justify the things they intend to do.

      can anyone save jinx

      She'll have to save herself.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >who has never been able to catch a break since she was born.
        she's literally adopted by the biggest drug kingpin in the undercity, an angsrlty nepobaby posing as a revolutionary

        wait is this why a lot of internet gays relate to her?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >an angsrlty nepobaby posing as a revolutionary
          She's neither a nepobaby nor a revolutionary. One, all Silco ever really gave her was words of advice and a little bit of encouragement. Everything else she seemed to have to get herself. And two, she's not going to care for being a symbol of Zaunite revolution. It's just what she became for some people.

          You shouldn't be saying moronation like this at this point, Anon.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >she seemed to have to get herself.
            yeah if you're willfully blind

            • 2 weeks ago

              I say "seemed" because we simply don't know. At the same time, I doubt Silco would've wanted his daughter to live in a hole in the ground with a bunch of graffiti-covered knick-knacks. That was her choice.

              I wish the idiots who make stuff like this would stop confusing appreciation for "idolization". No, just because Tony Montana is one of my favorite characters doesn't mean I don't think he wasn't a degenerate drug lord. Besides, maybe we should be asking more questions about society itself if so many people look up to characters who go against it in some way.

              Honestly we can’t say for sure how much autonomy Jinx truly had because we didn’t see how Silco raised and changed her way of thinking as a child, only the aftermath when she was already in the palm of his hand. She stayed with him because she wanted to and she wanted to because that is how he brought her up. He projected on her and taught him to project on him until both were convinced that they were the same and all the other had. The medicine needle for his eye perfectly symbolizes their relationship. He taught her to be loyal and serve him and because of her he started to slip as he relied on her more and more personally.

              She might've had to rely on him more when she was younger, but as the years went by it's clear that he needed her more than she needed him.
              >The medicine needle for his eye perfectly symbolizes their relationship. He taught her to be loyal and serve him and because of her he started to slip as he relied on her more and more personally.
              That's what I'm getting at also. It was getting to the point where Silco wouldn't even be able to function without Jinx. Their relationship is a co-dependent one, of course, but it's not balanced. Jinx could run off and do what she wants, which usually had to do with impressing Silco or her vendetta against Topside, while Silco himself needed Jinx to do the things he couldn't, like attack Topside and keep his infection in check with shimmer.

              • 2 weeks ago

                He literally doesn't need her for either of those things. He only needs her for her company and her affection. She's the single person in the world he decided to invest his trust in. Jinx had Vi as a potential rebound still.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >He literally doesn't need her for either of those things
                So why didn't he attack Topside once he became one of Zaun's big fish? Why did it get to the point where he didn't even know how to work his shimmer injector and needed Jinx to do it for him? Silco became dependent on Jinx, just as she became dependent on him.
                >He only needs her for her company and her affection.
                So, you're just proving my point, then? He needed her.
                >She's the single person in the world he decided to invest his trust in. Jinx had Vi as a potential rebound still.
                Jinx believed Vi was dead for the longest time, and it's the revelation of Vi still being alive that puts her at odds with Silco, because he lied to her (granted, he didn't know that Vi was still alive, but I doubt he would've told Jinx if he did). As far as Jinx was concerned, she had no one else other than Silco. And Silco was very cold towards her, which is why she felt the need to prove himself to him, to earn that affection. In doing so, she ended up giving him the key to achieving his dream.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >So why didn't he attack Topside once he became one of Zaun's big fish?
                Piltower was always a step ahead. A revolt would have been a failure.. which is why he kept on growing shimmer armies.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but I doubt he would've told Jinx if he did
                he doesn't. he learns she's alive from Sevika at the end of episode 5 and immediately sends all his men to track her without telling Jinx. she notices something is off and bullies poor Chuck and Sevika to learn the truth. and then she assaults Silco calling him a liar. he gaslights her by saying Vi came back only for the gemstone (she clearly told him she went back for Powder). she first believes her but at the tea party a part of her is again seeing Silco as a liar who deliberately hid Vi from her and stole "our" lives (even though he told her he wasn't aware she was alive, the only truthful part of his speech but Jinx no longer believes him since he lied about the rest).

              • 2 weeks ago

                Without Vi to run to, Silko had nothing to fear. Jinx would undoubtedly remain loyal to him. When he realizes Vi is still alive this certainty came crushing down and she is the only thing he could bring himself to lose. Not for any utilitarian reason, but because he loved her that much.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Not for any utilitarian reason, but because he loved her that much.
                You can argue that, because she's the only Zaunite who knows how to weaponize hextech, there was a utilitarian element to him wanting to hold on to her. However, he did love her, which is why he would've never given her to Piltover, and in his final moments he just wanted her to know that she was everything he ever wanted her to be. Perfect.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >she was everything he ever wanted her to be
                that's exactly perverse narcissist when you need to impose your external vision of somebody onto them. Silco wanted Jinx to be "literally him", no just herself. he could never accept she still loved her sister because he never forgave Vander. and he refused to realize she was becoming a danger even to her loved ones, which ultimately caused even more damage to herself. accidentally killing her family twice and getting crazier each time is "being perfect"? what a joke.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm not saying Silco was a saint. He did project onto her, but he also cared about her. He accepted her instead of rejecting her, never mocked or belittled her, and only raised his voice to her once.
                >accidentally killing her family twice and getting crazier each time is "being perfect"? what a joke.
                She's stronger than she was as Powder, able to fight back against anyone who tried to harm her and she's taking the fight to Piltover instead of hiding out. Also, frick you. Silco is right. She is perfect.

                His belief in her competence is completely irrational from the standpoint of the audience. She does succeed to weapoize it, but Jinx is right in saying that singed should've been the one in charge of that considering the results of their previous collaborations.

                >but Jinx is right in saying that singed should've been the one in charge of that considering the results of their previous collaborations.
                She only said that because she doubted herself in that moment. Silco helped her to get rid of that doubt.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The point is it's not clear why he believes she's capable of pulling this shit off. Singed is a seasoned scientist with plenty successful projects under his belt, Jinx just makes bombs out of trash.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Silco didn't know about Jinx's affinity for tinkering and weapons when he found her. That was something he learned about over time, and I'm sure it played a role in him pushing her to work on weaponizing hextech.

                Also, she's the only Zaunite with any experience with hextech, having used it as a child. She also stole Viktor and Jayce's notes on the subject alongside the gemstone and figured out the whole thing relatively quickly. All she needed was a little bit of encouragement.
                >Singed is a seasoned scientist with plenty successful projects under his belt, Jinx just makes bombs out of trash.
                Sure, Singed could've done it, but I think by that point in the show Singed and Silco weren't working together the way they had in the past. The only time Silco goes to him is out of desperation after Jinx blows herself up on the bridge.

              • 2 weeks ago

                They absolutely do work as closely as they used to if not closer given the drastic spike in shimmer production capabilitie, shimmer juggernauts, sevika's new arm.
                Jinx having previous experience handling hextech is barely worth mentioning. Especially considering the new prototype is specifically made in such a way as to prevent the types of interactions Powder had with the original units. Everything that she stolen could've been easily passed onto professor.

                Silco being aware of her proclivity towards tinkering doesn't explain him entrusting her the biggest tramp card he has. He's clearly being affected by his affection towards her so in that reegard ascribing this particular interaction utilitarian connotation seems misguided.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They absolutely do work as closely as they used to if not closer given the drastic spike in shimmer production capabilitie, shimmer juggernauts, sevika's new arm.
                Singed could've gotten the ball rolling on those things with Silco finding a way to mass produce them. Mass production doesn't require the constant presence of the inventor.
                >Jinx having previous experience handling hextech is barely worth mentioning. Especially considering the new prototype is specifically made in such a way as to prevent the types of interactions Powder had with the original units. Everything that she stolen could've been easily passed onto professor.
                I do think it is worth mentioning, since it's an example of hextech being weaponized, which is what Silco ultimately wanted her to do. The refined hextech needed more work to get the raw energy out of them, but the idea of them being used offensively was proved a long time ago.
                >Silco being aware of her proclivity towards tinkering doesn't explain him entrusting her the biggest tramp card he has. He's clearly being affected by his affection towards her so in that reegard ascribing this particular interaction utilitarian connotation seems misguided.
                We can say that his affections played a role, but if anyone was going to weaponize hextech in Zaun, it would've been Jinx. She has experience building viable weapons in her pistol and Pow-Pow (and eventually Fishbones), as well as countless explosives; she knows just how powerful hextech can be if used offensively; she's also very close to Silco and any breakthroughs she makes can be put to work almost immediately.

