>coworker asks me how my weekend was

>coworker asks me how my weekend was

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  1. 1 month ago

    >talking to co-workers
    >being on friendly terms with co-workers
    >having a job where you have to interact with co-workers
    skill issue, just suck up a bit to the boss to keep the job, other than that just ignore the other wagecucks

    • 1 month ago

      my coworkers don't even talk to me.

      when I had coworkers it was the only time I knew people were making fun of me behind my back. fricking buttholes.

      I work for the government and it's honestly depressing. The ones that act like npcs and don't question what they're doing get to stay, while the ones motivated to understand why and how they should do their work better get shafted. It's incredible.

      • 1 month ago

        i also work for the gov, in europe. basically, the less you know and the less you're willing to work - the better for you and your prospects. if you show you're valuable they will just use you but you will not get ahead in pay or anything else. for that, you gotta kiss some mad ass and/or be active politically

      • 1 month ago

        i also work for the gov, in europe. basically, the less you know and the less you're willing to work - the better for you and your prospects. if you show you're valuable they will just use you but you will not get ahead in pay or anything else. for that, you gotta kiss some mad ass and/or be active politically

        also a gov worker lmao. these are both hilariously and depressingly accurate. it's full of dead wood and if you ever try to bust your balls for someone, they will hate you for it for some unknown fricking reason. as though you helping them has someone made them look moronic and incompetent. the best thing you can do in government is become incredibly passive aggressive, never share your knowledge with anyone and deliberately drag your feet on every project you work on. follow some of those rules and you have a career for life.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm guessing the leeches that made a career don't want anyone surpassing them either out of jealousy or fear so they fire people with ambition.

          I'm waiting to be ruled by Helios if this is what human leadership is like.

        • 1 month ago

          >they will hate you for it for some unknown fricking reason.
          you forgot that they steal any good ideas you come up with and claim them as their own
          fricking hilarious when the guy above them steals it too and they start whining about it

        • 1 month ago

          reminds me of the 48 laws of power, "never outshine the master"

          to thrive in government work youd really have to follow each and every one of those 48 rules. or any office environment, really. theyre all female dominated environments and you have to deal with all the politicking that comes with that. its not like a mans job like construction where you can just turn up, do your work, get praise for doing well, and go home.

      • 1 month ago

        i also work for the gov, in europe. basically, the less you know and the less you're willing to work - the better for you and your prospects. if you show you're valuable they will just use you but you will not get ahead in pay or anything else. for that, you gotta kiss some mad ass and/or be active politically

        also a gov worker lmao. these are both hilariously and depressingly accurate. it's full of dead wood and if you ever try to bust your balls for someone, they will hate you for it for some unknown fricking reason. as though you helping them has someone made them look moronic and incompetent. the best thing you can do in government is become incredibly passive aggressive, never share your knowledge with anyone and deliberately drag your feet on every project you work on. follow some of those rules and you have a career for life.

        Thing is they have bloody good pensions.

        • 1 month ago

          that is true, I've been there for ages now and whilst the whole work ethic breaks you down mentally and makes you question whether you'd ever be capable of working in a normal job again. I do have a hell of a let of money in my pension pot so I just have to try and not die before I can withdraw it

    • 1 month ago

      Just start lying once in a while if you want. Or better yet, actually do stuff to tell them about

      Wtf you make it sound like a high school lunch room. In 15 years in an office I have never seen someone be rude or cruel to a coworker. Where do you people work that this happens?

      • 1 month ago

        I work with Black folk

      • 1 month ago

        You are naive then, its kinda cute

    • 1 month ago

      Employees who don't socialize with other co-workers are usually weeded out because they make people uncomfortable.

      Someone post the screengrab of the b***hes who got a guy fired because they thought he was creepy.

    • 1 month ago

      >Having a job

      Should have stopped there.

  2. 1 month ago

    my coworkers don't even talk to me.

  3. 1 month ago

    when I had coworkers it was the only time I knew people were making fun of me behind my back. fricking buttholes.

