Dana Terrace

So what's next in store for her now that owl house is dead and buried?
Did she say anything about what she'll be working on next or did she go flipping burgers?

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  1. 1 month ago

    All I heard is that the TOH soured her desire to do any more show running which is a shame, because her style and world building is really fun

    • 1 month ago

      eh she'd work better as a comic artist, a lot of her concepts and great designs and life she breathes into characters and bgs were lost in toh but that could have just been disney.

      • 1 month ago

        that's because the art coordinator for owl house was matthieu cousin
        so it was in his style and not dana's

        • 1 month ago

          Would be interesting to see how much was who's work.

        • 1 month ago

          So he sucked? or just a bit of a disconnect?

          • 1 month ago

            no it's just
            his artstyle
            the show looks like his art because he designed the characters

            • 1 month ago

              Ah welp, still wish for more dana focused style, but to be fair if the writing is anything to go off of maybe she does art and someone else does writing.

              No it isn't, she works way better as a solo artist. TOH was a mess and she'd have better luck making comics about lesbians hanging out without having to do a serialized lore cartoon. She's really bad at it.

              I hope she will find work doing more horror stuff since this is clearly what she prefers doing. Maybe some kind of indie game or tabletop game box art

              i doubt she will be out of work. she's a talented animator, a lot of gravity fall's money shots were by her.

              Yeah her horror and ephemeral art style would be better served in something where she has more creative control. But to be honest she seemed to always want TOH to be serialized, so can't really blame disney for that one. In fact seems around the time it and amphibia came out they were having pushes against serialized shows

              Really I think dana will probably go indie or smaller scale next time I don't think she's persay blacklisted like schizos tend to say. But if Hirsch is having a hard time finding work I know dana would be as well especially since honestly TOH didn't do nearly as good as GF. I think it's more like SU where it's more online people that talk about it I rarely saw merch for it or advertisements most are fan made so it's really just kind of living via twitter and tumblr.

              I do think she'd be better off trying something on her own at this power really like a gofundme game or comic as her name has internet cred and I'm sure even a few anons would throw her a penny or two to see what's next.

              i can believe dana might be a bad showrunner, but i also fully believe disney gutted TOH like a fish

              I heard it was a mix of both she really didn't have the chops to be a good showrunner and disney neutering some of her more creative and dark themes. But reading some of the concepts and scripts people leaked maybe that was for the best because og series just sounded liked college/teen dykes goofing around but fighting the devil. Really sounded bland and like a first draft a HS or college student would make.

              • 1 month ago

                Tbh I don't know why Cinemaphile holds Dana's inexperience as a first-time showrunner against her. I guess they think because she was slightly more vocal about her struggles (people say she was constantly on twitter b***hing about Disney but that isn't true) they think that nobody else has had similar experiences and she's the sole problem. Matt Braly went prematurely grey while working on Amphibia and he was incredibly pissed off at how they fumbled True Colors, Rebecca Sugar and a lot of the SU crew hated the bomb format, etc.. It's also bizarre that Cinemaphile regularly shits on Disney but if they don't like an employee of theirs, when they speak up about mistreatment they get shat on.

              • 1 month ago

                Because were opps, in reality it was less about disney and in most cases were Cinemaphile anon most anons just hate women and anything progressive or lgbt. Remember when people were just making full blown lies about her?

                In my case I was just saying that realistically she wasn't so break out and well known to get another job easily. Also It's not about hate but knowing the industry and how it's based on connections and perception many actors and creatives now really bite themselves being to open. Like how people tell all their inner thoughts and opinions on political and social matters via social media. Those things aren't appealing to companies not just because oh you fricked over daddy disney but just because it's a bit childish and unless that's your brand it's a bad idea. Like that one guy that made Isom his brand is being a shit starter and anti woke so he makes money because he's outside the industry. But in terms of the industry it's about making connections and friend ships and being well liked. Also some were mad it felt like she used Alex Hirsch and cucked him but that was so long ago I don't remember the situation or care

              • 1 month ago

                because they believe artists shouldnt be paid well or respected, so even if gisnep has an artist's balls in a vice they should be mouse-ass-kissingly grateful for the experience

                Because were opps, in reality it was less about disney and in most cases were Cinemaphile anon most anons just hate women and anything progressive or lgbt. Remember when people were just making full blown lies about her?

