Arin? Arin Hanson is that you? Arin, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you. You failed at life.

Arin? Arin Hanson is that you?

Arin, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Arin Hanson. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Arin, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is Game Grumps, Arin Hanson, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Arin, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Arin, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Smiling Friends. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

and stop reading this in my voice

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    This is now a Pim thread

    • 1 week ago


  2. 1 week ago

    Imagine having a parasocial relationship this strong with newgrounds animators who play video games

    • 1 week ago

      Anon? Anonymous is that (you)?

      Anon, I can't and won't make this any simpler for (you).

      (You) failed at life. (You) failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, (you)r name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

      Nobody will remember Anonymous. (You) aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. (You) are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

      In short, (you) are an enormous failure.

      Anon, being that (you)'re about 15 years old and (you)r brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that (you)'ve passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is (you)r life, this is what defines (you) and this is what (you)'ll defend to the end.

      The abhorrent failure that is (you)r life, that is your legacy.

      Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe (you)'ll read this, Anon, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life (you)'ve led. Maybe (you)'ll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe (you)'ll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe (you)'ll take a self-help class.

      Maybe in a couple of years, Anon, (you)'ll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

      I genuinely doubt it.

      Now excuse me, I have to post on Cinemaphile. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in shares.

  3. 1 week ago

    he’s cute would fugg

  4. 1 week ago

    This post is kind of gay

  5. 1 week ago

    Tomar said that

    • 1 week ago

      Tomar was too busy beating the shit out of his wife to say this.

  6. 1 week ago

    Cinemaphile being the tumblr board and then ewgay board as usual.

    • 1 week ago

      frick yes i love Cinemaphileoming

  7. 1 week ago

    This post is gay but it's funny that Arin misread the room and burned bridges with newgrounds

    • 1 week ago

      Context? I don’t pay attention to e-drama.

      • 1 week ago

        Sr Pelo dropped a cartoon making fun of Storytime Animators, towards the end they all get swatted by the cops and it's revealed a circlejerk of newgrounders did it. Arin said it wasn't funny it's just bullying and that he hated his time on Newgrounds and that whole crowd.

        He gets occasional voice work in cartoons but he had almost no projects of his own at this point. At least Chris does a lot of animation work for others. Arin had just abandoned animation altogether.

        How long ago was that failed pilot?

        • 1 week ago

          >How long ago was that failed pilot?
          Nta but December 2022. I am watching it right now and it's really bad. It's trying to cram in so many jokes per second and not landing any.

          • 1 week ago

            It's worse than that, I could take trying to cram a lot of jokes the problem is more it feels like they're trying to set up such a bloated cast and premise.
            It all felt so forced and even kind of pandering like "here's ideas that worked in other cartoons so we need to have them here, now" like they watched Big Top Burger and all the Hell shows then didn't understand what made any of them work. Like if Digital Circus came out before this they'd try to rip that off somehow too.

            >towards the end they all get swatted by the cops and it's revealed a circlejerk of newgrounders did it.
            Wait newgrounders swatted story time animators? Did they get prison time?

            Sadly they got off scot-free because things that happen fictionally can't be punished in real life, Welcome to Trump's America.

        • 1 week ago

          Part of this is that Arin was trying to get buddy-buddy with that crowd at the time for business reasons.

        • 1 week ago

          >towards the end they all get swatted by the cops and it's revealed a circlejerk of newgrounders did it.
          Wait newgrounders swatted story time animators? Did they get prison time?

  8. 1 week ago

    Zach, you pushed AnimatedJames over the edge and into homelessness when you made fun of his fart fetish on that Skype call. What goes around comes around.

    • 1 week ago

      he should push more people.

    • 1 week ago

      >Zach, you pushed AnimatedJames over the edge and into homelessness when you made fun of his fart fetish on that Skype call.

      • 1 week ago

        AnimatedJames' got found out (here on Cinemaphile actually) about 8 years ago now IIRC for having an alt account where he drew fart fetish porn. When it was confirmed it was him, Zach and the gang did a Skype call to frick with him where Zach made a bunch of fart noises with his mouth and asked James if it turned him on. James freaked out and left the internet in part due to that.
        If he watched Oneyplays he would've known the real move there was to say "Yeah kinda."

        • 1 week ago

          Any time I watch Oneyplays I always come away thinking that those guys probably are not very nice people. Which is fine because their funny but it makes the people who think smiling friends is the heckin wholesome show about positivity look very silly.

