Ayy lmaos

>This world has received your message.
>I am a pacifist of this world. It is the luck of your civilization that I am the first to receive your message. I am warning you: Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!
>There are tens of millions of stars in your direction. As long as you do not answer, this world will not be able to ascertain the source of your transmission.
>But if you do answer, the source will be located right away. Your planet will be invaded. Your world will be conquered!
>Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I wish aliens would destroy earth so I wouldn't have to see another worthless thread shitting up the catalog on Cinemaphile

    • 3 months ago

      So what’s going on here with every thread in the catalog being spammed with this exact post?

      • 3 months ago

        Show's coming out in a couple days, and the crux of the plot is OP's greentext

      • 3 months ago

        In the book the woman who receives this message led a miserable life and thus responds telling the aliens to wipe humanity out.

        • 3 months ago

          >Be born in communist China
          >Wish for the destruction of the world
          What did she mean by this?

          • 3 months ago

            >implying women need reason or meaning to do things

          • 3 months ago

            Communists and women ruin everything.

          • 3 months ago

            The cultural revolution had some mistakes
            And there were quite a number of nihilists born as a result

          • 3 months ago

            the message of the books is that women unironically ruin everything
            So the shitflix version will be different from the source

            • 3 months ago

              have you seen a photo of the author? I would hate women too. Well, even more than I do now I mean.

              • 3 months ago

                My favorite part of the books is how in the second book the author obviously got a GF because the first book did well, and then by the third book she'd left or cheated on him or some shit so he had to frick with Luo Ji in a fit of rage. Couldn't just give the guy a happy ending?

              • 3 months ago

                >and then she hesitated for a sec but it was enough to destroy mankind
                even if he didn't it still turned out kinda funny

              • 3 months ago

                I thought the implication was Luo Ji broke up with her and then sat on his throne all day long staring at the fricking aliens because he was literally eye-raping them through sheer manliness... The trisolarians had mad respect for him, it must be because he devoted himself completely to his task at being a swordholder.

                Another interesting theory is that his wife was an agent send by the government to make him do his job in book 2, but in book 3 he does seem to regret not spending more time with her and still loving her so i doubt that one.

              • 3 months ago

                It was pretty obvious she was a government agent, which is why she froze herself in the first place. He still loved her even though she was a spy, but she ditched him when the job was over and he saved humanity, and so he went full swordholder.

                >the development of HUMAN life
                fixed that for you. we're really soft, fragile creatures.

                The development of ANY life. Maybe I could buy something like LUCA forming in an ocean on trisolaris, but the idea of multicellular life is absurd. Tardigrades wouldn't last a millennia there, and they're about as hardy as we can imagine life being.

                Organic compounds are notoriously weak to heat. I can't even imagine what kind of cellular structure you'd need to survive a furnace.

              • 3 months ago

                Then why is Luo Ji looking contemplative with a soft smile at the painting of Mona Lisa? Because he was played? C'mon man... You're also forgetting the immense respect the trisolarians have for Luo, and sophons see everything. They respect people who worship themselves for their jobs.

              • 3 months ago

                You can’t comprehend that life other than the types on earth can exist. Hell, even earth has life that is capable of going dormant for decades/centuries and reviving without issue, to the point where scientists have argued whether or not to classify viruses as life.

              • 3 months ago

                We're talking about temperatures here which would degrade anything. I can comprehend life just fine, I can't comprehend anything surviving through multiple thousand degree temperature swings. These are temperature differentials we use to alter the states of metals, they are NOT SURVIVABLE.

                Organic chemistry requires weak bonds. Imagine putting all your energy into fusing your molecular structure into graphite, and any change requires you to use mountains of energy to reform it. Forming anything even half-close to a neuron would be an absolute fantasy.

              • 3 months ago

                >can’t comprehend how RNA based life would be more robust and slower to increase in complexity than DNA
                >doesn’t get this obvious parallel between China and the United States

                Anon, I’m sorry to inform you, but you have the dumbs.

              • 3 months ago

                >more robust
                Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about.

                Can you read? We're saying you don't even know what alien life would look like. Saying "x absolutely can't happen" is not a bet any rational science-oriented person would take. If you believe that there are possible millions or billions of alien species in the universe then I can safely bet at least one "intelligent" species came from a planet with extreme weather cycles. You're locked into your earth-centric view of things. It's kind of quaint in its moronic ignorance.

                There's possible, and there's impossible. I'm talking about fundamentals here, bond energies. What you're talking about is no more feasible than dragons evolving in a sun, nothing can take those temperatures and pressures. Even assuming a 500 million year stable period with perfect temperatures, those amoebas would be wiped out the second a star got close again.

              • 3 months ago

                Viruses are probably more robust than DNA based life. They don’t increase in complexity because there’s no incentive, due to the amount of dna based life to feed on.

                You are quite stupid.

              • 3 months ago

                Provably. Thanks shota-correct

              • 3 months ago

                >Viruses are probably more robust than DNA based life.
                Look, buddy, you don't have a fricking clue what you're on about. Even RNA viruses depend on protein structures, and temperature denatures all.

                Viruses routinely increase in complexity. Either way, they're not alive, they lack machinery and require a host to propagate.

              • 3 months ago

                >viruses aren’t alive
                By the way we define it, and that’s also a subject of heavy debate.

                Welcome to the end of the thought process.

              • 3 months ago

                Can you read? We're saying you don't even know what alien life would look like. Saying "x absolutely can't happen" is not a bet any rational science-oriented person would take. If you believe that there are possible millions or billions of alien species in the universe then I can safely bet at least one "intelligent" species came from a planet with extreme weather cycles. You're locked into your earth-centric view of things. It's kind of quaint in its moronic ignorance.

          • 3 months ago

            Women being absolutely moronic because they are women is a common theme of the novel.

            • 3 months ago

              >Saw her father murdered for refusing to deny science
              >Dared to read poetry about the environment and was sold out to the party by someone I thought was a kindred spirit
              >Tortured and sentenced to death for the aforementioned crime and because I refused to grovel for the CCP
              >Saved because of my technical expertise that the party had killed her father for
              >Abused on the Red Sea base by a clout chasing commander who didn't know shit

              Gee I wonder why such a person might have thought aliens would do a better job running the planet than humans. Must be because she's a woman.

              • 3 months ago

                >Must be because she's a woman.
                Only a woman thinks "government bad" and their conclusion is to replace the government with a fricking bigger alien one there's even less of a chance to resist. Especially after being warned by a member said alien species that their alien government is actually worse.
                A man thinks "government bad" and either concludes they need to replace government with their own or to remove government entirely.

              • 3 months ago

                yeah man why didn't she just start a revolution from the tiny top secret military base she was imprisoned at for the rest of her life alongside the 0 people she had any contact with in the outside world?
                >replace government with their own or to remove government entirely.
                Exactly what she aimed to do with the button. Ayylmaos were preferable to her to the current government.

              • 3 months ago

                Her irrational foid brain lacks the survival instincts to understand that she'll be killed too because she subconsciously expects the invaders to rape and impregnate her.

              • 3 months ago

                Lots of chinks feel death is better than life in China.

