Blade runner

Finally watched it. It had some of the best visuals in the history of film and Sean Young was absolutely smoking. I greatly enjoyed the slow pace but didn't really like the cat and mouse chase at the end, even if it did make sense thematically. Great film overall

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  1. 7 months ago

    the ultimate mood piece kino

  2. 7 months ago

    which version

    • 7 months ago

      Final cut

  3. 7 months ago

    It's remarkable how the movie mixes traditional noir tone with sci-fi lighting, sets, production designs. It's the father of the cyberpunk aesthetics for a reason.

  4. 7 months ago

    It's one of the worst movies ever made. A 40yo woman being cast as Rachel Rosen, a woman described being "too young almost childish", is just one of the reasons it's shit
    Every single scene missed the point because the idiots making it just wanted a shitty generic action movie
    >It had some of the best visuals in the history of film
    It looks like shit. The visuals are almost worse than the "story".
    Frick off

    • 7 months ago

      Everything you said is wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        What about it was wrong?

        >a woman described being "too young almost childish"
        in the book?
        what idiot would think a director had to stick to the book?
        calling it rape is your interpretation.
        calling her robot is a mistake.
        replicants are no bots.

        >what idiot would think a director had to stick to the book?
        Yeah, guess I'm an idiot for thinking a screen adaptation will have any relation to the book it is ostensibly adapting.

        • 7 months ago

          >Yeah, guess I'm an idiot for thinking a movie format and book format work the same
          Evidently you are.

        • 7 months ago

          >What about it was wrong?

        • 7 months ago

          >I'm an idiot for thinking a screen adaptati

    • 7 months ago

      >a woman described being "too young almost childish"
      in the book?
      what idiot would think a director had to stick to the book?

      man rapes a robot, what a creep

      calling it rape is your interpretation.
      calling her robot is a mistake.
      replicants are no bots.

  5. 7 months ago

    man rapes a robot, what a creep

    • 7 months ago

      she was clearly aroused and as a replicant she could have overpowered him if she wanted to

    • 7 months ago

      >scene where android seduces a bounty hunter as she has done so many times before she can't remember the number
      >movie reverses it for no reason
      In the movie why does that scene happen? Why are they meeting up? Rachel doesn't look identical to Pris so there's no reason for him to call her.

      • 7 months ago

        He's attracted to her.

    • 7 months ago

      He saw that she wanted to frick him but got into the whole "is it me who wants to frick him or the girl i got my memories from" mode. He just got a bit too assertive to make her feel that fricking him is ok. It's just the music got scary during the scene and that added rape undertones

  6. 7 months ago

    Origami (get it???)

  7. 7 months ago

    the book is better.

  8. 7 months ago

    I strongly recommend Do Androids Dream. If you're interested in the themes throughout the movie like having a fake life with false memories or a malicious creator, there's a lot of reading out there you.

  9. 7 months ago

    >Sean Young was absolutely smoking
    she smoked in the film, yes.

  10. 7 months ago

    Yeah, it's great. I was actually surprised how great it was as this board has shitty taste in movies.

    • 7 months ago

      It has its fair share of filtered haters on this board. Plotgays really should be gassed for the good of mankind, if there aren't huge stakes and at least three plot twists they complain that "nothing happened"

      • 7 months ago

        This sounds exactly like the people who got filtered by the killer

  11. 7 months ago

    Blade runner 2049 is better because attracted all the midwit morons away from the undisputedly superior original

    • 7 months ago

      >shot on digital

  12. 7 months ago

    now play the game

    • 7 months ago

      frick this game had balls. i remember you could rig the voight-kampf test, cover up your murders and one of the endings had you running away with a 14 yr old pleasure model... well, she was a replicant so odd are she was actually closer to 2 but you get the idea

  13. 7 months ago

    And the soundtrack, son. Don't forget the soundtrack.

  14. 7 months ago

    It's an incredibly good looking and moody movie with an aggressively mediocre plot that seems like it barely survived editing. I respect it but I'll never watch it again.

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