Death Battle

Next fight is Silver Surfer vs Martian Manhunter on Aug 28.
Sources to be used:
Speedy can't fight his own battles.

Anus Alien Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Anus Alien Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    *Mogs Raven*

  2. 11 months ago

    Listtroon pushes FF1 WoL when in fact FF14 WoL is a better MU for Goku
    >Both sought adventure
    >Both are quick skillful learners
    >Both have ill defined asspull powers that allow them to do whatever they want (Dynamis and UI)
    And they can even end it on a Spirit Bomb Clash.

  3. 11 months ago

    Will Naruto vs Luffy draw dimes?

    • 11 months ago

      With their booking skills, I’d sooner expect Luffy vs Kamala and Naruto vs Luke Skywalker than something people actually asked for.

      • 11 months ago

        But there's a lot of demand for Natuto vs Luke, especially after the other Star Wars vs Naruto episodes did well. Besides, they can do both Naruto vs Luke and Naruto vs Luffy.

        • 11 months ago

          Not as much demand. Obito vs Vader was a mainstay and the only reason jt’s wasn’t Kakashi vs Gojo was due to not much of an understanding of Gojo’s limitations back then

      • 11 months ago

        nobody even asked for Naruto vs. Luffy, people were expecting Luffy vs. Plastic Man

        • 11 months ago

          Why lie? I like Plas but Naruto vs Luffy is the far more requested fight.

        • 11 months ago

          No one gives a frick about plastic man

          • 11 months ago

            I rather have Luffy fight him than Naruto. Their characters have a better theme and it would give us a nice west vs east theme too.

        • 11 months ago

          >not Reed
          What rock have you been living under? Naruto vs Luffy is an old school weeb rivalry before the HST was even born. If there was any stretchy guy fight that's requested it was Reed vs Luffy considering that Reed has been in the contemporary spotlight longer than Plas has. Don't get your view on what's popular from Reddit and Discord trannies.

        • 11 months ago

          EVERYbody asked for Naruto vs Luffy. Plastic Man is only for DCgays who can wank one fight he couldn’t even win

          • 11 months ago

            Both matches end up with Luffy losing lol. At least one of them is funny.

            • 11 months ago

              Actually Cast had Luffy stomping Baryon Mode

              • 11 months ago

                stomping? the match required a tie breaker

              • 11 months ago

                Which Luffy won

              • 11 months ago

                >plasgay is a narutogay DODGING THE SMOKE

                I know you're refreshing like mad so let me tell you this, it's a clean L for Luffy.

                At least Plasticman vs Luffy would be funny.

              • 11 months ago

                Luffy has more than just rubber powers tho. He wins

              • 11 months ago

                What exactly can Luffy do that Sasuke's rinnegan doesn't do better?

              • 11 months ago

                Sasuke can’t see the future. It can predict physical movements by reading muscles like Cassandra Cain

                Observation Haki is seeing what actually happens ahead of time

              • 11 months ago

                Seeing the future is helpless when you die in it.

              • 11 months ago

                Luffy just wins how Sanji won. Considering Baryon Mode dies fast

              • 11 months ago

                >Considering Baryon Mode dies fast
                You're talking to someone that actually knows this series in here.
                No, Baryon didn't die fast, it require him to make contact with Isshiki a lot of times for such to happen. That was when he was expending most of his energy and that was at the same time he was sharing his energy on the clock with Kawaki, who was in a different planet.

                Luffy can't expend this guy just running around.

              • 11 months ago

                >No, Baryon didn't die fast, it require him to make contact with Isshiki a lot of times for such to happen. That was when he was expending most of his energy and that was at the same time he was sharing his energy on the clock with Kawaki, who was in a different planet.

                Actually by nature, Baryon Mode does not last long. It’s why Kurama had to explicitly tell Naruto not to make any superfluous moves to make it last as long as possible

              • 11 months ago

                Prove me wrong and I'll reply to you. Otherwise I'm going to do like Baryon mode and avoid superfluous moves.

              • 11 months ago

                >He admits that Baryon Mode needs to avoid superfluous moves due to the low stamina.

                Lasted less than 10 minutes

              • 11 months ago

                >Lasted less than 10 minutes
                Doing what during those 10 minutes?

              • 11 months ago


                >Baryon Mode
                Does this have anything to do with Baryon Particles?

