
Is this the most cursed series?
How would you imrpvoe ATLA or Korra

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    It's not cursed it's simply bad

  2. 2 weeks ago

    The frick are you on about

  3. 2 weeks ago

    95% of Korra’s hate would disappear if this never happened

    • 2 weeks ago

      This, but not because I don't like the Dark Avatar. How it was set up and what let down it was in action.

      Dark Avatar should have all the abilities but since he's water tribe he can only bend them using water style. Imagine fire bending using Northern Water techniques, wouldn't that been interesting.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The only fight in Korra where technique mattered was Tenzin vs Zaheer.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I only watched the first 2 seasons of Korra should I watch the rest or will it ruin the show for me?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The last two are improvement by most people’s estimation

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Seriously have Korra be fricked by Meelo.

    Also change the origin of Avatar for one thing.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Why couldn't Korra blood bend if she could water bend?
    Why couldn't Aang blood bend if he was the avatar?
    Why couldn't Korra blood bend if she was the avatar?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because this is a special bending you need to learn and have natural talent for.

      Ang never could metal bend.
      Ang never tried bloodbend.
      Korra was too horny on metal to even think about blood. May be she actually can.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Make Amon the main villain and have things be more grounded and localized. No harmonic convergence and dark avatar shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dark Avatar was based. It was the execution that suck.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, the entire premise was half baked and moronic. It takes the Avatar from being someone with access to their past lives and all the power and knowledge that entails to just being some moron that has a magic kite spirit giving them a boost.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No the concept of it was fine, the kites werent. If I have done it, it would have been similar to the DLC dragonborn or the first emperor of China.

          Essentially the idea of bringing balance to the world was misinterputed.

          The first avatar was trying to control the world under his rule due to the chaos and start an dynasty where all the nations being under his control. It would be a perfect system since the avatar reincarnated there would be no bias between the each nation.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The idea of having a figure that plays as direct foil to the avatar is a flawed concept and making it some hereditary shit is alway dumb because that would be something that has always existed yet no one tried to tap into it until Korra comes along when I reality everyone would be trying to tap into ancestral power. Don’t have a bizzaro avatar, just have the normal one function as it always has and give them issues to solve.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    ATLA is fine aside from maybe the ending DEM. With that I'd try to establish the Lion Turtle thing earlier or have Aang take out Ozai. For the sake of censors or whatever it'd probably end up Ozai fricking himself over. Speaking of Ozai, I'd also try to give him more presence throughout the show as Azula felt more like the main antagonist than him.

    -Drop the love triangle shit
    -Have Asami potentially become an antagonist or anti hero. It didn't really make sense for her to continue hanging with the gang
    -Have Suyin actually suffer some consequences by having her kid go to jail after the season 4 stuff
    -Change the platinum mecha thing to something else or just leave it as an army fricking with spirit world shit
    -Beach episode
    -Could change the dark spirit thing to being an ongoing threat that is manipulating the other antagonists to try to sew problems and then having him be the BBEG of the series.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >How would you imrpvoe ATLA or Korra
    Wait for it to become public domain

  10. 2 weeks ago

    No energybending, and consequently, no hinging the finale on a single fight between two people. Even if Ozai was defeated, the rest of the fire nation would continue to use the eclipse to do ungodly amounts of damage to the world, and it's baffling that destroying one blimp fleet and taking away one guy's bending was all it took to win an impossible war.

    Aang not wanting to kill doesn't make sense when it's apparently the only way to save the world, even though that doesn't make sense. So don't make that the issue.

    Amon was telling the truth. He gained powered from angry spirits. Also, spirits are like they're depicted in AtLA. Mysterious embodiments of natural phenomenon and vengeful spirits, in line with eastern mythology. Not magic alien beings from a parallel dimension. Also, drop the evil twin plot and the "bloodbending without the moon is a superpower you can inherit by blood" idea because it ruins the series.

    No bullshit with the Dark Avatar. Cut Wan's entire story with the good and evil carpets. That shit doesn't jive with any mythology and doesn't fit Avatar at all. If anything, the Avatar is the spirit of THE WHOLE FRICKING PLANET, not just one half of a misunderstood yin-yang

    Red Lotus need an actual philosophy and goal besides vague Anarchy and being angry that that Avatar exists to keep the world at relative peace. Zahir's stupid Senator Armstrong impression does not work and does not belong in this series.

    Get rid of all the mech shit too.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    The original exists. It will always exist. Just ignore EVERYTHING after it ended.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Korra needed a consistent antagonist faction to fight against, like Red Lotus the main villain every season was a member of the Red Lotus. Instead, Korra was just chasing the consequences of her own frickups the whole series.

    And they needed to start moving on Korrasami by S2.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I dont hate Korra. All the Avatars were frick ups. Ang is the exception only because giant turtle out of nowhere.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    There were so many fix-it threads back when LoK was airing. After TLA, most people couldn't believe how incompetent LoK was week after week.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >what if Asami was the first friend Korra made and what if the bending brothers had a stronger connection to the underworld
      I came up with a concept similar to this and I never saw that thread. How the frick does that happen?

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I would not have the characters making unfunny jokes every minute that interrupt the narrative.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >is this the most cursed series
    Dude, that is neither RWBY nor Black Rock Shooter. Don't even talk to me about curses.

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