DC 2024 leaks

Recently at Comic-Con, I heard rumors from sources about DC Comics' plans for 2024. After talking with multiple people here is what I was told
- Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this
- Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
- the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
- Booster gold will get a new book sometime
- The Justice League Dark will return with Zatanna as the leader. Wonder Woman will not be present
- Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
- Tim Drake is going to get a new hero identity and will break up with Bernard
- Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.

    Oh joy, a new DC universe made by Tom King, Tom Taylor, Tini Howard, Meghan Fritzmartin, Chip Zdarsky, Jason Aaron, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Joanne Starer, and Joshua Williamson, Jadzia Axelrod, Mark Waid, Ram V, and Leah Williams.

    • 8 months ago

      Mother of god

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >a new DC universe made by Tom King, Tom Taylor, Tini Howard, Meghan Fritzmartin, Chip Zdarsky, Jason Aaron, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Joanne Starer, and Joshua Williamson, Jadzia Axelrod, Mark Waid, Ram V, and Leah Williams

    • 8 months ago

      How many of them are signed
      contracted exclusives?
      I know Tom Taylor is one
      King surprisingly not (he's got a comic being released by BOOM)

    • 8 months ago
  2. 8 months ago

    Why does it feel like DC writers actively hate the DCU?

    • 8 months ago

      Because they do

    • 8 months ago

      They do, but they hate you and me more. I’m dead serious when I say that.

    • 8 months ago

      >baaaawwwww I don’t like x so the writers must hate DC (and also me)

      Grow the frick up, you whiny c**t.

      • 8 months ago

        have a nice day homosexual, then I’ll grow up

  3. 8 months ago

    >Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War.
    Let me guess. He’ll “Rise” again later. Just like Snyder’s run.
    >Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
    It will be as bad as Fire and Ice or Hawkgirl.
    >the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
    What an awful line up. Who wants Batwing?
    >Booster gold will get a new book sometime
    Didn’t he and Blue Beetle already have a mini?
    >The Justice League Dark will return with Zatanna as the leader. Wonder Woman will not be present
    Fourth Time’s The Charm!
    >Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
    >Tim Drake is going to get a new hero identity and will break up with Bernard
    I don’t believe it. DC doesn’t have the balls to break up Tim/Bernard
    >Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.
    Because that worked with All-Star and Earth One.

    • 8 months ago

      Earth One was fine until Morrison went full moron with Wonder Woman and torched the whole setting.

      • 8 months ago

        Are you fricking kidding me, the line was going downhill way before WW even launched

      • 8 months ago

        by the time morrison did that the line was pretty much dead anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        Since when have Morrison not go full moron? All that drugs probably fried his brain.

        • 8 months ago

          morrison is nonbinary and prefers they/them pronouns

          • 8 months ago

            I’ve been reading his comics for decades. He’s a he. You can go police twatter, now, homosexual.

    • 8 months ago

      >What an awful line up. Who wants Batwing?
      I mean, they need an African hero for the international part, AND a Batman stand-in. Who would you pick for the DC African hero? Young Justice's version of Halo? Black Adam? Honestly, DC's Africa is super dry of characters.

      • 8 months ago

        Batwing hasn't been African in like 12 years, 8 issues in they ditched the African one for another Fox kid they brought out of nowhere.

      • 8 months ago

        > Honestly, DC's Africa is super dry of characters.
        Grodd, Solovar

      • 8 months ago

        Vixen, (B’Wana) Beast…

    • 8 months ago

      Bernard sucks tho and tim yaoi fans hate him

    • 8 months ago

      >Didn’t he and Blue Beetle already have a mini?
      the blue and gold mini was 2 years ago, bro.

    • 8 months ago

      >What an awful line up. Who wants Batwing?
      Token black member. It's as simple as that.

    • 8 months ago

      >Because that worked with All-Star and Earth One.

      All-Star and Earth One were fine, just poor planning/creative teams there. The idea was solid they really needed to commit to it better for the bookstore market.

  4. 8 months ago

    Can Amazon buy out DC Comics already?

    • 8 months ago

      Those homosexuals couldn’t even make a lord of the rings show without making it woke how would this be any better under them?

    • 8 months ago

      you saw how they butchered comixology and you want them to run a whole publisher?

  5. 8 months ago

    Why is it *always* fake DC leaks? Why is nobody writing their own Marvel leak fanfiction?