                It’s metaphorical

              • 11 months ago

                Sapping Isshiki's lifespan. So you're telling me, not doing anything makes him waste as much energy as sapping the energy of Isshiki? Doesn't really add up.

                >Baryon Mode
                Does this have anything to do with Baryon Particles?


              • 11 months ago

                Technically that was just a side effect of his own life drain. Like it will still happen regardless, they can just take advantage of a downside by happenstance. I forget if they had Haki be one to one with Chakra on the Cast so it may not even life shave

              • 11 months ago

                I need to ask. What reason would a continental character would have to push a planetary level character to use this?

              • 11 months ago

                Internal damage to Naruto’s organs past his chakra.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                You mean like this?

              • 11 months ago

                Never shown any resistance towards it plus Luffy is faster. I do think it came up like once? I don’t remember happening much

              • 11 months ago

                That's sage mode energy. Madara has it too.

                That’s just regular stabbing

                That's far more internal damage than you've seen Luffy dish out to anyone.


                Nardo just regens everything

              • 11 months ago

                >Hole in leg equals regen everything

                Not really

              • 11 months ago

                Luffy doesn't have the AP to make his whole energy run through Naruto's body. Not even if this shit base Naruto vs Gear 5.

              • 11 months ago

                Eh he already does judging by the calcs and cast that have them both at planetary

                frick that, could Luffy push Naruto to use kyuubi mode at all?


              • 11 months ago

                Luffy doesn't have calcs to go to planetary. The best calcs he has to put him to continental level have to assume Kaido is 2kms wide, which isn't even the case.

              • 11 months ago

                Whitebeard scaling

              • 11 months ago

                No, just shut the frick up. That's how you get universe level Naruto.

                Kaido is smaller than manda.

              • 11 months ago

                Swan says universe creating isn’t a feat so no

              • 11 months ago

                See? If I stop replying to you the quality of the thread improves.

              • 11 months ago

                Island level

              • 11 months ago

                >winning by causing internal damage to Naruto

              • 11 months ago

                That’s just regular stabbing

              • 11 months ago

                What do you think internal damage means

              • 11 months ago

                >Baryon Mode
                Does this have anything to do with Baryon Particles?

              • 11 months ago

                What do those do anyways?

              • 10 months ago

                Vaguely. It's like using plasma breath attacks and naming it "Sun Beam", technically connected but obviously not the same intensity as the sun. Baryon Mode is essentially just burning through your entire chakra supply like a star but it's far from actual nuclear fusion. Otherwise Naruto should be growing iron lumps all around his body.

              • 11 months ago

                NTA, but there’s a difference between “dying fast” and avoiding moves that’ll drain you quicker. A battery that lasts only for five minutes regardless of what you do is not the same as a battery that’ll last up to ten minutes if you put less strain on it.

              • 11 months ago

                He doesnt even have to just play keepaway. His new ability can allow him to smack around baryon mode without risking himself

              • 11 months ago

                >I know you're refreshing like mad so let me tell you this, it's a clean L for Luffy.

                Well they had Luffy win so no

            • 11 months ago

              >plasgay is a narutogay DODGING THE SMOKE

      • 11 months ago

        Just admit you want Luffy vs Kamala already

      • 11 months ago

        Star wars vs naruto is fricking cringe, frick those novels too by the way

    • 11 months ago

      It's the biggest Shonen rivalry period. It's in essence another East vs West though in an odd way in which Naruto is by and large WAY more popular in the US than the rest of the world, whereas One Piece was at a point Japan's Bible which is odd considering Naruto is Japan down to actually being one of the literal handful of series that reference Shinto religion while One Piece is a highly westernized series in comparison.

      • 11 months ago

        One Piece's less popular presence in the West is almost entirely to blame on 4kids completely fricking up Western perception to the point it's damn near beyond repair. The Funimation dub didn't exactly do it any favors either.
        And I don't think the Netflix show will exactly do it any favors, but unless it's egregiously bad it probably won't make things any worse.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh I'm well aware of One Piece's disastrous life on western Television both on 4Kids and even on Toonami, I was never confused why OP was unpopular just more how popular Naruto is in the west despite being egregiously Japanese to the point of exonerating War Criminals.