          • 1 week ago

            >I always come away thinking that those guys probably are not very nice people
            >people who think smiling friends is the heckin wholesome show about positivity look very silly
            that's twitter/reddit for you

          • 1 week ago

            I don't think they're a bunch of sweethearts, but I don't think they're necessarily buttholes, either. They're a little older than I am and grew up on much more bant-heavy Internet. If you're a big name artist (James was big at the time) and get exposed for having a fart fetish, you should basically expect Newgrounds-era artists to jab you for it a little bit. James was way too sensitive about it, then tried to "own" it by embracing it, but was just seething the entire time and had a breakdown. If you have a braphog fetish and also want to make a name for yourself online, how about just viewing other peoples' art instead of drawing your own (and in your main account's style no less)?

            • 1 week ago

              I think Pyrocynical's the best example of how to play off mockery for having degenerate fetishes. and he was basically forced to open up to it whereas James was a fricking idiot who at first tried to (poorly) hide it, and then when he realized he couldn't have that, he thought he could have his cake and eat it to by indulging in it under the notion he should be exempt from mockery

              • 1 week ago

                Pyro just has insane allegation dodging luck, reminder he’s been accused of grooming twice. First time he got away with it because turkeytom was a moron, second time because the girl he was grooming(dating her in his 20s while she was 14) decided not to go after him and go after his friend instead for being physically abusive. Not getting shit on for weird fetishes is a cakewalk for him.

              • 1 week ago

                Everyone has a stupid ass fetish. Abuse would land with people if they didnt try to conflate it with the small dumb shit that didnt matter. No one is going to be held to standards when you act like teen dating is the same thing as liking mosquito bites.

              • 1 week ago

                The best thing in this situation would probably be to ignore it. If you ignore it, yeah people will make fun of you, but anything else would be bringing attention to it and thereby fanning the flames. People's interest will eventually die out, just like most other "cancellations" and shit. Acting like a lolcow and sperging out constantly will make everything 100x worse, as evidenced by the tens or hundreds of times this has happened.

                Pyro's situation is a bit of a double-edged sword because while he sorta "got away with it" he also references it constantly so it's basically glued to him now, so nobody ever shuts up about it

              • 1 week ago

                Being a lolcow isn't really about what kind of stuff you do, but how you react to criticism. There's probably hundreds of thousands of cringy artists out there but they aren't lolcows because they aren't constantly feeding the trolls

              • 1 week ago

                modern lolcows are just zoomers having grade school arguments online. used to be real insane shit like people microwaving diapers to wear at the park.

              • 1 week ago

                Pyrocynical is too big to fail when it was exposed he was fricking with a 14 year old with actual hard evidence this time he just laid low and now nobody cares.

            • 1 week ago

              Newgrounds back then was a snake pit but the criticism was often constructive and drove people to either get better or burn out.

              Egoraptor is outspoken about hating it and getting bullied there (despite being basically universally beloved at the time) was the the seed of his saccharine wholesome woke forced positivity persona that sucked the funny and the life out of him.

              • 1 week ago

                Arin throwing Pelo under the bus for minor virtue signaling value was basically the end of him in that crowd.

          • 1 week ago

            >Any time I watch Oneyplays I always come away thinking that those guys probably are not very nice people
            Zach is just 30 no? in 2015 he would've been like 21. I know I was a piece of shit le epic edgy troll when I was that age
            God I cringe so fricking hard when I remember

          • 1 week ago

            They shit talk their own friends in videos all the time. How many roommate stories have they told that just came from Sleepycabin but they omitted the names? All these homosexuals seem to hate each other.

        • 1 week ago

          If that happened to Cory he’d just own up to it. It would be funny if cory ends up getting cancelled for rape or something, nobody would be shocked.

        • 1 week ago

          What I'd give to hear that skype call, man

          • 1 week ago

            From what's known. It only lasted like a few seconds.
            Something important of note here is that James would later be outed as being actually mentally ill and the toxic positivity of the horse fandom was not helping. There are clips of him at conventions just freaking the frick out over how obnoxiously sunshine and rainbows horse show fandom is but he was also too fricking moronic to just realize that was gonna be the natural fandom of a show like that.

            • 1 week ago

              > James would later be outed as being actually mentally ill

              • 1 week ago

                Around 2017-2018 when his downfall really spiraled. Dude was visibly depressed, and I don't mean like.. mildly depressed. I mean that full blown twisted perspective cynical about everything and likely in need of in-patient care level.
                He was outed as sex pesting a 17 year old and even she was just like "he's not well."

                I'm convinced Spazkid is only on because they need a punching bag.

