Dark Universe bros... it happened again

>Universal’s efforts fall short of achieving a meaningful impact. The anticipation was palpable among Universal fans for the emergence of the Dark Universe, a horror counterpart to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unfortunately, with the setback of The Mummy in 2017, those aspirations have waned considerably.

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  1. 11 months ago

    No Ivan it's not because it had a black man in it.

    • 11 months ago

      Its not because it has a black man in it, but it probably is largely because of the black man they did have in it

    • 11 months ago

      Its not because it has a black man in it, but it probably is largely because of the black man they did have in it

      It's an interesting observation that woke movies really aren't bad (most of the time) because of the "woke" elements within the film, but purely because wokeness was decided upon as a leading element in the film's conception to begin with. The films are just shit to the core because of the people making them. When you are making an adaptation of the Witcher or LOTR and you, as a showrunner, seriously decide that integrity, heart, and quality must fall to the wayside in favor of cheap politics or theatrics, the project was doomed from the start.

      It's why you see plastic water bottles and starbucks cups in some scenes in GOT season 8, because the people in charge simply fail to give a shit and are absolutely incompetent. They deserve the same amount of respect as a tumblr fanfiction as opposed to a serious artistic effort.

      • 11 months ago

        I think some Disney suit admitted herself that a ton of fantastic scripts get tossed because when Disney runs them through their Blackrock checklist, it is missing essential components. The nog in this movie had the story revolve around how black he was. To get a white lead, you'd need to completely re-write the story. This is the issue and why these movies are tossed. Unless the story was created with the sole purpose of cheap politics and theatrics, as you said, then it won't be used, regardless if it is high quality

  2. 11 months ago

    It's hilarious how incompetent hollyisraelite is these days.

  3. 11 months ago

    >make a film with the specific intention of establishing another cinematic universe
    >film doesn't stand well on its own since it's made with intent other than simply "make film"
    >film flops and cinematic universe never takes off
    >rinse and repeat

    • 11 months ago

      Demeter wasn't a victim of any cinematic universe building, it was just generic as frick

      The movie was so fricking shit.

      Dracula Episode 2 also deals with the storyline on the ship. It's a million times better.

      Last Voyage is just a nonsense creature feature. Also the beast is LE WHITE SUPREMACY cringe.

      This show is edgy slasher garbage written by some Britbong moron who ruined Doctor Who self-inserting as his epic edgy supervillain, I don't get why ppl liked episode 1.

      • 11 months ago

        >Demeter wasn't a victim of any cinematic universe building
        The black guy was clearly being set up to serve as Abraham Van Helsing in subsequent movies

        • 11 months ago


          Especially since he is a professor that does blood transfusions.

        • 11 months ago

          Yep. Said the very same.

  4. 11 months ago

    The movie was so fricking shit.

    Dracula Episode 2 also deals with the storyline on the ship. It's a million times better.

    Last Voyage is just a nonsense creature feature. Also the beast is LE WHITE SUPREMACY cringe.

    • 11 months ago

      this show is awful and that episode is shit
      I see you in al these threads shilling that fricking show. It is awful. I gave it a fair shake but it was terrible. Please stop shilling

      • 11 months ago

        Do you have any source? What is your proof for the claim that it is bad? 0 source. Unconfirmed. Basically, everybody should ignore you. People like you also say that there was a moon landing just because there are some shady videos, meanwhile the astronauts went through the Van Allen belt and was irradiated and then grew to an old age without ever getting cancer. Stop it, nobody is going to believe that there was a moon landing. Stop your propaganda already!

    • 11 months ago

      The film concludes with the Black doctor looking at the camera: ''Racism was the real monster.''
      <fade to black>

      >all the crew dead except for the black doctor man
      >dracula looks into the camera and says "now that i have killed all the humans, i will now leave" and flies away

      • 11 months ago

        You had the premise for a joke here anon. You didn't get to it but hey you tried.