    • 1 month ago

      It still happens to me. You have to ignore their shitty behaviour. They'll never mature

  4. 1 month ago

    >get a haircut
    >get some new clothes
    >take a shower
    >bare minimum standard social interaction
    it's that simple to survive in an office, even if you're fat and ugly if you at least look like you care and you're at least decently friendly back they'll accept you

  5. 1 month ago

    I like how this scene is an example of male laziness or something.
    But in the context of the show he's lying. He doesn't just "work then go home" he literally spends his free time stalking pedos and doing shit to try and find evidence of child murders.
    Did everyone who watched the show thing "he said he doesn't do anything after work, when interrogated by the police, so therefore that's the reality of what he does"?
    Kind of a dumb meme tbqh. The one about his room being empty with a single mattress and only picture of a crucifix on the wall is what he really lives like and way funnier than "well he says he doesn't have hobbies because he's lying to the police".
    I don't get it.

    • 1 month ago

      Seems to me you are taking his words too literally. He didn't say this during his interrogation, he said it to Marty after he had asked him about his personal life, particularly whether Marty had been seeing somebody.
      Rust didn't have a girlfriend either, so "go to work and go home" makes sense to me, they were talking about their relationships, not stalking pedos in their free time.

    • 1 month ago

      >I like how this scene is an example of male laziness or something.
      No one reads “male laziness” into it. In the context of the show that scene is meant to show that Rust is still obsessed with the case, and that he’s a broken man. The meme is just taking the broken man aspect of it because a lot of anons here also feel broken and they identify with his lonely and empty lifestyle. It’s not hard to understand unless you’re autistic.

    • 1 month ago

      he was talking to marty in this scene, not the police. dumb Black person.

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Honestly this was all Marty's fault. If he hadn't cheated viciously on his wife for years he would still be married and Rust might have found a gf/wife.

      • 1 month ago

        literally me

      • 1 month ago

        I love how subtle the Martin part is. Young men could not understand that scene. He talks about philippino women but shows an obese white woman. Why?
        Martin is what most middle age men end up becoming. Divorced, lonely and trying to find a woman from the third world.

        • 1 month ago

          Marty is also an actual psycho and murderer who cheated on his wife all the time.

  6. 1 month ago

    >coworker gets a call from his wife, she asks him to pick their son or something like that
    >"Anon you're lucky you don't have to deal with this kind of stuff"
    >"heh, yeah"

    • 1 month ago

      Source for webm rel?

      • 1 month ago

        I'm like 95% sure the guy is Poe from Altered Carbon, but I don't remeber the girl at all.

  7. 1 month ago

    Well, how was it? I'd like to know.

    • 1 month ago

      Ah you know, uuuh...out drinking and uuhh...meeting ladies...yeah haha how about you?

      • 1 month ago

        Video games and porn, same as always. Wait, it's not socially acceptable to say that? Shit, I'm sorry.

        • 1 month ago

          What type of cucked workplaces are you guys in, I'd say stuff like that to middle aged women in the office and they'd crack up laughing.
          Smells very American up in here.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah it's something called professionalism. It's overrated I know.

          • 1 month ago

            it's not so much that you're worried about offending anyone. it's that people can say they're offended to frick you over. just because you heard kevin making a joke about breasts in the kitchen doesn't mean it's a good idea to do the same. it only takes one sneaky c**t to report you to HR out of spite or because they want something

          • 1 month ago

            Just posting now but I'm not seeing anything different in this thread compared to when I did fly in fly out administration work for an office in Australia.

            • 1 month ago

              You're not even human at that point.

  8. 1 month ago

    >Coworkers act surprised when I tell them I don't have a girlfriend and I hardly ever go out
    Why is this so unbelievable? I enjoy sitting at home all weekend, I like spending most of my time alone. Call it a cope if you want but I'm very content with my solitary life

    • 1 month ago

      Normiez are an incredulous species.

    • 1 month ago

      im muslim so i get a pass for not having girlfriends

      • 1 month ago

        And people treat you nicer because they don't want you to suicide bomb or decapitate them.

        • 1 month ago

          they're afraid to death of being called a racist/bigot it's like worse than hell
          wypipo are weird

          • 1 month ago

            Whites arent weird for being scared of losing their jobs, israelites are weird for creating this hostile environment for us

    • 1 month ago

      It'll hit you like a ton of bricks when you get into your late thirties and you finally realize that you've wasted your life. Then I- er, you'll just keep drinking and continue to do nothing about it. Then you, yeah, that's it, YOU'LL turn 40.