    • 8 months ago

      We used to get both fairly regularly, I guess the anon who wrote the Marvel ones left and nobody took over from him.

    • 8 months ago

      Because DC leaks could be interesting and fun, marvel leaks break down to
      >the stupdest idea possible
      >shit that makes peter Parker look as bad as possible

    • 8 months ago

      Here, have some:
      >Age of Dharkness: after Agatha steals Wanda's and Loki's powers to reshape reality all technology stops working and the MCU heroes, led by Ironheart and the new Black Panther, will have to find a way to restore the universe without cell phones
      >the Multiversal Spider-Man, after beating an insane Peter Parker by turning him into a baby, Miles travels the multiverse with him looking for a way to turn him back to normal
      >The Thunderbolts: Elaine Waller leads the team of misfits to prepare an assassination of the Russian president before he activates his army of Sentry clones

    • 8 months ago

      spider-man threads are constantly filled with fake leaks.

      • 8 months ago

        They're so shitty that you're not sure if they're even fake or not
        And now suddenly all of Cinemaphile is clapping for Republican Boomer Spiderman in the Ultimate Marvel reboot, they saw their ideology and they clapped

        • 8 months ago

          No one is clapping for anything anon. Everything sucks right now, especially you

          • 8 months ago

            Anon the threads about the new Ultimate line and the new USM were literally praising Marvel's decision to "represent older readers" though Spider-Boomer

            • 8 months ago

              What’s wrong with being vaguely excited for an older Spider-Man?

              • 8 months ago

                You expect it to be like Reign or DKR, or even Spiderverse Peter
                But instead you will get "1610 Cap, but it's Peter"

    • 8 months ago

      Marvel has nothing really biting or interesting to want to make leak fanfiction about

    • 8 months ago

      No one can come up with leaks worse than the average Marvel news.

      You expect it to be like Reign or DKR, or even Spiderverse Peter
      But instead you will get "1610 Cap, but it's Peter"

      >You expect it to be like Reign
      Would anyone be vaguely excited for this?


      Recently at Comic-Con, I heard rumors from sources about DC Comics' plans for 2024. After talking with multiple people here is what I was told
      - Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this
      - Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
      - the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
      - Booster gold will get a new book sometime
      - The Justice League Dark will return with Zatanna as the leader. Wonder Woman will not be present
      - Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
      - Tim Drake is going to get a new hero identity and will break up with Bernard
      - Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.

      >Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War.
      LOL no way that could go wrong
      Have they brought Alfred back already, at least?

      • 8 months ago

        >Have they brought Alfred back already, at least?
        Surprisingly, no. He's still dead.

        • 8 months ago

          Because Abernathy is a homosexual

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      because no matter how stupid the premise, u can almost halfway believe dc would actually do it. i mean, they actually made superman gay

    • 8 months ago

      I just don't care about Marvel, their best stuff is never more than okay, and besides, Marvel has outright said things themselves that were moronic and the fans just ate it up, like when they said they'll have two events per year and they'll kill off two characters in each, that's what the company itself said and the fans accepted it.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this

    Calling it now. Tim Fox will become the main Batman forever now.
    DC Comics has been really adamant about wanting a black Batman to compete with Black Panther and Miles Morales. Plus they set it up in Future State.

  7. 8 months ago

    >Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married

    OP you're full of shit

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah I'm sure they aren't lying or anything

  8. 8 months ago

    > Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.
    Wasnt that earth one? Why cant they continue there? I mean, those were well received

    • 8 months ago

      Wonder Woman killed the universe.

    • 8 months ago

      Last thing that happened there was Wonder Woman brainwashing the world to get rid of Maxwell Lord's own MAGA/Q-inspired brainwashing and starting a brand new age of gynarchic global peace

      • 8 months ago

        Wonder Woman killed the universe.

        Don't forget that Wonder Woman saw actual flaws with the system and then shrugged and forgot about them and just did it anyway

      • 8 months ago

        I fricking hate comic books.

    • 8 months ago

      They've tried it a few times. The thing is every time DC tries to do an Ultimate-esque imprint it's NEVER a connected reboot universe that delivers updated takes on classic characters. It's always separate continuity-free stories that often show little room for expansion. Their first attempt was All Star and while I love All Star Superman, it's hardly a story that sets up a new universe and ASB&R is another story in TDKR world. Then Earth One came next, a series of disconnected graphic novels that came out as they were ready instead of as monthly titles. Then they launched their YA imprints to carry the torch of easy-access but those aren't really helping to support the floppy market either and from a brand-identity and quality standpoint they are all over the place.

