Chip Zdarsky is the worst writer who has ever written Batman.

Chip Zdarsky is the worst writer who has ever written Batman.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    What about Tini Howard?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think Tini Howard has ever written a mainline Batman title. I might have blocked it out of my memory though.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think Tini Howard has ever written a mainline Batman title. I might have blocked it out of my memory though.

      Are you thinking of Tamaki?

      If so her 'Tec run was actually mostly just ok if just decompressed.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was serviceable. Certainly not okay or good. Which makes it far better than the dogshit ram has been putting out since. But Tomasi was better even if not stellar.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    He's up there. Zdarsky sucks on every book. Total hack. Tom King takes the cake though.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I’d still say king is worse. Definitely an extremely close second.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    He did a good daredevil.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      No the frick it wasn’t. That shit was not only terrible but he ruined elektra.

      We're just counting Batman proper, right? Just the main title?
      Since Flashpoint it's easily:
      Snyder > King > Zdarsky > Williamson > Tynion

      I don’t know what to make of this. Has to be shitposting. Snyder is bad but not bad enough to be ranked below king but nobody can genuinely think king and Zdarsky are anything but unreadable garbage so this can’t be in reverse. Just truly perplexing.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    We're just counting Batman proper, right? Just the main title?
    Since Flashpoint it's easily:
    Snyder > King > Zdarsky > Williamson > Tynion

    • 2 weeks ago

      lol greatly bait, that list is closer to backwards than anything.

      Objectively, even if I hate Snyder and his fat bi butt buddy:

      • 2 weeks ago

        Tynion wrote objectively the the worst Batman run in the last 25 years. The only saving grace was that he quit early on.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That’s not even close to true considering king and Zdarsky’s runs. You genuinely sound like a fool saying it. His isn’t even as bad as Snyder’s. I hate the fat homosexual and the fact that he pushed for Alan to be made gay behind the scenes but objectively his run is the least bad among the four. Frankly Williamson’s stint was too short to even consider a run but if considered it’s above Zdarsky and king and less offensive than Snyder.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Sure, whatever man. Enjoy reading about Clown Hunter, Ghostmaker, Miracle Molly, etc.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Who said I enjoyed it? My ranking was merely an objective “best to worst” but in this case, a “best” of the worst. None of the runs listed are good or even worth reading. But to say that king and Zdarsky aren’t by far the worst is just nonsense. Shitpost tier nonsense. Snyder’s run was fricking absolutely fricking awful. Tynions run was extremely bad. Williamson’s might as well have not happened, much like tony Daniel’s. None of them are good though.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He fricking sucked.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tynion was the least bad. Snyder is the most overhyped hack in comics. Literally a bargain bin Grant Morrison for people too moronic to read Morrison's Batman.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Still better than King. I haven't forgotten the wedding.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That wasn’t even the fifth worst thing about his god awful run.

      The 30 issues following it got progressively worse.

      >killed Alfred in the most moronic why possible
      >ruined Thomas Wayne who was already a relatively moronic inclusion all the way back to the button
      >25 issues of lead up to said wedding which was full of some of the worst comics ever written featuring catwoman destroying a building and stealing a $20K dress, Wonder Woman and Batman in an Alt U for eternity and whatever the frick that joker in the church issue was.
      >WOJAR was absolute horseshit from top to bottom
      >Batman goes on vacation while his city is controlled by criminals
      Shit if anything not having them get married was a godsend.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Remember when Catwoman's side chick (Holly, I think. I don't remember King's run.) slashed Batman's throat and Batman not only didn't bleed out but just recovered like it's nothing after a bandage and a night's sleep?
        It's small moments like these make me think King's run is written by AI.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He also had bane hang the robins and the same thing happened. Completely fine the next issue.

          It's best to start the argument with the wedding, if someone try to argue something was still worse, THEN bring out the big guns like Alfred or Jokes and Riddles.

          The thing is the wedding wasn’t his decision, it was by all accounts didio’s, and it wasn’t all that big a deal. The slap in the face came from the marketing department.

          King’s run is the pits but it genuinely has nothing to do with the wedding. The engagement period between 25-50 was his fault, as well as the complete and utter meltdown after it.

