Capt. Terrell of the USS Reliant

Star Trek: TWOK was released in 1982. It introduced Capt. Terrell, a gay black Starfleet captain. He didn’t preach about being oppressed. He didn’t swish around his bridge in drag. He kept his sex life in his quarters and it didn’t become part of the plot. Similar to how Star Trek never addresses taking a shit. This is what fans want.

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  1. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      The fact he did this through the pain instead of killing Kirk was unironic gigachad and in-universe he’d get as much commendation as Spock

      • 7 days ago

        he could have at least attempted to phaser one of kahns people or something. it wasn't the worst he could have done, but not the best either

        • 7 days ago

          did you even watch the movie? it was just him and chekov there while khan and his crew were on the reliant.

          • 6 days ago

            No gay I don’t watch Star Trek

            • 6 days ago

              Then don't post in a Star Trek thread.

  2. 7 days ago

    Was he gay though?

    • 7 days ago

      No body ever hired Paul Winfield to play a straight black male. He was as gay as Reginald VelJohnson

      • 7 days ago

        Carl Winslow was gay?

        • 7 days ago

          Die Hard Party cop was ridiculously gay.

    • 7 days ago

      It's heavily implied in the movie

  3. 7 days ago

    Star Trek is supposed to be post-bigotry in any form but Starfleet has standards of conduct. If you are a civilian on Riza then you can be as degenerate as you want.

    • 7 days ago

      Tell that to Riker who brought a god damn mind control device on board that made everyone orgasm in their pants the higher the level they went to.

      Or when the Captain was ordered to vacation there conned him in to carrying around the equivalent of a cocaine colored freezer bag down the Vegas strip.

      • 7 days ago

        They always change out of their uniforms on Riza.

    • 6 days ago

      >Star Trek is post bigotry but they won’t let you work for them and be gay
      You’re moronic

      • 6 days ago

        If you watched the original Trek episode "Whom Gods Destroy" you'd know that mental illness had been almost completely eradicated in the Federation. Naturally that included homosexuality.

        • 6 days ago

          Funniest thing, everyone was heterosexual. Now, everyone's a stinking degenerate abomination!

      • 6 days ago

        How would there even be any gays in the Federation if there aren't any child molesters?

        • 6 days ago

          The federation acknowledged children’s right to sexual gratification in 2265z

  4. 7 days ago

    Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

    • 7 days ago

      His walls fell

    • 7 days ago

      Why do his thumbs resemble an uncircumcised penis? What did they mean by this?

      • 7 days ago

        Maybe those are in fact his penises

  5. 6 days ago

    >a gay black Starfleet captain
    I don't remember the movie ever saying he was gay.

    • 6 days ago

      He was queer coded. That’s the point they didn’t make a point to say it. You just knew. The way he couldn’t stop gassing at other men’s packages. That soft, homoerotic manner of speech that Paul Winfield always used.

      • 6 days ago

        God has smited your quads for being a homosexual

  6. 6 days ago

    The Capt. Terrell thread is dead. Let’s discuss Starfleet’s Miranda Class. The first warship designed and built by Starfleet to defeat the Klingons. She became a sturdy military-surplus ship after the Klingons were defeated. Service lasting well into the 24th century.

    • 6 days ago

      I remember when the lore behind this said it was the Reliant-class and it was designed to be a heavily-armed destroyer meant to punch above its weight in a fight.

    • 6 days ago

      >The first warship designed and built by Starfleet to defeat the Klingons.
      That was the Ares-class though.

      • 6 days ago

        Anything is possible with the infinite variety of timelines since JJ decided to unravel Star Trek.

    • 6 days ago

      I do wish we got to see more kitbash modifications on other ship classes (Excelsior, Constitution, etc.) like we did for the Miranda & it's derivatives.

  7. 6 days ago


    What made you think he was a homosexual?

  8. 6 days ago
  9. 6 days ago
  10. 6 days ago

    Ah, look: it's a guy pretending Terrell was gay as part of the general strategy of pretending Star Trek was always as insanely, unwatchably pozzed as it's been since Kurtzman got his grubby israelite hands on it.

    • 6 days ago

      Hundreds of black actors available to portray the first black captain onscreen and they pick the broadway homosexual famous for playing a homosexual on 227. They wanted Terrell to be a homosexual.

