Black Widow (2021)

Why did people not like this movie? I've seen a lot of people say this was the worst movie in Phase 4 and I completely disagree. Just watched it and in the grand scheme of the MCU it was pretty average but I thought it was great and I'm not really understanding the hate.

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  1. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      oh nooooo a bad cgi scene. Oh my gooooooooooooooood

      movie was perfectly fine average mcu flick. No where near as bad as people claim though

  2. 2 years ago

    The Taskmaster reveal was awful. It is very clearly a guy for the entire film and then they cut away and back to a waif of a woman taking the helmet off. They also made them a mindless robot with none of the characters personality. David Harbour and Florence Pugh carried the film.

    • 2 years ago

      Fair point. I kinda had a feeling people would criticize how they portrayed Taskmaster, but I thought it was a cool twist and made sense in terms of the story. I will say I never read the comics though so I'd probably have the same opinion as you if I did.
      Also yea Florence carried

  3. 2 years ago

    She kind of died in Engame, no point in her development as a character.
    If they released it instead of Captain Marvel (and never released Captain Marvel) MCU would be much better.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Would've been much better if we had got this movie in Phase 2 instead of Iron Man 3 or Ant Man. The fact that it takes place before BW died kinda killed most of the stakes

  4. 2 years ago

    Mostly because it was mediocre, flat and pointless. Nobody really needed this movie, it does nothing to push the MCU forward besides adding Yelena who is not that important to anything.

  5. 2 years ago

    I honestly don't see what was so good about Pugh's performance. Her jokes were flat and she manages to have less screen charisma than all the other leads.

    • 2 years ago

      None of the performances were anything to talk about outside of the Russian guy maaaybe. Everyone else looked totally bored including ScarJo and what's her face Rachel something. On another note, Pugh really hams it up in Hawkeye, it's awful and makes her BW performance look great in comparison.

  6. 2 years ago

    i came up with a better plot this afternoon, and it would have cost substantially less.

    >same time period, just after civil war
    >cap and his renegade team are given asylum in new attilan, on an island in the pacific (after the events of the tv show).
    >erik selvig is there too, studying lockjaw's transportation abilities
    >black bolt and medusa want to be declared a country, and allow all inhumans asylum. they ask cap and his team for help finding people
    >cap sees nat is sad about losing her family, so gives her an assignment to go to New York and find people using her network of safehouses
    >she goes, and tracks down a few inhumans, who are being murdered and being turned into art.
    >she tracks one down, and tells him its not safe, when she's attacked by someone. they fight, and its revealed to be daredevil
    >her and daredevil bond and team up to find the killer, someone named muse
    >all the while general ross is looking for people who haven't signed the accords, and teams up with the new shield (and thier current director jeffrey mace) to find them, but is distracted by the inhumans wanting sovereignty.
    >daredevil and nat track down muse, and stop him in the act, but find out he is being backed by big money.
    >a black widow comes to kill them, daredevil and nat have a big fight with her, and its shown to be yalena.
    >nat remembers her from the red room, and is shocked, yalena gets away

    • 2 years ago

      Inhumans was a shit tv show and this plot sounds worse tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        i thought it'd be cool since both comics didn't sell, so in the 70's marvel combined them and called it "black widow and the inhumans", also to do them better and wash the taste of the bad show out of the world's mouth, without rebooting it entirely.

        • 2 years ago

          Your ideas just sound like "I liked Agents of Shield and Inhumans" which were both very meh and the whole "I want to connect all the shows to the movies" thing which has been a detriment with the Disney+ shows. Too much stuff crammed in.

          • 2 years ago

            except i'm trying to do it naturally, concurrent investigations crossing over.

            the disney plus shows don't actually crossover or matter much, they're just filled. old marvel tv stuff, although highly flawed, were better and more varied, even with lower budgets.

            it's better than just ignoring it. just like in the comics, you should build upon the last run, especially if it was bad.

            • 2 years ago

              >except i'm trying to do it naturally
              Nothing about it is natural. It sounds like throwing everything in just because you liked those shows and were mad that Agents of Shield never really got the connections they promised. The problem with the film is that from the outright start, the character is dead so what is this film going to be about? And they chose to make it boring, bland and set up Yelena. How should the film have justified its own existence? That is the question we should be asking. You want to fill in a gap between Civil War and Infinity War with a bunch more shit, setting up even more stuff including tv shows connections in a Black Widow movie based on a dead character? Daredevil and Nat had a relationship in the comics so you want one in that movie but why? What does it add at this point that we needed?

              >the disney plus shows don't actually crossover
              I don't like their approach but they are setting up plenty more than those old shows did:
              >WandaVision setting up MoM
              >Loki setting up Kang.
              >WandaVision and Ms Marvel setting up things for Marvels.
              So you're actively wrong about "crossovers" when that is what it is trying to do.
              >were better
              Agents of Shield actively ruined the Coulson character. The low budget looked awful. The truth is the ABC shows were Perlmutters idea because he believed "strike while the sun is shining" and didn't care about franchise longevity (not that Feige on his own is doing grea). His Inhuman push actively damaged the comics because he was upset over the continued issues with Fox. Agents of Shield was changed from the original concept to something awful. Originally it was going to be like the Item 47 short (where two people use chitauri tech to rob banks and get hired by shield). It was going to be about agents going to places ala X-Files but with Marvel humour. Instead they changed the show to "this stuff really matters" when none of it did and took the scrappings they were allowed to have from Marvel.