              • 2 weeks ago

                We have literally no reason to assume Singed and Silco relationship worsened any. Everything points in the direction of it being even more tight if anything and nothing points otherwise outside of Silco tasking Jinx with weaponizing hexteck.

                The initial units are not hextech. It's just magical ore. Incredibly large amounts of unstable magical energy packed in a small pearl. A literal toddler would be able to weoponize it. Hextech is a technology that allows to stabilize this energy and to implement it for practical purposes. That was the first breakthrough that put Jayce and hexteck on the map and which allowed such rapid technological progress and economic growth to take place in piltover in such a short time.

                As to Jinx being the pnly one capable of making use of the technology on Zuan side I remain unconvinced. What you mention doesn't necessitate her being at the helm. It's understandable why it would.make sense from a storytelling standpoint, but from the standpoint diogesis the justification outside of Silco's irrational decision is just not there.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Singed is more of a biologist.

                Remember that Jinx appears to have made the first ever fully automatic weapon with, essentially, access to little more than trash tier resources. Viktor calls her explosives ingenious. She IS a highly capable artificer, she's just also pretty flighty. She might actually be better at working with magitech type shit than Jayce and the like simply because she's inclined toward more magical thinking.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well, Silco has no fricking idea what this little blue orb is capable of. He is no scientist. Given Victor's expirementation. Biological/chemical approach is a valid way to go about as far as creating stuff with hextech is concerned. I am well aware that Jinx is a natural born genius, the fact I feankly find a tad over the top, in the framework of the story as well as of the high praise Victor gave her. That doesn't at all translate to Silco being aware and being able to appreciate it to the same degree when he has access to another reputable genius at his disposal.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Well, Silco has no fricking idea what this little blue orb is capable of. He is no scientist.
                He's got to know, if only due to Jinx knowing where she got it from, that it's a powering element for hextech, and all the hextech stuff he'd have seen seems to have to do with more mechanical engineering than biochemistry. It's very interesting that chemtech in the end might just be biochemical hextech resulting from Singed getting his hands on that stuff through Viktor, though.
                >I am well aware that Jinx is a natural born genius, the fact I feankly find a tad over the top, in the framework of the story as well as of the high praise Victor gave her.
                Really? That seems like half the point of her character. She's a genius as incredible as someone like Viktor or Jayce, but the conditions she was raised in have held her back and meant her potential is ultimately squandered. That feels like an essential part of her tragedy.
                >That doesn't at all translate to Silco being aware and being able to appreciate it
                I half agree. I think he has incredible faith in Jinx, but he also has every reason to believe that his engineering genius will be useful on hextech than his biochemical one. To be honest, he also just might not trust Singed as much. Jinx is 'in the family', so to speak, while Singed is more of a contractor - one that clearly has his own, somewhat inscrutable and worrying goals.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Her tragedy is poignant enough without making her all around prodigy. Her combat abilities already make her somebody to be sought-after. At least it comes across a tiny bit less stupid than Jayce picking up the hammer.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's literally what every parent does, you delusional moron. He saw himself in Jinx and he genuinely wanted to help her in the way he knew how. He's not an angel walking on earth who can readily cast away his happiness especially considering he was very much on point in his estimation of Vi's eventual disillusionment.

                Silco didn't want Jinx to be his exact copy he saw strength and beauty in her wounded person. He thought that by helping her nurse these wounds as he did his, by making her let go off the past, she would reach her full potential.

                Btw Silco did stop hating Vander. Even at the end of the season 1, he offers him to join his effort.

              • 2 weeks ago

                His belief in her competence is completely irrational from the standpoint of the audience. She does succeed to weapoize it, but Jinx is right in saying that singed should've been the one in charge of that considering the results of their previous collaborations.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >there was a utilitarian element to him wanting to hold on to her
                not really. He didn't give a shit about the hextech in the end. It was never on his plans to get it or weaponize it. He only started thinking about such possibility when Jinx brought it. If she had never brought it, he would've still hold on to her.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I genuinely didn't read all of your posts because it's clear you're in an unwell mental place and none of your takes are useful or based in reality, plus it's all mass quoting.

              • 2 weeks ago


                We have literally no reason to assume Singed and Silco relationship worsened any. Everything points in the direction of it being even more tight if anything and nothing points otherwise outside of Silco tasking Jinx with weaponizing hexteck.

                The initial units are not hextech. It's just magical ore. Incredibly large amounts of unstable magical energy packed in a small pearl. A literal toddler would be able to weoponize it. Hextech is a technology that allows to stabilize this energy and to implement it for practical purposes. That was the first breakthrough that put Jayce and hexteck on the map and which allowed such rapid technological progress and economic growth to take place in piltover in such a short time.

                As to Jinx being the pnly one capable of making use of the technology on Zuan side I remain unconvinced. What you mention doesn't necessitate her being at the helm. It's understandable why it would.make sense from a storytelling standpoint, but from the standpoint diogesis the justification outside of Silco's irrational decision is just not there.

                >As to Jinx being the pnly one capable of making use of the technology on Zuan side I remain unconvinced. What you mention doesn't necessitate her being at the helm. It's understandable why it would.make sense from a storytelling standpoint, but from the standpoint diogesis the justification outside of Silco's irrational decision is just not there.
                It's "not there" because you're refusing to see it, for whatever reason. We don't see anyone else make the kinds of weapons that Jinx does. The Enforcers have lever-action rifles while she's carrying a minigun. Silco's not irrational for thinking that his daughter, who builds weapons that no one else can, may have a shot for weaponizing the technology he needs to level the playing field with Piltover.

                Damn, she knew where important shit might've been stored. She had no fricking way of knowing about the fricking mcguffin itself. She lucked out on finding it.

                You have yet to say anything that could back up what you're saying, only repeating the same things over and over.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You have nothing to back up your shit either. When only four people know about the existence of the prototype in all of fricking piltover. Thinking that Jinx, who just done fricked up the smuggling operation and was told to cool off, should be aware not only of its existence, but also about its exact location is straight up delirious.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >When only four people know about the existence of the prototype in all of fricking piltover. Thinking that Jinx, who just done fricked up the smuggling operation and was told to cool off, should be aware not only of its existence, but also about its exact location is straight up delirious.
                Anon, she already knows that hextech is a thing, and it's very possible that she's been to Piltover before. I'm also looking at the heist itself and how she carried it out, which was far too smart for her to just "get lucky". You're just selling her short, plain and simple.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No fricking shit she knows hex tech is a thing. It's huge ass fricking gates that had been the cornerstone of piltover economy for who knows how many years before the stabilized crystal entered the picture. Why didn't Jinx steal it during all the time? Bcause clearly stabilizing the rough crystal is an incredibly difficult matter that it took two geniuses to pull it off. The prospect of using hextech in tools other than gates seems to only be the consequence of the new breakthrough which Jinx luckily stumbled across ungarded unhidden fresh off the press right there in the open. How the frick is that not luck?

              • 2 weeks ago

                She chose to carry out the heist on Progress Day, the very day where Piltover shows off all of its fancy new technology and there would be less security around. How did she know this? Probably because it's not the first time she's been to Piltover. That isn't luck. That's her choosing the right time to strike.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The Enforcers have lever-action rifles while she's carrying a minigun
                Off topic but I always thought it was weird that Ekko managed to make flying skateboards but still wanted to go in for melee with a baseball bat or whatever. Like cmon, guns are not that complicated.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Production of ammunition requires a lot of resources, though. A gun is useless if you don't have the industrial base to churn out lots of bullets.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The Enforcers have lever-action rifles while she's carrying a minigun
                Off topic but I always thought it was weird that Ekko managed to make flying skateboards but still wanted to go in for melee with a baseball bat or whatever. Like cmon, guns are not that complicated.

                The bottleneck is brass casing production. It's not particularly difficult for individuals and non-state actors like Ekko's gang to produce the other components of smokeless rounds, but shaping brass precisely enough to reliably channel the primer ignition to the powder and reliably feed a repeating firearm requires serious machinery and resources.
                Black powder cartridges and firearms on the other hand are very fricking doable. They'd be dangerously outgunned the moment Jinx or any Enforcers show up, of course, but they'd still be useful for ambushing enemies and thinning out the ranks before charging in.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Production of ammunition requires a lot of resources, though. A gun is useless if you don't have the industrial base to churn out lots of bullets.

