Complete List of Experiments

Because I am certifiably insane, I created a complete list of all 629 experiments from Lilo & Stitch and then some for worldbuilding/fanfiction purposes and I figure to share as maybe someone would find it interesting. Comprised of experiments we’ve seen, experiments confirmed to exist but never seen, some real obscure ones from comics, video games etc. and a ton of flat out OCs. I even went as far as to create a 700 series which is still a work in-progress.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >752 - Kawaii - Magical Girl

    Go on.

    • 2 years ago

      Created to be a superhero to protect Japan from alien and kaiju attacks as the place is just a magnet for the stuff. She’s like Ace strength and function wise but she can shoot beams and heart shape projectiles of “love energy” and has extendable, prehensile hair. She is also speaks perfect japanese and english.

  2. 2 years ago

    What about the Chinese Experiments anon?

    • 2 years ago

      Don’t worry anon haven’t forgotten them, I don’t necessarily consider Stitch & Ai canon so here they were created out of order instead of all at once here are their names and powers.
      >631 - Phoenix - Rebirth & Resurrection
      >640 - Ryu - Dragon Monster (can grow to gigantic size)
      >641 - Turtonator - Turtle Monster (same as Ryu)
      >652 - Pyros - Fire Consumption & Empowerment
      >655 - Qilin - Light Speed & Lightning Generation
      >660 - Outbreak - Endless Self Duplication
      >663 - Crabbit - Megaton Kicks
      >693 - Ryno - Stampede Starter
      Also I tried to use an image that had them all shown but none of the pics I’ve been trying to use work. Damn chinks and their unsupported files.

  3. 2 years ago

    For those who care. Here’s more info on the 700 series.

    >The 700 series of experiments were created by an adult Lilo who has become a scientist after college and started to create new experiments for the purpose of spreading happiness and making the earth a better place.
    >Jumba taught Lilo everything he knows but she still had to attend galactic classes on gene manipulation sciences and earn a license from the Galactic Council to legally make experiments.
    >Jumba took Lilo in as his protege because he is now legally not allowed to make anymore experiments after completing the 600 behind the Galactic Council’s backs and because he finds Lilo’s idea of creating experiments for good to be intriguing
    >Meanwhile, Stitch ran away to Japan thinking Lilo forgot about him because she’s been too busy with classes to pay attention to him and was founded by Yuna who looked after him for a while until Lilo came back to clear things up to Stitch, officially graduating from the galactic science university and finally returning to Earth with a new genetic experimentation license.

    • 2 years ago

      I’ve been thinking of splitting the experiments in the 700 series into two separate series as Jumba’s previous series of experiments all have a specific theme and purpose and I was thinking of doing the same with Lilo’s Experiments. Like, 700 series could be the “Fun & Hobbies” series while the 800 series is “Peacekeepers & Happiness Spreaders” as all of the Experiments I have on their so far can fall into either category. I’ll have to considerate it before I add anymore experiments to the list.

      • 2 years ago

        Considering the anime series had Hamsterviel modified and upgraded Jumbas experiments with his own H logo on their forehead, it would be interesting to see how he could turn the 700 and 800 series into evil destructive beings

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, like 701 “Ohana” is designed to strengthen the bonds of love families have so maybe Hamstervale’s tweak to him would be that he weakens and destroys love and breaks up ohanas as a result.

          • 2 years ago

            IT’S HAMSTERVEIL, VEIL!!!

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Lilo’s replacement in the anime spin-off Stitch!!

        The plot is that Stitch runs away because he thinks Lilo doesn’t love him anymore because she’s an adult with a life and job now and doesn’t give him as much attention, so he runs away and is basically adopted again by a girl named Yuna and they fight Yokai and Experiments together and no I’m not joking, legit Yokai and spirits show up and it’s canon that paranormal shit like that exists in LaS.

  4. 2 years ago

    Not interested but i admit that's an impressive effort anon, well done

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks anon.

  5. 2 years ago

    Is this shopped or did the morons really copy and paste the same experiments twice and thought no one would notice

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I noticed that too. They could’ve just used artwork from the experiments slated to appear in the scrapped third season to fill in the crowd as I’m sure they still had the files (also one of them actually did manage to make a cameo, pic related) but no.

    • 2 years ago

      What if his power was having a identical twin connected to him via telepathy?
      Both could have worked as the same entity

      • 2 years ago

        There are multiple experiments duplicated her, not just 1

        • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    >and a ton of flat out OCs. I even went as far as to create a 700 series
    You better have drawn designs for those too

    • 2 years ago

      I actually do have mental concepts of what a lot of them would look like but I have kindergarten-level skills when it comes to drawing so no sorry anon. But I’m totally open to others using my ideas for art, fanfiction, whatever. I should put a disclaimer in the document saying that.