              • 3 months ago

                yeah man why didn't she just start a revolution from the tiny top secret military base she was imprisoned at for the rest of her life alongside the 0 people she had any contact with in the outside world?
                >replace government with their own or to remove government entirely.
                Exactly what she aimed to do with the button. Ayylmaos were preferable to her to the current government.

                Yes it is because she is a woman and the book doesn't shy away from portraying genders accurately

                THINK for just 1 second, would any american or chinese man doom the entire world because his mother or father got killed and they live hard lives? You can even see it in real life, they might not like their current leaders or crappy lives but male values are different and heroic, you can't name a single instance in which a man just goes "aight I prefer to doom humanity"

              • 3 months ago

                >Chinese man drives bus off cliff because he is assaulted by passenger.mp4

                Her father was lynched during the cultural revolution and she gets sent to the ass of the earth to freeze her ass off, and then later, has to be all polite to the people who lynched her father. Not to mention she’s still living in Soviet China.

              • 3 months ago

                Cinemaphile is 99% male and at LEAST 90% of us would press that button so fricking fast it'd make your head sneed

            • 3 months ago

              >Cheng xin being too moronic to just push the button

              • 3 months ago

                To be fair, it would still result in the same thing, both races dying with only a few straglers left.

    • 3 months ago

      classic adventist

    • 3 months ago

      Hall monitor detected

    • 3 months ago

      t. adventist

    • 3 months ago

      Lmao Just Close Your Eyes, Just Look Away From The Screen Hahahaha

  2. 3 months ago

    Just by the hideous thumbnail I could tell it was an N-Flix “movie.”

    • 3 months ago

      >thumbnail has the Netflix logo which is also just the word NETFLIX in all caps
      Yeah no shit

  3. 3 months ago

    >be chinese woman (source of all evil)

  4. 3 months ago


  5. 3 months ago

    I don't usually respond to alien messages but I'm going to go with my instinct on this one

    • 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    not watching it

  7. 3 months ago

    I hate women so fricking much its unreal

    • 3 months ago

      At least the woman swordholder did her job well!

      • 3 months ago

        For 2 seconds

  8. 3 months ago

    >Woman instantly answers

  9. 3 months ago

    The idea of shouting out to the universe “hellooooo, is anyone out there?” and then getting answered with “you need to shut the frick up or they’ll find you” is pure kino

    • 3 months ago

      this is exactly what happens and then a woman answers

  10. 3 months ago

    >from the creators of game of thrones
    is this supposed to make me want to watch it?

    • 3 months ago

      It’s a warning.

  11. 3 months ago


  12. 3 months ago

    The chinese version had some sluggish early and middle episodes, but the last third and especially the last 3 or so episodes achieved a level of ludo-kinography I thought was long lost to man

    • 3 months ago

      Cinemaphile chuds won't watch it mainly because they can't keep up with the subtitles

      • 3 months ago

        I wont watch it because they spend 30 hours on a medium sized book...

      • 3 months ago

        Can you go five minutes without thinking about chuds?

      • 3 months ago

        that and like all chink shit
        >too hard to tell anyone apart
        >funny sounding names
        >bad CGI

    • 3 months ago

      Does it cover all 3 books?

      • 3 months ago

        No just book one
        But book two is coming in 2026

    • 3 months ago


      >This world has received your message.
      >I am a pacifist of this world. It is the luck of your civilization that I am the first to receive your message. I am warning you: Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!
      >There are tens of millions of stars in your direction. As long as you do not answer, this world will not be able to ascertain the source of your transmission.
      >But if you do answer, the source will be located right away. Your planet will be invaded. Your world will be conquered!
      >Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!

      How do you respond without sounding mad?

      okay so what's going on here, story-wise? I hardly know anything about this book, but surely there's a reason why the chink and israelite versions show the same visual ad?

      • 3 months ago

        A Chinese woman was a physics undergraduate who was a victim of regime. She was forced to serve on a remote listening post. On front it's to detect enemy satellites but the true purpose is to search for aliens. One day after years of serving there she received a message from an alien, telling her not to respond otherwise its people will know where the signal come from. She, who lost faith in humanity responds anyway, and because of the aliens are coming to Earth but won't arrive for about 450 years.

      • 3 months ago

        A Chinese woman was a physics undergraduate who was a victim of regime. She was forced to serve on a remote listening post. On front it's to detect enemy satellites but the true purpose is to search for aliens. One day after years of serving there she received a message from an alien, telling her not to respond otherwise its people will know where the signal come from. She, who lost faith in humanity responds anyway, and because of the aliens are coming to Earth but won't arrive for about 450 years.

        what this anon said but also the aliens sent their equivalent of AI drones ahead of time to halt humans ability to develop higher tier technology and outpace them, those drones are called sophons and can frick with various computer simulations in particle physics experiments by just being present, physicists are getting false data, it's an interesting concept

        • 3 months ago

          there's also a moronic bit about physicists committing suicide coz the drones are fricking with them

          • 3 months ago

            >They’d come to understand not only that the sophon lockdown had made further progress in fundamental theory impossible, but also that the ability of Sufficiently Advanced Aliens to casually interfere with their observations called the whole concept of immutable physical laws derivable by experiment and observation into question. As Ding Yi puts it “Do you think only sophons create illusions? Do you think the only illusions exist in the particle accelerator terminals?” This realisation undermines their belief in their profession so badly that it drives some of them to kill themselves.

            From tv tropes. So it's not only that sophons are fricking with them, it's also the despair horizon that the universe itself can be fricked with and how human beings are ultimately playthings of species far greater than them and how little influence they have on the outer world.

    • 3 months ago

      I tried to get into it but there's too many episodes for me
      hurry the frick up chinks

      • 3 months ago

        It's funny because then the last 5 episodes throw non-stop kinography at you
        They could have paced it better
        I think they copied the book almost directly line for line, resulting in sketchy pacing
        But it's preferable to what Netflix will do

        • 3 months ago

          Arguably, the tv show is even longer than the book, some characters are much more fleshed out and have expanded roles all without cutting any material (besides the cultural revolution stuff obviously). Also, Wang Miaos's wife in the TV show is top-tier, although most of the women in the book are portrayed as very cool or even icy demeanor.

          • 3 months ago

            >most of the women in the book are portrayed as very cool or even icy demeanor
            Or incompetent. The author has a clear bias against women.

            • 3 months ago

              >Incompetent women
              Maybe he just met all my coworkers.

    • 3 months ago

      All episodes just turn on captions for subtitles

      • 3 months ago

        This is required viewing if you want to be able to properly shit on the Netflix version.

        • 3 months ago

          I read the books, that's enough

      • 3 months ago

        Thx, if i have 65 hourse to waste i will watch it...

        • 3 months ago

          God forbid you waste your time. Well, back to browsing the internet in the middle of the night.

      • 3 months ago

        I linked the time wrong, although that's closer to the part that's relevant, it skips some kino


        >totally not bots comment section

        • 3 months ago

          People are passionate about mature sci-fi. You remember what that used to feel like?

    • 3 months ago

      >three body
      so in chinese the world getting destroyed by aliens isn't a problem?

      • 3 months ago

        Aliens aren't destroying the world, they're coming to live here and will be here in 400 years. All humans will be allowed to live out the rest of their lives but will be unable to reproduce. Humans who have aligned themselves with the aliens will be given special treatment, but humanity will shortly end if the aliens get their way. What do?