                This is interesting. So a nation that holds dear to guns always has to have a modicum of production capacity that serves everyone somehow.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Jinx is the daughter of the powerful man in Zaun, she can get whatever needs by just asking her father. Ekko is the leader of a group scavengers that settled in one place and he doesn't have any power over Zaun. It's literally a broke guy from the slums trying to make it vs the daughter of the richest guy in city.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Silco killed her entire foster family and wanted her sister killed and never told her he’s the one who had Marcus get rid of her. He manipulated her since she was a vulnerable little insane kid. Did he love her? Yes of course but the basis of their relationship was always very twisted when you remember that the reason she needed him was because he created the scenario where everything was taken from her and she would have to rely on only him. “Everyone else betrays us”

          • 2 weeks ago

            Finally someone else who isn't moronic.
            Silco killed Jinx's dad.

            Is there going to be a season 2?

            There should be. They said there would be.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >They said there would be.
              i hope you are right

          • 2 weeks ago

            He wasn't wrong though. Vi did betray Jinx.

          • 2 weeks ago

            For someone who desired control over others, Silco gave Jinx a lot of autonomy, and with that she was able to carve out an identity for herself. Of course, she was tied to Silco and relied on him for emotional support, but she was very much allowed to exist as her own person.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Honestly we can’t say for sure how much autonomy Jinx truly had because we didn’t see how Silco raised and changed her way of thinking as a child, only the aftermath when she was already in the palm of his hand. She stayed with him because she wanted to and she wanted to because that is how he brought her up. He projected on her and taught him to project on him until both were convinced that they were the same and all the other had. The medicine needle for his eye perfectly symbolizes their relationship. He taught her to be loyal and serve him and because of her he started to slip as he relied on her more and more personally.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I say "seemed" because we simply don't know. At the same time, I doubt Silco would've wanted his daughter to live in a hole in the ground with a bunch of graffiti-covered knick-knacks. That was her choice.
                I wish the idiots who make stuff like this would stop confusing appreciation for "idolization". No, just because Tony Montana is one of my favorite characters doesn't mean I don't think he wasn't a degenerate drug lord. Besides, maybe we should be asking more questions about society itself if so many people look up to characters who go against it in some way.
                She might've had to rely on him more when she was younger, but as the years went by it's clear that he needed her more than she needed him.
                >The medicine needle for his eye perfectly symbolizes their relationship. He taught her to be loyal and serve him and because of her he started to slip as he relied on her more and more personally.
                That's what I'm getting at also. It was getting to the point where Silco wouldn't even be able to function without Jinx. Their relationship is a co-dependent one, of course, but it's not balanced. Jinx could run off and do what she wants, which usually had to do with impressing Silco or her vendetta against Topside, while Silco himself needed Jinx to do the things he couldn't, like attack Topside and keep his infection in check with shimmer.

                >Silco himself needed Jinx to do the things he couldn't, like attack Topside and keep his infection in check with shimmer.
                He had plenty of disposable grunts he could use, and the idea that only Jinx could handle an injection is just silly. He could've built a fricking machine to do it for him

                You're right that the shimmer injector is a symbol, but it's a symbol for the unconditional trust he has in Jinx. To everyone else she's a dangerous lunatic, but to him he's someone he trusts with his life. And of course, it's a trust she keeps violating again and again (illustrated by how she ends up "torturing" him with said symbol of trust), but he keeps forgiving her again and again because he loves her. Silco's entire tale is one of a desperate struggle where cold, calculated villainy triumphs over emotion (i.e. cruel Silco succeeding where kind Vander failed) that ends up failing anyway because in one instance he chose love over common sense. Hell there's an entre scene that specifically exists to literally explain this to the moron audience but apparently people here are still too dense to get it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Hell there's an entre scene that specifically exists to literally explain this to the moron audience but apparently people here are still too dense to get it.
                Vigays aren't people

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Silco gave Jinx a lot of autonomy
              that's because she was addicted to his approval. he didn't really have to go out of his way to control jinx, she sought him out herself. he only panicked when vi returned.

          • 2 weeks ago

            she still literally clung on to power and used very real social ills to justify and satisfy her destructive tendencies, unlike hoodrat ekko who matured enough to keep his feelings in check
            past thread also showed how she barely even saw marcus as a father figure

          • 2 weeks ago

            another example of "she's literally me, but wait she's actually isn't, I have to make sure she is". many such cases.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah everything in Arcane is the fault of the people in power of Piltover and Zaun. Silco and the Council are the true villains, but now that they’re dead only the victims remain.
            Silco for his dream did not have to be that cruel towards his bro and those kids, he was a sick frick. It’s mainly his fault.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    can anyone save jinx

    • 2 weeks ago

      She doesn't need saving.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wanna bet Warwick is going to show up in that temple fight and rip everyone a new one?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jinx is perfect

      • 2 weeks ago

        Extremely perfect.

    • 2 weeks ago

      blood ties will always prevail.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She shot the only guy that could.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          No, Silco.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >Final chapter
    So is this second season gonna be the last one?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oh shit this is the final season of Arcane

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was always going to be two seasons.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >no Orianna


  15. 2 weeks ago

    This show is addictive to me because it's emotionally and visually manipulative, which are my vulnerabilities.
    Few things come close to this.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    *approaches you*

    • 2 weeks ago

      *fricks him woth my big wiener*

    • 2 weeks ago

      >he's gonna be my husband one day

    • 2 weeks ago
  17. 2 weeks ago

    In twilight's grasp, she moves unseen,
    A whisper where the shadows lean,
    With steps as silent as the dark,
    She glows—a subtle, piercing spark.

    Her eyes, a glint of secret tales,
    Through silent nights and shadowed veils,
    A specter in the moonlit glow,
    She watches, waits, a hidden show.

    In darkness, she finds her silent mark,
    A glimmering agent, a covert spark,
    In depths where secrets softly lie,
    She is the glow within the night's sigh.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gonna be honest I think she can take Warwick. In a fight.

  18. 2 weeks ago


  19. 2 weeks ago

    I fricking love this artist's jinx and silco

    • 2 weeks ago

      very cute

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Pray for her.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    >last season
    >never deal with the creation of chemtech
    these homosexuals miss the biggest opportunities

    • 2 weeks ago

      does sevika’s shimmer powered prosthetic arm not count as chemtech?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm pretty sure Singed going on the run will have the various chembarons start experimenting with their own unstable replacements for Shimmer and that'll be the chemtech from LoL.

  22. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      only a homosexual would be phony to himself

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Silco unironically did nothing wrong. He had one private moment of weakness which was exposed at exactly the wrong moment and fricked everything up for him, but he didn't do anything wrong. Did he do bad things? Yes, obviously. He did terrible things. But those things were necessary in order to make himself "the right man in the right place" and force Piltover to play ball. The alternative was being like Vander and just being a passive observer whuile everything around you is ground into dust. And if it wasn't for one mentally deranged gremlin drawing the wrong conclusions and losing her shit, he would've won and accomplished everything he set out to accomplish.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >And if it wasn't for one mentally deranged gremlin drawing the wrong conclusions and losing her shit, he would've won and accomplished everything he set out to accomplish.
        Such bullshit. Silco was doing exactly what Vander did, making deals with Topside instead of fighting them. Jinx got him far closer to his original goal of scaring Topside than he ever had been when she stole the hextech gemstone. He wasn't going to win shit with the trajectory he was heading down.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >He wasn't going to win shit with the trajectory he was heading down.
          he should already be grateful Jayce didn't kill him on the spot.

          • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          Vander kneeled and chose to be their lapdog in exchange for his personal safety. Silco forced them to the negotiating table. If you think that's the exact same thing you're severely moronic. Of course he still "made deals." The goal wasn't to genocide everyone in Piltover, it was to stop them from treating Zaun like shit. By presenting himself as the spokesperson of a unified Zaun (which wasn't exactly true but still) and forcing topside to acknowledge his demands instead of just begging for scraps, he made a huge step in the right direction. And yes, Jinx helped him get there by providing a piece of leverage that they couldn't ignore, but all she would've accomplished on her own (and all she did accomplish, in the end) was more death and destruction. Literally everything good that happened was because of Silco, not because of Vander's "if I lick their boots shiny enough and sell out everyone else, they might just leave me alone" mentality.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Vander's deal clearly extends to the entire undercity, it's just that for drama reasons we only see it applied to his own family.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Vander's deal clearly extends to the entire undercity
              Yeah wow look how that brilliant idea worked out.

              • 2 weeks ago

                they had 10 years of peace.

              • 2 weeks ago

                10 years of oppression, exclusion, marginalization, starvation, and being treated as one big garbage dump.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Didn't seem to get better under Silco.