                Supposedly Cory saved Oney's life once and that's a sorta cornerstone of friendship for them

                Nta but I remember Daddy Dream Date because, damn, what a gay concept

                It helps that Dream Daddy was THE moment that Arin was outed as just being a soulless businessman who uses social causes to pander for cred the second the story broke

        • 1 week ago

          >If he watched Oneyplays he would've known the real move there was to say "Yeah kinda."
          The thing about moments like that is that they only exist to terrify and upset you. If he had given a funny self-deprecating response to try to look more respectable and self-aware, they would have just giddily pounced on him even harder. Further enforced by what we know now about Zach’s ethos and politics, as according to Zach’s ideology, James is just a porn addict and his fetish comes from overuse. The only goal there was to make him feel small and scared and to try to get him to flip out, if this was something that actually happened.

          • 1 week ago

            I'm convinced Spazkid is only on because they need a punching bag.

            • 1 week ago

              Chris and Zach are hardcore alt-right e-fratboys who bully innocent people. I’m certain Smiling Friends will have an ‘all gays are pedos’ joke within the next few seasons

              • 1 week ago

                >I’m certain Smiling Friends will have an ‘all gays are pedos’ joke within the next few seasons

              • 1 week ago

                That is a good thing. All hail christ. You will pay for your sins for not liking smiling friends.

              • 1 week ago

                Then twitter will act like it was some wholesome commentary about how bad it is to hate queers

            • 1 week ago

              you should see them going antisemite on tomar in the newest vid. they bring people on to shit on them.

            • 1 week ago

              >it's a Cory video
              I don't sleep.
              I stay awake all night raging about how much I hate the autistic little homosexual.

              • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            sleepycabin was a collective of spergs who prioritized fricking things up for themselves and their friends

        • 1 week ago

          should have asked them why they associate with someone who drew keemstar's daughter

          • 1 week ago

            Time after 2012 is one big smudge for me, I don't know if that happened before or after James quit.

            >If he watched Oneyplays he would've known the real move there was to say "Yeah kinda."
            The thing about moments like that is that they only exist to terrify and upset you. If he had given a funny self-deprecating response to try to look more respectable and self-aware, they would have just giddily pounced on him even harder. Further enforced by what we know now about Zach’s ethos and politics, as according to Zach’s ideology, James is just a porn addict and his fetish comes from overuse. The only goal there was to make him feel small and scared and to try to get him to flip out, if this was something that actually happened.

            Idk, I think Zach has a generally decent idea of when a joke's long in the tooth. He probably would've dropped it if James had handled it better. Julian also has a moronic fetish (besides being gay) and they never really went hard on him for it.

            • 1 week ago

              It's the NeoPuritaingay anon, he's not being serious.

    • 1 week ago

      AnimatedJames' got found out (here on Cinemaphile actually) about 8 years ago now IIRC for having an alt account where he drew fart fetish porn. When it was confirmed it was him, Zach and the gang did a Skype call to frick with him where Zach made a bunch of fart noises with his mouth and asked James if it turned him on. James freaked out and left the internet in part due to that.
      If he watched Oneyplays he would've known the real move there was to say "Yeah kinda."

      fartgays deserve to be ridiculed

      • 1 week ago

        Bro, you're on Cinemaphile
        Half the threads are lewd posts about kid shows because the community here is as degen as it comes
        Nobody cares about any of this shit beyond the desperation to take down artists thru whatever means possible

        • 1 week ago

          Shut up idiot, this isn’t social media, there is a variety of personalities here, not just one you have to adopt or you won’t get upvotes. Here you can be a Christian against all seething.

          • 1 week ago

            >SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT
            no. you are a hypocritical homosexual.

            • 1 week ago

              My values are well-defined and unbreakable. I have casually upended lives with the iron will behind them

              >guy made a moronic eceleb thread again samegayging himself
              is there something you want to tell us

              I didn’t make the original Homestuck copypasta OP is based on. I love it though

          • 1 week ago

            >guy made a moronic eceleb thread again samegayging himself
            is there something you want to tell us

    • 1 week ago

      Didn't he come back as that Oddtenn fricker? They both have the same fartsyle.

      • 1 week ago

        James had like five accounts in that circle where he cycled his artstyle on purpose to try to remain undetected. He was Mythabyss, Detonassion, one that i can’t remember, and now he’s IneptOutcast and IneptOutgassed

    • 1 week ago

      frick off, being a dick to someone on the internet doesn't make you responsible for their problems.

      • 1 week ago

        But it should?

    • 1 week ago

      Fart and scatgays don't deserve rights. I only wish they did the same to jellopocalypse.

    • 1 week ago

      I thought that was because of the grooming shit because he was dating toxicsoul99 because she had gastrointestinal problems which made her feel unattractive as a girl.

  9. 1 week ago

    Arin is too busy playing magic with people on youtube and having fun to care.

