Cowboy Bebop Creator Couldnt Bear Watching The Netflix Adaptation Of His Work

>“It started with a scene in a casino, which made it very tough for me to continue,” Watanabe said. “I stopped there, and so only saw that opening scene. It was clearly not Cowboy Bebop, and I realized at that point that if I wasn’t involved, it would not be Cowboy Bebop. I felt that maybe I should have done this. Although the value of the original anime is somehow far higher now.”

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Although the value of the original anime is somehow far higher now.
    Cope. Nobody says this about any other IP or medium, it can't retroactively become better somehow because it was followed up by garbage. If anything, it devalues it by association.
    >um actually sweetie you're supposed to enjoy something at face value instead of associating it with the author or the original works it was derived from or or or or

    • 7 months ago

      wrong, your comment is utter garbage and makes my no effort shine like diamond

    • 7 months ago

      stopped reading. Kys you buzzword homosexual, make sure you shoot your heart this time

      • 7 months ago

        >Kys you buzzword homosexual
        homies really have this little self awareness... SAD!

        • 7 months ago

          youre literally a Black person who cant speak without buzzwords, again, make sure you shoot your heart instead of your head like last time

          • 7 months ago

            Somehow Rings of Power is supposed to get two more seasons. Someone at Amazon is really invested in it.

          • 7 months ago

            you really do be having no self awareness of how stupid you be, thoughbeit from me to interrupt your tantrum with some perspective. continue to cope as prescribed

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      The creators a greedy moron

    • 7 months ago

      many people assume things will get better as time goes on. when it dawns on them a style of storytelling or art isn't going to ever be made as well as it used to, they cling to it because it feels like we are losing something important. it feels like some aspect of humanity has been lost or forgotten. What was at one point an innovative form of entertainment in a long line of innovations, now is seen as a pinnacle of creativity and human achievement that may never again be reached. It feels as though some aspect of our culture may be lost or even forgotten altogether if not preserved. It is a reminder of who we were and what we are becoming. things that do that are incredibly valuable.

  2. 7 months ago

    Japanese actually under-estimate how competent they are, and over-estimate the competency of Americans. They seem clueless right now that Americans are going through a crisis where everything sucks and every corporation is filled with nitwit morons. The only time anything of quality is made is as if by accident.

    >and I realized at that point that if I wasn’t involved, it would not be Cowboy Bebop.

    Literally the ONLY Hope for these projects is if someone who knows what their doing and has some connection to the source material and cares for it has veto power. They come in and ensure quality control. Unless that happens endless hoarde or morons just see it as a paycheck and move on.

    • 7 months ago

      >Literally the ONLY Hope for these projects is if someone who knows what their doing
      They just have to make live action shot for shot remakes and not add any irrelevant pozzed garbage.
      It isn't difficult.

      • 7 months ago

        >they just need to make something utterly worthless in a completely different way
        weebs are so fricking moronic it's unreal

      • 7 months ago

        it's okay netflix is bringing its own writers

        • 7 months ago

          Did she just heckin' presume his gender?

        • 7 months ago

          Trans kids and cancelling Whedon are the left's two biggest own goals.

      • 7 months ago

        >They just have to make live action shot for shot remakes.
        This is also worthless, has no reason to exist, and will look worse than the original, live action remakes are reddit “look it’s the thing I remember” garbage, the only value they have is when they’re funny bad like the death note remake and the bad writing in Netflix bebop

  3. 7 months ago

    >netlfix gives creator lots of money
    >creator says yeah sure whatever you want to do
    >years later
    >creator didn't like what they did
    >creator still counting da money

    • 7 months ago

      He doesn't own it, they had no need to pay him.

  4. 7 months ago

    If you actually care about your creation, why would you ever agree to an adaptation where you're not even consulted?

    • 7 months ago

      The Japanese are very naive. The old story before the release was that he told them to create their own vision because he genuinely believed that they were talented film makers.

      It honestly wasn't that bad. If it had been it's own show with no connection to cowboy bebop it would have been much better. But it set itself up for failure. Like trying to recreate a classic painting. It'll never live up to the original.

      On its own no one would have even noticed it. It's pretty bad and very forgettable.

      >Literally the ONLY Hope for these projects is if someone who knows what their doing
      They just have to make live action shot for shot remakes and not add any irrelevant pozzed garbage.
      It isn't difficult.

      They don't understand the tone or appeal of these series, because an action show with elements of comedy and tragedy are kinda alien to them. Every single scene in Cowboy Bebop is ripping off some kind of tv show or film from 1970-1995, but modern film makers have seen absolutely none of them.

      • 7 months ago

        >The Japanese are very naive. The old story before the release was that he told them to create their own vision because he genuinely believed that they were talented film makers.

        That's just asking to get the Alan Moore treatment.

  5. 7 months ago

    The value of lotr and sw is higher now too?

    • 7 months ago

      Peter Jackson’s trilogy do seem even better when you have Amazon prime show for comparison
      The sequels literally caused people, even those who hated the prequels, to reevaluate the prequels to see what about them makes them more interesting

      • 7 months ago

        Somehow Rings of Power has just been forgotten and LotR isn't as tarnished, but Star Wars is dead, and even the series as a whole is badly tarnished by the new movies. This slop they make actually does devalue the series as a whole.

        • 7 months ago

          >Somehow Rings of Power has just been forgotten and LotR isn't as tarnished, but Star Wars is dead,

          Rangs was on Amazon streaming which is a money pit that everyone can ignore. I guarantee you most people are not even aware of Rings of Power's existance, and it's mostly the nerdy online community riffing on it that paid the most attention to it. Star Wars got a sequel trilogy everyone saw.

          • 7 months ago

            >Star Wars got a sequel trilogy everyone saw.
            Everyone saw the first one. Many people saw the second one. Nobody saw the third one.

            • 7 months ago

              I've seen none of it. Not after those shitty prequels

  6. 7 months ago

    It honestly wasn't that bad. If it had been it's own show with no connection to cowboy bebop it would have been much better. But it set itself up for failure. Like trying to recreate a classic painting. It'll never live up to the original.

    • 7 months ago

      It was pretty bad. Awful dialogue, awful visuals. I don't think there was much about it that was salvageable aside from some of the casting.

  7. 7 months ago

    >“It started with a scene in a casino, which made it very tough for me to continue,” Watanabe said. “I stopped there, and so only saw that opening scene. It was clearly not Cowboy Bebop

    omg he's literally me

  8. 7 months ago

    bebops screenwriter died on 2021 and watanabe doesnt even make kino anymore
    yoko kanno is still based tho i guess

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