                In my case I was just saying that realistically she wasn't so break out and well known to get another job easily. Also It's not about hate but knowing the industry and how it's based on connections and perception many actors and creatives now really bite themselves being to open. Like how people tell all their inner thoughts and opinions on political and social matters via social media. Those things aren't appealing to companies not just because oh you fricked over daddy disney but just because it's a bit childish and unless that's your brand it's a bad idea. Like that one guy that made Isom his brand is being a shit starter and anti woke so he makes money because he's outside the industry. But in terms of the industry it's about making connections and friend ships and being well liked. Also some were mad it felt like she used Alex Hirsch and cucked him but that was so long ago I don't remember the situation or care

                yes this is true, a lot of posts about how she only got a job because she was hirsch's girlfriend. patent misogny, and insulting to her in every way- if a looker like dana wanted to frick her way to the top she could do a lot better than hirsch

              • 1 month ago

                >if a looker like dana wanted to frick her way to the top she could do a lot better than hirsch
                When you makes posts disparaging Alex for not being """"hot enough and a manlet"""" just in support for any woman in the industry sleeping their way to the top. You literally break your defense with reverse sexism. So you are just rallying other feminazis and simps to defend an artist for having a wet hole, with breasts. Use actual argument instead of ad hominem. When the fact being Alex got his job by being good at it and working for it. No less than anyone else, and doubt he is as much of a creep as anyone else in a exec chair allowing pedophiles to fill their ranks at Disney.

              • 1 month ago

                i didn't mention hirch's height or his appearance at all when i said dana could do better than him. why do you think i would, aside from your fetish for being a victim?

                True really sucks in general but I was just saying the AIbros are the worst part using ai as refs or to try and be creative or doing the bare minimum of just editing it would be more interesting than them just posting the over saturated fricked proportion abominations as if they are good or their own work lol.
                I agree to a degree and artist do deserve respect but I also get their view as she basically broke up with him or did the open relationship thing around the time her first season started. So it did make her look like once he wasn't useful she dropped him kek. I'd say probably the best dana could do sleeping around she's def not ugly until she got really into the short hair and tattoos in my opinion but Alex was probably the best she could do everyone above him aren't nerds who are desperate lol.
                I could believe this as someone that works in marketing I hear our tech bros explaining AI and meta verse shit. Seems to me they feel giving it to the masses has made it worse instead of helping it learn the way they thought. So I can see them completely killing ruining the ethics and understanding a AI needs. Like how they talked about AIs being fed conspiracy theories and other insane drabble lol.

                Yeah thing is Techbros are so weirdly autistic and obsessive. I accept trying to move into the future and be innovative, but bros you aren't making the software or formulas or whatever.

                eh open relationship is pure hearsay. everytime there was an owl house thread, someone claimed it was because dana dumped him for some storyboarder. it got ridiculous.

              • 1 month ago

                my crazy wacko conspiracy theory:
                there was never any real drama, the two of them were professional about it, and the whole thing's just tumblr-esque shipping drama but with creators instead of characters

              • 1 month ago

                >i didn't mention hirch's height or his appearance at all when i said dana could do better than him. why do you think i would, aside from your fetish for being a victim?
                dont try and hide your disingenuous post
                you knew what you were saying and got caught
                cope and seethe

              • 1 month ago

                no, that was never my intention. i know it would fit your worldview if it was, but it was not. and i'm hardly going to 'seethe' become someone insists on reading my post on a chinese basket weaving forum incorrectly.

              • 1 month ago

                Seek help

              • 1 month ago

                have sex

              • 1 month ago

                Had sex with your mom last night.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm sure she appreciated it, she deserves some love.

              • 1 month ago

                She wishes you'd call more

              • 1 month ago

                It's wild because Gravity Falls is largely liked on Cinemaphile when Hirsch was flying by the seat of his pants half the time and arguably fumbled the ending dropped character arcs etc. But I never see half as much seethe about it

              • 1 month ago

                It's hard to care about mistreatment of employees when those employees tend to be perfectly fine with mistreating customers and potential customers outside of their tribes

                There should be an ecosystem of good conditions, not one-way gains

              • 1 month ago

                Sorry, but individuals are not beholden to try and cater to people who want to take away human rights, and equal treatment. Undesirables are not desirable in general. They can go and stay go.

              • 1 month ago

                Cool it with the racism..

              • 1 month ago

                Ok, don't wonder why people don't care about Hollywood careerist crybabies

              • 1 month ago

                Execs already dont care about anything else but their own bottom dollar. Crybabies or not, no one gives a frick about them either so why even bother to cater? People think artists dont do real work, and just think drawing is easy yet they cannot even draw a straight like but can order a 36oz beverage of corn syrup complaining about how their country has gone to shit for having animated cartoon characters waving rainbow flags.

                Both are annoying but you're more pathetic for caring.

              • 1 month ago

                HEY! Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks over there!

              • 1 month ago

                >og series just sounded liked college/teen dykes goofing around but fighting the devil
                I'm not opposed to this concept as I think Dana could probably pull it off, unlike a lot of people she works with.

              • 1 month ago

                We saw how dana pulled it off anon, so I don't have much faith in a more boring and relationship heavy TOH especially on disney. Since that's who she pitched it too in the first place so it'd have always been limited. I feel we have a 1000 series like this on webtoon/webcomics on the internet as is.