          • 11 months ago

            I think the West in more willing to just go
            >ninjas cool
            Which the initial appeal of Naruto at the start was just ninjas doing ninja stuff mostly. Meanwhile people don't really have a
            >pirates cool
            Mentality. At least not to such a degree as with ninjas. And OP immediately sets itself up as being more than just pirates with devil fruit stuff, so it's less recognizable than just 'ninjas doing ninja magic' as it was with early Naruto.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't think English speaking anime fans really appreciated lighthearted and cartoony anime much back then anyways. Even getting DBZ fans to watch regular DB was like pulling teeth even though they are one story.

        • 11 months ago

          Europe and the rest of the Americas didn't had the 4kids version iirc. In my country we had both the japanese and the native language one and One Piece was still not nearly as popular as Bleach and Naruto, despite both of these only starting airing years later.

          I legit only recal Naruto airing in 2006 because I recal having this conversation with my cousin when we were on our way to buy Halo 2. I had to go to Fnac stores and order Naruto there because they were also not readily avaliable either as it is now.
          And then the popularity blew up and Blerach and Naruto became the core or weebdom. I would see everyone wearing Urahara's hats, ninja headbands and what takes but almost nothing from One Piece. I think the show is far more popular now than it was back then.

          • 11 months ago

            From what I've seen, One Piece does have it's fanbases in other countries. Like I see a lot of French stuff for One Piece video games. Not exactly much but I feel like I see it more than English stuff anyways.
            I think what

            I don't think English speaking anime fans really appreciated lighthearted and cartoony anime much back then anyways. Even getting DBZ fans to watch regular DB was like pulling teeth even though they are one story.

            said is pretty true too. One Piece is overtly very Western and cartoonish in it's beginnings, and it does start of fairly slow until Arlong Park. I think for 2000s weebs trying to distance themselves from Western cartoons, Bleach and Naruto were more appealing as they just feel more Japanese by default. Character designs overall probably played a part too.

            • 11 months ago

              Yes, it's annedoctal from me but I remember reading that One Piece, even back then was massive in France. France was always the bastion of manga in the west, and it still is today.
              I probably came across One Piece books in French before Viz started publishing them here in English.
              It's pretty fricked up that in Fnac chain stores, the French manga has completelly disappeared. It used to be the only thing avaliable there, at least in my country. It sucks because the books were smaller than the chunky shit Viz sells and they had double covers.

              • 11 months ago

                Pic related. Perhaps this is the reason France's manga scene is so much better, their far better at downsizing their books.

              • 11 months ago

                >France, known pedophile country, likes works from Japan, also known pedophile country
                What a shocker.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm guessing here that OP being popular in France has something to do with Asterix.

          • 11 months ago

            From what I've seen, One Piece does have it's fanbases in other countries. Like I see a lot of French stuff for One Piece video games. Not exactly much but I feel like I see it more than English stuff anyways.
            I think what [...] said is pretty true too. One Piece is overtly very Western and cartoonish in it's beginnings, and it does start of fairly slow until Arlong Park. I think for 2000s weebs trying to distance themselves from Western cartoons, Bleach and Naruto were more appealing as they just feel more Japanese by default. Character designs overall probably played a part too.

            I think One Piece started picking up in popularity after Naruto and Bleach ended. I assume people wanted a new shonen.

    • 11 months ago

      This has worse animation than The Cobbler and the Thief.

      • 11 months ago

        What doesn't

    • 11 months ago

      It's the biggest Shonen rivalry period. It's in essence another East vs West though in an odd way in which Naruto is by and large WAY more popular in the US than the rest of the world, whereas One Piece was at a point Japan's Bible which is odd considering Naruto is Japan down to actually being one of the literal handful of series that reference Shinto religion while One Piece is a highly westernized series in comparison.

      In regards to Luffy’s other opponents yes. Natsu and Plastic Man can’t draw shit and Gear 5 vs Baryon Mode is getting popular

      nobody even asked for Naruto vs. Luffy, people were expecting Luffy vs. Plastic Man

      Hahaha no. It’s been expected since Naruto vs Ichigo ended with Luffy provoking Naruto

      • 11 months ago

        Naruto had to have his bones pancaked between two massive cubes to even consider using baryon mode. Luffy can't push Naruto to that point and thinking he does is pure fanfiction.

        • 11 months ago

          Pre Timeskip Luffy level. Those cubes were not have heavy

          • 11 months ago

            If Naruto can't lift them then they're planetary level and way above building level, I would say.

            • 11 months ago

              Considering we saw them only make a small dust cloud, no. They’re not heavy.