          Honestly even though I rank it lower than Zdarsky if his run had ended with I Am Gotham it would rank above Snyder IMO. Those first few arcs before the proposal issue aren’t as bad as Zdarsky or Snyder’s complete and utter nonsense. It would have been just run of the mill skippable like tynion’s run.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I think what made King’s run so frustrating is that every so once in a while he’d release a 1 to 2 issue story with little or no connection to the run as a whole demonstrating he could be writing a good Batman run, but is intentionally writing his garbage instead.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I completely disagree. That Superman and Lou’s double date was awful, brave and the mold was awful and every other example you’ll give. The only good Batman comic he ever wrote was the Elmer Fudd issue.

              have a nice day before spewing more of that Reddit bullshit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Superman and Lois *

          • 2 weeks ago

            Most of the first fifty issues of his run were build-up to the wedding and the remaining thirty-five issues were fallout of the wedding. The wedding itself also absolutely was King's idea, despite his outrageous cope that it was forced on him by editorial.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The first 24 issues had little to do with the wedding anon. The proposal wasn’t until 24 and while the batcatbatcatbatcat bait started in I Am Suicide those first three arcs were not nearly as bad as the rest. As I said certainly better than Snyder’s dogshit run simply by virtue of not being as bad. Firmly skippable tier like tynions run.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're forgetting I Am Suicide and Rooftops.

          • 2 weeks ago

            King had plenty of good stories peppered throughout a terrible run. I am Gotham was good. The Booster Gold arc was good. The Batman/Nightwing flashback issue before Dick gets shot is good. The Double Date arc was good. That Mr. Freeze arc was good. The Annual where it's excerpts from Alfred's journal is great.
            I swear half the hate is morons like

            It's best to start the argument with the wedding, if someone try to argue something was still worse, THEN bring out the big guns like Alfred or Jokes and Riddles.

            blaming King for DC's batgroup editors and marketing department.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The Booster Gold arc was good
              >The Batman/Nightwing flashback issue
              Carried by the GOAT Wagner.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The Booster Gold arc was good.
              No the frick it wasn’t.
              >The Batman/Nightwing flashback issue before Dick gets shot is good.
              >The Double Date arc was good.
              It was 2 issues not an arc and it was garbage like the rest of the engagement period
              >That Mr. Freeze arc was good.
              No it wasn’t it was just that Lee weeks art is spectacular
              >The Annual where it's excerpts from Alfred's journal is great.
              Non-offensive but certainly not great. I wouldn’t even call it good.

              Literally the worst Batman run of all time, it’s not even debatable.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's best to start the argument with the wedding, if someone try to argue something was still worse, THEN bring out the big guns like Alfred or Jokes and Riddles.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The lead up to the wedding was probably the first major sign
        >Batman proposes to Catwoman but somehow Bruce Wayne is not legally marrying Selina Kyle
        >Everybody knows Batman is marrying Catwoman including all the villains but they're going to have a private wedding on a rooftop

        The while thing was a mess and I don't care whose idea it was if it's a wedding treat it like she's going to potentially get half of Wayne Manor instead of some weird shit that lampshaded that this shit was not happening

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don’t forget he made Bruce Wayne cut himself when he was young.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >killed Alfred in the most moronic why possible
        King wrote this as a Clayface fakeout. Didio had him make it real.
        >ruined Thomas Wayne who was already a relatively moronic inclusion all the way back to the button
        King wanted the story to be about Batman and Bane. Didio wanted him to use Flashpoint Batman and Multiverse stuff.

        This is all open information. If you're going to criticize the writer and not the editor at least focus on the things the writer did. I bet you blame JMS for the Spidey/MJ split too.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Okay, real talk, who's had it worse over the last 10 years, Batman or Spiderman?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Batman. Spider-Man if you make the time period 25 years though.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ten years ago does include Slott’s run though. The original Spider-verse was a different kind of bad.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't think people seem to know or understand just how bad the original Spiderverse story is.
          Feels like the movie gaslit casuals into thinking it's at least good.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I don't really see that, if anything I'd been seeing more people on Twitter point out how bad the original Spider-Verse comic was

        • 2 weeks ago

          Batman hasn’t had a good run since 2009 anon, everything since 2011 has been absolutely mind numbingly atrocious.