        • 3 months ago

          does the special treatment come with the perk of getting to frick the aliens? i don't care if i'm still sterile

          • 3 months ago

            They're the size of termites, but you can try

            • 3 months ago

              my second request of the aliens is a shrink ray

            • 3 months ago

              Not canon.

    • 3 months ago

      The chinese version is a sloppy soap opera with insufferable acting. I can see how Black personflix version would be worse, but it doesn't make this one good.

  13. 3 months ago

    Obviously answer. I could beat up a few greys easily. With those massive heads and tiny necks. One good punch and it'd snap around like a bobblehead.

  14. 3 months ago

    >tencent makes an almost perfect adaptation and throws it on youtube with decent subs for free
    >netflix thinks their bastard version will have any audience at all

  15. 3 months ago

    Ye Wenjie is a cute who did nothing wrong.

    • 3 months ago

      The only satisfaction I have regarding her character is that she died knowing she was wrong and regretting it

  16. 3 months ago

    From a pure marketing point of view, they should have called the show Dark Forest or something. That you can make work, and you can use it thematically
    3 body problem, the title alone, you just lost 60% of potential audience
    Then when you explain what the three body problem actually is, how we can't accurately calculate the position of 3+ body systems interacting via gravity over time, you just lost 38%
    From the reviews i've read they're giving away the biggest details in about 4 episodes and arguably the trailers already give them away. so they're not even trying to do the very slow paced methodical approach of the chingu version, which would also never work for American audiences

    Netflix hire me

    • 3 months ago

      I agree. Looks like they are introducing elements from the 2nd and 3rd book early, like the weeb android.

      • 3 months ago

        >weeb android
        Not even played by Japanese baka Netflix.

    • 3 months ago

      I am paraphrasing now and i cannot even remember who said it

      One of those celebrity scientist like Sagan or Hawkins or something

      but it was something like

      "for ever math equation you put in your book you lose 20% of potential readers."

    • 3 months ago

      >Netflix hire me
      are you black/trans and mentally challenged? if not we're not interested.

    • 3 months ago

      You'd think D&D would do exactly that since they loved to dumb down GoT for general audiences.
      >The frick is a 3-body problem lmao is it about a threesome or smth nah some nerd shit dgaf

  17. 3 months ago

    >this guy making Shi's final speech
    this mogging will be dimensional

    • 3 months ago

      he's playing the cop?

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Lmfao it's fricking over

          • 3 months ago

            Here's your Professor Wang, bro

            • 3 months ago

              WHITE PIG GO HOME

            • 3 months ago

              Actually Wang Miao is Eiza Gonzalez.

            • 3 months ago
            • 3 months ago

              Why would they cast this guy? Does he have blackmail material on those showrunners or does he just come cheap?

              • 3 months ago

                familiar yet affordable

              • 3 months ago

                out of shape docile and not dangerous nor aggressive beta white male

              • 3 months ago

                he's FAT so it means he works with his BRAIN, oh nononono

            • 3 months ago

              wang will be a collection of scientist

    • 3 months ago

      I just don't like the casting in this series, Da Shi and Luo Ji are probably the most important casting and Wong isn't enough of an arsehole for Da Shi.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, it's pretty rough
        >5 minorities instead of one Wang
        >bargain bin Shi who's a comical baffoon.Thinking of him making the final speech is making me cringe.
        Also Ye Wenjie going to be double mogged. Cute mogged and Elderly mogged.

  18. 3 months ago

    watching the chinese Three-Body and then seeing the pig disgusting Netflix has radicalized me against America in the same way as Tuckers trip to Moscow

  19. 3 months ago

    the Chinese already did it better I can say that without a single doubt even though the Netflix slop version isn't even out yet

    • 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago

    so what's the drama here? Somebody wants to answer?
    just fricking shoot them, there, problem solved.

    • 3 months ago

      Women always make life more complicated.

  21. 3 months ago

    the Dark Forest is one of the less likely answer to the Fermi Paradox, so from the get go this show's gonna be shit

    • 3 months ago

      This is such a silly way of thinking. Even though I agree with you, can't you just accept a world where another answer is true, so that it can tell it's story?
      Like I don't actually think Xenos can exist but I can still watch Alien and enjoy it

    • 3 months ago

      >the Dark Forest is one of the less likely answer to the Fermi Paradox
      Says who moron?

      • 3 months ago

        if there was an ancient predator species in the galaxy with the ability and intention to hurt us, we would be dead already. theres literally no reason for them to wait for us to reach the space age.
        detecting stuff in space is easy, the dark forest isnt dark, radio waves dont matter, earth has distinct bio signatures that are visible from hundreds, possibly thousands of lightyears away and has had them for hundreds of millions of years.

        • 3 months ago

          it honestly is so cosmically beyond us there's no point in worrying. Any species with the ability to detect us with FTL-Capable sensors of any kind would have pegged us by the 1950's when earth starts shitting all kinds of fun exotic unnatural radiation. If they want us dead we're already dead because the kinetic accelerator, gamma ray pulse, or any other exotic apocalypse toy is already on it's way. If they were capable of FTL travel, we'd be dead already.

        • 3 months ago

          >possibly thousands of lightyears away and has had them for hundreds of millions of years
          Take aliens thousands/millions of years to receive, and equal/more time to send something back.

          • 3 months ago

            Realistically a space faring civ would not have any issue setting up singer style outposts every few star systems. The idea that a planet could evolve undetected in a dark forest is absurd to begin with, all planets could be easily checked every few millennia by a drone network and glassed if anything resembling life appears. All you need is a directive and an identification for progenitors so you don't accidentally glass yourself.

            • 3 months ago

              We haven't be radiating weird radiation for 1000 years.

              • 3 months ago

                you dont need to find man-made sources like nuclear radiation or radiowaves in order to check if a planet has life. there are plenty of bio markers like ozone, oxygen and methane that can be detected no matter what the life on that planet is up to.
                any civilization that has mastered interstellar travel will have foolproof ways to check for life, and the resources available to keep tabs on every planet in the galaxy. its impossible to hide in space.
                if there was a hostile species around, they wouldve glassed every world with the potential for intelligent life ages ago

              • 3 months ago

                You're not getting it. There aren't that many planets where life is feasible. It's not hard to zoo the galaxy, and even with a very slow checkup schedule, detecting life once every million years on every planet should be completely feasible for even a mid sized civ. Aliens would only need to be born a hundred million years earlier than us to have locked down the galaxy.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah and how likely of a fermi solution is the star trek federation or dune empire, you dirty Black person? have a nice day.

    • 3 months ago

      I think star wars is the perfect answer to fermi paradox

  22. 3 months ago

    It's over bros.... 3BP rated so low already

    • 3 months ago

      Even though I don't think the netflix show would be good, I really don't care about the ratings
      infact if the normies were loving it I'd be pretty concerned

    • 3 months ago

      >season 7 93%
      >season 8 55
      normgroids are something else

    • 3 months ago

      s05-s07 above 50%

  23. 3 months ago

    They can never take the chinakino from me so I'll be happy if I can at least get a cool visual spectacle with the proton unfolding and hopefully the interstellar fleet
    If they're really generous I'll get a nice eldritch space horror micro-cosmos eye getting nuked
    But again, I've already finished and gooned all over myself. if I get an encore, that's fine. If not, okay.