    • 11 months ago

      >Also the beast is LE WHITE SUPREMACY cringe.
      This is never implied at all in the movie

      • 11 months ago

        Actually, yes it was. You just were not paying attention or listening.

      • 11 months ago

        the black dude has a monologue about how he graduated from oxford and no one would hire him because he's black. And he almost got hired outside of England but when they saw him they decided not to hire him.

    • 11 months ago

      and this version was complete dogshit aside from the guy playing dracula and the woman playing his foil

      • 11 months ago

        >dogshit aside from... wait for it... the two main characters
        What did they mean by this?

        You are lying ofcourse. It was not dogshit. You have no source for your claim. You probably also are a moon landing propagandist like that other guy. Sorry, not buying it.

    • 11 months ago

      that show was GOAT
      but not a fan of Dracula sacrificing himself for literallywho woman, she might be similar to her rival but was ultimately just a cheap copy with less intelligence

      • 11 months ago

        Finally, somebody who appreciates kino.

  5. 11 months ago

    why do they keep releasing horror movies in the summer

    • 11 months ago

      Some horror movies are perfect for summertime. Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, most other slashers. In the case of this movie I think they knew they had a dud on their hands and just dumped it.

    • 11 months ago

      FNAF and Saw are going to overshadow everything in September/October

  6. 11 months ago

    I probably would’ve watched this if it wasn’t for all the monkeys in it.

  7. 11 months ago

    >we are doing monsters universe
    >but no we are doing standalone monster films
    Nobody gives a shit about more separate monster films. There's enough of them. People want monster mash. Box office shows more than bad reviews.
    Van Helsing 300m
    Dracula Untold (original start of shared universe) 215m
    Mummy 400m

    Meanwhile standalone films, while getting better reviews, they flop one by one.
    The Wolf Man - 140m
    Renfield - 25m
    Demeter - 6m
    Invisible Man - 140m but it was dirty cheap to make so made profit.

    Monster mash movies were always critically panned but they were fun. Frankenstein meets The Wolfman is considered a very bad film but a milestone in shared crossovers.

  8. 11 months ago

    Everyone knows what da matter was

  9. 11 months ago

    The film concludes with the Black doctor looking at the camera: ''Racism was the real monster.''
    <fade to black>

  10. 11 months ago

    make new monsters like a pointy nosed man beast who steals all your money yet claims to be the victim

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds spooky!

  11. 11 months ago

    oh no no no no no

    • 11 months ago

      Why are you panicking?

  12. 11 months ago

    I'm confused. I don't even know what is going on there.
    Dracula Untold was supposed to be the beginning on monster universe world. Then they said no it's not and officially started with The Mummy, even including series logo, then they backed out and asked Blumhouse to do Invisible Man during the pandemy. Now they started building Dark Universe park and stated that Renfield movie will reintroduce classic Dracula. Then they released this film but apparently not related to cinematic universe, however anons say it sets up black guy as professor non-Van Helsing.

    What the frick is going on? Dark Universe is but isn't and then there's Dark Universe park in works.

    • 11 months ago

      After Renfield bombed the Wikipedia page for Dark Universe was removed. After false starting Dark Universe 4 times (Dracula untold, the mummy 2017, the invisible man, renfield) they literally retconned reality to pretend it was never a real thing. There were a couple of threads about it, I had kept an eye on Renfield to see it bomb so I was familiar with the Dark Ukiverse related wiki pages and noticed after renfield's first weekend they had been nuked.
      I suspect this movie could have been a 5th attempt to soft launch the Dark Universe but they never made ties clear because they were concerned that what happened would happen.

      • 11 months ago

        OK but at the same time they copyrighted Dark Universe as name for their monster theme park so it's not like they are pretending it doesn't exist.