              • 1 month ago

                jesus that art looks suggestively lewd...
                I can understand why removing a lot of these
                literally drawings of under age yuri

              • 1 month ago

                My theory is Dana probably draws a lot lewder yuri but is wise enough to not post it on her page or at least keeps it on an alt, way separated from her main.

      • 1 month ago

        I agree. I wonder if she'll ever explore the old concepts she made or if they were just ideas she was getting out of her system

        • 1 month ago

          Girl on girl ryona now she has my erection kek, but yeah she really sketched some great BGs and body/monster horror art wish she did something with it but she doesn't sadly. I feel sadly she'll be like Hirsch especially if she's against running a show again. As a artist I'll tell you people like Dana sometimes just follow the creative pipeline. They have tons of talent and potential but are too stuck in the cogs to break free and try anything on their own, it's why you see tons of creatives that make a show then nothing else besides bg or storyboard work after. I feel in this new age you'd think more creatives would use Twitter or tumblr fame + name recognition to pitch somewhere else or go indie. But they tend to just pitch between the big 3 and are surprised when it gets cancelled or shelved.

          • 1 month ago

            Dana loves girls being violent, I wonder why though.
            >I feel sadly she'll be like Hirsch especially if she's against running a show again.
            I do think Dana has more creative drive than Hirsch, so I think she'd probably do something in the future. When is the question. I could easily see he picking up a new major project by the time some of the kids who grew up on Owl House are in their early 20s.
            >As a artist I'll tell you people like Dana sometimes just follow the creative pipeline
            I can almost understand it, especially since getting your own show is sorta the career apex for a lot of these people. The dream idea you've probably been sitting on since you were a kid or in your teens has finally been achieved. Then you have to find a new idea or step aside for the next generation to take over.

    • 1 month ago

      >because her style and world building is really fun
      You mean, a bunch of vaguely related things.

    • 1 month ago

      No it isn't, she works way better as a solo artist. TOH was a mess and she'd have better luck making comics about lesbians hanging out without having to do a serialized lore cartoon. She's really bad at it.

      • 1 month ago

        i can believe dana might be a bad showrunner, but i also fully believe disney gutted TOH like a fish

        • 1 month ago

          Ah welp, still wish for more dana focused style, but to be fair if the writing is anything to go off of maybe she does art and someone else does writing.
          Yeah her horror and ephemeral art style would be better served in something where she has more creative control. But to be honest she seemed to always want TOH to be serialized, so can't really blame disney for that one. In fact seems around the time it and amphibia came out they were having pushes against serialized shows

          Really I think dana will probably go indie or smaller scale next time I don't think she's persay blacklisted like schizos tend to say. But if Hirsch is having a hard time finding work I know dana would be as well especially since honestly TOH didn't do nearly as good as GF. I think it's more like SU where it's more online people that talk about it I rarely saw merch for it or advertisements most are fan made so it's really just kind of living via twitter and tumblr.

          I do think she'd be better off trying something on her own at this power really like a gofundme game or comic as her name has internet cred and I'm sure even a few anons would throw her a penny or two to see what's next.
          I heard it was a mix of both she really didn't have the chops to be a good showrunner and disney neutering some of her more creative and dark themes. But reading some of the concepts and scripts people leaked maybe that was for the best because og series just sounded liked college/teen dykes goofing around but fighting the devil. Really sounded bland and like a first draft a HS or college student would make.

          Being a bad showrunner is irrelevant to making a successful show. Sugar was also a horrible showrunner but SU had interesting storylines and was marketed properly and so it was successful anyways. Even if it was still meddled with to hell and back Owl House would have been very successful if they just put some shirts and plushies in Hot Topic

          • 1 month ago

            seems like more showrunners than not get called 'bad'. are there even any showrunners everyone agrees are good?

            • 1 month ago

              I think it's the sort of thing where people only notice if you're doing it wrong. but i've never seen a bad word about McCracken or Tartakovsky on here

              • 1 month ago

                McCracken did basic nonlinear plots and the ending of Samurai Jack sucked ass

              • 1 month ago

                You don’t lurk enough. For every animator, there are at least a handful of schizos who hate them. I’ve seen plenty of people trashing both McCracken and Tartakovsky.

            • 1 month ago

              Any eastern ones

            • 1 month ago

              Trigger as of some their formation has the most fan appreciation when it comes to anime adaptations and original animation.

          • 1 month ago

            >Being a bad showrunner is irrelevant to making a successful show
            You are talking out of your fricking ass

      • 1 month ago

        >ToH was serially bad
        It really wasn't by cartoon standards.

    • 1 month ago

      No studio will ever work with her again. She will never be permitted to work in the industry

      • 1 month ago

        worst thing she did is say disney were shit. that's not going to scare anyone off

      • 1 month ago

        thank you mr insider of every studio in the industry

      • 1 month ago

        Calling Disney a sack of shit is a good thing nowadays

      • 1 month ago

        And that's a good thing.