    • 3 months ago

      They'll swap proton unfolding scene with folding a paper and stab it with pencil so the general audience could understand it

      • 3 months ago

        Can someone explain how the trisolarians were able to lock some scientific fields exactly
        Is it just something I have to just accept?

        • 3 months ago

          basically fricking with physics at a subatomic level, so any tests involving particles produce inconsistent and unreliable results

          • 3 months ago

            They insert random noise into every conducted test of a certain study so humans can't make a conclusive experiment

            Why only limit it to some fields then?

            • 3 months ago

              It's some of the fundamental fields that are required for human tech to progress to be able to fight against the trisolarian.

            • 3 months ago

              Sophons can't do much. They can't really stop you bolting some steel together, they just completely frick up sub-atomic physics, which the ayys see as good enough to stall humanity.

              it honestly is so cosmically beyond us there's no point in worrying. Any species with the ability to detect us with FTL-Capable sensors of any kind would have pegged us by the 1950's when earth starts shitting all kinds of fun exotic unnatural radiation. If they want us dead we're already dead because the kinetic accelerator, gamma ray pulse, or any other exotic apocalypse toy is already on it's way. If they were capable of FTL travel, we'd be dead already.

              The level of space our unnatural radiation actually reaches is limited by the speed of light for obvious reasons, our signals have only reached about 50k stars. Given there are 100 billion stars in the milky way as a low estimate, you'd need about 2 million detector-destroyer facilities spaced evenly to have any hope of spotting us, and those would take about 100,000 years minimum to set up.

              • 3 months ago

                Anyone sufficiently advanced enough to kill us from across the galaxy has long since bypassed the limit of light speed signal travel and detection. Assume they've pinged us a few days after the first international radio broadcasts went live.

              • 3 months ago

                >bypassed the limit of light speed signal travel and detection.
                As far as we're aware, this is impossible, and a universe with FTL travel has major issues due to causality. You can't bridge this gap, doesn't matter how many dyson spheres you build.

              • 3 months ago

                you dont need to pull FTL travel or FTL signal detection out of your ass to completely lock down a galaxy as an ancient predator civilization.
                a methodical approach on geological timescales where you check every planet once every 100k years is more than enough to detect basic signs of life emerging, even with light-lag. they can send the relativistic kill missiles as soon as there's a chance something might crawl out of the ocean. you dont look for radio waves if your goal is to stay the dominant species in your galaxy, you just nuke everything that crawls to be sure

          • 3 months ago

            I thought they were just fricking with the data results. Something like a sophon would not be able to do much more than vibrate, but that's enough to skew a single digit of a single number of a vast mathematical process. Kind of like that voting computer that got hit with a gamma ray particle, and it completely ended up skewing the results. the despair people felt was that physics couldn't be real in any mathematical concept because none of the tests would give data that backs up any other data.

        • 3 months ago

          They insert random noise into every conducted test of a certain study so humans can't make a conclusive experiment

        • 3 months ago

          It's one of the most kino parts. There's an answer.
          Watch from here for a couple minutes, they're explaining it inside a game that's a human interpretation of what happened

          But if you just want the answer
          They sent a supercomputer inside a proton that's able to wrap and unwrap itself between dimensions that messes with our scientific results inside particle accelerators, among other things

          • 3 months ago

            I linked the time wrong, although that's closer to the part that's relevant, it skips some kino


          • 3 months ago

            I linked the time wrong, although that's closer to the part that's relevant, it skips some kino


            Thanks I watched it

  24. 3 months ago

    I just thought of something really funny
    Imagine the Sophon putting Black person into the eye of every black person. LOL!

  25. 3 months ago

    >entire book series is allegory for sweatshop factory workers to not unionize or ask for higher wages
    >it's socio political conclusion is for mankind to be a low tech self limiting consumer culture that never bothers with exploring the stars

    go off Xi, you mad lad

    • 3 months ago

      I imagine Xi would identify more with Wade.

  26. 3 months ago

    "I wasn't gonna answer you anyway." Then hang up.
    Also, thoughts on Da Shi's behavior where he lays out Project Guzheng? Was it revenge? Or envy?

  27. 3 months ago

    The first two books in this series were good, but the last one was completely fricking moronic

  28. 3 months ago

    >The sun will set soon. Is your child not afraid?
    >Of course she's not afraid. She knows the sun will rise again tomorrow.

  29. 3 months ago

    >The latinx guy manages to find the perfect solution to issue
    >When people realise what he's doing they turn on him
    >He gets fricking lapidated or something for doing the obvious fricking thing
    this has to be the most moronic part of the trilogy

    • 3 months ago

      I think people were mad at the time because the doomsday battled hadn't happened yet, so they had hope. Afterwards they were much more open to dark forest deterrance once they realised there was no beating them militarily

  30. 3 months ago


  31. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      needs audio


    • 3 months ago

      I made an edit of the destructio of the JD set to the guzheng version of Thunderstruck, but the gays at youtube won't allow it to be uploaded because of copyright. Here's the song anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=564u39PJfUI&pp=ygUMYWNkYyBndXNoZW5n

  32. 3 months ago

    I'd reply too
    I'd doom us all
    Adventist to my core
    I'd find it funny too and laugh about it

  33. 3 months ago

    Ok thanks for letting us know.

  34. 3 months ago

    >Take this razor, sign your name across my wrists, so everyone will know who left me like this

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Woah such a brave and controversial statement

    • 3 months ago

      Best Terence Trent D’arby song.

  35. 3 months ago

    Wait, so ayyys send a radio transmission to humans, the humans answer, and then the ayys come and find and kill them? This nigg stole my fricking book premise.

    • 3 months ago

      It's more complicated than that but that's the just of it

    • 3 months ago

      Not exactly. Humanity still has some hundreds of years or so to get its shit together in preparation. Book 2 is a different thing, but also coming to Tencent along with a spin-off for Detective "Da" Shi (who was undeniably great in the show) https://bleedingcool.com/tv/the-three-body-problem-getting-season-2-spinoff-storyline-miniseries/

      • 3 months ago

        >with a spin-off for Detective "Da" Shi
        A fricking mary sue

      • 3 months ago

        >(who was undeniably great in the show)
        I swear every thread we’re people talk about the tencent 3bp I’m baffled by how terrible this boards taste is. Da Shi actor was god-awful. Is it just that everyone who sat through that slog hadn’t read the book and was just impressed by the ideas?

        This book is just 100% CCP propaganda.

        Might wanna try reading it first. The first one is so explicitly critical of the cultural revolution and the political climate of the proceeding 30 years im shocked the author isn’t locked away. The second book is about trying to communicate ideas with panopticon censors literally everywhere.
        If anything it’s an environmentalist work in the same way Lord of the Rings is. Just sprinkle in a lot of anti-femininity themes.