              • 11 months ago

                I would be all to use this logic for everything. Oh what's that, Wonder Woman struggled to lift a bridge? Hmkay, not planet level even. Case closed.

                These debates would be fricking kino if we actually took into account low end feats or environment damage caused by the attacks.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, that bridge isn’t planet level. You can’t make something automatically not heavy. Hinawari isn’t going to be automatically heavier than Kurama if Naruto has trouble lifting her once. You said Naruto needed to be sandwiched by two massive cubes to be pushed Baryon Mode. Ergo Luffy who can easily break free from being sandwiched between two massive buildings can push him into it

              • 11 months ago

                Taking all feats into account and making use of some scrutiny would make these things far more interesting instead of the shit we have now where its just wanking to different stronger characters they were near or overblowing them over fickle things they make no sense in context

  4. 11 months ago

    OH NO

    HE’S GOING 3-0


    • 11 months ago

      Lets have a real battle of the multi-headed dragons and see what happens to Ghidorah

      • 11 months ago

        >trying to cuck a long requested legacy match because the verse you don’t like wins
        Research team behavior

        • 11 months ago

          >muh 'legacy' matchup
          Coward, and it isn't

          • 11 months ago

            more thematic a matchup though
            only people who really push for the deathwing matchup are godzilla fans because they want another easy win

            >it isn’t wanted
            >on the poll
            >on the podcast (twice)
            >team has wanted it for years
            >”no one wants that they want Tiamat!”
            Sure, and luffy vs plas is more wanted than naruto vs luffy, you fricking mongs

            • 11 months ago

              It's a slapdash matchup and Tiamat's the better choice. Cowardly kaijushit will cope.

              • 11 months ago

                It's a legacy match like Cole vs. Alex, it started gaining a lot of traction around WoW Cataclysm, when Deathwing had just fricked up Azeroth. Now it seems kind of meh, because no one really gives a shit about Deathwing, he's not the BBEG anymore, he's a speedbump while getting to the newer stuff. I'm assuming Dragonflight put him back in the spotlight again, don't know, I haven't played WoW since Pandaria.

        • 11 months ago

          more thematic a matchup though
          only people who really push for the deathwing matchup are godzilla fans because they want another easy win

    • 11 months ago

      >History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man
      I think this says it all

      • 11 months ago

        What do you mean?

  5. 11 months ago

    Reminder that Starkiller mogs Travis Cuckedown

    • 11 months ago

      Travis is for Viewtiful Joe and no one else (but yes he loses)

  6. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >staff knowingly make bad decisions for episodes, sometimes flat-out lying and saying "what about it"
      >gets criticized on public platform
      >can't deal with consequences, sperg out about muh privacy

    • 11 months ago

      Stop spreading this screenshot everywhere, you subhuman incels.


    • 10 months ago

      i can forgive them for being biased or brainless. but why do they have to be pathetic on top of that?

  7. 11 months ago

    >saves your season

  8. 11 months ago

    Any good matchups for Frieza?

    • 11 months ago

      Not really, anyone thematically like him gets stomped into oblivion and anyone near his level of power is nothing like him.

      • 11 months ago

        My rule of thumb is if you can't find a thematic matchup, stick to shallow yet fun fights. Look for equivalents in its source material's rivals or just find a surface level connection like a similar name or color scheme. The resulting matchup will be much better than forcing a connection with a literal who. That said:

        Any good matchups for Frieza?

        Megatron is his best rn.

  9. 11 months ago

    Stop spreading this screenshot everywhere, you subhuman incels.

  10. 11 months ago

    Frick Gamera vs Godzilla. Kong vs Goji is where it's at, Goji's REAL rival.

    • 11 months ago

      He’s also stronger than gamera

      • 11 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          OH NO

  11. 11 months ago

    >Oh, you thought you were voting for the actual matchups between the two poll characters? Actually, we were just putting each pair of characters together to have their own separate MUs. Here’s the REAL matchups:
    >Bill vs Flowey
    >Discord vs Mr. Mxyzptlk
    >Alex vs Carnage
    >Cole vs Livewire
    You rike it?

    • 11 months ago

      Stupid dragon, never post again

    • 11 months ago

      >Getting upset at make believe scenarios
      Sorry, I’m far too intelligent for that.