    • 11 months ago

      After Renfield bombed the Wikipedia page for Dark Universe was removed. After false starting Dark Universe 4 times (Dracula untold, the mummy 2017, the invisible man, renfield) they literally retconned reality to pretend it was never a real thing. There were a couple of threads about it, I had kept an eye on Renfield to see it bomb so I was familiar with the Dark Ukiverse related wiki pages and noticed after renfield's first weekend they had been nuked.
      I suspect this movie could have been a 5th attempt to soft launch the Dark Universe but they never made ties clear because they were concerned that what happened would happen.

      >who even knew this was supposed to be part of that?
      The director says it was not, but also that he likes the idea of dark universe

      Was The Dark Universe Originally Going To Use The Last Voyage Of The Demeter As Its Dracula Movie? The Director Responds
      By Adam Holmes
      published 11 August 2023

      The Last Voyage of the Demeter director André Øvredal discussed on ReelBlend whether his Dracula movie was intended to be part of the Dark Universe.

      Jake Hamilton, who cohosts ReelBlend with our own Sean O’Connell and Kevin McCarthy, recently spoke with Øvredal (whose other credits include Trollhunter and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark) about his work on The Last Voyage of the Demeter, and among the topics brought up was if this movie was ever meant to exist in the Dark Universe. Here’s how the filmmaker responded:

      No, obviously this is an Amblin movie. It’s a DreamWorks movie, and it’s where it’s been developed. So it’s not part of that universe, it was never thought to be. It was more a standalone thing. But I do see a lot of people are linking it with the Dark Universe, which is fun… In its initial inception of being those huge movies, it could have been great.

      The most confusing franchise ever.

      • 11 months ago

        It's a bunch of remakes the same we've been seeing for decades. The classic universal cycle also had barely any continuity.
        >stand alone Frankenstein movies (unfortunatelly with unnecessary Ghost of Frankenstein)
        >Dracula and Dracula's Daughter
        >the four Kharis Mummy movies
        >The Invisible Man and Invisible Man Returns, Revenge and Invisible Agent probably, hard to say
        >The Wolf-Man and the Frankenstein movies sort of are in the same continuity as Frankenstein Meets the Wolf-Man
        >which sort of share continuity with both House movies
        >only the Creature trilogy is a neat series with a story from beginning to end

    • 11 months ago

      the execs at universal are literal morons. simple as

  13. 11 months ago

    I need something to pick me up after this travesty of a film. Is Dracula Untold worth a watch ?

    • 11 months ago

      Dracula 2000 or that new onw with Nicolas Cage

    • 11 months ago

      It's ok. Dracula is an unironic good guy in it which you may or may not care about but it's competently made

  14. 11 months ago

    Palpable among no other groups. No one cares about the Dark Universe, and who even knew this was supposed to be part of that?

    • 11 months ago

      >who even knew this was supposed to be part of that?
      The director says it was not, but also that he likes the idea of dark universe

      Was The Dark Universe Originally Going To Use The Last Voyage Of The Demeter As Its Dracula Movie? The Director Responds
      By Adam Holmes
      published 11 August 2023

      The Last Voyage of the Demeter director André Øvredal discussed on ReelBlend whether his Dracula movie was intended to be part of the Dark Universe.

      Jake Hamilton, who cohosts ReelBlend with our own Sean O’Connell and Kevin McCarthy, recently spoke with Øvredal (whose other credits include Trollhunter and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark) about his work on The Last Voyage of the Demeter, and among the topics brought up was if this movie was ever meant to exist in the Dark Universe. Here’s how the filmmaker responded:

      No, obviously this is an Amblin movie. It’s a DreamWorks movie, and it’s where it’s been developed. So it’s not part of that universe, it was never thought to be. It was more a standalone thing. But I do see a lot of people are linking it with the Dark Universe, which is fun… In its initial inception of being those huge movies, it could have been great.

      • 11 months ago

        Same bullshitting as Renfield's director said.