        • 3 months ago

          You're the odd one out! Tencent Da Shi was epic. I hope we get someone good for playing the space meteor bullet shooter guy in S2

          • 3 months ago

            >I hope we get someone good for playing the space meteor bullet shooter guy in S2
            Here's your Zhang Beihai, bro. Honestly, I don't care, as long as he is convincingly ruthless. Sieg Zeon!

        • 3 months ago

          >The first one is so explicitly critical of the cultural revolution and the political climate of the proceeding 30 years im shocked the author isn’t locked away
          That's what I found surprising after reading it. I had to check if the author was living in China or was an expatriate. It's far from being CCP propaganda and I'm wondering if what we are being told about China and free speech is really the dystopian shit like we're told or they're just trying to shield themselves from american culture and degeneracy.

          • 3 months ago

            >if what we are being told about China and free speech is really the dystopian shit like we're told or they're just trying to shield themselves from american culture and degeneracy.
            It's both.
            There's a fantasy novel I was reading that got banned by the government because the themes of self determination with a villain antisocial main character were too strong.

          • 3 months ago

            Just because China isn't that moronic that they would pretend having millions die in a violent revolution is somehow a good thing doesn't mean it's not a dictatorship where people are routinely getting locked up for expressing harmless opinions or jokes.

          • 3 months ago

            It's ok to make fun of the old China but not today China and especially not Xi

          • 3 months ago

            3BP is a critique of Maoism, which is fine, because Xi and the current CCP are Dengist.

          • 3 months ago

            Look up the recent Hugo awards fiasco where a bunch of books got disqualified for being politically sensitive

        • 3 months ago

          China was a lot more open before Xi. Three Body Problem would never be published today. But it’s too well-established to ban now; that would be too embarrassing.

  36. 3 months ago

    i don't

  37. 3 months ago

    God it looks like such shit. Tencent adaptation was actually pretty good

  38. 3 months ago

    Why would they ayy contact us at all if it wanted us to ignore it?

    • 3 months ago

      It was just the one ayy sending a warning to shut the frick up

      • 3 months ago

        This, and that honestly if she didn't respond sooner or later the ayys will find Earth and invade it anyway. You could argue her actions actually helped humanity to prepare instead of being invaded out of the blue.

        • 3 months ago

          >You could argue her actions actually helped humanity to prepare instead of being invaded out of the blue.
          Sophon asspull meddling doomed research. Honestly, the fact we were only 4 light years away meant we were fricked anyway, but due to story asspulls it takes them over 400 years, and the natural assumption is it would've taken a fleet longer if they were just jumping star to star.

          If they were hostile, they could've just sent a big rock over at NLS and killed us all and made the planet uninhabitable in 5-10 years.

          • 3 months ago

            The Trisolarans do not have that level of control yet. It's related to mass. they can control a single particle over a vast distance, or they can control a giant mass a short distance. They could send an asteroid, but as we find out there are even worse ways to go.

            • 3 months ago

              >The Trisolarans do not have that level of control yet.
              It's absurd that they can build interstellar ships and yet can only really hit 0.1C.

              In the second book humans shoot a brain at them, which they somehow manage to catch in transit, and the level of understanding they show by the third book should be well beyond basic physics. You're telling me they can't just send a teardrop with a sophon controlling it at a decent speed? We could do that TODAY and it'd get there in 40 years, not 400. Why give humanity 400 years when a couple of teardrops can wipe them out in 50?

              • 3 months ago

                The Trisolarans want to inhabit earth, not destroy it.

              • 3 months ago

                A teardrop could very easily be pushed to 10% of the speed of light, slowed to manageable levels by aiming it into Jupiter or Saturn, and then make it to Earth within 50 years. Then all you've got to do is fly around the planet for a year or two killing everyone, any pockets of civilization that manage to exist will be far too small to pose any threat at all for the fleet.

                Ultimately, it's stupid that they even risk humanity becoming a threat. 0.1C on a large rock could easily wipe out all life without obliterating the planet, and the dust clouds will settle before your fleet arrives to a nice comfy new world.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah but if they still inavded without making their presence known esepcially with the sophons sabotage, we won't get Wallfacers and Luo Ji. The again considering Great Ravine, maybe humanity fricked up even more so by the time ayys arrive or even that single droplet humanity would've been extinct.

          • 3 months ago

            >Honestly, the fact we were only 4 light years away meant we were fricked anyway

            Trisolaris being super advanced but never bothering to explore the closest star system is one of the silliest things in the setting.

            • 3 months ago

              By the time they learned of earth it still took them 400 years to travel that distance. The sophons were also just finished but they did send those out to explore other galaxies. A lot of them reached black domains and stopped functioning (or be able to send back information).

          • 3 months ago

            >If they were hostile, they could've just sent a big rock over at NLS and killed us all and made the planet uninhabitable in 5-10 years.
            Yeah, that's another important point. Trisolaris, in comparison to the average alien civilization, is still pretty damn naive. They didn't want to exterminate humans, they were just going to cull us and kick us off of Earth. Even Singer was fairly tame, asking to at least use the telescope to take a look before annihilating us. Most aliens would send a photoid or dual vector foil without a moment's deliberation on the off chance that a star system contained a single microbe.

    • 3 months ago

      There are people/aliens on both sides who have differing opinions on that matter. Not all aliens want to kill us, and not all humans particularly like other humans, as evidenced on this very board.

  39. 3 months ago

    Signals lose power over distance. It's extremely unlikely alien civilizations would pick up our radio waves even if they were just the next star over. In the book the signal had to be amplified a millionfold by pointing it at the sun and even then it's like hearing a gunshot in a forest. You may know the general direction but it's going to be very difficult to get a precise location of a person based of that one shot.

  40. 3 months ago

    man i should boot up a new stellaris campaign

  41. 3 months ago

    How complicated is this compared to something like, say, Dune? Do I have to be 150 IQ to "get" it or will Netflix inevitably dumb it down anyway?

    • 3 months ago

      It's less complicated. It was written by a Chinese person so there are some Chinese sensibilities in it. But it's straight-forward.

    • 3 months ago

      Dune is more complicated I'd say, mostly because of all the cultural stuff. 3BP is more like a detective show with some light physics sprinkled in. Although, if you don't walk away with unanswered questions then you probably weren't paying much attention.

    • 3 months ago

      Its not complicated at all. The story and philosophy are about middle school manga tier. Interesting concepts but the later books literally have the aliens fall in love with Samurai and make a female samurai android to hang out with humanity.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't compare this slop to middle school manga. A cheap toy commercial like Macross has better story and philosophy in the filler dream episode composed purely of reused animation with some new voice work than the entirety of this chink "magnum opus".

  42. 3 months ago


  43. 3 months ago

    Havent finished the third book yet, but I heard its shit so i kinda dont want to. No doubt this netflix show will be shit too.

    • 3 months ago

      third book is weird because it has some of the worst moments but also some of the best + overall is very good, especially if you don't like women

      • 3 months ago

        Its extremely frustrating because the main girl makes literally everything worse for everyone from the start onward, and if she had just listened to the single American man humanity would have been not just saved but better off altogether. The fact that narratively, a chinese story has a chinese woman frick everything up while an American man just sits there groaning at how big a frick up she is just blows me away.

        • 3 months ago

          the author just has a disdain for femininity. he even shits on men becoming more feminine before the droplet attack.

