Been watching BTAS on Netflix and being casually reminded that this version of Harley Quinn is still one of the best.

Been watching BTAS on Netflix and being casually reminded that this version of Harley Quinn is still one of the best. Arleen Sorkin's performance is just exquisite, giving this court jester the perfect voice to define the character. Tara Strong totally butchered her voice in later appearances, I'm glad she's getting recasted for the new Batman series.
I know she's a bit of a meme these days, but I still have a soft spot for 2D Harley

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  1. 1 week ago

    >One of
    You mean THE best. Arguably the only good one if we're being brutally honest.

    • 1 week ago

      I'm guessing it's because Harley is Paul and Bruce's OC (mainly Paul's) and having creative control over the stories means you can write what you want to write. Reminds me a lot of what happened to Gwenpool

      • 1 week ago

        >You now realize Brittney Murphy was born to play Harley Quinzel

        Litterally created as a tongue in cheek poke at marvels distrubing yet moronic attempt to all of a sudden bring back a character that was killed off nearly half a century ago and make her worth a damn. ANd failling.

        • 1 week ago

          I thought you were talking about Harley for a second and not Gwendolyn Poole. I agree that Gwen Stacy is a pretty nothing character thanks to modern comics, but Gwenpool is my misunderstood neet girlfriend that creator's will never write correctly again.

          • 1 week ago

            Anon, she's litterally a 1:1 rip off of Hellcat. Except "quirky" aka a manic pixie dream girl.

            • 1 week ago

              Except Hellcat is about some snooty fashion lady or whatever with awful art, while Gwen posts on Cinemaphile and doesn't clean her room and has cute Gurihuri art
              This is supposed to be a thread about Harley Quinn anon

              • 1 week ago

       don't know what the frick you're talking about.

              • 1 week ago

                And you do? Quick, name 5 Hellcat stories that are memorable and good and feature Batroc the Leaper and meta commentary about how comic writer's abandon character growth between series
                Or, you could talk about 5 Harley Quinn stories you remember 🙂

              • 1 week ago

                I don't give a single sideways backflipping frick about any of the shit you casually mentioned about your trash OC DONUT STEEL character.

                But the character is litterally a 1:1 rip off of Hellcat. She is litterally in a comic universe about a comic that is made by her mother who created the comic based on her actual life story.

                Although I still like her, I think it's because of Spider-Gwen. In terms of a 'What If" story, it's actual a cool idea to flip the relationship between Peter and Gwen, but forcing her into the 616 comic universe was just a terrible idea. I think the future of Spidey comics should be more like Ultimate Spider-Man or that horror story with the Symbiote a couple years back (the hunger?). Weird, spin off stories that don't tie into any main timeline, instead just chances to explore the character and their relations. Spider-Gwen (or Ghost Spider) could have been it's own stand alone series in an alternate universe, but I guess having three spider people on the cover sells more copies

                It was a cool what if story 60 fricking years ago and it was shit then too.
                Having her be the spider of her universe canonically makes less then no fricking sense and you have to rewrite all of reality for it to work.

                Litterally the only thing about that shitter character that anyone likes is the costume and you can put that on any spider themed character.

                Know what.
                I'm reimagining silk as a woman who underwent the same spider power experiments as julia carpenter and she wears the ghost spider/spidergwen costume as her real costume.
                Her name is silk.

                There. I fixed two shit characters and made marvel a profit by eliminating any claim the shit creatives have over the originals.

              • 1 week ago

                Calm down anon, they're just drawings. I'm sorry you live such a joyless life

          • 1 week ago

            Ditko-era Gwen was genuinely a fun character. Unfortunately, her memory has been raped to hell and back by hack writers that hate Spider-Man.

            • 1 week ago

              Although I still like her, I think it's because of Spider-Gwen. In terms of a 'What If" story, it's actual a cool idea to flip the relationship between Peter and Gwen, but forcing her into the 616 comic universe was just a terrible idea. I think the future of Spidey comics should be more like Ultimate Spider-Man or that horror story with the Symbiote a couple years back (the hunger?). Weird, spin off stories that don't tie into any main timeline, instead just chances to explore the character and their relations. Spider-Gwen (or Ghost Spider) could have been it's own stand alone series in an alternate universe, but I guess having three spider people on the cover sells more copies

              • 1 week ago

                The real problem is multiverse crossover bullshit. I used to not have a problem with Miles because he was just in the Ultimate universe, and then he suddenly started popping up everywhere (conveniently around the time both Stan Lee and Steve Ditko died)

                Honestly, I hate the fact that all these characters exist in the same universe anyways. Like, Batman and Superman should not exist at the same time. It just doesn't work. Or like how there's somehow still petty crime in NYC even though there's like a billion active superheroes in there. But we're getting off topic.

              • 1 week ago

                Speaking of elseworlds...
                I'm mixed on White Knight's version of Harley Quinn. I like her character, where she's more sane and is actively trying to help Jack, but I'm not a fan of the Bruce x Harley ship that they tried to push. Maybe I have to read them again...