  10. 1 week ago

    >fake friend, e-postures against harmless stuff, hasn't animated in forever
    Funny, bring up his homies with him, helps animate his own show

  11. 1 week ago

    This just makes me nostalgic for the old /hsg/hst/ days.

  12. 1 week ago

    I feel like this would make more sense with Jon instead of Zach. or I guess to keep it Cinemaphile, Oney

    • 1 week ago

      jon is a washed up sellout too

      • 1 week ago

        If you consider Jon a sellout, then so is Zach

      • 1 week ago

        Jon has the opposite problem of Arin. He got too far away from his roots in terms of content whereas Arin clung to the Lets Play format for way too long.

        • 1 week ago

          Jon's stuff was still funny for a while after the transition from games, I'd say it wasn't until around the pandemic started that it felt like he lost the energy his humor had. now I find his videos more chuckle worthy than lol worthy

          Zach, you pushed AnimatedJames over the edge and into homelessness when you made fun of his fart fetish on that Skype call. What goes around comes around.

          James was a fricking schizophrenic pansy who shat on his own fanbase at his lowest point at the time, I have no sympathy for what most likely was the equivalent to how OneyPlays mocks Doug Walker these days. James should've played it off and he would've been the better man.

      • 1 week ago

        If you consider Jon a sellout, then so is Zach

        There's literally nothing wrong with being a sellout.

        • 1 week ago

          Not inherently but if you sell out too much you will eventually reach a cliff where if you keep going your soul will fall off into oblivion.
          99% some is called a sellout though its a crabs in a bucket thing though

        • 1 week ago

          You're right, but Arin's mistake was being a pompous ass and spitting on newgrounds while he was at it. Also failing to play games well or be funny, but hey if it has viewers then that's kind of a mute point

        • 1 week ago

          If you're a desperate homosexual, sure. If there is no problem with it then there is no reason to b***h about any of these spergs. Egoraptor is making money by selling out and giving up on animation so who cares.

          • 1 week ago

            i dunno man i would sell out in a heartbeat and i already don't have to worry about moneys

            • 1 week ago

              because you're a moron trapped on this hell site
              you would probably shit yourself in public singing "i'm a stupid homosexual" for $300

              • 1 week ago

                why would i do that, i just said i don't have to worry about money

              • 1 week ago

                I would do it for $2000.

  13. 1 week ago
  14. 1 week ago

    This works better in the Toby format because Toby literally got started from Andrew, but Zach didn't spawn from Arin.

    • 1 week ago

      Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

      Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

      You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

      Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

      In short, you are an enormous failure.

      Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

      The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

      Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

      Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

      I genuinely doubt it.

      Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

  15. 1 week ago

    How did moving to LA not change Chris and the Oneyplays guys, but it destroyed Egoraptor and others?

    • 1 week ago

      The Oneyplays gang already despised the LA archetype when they moved there, they didn't look up to it like so many small town nobodies.

    • 1 week ago

      He's only lived in Burbank for like five years. Give it time and he'll turn into a Hollywood butthole like the rest of us

    • 1 week ago

      >How did moving to LA not change Chris and the Oneyplays guys
      Have you not seen what the LA air did to Spazkid?

  16. 1 week ago

    Arin? Arin Hanson is that you?

    Who the hell do you think you are!? Who the hell do you think you are?!
    You’re any kind of artist!? Anybody know who you are!? Who are you!?!
    You miserable presumptuous no talent. You’re no artist.
    An artist respects the gameplay, it serves as the foundation of the let's play.
    You obviously don’t have the talent.
    You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself!
    In video game song parodies or any form of creativity!
    And I have a show on Adult Swim. Sucker! You suck! You’re a no talent!
    If you really have talent, go animate, go voice act, and then get yourself a gig!
    You're a disgrace! You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world!
    You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit! And I’ve earned my right to say it!
    Okay? I was at the MAGFest 2016 Animation panel. Who the frick are you!?
    I walked Justin Roiland up on stage at Seth Rogen's Hilarity for Charity!
    Who the frick are you!? You’re nothing! You're nothing! You are nothing!
    And you will never be anything! Never! How dare you! How dare you.
    You miserable, mediocre nothing! Shame on you!
    You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp!
    Go learn to play. Go learn to play.
    Read the tutorial! You can’t even carry a fricking touring stage show!
    I’m trained classically, I’m trained contemporaneously, and you suck!

    • 1 week ago

      Yer nothing, ye never were nothing.

  17. 1 week ago

    Jokes on you, I didn't read it in his voice. I don't think Arina would ever see this though, Suzy doesn't let him go on Cinemaphile.

