Are the sequel worse than the prequels?

Or is it just blind fanboyism?

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  1. 1 week ago

    I've never met anyone who fanboys the prequels, and I doubt you have either. If they are better, it is probably because they were made within the scope of the original canon, including the Expanded Universe, which had some excellent content.

  2. 1 week ago

    prequels are the best thing to come out of star wars
    if you disagree, please redirect yourself to the latest RLM thread

    • 1 week ago

      In their andor review even mike was saying he was starting to understand the prequels better.

    • 1 week ago

      please stop inserting ecelebs into literally every discussion of television/film.

  3. 1 week ago

    Most of the sequel fans are reylos who want to be fricked by the big nosed emo

  4. 1 week ago

    I have yet to meet anyone except for one massive pseud who likes the sequels. And he only liked TLJ because it made him feel smart.

  5. 1 week ago

    Say what you want about the prequels but at least they had a coherent story that wasn't made up as they went along. Maybe the story wasn't great, but it was coherent

    • 1 week ago

      >but it was coherent
      Eh. It doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but to the prequels' credit the larger conflict was never really the point. I mean, yeah, the rise of the Empire is important, but the scope of it was more narrowed to Anakin becoming Darth Vader, with the political stuff happening largely in the background with only a few scenes here and there showing it going down. It's because the political stuff is so half-assedly included that it's not very well thought-out.

  6. 1 week ago
  7. 1 week ago

    The prequels have amazing designs, George should have basically stuck to being a creative director and producer. I mean, he doesn't even like directing.

  8. 1 week ago

    prequels have a LOT of stupid, but they also introduce a ton of good things. sequels introduce and do nothing good

  9. 1 week ago

    Yes, but the prequels are also shit in their own way. They're totally self-indulgent and lacking any of the subtlety or grace of the original movies. The prequels ruin some aspects of Star Wars as a setting, and make Darth Vader retroactively into a huge moron, undermine a lot of the original Force philosophy, but at least the actual events of the original trilogy aren't ruined, and the beloved characters of those films are not subverted.

    The sequels so thoroughly tarnished the original trilogy's story and characters I can only assume it was deliberate. That somebody way high up at Lucas Film absolutely despised those movies and wanted to ensure nobody could watch them ever again without thinking about how everything in them was meaningless and destroyed by the sequels.

    • 1 week ago

      The prequels are bad but have tons of redeeming qualities despite the poor execution. The music, action, the creative setting, all the fascinating ideas and concepts thrown in. And said qualities were salvaged by the cartoons, games, books and whatnot. The sequels have competent execution but the script isn't just bad but lacks creativity or inspiration. There is nothing to salvage. There will be no nostalgia unlike for the prequels and OT.

      Is The Last Jedi really worse than The Rise of Skywalker? Never seen either movie and only have TFA as a reference to Disneywars

      TLJ is a trainwreck but superior to TFA and TROS. It tries to do some interesting things but it either pussies out or the subversions are stupid. I like Rian but the movie was an utter shitshow that needed a script revision. Why did KK approve said script considering it took a massive shit on JJ's plans

      • 1 week ago

        >Why did KK approve said script?
        Because she is an evil prostitute. Absolute power corrupts women far easier than it corrupts mem

      • 1 week ago

        >prequels are bad but have tons of redeeming qualities
        Exactly... The dialogue is pretty bad in spots and CGI tech wasn't at the tech level yet to shoot all green screen. Yet over all the story lines are decent and the characters felt correct. Where as the sequels look great but the story lines are kind of trash. Neither series are amazing...
        but I don't hate any of them either

        • 1 week ago

          >but I don't hate any of them either
          the sequels put me to sleep, while the prequels make me giddy to watch something stupid. thats the difference between the two

  10. 1 week ago

    The prequels are the only "good" Star Wars

  11. 1 week ago

    I fricking love RotS

  12. 1 week ago

    The only reason you morons are talking about star wars is because disney bought the rights to star wars and has mindfricked you into believing star wars is this important cultural phenomena that needs to be talked about
    George Lucas made 3 movies 50 years ago that were successful. That's it. In 1977 Star Wars was the highest grossing movie, and the second place was Smokey and the Bandit. Star Wars went the way of Smokey and the Bandit. Sure, the movie was highly successful, but it was so long ago. No one cares. These movies were forgotten. Then the prequels came out and no one liked them. This franchise was done. No one was asking ''hey, that franchise that had 3 good movies in 1977? when are more of them coming out?'' It was done, star wars was over. But then Disney bought the rights and they've been shitting out nothing but moronic terrible slop with the star wars name attached, and you eat it up.
    >hurr, it's heckin' star wars, of course it's important, we need to talk about it
    If disney didn't buy the rights to star wars the majority of you people wouldn't even know what star wars is. The only 3 good movies are older than you and no one cared about this franchise, no more than anyone cares about fricking Smokey and the Bandit

    You just have to consume dogshit because someone spent a lot of money on marketing

    • 1 week ago

      >t. Deep cover Disney damage control shill
      Eat shit

    • 1 week ago

      >Star Wars went the way of Smokey and the Bandit
      no it didn't, it became increasingly popular as time passed, you type like a disney shill

      • 1 week ago

        WAIT Smokey and The Bandit didn't rack in over 60 millie per year selling action figures for 35 years?

        WOW you did reply to an obvious Disney shill. I've never felt less surprised in my life

    • 1 week ago

      >George Lucas made 3 movies 50 years ago that were successful. That's it
      >SNES games 1992-1994
      >Dark Forces 1995
      >Dark Forces 2 1997
      >Rogue Squadron 1998
      >MC Chris releases Fett's Vette 2001
      >KOTOR 2003
      The series was kept alive by more than just films. I only listed the Cinemaphile I actually played when they were new. I mean honestly, if you haven't played all these games, you're not nerdcore enough to have an opinion on Star Wars. Sorry, zoomer.