              • 1 week ago

                Personally, I have more of a problem with how much of a clusterfrick the story becomes when Jack comes back as Bruce's tulpa and then becomes an AI ghost. It's like the writer pussed out of actually killing off Jack.
                As for Bruce x Harley, I don't really mind it that much. I think it could work if written well, but I'm not exactly clamoring for it. I prefer Dick x Harley

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah I need to re-read them because I totally forgot about the tulpa thing
                Goodship. For me it's Harley x Me

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah thats dumb, they ran out of ideas in the 3rd one... but hey we got elseworld Batman Beyond.

              • 1 week ago

                Is the White Knight Beyond good? Was disappointed by the end of the Azrael stuff that I never read the stuff afterwards

              • 1 week ago

                The issue with Beyond is that all villains are dead, based Azrael . So they wrote themselves into a corner. They stick to the "Wayne is a fraud" thing which is good, and Bruce is in jail. The villain is Blight and Terry works for him, so it's Batman vs Batman.

                The annoying thing is that Jack/ Joker returns as a Batman fanboy hologram/ AI which acts VERY out of character. He constantly demands to be Robin. Its really killing the tone. Still great art and a completion of the saga (I refuse to accept the follow-up about Jack's daughter being a Joker fangirl). Red Hood and Nightwing are added to the team. Which is kinda confusing, I think the end of the second book hinted that Jason had a different story and didn't end up as Red Hood.

              • 1 week ago

                It's conceptually horrifyingly shit on every level.

              • 1 week ago

                You're horrifyingly shit on every level.

              • 1 week ago

                I know what you mean, but I think it fits into that universe. At least the child isn't from Bruce. I like the "the main universe fricked up her character, let's fix it" approach.

                Speaking of fricking up, they even managed to frick up White Knight with the 4th issue. It also has different art, and the art is one of the best things about White Knight.

              • 1 week ago

                I think what sells the relationship for me is that Bruce is such a dad that of course he's not going to abandon a single mother with twins. It makes sense that they would grow close and start to trust each other

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah exactly that's what I like, they only hang out because she's a mother, where else should she go? (Ivy's in Arkham) Besides that, she helped save Gotham and kept Jack in check.

              • 1 week ago

                It seems people want to pair Batman and Harley as friends, but in the main comics I just don't see it. As a team-up against the Joker, sure, but I don't think Harley should be given a key to the Batcave


                It's recast anon.

                sorry I'm high

              • 1 week ago

                I think what sells the relationship for me is that Bruce is such a dad that of course he's not going to abandon a single mother with twins. It makes sense that they would grow close and start to trust each other

                There is absolutely nothing good about what you said.

                She's an evil monsterous sociopathic emotionally physically and sexually violent butcherer.

                Oh Bruce is such a dad...taking in that used up evil prostitute and the bastards from a monster whos' killed more people and more then pol pot, mao, stalin, and hitler combined.

                So abut those children she murdered with rigged gameboys.

              • 1 week ago

                Different universe.

              • 1 week ago

                >She's an evil monsterous sociopathic emotionally physically and sexually violent butcherer.

                Yeah not in fricking this one, cry harder. She was abandoned by Joker who quickly and randomly replaced her with modern Harley Quinn and a final nail to the coffin that's their relationship. Modern Harley has an intentionally boring backstory in White Knight and is a shitty character overall.
                When Joker gets temporarily sane and returns to the original Harley, new Harley gets absolutely mad, in a "hurr hurr I'm so crazy" way.

                As someone who hates new Harley, it was satisfying.

              • 1 week ago

                Original Harley did do all of that stuff you moronic c**t.

                >canonically farted in the Batmobile

                >tried to rape Nightwing
                You can't rape the willing.

                An erection is no more consent then an orgasm means a woman wanted to be raped.
                Took me a long time to figure that out.

                Andrea Romano didn't have anything to do with the Arkham games

                But she did do voice direction for assault on arkham which features the lady that should have gotten the job, Hynden Walch

                The current hateable "she wears the dick/plastic with semen in it/futa plant penis" in the relationship and knocked up ivy Harley Quinn is no one's favorite. And untill she bawds it up in an arkham game as the fap bait harley quinn her voice will be tied to everything everyone hates about american/western heroines.

                Goddamn..she even did princess bubblegum's voice too didn't she? She's got a really bad streak of shit characters she vocies.

              • 1 week ago

                Nightwing was into it and he was having tickle fights with her later.

              • 1 week ago

                >The current hateable "she wears the dick/plastic with semen in it/futa plant penis" in the relationship and knocked up ivy Harley Quinn is no one's favorite.
                I'm sorry, I confused this for a serious voice actor question but you clearly don't know who has done what anywhere

                My mistake, enjoy whatever you're trying to do here

              • 1 week ago

                Anon, Harley got Ivy pregnant and the it's pretty much stated that she's the daddy.
                And she's mostly hated by all normies.

                If the voice is tied to a shit version of a character, then the VA for said version will not be the...PRIME TIME version of the character ever.