      I think an Ultimate universe would be good for DC. They can keep the legacy titles alive for hardcore fans, while brining back the audience who was interested in a fresh slate from the New 52.

      • 8 months ago

        All Star was never meant to be connected. It was always intended to be showcase of big name creators out of continuity. But it became synonymous with the successful runs by Morrison and Miller takes so they scrapped the idea to do revolving creative teams and kept it just as isolated series for those two.

        Earth Ones were a graphic novel line specifically so that they could ideally do “ever green” books for the trade market, again there was never any intent to make a shared universe.

        And the YA line is specifically to appeal to YA readers who might not be interested in traditional monthly comics, no matter how much Cinemaphile gets triggered by not being the target demo for them.

        And doing an Ultimate line is stupid the same way any alternative continuity line is. The interest will fade eventually. They quickly become bogged down with continuity because that’s the way nerds want it to stay interested. It quickly turns into just “now X character is introduced!” shit as a gimmick, because again that’s what nerds want. It’s not going to interest new people for long.

  9. 8 months ago

    Can DC Comics just die already?

  10. 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    Batwing is supposed to be on that new Planetary-looking version of the Outsiders

    • 8 months ago

      It's Kinda funny how honest they are this is a last ditch attempt to find something for Batwoman and Batwing to do.

      • 8 months ago

        I think Batwoman exploring the supernatural side of Gotham was the perfect niche for her but DC was obsessed with making her a proper Batfamily member with regular batfamily needs. Their mistake.

  12. 8 months ago

    >Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married

    Starfire >>>>> Barbara Gordon

    • 8 months ago

      Not even homie

  13. 8 months ago

    How bad is DC comics where there's a thread wanting the current Batman writer to commit suicide

    • 8 months ago

      I’d prefer the Superman editor and the Batman editor both kilo themselves

    • 8 months ago

      I'm convinced Zdarsky made that thread himself

    • 8 months ago

      People here want writers to kill themselves all the time. It’s nothing new. Just empty rage and seething entitlement from underage nerds who think their childhood is raped because they don’t like a specific run.

      • 8 months ago

        Their *imaginary childhood because they don't actually read anything besides bounding into comics headlines

      • 8 months ago

        Their *imaginary childhood because they don't actually read anything besides bounding into comics headlines

        Still dismissing all valid criticism as a mental defense I see. Keep it up, true believer!

        • 8 months ago

          Telling people to kill themselves isn’t valid criticism

    • 8 months ago

      I read a little of the current run.
      Kings run was worst, at least for now.

    • 8 months ago

      >How bad is DC comics

      The last arguably good main continuity comic DC published was in 2006. Everything after that has been some degree of "I can't wait them to retcon/reboot all of this away".


      Recently at Comic-Con, I heard rumors from sources about DC Comics' plans for 2024. After talking with multiple people here is what I was told
      - Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this
      - Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
      - the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
      - Booster gold will get a new book sometime
      - The Justice League Dark will return with Zatanna as the leader. Wonder Woman will not be present
      - Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
      - Tim Drake is going to get a new hero identity and will break up with Bernard
      - Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.

      >- Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.
      This would be potentially good purely because it gets rid of the previous decade of trash.

  14. 8 months ago

    So did OP crib this from bleeding cool or did Rich take it from OP

  15. 8 months ago

    >- Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this
    Gonna guess its Tim's turn to wear the batsuit, judging by Zdarsky's run.
    >- Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
    God I hope it isn't dogshit.
    >- the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
    Wally yay. Meh, otherwise.
    >- Booster gold will get a new book sometime
    God I hope it isn't dogshit.
    >- The Justice League Dark will return with Zatanna as the leader. Wonder Woman will not be present
    >- Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
    Oh ffs. Why do these homosexuals keep on doing this knowing full well its going to fail and get fricked up.
    >- Tim Drake is going to get a new hero identity and will break up with Bernard
    Put him back with Steph, you sacks of shit.
    >- Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.
    You'd think after Metal, JL, and Death Metal they would have the sense to not give the reigns of anything to Snyder.