  18. 1 week ago

    >I have to work on Smiling Friends. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
    What sales?? Smiling Friends is a TV show, and they haven't really started to sell merch of it.

  19. 1 week ago

    >starting shit on Cinemaphile

    thats how steven universe happened. we dont need another steven universe

  20. 1 week ago

    Well if i just call it Woman falls on floor it won't get no fricking views or money

    • 1 week ago

      Jesus that's a throwback

  21. 1 week ago

    What is egoraptor even doing now? Just game grumps still?

    • 1 week ago

      It's all he has at this point
      I think he actually released an animation last year but any semblance of his original style was completely removed and sterilized

    • 1 week ago

      He gets occasional voice work in cartoons but he had almost no projects of his own at this point. At least Chris does a lot of animation work for others. Arin had just abandoned animation altogether.

  22. 1 week ago

    his face looks like he's perpetually smelling shit

  23. 1 week ago

    Him and Stamper killed sleepycast.

  24. 1 week ago

    Idk what this thread is about I couldn't be bothered to read I just wanna say Zach's voice is hot I'm so glad he decided to use it instead of getting it fixed it's so fricking hot I love it

  25. 1 week ago

    Smiling Friends kinda sucks, you only pretend to like it because you don't have any real friends

    • 1 week ago

      >you must agree with my opinion otherwise you're just pretending
      frick is this logic

      • 1 week ago

        people on the spectrum cannot understand other perspectives

    • 1 week ago

      New episode was pretty good but I agree Season 2 has been kind of weak so far.

  26. 1 week ago

    I don't care if Zach never said this.
    It reads perfectly well in his voice

  27. 1 week ago

    I remember one point where ego said he never liked animation, but voice acting. And let's plays allow him to do that. That was actually cope. Hazbin got a pilot in 2019 and Smiling Friends got a pilot in 2020, both were picked up not long after. Two internet animators after years of trying made it so close to each other. It wasn't long after ego put up a pilot of his own out of sheer desperation to get a second chance after seeing it was possible. It completely failed though, as to this day it has yet to hit even a million views. Imagine the feeling that set in, realizing that he was talentless compared to these two, that the once big dog has been forgotten and failed spectacularly. That grumps will be what people will remember him for, what he will have to do the rest of his life.

    • 1 week ago

      raptard had a pilot? when?

      • 1 week ago

        >already 2 years ago

      • 1 week ago

        he was the executive producer of someone else's cartoon and provided some writing help and voice acting. he posted it on the egoraptor channel and nobody watched it

  28. 1 week ago

    uh no man. i'm arin hanson and i uh, i really wanted to make uh, dream daddy. and uh, arpeegees. and uh, and, those hardy boys parody kids novels i made. remember those? and uh,

    • 1 week ago

      >caring this much about irrelevant shit his fanbase even forgot about
      How often do you look him up? Do you dream about him at night?

      • 1 week ago

        NG homosexuals are as autistic as GG homosexuals

      • 1 week ago

        Oh sorry what am I supposed to remember about him?

      • 1 week ago

        Nta but I remember Daddy Dream Date because, damn, what a gay concept

  29. 1 week ago

    But isn't egoraptor way more successful? Game grumps has made shitload of money for him, i doubt getting a tv show can even compare to it, since usually the huge chunk of that tv money comes from merchandising

    • 1 week ago

      Gets better views then oneyplays even with how much they fling shit at arnoldo

  30. 1 week ago

    Is guy schizophrenic or autistic?

    • 1 week ago

      guy here. I am actually the smiling friends schizoposter. I didnt want people making fun of my fave show. 🙂

    • 1 week ago

      No, he just wants to piss you off because he knows you take Cinemaphile seriously

      • 1 week ago

        guy is awesome. people are jealous that he can samegay eceleb all day. based.

  31. 1 week ago

    >Arin? Arin Hanson is tha-

    • 1 week ago


  32. 1 week ago

    It's funny seeing how this guy presents himself when you know what he sounds like and that he is talking about prolapses and moronic internet shit all day

  33. 1 week ago

    isn't this the guy who was friends with shadman?

    • 1 week ago

      Yes. They never swore him off either. Stayed silent hoping people would forget.

  34. 1 week ago

    what happened

    • 1 week ago

      nobody cares about smiling friends beyond some decade old fight between newgrounds and egoraptor so you get threads like this

  35. 1 week ago

    Strange that we didn't get autistic threads like this from other youtuber based shows until smiling friends

    • 1 week ago

      oneyplays has the most autistic fandom online. smiling friends is the continuation of that.

  36. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago


  37. 1 week ago

    I made this for you anon.

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