Attack of the Clones made Phantom Menace completely irrelevant

Anakin is not even the same character.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Attack of the Clones makes ZERO sense
    >Jedi discover mystery army of clones of the bounty hunter who is trying to kill Padme
    >bounty hunter tells Obi Wan that "Darth Tyranus" aka Count Dooku hired him to create an army for the republic
    >Obi Wan overhears Dooku and Newt Gunray talking about killing Padme several times
    >Dooku captures Obi Wan with the trade federation
    >Dooku tells Obi Wan that the sith control the senate
    >Obi Wan ignores all of this and the jedi use the evil clone army
    >They do not suspect anything despite being psychic wizards

    • 1 month ago

      not to defend the movie or anything but the Jedi are incredibly arrogant
      and the whole clouding of the future that the emperor did

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah but like an actual moron could figure it out

        • 1 month ago

          True, but I think you underestimate how arrogant a person can be

        • 1 month ago

          An actual moron could find out the the “left” and the “right” are both just puppets of the globalist elites and two sides of the same coin, hence why they only split hairs over trivial shit like abortion or where people are allowed to pee yet unilaterally support their overlords via taxation and military support. BUT, you’re most likely voting for one of them this year thinking it will cause change, aint ya?

      • 1 month ago

        >muh arrogance
        >muh hubris
        Why do fanboys appeal to this so often to excuse shitty writing?

        • 1 month ago

          I'm not excusing shitty writing though?

        • 1 month ago

          >why do fanboys appeal to one of the oldest literary tropes in human history?

    • 1 month ago

      Are you moronic anon?

    • 1 month ago

      >Obi Wan ignores all of this and the jedi use the evil clone army
      >They do not suspect anything despite being psychic wizards
      The ending of the movie is literally the Jedi talking about how fishy it all is but they're now at war and their hands are tied.

    • 1 month ago

      Prequelcels WILL defend this

    • 1 month ago

      Prequelcels WILL defend this

      Imagine being unable to follow the plot of a kids movie

      • 1 month ago

        almost like it's a shit unfollowable kids movie

    • 1 month ago

      >Bounty Hunter tells Obi Wan that "a man named Tyranus" hired him. He doesn't say Darth. This is not expanded upon, and the Jedi do not know that Tyranus and Dooku are the same person.

      The movie is about Palpatine fermenting a galactic war in which he controls both sides -- explained by the "military creation act" being voted on at the beginning of the movie. Palpatine is trying to assassinate Padme because she is a vocal voice in opposition of the creation of the army.

      Clone armies were already being bred for the Republic while droid armies were being manufactured for the Separatists, but the clone attack on Geonosis was not planned by Palpatine. This only happened because Obi Wan discovered the clones on Kamino and Yoda brought them to Geonosis to save the Jedi. The conflict kicked off ahead of schedule and Palpatine capitalized on the situation.

      • 1 month ago

        >Bounty Hunter tries to kill padme
        >Obi Wan finds army of clones of the bounty hunter
        >Obi Wan follows bounty hunter to dooku
        >Overhears dooku and newt gunray talking about assassinating padme several times
        >does nothing

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >clones of the assassin trying to assassinate padme, I'll just not question this at all

            • 1 month ago

              >I'll just not question this at all
              Why are you making things up?

          • 1 month ago

            How is it moronic? It makes zero sense, It makes less than zero sense when you consider that Jedi are supposed to be psychic wizards

        • 1 month ago

          >does nothing
          Hey man, he was high.

          I like the part where Obi Wan is so stoned he can't comprehend how a planet could be missing from the archives so Yoda gets a literal child to explain to him that someone must've erased it just to hammer home how unbelievably dumb he is.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      This is a bigger "plot hole" than anything in the ST but fans will cope

    • 1 month ago

      >>They do not suspect anything despite being psychic wizards

      It's because Palpatine was "clouding their judgment" with potent sith farts. The entire jedi council was inhaling Sheev's braps throughout the entire prequel trilogy which explains why they all had the same IQ as a tin of baked beans.

    • 1 month ago

      They do suspect it but at that point they can use it or get fricked. The point is Palpatine manipulated everyone on both sides of the conflict so that their apparent "best" option always furthered his master plan. It was great.

    • 1 month ago

      It does make sense if you don't take everything at face value.
      >Republic has been peaceful for like a thousand years or something
      >Those in power and the Jedi, enjoy that peace so much that the thought it could end doesn't even cross their minds
      >To them, whatever stuff is going in will get resolved since it would be nearly impossible to take down the system made up of countless worlds
      >Having the clone army only made that arrogance bigger since they could boast about having an endless army
      Palpatine's trojan horse plan was the only believable way for him to take over.

    • 1 month ago

      It makes perfect sense.

  2. 1 month ago

    >the 19 year old is not the same person as when he was 10? AIIEEEE SAVE ME STOKLASA

    • 1 month ago

      He already has, anon

  3. 1 month ago

    Phantom Menace is the only good prequel

  4. 1 month ago

    A New Hope made the prequels completely irrelevant.
    Anakin is not even the same character.

