
Did Disney forgot about this very lucrative franchise or I missed something?

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  1. 7 months ago

    They milked it for about as much as they could. Maybe they'll make another 10 years later (like toy story) to milk nostalgia.

  2. 7 months ago

    Cars on the Road just came out last year.

  3. 7 months ago

    >lucrative franchise
    Where ever subsequent release was worse than the former? Yes I think Cars 3 was worse than 2, let the hate commence.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not gonna disagree, infact I'll go so far as to say that 2 was the best of all 3. Once you get past the gut reaction of "Comic relief is the star of the movie=frick this" it's a better story than 1 was just by virtue of being an adventure story that was executed acceptably rather than a dull slog trying to pretend to have a message or emotional depth.
      Plus after having been stuck babysitting a few kids for a weekend with no wifi, no cell signal, and only copies of these movies and a DVD player, I can say that, defacto 2 is the least painful to have played on fricking loop for 6 fricking hours straight.

      • 7 months ago

        Where the frick you ended up, cabin in the woods?!

        • 7 months ago

          My grandfather's small town mormon church. Had to watch my baby cousins for the weekend, and he had an emergency where his house had to get some kinda pest thing taken care of, it was real last minute so I literally drove over after I got a call at work asking me to take care of them for a bit, didn't realize it was gonna be a two day thing, and then was stuck there with the contents of the church fridge a portable DVD player and some movies they'd had for the kid's sunday school the week before.

          Couldn't ditch the kids for any real period of time and unfortunately for me they postponed services on account of the priest who ran the place actually straight up fricking dying apparently so it was me and my dipshit cousins and all 3 cars movies on DVD for 48 hours. Nobody ever brought up the cell deadzone because it was a church and the fricking landline was in the dead priest's locked office. I debated murder-suicide but considered that just because God had clearly set everything up for a horror movie creepy pasta bullshit premise didn't mean I had to oblige him.

          • 7 months ago

            Wow. Couldn't even get yourself a sketchbook?

            This reminds me to get myself a dvd player just in case. In this world of streaming services, there are places where good old dvds are life savers.

            • 7 months ago

              Kept with the art supplies, which was locked to stop kids from getting into and eating paint. Probably could have found something regardless but I can't draw worth shit. Only books to read were a copy of one of the Harry Potter books in the confiscation box, Bibles, and the Book of mormon and I read the first one in about an hour and I've already read the Bible front to back more times than most people so that I can be a smug agnostic dick about it, and don't get me started on the Horny Sugarpuff Hippie expansion pack. Plus I was technically supposed to be keeping an eye on them and being nose deep in a book would have made that a little harder.

              • 7 months ago

                >Confiscated Harry Potter book

              • 7 months ago

                Surprisingly it's probably not because of that, when I got to the back cover it turned out that a kid had been drawing crude porn of what I think was supposed to be Luna or Fleur in colored pencils, some blond witch using a wand as a dildo.

                Surprisingly solid anatomy, exaggerated but the kid did a good hip to bust ratio, also not the worst faces I've seen, we've had worse drawgays.

              • 7 months ago

                Somehow this is the element of the story that tips it over into unbelievable
                Unless you have pictures of this art of course

              • 7 months ago

                Sadly anon I must leave you with your doubts because I didn't think to photograph the handdrawn porn years ago. My apologies.

                Honestly I think at the time I was almost more surprised it wasn't like, Hermione since that was the one everyone always called their first crush or whatever.

      • 7 months ago

        I actually agree. Not that any of them are good, but Cars 2 is definitely the most coherent, it knows what it wants to be and is fun to watch. It's also very mean spirited and Larry the cable guy is annoying as frick.
        It does have of my favorite gags in a Pixar movie though (picrel).

        • 7 months ago

          Plus the kill count
          Most brutal Pixar movie since Incredibles

  4. 7 months ago

    Cars still pumps out insane amounts of merch the last movie just didn't do very well at the box office. I'm sure they'll make a sequel or something down the line but right now the creator's don't have a pressing idea for a fourth film and they're making enough money without a fourth one

  5. 7 months ago

    Bring back Planes

    • 7 months ago

      >Bring back Planes

      They were crap, but I felt sorry for the crew when they decided to shut down the third studio after Lassetter was booted.

      • 7 months ago

        2nd one is good

  6. 7 months ago

    Cars 2 is a passable film until the London third act in which the lemons try to kill McQueen with a bomb. That whole section is dumb as hell. It should be obvious to anyone that McQueen exploded because of a bomb instead of the fuel inside of him (as the lemons wanted everyone to think)

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