          • 3 months ago

            > he even shits on men becoming more feminine before the droplet attack.
            Will this make it into the netflix version?

            • 3 months ago

              they'll probably make wade kill luo ji and attack the trisolarans or something equally moronic

        • 3 months ago

          not neccesarily, if she did send out the signal the events would happen the same way only quicker. And if she did let Wade fight the war it could end in the entire spacecity being destroyed because they shot down many space ships and other agents destroying other space cities and then everyone would die without having 2 survivors... Ultimately the fault lies with society becoming pussified.

  44. 3 months ago

    I am going to say this right now. The Chinese versions (yes there is more than one), will be better than the Netflix version

  45. 3 months ago

    Frick off, space Black person.

  46. 3 months ago

    I watched the first episode of the chinese version where scientists an heroed because "physics are not real"
    what a dumb show

    • 3 months ago

      That is a minor point and mostly retconned. Yang Dong killed herself because she learned the truth about her mother and the others probably got targeted by sophons for psychological harassment. The universe flickering with a message is cosmologically terrifying.

  47. 3 months ago

    David Benioff and D.B. Weiss deserve a lifetime of obscurity after they fricked Game of Thrones that bad.

  48. 3 months ago

    >fat and ugly characters
    The Chinamen won't be happy.
    That said seeing that stupid fantasy VR shit just made me disinterested in the books.

  49. 3 months ago

    动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

  50. 3 months ago

    How bloated is the Chinese version?

    • 3 months ago

      It's a book you can read in a few hours stretched out to 30 hours of TV. So very bloated.

      Just read the book. The chink show isn't very good, the Netflix one looks absolutely atrocious but at least it'll be short.

  51. 3 months ago

    sounds boring and reddit

    • 3 months ago

      It sounds like reddit's version of 'hard sci fi"

      Much better science fiction books out there that are more complex.

  52. 3 months ago

    The dark forest scenario isn't very likely

    A) resources in the universe are so plentiful its not necessary
    B) game theory is often cited as an example, but game theory proves that cooperation outperforms selfishness/aggression

    • 3 months ago

      >resources in the universe are so plentiful its not necessary
      The Trisolarans are leaving their planet because they have to. We're literally the closest thing to them.

      • 3 months ago

        The concept of intelligent life developing on such a dangerous planet to begin with is laughable.

        • 3 months ago

          I can imagine some alien species out in the universe looking at a picture of earth and thinking it's too dangerous a place to live. You're thinking like a earthling, which is cute.

          • 3 months ago

            A planet that gets bleached by a sun every few years and is so far away it's -200 degrees the rest of the time isn't suitable for the development of life.

            Stability is a basic requirement. A stable period long enough to allow for the formation of trisolarian ancestors is impossible.

            A bigger issue lies in their social structure, though. Deceit is somehow impossible for them, given they were designed as the opposite of the Chinese, and believe humanity wholesale until their supporters tell them otherwise. Such a system is completely incompatible with life, hive mind organisms are more believable due to basic resource competition.

            • 3 months ago

              You're saying hive-mind aliens are more believable than humans?

              • 3 months ago

                Can you not read? They're more believable than truth telling aliens existing on a rock with massive temperature fluctuations.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't even think you can call a hive-mind "intelligent". And I highly doubt something like Cameron's xenomorphs ever building a spaceship.

            • 3 months ago

              >the development of HUMAN life
              fixed that for you. we're really soft, fragile creatures.

        • 3 months ago

          They developed at a glacial pace compared to humans. The whole reason they sent the sophons ahead was because they were terrified of what we would have become by the time they arrived.

          • 3 months ago

            Them developing at all is the issue.

            • 3 months ago

              It's because they devoted massive amounts of resources and labour to ensuring that at least one of them (the princeps, i.e. the kings/emperors in the game) would survive Chaotic Eras.

              • 3 months ago

                It doesn't matter how many resources they devote, nothing is saving you from the surface of the planet becoming molten.

    • 3 months ago

      C) they just kill everything for fun

    • 3 months ago

      You really don't understand the theory then.

    • 3 months ago

      >game theory is often cited as an example, but game theory proves that cooperation outperforms selfishness/aggression

      there are more than just zero-sum games.

    • 3 months ago

      The point of prisoner’s dilemma is there’s too much incentive to betray, and even if someone trusts, after being betrayed, they won’t trust again. Same deal with public goods game.

  53. 3 months ago

    3 body problem is a cool name I'll give them that.

    • 3 months ago

      All the books' names are goes hard.
      >the three-body problem
      >the dark forest
      >death's end
      >the redemption of time

  54. 3 months ago

    I heard the aliens never appear in these. Is that true?
    What sci-fi stuff occurs in the book? Or is it all humans reading radio signals and human drama?

  55. 3 months ago

    Trisolaran = the USA.
    Sophon = japanese.
    Humans = new China.

    Like it's all over the chinese forums at this point.

    • 3 months ago

      Singer's race = Israel.

      • 3 months ago

        Singer's race's colony = Palestine

  56. 3 months ago

    >>But if you do answer, the source will be located right away.

    As in "sometime in the next 20.000 years."

  57. 3 months ago

    >first book is about the insidious manipulation by ayys who keep fricking with human science and secretly working with human collaborators to undermine Earth’s defense efforts
    >meanwhile 30% of Netflix trailer is reaction shots of “le amazed people looking at the big alien device floating in the sky”
    I don’t think these people read the book…

    • 3 months ago

      you go ahead then and make a trailer that is engaging for normies and just consists of protons colliding and scientists looking at graphs and scratching their heads

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >from the creators of Game of Thrones
      It's almost certain that they didn't read the book, or if they did totally misunderstood the story.

      • 3 months ago

        Lmao you're right, the two probably don't read anything but pretend like they do

    • 3 months ago

      I thought they caused hallucinations.

  58. 3 months ago

    Will they show trisolarians and other ayys?

  59. 3 months ago

    >a woman invites the vampires in because shes mad

  60. 3 months ago

    >women bad
    honestly? he's right

  61. 3 months ago

    Is the chink version good?

    • 3 months ago

      I liked it, looking forward to season 2 but it seems like the second book is not a continuation so that doesnt sound great for the second season

    • 3 months ago

      I liked it, looking forward to season 2 but it seems like the second book is not a continuation so that doesnt sound great for the second season

      Isn't the chink version like 30 episodes long? How is it possible that it's only about the first book? How did they managed to stretch it that long? I've heard of a 6h remastered version that cut all the fluff, would make sense.

      The second book is a continuation of the first. Some characters are gone and some new ones are introduced, the second book is better than the first one, by miles.

      • 3 months ago

        because it was filmed by Chinese directors who usually direct looooong Chinese tv-series dramas. No one watches those dramas in the West, they are about obscure scheming in ancient China or Civil and anti-Japanese war, but this time those people were given material for a franchise that Western people might notice, so they did what they usually do - make 30 episodes long series treating the book as the script.

        I don't know if they could do the second book that way, because there are scenes that take place in space and they would need big budget.

        • 3 months ago

          My fricking god 30 episode for the first book it must be torture.

          >I don't know if they could do the second book that way, because there are scenes that take place in space and they would need big budget.
          I don't think chinks have the experience and competences to make the CGI required for the second book without it looking like a 30 years old slog.