      • 1 month ago

        You didnt waste your life because you didnt put your dick in enough slags. Are you healthy? Are you comfortable? Do you have a roof over your head and food on your plate? If yes, then shut the frick up and count your fricking blessings. Greedy frickin pigs

      • 1 month ago

        First world problems(aka: not really problems) your ancestors went through far worse

    • 1 month ago

      Sex is a literal need. Not feeling the need makes you very odd. Doesn't matter if you're ugly or whatever, people frick. Also people like drinking outside their homes.

      • 1 month ago

        I only drink to get drunk. Social drinking is a complete pain in the ass because you need to think through the logistics of getting home responsibly if you're not a complete piece of shit human being. Also, at that point you're dealing with people.

        Drinking at home, alone, in the peaceful security of your own residence, is the way to go. You're not bothering anyone else, and you can drink just as much as you please. The first time I heard this song I thought it was the most amusing thing I'd ever heard. I understand that the song is really getting at the danger and extremely negative implications of its subject matter, but still.

      • 1 month ago

        >Sex is a literal need
        I can tell you really want this to be true but have never seriously about if this actually applies to every individual on earth

        • 1 month ago

          >I can tell you really want this to be true
          It is true lol it's like common sense older than whatever culture war you're in

      • 1 month ago

        I unironically believe that sex and human relationships are a fundamental human right but there’s no way to enforce it realistically without horrific abuse and authoritarianism.

        • 1 month ago

          There are no fundamental human rights.

        • 1 month ago

          >I unironically believe that sex and human relationships are a fundamental human right but there’s no way to enforce it realistically without horrific abuse and authoritarianism.
          It's actually fairly easy so long as you provide state sponsored plastic surgery and dental care. Also female height should be capped at 5'4".

        • 1 month ago

          If society was 60% women there would be no male incels and probably no female incels either. We should strive to achieve that ratio.

          • 1 month ago

            nah, it'd really need to be like 80% women 20% men. The average woman has like 5 men lined up to replace you with if she gets the ick from you.

      • 1 month ago

        This is true, but the desire for sex starts greatly diminishing around age 40, or later for some, which honestly feels pretty good.

        I unironically believe that sex and human relationships are a fundamental human right but there’s no way to enforce it realistically without horrific abuse and authoritarianism.

        It would be neat if there were very lifelike sexbots. The ability for anyone to have sex with a very good looking "person" would probably improve the world, and very probably improve many people's quality of life.

  9. 1 month ago

    thank god i'm a self employed tradie with no work

    • 1 month ago

      How does that work? Trust fund baby?

  10. 1 month ago

    >what are your plans for the weekend anon?
    >ohhh haha well..you know.

  11. 1 month ago

    If he had a girlfriend he would still just go to work, go home, only now he would have a nagging gf complaining about who he is.

  12. 1 month ago

    What do normies actually do at the weekend?

    • 1 month ago

      I went to a wedding recently (and had a very nice time tbh, nice mellow vibe) and a bunch of people were leaving early in order to do OTHER extroverted/go-outsidy stuff at OTHER places, for EVEN MORE stimulation, all in the SAME DAY. It was nuts to me. I can only handle a few hours of one social-event stimulation in a single day, I would feel very burned out if other things were happening. I need to go home after and be alone/my true self to recharge/reset.

      it's all fun and pretend until you're 30+ and childless. i said that I have a condition but it doesn't matter i think. i could even go a bit honest and say my last relationship was fricked up but who cares.

      A bunch of people had kids, but I genuinely don't mind/don't care about that detail. I have never wanted children. Your kid is your business, "you do you", as they used to say a few years ago.

  13. 1 month ago

    >last job was in family business and that work basically never stopped (we kept talking about shit during lunch and after going home, weekends, etc)
    >tell coworkers and manager how good it feels to be able to just work and not make it about socialising/etc.
    >everyone understands the implication and leaves me alone other than for work shit
    >am friendly when I need to be and help people out with shit, I just hate small talk/goofing off
    Dunno, feels good currently. I know they probably consider me to be autistic but I dont mind, works even further towards being left alone.