  7. 2 years ago

    Are are any of them designed to be super sexy in order to have affairs happen and ruin marriages?

    • 2 years ago

      >193 - Breakup - Ruins Relationships
      Breakup has the power to change it’s gender and appearance to be more alluring to the person they’ve targeted.

      • 2 years ago

        >>193 - Breakup - Ruins Relationships
        >Breakup has the power to change it’s gender and appearance to be more alluring to the person they’ve targeted.
        Imagine how that episode of Lilo & Stitch probably went?.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Inverto - Turns things inside out
    that's pretty brutal if you think of it

  9. 2 years ago

    I looked into OPs other pastes

    It's uhh, pretty eclectic

    • 2 years ago

      Unfathomably based. List-obsessed autist in me always wanted to see the full list of experiments.

      Is that a bad thing or a good thing? I have no idea what connotations this word even has.

      • 2 years ago

        Eclectic basically means derivative and is a term to describe someone who derives their ideas from other concepts or sources.

        So basically an unoriginal bastard. Which I am but I tried express a little more creativity with my experiments.

      • 2 years ago

        Eclectic basically means derivative and is a term to describe someone who derives their ideas from other concepts or sources.

        So basically an unoriginal bastard. Which I am but I tried express a little more creativity with my experiments.

        eclectic is just a more esoteric way of saying weird but in a nice way

      • 2 years ago

        other anons are half correct. eclectic means derivative from a wide array of sources. it has a neutral connotation and is closer to unpredictable or random than weird

  10. 2 years ago

    >027 - Plushy - Plushie Transmutation
    >”027, I am your creator and as creator, I am commanding you to NOT turn Jumba into marketable plush toy!”
    >*zaps Jumba*

  11. 2 years ago

    I see Timon and Pumbaa at least twice

    • 2 years ago

      >Timon and Pumbaa are actually experiments created by Jumba that fled to Africa
      Deepest Lore

      • 2 years ago

        Experiment 094 and 098
        Primary Function: Worry and Problem Reducers

  12. 2 years ago

    I had my own idea for two of them;

    163: Dumbell
    >created by Jumba with the ability to induce cellular growth in organic life for various purposes, as his name implies his ability is most potent when applied to muscle tissue(and what he enjoys growing the most), his main weakness is that this ability quickly drains out his own energy, he's also often rather single-minded about making things grow

    236: Charger
    >created by Jumba to tap into a near infinite pocket dimension of pure energy to serve all of Jumba's power needs, she can project and discharge this energy in various forms, her weakness is that she's limited in how much energy she can store or tap into at any given time by her own body mass, not to mention her near infinite energy means she has constant need to be doing things(which meant hanging around Jumba's labs as a glorified generator was a no go)

    >by coincidence these two Experiments are reactivated on Earth at the same time next to each other, with their compatible powers(Charger provides all the energy Dumbell needs, while the more Dumbell grows Charger the more power she can store and tap into) and personalities it's basically love at first sight, it's up to Lilo & Stitch to stop the couple before they turn everyone in Hawaii into immobile mountains of muscle

    this is admittedly blatant fetish fuel, but considering the show did Frenchfry and several other experiments just as kinky this wouldn't really be that out of place

    • 2 years ago

      My idea for Dumbell was that he would make all the dumbbells and weights in gyms too heavy for anyone to lift, causing the population’a strongest, muscle bound members to feel inferior about their strength and drastically lower morel as a result. I do like your interpretation though, it’s quite unique.

      My idea for Charger was just a simple, living charger but damn, I like your idea much better!

  13. 2 years ago

    God bless you OP, I admire your tenacity. Though I think the OC stuff could've been left out for keeping better track of the official stuff, but hey you do you.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, a lot of slots had to be filled as we only ever got a little over a hundred confirmed experiments.

  14. 2 years ago

    Sorry but I've already MADE my OC Gloomy/136 because I'M AUTISTIC. She can use her veil to change people's emotions on contact depending on its color.

    • 2 years ago

      >experiment with same name and number
      Wow, now that’s a coincidence.

      • 2 years ago

        Also, cute design.

        Thanks Anon. She's my daughter so I love her.

        • 2 years ago

          Your daughter is pretty coo

    • 2 years ago

      Also, cute design.

  15. 2 years ago

    Nice nice, now give me all the female ones.