    • 8 months ago

      >Put him back with Steph, you sacks of shit.
      That ain't happening, he's at best getting a heckin valid enby parter, ambiguously brown, and they will let you know xey are the funniest, wittiest, smartest person Tim has ever known
      The most action Steph will get is handing Jason coffee.

    • 8 months ago

      >Put him back with Steph, you sacks of shit.
      Steph needs Jason more than she needs Tim.

      • 8 months ago

        From a meta persspective? Not really. Steph made her lion share of appearances (94) in tim's book, is primarily known for being tim's girlfriend and has had that role for an approximated 15 years put togheter.

  16. 8 months ago


    It's real.

    >Scott lives near my LCS and right as Death Metal was finishing he told me he was pitching this. He had some really cool quick ideas for it, I hope it happens

    >I believe you because Scott Snyder is notorious for not being able to keep a secret haha. Man always spoils his own books in interviews. Did he indicate what character he would want to write? Is my guess he's taking on Superman or WW in the ballpark do you think?

    >Yeah he was talking about Superman and I remember it sounding pretty cool.

    >This was like right as 5G was falling apart and he seemed really passionate about this Ultimate style thing.

    • 8 months ago

      OP did what fake leakers always do, they take one bit of genuine information that was leaked elsewhere and then fill everything up with their fan fic.

      All Star was never meant to be connected. It was always intended to be showcase of big name creators out of continuity. But it became synonymous with the successful runs by Morrison and Miller takes so they scrapped the idea to do revolving creative teams and kept it just as isolated series for those two.

      Earth Ones were a graphic novel line specifically so that they could ideally do “ever green” books for the trade market, again there was never any intent to make a shared universe.

      And the YA line is specifically to appeal to YA readers who might not be interested in traditional monthly comics, no matter how much Cinemaphile gets triggered by not being the target demo for them.

      And doing an Ultimate line is stupid the same way any alternative continuity line is. The interest will fade eventually. They quickly become bogged down with continuity because that’s the way nerds want it to stay interested. It quickly turns into just “now X character is introduced!” shit as a gimmick, because again that’s what nerds want. It’s not going to interest new people for long.

      From Didio himself:
      >From the moment I started at DC [...] I was always trying to get to that spot where we can sort of restart the wheel and really create this entry point for everybody to jump on, and contemporize our characters.

      >Marvel had such success with [Miles Morales and the Ultimate line], and I kept on pointing to that. I thought to myself, We needed that. I tried a couple of times — the All-Star line was supposed to be a shot at that, the Earth One books were supposed to be shot at that. They were good as stand-alone concepts, and we got some great work from that, but it didn’t drive a line. And ultimately, the only way it works is if you drive the cohesiveness of the line. We were doing it piecemeal, but to really make an impression, to really catch the attention of the marketplace, you had to do something dramatic. And ultimately, that’s what turned into the New 52.

      • 8 months ago

        But miles wasnt a sucess at all.

        • 8 months ago

          Didio's just having an old-man moment. Ultimate Spider-Man was huge in the 00s, that's what he wanted.

        • 8 months ago

          USM saw a big jump after Miles was introduced. Bendis Miles and Hickman Ultimates were the only thing keeping the Ultimate Universe afloat leading up to Secret Wars.

        • 8 months ago

          DilDio being moronic, what else is new?

  17. 8 months ago

    >Bruce will “Retire” for a little bit after Gotham War. The Batman and Robin ongoing will lead into this
    Oh, it's shit.
    >Plastic Man
    I have no faith in this.
    Oh, it's shit
    >Booster gold
    I have no faith in this
    >Justice League Dark
    On the one hand, I'm glad they realised putting Wonder Woman on it was a mistake. On the other hand, even at it's best JLD itself was kind of a mistake. I'm still moderately more interested in this than everything else just out of spite for how they killed the line and turned it into backpage stories to try and shill Bendis' slop.
    >Tom Taylor planning a character marriage
    Oh, it's shit
    >Tim Drake breaks up with Bernard
    I am ambivalent about this. On the one hand, Bernard sucks. On the other hand, we really don't need another Ric Grayson moment.
    >Scott Snyder

  18. 8 months ago

    >the justice league international will return
    can't wait for them to do the same thing they did in new 52 and just make it a generic team book with none of the charm of the jli

  19. 8 months ago

    >- the justice league international will return after beast world and become the main DCU team. No members of trinity will appear but Wally West, Mary Marvel, Batwing, and Superboy will all join the team.
    It's not the same without Giffen, DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire.