              • 2 weeks ago

                vs exactly the same but with shimmer addiction and more internal inequalities under Silco

                Like I already said, Silco did bad things. I've never denied that. But they were necessary to build his powerbase and form a united front instead of just being a bunch of gangs scrapping for local power. If he hadn't united the chem barons under him he wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything and Piltover wouldn't have taken him serious enough to negotiate. He had to present himself as a powerful industrialist instead of just another rabble rouser because that's something Piltover understands and respects instead of simply crushes. He made the absolute most out of the shit hand he'd been dealt. Meanwhile Vander simply allowed things to deteriorate and was even complicit in the oppression without trying to do anything about it, but he felt sad about it so apparently that makes it alright. ;_;

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If he hadn't united the chem barons under him
                except he didn't, they betrayed him at the first opportunity and the metal jaw guy was hinting they could ally with "bigger fish" than Silco. Silco simply didn't live long enough to see his empire collapse.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >they betrayed him at the first opportunity and the metal jaw guy was hinting they could ally with "bigger fish" than Silco
                Bro, did you actually watch the show? Yes they were all ready to sell out Silco and kept trying him, but he kept them under his thumb with money and by force. That's exactly why he had to do the bad shit he did. You don't keep gangsters in line with dreams and promises.

                If you really think the chem barons would've been better for Zaun if they weren't actively being wrangled by Silco, I think you've been watching the wrong show because it certainly wasn't Arcane.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Wonder how Vander kept the chembarons in line. Popularity and power?

              • 2 weeks ago

                There were no chembarons in his time because there was no chem to baron over
                Back then proti-Zaun's economy consisted of pickpocketing and prostitution

              • 2 weeks ago

                >he kept them under his thumb with money and by force
                Marcus' loyalty was wavering and unlike what Silco said it would not be that easy to replace him (Silco was exposed to the council in literally less than a day after Marcus' death). the barons already held Silco accountable for the temporary border control, imagine what would have happened if Silco is no longer able to control the Enforcers. his only solution to control both the barons and Marcus is to threaten them constantly, and that solution is not viable in the long term. again it's the perfect mirror of Vander's power which offers global protection but does not protect individuals.
                >If you really think the chem barons would've been better for Zaun if they weren't actively being wrangled by Silco
                I never said this, but Silco is the one who created them in the first place. they are a part of his system and a part of his legacy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Vander's power which offers global protection but does not protect individuals.
                Vander had no power after the failed revolution, he was just a useful Quisling. And a "global protection" that protects nobody is no protection at all. This whole "b-but Vander actually kept Zaun safe" argument is just headcanon cope. Piltover had the run of Zaun and Silco's gangs were the only ones pushing back, for better or worse

              • 2 weeks ago

                Vander had power. He kept the gang wars off the streets.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It literally did. But this is beside the point Silko was playing a long game. Vander was playing a loosing one.

              • 2 weeks ago

                2 more weeks zaun will stop being a narco state shithole

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well, Rome wasn't built in a day and you are really fricking stupid to expect it to be. Revolutions cost money and manpower. You literally cannot win without eithher. When the usurper has all of the tramp cards, you must find less morally sound ways of procure the budget by collusion with enemy states or through ceiminal activity.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Rome wasn't built in a day
                he's more like building Colombia than Rome
                from Escobar to Kony to Bin Laden, leaders who preach righteousness but delve deep into dirty business rarely pull through. either they get corrupted or backstabbed by corrupted lieutenants.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Literally not a single fricking change was achieved by playing by the book. The difference between the people you mention and Silco is that the latter is a fricking fictional character with a (nearly) unwavering belief in his cause. Before Jinx entered the picture he would've easily casted away the operation, his life and everything else he had if it meant to make his dream of independent zaun a reality.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Didn't seem to get better under Silco.

              • 2 weeks ago

                vs exactly the same but with shimmer addiction and more internal inequalities under Silco

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Vander kneeled and chose to be their lapdog in exchange for his personal safety
            Not personal safety, but because he saw the cyclical nature of vindictive violence. He was part of it before, but chose to not escalate further, even if it harmed him personally. Others held onto grudges and ruined the peaceful future Jayce and Viktor were going for.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Silco forced them to the negotiating table. If you think that's the exact same thing you're severely moronic. Of course he still "made deals."
            Silco only got that far because of Jinx. If she hadn't carried out her attacks and stolen the hextech gemstone then Silco wouldn't have been meeting with Jayce to make a deal in the first place. Zaun having access to hextech leveled the playing field and Jinx was the only Zaunite who knew how to weaponize it, making her even more valuable to Silco.

            I like Silco, too, Anon. He's my second favorite character in the show after Jinx. But he couldn't have gotten as far as he did in the show without Jinx doing what she did, which, ironically, she did with the goal of gaining his approval. He built up an empire, yes, but he was no closer to independence after all of those years. Hell, to Piltover, he was just an industrialist, not a revolutionary.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Silco only got that far because of Jinx.
              Jinx only got that far because of Silco.


              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, they were co-dependent and influenced each other. That's not up for debate. Jinx just took what she learned from Silco and used it as motivation to attack Piltover, scaring them into making a deal, something he failed to do despite having many years to do it.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Silco had Shimmer, if not for Jinx he'd much further in his plan with that. It's hammered over and over in the narrative that Jinx is a loose canon that actively undermines the revolution effort. She's the main cause for the mistrust between Silco and his accomplices. According to Sevika, the frick up on the progress day wasn't the first time she has jinxed the operation. She managed to get a lucky find that retroactively made all of her previous frickups negligible. But it was still nothing but pure luck on her part, not some sort of benefit she consistently brought to the table.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >She managed to get a lucky find that retroactively made all of her previous frickups negligible. But it was still nothing but pure luck on her part, not some sort of benefit she consistently brought to the table.
                She didn't "get lucky". She knew that Silco was pissed off that Piltover was surpassing Zaun because of hextech and she made a plan to secure some hextech herself. Silco was only angry about the dead Enforcers, since he was paying Marcus off, but once he saw what she got him, his tune changed. And then she began to work on a hextech weapon, which Silco encouraged her to do since he finally had something to scare Piltover with, and it was all thanks to Jinx.

                >So why didn't he attack Topside once he became one of Zaun's big fish?
                Piltower was always a step ahead. A revolt would have been a failure.. which is why he kept on growing shimmer armies.

                >Piltower was always a step ahead.
                Yes, and hextech leveled the playing field, and he wouldn't have had access to hextech if it wasn't for Jinx.

                >Silco himself needed Jinx to do the things he couldn't, like attack Topside and keep his infection in check with shimmer.
                He had plenty of disposable grunts he could use, and the idea that only Jinx could handle an injection is just silly. He could've built a fricking machine to do it for him

                You're right that the shimmer injector is a symbol, but it's a symbol for the unconditional trust he has in Jinx. To everyone else she's a dangerous lunatic, but to him he's someone he trusts with his life. And of course, it's a trust she keeps violating again and again (illustrated by how she ends up "torturing" him with said symbol of trust), but he keeps forgiving her again and again because he loves her. Silco's entire tale is one of a desperate struggle where cold, calculated villainy triumphs over emotion (i.e. cruel Silco succeeding where kind Vander failed) that ends up failing anyway because in one instance he chose love over common sense. Hell there's an entre scene that specifically exists to literally explain this to the moron audience but apparently people here are still too dense to get it.

                Anon, it seems like we're in agreement here. Silco loved and trusted Jinx, and he became dependent on her as she was the only person he could somewhat lower his guard around. That trust was broken for Jinx when it came out that Vi was still alive.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Anon, it seems like we're in agreement here.
                You must be severely autistic if you can't grasp the difference between "he was completely dependent on her for practical things like injecting his medicine which he couldn't do himself" (deranged nonsense) and "he loved her and didn't want to lose her" (literally what the show is about).

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"he was completely dependent on her for practical things like injecting his medicine which he couldn't do himself" (deranged nonsense)
                We literally see him fumbling with the injector before Jinx swoops in and begins stabbing his face. What do you think that's supposed to imply?
                >"he loved her and didn't want to lose her" (literally what the show is about).
                I don't disagree with that. I'm just pointing out specifics.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She literally did get lucky. She was in the right place at the right time. Had the genius duo failed to come up with anything, she would have returned empty handed. The only reason she acted against Silco's command was her childhood trauma and insecurities. Not some cerebral reading of the situation.
                Silco was pissed because escalation meant forcing the hand of the council. Marcus can fool them only for so long before his uselessness would become impossible for them to bear. And that would mean a much higher chance for the whole operation to be jeopardized.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >She was in the right place at the right time. Had the genius duo failed to come up with anything, she would have returned empty handed.
                Had Jayce and Viktor failed to come up with anything, there wouldn't be any hextech in Piltover to begin with. They made their breakthrough when Jinx was still Powder and had been working on it ever since.