    • 2 years ago

      >i came up with a better plot
      No you didn't

    • 2 years ago

      Stopped reading at inhumans

  7. 2 years ago

    It should have been the movie between Infinity War and Endgame instead of Captain Marvel who served no purpose. Also would allowed for a Captain America cameo.

    It would have ended Widows red-ledger guilt arc giving greater weight to her acceptance of sacrifice in Endgame.

    The third act sucks! From the Taskmaster reveal to the shitty action and choreography to the stupid plan and resolution. Main villain gets killed uncermoniosuly. Natasha breaking her nose to stop the pheromone BS. The shitty Taskmaster Vs Red Guardian fight. THE TERRIBLE WIDOW vs Taskmaster finale where she just beats her for no particular reason even though she got her ass kicked by Task earlier; for some reason she can just win now.

    Had decent build up in the middle. Had potential to be an actually spy and infiltration movie but like I said, third act shits the bed.

  8. 2 years ago

    >yalena was being paid by omega red, and his partner red guardian, who are trying to create tensions between american and new attilan. both were a part of leviathan, which fell apart after the wall fell, leaving their faction, and the red room, which trained the widows.
    >while nat and daredevil are finding the clues, they start to fall in love (this is after dd s3)
    >the u.n is considering granting new attilan sovereignty, wakanda is behind them especially, but ross accuses them of harboring fugitives, and medusa accuses america of letting inhumans get killed (with all the history from agents of sheild brought up)
    >omega red comes to kill nat and daredevil after yalena fails
    >luke cage and iron fist help in the fight, and they defeat him, leading to him getting arrested by shield.
    >red guardian wants to finish this all, so he uses whatever widows are left to attack all at once, along with himself
    >which leads to a big battle with the inhuman royal family, the defenders, and caps avengers.
    >when red guardian is defeated, the tensions between the us and new attilan are cooleed down, they get granted sovereignty, and caps team needs to find new places to hide, and go back on the run.
    >daredevil and nat kiss and say goodbye

    >end credits scene is showing ross get the v.p. job, and set up the thunderbolts.

  9. 2 years ago

    Phase 4 as a whole has been so shit it's almost miraculous.

  10. 2 years ago

    Taskmaster was pants.

  11. 2 years ago

    Perlmutter outright said "girls don't buy action figures" and didn't want a Black Widow film. Feige and Perlmutter fighting made the MCU a success; Perlmutter was more business inclined and Feige more creative. With Perlmutter forced out and Feige reigning he managed to get a film which he had promised ScarJo. And all we got was a bland film that all it did was set up Yelena, get Scarlett to threaten legal action for earnings and get dumped on Disney+. The character is dead. So who cares about anything happening? The plot is bland. So who cares about anything happening? And COVID was the shit cherry on top.

    They could and should have done a full swan song for the character, exploring her whole past as hinted at with some throughline. Give her some adventures and gravitas. Instead we got bad CGI and a sorta attempt to copy Winter Soldier in the worse way. Her "family" were mostly wasted or boring.

  12. 2 years ago

    I didn't mind it, it was far from the worst MCU entry, but that's all. It felt like a gap filler, especially given Nat is dead. I do like Yalena though so I hope she gets more appearances.

  13. 2 years ago

    I hate woke shit and forced romances, and yet I really, really want them to make Yalena and Kate into lesbians. Their chemistry does things to me.

    • 2 years ago

      >im quirky because i put siracha on kraft mac and cheese comrade
      >im so quirky because i trained myself to be a peak human on avengers level, with no explanation

      • 2 years ago

        A compelling argument. My rebuttal.

        • 2 years ago

          i'd rather be the one smooshing her into glass from behind.

  14. 2 years ago

    It was real bad.

  15. 2 years ago

    I just (barely) remember it being dull and awkward. a film that if it was going to happen should have been earlier in the MCU not after they kill her off. I always wanted another film that was in the style of winter soldier, this could have been it, but def wasnt.
    not as bad as eternals though

    • 2 years ago

      >I always wanted another film that was in the style of winter soldier, this could have been it, but def wasnt.
      It is funny because it feels like they desperately wanted it to be Winter Soldier.
      >Bad guy felt very Alexander Pierce.
      >Flying aircraft carrier finale.
      >Winter Soldier is Bucky! Well Taskmaster is actually that girl you thought you killed! Reveal shit.
      >Having to seek new allies while you're on the run from authorities.
      They more or less tried to copy the blueprint of Winter Soldier and failed in most ways because none of it held any gravitas.
      >Bad guy you thought you killed wasn't set up.
      >CGI air castle was stupid.
      >Taskmaster unlike Bucky wasn't set up
      >People liked her "family" but honestly felt one note, especially Red Guardian.

  16. 2 years ago

    I watched it two months ago. I liked it. FLORENCE's character was pretty charming, the "you're a poser" joke was so adorable. I like scarjo. She's cute and tiny. I love short women. Women that are smol. They just seem precious.
    Anyway the movie was fairly fun. I watched it on my 80inch 4k tv.

  17. 2 years ago

    You're 22 years old or younger.

  18. 2 years ago

    liked the flashback scenes

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