  12. 11 months ago

    Reminder these mfs would solo your favorite verses with no or little difficulty

    • 11 months ago

      >Loses to being called a man
      KWAB. Try again next week mommy raper.

  13. 11 months ago

    Piccolo solos Jiren.

  14. 11 months ago

    Is Death Battle Cast today?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, at 4PM EST

  15. 11 months ago

    So, uh. How the frick are we supposed to discuss the next fight?
    >just go to /-
    No, I’m not going to either of those boards

    • 11 months ago

      They never banned the word "Discord". Just don't post forbidden pictures.

    • 11 months ago

      Censor your p*nys
      Don’t post horses
      Try not to shitpost too hard or bring attention to the thread.

  16. 11 months ago

    frick that, could Luffy push Naruto to use kyuubi mode at all?

    • 11 months ago

      Doesn’t Luffy massively upscale from Zoro’s meteor slice?

      • 11 months ago

        All these characters scale to planet level.

  17. 11 months ago

    And I agree with you bro. Naruto is Luffy's easiest opponent. And he gets raped hard.

    Your life isn't easy

  18. 11 months ago

    Notes on the latest podcast:
    >Guest today is Ify
    >Swan arguing for Denji, DJ for Yuji
    >DJ's opening statement is that Yuji has better stats and scaling than Denji even if he doesn't have as much in the way of abilities
    >Swan's opening statement is that Denji is on par in terms of stats and has more versatility
    >Some debate on whether Yuji gets Sukuna, neither Swan or DJ seems to believe it matters
    >Swan says regen helps Denji a lot, that Yuji isn't really the main character and isn't the strongest person in his own series, that with Sukuna the fight is debatable but without Sukuna he loses
    >DJ says that with Sukuna Yuji is "astronomically" stronger than Denji, but even without he has enough stats to win
    >Some talk about background, including Sukuna and Devils, effects of Pochita's eating
    >Swan brings up the time Pochita regenerated from throwing his heart back to earth to illustrate his regeneration, DJ argues that Denji's own regeneration isn't as good and that Yuji can directly attack Denji's soul to bypass regeneration, Swan's response is a sort of an unconvincing statement that Denji can just regenerate
    >For speed DJ brings up the microsecond Black Flash thing, which he cites as mach 3000 for Yuji's reaction speed, some debate about this point
    >For speed Swan uses the Gun Devil feat, which he cites as mach 1500 which he acknowledges as half as fast as Yuji but within the range of keeping up, blitz is 10 times
    >New champion's ballot is in the works, only champions can submit, Bill vs Discord is on September 10

    • 11 months ago

      >New champion's ballot is in the works, only champions can submit
      Last time around, was voting only available to champions?

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah it was.

        • 11 months ago

          They didn't seem to cite anything after part 1.
          Yeah, it was always only their paypigs being able to vote.

          >pay to vote
          I figured. Well, I know it's not gonna happen, but it would be nice if things were different for the upcoming poll.

    • 11 months ago

      So did anyone mention that the the Gun Devil was at a fraction of its power from when it did its rampage which Denji never fought
      or that the fastest cited speed who was blitzing someone even faster than Yuji was capped at mach 3?

      • 11 months ago

        No mention of that, no.

        • 11 months ago

          No surprise there

  19. 11 months ago

    >For power DJ brings up the Jogo meteor, which he cites as 682 kilotons of TNT which can be multiplied by a power of 2.5 by Black Flash it goes into the gigaton range, he personally says 66 gigatons, Swan says this is inconsistent with the events of the series and Black Flash is needed for Yuji to even fight Curses and the calculation is misleading, DJ says Yuji is stronger than when the meteor happened, some debate on whether Yuji needs Black Flash to hurt his opponents and the validity of the multiplier
    >For power Swan scale Denji to Makima and the Gun Devil, the energy of the Gun Devil's movement during its rampage is in the megatons, DJ's response is that Makima doesn't go full out against Pochita, questions scaling Makima to the Gun Devil because she needed goons to win, Swan's response is Makima can hurt the Darkness Devil and Pochita can survive the attack she used on it
    >Some talk about the Yuki's black hole feat
    >Swan brings up a conversation with DJ where he says Denji would beat Yuji
    >Yuji wins in the tiebreaker 3-2