    • 1 month ago

      Source? I remember the opposite in one of her streams, I think she said she preferred the serialized nature of TV shows

    • 1 month ago

      >her style and world building is really fun
      So why did none of that make it into TOH?

  2. 1 month ago

    the owl apartment complex

    • 1 month ago

      The Owl Projects

  3. 1 month ago

    I want more content with eda goddamnit

    • 1 month ago

      Watch Tenchi Muyo then

      • 1 month ago

        Ryoko is a better version of Eda regardless. If you like Eda, you'd like and appreciate Ryoko.

    • 1 month ago
  4. 1 month ago

    I hate that she's earnestly a good artist

    • 1 month ago

      I hate she like many tumblr and twitter artist deletes her archive at random variables.

      • 1 month ago

        why do they do this? does anyone know? do THEY even know?

        • 1 month ago

          See when nsfw ones do it I see it as them changing their vibe. Like one I liked I had to go through archive. org to collect all their content and probably missed tons. But in that case someone got butthurt they were drawing clemintine from TWD getting dicked down and said it was e-girl even though artist was using the final season version who's at least 18 but it was tumblr era. Eitherway point being that made sense because they wanted to change from nsfw to more wholesome or acceptable nsfw. But non-nsfw artist idk I mean it'd make sense if they were like myself where your art improves so your old stuff is so shit you decide to scrap it but with dana she'll delete her high quality stuff and old crew art.

          • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        why do they do this? does anyone know? do THEY even know?

        Can you blame her?
        When tumblr began banning porn they were banning ANYTHING that they thought was porn including life drawings and drawing that had partial nudity. So many artists left or deleted everything, and why not? Tumblr was already censoring their art.
        You think that’s bad? When I was younger I used to love going on DeviantArt. I found a shit ton of artists who would become big online and now work in the industry, and even after DA went to shit I would go back and marvel at their old teenage/art school work, because it’s something I enjoy doing, and now it’s all gone. When the morons at DA embraced AI that was the final straw, many artists were rightfully scared of having their work be used to train a machine, so they all deleted their work and their accounts, that’s years of work ALL GONE

        • 1 month ago

          Yep sadly I know the pain anon, really we need a new twitter scrapper and tumblr scrapper. Used to be a good tumblr one that both checked tumblr and archive.org so you got the files they deleted as well. But sadly the person that made it stopped updating it years ago.

          Also definitely feel that makes it incredibly hard to find some of the classic deviant art cringe and edgy stuff you once loved. Remember I used to love reading old 00s and 10s invader zim fancomics but most have been lost to time. Also in her case was less about porn and more seems like intermediate cleaning occasionally. Also heard she does it on her twitter as well so if you aren't just drawing full blown porn what's the point and she deletes her crew art as well so not all is even relevant to delete.

          very true

          Yep but not opposed to someone posting some quality stuff or making a mega

      • 1 month ago

        artists nuke their galleries over the pettiest tantrums and then cry about AI art b***h you are the very reason for AI art

        • 1 month ago

          I can't defend AI art much mostly because AI bros make it cringe more than anything. But yeah some artist do be kind of gay, like that weird new trend of art quitting because they get likes but not enough comments or not as many likes on some sketch and it makes them sad. I get desiring critique and some responses on your art but quitting or going on hiatus over it is quite pussy tier.

        • 1 month ago

          I can't defend AI art much mostly because AI bros make it cringe more than anything. But yeah some artist do be kind of gay, like that weird new trend of art quitting because they get likes but not enough comments or not as many likes on some sketch and it makes them sad. I get desiring critique and some responses on your art but quitting or going on hiatus over it is quite pussy tier.

          AI slop deserve all the shit it gets. It literally takes images without consent and photoshops into an amalgamation of akin to alien lifeform trying to mimic human intelligence.

          • 1 month ago

            it's basically just a shuffler. there's a whole goddamn religion about it not being that (because it's the thing all the NFT bozos pivoted to, and making pseudo-technological cults is their MO), but that's really all it is.

            the most depressing part is the way it's infested real AI research. i fricking guarantee this obsession with just scaling completely Gaussian (i.e. weighted probabilistic), completely static (i.e. incapable of active learning) systems as far as the meta-analysis of existing data can take you (we're already at that limit, BTW - they've run out of corpus to use for training, and have begun pivoting to artificially generated data) will hold us back from creating actually intelligent AI for at least another decade, maybe more.

          • 1 month ago

            She will get her ass kicked while flipping them.

            Sounds like a description of Industry cartooning. Putting together some ingredients from artists new and old and ending up with soulless slop with politics and characters obsessed with LGBTQ.