  13. 1 week ago

    Hating on the prequels is the most npc basic b***h wannabe-nerd take concievable

    Sequels are a cruel joke, the only people who like them are paid to pretend to like them

    • 1 week ago

      Defending prequels is a troony disney shill cope because without the prequels the franchise just has no value and you're only riding off the success of 3 movies that came out in the 70s. By claiming prequels were actually good and rewriting history that they were liked, you bridge that gap between 1970s Star Wars and 2010s disney slop.
      If you admit that the prequels were bad then any newcomer coming in the disney owned series will only watch the original trilogy and the jump from originals to newslop will be so jarring it will put them off. Prequels provide a nice smooth transition from watchable movies to this badly made CG digital slop with terrible stories and goofy capeshit visuals

      • 1 week ago

        >Defending prequels is a troony disney shill cope
        No, Disney shills are trained to wipe their ass with the Prequels. It is their pathetic attempt to make JJ look wise for nuking Coruscant 20 minutes into the first Disney flick

      • 1 week ago

        Trying too hard

  14. 1 week ago

    Is The Last Jedi really worse than The Rise of Skywalker? Never seen either movie and only have TFA as a reference to Disneywars

    • 1 week ago

      I can't really say because I never watched Rise because Last Jedi as so fricking bad that I quit.

    • 1 week ago

      >Do Elephant turds really taste worse than Mammoth turds?
      They're both shit

  15. 1 week ago

    I disliked the Prequels but gave up on the Sequels with TLJ

    Sequels are stanned by midwits with blind fanboyism

  16. 1 week ago

    there were entire edits fan made edits of the prequels to make them watchable before you were born, sequels were trash after the first one when no one knew what to do with the series and just regurgitate the same shit in a worst way. any one defending the sequels or prequels needs to kill themselfs

    • 1 week ago

      The prequel "fan edits" are a downgrade you brainless bantha

  17. 1 week ago

    The prequels are a good story that's often poorly told. The sequels are a nonsensical story poorly told. The prequels at least have great visuals and new ideas. The sequels just poorly rehash the original trilogy without any soul.

  18. 1 week ago

    Me 2 in from the right.

  19. 1 week ago

    The Force Awakens wasn't that bad, comparatively

    • 1 week ago

      >The Force Awakens wasn't that bad,
      Yes it was.
      >rendered the end of the OT pointless
      >shamelessly recycled the same plot points of ANH, but written worse
      >everything is essentially reset
      >ruined Han and Leia
      >Finn is a walking, talking minstrel show schizoid who had no issues betraying his comrades
      >Rey is an overpowered Mary Sue from the get go
      >Po disappears for half the movie
      >Kylo Ren is a disgruntled edge lord whose temper tantrums prevent him from being taken seriously as a major antagonist
      >Starkiller Base makes no sense
      >the current state of the galactic community makes no sense
      >The Resistance + The First Order are completely moronic compared to their predecessors
      >pacing is all over the place
      >plot is on auto pilot
      >overreliant on nostalgia homosexualry whilst shitting on said nostalgia
      >reemergence of Luke's lightsaber is never explained
      The Prequels, at the very least, reinvigorated interest in Star Wars in the form of numerous vidya, books, toys, and more EU content. TFA never received an official vidya adaptation (no, the lego games don't count).
      Also, when compared to the PT and OT, the ST never had a single scene of bare female midiff.

  20. 1 week ago

    The Prequels sold tons of merch.
    The Sequels' merch plummeted by TLJ.
    Learn the difference.

  21. 1 week ago

    it's interesting how poorly written the sequals were
    you'd think that with 200 million budget they could afford a decent writer or two, but they instead hired israelite-israelite and his buddy liberal-cuck

  22. 1 week ago

    Prequels feel like shit movies. Sequels feel like a high school play organized at the last minute by the football team.

    • 1 week ago

      and disney+ tv is like the gay black morons of the SCA playing in the park

  23. 1 week ago

    i am not a big fan of the prequels, however, the sequels are objectively horrible movies, and it has nothing to do with how they muck up star wars. they are really terrible in their own right. the star wars brand name is the only reason anyone went out to see them and disney's media monopoly protected them from professional criticism.

    • 1 week ago

      TFA wasn't so bad when it was the only one out at the time. It was still hurt'n but it wasn't a total shit show. Only after Rian made TLJ did it create an unfixable time warp reaching both backwards and forwards did make TFA worst while also ensuring TROS was going to be extra thick sun heated dog water
      >we were supposed to get a civil war between Hux and Kylo where it ends with Hux committing sepuku with a lightsaber on Coruscant in front of a backdrop of crashing Star Destroyers

  24. 1 week ago

    The overall plot of the prequels is pretty good, what they suffer from is some subpar acting, and some terribly written dialogue.
    The sequels... frick I don't even remember what the plot was. The writing here was fricking terrible.

  25. 1 week ago

    you guys are overobsessed with star wars is because you are too lazy to invest in a series with a good literary backbone. pick up a book.

  26. 1 week ago

    Yes as both films, stories and even pieces of media.

    I dont think any kid is gonna say "WOW I LOVE THE SEQUELS" out of the story or whatever characters are there.

  27. 1 week ago

    The prequels have glaring flaws but there is still an interesting story about a decaying republic and the aesthetic and action make up for most of the problems. We got cool aliens, planets, ships, set pieces, Jedi and fights. There is very little nice things to say about the sequels that isn’t taken from the OT

  28. 1 week ago

    You will never be a woman.

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