    • 11 months ago

      Notes on the latest podcast:
      >Guest today is Ify
      >Swan arguing for Denji, DJ for Yuji
      >DJ's opening statement is that Yuji has better stats and scaling than Denji even if he doesn't have as much in the way of abilities
      >Swan's opening statement is that Denji is on par in terms of stats and has more versatility
      >Some debate on whether Yuji gets Sukuna, neither Swan or DJ seems to believe it matters
      >Swan says regen helps Denji a lot, that Yuji isn't really the main character and isn't the strongest person in his own series, that with Sukuna the fight is debatable but without Sukuna he loses
      >DJ says that with Sukuna Yuji is "astronomically" stronger than Denji, but even without he has enough stats to win
      >Some talk about background, including Sukuna and Devils, effects of Pochita's eating
      >Swan brings up the time Pochita regenerated from throwing his heart back to earth to illustrate his regeneration, DJ argues that Denji's own regeneration isn't as good and that Yuji can directly attack Denji's soul to bypass regeneration, Swan's response is a sort of an unconvincing statement that Denji can just regenerate
      >For speed DJ brings up the microsecond Black Flash thing, which he cites as mach 3000 for Yuji's reaction speed, some debate about this point
      >For speed Swan uses the Gun Devil feat, which he cites as mach 1500 which he acknowledges as half as fast as Yuji but within the range of keeping up, blitz is 10 times
      >New champion's ballot is in the works, only champions can submit, Bill vs Discord is on September 10

      Why does the Chainsaw Man discussion stop at Part 1? Did they not read Part 2?

      • 11 months ago

        They didn't seem to cite anything after part 1.

        >New champion's ballot is in the works, only champions can submit
        Last time around, was voting only available to champions?

        Yeah, it was always only their paypigs being able to vote.

    • 11 months ago

      >Swan says this is inconsistent with the events of the series

      Says this after allowing their team to make island level + cotinent level Dimitri.

      (Town level guts is also stupid).

      Love how if his character isn't winning Swan goes: "Inconsistent".

      • 11 months ago

        Rhea survive the Javelin of Light. Dimitri is above Rhea durability wise. Where is the issue

        • 11 months ago

          >Dimitri is above Rhea durability wise.
          This part, generally.

          • 11 months ago

            Dimitri > Edlegard who beat Rhea

            • 11 months ago

              Edeltard didn’t fight rhea 1v1. She had Byleth’s help. And she led an army. It’s a tactics game.

              • 11 months ago

                >he forgot about raging storm

              • 10 months ago

                Even if you wanted to go that way cutscenes dont care, and gameplay says she had a bigger army to begin with.

          • 11 months ago

            Rhea has 34 defense, Dimitri caps at 62 and she has 38 res to his 41

        • 11 months ago

          Dimitri can be finished of by mere foot soldiers, after tiring out. Are those soldiers island level?
          Funny how they speak about inconsistent since one javelin was only capable of destroying part of a castle, not the Tsar bomba level that they claim it to be.

          Then they say that only 6 javelins were able to form a canyon? Come on.

          (Again Guts being Town level is equally stupid).

      • 11 months ago

        Swan says that after making nuke level Dio omegalul.

        • 11 months ago

          Don't forget his universal mftl Chosen Undead. You know, the guy who just has a sword and shield, and gets winded running a few hundred yards.

        • 10 months ago

          >Swan says this is inconsistent with the events of the series

          Says this after allowing their team to make island level + cotinent level Dimitri.

          (Town level guts is also stupid).

          Love how if his character isn't winning Swan goes: "Inconsistent".

          What it comes down to is that he's arguing to win, not to promote a coherent powerscaling model.

  20. 11 months ago

    Apparently Super Sonic got blue eyes or something. Don't know if it'll be used if he gets another Death Battle.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        A trailer for Sonic Frontiers DLC released.
        Sonic turned into Super Sonic and then he did something else to power up even more.

  21. 11 months ago

    new ballot today also preview was neat

    • 11 months ago

      Who was on it?

  22. 11 months ago
    streamable anon

    Looks great ngl

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      This looks cool, like really really cool.

      Surfer fought off MMH telpathy, but it took some effort so it isn't like MMH cannot affect his mind later.

      I really want to see this shit now.

      • 10 months ago

        It's actually a pretty decent matchup, it just happens to be extremely secondary to the participants, who both have multiple primary matchups that are way more fitting and desired.

        • 10 months ago

          I know people are gushing over the preview, but it would have been better if it started over Surfer leading Galactus to Mars and MM intervening because even as a ruined planet, it's still his home.