            • 1 month ago

              >Sounds like a description of Industry cartooning.
              AI slop's value is for mega corps to take pre-existing media and create endless consumable content without needing to pay artists long term. Soulless pieces of media just to fill content spaces with their brand. Not only are people in general do not care about it, but also had actively rejected it. Tech-bros has failed to make the general public demand AI when we have decades of media warning on the dangers of AI stealing our jobs, and destroying mankind. Tech-bros, and Execs are so fricking up their own asses to think they are to fricking smart than some dude working at a gas station thinking they would never reject the next advancement and just consume blindly. AI has failed to replace viable search engines, requests apps for Q&As, and even consumable media by an audience who value actual art made by people in the first place.

              AI slop is a rich person's circle jerk and no one is buying.

              • 1 month ago

                >Soulless pieces of media just to fill content spaces with their brand.
                This is already what they're doing lmao

              • 1 month ago

                It'll only get worse. Like the secret invasion shit that everyone did not take a liking to.

          • 1 month ago

            True really sucks in general but I was just saying the AIbros are the worst part using ai as refs or to try and be creative or doing the bare minimum of just editing it would be more interesting than them just posting the over saturated fricked proportion abominations as if they are good or their own work lol.

            because they believe artists shouldnt be paid well or respected, so even if gisnep has an artist's balls in a vice they should be mouse-ass-kissingly grateful for the experience

            yes this is true, a lot of posts about how she only got a job because she was hirsch's girlfriend. patent misogny, and insulting to her in every way- if a looker like dana wanted to frick her way to the top she could do a lot better than hirsch

            I agree to a degree and artist do deserve respect but I also get their view as she basically broke up with him or did the open relationship thing around the time her first season started. So it did make her look like once he wasn't useful she dropped him kek. I'd say probably the best dana could do sleeping around she's def not ugly until she got really into the short hair and tattoos in my opinion but Alex was probably the best she could do everyone above him aren't nerds who are desperate lol.

            it's basically just a shuffler. there's a whole goddamn religion about it not being that (because it's the thing all the NFT bozos pivoted to, and making pseudo-technological cults is their MO), but that's really all it is.

            the most depressing part is the way it's infested real AI research. i fricking guarantee this obsession with just scaling completely Gaussian (i.e. weighted probabilistic), completely static (i.e. incapable of active learning) systems as far as the meta-analysis of existing data can take you (we're already at that limit, BTW - they've run out of corpus to use for training, and have begun pivoting to artificially generated data) will hold us back from creating actually intelligent AI for at least another decade, maybe more.

            I could believe this as someone that works in marketing I hear our tech bros explaining AI and meta verse shit. Seems to me they feel giving it to the masses has made it worse instead of helping it learn the way they thought. So I can see them completely killing ruining the ethics and understanding a AI needs. Like how they talked about AIs being fed conspiracy theories and other insane drabble lol.

            Yeah thing is Techbros are so weirdly autistic and obsessive. I accept trying to move into the future and be innovative, but bros you aren't making the software or formulas or whatever.

      • 1 month ago

        She deleted old stuff? Only "missing stuff" I'm aware of is the stuff from her old Deviantart.

        • 1 month ago

          looks like something form Soul Eater

          • 1 month ago

            I remember early theories that Owl House was going to resemble something like Soul Eater. To be fair, both kinda have a magic school element though Dana's work isn't as explicitly horny as Soul Eater or Fire Force.

            • 1 month ago

              Fire Force is unapologetically horny to, AND cursed.

              • 1 month ago

                Imagine if the Owl House was about half as horny as Fire Force

              • 1 month ago

                Eda would just be Ryoko, but in the style from Ranma's first appearance.

        • 1 month ago

          looks like something form Soul Eater

          >Frankie Foster but Soul Eater
          secretly [our] gal

          • 1 month ago

            I wouldn't be surprised if she posted on this board semi-regularly as recently as maybe 2016. It's 8 years ago, but I'm imagining she was probably an oldgay by then.

        • 1 month ago

          I remember her nuking her galleries multiple times before the show even started, and then again multiple times when it started airing, and a couple of times since..

          I have tons of her art and I still feel like I'm missing a ton, some sutff you can only still find because Pinterest digs its tendrils deep into everything

          • 1 month ago

            Anything good worth posting here that you got?

  5. 1 month ago

    >So what's next in store for her now that owl house is dead and buried?
    Happily married to me.

    • 1 month ago

      Post pic of man, says I'll marry him. Don't make me get the roof anon

      • 1 month ago

        this version feminine enough for ya?

        • 1 month ago

          Man what was with tumblr and twitter age creative girls and going down the man pipeline?

          • 1 month ago

            it will always be about dressing for your team anon
            if you are on the left you support freedom of gender binary insanity, and on the right trad life scam

            • 1 month ago

              I at least respect you for calling out both sides anon. But yeah really it's the only thing that tends to ruin LGBT content as they'll be so pretentious about it or so weird. I also hate how it feels so exclusive to female creatives sometimes, like how many times does a girl go into a animated show a girl and come out they them or trans. It's actually shocking how many times it's happened

        • 1 month ago

          Man what was with tumblr and twitter age creative girls and going down the man pipeline?

