Are you ready to CONSOOM?

Bros our capeshit schedule for the next couple years is official!!

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  1. 2 years ago

    I would like to think I won't consoom every last second of it, but I said I would quit after endgame and here we are

    • 2 years ago

      It's ok bro. I don't pay for them myself but I'm just stoked to see how shit things will get when they're already so bad already

    • 2 years ago

      It's ok bro. I don't pay for them myself but I'm just stoked to see how shit things will get when they're already so bad already

      Yeah never pay for this shit just pirate it and zombie out to watch the absolute shitshow implode

      • 2 years ago

        Why do you watch it if it's bad? moron.

    • 2 years ago

      It's ok bro. I don't pay for them myself but I'm just stoked to see how shit things will get when they're already so bad already

      I just watch it like it's episodes of TV. Fun to casually keep up with

      You disgust me.

  2. 2 years ago

    who's going to be the next captain america?

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        really? they are keeping him till 2024?

        • 2 years ago

          Election year
          Gotta get the Blumph bad messages to npcs somehow

          • 2 years ago

            >looks at camera
            >And you need to doo better at the polls

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't think it was possible to make a costume gayer than captin america in the first avengers movie but damn they came awfully close.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >mascot representative of the United States of America portrayed by someone who would've been an American's slave and couldn't even legally be a proper citizen for 80% of the country's history

        • 2 years ago

          Captain America was always meant to represent what the US COULD be... which makes him being a 0, 0, 0 even funnier

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        new world order runnin wild brother

    • 2 years ago

      some smallass homie who wouldn't have even lasted two days on the plantations

  3. 2 years ago

    Why are they spending so much money creating shows and films centered around side characters? Whose going to want to watch any of this trash?

    • 2 years ago

      At its core these movies are about the post credits ads for the next movies. You get hyped for the event or Thor or Doctor Strange/Scarlet Witch film only for it to be a poorly done rushjob that theyll hope you forget as you get hyped for the next batch.

    • 2 years ago

      Because they can hit it big like Daredevil and turn him into a major series event or standalone film.

    • 2 years ago

      They're throwing shit at the wall and hoping anything sticks at this point

    • 2 years ago

      In their defense, Thor/Cap/Iron Man were at the level of D Listers in popular culture when their movies started. And they slowly worked them into mega IPs. But now expectations for Marvel are high and whoever in charge of casting is dropping the ball hard. Evans/Hemsworth/Scarlet/RDR were charismatic picks. The new actors they pick are awful. I can't remember a single person from Eternals.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah they weren't popular but Captain America and Iron Man were on a far different level and have a better built in appeal than fricking Echo and Agatha.

        • 2 years ago

          That's true, but those are just throwaway shows on D+ because Disney needs to pump a shit ton of crap content into their streaming service.

        • 2 years ago

          That's kind of the point. They're creating lower tier actors/heroes so they can create content with a lower budget. They don't have to pay Echo the same salary as Doctor Strange.

    • 2 years ago

      >Whose going to want to watch any of this trash?

    • 2 years ago

      distraction and brainwashing
      USA is falling, with a senile president puppet at the mercy of globocorps harvesting the population
      West EU is on the doompath aswell.
      You can also trace a direct correlation between capeshit niggotry consuming and degeneration of society/pre-teen drag queen contests

      and I unironically say this unironically. Frick the ____

  4. 2 years ago

    I just watch it like it's episodes of TV. Fun to casually keep up with

    • 2 years ago

      Normies like you are part of the problem. You have zero introspection. Zero tastes. Just cattle who consume whatever is socially acceptable in order to fit in.

      • 2 years ago

        >posts in thread
        either accept what you are or self end, moron

      • 2 years ago

        Sure but I pirate them and there's nothing Disney can do about it

      • 2 years ago

        Killing off normies is what the modern elite are 100 percent right about.

  5. 2 years ago

    they really are starting to scrap the bottom of the barrel huh, I used to be somewhat of a comic book fan in highschool (i'm 25 now) and have legit never heard of any of these

    • 2 years ago

      here in Colombia a book firm try to sell old ass comics of this shit (old comics they couldnt sell for a long time), thats the reason why i know they exist.