                I think you're selling Jinx really short here, too. She knew what Silco was angry about, had an idea to change that and carried out a plan.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What she stole is a completely new piece of technology still in try out stages. It's all their discoveries up to this point neatly packaged in easy to pickpocket form. Jinx had literally zero idea this prototype had existed, she just got lucky.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >What she stole is a completely new piece of technology still in try out stages. It's all their discoveries up to this point neatly packaged in easy to pickpocket form.
                You're forgetting that she already knows what hextech looks like. Granted, back then, it was still unrefined, but it's not a huge leap to assume that the smooth hextech gems used to be the rough, unrefined hextech gems.
                >Jinx had literally zero idea this prototype had existed, she just got lucky.
                She knew what she was looking for and exactly where it was being held. She didn't just wander in, hoping to find something. It was an actual heist.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Knowing what blue balls used in hextech look like and stumbling across a stabilized unit are two completely different beasts. She did intend to do a heist, but she had no fricking way of knowing she would find a jackpot. At the end of the day it's the two morons who were responsible with it's creation are to blame for 1)creating it at the time they did and 2)leaving it in the open unattended. Had Jayce literally put it in his fricking pocket, Jinx would've gotten her hands only on some documentation which usefulness without the prototype itself is highly questionable. Jinx did get incredibly lucky. So many things went in her favour. I have no idea how you can argue otherwise.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >She did intend to do a heist, but she had no fricking way of knowing she would find a jackpot.
                >Jinx did get incredibly lucky. So many things went in her favour. I have no idea how you can argue otherwise.
                I'm telling you, she knew where the gemstone was. She didn't simply blunder it. Watch the Progress Day scene again. She distracts the guards outside with a fire and an explosion, and then casually walks into the building with a bag on her back. That bag probably had all of the paint she used to cover the walls of the room where the gemstone was being held with graffiti. If she had just gotten lucky, she wouldn't have planned it so well.

                >r/asianmasculinity got killed by sevika
                >noseless woman ran away from town in fear
                It feels to convenient for Jinx to only have to kill 2 chembarons to take over but hey they gotta keep the pace fast

                There's more chembarons. Watch both the scene in S1 where Silco and Sevika go to meet them and the shot in the teaser trailer of them standing outside that building with the giant metal head. Smeech, the yordle chembaron, is one of them.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Damn, she knew where important shit might've been stored. She had no fricking way of knowing about the fricking mcguffin itself. She lucked out on finding it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                nta but jinx didn't steal just the gemstone. she also stole the apparatus in pic related, without it she could never have figured out how to activate the hexgem's powers by using certain runes. she did get lucky here; she jinxed the turn of events in silco's favor.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She didn't stole the apparatus, but the research notes, and figured it out by herself.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She also got Jayce's notes

                it was all three items:
                >hextech gem
                >research notes
                jinx knows a good steal when she sees it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The apparatus is unnecessary, the original was to prove they could produce magic without a person channeling, it only needed calibration. Newer gems like the one jinx stole are already stable, with the research notes she made the same thing, an apparatus to test if she could produce magic with the gem. Pretending she doesn't understand hextech and is just stealing tech is stupid.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She also got Jayce's notes

      • 2 weeks ago

        >sheer willpower to gain capital and expensive clothes is all that matters and which demands my respect

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mean, he unwilling to make a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of Zaun despite him telling others to make a sacrifice for Zaun.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Sell out his own daughter.
          Was never going to happen.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I know, but if he did then Zaun might've been better off.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Not really.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not n Jayce's mandate, he became jaded and careless by the end of it, he would've rolled over the status quo from before.
                yes on paper, politically it's better that they stay united but there still needs to be some change at the brains

              • 2 weeks ago

                Silco would've ran Zaun into the ground. He didn't seem to have any plans nor a desire to fix the widening gap between the small, wealthy upper-class (of which he was a part of) and the numerous lower classes. It's effectively the same situation that existed between Piltover and Zaun. He also had no plans to deal with the shimmer addiction crisis that he brought about; what do you think all those violent junkies are going to do when they find out that there's no more shimmer after Silco stopped all production and has no plans to help them with their problems?

                And that's all assuming that the surviving chembarons didn't take a page out of Finn's book and tried to have Silco killed for interfering with their business. He was okay with ending ALL shimmer production, not just his.

                I'm imagining a nightmare scenario where Silco agrees to hand Jinx over, does so, and then spends the next several years watching Zaun turn into Rapture.

              • 2 weeks ago

                So what you're saying is Silco had no long term plan because he didn't think he'd get that far?

              • 2 weeks ago

                He tried and did succeed as acting as the king in charge so to speak. That's all he had to be.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Soooo, this is 100% the Arcane VGU that's gonna be in the show right? Everyone else sorta works already, but Janna sticks out like a sore thumb being attached to Zaun the way she is right now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      no way they will add a goddess, the French morons are already tipping the fedora hard in this show

      • 2 weeks ago

        >the French morons are already tipping the fedora hard in this show
        To me it didn't look like that. It just seemed that the city tips fedora; if anything this show is about healing the rift created by the French revolution.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the fiercest anti-magic advocate is the magical creature expat from magical land
          >he's actually 100% right about the dangers of magic
          really activates the almonds

          • 2 weeks ago

            Religion is present in the undercity as well. Frog gods of gambling(?) had a shrine.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Tham is more addiction in general than just gambling.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not Tahm. Something else, but clearly a god of sorts.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Kang Koopa.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well, we do know that Arcane did start out as an adaption of normal league lore. Maybe that frog did start out as Tahm but was changed into a frog because it really does sound like Tahm.

              • 2 weeks ago

                no gods in Arcane yet, I doubt they'll permit it, the frogs (French) will fight against it - maybe future seasons with another studio

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Religion is present in the undercity as well
              Gods are real and are an active part of lol lore, that anon is moronic, there's even a rundown temple of janna, which further proves how low piltover and zaun have become after turning away from god

        • 2 weeks ago

          Almost every single of Jinx's scene is a nod to Lucifer and anti-Christian symbols.
          They constantly lack at a lack of souls, meaning etc.
          Could be just that our man cast is jaded af and we have no glimpse of hope because of this broken lens to be fair.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Almost every single of Jinx's scene is a nod to Lucifer and anti-Christian symbols.
            lol what

            • 2 weeks ago

              Didn't read your reply. Just saw lol what and dismissed it, lol.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Almost every single of Jinx's scene is a nod to Lucifer and anti-Christian symbols.
            She is a fallen angel.

            • 2 weeks ago

              She fell, mostly due to circumstances, to be fair, and she lacked all the important information. She's the opposite of a fallen angel. She's a human inside a tragedy and begs for redemption. It was symbolic manipulation for our part.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anakin is like that as well. You think angels don't have context?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anakin is a beautiful and full redemption arc, really loved star wars because of him.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Wonder if we'll see anything of the sort here.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I have 0 hopes for that; if that happens, my expectations will be subverted, and I'll be in shock and awe.

              • 2 weeks ago

                One of the questions the show asks is whether or not Jinx is a monster and if she can be redeemed. Is it really all her fault or is she just making the most of the shit hand life dealt her, and is facing the consequences for it as a result?

              • 2 weeks ago

                She doesn't need to be. She's perfect.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >She's perfect.
                She's perfection manifest, a miracle of the universe and a goddess among us mere mortals.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Almost every single of Jinx's scene is a nod to Lucifer and anti-Christian symbols.
            Can you actually point out some examples of this?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Like every scene where she's alone, her monkey is crucified above her head, she sits like that famous painting of Lucifer from modernity at the end of the first arc, the symbols abound everywhere...

              • 2 weeks ago

                >her monkey is crucified above her head
                You have to actually be on a cross to be crucified.
                >she sits like that famous painting of Lucifer from modernity at the end of the first arc
                You mean the end of the first season, when she sits on her Jinx chair? That pose is explicitly modeled after Tetsuo from Akira.