                It's like some guy who does a great batman voice but he's the shitty version that saves jokers life over and over again and beats up robin and batgirl.
                Think anyone will want that VA to do the Primetime version of the character?

              • 1 week ago

                >Original Harley did do all of that stuff you moronic c**t.

                You mean the original Harley in the main storyline did that and turned into shitty Harley.
                Otherwise I have no fricking idea what you mean.

              • 1 week ago

                So this harley is a dindu nuffin that only broke joker out got bareback fricked by him for a few years while being a good shrink and protecting everone from full on crazy joker then all of a sudden got kicked out as a heavily pregnant single mother who's blameless and should totally be taken care of because she's a dindu nuffin.

                Is that what I'm seeing here?

              • 1 week ago

                Either stupid or are upset and got in your feefees over facts.

                >dindu nuffin
                >your feefees over facts.

                Can someone translate Black person to me?

              • 1 week ago

                You're old as hell, probably ugly as shit and house bound by how out of touch you are and apparently fricking stupid can't fully parse anything posted.

                Maybe you should stick to facebook like the other pathetic old c**ts. Don't get suckered by a bot, moron. I know you morons have a problem with that.

              • 1 week ago

                Dude what's with the post format?

              • 1 week ago

                Makes it easier for morons like you to read. Also it's a habit from back when the site wasn't 100% controlled by google and alphabet agencies.

                No one reads massive walls of text on a board where you can refresh and every single thing you were saying reading beating off too and enjoying before is gone.

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                Homestuck is banned on Cinemaphile

              • 1 week ago

                >Original Harley did do all of that stuff you moronic c**t.

                You mean the original Harley in the main storyline did that and turned into shitty Harley.
                Otherwise I have no fricking idea what you mean.

                Frick I made the mistake to keep reading and I shouldn't have reacted to this. Man, someone's mad that he didn't have coke and Fortnite tonight. What a bunch of nonsensical rambling.

              • 1 week ago

                Either stupid or are upset and got in your feefees over facts.

              • 1 week ago

                Different universe.

                While we're at it, your version canonically farted in the Batmobile and tried to rape Nightwing.

              • 1 week ago

                >canonically farted in the Batmobile

                >tried to rape Nightwing
                You can't rape the willing.

              • 1 week ago
                El Barto

                tbf, with so many supercrimes goin’ on, petty crimes seem much more easier to do (especially when the heroes go off to fight some world-ending whatsit)

  2. 1 week ago

    It's pretty much the only version of Harley that makes you feel sorry for her.

  3. 1 week ago

    >on Netflix
    Way to openly declare yourself a sucker.

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        You can look up whatever you want for free

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah and risk getting a virus or having the stazi shut down my internet and I won't be able to shitpost on Cinemaphile
          Ooooorrrr..... I could spend $10 a month and be able to watch movies and series on literally any device that has wi-fi.
          Now talk about Harley Quinn before I get angry

          • 1 week ago

            You make me want to not post on this thread just to spite you. I'm like 45 episodes into BTAS, and all without having paid a cent to those Jojo-ruining streamers.

            • 1 week ago

              Oh I get it, you're a f/a/g, that's why you're so irritable

              • 1 week ago

                You don't have to be from Cinemaphile to know Netflix is a shitty company.

              • 1 week ago

                Every company is a shitty company. Netflix is the only streaming app I pay for, and it's mainly because I've had an account for over a decade. Maybe if I was spending $300 a month on subscriptions I wouldn't be bothered, but $10 a month for a wide selection of content that's extremely accessible is worth it

            • 1 week ago

              >You make me want to not post on this thread just to spite you.

              Oh no, how ever will we carry on.

  4. 1 week ago
    El Barto

    >Tara Strong totally butchered her voice in later appearances

    i blame whoever did vocal direction for her

    • 1 week ago

      Probably would've been Andrea Ramano. Rare miss for her.

      • 1 week ago
        El Barto

        ye if that were the case I’d ay this is one where “don’t emulate the other” ended up backfiring spectacularly

      • 1 week ago

        Andrea Romano didn't have anything to do with the Arkham games

        But she did do voice direction for assault on arkham which features the lady that should have gotten the job, Hynden Walch

  5. 1 week ago

    I want to FRICK Harley. Like have SEX with her. Put my DICK in her PUSSY. In the MISSIONARY POSITION while HOLDING HANDS with the LIGHTS OFF, real ROMANTIC like. FRICK.

    • 1 week ago

      Anon that's lewd

      • 1 week ago

        You don't know SHIT. I wanna put a RING on her. Marry her at the BEACH by the fricking SEA. Fricking BAREBACK on her FERTILE DAYS. Having KIDS with her. Grow OLD with her. Live a LONG FULFILLING LIFE with her. Fricking thug-ass shit, FRICK you.

  6. 1 week ago

    Even then Harley was always an annoying shit character and cartoon waifu gays the plague

  7. 1 week ago


    It's recast anon.

  8. 1 week ago

    >one of

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