    • 2 years ago

      agatha is the fault of the fans. cheered too much over a stupid little song so marvel decided to milk it

      • 2 years ago

        The worst part is agatha had nothing to do with the plot. She was not a villain whatsoever

    • 2 years ago

      >have legit never heard of any of these

      Thunderbolts have been around since the 90s. Originally it was a group of supervillains disguised themselves as superheroes. It was rather cool concept back then,, not as good, basically getting all the edgy non-X-men characters in the team.

      Agatha was a literal who' until Wandavision... She was a third tier villian back in the 60s/70s and was never heard from again until now

      Echo and Ironheart are a by-product of Marvel's post 2010 wokeshit content that trying to replace Daredevil and Iron Man.

  6. 2 years ago

    I'll never forget my vidya friend of many years telling me that Avengers Endgame was "the best movie he's ever seen."

    Tragic way to end a friendship.

    • 2 years ago

      It was though

    • 2 years ago

      even just watching capeshit filth should have been enough to disqualify the b***h from your friends list

  7. 2 years ago

    Will watch for mommy agatha and you can't stop me

  8. 2 years ago

    That looks sad

  9. 2 years ago

    Remember in the 70s when you had a shit ton of bad spin-offs of popular sitcoms like Happy Days and All in the family? Well this is ten times worse.

    • 2 years ago

      >Happy Days

  10. 2 years ago

    >tfw no Fantastic 4

    • 2 years ago

      That has been announced. It not on that list because it's Phase 6 with the Avengers movies. I'm guessing it's going to be massively about Kang

      • 2 years ago

        I'm pretty shocked they just aren't going to have an Avengers movie until phase 6. The big teamup movie is the whole reason most normies even bother with this garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      Missed the biggest reveal of the night. Two new Avengers movies in the same year.

  11. 2 years ago

    Pretty fricking grim.

    I'll only watch Blade if its a standalone film, and its R rated ( it won't be)

    • 2 years ago

      It’s not standalone, it’s a sequel to eternals

      That has been announced. It not on that list because it's Phase 6 with the Avengers movies. I'm guessing it's going to be massively about Kang

      >phase 6 only has 3 movies
      Something doesn’t add up

      • 2 years ago

        6 only has 3 movies
        yore a fricking idiot. learn to google dumbass Black person

  12. 2 years ago

    When is disney going give the MCU a break to cool down as it is just played out.. half the world has spent the last decade watching mcu movies every year.

    • 2 years ago

      because this is the culmination of work done 5 years ago

  13. 2 years ago

    im so tired

  14. 2 years ago

    >12 movies in 2 years
    >no xmen or fantastic four

    Not that I want those, but that means this shit is just never going to fricking end.

    • 2 years ago

      6 movies. The other's are shows

  15. 2 years ago

    Missed the biggest reveal of the night. Two new Avengers movies in the same year.

    • 2 years ago

      They didn’t learn their lesson from trying to release two Star Wars movies in the same year?

      • 2 years ago

        Star Wars is shit. 2 Avengers movies can totally work with two major villains. Based on the phase timelines it looks like Kang will be the first villain and then Dr. Doom.

      • 2 years ago

        Missed the biggest reveal of the night. Two new Avengers movies in the same year.

        One of these is going to be a tv series. Most likely the secret wars shit.
        So it will be totally shit .

        • 2 years ago

          They straight up confirmed that it's two movies. Look at the Marvel Studios logo. Secret Wars is huge in the comics.

    • 2 years ago

      Secret Wars 2025? They're really going to try and milk this capeshit until then?

      Wonder what Nerdrotic's opinion on this timeline will be.

      • 2 years ago

        >Wonder what Nerdrotic's opinion on this timeline will be.
        He doesn't talk about his real opinions on camera. Everything that he does is rage bait to grow his channel.

    • 2 years ago

      The only MCU movies I have watched are Iron man, Avengers, and Spider-man. Do I have to watch all those other MCU movies to watch the next Avengers movie?

