Are hyperintelligent people really this retarded irl

Are hyperintelligent people really this moronic irl

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  1. 11 months ago

    You are a moronic homosexual.
    Frick this show and frick you kys

  2. 11 months ago

    Not moronic in the same way but Sheldon is unironically closer in behavior to the average genius than most on television

  3. 11 months ago

    well, he's a homosexual

  4. 11 months ago

    Most geniuses are moronic

  5. 11 months ago

    yeah many are sheltered from beimg stuck in the academic system the whole time which is just adult daycare

  6. 11 months ago

    I'm hyperintelligent and people tell me I act like Sheldon. I've met one guy that was smarter than me and he was a normalgay so I don't know what to make of it.

    • 11 months ago

      you probably have autism

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You’re a moronic autist that is most likely not well adjusted and destined to be a fricking loser your entire life. Congrats though you can learn chess pretty quickly.

      • 11 months ago

        I might be a friendless loser but at least I'm upper middle class.

  7. 11 months ago

    Some are. The smartest guy i know is kind of a chad though. His whole family were smart and socially sharp and he was the cream of the crop
    >mom was an early computer programmer, incredibly incisive and fast dry wit, I was scared of her as a kid, but now I understand how funny she is
    >dad was the head lawyer of a state level govt division, plays electric guitar in a band, genuinely the funniest storyteller I ever met
    >younger brother is a formula race car design engineer for a major team, built his first engine at age 8
    >hes a quantum computing specialist, 4.0 double major math/physics in undergrad, has worked at Cal Tech, MIT, and Harvard in quantum computing, the only guy I ever met who could put cutting edge physics into laymens terms with ease
    The dude is fit, funny as shit, happily married, and generally just kicks ass in all areas of life. I think all tv geniuses are freaks for the same reason all tv jocks are jerks, its not as fun or funny or realize that some people are just built better than you so you have write in flaws. Its both lazy trope writing and salty writers.

    • 11 months ago

      you're talking around the actual issue. the people who go into writing made up flaws about all their objective superiors to feel better about being inferior.

      why are all "stacies" b***hes in media? because they made the writers feel insecure, just by existing. why are all nerds awkward losers or "social morons?" because they made the stupid people feel insecure. why are all the jocks jerks? because they made the weak insecure. etc. etc.

      • 11 months ago

        You might be a brainlet, thats literally what I said in the last sentence of my post.

  8. 11 months ago

    that sitcom was a show written by dumb people, for dumb people, about smart people.

  9. 11 months ago

    I know 3 extremely intelligent people.
    1) Guy I met at a school for the gifted when I was a kid, stayed in contact with him all the way until our 30s, he became a mech engineer. Not a sociopath, but extremely misanthropic. His massive intelligence ended up wasted and he spent all of his time on /misc/, eventually becoming a huge loser ranting about cucks. The worst decline I've ever personally seen in someone.

    2) A current friend of mine. Senior dev at an American megacorp. Very smart, almost complete lack of empathy. Possesses absolutely no understanding of how poor people live their lives. Once wondered why they people don't just budget their money better so they can save up. Extreme tendency to side with corporations over people. Huge believer in the just world fallacy.

    3) Me (135iq at age 6, reading/writing at postgrad level at age 12). Up until about age 21-25 I was barely a human being. Not like Sheldon but honestly, not that far off. I'm currently a writer. My most common thought is "how did they not see that coming?" because I guess less intelligent people lack foresight or knowledge of consequences. I like to think I am much more understanding of regular people than some of my smarter friends.

    • 11 months ago

      >I'm currently a writer
      What do you write

      • 11 months ago

        Fantasy fiction. I won't pretend it's high-brow but at the least it's not a waste of intelligence. There's a lot of things to think about when you write -- on a meta level as well as in the writing itself. I like to think I do it better than some of my contemporaries because I'm smart, but really, who fricking knows.

        • 11 months ago

          Did you seriously waste your intelligence on being a fiction writer. If you're not bullshitting, you're like 99.999% percentile in terms of intelligence and you write books for children. Holy frick what a tragedy

          • 11 months ago

            It is what it is. I make six figures and really enjoy my career. I'm happy where I am. I don't think 135iq is really "change the world" levels of intelligence unless it's coupled with an extreme drive to make a difference somewhere, which I don't have.

            • 11 months ago

              so your iq didnt change since 6 years old? I thought that you peaked in your adulthood at like 160 or something. Nevermind them

              • 11 months ago

                IQ is adjusted for age. It will vary over time, but it can go up as much as it can go down. Being 135 IQ at age 6 is like being 98th percentile for height at age 6. It doesn't mean you're going to be 7'6" as an adult.

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks for clarifying

            • 11 months ago

              160iq at 11y and i'm doing fricking nothing shit with my life

  10. 11 months ago

    >hyperintelligent people
    sheldon is a high functioning autist; not exactly the same thing
    i've known a few legitimate extreme high IQ individuals (high level math/physics/engineering prodigies) and they mostly act like your average chill bro but have some self-destructive tendencies

  11. 11 months ago

    >sheldon in early seasons was weird because he did not agree with social norms that require him to lie or be fake
    >sheldon in later seasons was weird because he went against social norms because he's an butthole

  12. 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    He is so far from an autismo I scream at the screen anytime somone turns this tripe on.

  14. 11 months ago

    Most really smart people that I know pretend to be normal because once people know you're a genius they never stop fricking bothering you or asking you for help. There also seems to be some obsession that normless have with getting one over on a smart person. Like the 20 year old who speaks 4 languages and can do calculus is the one jacking up his mom's health care bills or something. They should direct their anger at the wealthy.

  15. 11 months ago

    >Most really smart people that I know pretend to be normal because once people know you're a genius they never stop fricking bothering you or asking you for help. There also seems to be some obsession that normless have with getting one over on a smart person. Like the 20 year old who speaks 4 languages and can do calculus is the one jacking up his mom's health care bills or something. They should direct their anger at the wealthy.

  16. 11 months ago

    Many many hyper intelligent people are actually successful in multiple areas of their life: financially, socially and career wise. It's a bit of a myth that in order to super smart you have to be super deficient somewhere else though those people do exist. My cousin is a straight A Cambridge graduate. He's also popular, funny, a talented Athlete and all round nice guy. Some people just win. Probably helps that his parents raised him right. That part is pretty important

    On the other hand; my older brother is a tested genius. Did awful in school, doesn't show any achievements and has overall bad attitude with a cruel mean streak and total narcissism. Women like him of course.

  17. 11 months ago

    My mom was obsessed with this show and constantly compared me to Sheldon Cooper

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