          I sincerely think she's cute both now and when she started out in animation.

          • 1 month ago

            women are attractive to you when they have substance regardless of looks

  6. 1 month ago

    One of these days I need to gather all the dana sketches I collected online. I dont have many, but they are fun.

    • 1 month ago

      we should make another dana art thread drop

      • 1 month ago

        this thread is as good as any
        until it dies from inactivity

        • 1 month ago

          True but then no one will know since it's not the name. You name the thread that way so easy to find in archive

          • 1 month ago

            very true

    • 1 month ago

      Do you have the American Psycho Danas?

      • 1 month ago

        I do not.

      • 1 month ago

        Only this one

        • 1 month ago

          Those threads were masterpieces

          • 1 month ago

            I remember when they posted the check em Dana and it was quads

  7. 1 month ago

    If she was smart she’d find her passion in making comics and novels but Dana is a liberal and a women so she’ll keep trying and failing for years to make shitty shows and clash with the executives and whine about protecting muh gay kids on twitter

  8. 1 month ago

    I’m just wondering what 90s anime she’s going to rip-off for her next project

    • 1 month ago

      Watch Tenchi Muyo then


      Ryoko is a better version of Eda regardless. If you like Eda, you'd like and appreciate Ryoko.

      >Ryoko is a better version of Eda regardless. If you like Eda, you'd like and appreciate Ryoko.
      Ryoko also gets naked on screen which is a plus

      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        I don't see Spaceship Agga Ruter anywhere on this chart.

        • 1 month ago

          Whoever made it probably excluded it for being a hentai

        • 1 month ago

          """"we"""" dont count Agga Ruter around here...

  9. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with. like I'd go on a hike with her or something.

      • 1 month ago

        I sincerely think she's cute both now and when she started out in animation.

        I feel it's fame bias boyos, but yeah I think she looked much cuter before she went down the creative girl pipeline kek.

        But I went to art school so I've grown quite jaded by these type of girls usually not that fun to be around generally. But I'm a butthole on Cinemaphile my life has no meaning

        • 1 month ago

          fair enough. I went to CC then a state school, so I wasn't necessarily running into enough of these types to get annoyed with them. I did once go to an art school animation festival and did find that bunch annoying, but maybe it's just the school I visited.

          • 1 month ago

            Really I went at the worst time right when the bs started and everyone was getting offended and became crybabies. I remember literally all the girls in my class started crying over a presentation and I was looking at the guys in my class for the ole "can you believe this shit vibe" then some of them were crying too. I really wasted 4 yrs on art college most of it was completely useless and I grew more in my own free time and in the classical art classes than the main ones where all the annoying kids were.

            In defense of art school film festivals are where the worst are as most of the kids are creatives and others come as well. It's basically like a real film festival it's like the SP meme "just a lot of black and white and fake mean and lesbians kissing" lol. So you are seeing it at it's worst.

            Dana loves girls being violent, I wonder why though.
            >I feel sadly she'll be like Hirsch especially if she's against running a show again.
            I do think Dana has more creative drive than Hirsch, so I think she'd probably do something in the future. When is the question. I could easily see he picking up a new major project by the time some of the kids who grew up on Owl House are in their early 20s.
            >As a artist I'll tell you people like Dana sometimes just follow the creative pipeline
            I can almost understand it, especially since getting your own show is sorta the career apex for a lot of these people. The dream idea you've probably been sitting on since you were a kid or in your teens has finally been achieved. Then you have to find a new idea or step aside for the next generation to take over.

            Isn't image based on Paranoia Agent???
            >Insert dyke beat gf joke
            But yeah I actually wish their was more of it, for how many fem mcs we've go we've got surprisingly few that really get fricked up realistically. Even luz felt invincible most of the time compared to characters like Dipper who were getting humiliated and beaten down. But someone made me realize anytime you even remotely pitch girl getting hurt they immediately see it as fetishy or to far lol.

            If I'm being honest I noticed not many kids watched owl house, like we've been having a lot of these "kid" shows that were obviously for us adults or people that are teen to late teen. Like SU I always see the majority of fans and artist are usually 25+ like it's always people that were already teens or adults that defend the show. Never hear of someone saying SU was my "childhood" like with Knd or Ben 10. I feel we have this new gen of more late childhood shows made for older peeps to enjoy.