      • 2 years ago

        Watch the good movies if you want. Otherwise you are fine watching a phase recap on Youtube. I think the buildup to Avengers Infinity War/Endgame was really well done.

    • 2 years ago

      >Kang Dynasty

    • 2 years ago

      >phase 5
      wtf was phase 4 all about?

      >phase 6
      ok but what was phase 4 about?
      >kang dynasty 3 years from now
      too long to wait dbh

      • 2 years ago

        This, I'm very confused by phase 4 being allowed to end with no kind of villain or resolution of any kind. Why is this phase 5 stuff not just more phase 4???

      • 2 years ago

        This, I'm very confused by phase 4 being allowed to end with no kind of villain or resolution of any kind. Why is this phase 5 stuff not just more phase 4???

        Secret Invasion ends Phase 4

        • 2 years ago

          they said panther does you moron, why lie

      • 2 years ago

        This, I'm very confused by phase 4 being allowed to end with no kind of villain or resolution of any kind. Why is this phase 5 stuff not just more phase 4???

        Feige said Phase 4 would be more about new beginnings and smaller stories after Infinity War/Endgame. Everything kinda needed a breather too. I notice the phases are way shorter now too now that they are including the TV shows

      • 2 years ago

        I think they're trying to rebrand into "sagas" now so phase 1-3 is the infinity stones saga 4-6 the multiverse saga, both phase 1 and 4 about establishing the new characters for 2,3,5,6

      • 2 years ago

        >wtf was phase 4 all about?
        Nothing. Phase 4 was a mistake. They tried to move away from the old formula but it kinda doesn't work. They'll probably go back to the solo movies ending with an Avengers team up again.

      • 2 years ago

        Phase 4 is
        >You ever heard of the multiverse?

      • 2 years ago

        >wtf was phase 4 all about?

        Swapping out the old cast, based on the original Golden Age superheroes....with a bunch of homosexuals, c**ts, and Black folk.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Who the frick even are the Avengers at this point?!
      Even D-list Avengers books from the 90s had better line ups than whoever the frick is left.

    • 2 years ago

      >Phase 6

      There is NO way enough people watched Phase 4 to plan this far ahead, right?

      • 2 years ago

        The next years are just tiny carrots on sticks leading everybody to nowhere until they're forced to put out X-Men and recast the OG Avengers.

      • 2 years ago

        People will go to see Secret Wars because Tobey Maguire will be in it, unless something happens with Sony. But that's about it, if both remaining phases are bombs like phase 4 then it will backfire on them pretty hard, I think they'll get hurt worse than any franchise ever, worse than the DCEU and Star Wars

        They're clearly desperate enough to announce a "Multiverse Saga" and where everything leads but if THIS announcement doesn't get people interested then nothing will

    • 2 years ago

      >two phases announced
      They are desperate
      They know they are losing money

  16. 2 years ago

    >secret invasion
    >the marvels

    fricking who?

  17. 2 years ago

    You know, if it wasn't for the TV shows I would have genuinely no issue with Marvel right now.

    • 2 years ago

      Ehhhh. Some of the movies after Endgame have been stinkers. The D+ shows are a mixed bag. They gave out directing credits for those shows to a lot of new people and there are some great highs and some awful lows.

  18. 2 years ago

    >The Marvels
    That sounds like a parody title, what the hell is all this stuff? These have to start flopping at some point, right?

    • 2 years ago

      they're beginning to critically flop, just have to start commercially flopping (which they will never do)

      • 2 years ago

        >just have to start commercially flopping (which they will never do)
        >black widow
        >shang chi
        >thor 4

  19. 2 years ago

    and it will all be WOKE TRASH SHIT.

  20. 2 years ago

    frick this looks awful
    and no daredevil until 2024?

  21. 2 years ago

    kang = black
    black panther = black
    ironheart (iron woman) = black
    captain america = black
    blade = black
    nick fury = black

    am i missing any? doesn't seem very diverse

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, that's why diversity looks like
      Do better

      • 2 years ago

        How is that diverse? No logic in american minds whatsoever

  22. 2 years ago

    I'm so burnt out I couldn't give a shit about any of this, blade and daredevil are the only ones I would be interested in but they'll 100% be pozzed and neutered.

