can't take much more of this kino drought bros..

when's it gonna end

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    t. Only watches capeshit and starshit

    • 2 weeks ago

      What movies should I watch?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Never. You WILL watch the black lesbian content and you WILL enjoy it.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Just watch old stuff that you know is good. Or if you really must watch newer stuff then you should try anime.

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's gotten so bad i've actually watched some. what do you recommend

      • 2 weeks ago

        Watch Hunter x Hunter (1999), then if you want more, find the point where it picks up from there in the 2011 series and watch that too.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I hate anime but if you've fallen that far then you might enjoy Redline, it's one of the very few that I did.


          thank you i'll check them all out. the israelites make such dogshit i've resorted to watching cartoons

          • 2 weeks ago

            don't overdose on the stuff

          • 2 weeks ago

            Perfect Blue is a movie but I'd throw that in there too. Plus all the Studio Ghibli films.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Tamala 2010 and cat Soup are the only two anime worth watching.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I hate anime but if you've fallen that far then you might enjoy Redline, it's one of the very few that I did.

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      it's gotten so bad i've actually watched some. what do you recommend

      grow up and watch kdrama like the rest of us


  4. 2 weeks ago

    Furiosa and ape kino just came out though,

  5. 2 weeks ago

    just watch old movies

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Kino of 2024

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >doesn't pay for movies
    >wonder why no good movies get made anymore

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Have you seen every good movie and show ever made during the last 100+ years?
    If the answer is no (which it is) then you haven't run out of kino to watch, you merely need to stop limiting yourself to recent slop and broaden your horizons.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Watch Presumed Innocent with Jake Gyllenhaal.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah, skip that for sure but definitely watch Presumed Innocent (1990) with Harrison Ford.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    We need a boomer Cinemaphile

    I've been watching nothing but movies from <2010 but I have no one to process these movies with because people here only watch the latest slop.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I'm hoping the world ends soon. They're obviously going to assassinate Trump, and if that doesn't start a civil war to start the end, nothing will within our lifetimes.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >when's it gonna end
    death is the ultimate kino

  13. 2 weeks ago

    It’s actually been a 1 full year drought of nothing. That writers strike. What they won’t tell you is we’ve been in a drought for like 10 years now. It’s just getting noticeable.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    her name was Sarah Gadon
    her name was Sarah Gadon
    her name was Sarah Gadon
    her name was Sarah Gadon

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Hopefully July's releases are good

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Honestly. It’s over.
    Decades of nepotism hires have nudged masters away from their craft. There are none left and if there are, few are willing to learn from them. Creativity is dead, writing is dull.
    It is impossible to create Kino in this country as some sort of politic has to overshadow actual storytelling.
    What’s not trauma porn or political bait is a sequel, a prequel, a remake, a revival, or a retelling, because there is nothing left.

    The only real hope in the near future is AI advancing to the point that you can create your own Kinos and at the very least entertain yourself.

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