  14. 1 month ago

    >coworker asks if I wanna join everyone for lunch
    >prefer to eat alone because I eat fast so I can leave earlier instead, also hate talking and eating

    • 1 month ago

      >because I eat fast
      My problem as well. I can be halfway done with my meal by the time everyone has sat down. I was once told I eat like I'm in a prison whatever that means.

      • 1 month ago

        Work is basically prison ngl

  15. 1 month ago

    >talking with coworkers about weekend plans
    >they say “you should come anon” but you can tell in their eyes they hope you don’t actually go

    This is an insane feeling

    • 1 month ago

      I'm the same but I don't actually want to go so it's a good feeling knowing I have no obligations to social events at work

    • 1 month ago

      >you can tell in their eyes
      No, you just have an inferiority complex. Grow some balls and say yes next time, homosexual.

  16. 1 month ago

    it's all fun and pretend until you're 30+ and childless. i said that I have a condition but it doesn't matter i think. i could even go a bit honest and say my last relationship was fricked up but who cares.

    • 1 month ago

      >wanted to have kids by 30
      >I'm 25 and have never had a gf

      I mean, I could still meet someone, fall in love, marry them, and have kids with them in the next 5 years, right?

      • 1 month ago

        >he thinks he’ll have a girlfriend with zero sexual or relationship experience
        Lmao, 22 is the cut off point.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm just gonna lie and say my last gf was long time ago

        • 1 month ago

          >tfw 28yo khhv
          Sex would be nice but I want a relationship far more. I'd be fine with a loving relationship without sex. I just need to end the touch starvation and have someone who will encourage me and tell me I'm worth something, even if they're lying as long as I can buy it that's enough. Just the illusion of her favor would be enough, maybe I need to bite the bullet and put a craiglist ad or something. I would contribute to her life as best as I could too of course, whether through money or whatever else.

      • 1 month ago

        better rush that build

      • 1 month ago

        Unironically yes. Plenty of morons have kids with people they just met.

      • 1 month ago

        >he doesn't know the engagement ring trick with the inferred sad backstory
        Not gonna make it

      • 1 month ago

        >didn't have sex with at least two cheerleaders in HS
        it's over anon. I'm sorry.

    • 1 month ago

      >tfw want a kid but too scared to talk to women
      realistically, could I just adopt as a single dude?

      • 1 month ago

        You literally could. Most of you hate women anyway so I don't see the point of daydreaming about dating/marriage. Personally I'm adopting in my 30s.

    • 1 month ago

      I take care of my mom so all c**ts see is that a 39 year old lives with his mom, they dont care that my dad died a couple years ago and my mom has cancer and cant really take care of herself anymore

      • 1 month ago

        I'm sorry anon, at least you're a good son.

      • 1 month ago

        You’re a decent fellow anon

      • 1 month ago

        Damn, are you me?

      • 1 month ago

        Did the same thing for my dad 10 years ago. I see you.

  17. 1 month ago

    Everyone in this thread is a schizoid. Preferring to be alone is not normal, you’re actively harming the pack mentality that is ingrained in human consciousness from years of evolution.

  18. 1 month ago

    I went to a party. Hollow internet theory dictates I'm not the only one on this board who was there, small though it was.

  19. 1 month ago

    >He didn’t start small by befriending a boomer coworker to fish with.

    Embarrassing now I have a zoomer friend who going to take me out clubbing and to bars to socialize and hopefully not be a incel anymore.

  20. 1 month ago

    If you’re a incel why would you want to have kids? Clearly your genes are bad and your sons will have the same problems.

    • 1 month ago

      Incels are a modern phenomenon. They exist because of social media and the internet and how we've become too isolated, it's little to do with genetics

      Do you think there are any incels in an uncontacted amazon tribe?

      • 1 month ago

        No but feminists don’t exist in that tribe either the men and women are forced to be together to survive. Now that women have choices a lot of men lose since they never had anything to offer.