                Or do you mean her teary eye look at the end of episode three? I know some spergs have tried to say that shot is a pose perfect copy of Cabanel's Fallen Angel, but it's clearly not. The composition is different, the amount of face you can see is different, the framing is different, etc. Having an angry tearful look is not a reference.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nubian queen.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    >Favelado monkeys (Zaunites) rise up against human beings (Piltovans)
    Seems way too cliche

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Reallywant Ekko to get his Z-drive this season. I just know Fortiche will cook with it.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >Ambessa leading Noxians against the Undercity
    That'd mean Mel is dead or at least in critical condition.
    Viktor is probably disfigured and has to give himself the Darth Vader makeover.
    Jayce gets away with minor injuries possibly because Mel shielded him or something.
    The rest of the council is dead including Caitlyn's mother.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Mel was pregnant and nobody knew about it so she'll live.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >it was a baby girl
        >more father/daughter misery porn, this time with jayce

    • 2 weeks ago

      Was Viktor at the council meeting? I don’t remember him being there.

      • 2 weeks ago

        he was, Jayce even present him as a representative of the undercity, but he barely talks.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He was there, wanted to see history change and improve for the undercity.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Is the song by a different artist or a yet to be released Imagine Dragons original?

  28. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Years after Mel's mom jobs to the undercity, her big boy guard will become Urgot.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    is he gonna be in?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Probably not. Maybe a cameo at most.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >first thing in the morning
    >vi-rgins larping as ekko fangirls and hating on silco
    Same as it ever was

    • 2 weeks ago

      Thread needs more of these two

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Jinx was always a Goddess.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She is a goddess, but I don't think that's supposed to be her.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Unless there’s a big timeskip, they sure do build fast in Zaun

  32. 2 weeks ago

    The Cinemaphile thread is on life support, bros..........

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Now you might be wondering why Jinx is making Sevika fight the rat chembaron:


  34. 2 weeks ago

    They said Season 2 is the final season, but they will make spinoffs for different stories instead.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    You'd think the undercity would have employed magicians before Shimmer...
    Does Piltower have Fedorafeds going after witches and sorcerers?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Well given how strongly they were opposed to magic I wouldn't be surprised.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Fedorafeds going after witches and sorcerers?
      doubt, it's more likely Arcane just nerfed the presence of magic in steampunk city, maybe due to Heimie's trauma with it. we see some pretty ionian looking guys in timeskip zaun but I don't think there's anything worth working for there except money, also even pre-jayce piltie tech looks like it could go toe to toe with the average mage which is added risk.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    The goggles are back

  37. 2 weeks ago

    Regardless of plot armor, does Vi deserve to die for being such a massive frick-up?
    The answer is yes. And she's my favorite character too.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Who's that crazy furry with the mechanical claws

    • 2 weeks ago

      One of the chembarons Silco tried to poison by making them breathe
      There was also a qt with a goth vibe, Jinx will probably kill her too

      • 2 weeks ago

        >r/asianmasculinity got killed by sevika
        >noseless woman ran away from town in fear
        It feels to convenient for Jinx to only have to kill 2 chembarons to take over but hey they gotta keep the pace fast

      • 2 weeks ago

        >There was also a qt with a goth vibe, Jinx will probably kill her too
        More likely for pilties or noxians to do that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Caitlyn has a bear trap in the game named after hunting yordles. Can't have her kill off Heimer (?) so they sacrifice a feral one.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    >some yurincel has been crying about silco for 14 hours straight

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's not a bad villain in terms of how villains are portrayed in shows nowadays, but I could really relate to him on a bunch of levels, maybe the emotional drive. It's something to look up to as an ideal, someone so emotional who's able to align that with his ambition while creating prosperity around him.
      Also like that he's intuitive about manipulation but aligns it with his protective side, his nurturing for Jinx.

  40. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Strong enough to beat up a skinny brain damaged tween. Not strong enough to affect the plot yet.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    >keeps mass replying and making the thread about himself
    This is why you have to necrobump threads for hours

  42. 2 weeks ago

    snopes fact checking has debunked the claims that anyone can be happy outside of the Hegelian liberal totalitarian circle.

  43. 2 weeks ago
  44. 2 weeks ago

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is the premium bitrate file if anyone is curios, you can download it for archival.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    dumb contrarian

  46. 2 weeks ago
  47. 2 weeks ago

    We're not lonely sisters! We have our LGBT-friendly cartoons made by, unfortunately, short-lived artists.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Anyway, why is Vi a traitorish b***h? Why is she betraying her people

    • 2 weeks ago

      She's not. Jinx betrayed her people by joining the dude who killed her dad and brothers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the ideal she assumed out of anger did not align with her core identity and observations of life which kind of make her identify as someone enjoying the objectively good life above

  49. 2 weeks ago

    I'm gonna jack off to this shemale

    • 2 weeks ago

      I will tug my little penis to Vi fricking pool party Cait up the ass.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I will tug my little penis to Vi fricking pool party Cait up the ass.

      back to your containment board


      dumb sisters

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm gonna go back to /erp/ to do Vi again once this starts airing.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    He got bullied for avatargayging in Cinemaphile
    Now he's trying to imitate it

  51. 2 weeks ago

    don't forget that until the end of s1 both upside and downside are the exact same city, it's just a class struggle otherwise and poor political management, just like in real life often times, you vote in idealist politicians and garbage piles start to build up around your area

  52. 2 weeks ago

    I just realized Jinx is Lucy
    Ella always plays girls I want to bang

    • 2 weeks ago

      That show was custom made for low IQ morons.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    I need to find my new mid mains. Turns out I am a mid and support main and the league algorithm tried to persuade me of that a few times.
    Like Zed is custom built for me in terms of gameplay for the most part but it lacks protective abilities / dynamics which are a requirement for me.
    Zoe, Ekko, Diana might be it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This isn't lolg idk why youre seething over this cartoon. Watch Valoran Town like the other anon said its a good detox.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You're a failed janitor.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Do you maybe want to erp instead?

    • 2 weeks ago

      play ryze

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm on wild rift mobile, the PC one has a rootkit.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Viego while he's still overtunned.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh I shall try him, any tips before I go in?

            • 2 weeks ago

              yeah assassin Viego is a joke. Just bruiser like a normal person

          • 2 weeks ago

            He doesn't show up on mid tier lists, not that I care about the sorting there but It's to orient myself about viable picks, he's more of a jungler?

        • 2 weeks ago

          wrong board then


          • 2 weeks ago

            nice try trannies, seethe in isolation, you segregating is good enough

  54. 2 weeks ago

    >arcanebabs after learning about the other lol lesbians

    • 2 weeks ago

      no one cares

  55. 2 weeks ago

    >Voices the best girl in LoL which is Jinx
    >Is the best girl in another franchise
    How does she do it?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doesn't she frick Black folk in the fallout show?

      • 2 weeks ago

        She gave him a No Way gay in the end.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Who does she frick then?

          • 2 weeks ago

            A raider at the beginning larping as a vault dweller

    • 2 weeks ago

      You're not a serious person if you shill that show, the writing is atrocious and it makes you dumber.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But enough talking about tomorrowverse and MCU movies and TV shows

        • 2 weeks ago

          sure those as well, your criticism is valid
          I feel like the MCU crap doesn't even have any writing.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    No Police Brutality Arc for Vi?

    • 2 weeks ago

      that's what Riot intended with Vi when they created her, all their symbols were anti police and establishment at first - but they are owned by a totalitarian state right now where police executes people sometimes so who knows

      so if they are loyal to their core she just stays brutal, but they'll probably show that she did good somehow and she's effective at her job

      • 2 weeks ago

        >she just stays brutal, but they'll probably show that she did good somehow and she's effective at her job
        enforcer Vi won't pick at street urchins, the war has escalated with Jinx, Singed, and Viktor such that she'd be against their version of Los Zetas

        • 2 weeks ago

          It could be a great story of a cop born in the projects that tried to make a difference in the police force, only for her to see and endure some real horrendous shit that eventually turns her to the kind of cop she hated as a child.

          Though I doubt they'll have the balls to do it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >It could be a great story of a cop born in the projects that tried to make a difference in the police force, only for her to see and endure some real horrendous shit that eventually turns her to the kind of cop she hated as a child.
            >Though I doubt they'll have the balls to do it.
            In her old lore vi was exactly that, she became the type of cop that just enjoys torturing the vermin, doesn't even care to see if they were just poor people trying to get by

            • 2 weeks ago

              The problem is that Vi is too sympathetic to become that person in Arcane.

              People are already pissed that she's an Enforcer. I can't imagine how people would react if she became Piltover's Judge Dredd, nevermind an actual sadist cop.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The big sex scene will be between Jinx and Vi (they will have sex).