  23. 2 years ago

    i'll see most of the movies, i don't watch any of the TV shows

  24. 2 years ago

    I sure do hope I don't die before 2025. Ha ha ha.

  25. 2 years ago

    >no x-men

  26. 2 years ago

    kinda hypocritical that normies have been tearing the MCU apart for killing the industry, bad practices, bad cgi, bad writing, etc and then cheer for yet another round of #WakandaForever and Avengers. Do you hate the mcu or no?

  27. 2 years ago

    >Daredevil Born Again
    How will Disney frick the greatest comic of all time?

    • 2 years ago

      Race swapping, gender swapping, making sure all the women are strong and independent and all the white males need their help at every moment to even breathe.

  28. 2 years ago

    what the frick is Echo and Ironheart

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >brown gay girl

        Im out.

  29. 2 years ago

    and when are we getting eternals back. the movie was boring but at least it wasnt garbage like ms marvel or thor 4.

  30. 2 years ago

    > Stopped watching after the first Ant-Man movie.

    Feels pretty good.

  31. 2 years ago

    >no spider-man
    i guess they really did dump him on sony

  32. 2 years ago

    wtf is phase 4 then?

  33. 2 years ago

    can you imagine weak frick avengers like blade and ms marvel trying to take on loki / ultron / thanos? everyone would be dead by now.

  34. 2 years ago

    yikes why are they waiting 2 more years for darekino. everything else looks like a pile of shit.

  35. 2 years ago

    I’m out after GotG3, I will probably just take a look at how they are going to butcher my boi DD in 2024.

  36. 2 years ago

    Why does the term Phase Five feel vaguely threatening?

  37. 2 years ago

    Post yfw you havent watched a single marvel media after the shit show that was Endgame and are not planning to.
    post yfw you didn't watch any non Avengers marvel movie after Infinity War

    • 2 years ago

      The last thing I watched was Guardian's of the Galaxy I believe. But there's a 50/50 shot my mom is watching Thor every time I visit so those have played in the background.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm glad I watched NWH cuz it's the best marvel capeshit ever made but other than that it's all been cancer post infinity war

  38. 2 years ago

    Really only want to see GotG 3.

  39. 2 years ago

    90% of that I will never watch.

  40. 2 years ago

    Can't wait to pirate them

  41. 2 years ago

    grow up you fricking virgins

  42. 2 years ago

    so when are we getting Doom and how long will it take them to frick him up?
    we're the Black Panther 2 leaks legit?

  43. 2 years ago

    These movies are shit

    Who even are these characters?

  44. 2 years ago

    Still no X-Men? that sucks

  45. 2 years ago

    I don't even care to pirate this shit. I had some interest in Blade until I saw the soicuck they cast. I liked Daredevil but they'll probably frick around so much trying to adapt it to MCU it's gonna suck.

    I also really hate the "dude it's that guy you liked but it's someone else now". Captain American Falcon, Ironman-heart. Nobody liked Marvel, but they're doing it there too. And Loki wasn't about Loki. They just exist to backdoor some replacement.

  46. 2 years ago

    At least 5 of those are going to go over 700 million and one is going to go over 1 billion. Disney's gonna make a killing.

  47. 2 years ago

    Daredevil is gonna be shit isn't it

  48. 2 years ago

    >Armor Wars got quietly cancelled
    Damn, honestly out of all these movies the only one I see being a hit is GOTG 3 and that's because it's an established franchise, but I thought that Thor 4 had some chances of being well received by audiences and a financial hit and look how that turned out

    I wonder what their reaction will be if phase 5 turns out to be a disaster just like phase 4

    • 2 years ago

      Makes you think what on the current pic will be quietly cancelled by next year's Comic-Con. Fun game Marvkek.

  49. 2 years ago

    Why do they hate Nova

  50. 2 years ago

    I ride.