        • 1 month ago

          Reminds me of that season of Survivor when they started out with the men and women on different tribes. I’ll let you guess how it turned out

        • 1 month ago

          Is that why theres a family guy joke where the guys take a whole episode to figure out the problem and get through it while the women just start fighting 2 minutes in

      • 1 month ago

        I bet there's at least a few kids who spend all their time whittling frogs to leave around the rainforest as a joke

      • 1 month ago

        Haven’t studies shown that most males in history failed to pass on their genes?

    • 1 month ago

      I don't, you're right. I considered adoption but current me would be a shitty father. Maybe if I improove myself enormously.

  21. 1 month ago

    Bullying exists to weed out the genetically inferior from the dating pool.

  22. 1 month ago

    I go fishing on the weekends

  23. 1 month ago

    >What did you do this weekend?!
    >Played some games. Watched sports.
    >Never get asked again

  24. 1 month ago

    Everything fell off after 2012. I can't even find social enjoyment in talking to a lot of people after 2012. I swear obama imported 50 million people and made everything more crowded but the quality of people fell off a cliff. And it got even worse after 2020. Genuine people are disappearing its just people being passive aggressive all the time instead of just being honest and brutal. I've had deeper and more human conversations with randoms from other countries in chat rooms in 2010 then in the flesh people I've been around for multiple years at work exc. in current times. Frick, I'm starting to think comp sci nerds will somehow create more genuine conversation bots then actual humans that have to be blatant dirtbags about everything over the simplest shit.

  25. 1 month ago

    >every Monday team goes around and talks about what they did over the weekend
    >every Monday I have to come up with a new bunch of lies
    I don’t think I can keep it up bros

  26. 1 month ago

    at least you got a job

  27. 1 month ago

    Why don't you guys just go do something g on the weekend I stead of complaining about not doing anything o the weekends

    • 1 month ago

      I do shit, I just gotta see threads like this and gotta remind people to not measure their life's success by how many wet holes theyve been inside.

    • 1 month ago

      Somebody already said it, but porn and vidya are generally frowned upon as hobbies. I tell people I’m working on my novel

      • 1 month ago

        Porn absolutely, but my 70 year old dad played minecraft and diablo2, anyone who gives video games a side eye probably watches real housewives of israelite jersey or something

        • 1 month ago

          And was your dad the sort to be chatty and nosy at work? Think about who it is who is asking what you did on the weekend

          • 1 month ago

            Well maybe stop trying to be a frickin normie if you know you arent. Goddamn its not that big of a deal to just, i dunno, frickin work at work and not blab about stupid shit

            • 1 month ago

              We’re on the same page bro. I don’t ask intrusive personal questions of my coworkers

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah it's something called professionalism. It's overrated I know.

        Holy shit you've drunk the Kool aid. Have you actually worked in a professional office? There's constant bants and people do inappropriate shit all the time. Half of us would get blasted at lunch down the pub and stagger back in, including the HR ladies.
        Not to mention coworkers fricking in the building sickbay all the time.
        You guys need to find a better workplace instead of Mr Shekelbergs Wagemaster 3000 cubicle

        • 1 month ago

          You sound like one of the normie homosexuals.

          • 1 month ago

            You sound like one of the resident schizoid autists we snicker about in emails all day. Considering it's one third of your living existence and you hate it, you've done fricked up in life and created a living hell for yourself.
            Good luck with that mate.

            • 1 month ago

              >spends time at work making fun of people for not wanting to be around him
              >he made work his social capital
              You somehow found a way to be the saddest poster in this thread

          • 1 month ago

            Not office work but there was this old warehouse job where the alpha was after me pretty hard to come out to the bars for like two months and I shut him down every time. Nothing bad came of it but he was annoyed.

            • 1 month ago

              the weirdest clique I ended up in was an entire office where everyone smoked. 3 times a day, or more for a lot of people, everyone would go into the car park and smoke and chat for 10-20 mins and then go back to their desk. I was the only person who didn't because I didn't smoke. almost everyday I worked there someone would ask and I would reply
              >anon are you coming for a smoke
              >no I don't smoke
              >you should start smoking so you can hang out with us
              >no thanks, I don't want to smoke

            • 1 month ago

              I did go out drinking at the camp bar a few times, and it was as shitty and pathetic as I expected. Having some blearly eyed 45 year old man who I thought was 65 tell me how good it is I'm coming out and drinking and interacting with the "crew". I quit that job pretty quickly it was my first "office" experience and to have the b***hyness of the office and the gronks who never read a book constantly ask you to drink with them after work was tiring. I used to do labouring so it's not like I never did physical work etc. God wagies really are the worst.