    • 1 month ago

      You're way more correct than you think you are

    • 1 month ago

      Dark side is essentially like being possessed, Anakin and Vader are not the same character. Also he's 23 in ROTS and 42 in ANH, that's almost 2 decades for a character to develop

    • 1 month ago

      Dude, Anakin becomes Vader before he was even burned.

  5. 1 month ago

    I think its rather the point that it makes no sense to see Anakin as a small child other than perhaps that I think that Lucas was trying to make Citizen Kane in Space, the issue is that it kinda feels rushed and disjointed when you have 1 film being about when the War Starts, then the 3rd film is when it ends, it would stand to reason that the prequels should have started with the begining of the Clone Wars and Ended with Revenge of the Sith and maybe the Phantom Menace should have been like a preqeul-prequel film. Its interesting conceptually but because of say the Clone Wars cartoon show its clear that the prequels should have been 4 movies long and not 3 in order to do proper world building and character development.

  6. 1 month ago

    >people change after 10 years of adolescence and Jedi training

    whew, and here I thought my 9 year old personality was mine forever

  7. 1 month ago

    The Duel of the Fates was actually about whether Qui-Gon lives. If he lives, he trains Anakin properly and in a safe manner (and probably ransoms his mom lmao). Since Qui-Gon died, a green and hot-headed Obi-Wan had to train Anakin.

  8. 1 month ago

    >Anakin is not even the same character.
    True and well observed anon. In fact, it's not even the same actor playing him. Apparently the original actor playing Anakin in The Phantom Menace was raped to death by Spielberg in between takes and George Lucas was left with no choice but to cast an entirely new actor to replace him for AOTC. Unfortunately Lucas cast an actor who was noticeably 20 years older than Anakin had been in the previous film. This might have worked if the rest of the cast had all aged 20 years but because none of the other characters have aged at all it really makes this goof stand out even more. Luckily the film is a complete pile of shit anyway so who cares lol.

  9. 1 month ago

    >19 year old isn't the same as his 9-year-old self

    You don't say, OP...

  10. 1 month ago

    The Last Jedi made all the other Star Wars movies irrelevant because it's the one movie that actually took risks and is kino

  11. 1 month ago

    2016 election tourists and r/thedonald refugees turned this website into a non stop autistic meltdown and damaged it beyond repair

  12. 1 month ago

    >Palpatine wanted to make a Clone Army
    >Needed Padme out of the way to do it
    >Sends an assassin after her so she either dies or is scared into hiding, either way he wins
    >Secretly commissioned a Clone Army through Dooku long before, erased the planet from the Jedi archives (presumably Dooku also did that as he left the Order) so it would be undiscovered
    >Obi Wan has one lead, the Kaminoan dart but can't trace it anywhere
    >Sheev's plan worked perfectly
    >The one thing Sheev didn't count on was Obi Wan had an autistic friend in a 50s diner who could identify the dart
    >Leads Obi Wan to discover the Clones, and that they're based on the assassin he's hunting for. The assassin also has ties to Dooku, the leader of the faction that the clones are meant to be fighting (note Obi Wan is NOT aware that Dooku is Tyrannus, the audience only finds out at the end of the movie which is meant to clue us in on the conspiracy)
    >Obi Wan is on the cusp of discovering the whole conspiracy on Geonosis when he's captured, and his hubris/loyalty to the Order prevents him from listening to a 'traitor' when Dooku attempts to reason with him
    >Ironically Obi Wan's capture and execution ends up being the pretense needed to bring out the Clones and begin the war
    >Ending of the movie is the Jedi discussing how strange the situation with the Clones is, but now they're at war and they can't just turn down the army of infinite disposable soldiers
    >Palpatine looks over his new grand army and smiles as the Imperial March plays in the background
    There, there's the entire plot of the movie for people who are too fricking stupid to follow basic storylines

    • 1 month ago

      Padme out of the way to do it

      Stopped reading here. He did not need her out of the way at all, she just got out voted (by fricking Jar Jar Binks.) The assassination attempts just drew attention to his schemes.

      • 1 month ago

        Watch the movie again moron

      • 1 month ago

        No, Padme is leading the opposition against the army, then he chases her off, then his henchman (the guy with the horns) telegraphs what he wants Jar Jar to do and Jar Jar being the idiot that he is just goes along with it and takes Padme's place in the senate, since he's the only other representative from Naboo left.

    • 1 month ago


      The Jedi were arrogant for so long, the board was set by Palpatine and they couldn’t not play.

      • 1 month ago

        why could they not sense him ?
        his sithiness ?

        where did he come from?

        • 1 month ago

          >Blind we are
          >I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished
          Darkside chemtrail clouds and shit

  13. 1 month ago

    kill all jedi
    setup securlur military-techo empire (sith hidden)

    What was the Sith end game

  14. 1 month ago

    We really don't see the culmination of Anakin's story arc until Episode IV: A New Hope where Vader's custom Tie Fighter spins out of control and away from the battle this shows the bitter irony inherent in Episode I's line "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick."

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