          On the Netflix thing, the trailers look sick. I'm not really worried about D&D because the books are finished, they don't really have anything to write plot wise. I'm more worried about Netflix.

          • 3 months ago

            their CGI is decent, they already made sci-fi for the book of the same author

            • 3 months ago

              Ah yes it's not bad at all. I should see what the first episode episode of their 3 body problem version looks like in hd. I've only seen shitty trailers on youtube.

              No chance I watch the 30 episodes but I'll probably give that a try https://disembiggened.com/

          • 3 months ago

            >I'm not really worried about D&D because the books are finished, they don't really have anything to write plot wise.
            But they started fricking up Game of Thrones when they still had like two books to go. They are arrogant and stupid, and WILL frick this up beyond belief because they think they can "make it better".

            • 3 months ago

              >But they started fricking up Game of Thrones when they still had like two books to go
              The last two books but especially the last one is what killed GoT. It's the reason you will never see the last books. There are far too many plot points in the story now. It's just floating threads everywhere that you have to connect somehow.

              It's plots that emerges from nowhere and nobody knows where they are going, not even the fat frick himself. Yes they ripped Lady Stonehearth but what is the point of that storyline? Nobody fricking know. Aegon? Nobody fricking know.

              It's pretty clear now that GoT has a start and an ending but between them it's the void. The fat frick just write it as he go, there is no mindmap, no chart, nothing. So yes they ripped of some parts because they lead to nothing.

              Here is the harsh truth, GoT ended exactly like it was supposed to end. It's how the book would have ended. Of course a lot of snowflakes don't / can't accept that, their queen Dany going mad, no fricking way. The second thing is that the books will never end because the fat frick don't know how to tie the story and two books won't be enough that's for sure.

              What D&D did was tie the story as they can. The only blame we can give them is rushing it. The only one who butchered GoT is the fat frick and his incompetence.

              • 3 months ago

                You are acting like books 4 and 5 are about Aegon, Stoneheart, Eurons magic pirates or whatever, those things are barely a footnote in the grand scheme of things. There was zero reason to ruin all the good character arcs happening in those books, like everything to do with Jamie, for example.

              • 3 months ago

                >dude just cover all the minor plotlines and let the show run 15 seasons lmao
                >actors don't age, audiences don't get tired of the same shit, and the creatives definitely don't want to move on to different projects
                >we can be popular forever! look at The Walking Dead!

              • 3 months ago

                But they didn't just cut it for time, moron. They replaced it with dogshit. I suppose it was easier to just shit out whatever half baked garbage than adapt the source material that made you famous in the first place.

                Gotta rush, god knows there are hundreds other acclaimed literary works to shit all over, waiting in the winds.

              • 3 months ago

                On the one hand, I “sympathize” with D&D in that they signed on to simply adapt GRRM’s story and were probably under the assumption that GRRM would have his shit sorted out so that the show ever outpaced the books. But then GRRM tried and fail to push Winds of Winter out the door in 2014 and D&D suddenly realized they’d have to improvise the rest of the story, so why even burden the story with those FAegon, Lady Stoneheart, Victarion tangents that GRRM can’t even resolve. They figured they streamlined the story. They did get extremely lazy past season 4 though, but you can even blame them for not trying to step up their game and course-correct when at that time those later seasons drove viewership numbers even more than the early seasons. Most normie viewers try to pretend retroactively that they saw the decline taking place over season 6-7 but the truth is most of them were completely suckered by the moronic, fanbait moments in those scenes.

                In effect, GoT viewership skyrocketed up the dumber and simpler to follow it got. It’s astounding that so many people only realized what slop they were being served up when season 8 aired (and for some of them, that was only because Dany turned villainous), when seasons 5-7 were written this badly all along.

              • 3 months ago

                Amen, npc's are fricking moronic and will always inevitably follow Cinemaphile's direction. Every opinion that the whole of Cinemaphile shares will eventually be coopted by normie zeitgeist.

              • 3 months ago

                >and let the show run 15 seasons lmao
                Are you telling me the network wouldn't love that shit? It's literally what they want.

              • 3 months ago

                What did they ruin about Jamie? It's been a long time since I read the books but I don't remember the story of Jamie being that different than in the books.

                So the big bad just gets killed by ninja arya and then forgotten? The constant hammering of misinterpreted myths and prophecies are meaningless? C'mon man, the overall plot points might be the same but now way the novel will end as moronic as the show. I doubt it will end though, but that's up to the lazy fat frick.

                Oh it was poorly executed for sure, for that we can blame them. But the story itself is a mess, the books are unnecessary long and convoluted.

                The real issue is that they were given an unfinished story and an ending and they had to tie it together because of a fat lazy frick. Absolutely nobody, not even the author himself, know what lie between the end of ADWD and the end of the story, if that was the case the books would be out by now.

                Financially GoT was a success for them. Artistically it was their demise because they got tricked by a fat lazy incompetent frick. Before engaging they should have asked to see the mapping of the story and when the fat frick couldn't deliver because there are none they should have bailed.

                Well we'll soon have our answer with this show. Is GoT their fault or the fat lazy frick? It's their last chance of redemption anyway.

              • 3 months ago

                It's been a long time since I read them as well, but he goes to the Riverlands, away from Cercei and her influence, missing his sword arm he has to deal with problems in other ways and grows to a better person and shit. It's some of the stronger stuff in book four.

                In the show he goes to Dorne to do some hijinks with Bronn, then he returns to Kings Landing a dies in a rockslide with his sister.

              • 3 months ago

                >he goes to the Riverlands, away from Cercei and her influence, missing his sword arm he has to deal with problems in other ways and grows to a better person and shit.
                This is exactly what his journey with Brienne is in the show.

              • 3 months ago

                That's the earlier part from book three, the part I'm talking about is without Brienne. It's noticeable in the show how his story act just stops and he ping pongs around doing a whole lot of nothing before dying.

              • 3 months ago


                You're talking about the Riverrun rebellion. What changed him is his captivity and his journey with Brienne but then later Tywin death happened too.

                The Riverrun thing is one of the last thing that happens to Jaimie in the books. It end with him going to find Sansa with Brienne and Cersei still imprisoned.

                The show was fine when they had enough source material. Then they realized the end would never come in time and they ditched some plot points from the last books. From season 5 onward they had to adapt the story to the fact they they will never have the source material for the plots introduced in the last two books.

                Without D&D GoT would be an unknown, unfinished fantasy story with small fanbase an the fat frick would get all the hate. Now nobody care anymore.

                You're misremembering the order of things. Jaime story is: faithful dog to his sister and father -> go fight Rob Stark -> get fricked and imprisoned -> escape with Catelyn help -> meet Brienne -> Go back to King's Landing -> arrive just after Joffrey's death -> relation with Cersei goes south -> Tywin death -> refuse hand role -> sent to deal with Riverrun -> go find Sansa with Brienne.

                Most of the above is in the show. The ping pong thing don't happen in the books. The Dorne story with Bronn is written by the same new generation of blue haired capeshit writers that America produce today.

              • 3 months ago

                You're talking about the Riverrun rebellion. What changed him is his captivity and his journey with Brienne but then later Tywin death happened too.