  20. 8 months ago

    DC is an absolute disaster. The fans hate each other, the comics are trash, the movies suck, and the animated movies are getting worse.

    • 8 months ago

      They gotta stop copying Marvel at everything!

  21. 8 months ago

    >Plastic Man ongoing will be coming mid 2024.
    Please God, let this be a good run.

    • 8 months ago

      The last one was awful why expect any better? That fat homosexual culver is probably writing it

  22. 8 months ago

    I miss Earth One so much.

    • 8 months ago

      Why? The entire line was a trash fire. GLEO was the only one that was consistently good and they wouldn't even give it the third volume for them to wrap it up.

      WWEO got worse with each volume, SEO vol 2 is the only good one, BEO vol 2 was great with vol 1 being okay and vol 3 being hot garbage, and TTEO continued the trend of TT books being the absolute worst.

      Then they were gonna give Flash to JMS despite his SEO being panned, and they didn't release Aquaman's at the time of his movie (ie the only short window where it wouldn't have completely flopped).

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >SEO vol 2 is the only good one,

        Hell no, vol 3 was the only good SEO volume and by that I mean "good"

        Vol 2 of BEO was decent with BEO vol 1 being so-so and BEO vol 3 being so obviously rushed

        Anyone who thinks Morrison destroyed the EO line deserved WWEO, the line was already in decline long ago with only one consistent work (GLEO) And GLEO is so far into the future that it may just as well take place in its own universe. Did DC just not want to pay Gabriel Hardman just because they wanted to wind down the Earth One line fast? They should just remove it from Earth One, republish it in Black Label as its own universe and have Hardman conclude it

        • 8 months ago

          Not going to lie I was morbidly curious to see what Johns would've done with decrepit pedo Joker and black Robin

        • 8 months ago

          >And GLEO is so far into the future that it may just as well take place in its own universe.
          Anon, TTEO already showed us that all the Earth One books were separate. All the promos for it in 2013-2014 said TTEO were the first heroes of their universe and not beholden to their normal mentor heroes.
          DC stopped caring about making Earth One their "ultimate universe" when they rushed new 52 because that would've made Earth One redundant and because it took too long for any of the books to come out.

          Literally only Morrison wanted them on the same earth and that's because he spent like 10 years working on Multiversity.

    • 8 months ago

      Still pisses me off we never got more GL Earth One.

  23. 8 months ago

    Why does everybody fall for these, they're never accurate

    • 8 months ago

      Because they contain just enough things that people want to believe in, usually to get an excuse to b***h about DC or Marvel.

    • 8 months ago

      Because average gay on Cinemaphile wants to doompost.

  24. 8 months ago

    It's funny because I bet at this point for a few things/franchises DC doesn't know what they're gonna do. Johns and all those other creators doing that Ghost Machine thing probably wrecked a few of their plans.

  25. 8 months ago

    >Scott Sydner will be leading a new DC version of the Ultimate Universe. He will plot out the timeline while newer writers make new takes on classic DC characters.
    Frick no.

  26. 8 months ago

    >something happening with tim
    instantly unbelievable

  27. 8 months ago

    >Batman and Robin will leadi nto Batman retiring
    way to kill any interest in what was otherwise a respite from moronic editorially mandated events

    • 8 months ago

      I know it will never happen because there are always morons that happily pay to get DC shit on their mouths but I wish the batman books started tanking to see if they finally right course

  28. 8 months ago

    > Tom Taylor is planning on letting Nightwing and Barbara Gordon get married
    Taylor flat out said this would not happen in an interview

  29. 8 months ago

    how do I even get into dc comics in 2024

    • 8 months ago

      You pick up a comic and read it

    • 8 months ago

      I wanted to get into DC but Batgays turned me off. Their insecurities led to believe that reading DC isn’t worth it.

      • 8 months ago

        Awwwww and you were so interested in DC.

        • 8 months ago

          DC creates too many schizos.

  30. 8 months ago


    are we getting a new batwing, the old african one (david?), or is batwing going to be in the Planetary/Outsides and this?

  31. 8 months ago

    Dick and Babs getting married means we're never ever getting another Batgirl series.

  32. 8 months ago

    Will this magically undo them driving away talent and bringing in hacks for literal decades?

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