          I don't think people seem to know or understand just how bad the original Spiderverse story is.
          Feels like the movie gaslit casuals into thinking it's at least good.

          No you’re just a spider-man obsessive and don’t follow Batman. Objectively he’s had a worse decade.

          • 2 weeks ago

            moron, the point was made is that Spiderverse is a fricking garbage story, you illiterate c**trag.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Not nearly as bad as king, Snyder or zdarsky’s Batman. King’s WOJAR and City of Bane arcs are two of the worst story arcs of all time.

              You're forgetting I Am Suicide and Rooftops.

              I mentioned IAS by name in that very post moron. Learn to read. Rooftops wasn’t a story arc it was filler shit which many of the double shipped rebirth books had.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's tough. Spencer's Spider-Man despite having its problems is still better than any Batman from the last 10 years. But 2014-2018 is the absolute worst of Slott, and Wells' run is worse than that. And I'd sooner read Zdarsky's Batman before reading those again

    • 2 weeks ago

      Slott (especially the later half when he did stuff like make Black Cat a psycho killer) and Well’s recent stuff have been some of the lowest point of Spider-Man. Even the 90s weren’t this bad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hard to say.
      Gotham War was pretty awful. But so is Paul.
      Probably Spider-Man since the Paul/MJ stuff feels very vindictive.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Whatever ruining Batman's gone through, he didn't suffer a Civil War level rewrite to his origins and autonomy.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I miss Morrison.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Same anon. But I also miss loeb even if I know he’s being a scumbag and continuing TLH without sale. His Superman/Batman was great. And I miss dini and his Tec. I miss tomasi. I miss comics.

      I miss writers writing comic book characters rather than wearing them like sock puppets to make meta commentaries about comics and b***h about sociopolitical issues while doing nothing else. Which is funny because even grant isn’t above that now.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I didn't even care for Morrison's run that much at the time outside of Batman & Robin's first several issues (and still don't) but I didn't know how bad it would get.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    King and Williamson are still the lowest the book has ever gotten.
    Zdarsky is fanboy-ism gone wild. King's storytelling was active contempt for the characters and book.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That’s just moronic to suggest. He was on the book for like a handful of issues. Zdarsky is far far worse. But yes king is the WOAT.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    That is one of the worst comicbook stories I've ever read. It's not even so bad it's good. It's just awful. It's so fricking bad that even the artstyle is replusive to look at now. Zdarsky is a piece of shit. He's a miserable troll.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine studying writing your entire life and you're still this terrible.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    That's spectacularly bad.
    But the thing is, anon, there's a lot of spectacularly bad Bat-writers.
    Hell, the whole load of overpowered nonsense on that page got jumpstarted by Morrison and for some reason Cinemaphile thinks his rambling "no other Bat-writer wanted the status quo he established" storyline was good.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I think King’s Batman is a lot worse, that run had some of the worst Batman stories I’ve ever read

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >[New Writer] starts writing a book along
    >Cue “BAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW [New Writer] is the worst writer on [Comic Title], they’ve ruined [Comic Title]!!!
    >Rinse and repeat

    Since when did it change for you that instead of reading something for enjoyment your hobby became just to whine and complain about everything and pretend your entire life was ruined? Seems like a pretty exhausting thing to spend your free time on since apparently you can’t go a day without something being THE. WORST.THING.EVER!!!! and ruining something forever only somehow the next day it’s actually worse because it just is, m’kay. I didn’t like a fictional story I didn’t even pay for and I was mentally RAPED!!!

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine being a grown man named 'Chip' and not killing yourself out of embarrassment

    • 2 weeks ago

      Your name is Chip?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No. I want to kill myself because of a deep sense of loneliness and personal failure, like a normal person.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >the Lazarus pit under Gotham still exists
    >noone uses the stuff, especially Batman, who keeps making convoluted plans who will do his job next

    • 2 weeks ago

      But he does use it the lazarus resin.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    After Joker War, the main Batman storyline completely lost me.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    They should make Jason constantly asking to die and then get resurrected in the same issue a recurring joke.

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