  15. 11 months ago

    Frick you. It was kino and I'm sick of racists ruining good things

    • 11 months ago

      What’s kino about it? The fact that they turned Dracula into a flying chimp ? The terrible performances by everyone (including DD and Cunningham). The terrible writing making every single character braindead morons? The laughably bad soundtrAck? What’s good?

      • 11 months ago

        It had a Black protagonist, that's all that matters. Representation is more important than entertainment.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon just lie to me and say it's like Alien but on a boat.

      • 11 months ago

        The sad thing is, that was the original pitch for it in the early 90s. Had it been made then, it might have been wonderful

  16. 11 months ago

    Is Universal run by legit morons? Hugh Jackman is still a popular actor and Van Helsing is a niche but fairly beloved movie, literally just make a sequel and boom, your cringe capeshit like universe is Born, van hesing was already a crossover of the classic monsters jc they are straight up moronic

  17. 11 months ago
  18. 11 months ago

    Why would you release a Dracula movie in August?

  19. 11 months ago

    >tfw ywn experience The Pope's Exorcist vs the Dark Universe crossover

  20. 11 months ago

    In desperation they'll do multiversal Draculas (that Universal could get access to)

    >Lugosi Dracula
    >Cage Dracula from Renfield
    >Luke Evans Dracula from Dracula Untold
    >Roxburgh Dracula from Van Helsing
    >Javier Botet Dracula from Last Voyage of the Demeter
    >Maybe Nosferatu since he's public domain

    Then Sony will do their own Dracula cinematic multiverse with
    >Gary Oldman Dracula from Coppola's Dracula
    >Adam Sandler Dracula from Hotel Transylvania
    >Leslie Nielsen Dracula from Dracula: Dead and Loving It

    • 11 months ago

      Sony should do Dracula universe without Dracula. Same how they are doing Spiderman enemies without Spidey.

  21. 11 months ago

    They should make a Van Helsing sequel with old Hugh Jackman tbh
    This movie has a ton of love despite being kinda shit

    • 11 months ago

      That soundtrack is so good

  22. 11 months ago


    It peaked with the mummy. Facts are brutal. Mummy made over 400 million at the box office. Other films failed. Mummy made twice of Dracula Untold. 3x more than The Invisible Man, 17x more than Renfield. It just cost them too much as the budget was 125 million so it's considered a flop despite highest box office numbers.

  23. 11 months ago


    Box office tells otherwise.
    400m vs 200m vs 140m vs 27m
    Mummy made more money than all 3 other films while on lower combined budget.
    Even when you add Dracula Untold, Invisible Man and Renfield they all together made less than mummy. And in terms of budget they cost more.

    Budgets: Dracula Untold 70m+Invisible Man 7m+Renfield 65m=142m
    Box office: 200+140+27=367
    So it's total 367m on 147m budget. Mummy is 409m on 125m budget. Simple math.
    They all suck and are critically panned craps but mummy still wins in terms of pure business.

  24. 11 months ago


    It is, like all other films as well, I'm just stating facts and it's peak of that whole monster universe. Not my opinion, just raw numbers.

  25. 11 months ago


    >Anon annihilated by business anon like a school bus full of Palestinian children on the way to the playground with FACTS and LOGIC

    Sorry anon, you lost that one. I like Dracula too, but the name is liquid AIDS now in the box office. People like mummies. Not that much, but more than Dracula. At least, more than the Dracula movies being made. That doesn't look to be changing anytime soon either

  26. 11 months ago


    70m invested with 200m outcome is little less than 120m invested with 400m outcome, not by much tho. If the mummy had budget of 140 then it would be equally profitable as dracula untold.
    The difference isn't that big anyway, it's just mathematics and mummy is objectively peak in terms of gross and movies are business.
    Mummy, while being trash, was the peak of this shit series and I doubt any other monster movie will top 400m now.