            Yeah which makes no sense sense you lose the rights and have no control outside of creative. Really no benefits at all other than being able to say I made a show. True the true dark existence of artist

            • 1 month ago

              >If I'm being honest I noticed not many kids watched owl house, like we've been having a lot of these "kid" shows that were obviously for us adults or people that are teen to late teen.
              I think shows like these are geared toward an older audience, and the most obvious fans tend to be the older 20-somethings who tend to be the most fandom involved, but I do think there are genuinely many kids out there who watch the show and are inspired by it. They're just not the ones making posts about how "Luz is ideal bi representation" and all that jazz. They're probably the ones interacting with TOH youtube posts or on TikTok making fancams for why they think Amity is great.
              >But someone made me realize anytime you even remotely pitch girl getting hurt they immediately see it as fetishy or to far lol.
              That or it's portraying women poorly or something like that.

              • 1 month ago

                Wait people actually think amity's great? also yeah I see that really one of those weird things. As like with SU they lend more to a older audience but then that audience is old enough to know how to bootleg and find leaks or buy non-official merch. I joked about this alot with RWBY as well that at some point people obsessed with fandom stopped being people that buy all the merch and watch the show religiously and started being tons of broke college and HS students that just write fics and torrent the eps kek. I'm not against it but when fans ask why TOH didn't get a S3 I'm like it's because all you idiots boycotted disney plus and watched the eps on pirate sites. Can't b***h when you didn't probably support the series.

                Yeah which is sad since 90% of the time being hurt is just the precursor to growth or being relatable. Characters that never lose aren't fun, you need to get beaten to evolve. Even some of the greatest male characters tend to get beaten and lose something big before having a glow up/comeback.

              • 1 month ago

                >I'm not against it but when fans ask why TOH didn't get a S3 I'm like it's because all you idiots boycotted disney plus and watched the eps on pirate sites.
                The decision was taken during Agony of a Witch airing time before even TOH made it to Disney+ and yet TOH did trend in D+ when it got new episodes.

              • 1 month ago

                How am I idiot we didn't hear about it until the second half of s2. Where'd you hear agony of a witch? unless dana said something different after the show ended?

                But yeah really I kind of see that most people weren't fans of S1 the consensus is S1 felt a bit listless and is really the weakest season. Bad start into a good S2 into a ok S3. Truly this was THE OWL HOUSE

  10. 1 month ago

    The only Dana in my heart is Snyder

  11. 1 month ago
  12. 1 month ago
  13. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      gracious anon
      a gander into the modern flow of story boarding

    • 1 month ago

      can you send again anon it got 404'd? or anyone that downloaded it?

      • 1 month ago


  14. 1 month ago

    She has some Owl House related cards she's keeping close to her chest so there is a small probability of comic continuation or a novel. Besides that, prolly something new.

    Personally, I want a lore book about the Boiling Isles. An in-character book about the culture and lands of the Boiling Isles.

  15. 1 month ago

    I hope she resorts to opening (NSFW-friendly) commissions

  16. 1 month ago

    I don't know if any of the showrunners of the 2010s are doing anything at all.

    Alex Hirsch lost his Netflix gig
    so did Jorge Gutierrez
    The Mao Mao guy has been shitposting on twitter all day and night for the last 5 years
    Ian J Q just sort of vanished from everything
    Daron Nefcy bought a house, and she now owns a house. That sums up the last 6 years of her life comppletely

    Meanwhile Kyle Carozza is just a regular ol storyboarder that has worked on most of the major series of the last few years

    • 1 month ago

      It seems that you can be a show runner, and still do work on animation in the trenches while keeping your dignity.

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds more like they got bigpants and assume they are better than everyone else. But never succeed in getting another show to run, while refusing to take lesser work that is beneath them now.

        • 1 month ago

          It is often the sign of only getting into the business just to get that ONE big successful gig to set you for life. Unless a lot of these female showrunners in the last 10 years only had that one idea and are just diversity hires without any other big ideas pitched.

          • 1 month ago

            > ONE big successful gig to set you for life
            You vastly overestimate how much showrunner make.

    • 1 month ago

      >Alex Hirsch lost his Netflix gig
      He was a part of Inside Job, though I don't know if you were lumping in this with the other Netflix gig
      >so did Jorge Gutierrez
      Does he count as a 2010s showrunner? he had a movie, but the most recent show I'm aware he did was El Tigre which was like 2008.
      >The Mao Mao guy has been shitposting on twitter all day and night for the last 5 years
      >Ian J Q just sort of vanished from everything
      I think him getting a show is enough for him, especially since he and Sugar can pretty much coast a little longer on Steven Universe
      >Daron Nefcy
      She sacrificed having a normal and sane ending for a show to have a normal and sane life. Gotta respect the hustle.
      >Kyle Carozza
      Has he finally stopped getting harassment over Twitter?

      • 1 month ago

        Jorge had Maya and the Three on Netflix in 2019

        • 1 month ago

          didn't realize. glad to hear he's still getting work.

          • 1 month ago

            He had another show on Netflix he has been working on since 2021 but it was cancelled a few weeks ago and he is currently out of work.