      • 2 weeks ago

        Jinx doesn't even jerk off.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Vi will jerk off her (she'll fist her butthole)

  57. 2 weeks ago

    I recon people don't know Cisco was about to get everything they ever wanted before Jinx killed him and started the whole war right?

  58. 2 weeks ago
  59. 2 weeks ago

    Oh the misery

  60. 2 weeks ago

    Let's talk, morons, there's no wrong in talking if you actually put out ideas in good faith.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's OP
      He just says whatever to get engagement out of people
      He's that lonely

      • 2 weeks ago

        No he's not OP schizo. Why the frick are all of you cartoon obsessed morons also terminally into anal masturbation and gay shit?
        All you do online is sexual erp?

        • 2 weeks ago

          You should see the lol general. It's a bunch of autistic women (male and female) erping with each other.

  61. 2 weeks ago


  62. 2 weeks ago

    He's trying to get people to post on his dead /u/ general again
    It's all dudes btw

    • 2 weeks ago

      I couldn't care less. I'm on Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile to discuss arcane.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There is no arcane general on /u/

  63. 2 weeks ago

    Your insistence on replying to everyone is why these threads are graveyards
    Anons wanna talk about the show, they don't wanna be your therapist
    And stop trying to make it a general, we're months away from that

    • 2 weeks ago

      But you never posted anything of value so who cares llol.

    • 2 weeks ago

      God, I hate seeing people whose parents failed them on basic etiquette. Holding eating utensils like a damn chimp. I'm black, and nobody in my family holds eating utensils like a caveman.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If it works for him it works, he doesn't need to hold it fancy in order to earn millions of dollars yearly.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    There was a new clip shown today of depressed goth Vi in disguise doing illegal street brawling for money, unfortunately no one seems to have secretly taken any shots or recordings.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Who was she fighting? Just random goons?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was like a illegal MMA kind of deal, people take bets.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    After a transparent necrobump he's now back to talking to himself, avatargayging one half of his mologue to make it seem like he's two people

  66. 2 weeks ago

    Jinx is old and busted.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >jinx but le vampire
      No one will ever love Briar. Her hype is completely and artificially engineered by Riot with their army of paid shill drones. This character is ugly. She is BORING. No one likes her!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Keep telling yourself that.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >maybe if I talk about the games somebody new will reply

  68. 2 weeks ago

    >Arcane ending before they can get to other magical champions

    God damn it. I was really hoping for some Shurima rep for some reason. Specifically how the spiritual based magic of Hextech relates/competes to the Ascension powers of literal gods.

    Always felt the through line with Arcane was stories about people who discover magic and how it affects their lives and wanted to explore more of that. I'm fine with Vi and Jinx story but I thought S1 said all it needed to say about their relationship.

    • 2 weeks ago

      S2 is just going to conclude it while also dealing with WW. I can see it being wrapped up within the first arc.
      The bigger part of the season is probably gonna be spent on the deterioration of Viktor and Jayce's friendship and Viktor's GLORIOUS EVOLUTION

      • 2 weeks ago

        First arc: War
        Second arc: Aftermath
        Third arc: Monsters (WW, Viktor)

  69. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      This is what I figured Riot was planning on doing. Dressing the characters up then releasing them as skins or chromas.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    Why are people actually mad she became an enforcer? She's joining the group who are supposed to help take care of her city. This isn't all that different from real life where impoverished children grow up to become cops to try to better their community.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Why are people actually mad she became an enforcer?
      Cop hate as an identity.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      >real life
      >become cops
      >better their community
      join your local sheriffs office and within a month youll realize maybe 1 guy in the entire precinct actually gives a shit
      vi is only joining because cait is the only person who she cares about anymore

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oligarch cooperators deserve the rope, this is not about cops.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Chembarons are oligarchs too.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes, and they cooperate with Piltover too. They deserve the rope too. Jinx and Sevika seems to be cleaning house.

    • 2 weeks ago

      because they're homosexual morons who STILL refuse to accept Arcane is part of the main canon. See how the stupids will also get angry when Vi proclaims her absolute hate for Jinx at the end of the series

    • 2 weeks ago

      People might be bad because they spent a lot of time arguing against this possibility while people that merely played League insisted that it's clearly her direction without arguing much how it will happen only that it will.
      So there was a lot of frustration there.

  71. 2 weeks ago
  72. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Jinx x Renata?

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah, her new sugar mommy

  73. 2 weeks ago

    What's with the statue of the lady with the smoke coming out?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Could be a random deity.
      But I think it's Margo, the leader of all prostitute rings,

  74. 2 weeks ago

    I just realised that everyone's using hextech weapons all of a sudden when Jayce only built the Hammer and fists. So he's definitely around and not incapacitated. What's up with that?

    • 2 weeks ago

      the "jayce invented hextech" retcon really fricked the continuity, in 5 years I hope they make Arcane non canon again to end this lore constraining bullshit

      • 2 weeks ago

        lel they're already reworking all champions that use hextech to fit into Jayce lore. Arcane is never going away

        • 2 weeks ago

          yeah sure and the Institute was such a huge thing too
          nothing's sacred to writer ego and market research

      • 2 weeks ago

        I never wanted Arcane to be canon, now I'm even more worried about it being monetized to the detriment of the story, or future projects.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >to the detriment of the story
          There's no more "story". This is the last season. Making Arcane canon actually allows them to continue the story in current era LoL which is gonna please all the non autistic fans.
          >I'm even more worried about it being monetized
          you gotta be fricking kiding me. Someone has to tell you that you're watching a fricking ASShomosexualS product. Monetization was the name of the game since fricking day one. This isn't fricking indie art you're watching, it's a fricking corporation attempt to get more followers through the launch of a product they sold to a platform and will continue to sell in other platforms, specially their main one which is the fricking game.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Making Arcane canon actually allows them to continue the story in current era LoL
            No it doesn't. They don't continue it explicitly because it's monetized to hell and eventful things can't happen without immense fear of hurting the bottom dollar. We've had the lore retcon for a decade and they barely did anything with it.

            >burr burr burr its already monetized
            Yeah, obviously everything is, but the reason Arcane is as good as it is is because it went out of it's way to retcon the shitty parts of the lore and build a new and original story from the ground up in a way that complimented these specific characters in incredible ways and barely resembles the lore that came before it. Riot wouldn't have had to nuke PnZ lore and make Arcane the heart of all lore going forward if it were already consistent. It was good that it wasn't and future projects ought be allowed to have the same exact freedoms that allowed Arcane to thrive rather than get hogtied with millions of conflicting monetary interests trying to dictate how the story should unfold.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Arcane is as good as it is is because it went out of it's way to retcon the shitty parts of the lore
              debatable. In this same thread you have people who think some of the retcons were shit and I concur
              >future projects ought be allowed to have the same exact freedoms that allowed Arcane to thrive
              The "freedom" in Arcane is an illusion. Most of the important parts of the characters were, and are still dictated by the already established lore of the characters in LoL. This is why those stupid idiots who think Vi turning into an enforcers is bad, are fricking morons. It was already in the lore, and it wasn't gonna change. It's the same for the rest of the characters.
              >We've had the lore retcon for a decade and they barely did anything with it.
              Because back then they didn't care for it. Now that they saw there's money in expanding lore, they're gonna pay more attention to it. They wouldn't have unified all lore and created a group of people to specifically make sure it's consistent if they weren't gonna work on it from now on.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They wouldn't have unified all lore and created a group of people to specifically make sure it's consistent
                They literally did that 10 years ago anon... guess what happened? It got monetized to shit, things broke off, and they had to reset. Why are these resets happening? Because they demand that everything be canon when it doesn't have to be, canon is an illusion. Arcane is and will always be better than everything that came before it no matter whether it's canon or not. People will care about it more than everything else no matter whether it's canon or not.