        • 1 month ago

          The cubicle is kinda comfy tho ngl

  28. 1 month ago

    I hate office small talk but I realize I am the problem. I keep expecting to get canned because I am so awkward and skirt around the in office rules and extracurriculars. I am just very demographically and idealistically different than my immediate coworkers and don't know how to navigate it well

    • 1 month ago

      No need to say too much, I'm just curious for a little detail here. Autistic? black? nihilist? conservative? What is it?

      • 1 month ago

        2 of those and I am not black

        • 1 month ago

          autistic conservative then, got it.

  29. 1 month ago

    >coworkers start talking about dating apps

  30. 1 month ago

    So if men have nothing to offer and women are too choosy what’s the endgame and how or what fixes this? A world war?

    • 1 month ago

      I've got a crippled leg so even if there's a war the best thing I can hope for is to be a civilian casualty

  31. 1 month ago

    What I do is dress up a bit and literally just go walk around the busy part of my town where everyone meets up and do nothing but walk and be at least somewhat close to people just so I don't go completely insane. Don't even talk to anyone or even stop, just walk and maybe exchange a glance or two. Basically walk through a pic related place merely to be close to other people having fun, just to feel half human.

    Then I go back to my room replenished and continue with my (non) life

    • 1 month ago

      Top 10 saddest post I've ever read

    • 1 month ago

      Next time approach a woman and start up small talk then another and another. In a months time start to cold approach and ask them out/ for their numbers.

      • 1 month ago

        this. all you have to do is tell them they have a nice blouse then ask them how their night is going and turn around and walk away.

      • 1 month ago

        Thanks for the advice anon, but I'll be honest I probably won't ever do that. Too far gone

      • 1 month ago

        Are you trying to get him arrested, anon?

      • 1 month ago

        I usually go for a walk in some local woods and eat a sandwich for dinner on my own. it's just nice to stretch my legs and get some fresh air for 30 minutes. apparently that is an alien concept to many people

        To be fair, at my current job, I made friends with two other misfit coworkers because I found out we like the same bar and we regularly go there and close the place out each time.

        • 1 month ago

          yeah it's not impossible to make friends at work and if you do it makes it a lot more bearable. it's just rare in my experience

      • 1 month ago

        >just start up small talk
        Wow never thought of that, ty for the protip.

      • 1 month ago

        Don't most women not want to be approached by men they aren't already attracted to?

        • 1 month ago

          Depends on the situation. If it's a social event or group that meets weekly/monthly then no, just don't come on too strong.

  32. 1 month ago

    >Go out every weekend to all sorts of shows, sights, and sounds
    >Go home empty inside every time because it was all experienced alone

  33. 1 month ago

    all blogposters must die

  34. 1 month ago

    Maybe forever aloners were bad people in a past life and this is a reincarnation where we reflect on things.

  35. 1 month ago

    He has a home or proper place to live in? Win win

  36. 1 month ago

    >get back from my lunch break
    >work in a big office park, so there's nice place to sit and chill
    >co-worker sees me come in
    >hey anon, I saw you out there... *reading*
    >he says that last word like it's the most unusual thing to do
    What the frick is so unusual about sitting on a sunny park bench and reading a book?

    • 1 month ago

      I usually go for a walk in some local woods and eat a sandwich for dinner on my own. it's just nice to stretch my legs and get some fresh air for 30 minutes. apparently that is an alien concept to many people

    • 1 month ago

      The odd thing is that if you were scrolling through your dumbphone, doing sort-of the same thing (looking down, reading text on a small object, handling the small object), no one would bat an eye. The very fact that it's a book is enough to disturb people. I do this autistically sometimes and I enjoy it.

  37. 1 month ago

    It's ok to be unpopular in high school because you are all basically still kids. But if no one likes you as an adult, you must be a worthless piece of shit.