    • 1 month ago

      Patrick Mchale worked on Pinnochio

  17. 1 month ago

    frick Dana

    • 1 month ago

      >frick Dana

    • 1 month ago

      She was a fool to listen to the mouse's capricious offer. Now she is all used up for an honorable, respectable maker of animation

  18. 1 month ago

    Ideally doing some independent project of something where she can fully indulge her interests. I trust her more to control herself compared to other artists.

  19. 1 month ago

    Eda's supple shoulders

  20. 1 month ago

    I’m out of the loop, what did she do that was so bad?

    • 1 month ago

      owl house

  21. 1 month ago


  22. 1 month ago

    Maybe she'll work as an artist for comics at DC, Marvel, Image or Iron Circus

  23. 1 month ago
  24. 1 month ago
  25. 1 month ago

    She’ll come crawling back to CT, they always fricking do.

    • 1 month ago

      A decent house in Connecticut is still probably more affordable than one in LA

  26. 1 month ago

    Redpill me om Dana Terrace?

    • 1 month ago


  27. 1 month ago

    According to her Instagram, she's drawing for food in Patreon.
    It's been a though time to be in the comic/animation world right now. It seems to be getting better if Molly, Hayley and Primos situation is an indication at least for Disney.
    They'll try to play safe with known IP, but not as safe as remaking the same shit all over again. At least she has a name, so if she wouldn't be a show runner again, at least she would have a say in a writers room.
    Or she could take the Vivienne path

  28. 1 month ago

    Owl House is shit. The show's ending was definitely one of the worst finale in cartoon history. Season 3 was trash. It was the most pile of dogshit of putrid diarrhea cartoon I've ever watched and we're all glad it was canceled. Press F to spit on this hack b***h and her failed career.

  29. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Cute Eda

  30. 1 month ago

    Amphibia is better than Owl turd house. Matt's existence on top of having successful show & career literally made Dana Turdrace on constant suicide watch. Kek

  31. 1 month ago

    >How am I idiot we didn't hear about it until the second half of s2. Where'd you hear agony of a witch? unless dana said something different after the show ended?
    Dana announced the cancellation when S2 began but the decision was done internally during that time but Dana didn't know some time later which it's why she got absent in Twitter in order to re-write the story because of the shortening.
    >But yeah really I kind of see that most people weren't fans of S1 the consensus is S1 felt a bit listless and is really the weakest season. Bad start into a good S2 into a ok S3. Truly this was THE OWL HOUSE
    The show was well-received even in S1, ratings and all weren't a factor like Dana said.
    The show was just too serialized and the covid incident made Disney lose billions in the parks, that's all.
    You're talking out of your ass.

    • 1 month ago

      Talking out my ass? literally everyone says S1 is pretty weak and only picks up when they start the more serialized part and the more slice of life was kind of hit or missed. Also talk of speed blitz'd Lumity crush. I was also just making a assumption based on you saying it was cancelled before S1 even ended.

      So it was S2 but really this one I'll take your word. I feel I heard about the shorten season 3 during the last few eps of the first half of S2. Lowkey forgot TOH was a Covid series lol, but really I feel it's hard to know why it got cancelled Dana said a few different things. One was because it was gay, other was because they had another witch show in the works, another was serialized etc etc.

      • 1 month ago

        >One was because it was gay, other was because they had another witch show in the works
        she didn't say those were the reason, forget them.

  32. 1 month ago

    >owl house
    >well received
    So much "well received" that Disney decided the show should be buried somewhere in a desolated place far way from civilization cos of how dogshit the show was.

    • 1 month ago

      It got nonstop twitter chatter throughout it's run. That is what most people consider well received means since it was talked about a lot.

      But none of that translated to ratings and advertiser money. Which is why most studios do not care for a cartoon that only attracts 20 somethings, they are not the consumers the advertisers are targeting so they leave and the channel loses money over it.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah true people tend to forget tons of things that have been cancelled trended on twitter. Shit pantheon trended on twitter and so did Wile v ACME. It's like change.org petitions they literally are meaningless

  33. 1 month ago

    It's insane how many TOH fans have deluded themselves into thinking the show is better than it is simply because Dana is able to make pretty pictures of the characters.

    • 1 month ago

      >able to make pretty pictures of the characters
      you cracked the code
      you figured out why artists get popular individual support now
      finally you can rest knowing the answer
      go now and know peace of mind

      • 1 month ago

        And yet...

        • 1 month ago

          >thinks all art is created equal
          oh you poor sweet summer child...

          • 1 month ago

            So basically, there is no code to crack, moron.

            • 1 month ago

              there was
              you just failed to understand it

              • 1 month ago

                Just say shipping bait and pretty pictures, anon. Japan figured it out ages ago. That still doesn't mean she made a good show, she just knows how to tap into the yuri market.

  34. 1 month ago

    I guess you'll never understand that ratings weren't the reason for the cancellation.

  35. 1 month ago

    A shotgun mouthwash hopefully.

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