    • 2 years ago

      I got you anon, here’s a couple good ones for ya.
      >125 - Candi - Candy Transmutation
      >142 - Blondie - Stupidity Inducement
      >152 - Mama Fritter - Obesity Inducement via Excessive Feeding
      >153 - XYZ - Seductress
      >156 - Shopaholic - Gold Digger/Money Spender
      >260 - Binary - Gender Swapping
      >308 - Jenny - Subordination Inducement
      >327 - Flapper - Mesmerizing Dance
      >365 - Anna Conda - Swallowing enemies whole
      >370 - Kelly - Negativity Augmentation
      >371 - Rosy - Positivity Augmentation
      >396 - Nanny - Caretaker that raises babies to be evil
      >420 - Giganta - Gigantification
      >431 - Amorous - Mass Mating Inducement
      >467 - Bubblegum - Elastic Shapeshifter
      >473 - Vendetta - Revenge Taker
      >512 - Lilith - Seduction
      >552 - Jezebel - Acid Generation
      >557 - Red Velvet - Femme Fatale
      >562 - She - Infectious Femininity
      >588 - Syren - Sailor Seducing Siren
      >702 - Cupcake - Master Baker
      >717 - Nurse - Master Healer
      >722 - Miss Deeds - Housekeeping Mastery
      >752 - Kawaii - Magical Girl
      There are WAY more aside from these but I figure these would be the ones you and others would find the most “interesting”

      • 2 years ago

        Looking at the wiki, a good number of these are fan made or don't have pictures. Thanks anyway anon, I got that pastebin saved.

        And of course you just can’t forget about the QUEEN herself.

        I already drew her, took me long enough, but I did it.

        • 2 years ago

          >I already drew her
          Can we see?

          • 2 years ago

            Don't think I can share it here, jannies be trigger happy gave her a bust, look it up on e6, it's on first page with her in a white bikini.

            • 2 years ago

              Oh hey, nice. Pretty good stuff, Anon.

      • 2 years ago

        kind of dissapointed that one wasnt real. pretty sweet list tho OP

    • 2 years ago

      I got you anon, here’s a couple good ones for ya.
      >125 - Candi - Candy Transmutation
      >142 - Blondie - Stupidity Inducement
      >152 - Mama Fritter - Obesity Inducement via Excessive Feeding
      >153 - XYZ - Seductress
      >156 - Shopaholic - Gold Digger/Money Spender
      >260 - Binary - Gender Swapping
      >308 - Jenny - Subordination Inducement
      >327 - Flapper - Mesmerizing Dance
      >365 - Anna Conda - Swallowing enemies whole
      >370 - Kelly - Negativity Augmentation
      >371 - Rosy - Positivity Augmentation
      >396 - Nanny - Caretaker that raises babies to be evil
      >420 - Giganta - Gigantification
      >431 - Amorous - Mass Mating Inducement
      >467 - Bubblegum - Elastic Shapeshifter
      >473 - Vendetta - Revenge Taker
      >512 - Lilith - Seduction
      >552 - Jezebel - Acid Generation
      >557 - Red Velvet - Femme Fatale
      >562 - She - Infectious Femininity
      >588 - Syren - Sailor Seducing Siren
      >702 - Cupcake - Master Baker
      >717 - Nurse - Master Healer
      >722 - Miss Deeds - Housekeeping Mastery
      >752 - Kawaii - Magical Girl
      There are WAY more aside from these but I figure these would be the ones you and others would find the most “interesting”

      And of course you just can’t forget about the QUEEN herself.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks Anon. She's my daughter so I love her.

        Why are Experiments just built for sex?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >frick like an angel

  16. 2 years ago

    Why do they all have the same face? Not very experimental after all, was it?

    • 2 years ago

      Jumb himself confirms it takes years to even create the design of every experiment so you’d have to forgive him for copy and pasting in order to speed up the process. Physical appearance and attributes aside he still needs to implement powers, personality, intelligence, biological functions etc.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why do they all have the same face? Not very experimental after all, was it?
      personal headcanon is that there is a specific species of alien animal that Jumba used as the basis for Experiment 000 and then as

      Jumb himself confirms it takes years to even create the design of every experiment so you’d have to forgive him for copy and pasting in order to speed up the process. Physical appearance and attributes aside he still needs to implement powers, personality, intelligence, biological functions etc.

      notes out of a mixture of efficiency and laziness he uses at least some of that genetic base in most Experiments, hence why most of them lean at least somewhat in the direction of "weird alien koala lizard"

      • 2 years ago

        if you look closely you notice that the resemble jumba

  17. 2 years ago

    bit of a nitpick, you made up a lot of names when we have a complete canon list of Experiment names from the credits for Leroy & Stitch(though I will admit a lot of the names are pretty silly)

  18. 2 years ago

    Favorite experiments?
    >Dark end
    >The sheep one

    • 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago
  20. 2 years ago

    Sexo with experiments

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