  27. 11 months ago

    Can anyone who saw this movie and genuinely enjoyed it provide a much needed list of things they liked? I don't think I've seen even one that wasn't trolling. I'll try to list some myself, even though I didn't like the movie at all

    >Kid dies a really awful death that might have been touching if we only cared about him
    >I liked the Evil Dead eye effects when you are turned into a vampire
    >Dying in the sun looks convincingly painful
    >All the horse and buggies rolling Dracula's boxes full of soil and whatnot to the harbor looked nice

    That's all I got

    • 11 months ago

      >provide a much needed list of things they liked
      Why is it "much needed"? Who needs it?

      • 11 months ago

        Posters come in, says the movie is kino, they get rebuffed or asked what was kino, they don't reply, rinse repeat. I was curious if anyone actually did like this movie and it wasn't just marketers and trolls, but it would seem that was the case and the movie really is that bad

        • 11 months ago

          I love how, having trouble to list anything else than people suffering from vampirism, you decided to count horses and crates as good part. Must be really shit if horses are highlights of the movie.

          • 11 months ago

            That part had a nice rustic charm to it that would have fit into the older movies pretty well, but it was very short-lived. I was struggling hard to think of anything I liked. The movie is completely forgettable

  28. 11 months ago

    how many times has this "Dark Universe" bullshit tried and failed to lift off

    • 11 months ago

      5. At least.
      Dracula Untold, The Mummy then they broke connections for standalone movies, but each standalone film also tried to set something up. So The Invisible Man, Renfield and now The Last Voyage of the Demeter.

      You may also add Van Helsing and The Wolf Man from 2010 but these were probably before cinematic universes craze.

    • 11 months ago

      Renfield was the last attempt. Demeter was not supposed to be Dark universe thing, it was in production since 2011 so long before they even mentioned dark universe thing.

  29. 11 months ago

    There is time for them to get Van Helsing, right. Demeter's marketing shows they're well aware of how it should be cast. It's a shame we all already know it's going to be shit.

    • 11 months ago

      New Van Helsing was supposed to be a secret sequel to Dracula Untold. However if they discontinued Untold it probably won't happen anytime soon.

  30. 11 months ago

    I'd suggest try a supernatural themed tv series if the market wasn't already oversaturated.

  31. 11 months ago

    Dark Universe peaked with Dracula Untold, starring Luke Evans and Sarah Gadon.

    • 11 months ago

      Drac Untold perfectly lines up with The Mummy. You can really feel these movies were planned to connect together until they rejected Untold for whatever reasons. Now when

      New Van Helsing was supposed to be a secret sequel to Dracula Untold. However if they discontinued Untold it probably won't happen anytime soon.

      says Van Helsing movie was Dark Universe’ssequel to Untold it is 100% clear they had it planned.

      • 11 months ago

        I liked Untold. The thought of Charles Dance fricking around with Dracula, playing mind games and shit, was intriguing.

  32. 11 months ago

    just another case of go woke go broke
    a Black person doctor in the 1800s?

  33. 11 months ago

    This movie seemed interesting but it had like no marketing.

    • 11 months ago

      It had plenty of marketing, it was just shit

  34. 11 months ago

    This thread just makes me want to play Castlevania

    • 11 months ago

      >Conan aesthetics hero + Bela Lugosi's Dracula

      A great example that sometimes all it takes is to put two really nice things together

      • 11 months ago


  35. 11 months ago

    This movie kind of has the same problem The Mummy did. It's supposed to be horror, but you know the main character isn't going to die and is pretty much untouchable. The Mummy because Tom Cruise and this one because the protag is black in a woke movie. Just him being black alone and talking about racism means a nuclear bomb could've gone off in front of him and the writers would say he survived via the power of black slave spirits or some shit.

    There's a reason The Invisible Man actually hit with people, nobody knew who the frick she was and there was every chance she was actually going to die. Shit, she had just been in a movie the year prior where she got horribly murdered. But a black doctor in the early 1900's setting where he gets to whine about racism? Might as well have ended the movie flying off into the sunset.

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