      • 6 days ago

        Mate, I know what you're doing. You'll probably fool some idiots, sadly, but not me. No normal person suddenly decides to fixate on a very minor character in one (1) Star Trek film (with, what, maybe two minutes of screen time?) and make a thread claiming that he's gay, because the actor was gay (but old-school, never-make-a-thing-of-it gay). And therefore, by implication, Star Trek has always been current-year progressive, so real fans want it to be chock-full of gay shit, and it was never for you, chud. You think because you're not actually saying the last bit (yet) we don't know what your agenda is.

        inb4 you insist that's not what you're doing: well, in that case, you'll have to explain your motivation for creating the thread, and it'll have to be more convincing than my explanation. Mental illness, maybe?

        • 6 days ago

          Yeah this character seems gay so it’s worth noting

          • 6 days ago

            He just comes across as 80s-TV-black-man, though, as evidenced by others in the thread questioning why you think the character is gay. And it's not worth noting.


            Next you'll be projecting emotions onto me. Answer the question: what was your motivation for creating the thread? It's such a trivial, specific thing, and your only "evidence" is that the actor was gay (in the way where you have to look it up for confirmation) and, well, the character "seems" gay, and he's "queer-coded" (that term alone is a huge tell as to what you're about), so, nothing. And supposing you somehow convince everyone he's gay, where are you going with this? Is that it: you just want everyone to go "Huh - I guess Terrell was gay" and then go about their business? It's just too trivial for that to be believable.

            • 6 days ago

              It’s like a little piece of trivia. Star Trek does interracial kissing and stuff, if a character is gay it’s really not a big twist or attack on the show. There’s no second step to this, really, though OP’s post seems to actually be saying subtle non-important homosexuality is way better than blatant gay characters. It seems he has a more conservative view, he’s using this character to criticize modern progressive gay depictions as overblown and obsessive.

              • 6 days ago

                I dunno, man. I got strong skin-suit, "How do you do, fellow fans?" vibes from the guy. And I've seen the "It's *always* been this progressive" tactic used by these people so many times. Most of all, though, "Terrell is gay" is not a thought that ever crossed my mind - nor, I suspect, most people's minds. Black person's not even remotely zesty.

              • 6 days ago

                Just seems to me like he’s saying modern woke writing writes terrible flamboyant gays when in the past if a character might be gay you wouldn’t even know

              • 6 days ago

                Then he'd have said that, and probably given some other examples of "characters that could be gay, but you can't tell". Instead he claimed that Terrell's (alleged) gayness is "heavily implied" and he's "queer coded" and "You just knew". So, basically the opposite. And "queer coded" - Jesus, is that a red flag.

              • 6 days ago

                So what’s the course of action here, reject this guy entirely or else we’ll be polluting our minds thinking the wrong things are gay?

              • 6 days ago

                Just recognise that he was almost certainly trying to push the "It's always been this progressive" lie from another angle. And if you see someone attempting this kind of thing in the future (short, declarative statements-of-opinion-as-fact, leftist terms, convenient vagueness - "This is what fans want" - are possible tells) do a "skip to the end" on what they're saying. What are they attempting to imply without actually stating it?

                And - in this instance - reject the bizarre assertion that "everyone just knows" Terrell is gay, when he didn't come off as gay at all (unless every male character with a softish voice is somehow automatically gay).

        • 6 days ago


      • 6 days ago

        >the broadway homosexual famous for playing a homosexual on 227
        We were robbed of Counselor Jackeé and you know it.

  11. 6 days ago

    This is incorrect because everyone is making out on screen in every series. DS9 being the worst example and then TNG.

  12. 6 days ago

    I knew I recognized him. It's the police chief from T1.

  13. 6 days ago

    >rewatching The Voyage Home
    >notice every captain is a minority
    >black lady captain, pajeet captain, etc
    >doesn't feel out of place or weird
    >watching finale of Star Trek Picard season 1
    >Riker is commanding a ship with a Chinese name
    >immediately feels fricking weird
    huh, funny

    • 6 days ago

      They didn't insist on themselves.

    • 6 days ago

      Which is funny because Zheng Hé was a famous explorer, the Magellan of China. It's actually a good fit for a Starfleet vessel name. He was the first Chinaman to visit Africa and Polynesia.

      • 6 days ago

        And a eunuch. Perfect for Starfleet.

  14. 6 days ago

    That guy from Parks and Rec / Guardians of the Galaxy. Im forgetting his name.

    Or maybe the Goose.

    Or if we are willing to go a little older and more authoritative you could crack Kurt Russell out of his cryosleep and it would be kino

  15. 6 days ago

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