  51. 2 years ago

    Iron Man - 2008
    Avengers 1 - 2012

    Shang Chi - 2021
    Avengers: Kang - 2025

    Feels kinda weird. It feels like Shang Chi and The Eternals have been in limbo for forever, like they'll never get their big team up/Avenger movie with the rest of the MCU. But it's actually going to be 4 years from their introduction until they make it to their first Avengers movie. Funny enough, 4 years is the same amount of time it took between Iron Man and Avengers 1's release.

    • 2 years ago

      Phase one was 6 movies , Shang-Chi to Kang is 14

      Why are they spending so much money creating shows and films centered around side characters? Whose going to want to watch any of this trash?

      Until Bendis added Spider-Man and Wolverine to the Avengers in the 00s the Avengers were never the biggest book in the Marvel Universe. They were solidly behind the F4 and Spider-Man in the 60s and solidly behind Spider-Man and the X-Men in the 80s/90s. Their best decade before Bendis was the 70s when they were a distant 2nd place to Spider-Man, more due to the F4/X-Men being in awkward spots than the Avengers being great.

  52. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      based oldman

    • 2 years ago

      based oldman


      • 2 years ago

        why is he carrying what looks to be about 10,000 euros in cash in his pocket?

  53. 2 years ago

    haven't watched any since End Game

  54. 2 years ago

    If The Marvels doesn't flop then I give up. Nothing about that trash is appealing to any normalgay

  55. 2 years ago

    I want a movie where they open a bridge to the Capcom dimension. Obviously shouldn’t have everyone but at least 7-8 chars would be good.

  56. 2 years ago

    What happened to the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special?

  57. 2 years ago

    No X-Men?

    • 2 years ago

      It's The Mutants now, you sexist bigot!
      X-men is a sexist term.

  58. 2 years ago

    Farming youtube superchats are going is going to be very profitable for the next two decades

    • 2 years ago

      In the end Rian Johnson generated more money for YouTubers than he did Disney

  59. 2 years ago

    Unironically yes, i love disney, i love marvel

  60. 2 years ago

    This Phase thing is gonna get discontinued isn't it

    • 2 years ago

      Doubt it. Phase 4 is a mess because they deviated from the formula and try to experiment with multiple storylines. If anything, they'll probably be more cautious about deviation/experimentation from here on out.

      • 2 years ago

        No, it was that + lack of interest from the general audience, and the damage is done, I don't see people flocking to see Ant Man 3 (the start of phase 5)

  61. 2 years ago

    Grace Randolph is cooming over this in her videos

    • 2 years ago

      People like her make a living out of hyping up capeshit, wonder what she'll be saying once all this shit comes out and it's all mediocre

      • 2 years ago

        I don't watch her videos that much so not sure if she liked phase 4

      • 2 years ago

        >complain in 20 videos and make more money

        literally cannot lose

  62. 2 years ago

    b***h all you want about the current state of the MCU, but it could always be much worse. They could make Cloak & Dagger canon.

  63. 2 years ago

    Daredevil S3 was already a Born Again adaption. The frick are they up to?

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only Daredevil story, every comic after that was just another retelling of Born Again

  64. 2 years ago

    The Echo show will end up being a major misfire depending on how much they lean on DD and Kingpin.I heard someone claim it's a DD show masked as an Echo show

  65. 2 years ago

    >Disney 2012: Instead of making our recently acquired Star Wars asset like our Marvel asset lets Disney brand both then run into the ground by replacing creatives with lower cost diverse cast and crew with the brands selling themselves

  66. 2 years ago

    I'll guardians of the galaxy a try I guess, everything else will 100% be 100% shit.

  67. 2 years ago

    wait, there are actual "people" on Cinemaphile that watch and enjoy capeshit? like marvel capeshit? and like, the worst capeshit shit of a shit movie in the history of filmmaking? seriously?

  68. 2 years ago

    This news was the most depressing thing to hear about and I’m not sure why

  69. 2 years ago

    What's with these "phases" anyway?

  70. 2 years ago

    I actually like agatha in wandvision but I don't know if i want to watch a fricking movie of her. maybe it'll be like strange 2 and end up being a wanda movie.

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