                The Riverrun thing is one of the last thing that happens to Jaimie in the books. It end with him going to find Sansa with Brienne and Cersei still imprisoned.

                The show was fine when they had enough source material. Then they realized the end would never come in time and they ditched some plot points from the last books. From season 5 onward they had to adapt the story to the fact they they will never have the source material for the plots introduced in the last two books.

                Without D&D GoT would be an unknown, unfinished fantasy story with small fanbase an the fat frick would get all the hate. Now nobody care anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                Even if they had to write new stuff, it really doesn't excuse the new stuff being utter nonsense. I'm willing to forgive them a tiny bit, if this show turns out to be kino. But I'm not holding my breath.

                see [...]

                You're misremembering the order of things. Jaime story is: faithful dog to his sister and father -> go fight Rob Stark -> get fricked and imprisoned -> escape with Catelyn help -> meet Brienne -> Go back to King's Landing -> arrive just after Joffrey's death -> relation with Cersei goes south -> Tywin death -> refuse hand role -> sent to deal with Riverrun -> go find Sansa with Brienne.

                Most of the above is in the show. The ping pong thing don't happen in the books. The Dorne story with Bronn is written by the same new generation of blue haired capeshit writers that America produce today.

                >The ping pong thing don't happen in the books.
                Exactly, they had perfectly well laid out tracks for a character arc, but the moment they got got control they dove off into the fricking ditch.

              • 3 months ago

                Of course they dove off into the fricking ditch but they probably didn't write shit they're directors not writers, they gave plot points and actual "writers" did the thing.

                The people who ended the writing of GoT are the same people who write all your modern tv shows and movies. It was the people who wrote the new star wars, the last of us, foundation, the lotr tv show, the new fallout, all your marvel movies.

                It was blue/pink/green haired homosexuals who will soon be replaced by AI.

              • 3 months ago

                So the big bad just gets killed by ninja arya and then forgotten? The constant hammering of misinterpreted myths and prophecies are meaningless? C'mon man, the overall plot points might be the same but now way the novel will end as moronic as the show. I doubt it will end though, but that's up to the lazy fat frick.

              • 3 months ago

                >Here is the harsh truth, GoT ended exactly like it was supposed to end.
                This, it's funny how people act like D&D botched it. None of these things were going to tie together, fanwank theorycrafting always outstrips the authors intent. The reason GRRM hasn't finished the books is because he knows what the reception will be like when they end about the same as the show did, better to retire popular than continue to work as a pariah.

              • 3 months ago

                barely anybody has a problem with how the plotlines of the various GOT characters concluded, people hate on it because the path to getting there felt rushed, convoluted and unearned.

                you can make dany go insane, just dont make her snap in 5 minutes with no real buildup whatsoever.
                you can make bran become king, just dont make it one scene where some nobles say "uh, guess his story is the best"
                you can make sam tarly grand maester, just make him work and plot for it instead of just showing up in robes in the last episode

      • 3 months ago

        The chink version copies the book almost line for line which is both a blessing and a curse
        It definitely could have been improved pacing wise. But I am almost certain what I got is preferable to what Netflix will do
        At least the chinks (mostly) tried to respect the source material. Instead of treading enjoyers of the source material like they're scum like we do in the west.

  62. 3 months ago

    I ask if they are hiring and if they have dental. I want to help.

  63. 3 months ago

    Bros we are extremely early and we will be the predator species that has a stranglehold on our home galaxy

    • 3 months ago

      becoming the gardeners of the galaxy and seeding barren planets with life from mother earth sounds a lot more comfy tbh

  64. 3 months ago

    I send out fart noises.

  65. 3 months ago

    This book is just 100% CCP propaganda.

  66. 3 months ago

    Cinemaphile actually can read?

  67. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't answer. I'd listen. That's what no one did.

  68. 3 months ago

    Did Wenjie jerk off while pressing the button and then orgasm from the absolute rush of emotions in knowing she doomed earth forever?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      probably not

    • 3 months ago

      the absolute state of coomers

  69. 3 months ago
  70. 3 months ago

    Isn't this one just
    >chinah nambah wan we so smart
    Is netflix even allowed to make something like this in current political climate in the us?

  71. 3 months ago

    getting folded into a lower dimension
    That shit was so wild.

  72. 3 months ago

    midnight tonight, right?

  73. 3 months ago

    maybe I'll watch for she

  74. 3 months ago

    I only sail on the high sea with my parrot friend and pirate hat and I've never anticipated something from Netflix.

    Do they still release whole seasons in one go or they cucked out on that too?

  75. 3 months ago

    Do not watch.
    Do not watch.
    Do not watch.

  76. 3 months ago

    I really wanted to get into this franchise, but the video game bits bore me to no end.
    I can't even imagine how worse it's going to be on a tv show.

    • 3 months ago

      The video game bits are 3-4 short chapters that are interspersed throughout the main story. They take 10 or 15 minutes each to read.
      If that put you off of the book you probably weren't enjoying it much in the first place.

    • 3 months ago

      The part about the VR game that bugs me most is it's completely unrealistic. Wang Miao never once gets tangled in cords or walks in to a wall. He's not sweating profusely and having a three hour migraine headache after taking off the VR goggles.

    • 3 months ago

      I dropped it for this reason and complained it about it too, the only reason I went back is because I spoiled myself on what happens, and once you understand what they're doing, it makes it make sense and makes the videogame more bearable
      Basically there is a hidden point to it all and it is worth getting through it.

  77. 3 months ago


  78. 3 months ago

    >Do not speak to me! Do not alter your normal human behavior in any way! You know not the elaborate criteria by which you are to be judged! Ignore my presence and go about your Earthly business!

  79. 3 months ago

    Do we have the exact time when this will come out? I'm planning to marathoning the 10 episodes tomorrow (I'm neet)

    • 3 months ago

      I know when I’ll care.


    • 3 months ago

      3 AM ET

    • 3 months ago

      as said, 3 am est
      but there's only 8 episodes

  80. 3 months ago

    I'm sure D&D will treat the source material as well as they did with GoT

    • 3 months ago

      The part they took from the books was well adapted.

  81. 3 months ago


  82. 3 months ago

    Seeing as they've cast some black and mexican, where will the present story be set? The US?

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty sure it's set in Europe primarily

    • 3 months ago


  83. 3 months ago

    Dark Forest? Let me burn that down for you.

    • 3 months ago

      Okay we’ve just made that two dimensional. Now what.

      • 3 months ago

        Put my physics researcher to research the three dimensioner, shouldn't take any longer than 25 turns.

        • 3 months ago

          >Sophon prevents your physics researching from making any meaningful progress on the three dimensioner
          >your science is locked down
          nothing personal kid

  84. 3 months ago

    One thing that surprised me
    Is the Chinese version had a lot of really good music. Even music with soul.
    The audio design was kino too.

    • 3 months ago

      They ripped off the Dark soundtrack.

      • 3 months ago

        They ripped off a bunch of stuff
        One of the songs is literally just the L theme song from Deathnote
        It's fine
        Their music with vocalists were kino and the soundtrack was also good even though yes, they absolutely ripped stuff off.

  85. 3 months ago

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