  38. 1 month ago

    >no girlfriend.
    >just stay home.

  39. 1 month ago

    i drank beer and pressure washed the whole driveway and not a single person talked to me. best fricking weekend i've had in a while

  40. 1 month ago

    I quit drinking 2 months ago and I feel even more miserable than before. Some people shouldn't have been born

    • 1 month ago

      You have to replace it with something positive. Same reason I haven't been able to stop.

  41. 1 month ago

    I’ve been living with some extended family due to reasons and my older male cousins keep saying they’re gonna take me out, get me drunk, and finally get me laid. I laugh it off because I can’t tell them straight up that I don’t want to have sex because they’re all normalgays that will simply ignore my opinion.

  42. 1 month ago

    wagecuck life is worthless except to his boss keep on cucking buddy

  43. 1 month ago

    > Worked at Walmart a few years ago
    > Fricking hated it, knew all my coworkers were full of shit
    > Didn't speak to anybody during lunch breaks, would usually eat by myself outside the building
    > Go home
    > Repeat this until I would quit
    Sometimes, being a loner is a good thing, bros. I've been learning Python for a year now while my bumblefrick ex-coworkers are most likely still at Walmart.

    Ya gotta do what ya gotta do by yourself, until you get a gf.

    • 1 month ago

      What steps did you take to learn? I need a new skill and I wanna escape my wage life.

  44. 1 month ago

    Why was the only good season of TD the first?

    • 1 month ago


  45. 1 month ago

    i started running a dnd campaign for my coworkers online and it's this controlled environment where im the master but can socialize still. Much better than going to happy hour and feeling left out once everyone gets drunk

  46. 1 month ago

    im lucky that i have a weird hobby that regularly occurs on weekends. sports refereeing. so pretty much every weekend this year i have spent at least one if not both weekend days doing my hobby which allows me to be outside basically all day.

    on the weekend days where there are no games to do, i sit in my room all day doing literally nothing and wasting my entire life. i hate that i do it, but i cannot muster any motivation to do anything despite the fact that im so ashamed and humiliated about my life that all i think about is suicide. the same thing will happen this weekend because of the holiday.

    maybe this weekend i will finally tell my parents to please put me in a psychiatric ward

  47. 1 month ago

    >all my friends in relationships are miserable
    >on my days off i play video games and go on walks
    >no b***hing women in my ear
    >when i get horny i jerk off and move on with my life
    >all my money is mine
    its a simple life

  48. 1 month ago

    >have wasted the most important decade of my life at a completely useless job after graduating college
    >somehow deluded myself into being happy about it
    >turn 30 a few years ago and realize how ive completely destroyed my life
    >have completely stopped talking to people at the job, say maybe a few words at most each day, dont even make eye contact with people
    >stop doing my useless work, basically just sit at the desk bored out of my mind barely doing anything all day and completely humiliated and nonstop suicidal ideations
    >also commute there and back on the subway and spend the entire time with headphones in looking at the floor completely miserable trying to avoid seeing the normal people with their good jobs going back to their friends and families
    >still feel completely incapable of doing even basic

    all i want to do is completely stop going and have my parents call them and say i had a complete mental breakdown, which i basically already am anyway. maybe becoming unemployed will force me to actually try to improve the multitude of problems that i have in my life. maybe it will force me to actually gain some skills or do something to get a job i can actually feel decent going to. but then everyone says how horrible the job market is now and how bad of an idea it is to leave a job with nothing lined up.

    • 1 month ago

      >my parents
      at least your parents are still alive

      • 1 month ago

        yeah i guess its good but it isnt like i talk to them at all

  49. 1 month ago

    I do nothing but work and sleep and I want it to end.

  50. 1 month ago

    Same. Not that my coworkers lead extraordinary lives but they're usually spending their weekends with their partners doing stuff.

  51. 1 month ago

    >love to read, usually read a couple hours a day and then a few hours on the weekend
    >work as engineer so theres literally ZERO people to relate to on this at work
    >every conversation is just about cars and latest news (yesterday was all about the turbulence and shit)
    >I give zero shits about cars other than it getting me from point A to point B
    Its pain

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