                >In this same thread you have people who think some of the retcons were shit and I concur
                I guarantee the things you think are shit are not relevant to the story of Arcane... and that's why they got changed. Arcane was not made to be canon, it was made to be its own thing with its own story and the setting changes were made to cater to this very specific story. It's not meant for the larger world.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They literally did that 10 years ago
                no they didn't. They only rebooted the canon because the original lore wasn't fit for the way they wanted to expand the lore. There was never anyone specifically in charge of it like now.
                >People will care about it more than everything else no matter whether it's canon or not.
                I don't know in which world you live, but this is how things will actually go. When Arcane's new season come out. Everyone will talk about it. EVERYONE. In every site. On every board. It will be the rage of the season all the way until it ends. Then, a month later, barely anyone will be talking about it anymore. You won't even be able to reach bump limits on threads here on Cinemaphile. The story will fade in the eyes of both casual people and people who got into it just because of the series. But you know what will still be there? The LoL game. Because that one will continue going. Riots knows that. And when everyone has moved on from Arcane, the ones who will remain will be the LoL fans. And they won't put Arcane over the LoL story. Many LoL players even hate what Arcane did to some characters like Jinx. So no, Arcane won't be the end all of LoL. And that's okay because, since you're clearly not a LoL fan, your time with the Arcane characters end this November. That's the way it's gonna be.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >And that's okay because, since you're clearly not a LoL fan, your time with the Arcane characters end this November. That's the way it's gonna be.
                Nope because they're making it canon and shoehorning it into actual lol stuff, kek.
                >Many LoL players even hate what Arcane did to some characters like Jinx
                You said it yourself, right here. They wouldn't have to be upset if Arcane was allowed to be it's own thing

                Also your being all high and mighty about being a lol fan would be really funny if you knew how much I've invested into this IP. I'll end off by escalating your passive aggression to regular aggression and calling you a moronic homosexual for thinking making Arcane canon is anything, but a short sighted money grabbing ploy that disproves you're entire last paragraph. This is happening because the vast vast vast majority of humans on this planet know that Arcane is better than what came before it, Riot recognizes that too and they're capitalizing in the wrong way. Last (You).

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The "freedom" in Arcane is an illusion. Most of the important parts of the characters were, and are still dictated by the already established lore of the characters in LoL.
                If something is constrained within vague terms and directions that does not mean it lacks freedom, it just cannot go at a different route. If the Fortiche studio, the creative heads and the third party hired writers all praised Riot games for creative freedom then that must be so.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Someone has to tell you that you're watching a fricking ASShomosexualS product. Monetization was the name of the game since fricking day one
            yet this is the best video game production ever with artistic freedom
            keep in mind all that Riot did with LoL was that they tried a new model, yea the game sucked at first compared to the paid ones but it quickly covered all grounds with its revenue stream from skins, it always offered the full game for free and still does

  75. 2 weeks ago

    do you morons actually think jayce is dead just because hes not in the teaser?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jayce is dead bro get over it. Viktorbros won

  76. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd put Heimerdinger lower cause his mistake went on for entire generations

    • 2 weeks ago

      Heimer is voted off the island
      Viktor moves up to did nothing wrong
      All cops get moved down to Vi. Ambessa escapes cop designation only because I want her to sit on my face
      Mel moves down to did everything wrong, escaping Vi only because of pretty privilege
      Jinx moves up to a single mistake (killing her third father)
      Jayce is moved down to frick up power gap until he learns to stop skipping leg day and grows juicy glutes

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sevika did everything wrong
      >antagonizing Jinx leads to her doubting Silco
      >info work is shit
      gives away info easily
      >can't win a single battle in the whole series
      >can't save Silco from the doom she herself set in motion
      what a useless second hand, Silco was safer with her changing sides

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nutting in Mel, kicking off Heimer, inventing Hextech (without it Chembarons would sit in the council) and launching pinpoint strikes against Shimmer production were all great successes. He even gave Zaun independence.
      His mistakes were being a sellout, being a noob when it comes to war and following the guidance of Marcus.
      He was uninteresting for the most part, he felt too scummy for me. Viktor is more authentic and thus more interesting.

      I'm sure you would have just hugged Powder after she blew up your family by disobeying your orders.

  77. 2 weeks ago

    i feel like canon isnt a real word
    anytime i see it its used by morons who are desperately trying to convince themselves that delving into something fictional is worthwhile
    arcane isnt "canon", its a story
    other bullshit league of legends did isnt "canon", its a shitty story

    • 2 weeks ago

      don't cry like a b***h later when Arcane follows the rules of LoL then

      • 2 weeks ago

        if they make it shitty ill call it shitty, if they dont i wont
        what i wont do in any situation is argue with dipshits about whats "canon"

    • 2 weeks ago

      who cares about your moronation
      >words don't have meaning
      >i feel that way and this is it!

  78. 2 weeks ago

    The fact no one has leaked the Annecy clip from the BTS is fricking autistic

  79. 2 weeks ago

    God I'm so ready for Ambessa to die.

  80. 2 weeks ago

    Jinx is so flawed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's part of why tragedy exists as a genre. People like watching flawed people.

      • 2 weeks ago


  81. 2 weeks ago

    If Jinx dies that's good.

  82. 2 weeks ago

    It's just me and the Jinx spammer itt.

  83. 2 weeks ago

    Do you think we’ll get any flashbacks to younger Vander and Silco from Warwick?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Are you asking me?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Anyone, I guess.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't think so, we moved on from that story. We get a time skip to handle Jinx's emotional processing, she seems to now have friends and do fine, she moved on.
          Kind of strange that she still uses the same clothes - maybe that disproves my time skip hypothesis? In that case she's fine from the start.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Scent is tied to memories. Not an unlikely concoction for writers. But I feel like they'd want to surprise the newer audience more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      God I hope so. I need to see that twink animated in his prime.

  84. 2 weeks ago

    Unless urgot, Zac, mundo and twitch show up I don't care

  85. 2 weeks ago

    >half of the council dead
    Who didn't make it bros?

    • 2 weeks ago

      100% Caitlyn's mom given the accidental leak of her dad being sad immediately after the event, so clearly there;s no time skip at least in episode 1 of season 2.
      Probably the rest of the council except Mel and Jayce due to some magical trinket most likely.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Mel, Jayce and Viktor are 100% alive. Jayce and Viktor because of who they are, Mel because the card game implies she has a kid with Jayce.
        I hope the rubik's cube moronbro survived

        • 2 weeks ago

          What the frick are you on about? Jae looks like he's fricking 30.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Jayce dies and the rivalry between him and Viktor is 100% in Viktor's head

  86. 2 weeks ago

    Can’t wait for the Jinx and Ekko sex scene

    • 2 weeks ago

      Konichiwa, dude

  87. 2 weeks ago

    I thought this shot was really cool.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Who is that

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's the Chembaronnes Margot from season 1

  88. 2 weeks ago

    I don't think Sevika is supporting Jinx for several reasons.

    A. She never liked her in the first place.

    B. Her robot arm looks like it was forcibly modified by Jinx as a prank.

    C. She seems to be fighting the yordle chem baron who looks like he's working for Jinx.

    And D. She is holding the gun which was used to kill Silco and which was presumably left behind at the scene of the crime.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >She seems to be fighting the yordle chem baron who looks like he's working for Jinx.
      This could easily be a trick by the editors.

  89. 2 weeks ago

    I think either Jinx or Vi will die, probably while fighting each other.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jinx will kill Caitlyn.

  90. 2 weeks ago

    In the part where the grenades show up by Vi, the explosion is another one of those cuts to a totally different shot.
    In it, we can see that Noxian soldier that was with Ambessa in S1 getting blown up by some gas bombs or something.

    Chances are rising that bro may indeed be Urgot. If we do get a timeskip after the first 3 episodes to mirror S1, I could see him getting fricked up in all this initial attack and then coming back as a new antagonistic force.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I analyzed the trailer to death and noticed that among other things. If you can take the soi injection into your blood stream then TB Skyen actually has the best breakdown of the trailer and I found that I agreed with him on just about everything. 90%+ of the trailer is undoubtedly just the first three episodes, the "teaser" part is being literal, they aren't showing much at all. If you were here to follow the first trailers and act trailers while Season 1 was releasing you'll realize that the Riot editing department are actually kind of masterful at showing almost nothing while pretending to show and communicate a lot with clever editing and line choices.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >they aren't showing much at all
        fine by me. just the scenes we got show another heap of amazing art direction and stunning animation, what little we got is a genuinely pleasure to watch.

        I don't think Sevika is supporting Jinx for several reasons.

        A. She never liked her in the first place.

        B. Her robot arm looks like it was forcibly modified by Jinx as a prank.

        C. She seems to be fighting the yordle chem baron who looks like he's working for Jinx.

        And D. She is holding the gun which was used to kill Silco and which was presumably left behind at the scene of the crime.

        i find it hard to believe as well. and yeah, jinx did leave the gun behind; the scene as it looks without context looks like jinx kidnapped silco, tied him up, did some crazy tea party game with him and then shot him. only question would be how sevika got a hand on jinx's handgun, jinx picked it up after silco let it fall to the ground so i assume she left the cannery with both handgun + fishbones?

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