          The way it opens here is just weird. Norrin summoned Martian Manhunter? Into Martian Manhunter's mind? Why does J'onn want to pry into Surfer's secrets when he's never kept secrets? Everyone knows he's a herald of Galactus. It's not something he hides. He shows up in the middle of bum frick nowhere aliens go "Hey that's the herald of Galactus!"

          • 10 months ago

            Why would Galactus wants Mars if the planet is erased of any life

            • 10 months ago

              Because technically he doesn't consume the life on the surface of a planet but the potential life-force of the planet, so even uninhabited worlds can feed him.

              And to get even more esoteric, he doesn't even consume planetary life-force, he consumes Celestial eggs burred within the core of certain planets.

              Mars would still be able to feed Galactus because what killed the Martians didn't actually destroy its life-force, it just depopulated the planet.

              And if you want to go further, pre-Crisis Mars was inhabited and J'onn's race wasn't even dead.

    • 11 months ago

      effects look great, sprite movement looks like ASS and has the same issue they had in season 7

    • 11 months ago

      I suspect they're going to try too hard and this is going to be really silly.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe I was too harsh on this matchup, this looks cool

    • 11 months ago

      I heard they showed another preview of Bill vs Chaos Goat

      • 11 months ago

        not really, it's just a date with voices, still the day before 9/11

        • 11 months ago

          It’s been like over two decades. According to South Park, 9/11 will be funny this year

    • 11 months ago

      Kino kino kino kino

      • 11 months ago

        Oops pressed the wrong image

    • 11 months ago

      It looks unique, I'll give them that.
      What's this a reference to? I''ve seen something like this before.

      • 11 months ago

        It's a film noir title card

    • 11 months ago

      Well, it's certainly an interesting approach that they're taking with this fight.

      It looks unique, I'll give them that.
      What's this a reference to? I''ve seen something like this before.

      >Mind Over Matter
      This is absolutely gonna be the title of the battle track.

    • 11 months ago

      I sleep

    • 11 months ago

      Better than anything Jiren could have offered.

    • 10 months ago

      Possible kino

    • 10 months ago

      >Character gets bamboozled in the preview alone
      Looks like MAH MAN RADD bout to win this

    • 10 months ago

      >Chiaroscuro black and white inspired by the Outer Limits and featuring alien superheroes

      Ah, I always knew Death Battle liked my comic!

      Preview is hard to read. Without the lines, it looks like J'onn tried to trap Norrin in a mind box but Norrin escaped, but with the lines, it seems like Norrin summoned him to the place? And the reverb on MM's voice makes it sound like he's still inside Norrin's mind.

      But...why would Norrin summon MM to an office floating out in space? Or inside his mind?


      >One o the most responsible telepaths in fiction, who got on to Aquaman for being reckless with his, wants to pry Surfer's secrets from his cold dead husk

      What the actual frick, Death Battle?

      It looks unique, I'll give them that.
      What's this a reference to? I''ve seen something like this before.

      Outer Limits and out Film Noir.

      >pay for membership
      >want to listen to the cast and submit matches for the ballot banter and whatnot
      >former goes off without a hitch
      >get emailed a link to the DB discord
      >this link is expired or invalid
      Imagine blacklisting people because they’re on a server you don’t like, holy frick lol

      They're ultra pussies.

      Imagine being so scared of little ol' me that they do this to everyone associated with me.

      This looks cool, like really really cool.

      Surfer fought off MMH telpathy, but it took some effort so it isn't like MMH cannot affect his mind later.

      I really want to see this shit now.

      Not much effort. J'onn seems pretty screwed. There are 3 ways to take this scene:

      1. This is to get "MM uses telepathy" out of the way.

      2. Surfer didn't escape the mind box, he only thought he did (wayyyy too cool for DB to do).

      3. J'onn uses the maha later on and wins.

      I'm thinking it's 1.

      >Character gets bamboozled in the preview alone
      Looks like MAH MAN RADD bout to win this

      Yeah. All signs point to MM ending up like Spoony's dog--an oreo and dead.

      Given how hard they're pushing MM wanting to see all of Norrin's secrets, I'm guessing he's going to glimpse memories of Galactus and go AHHHHHHHHHH, which is gay for several reasons.

      1. Norrin being a herald of Galactus is public knowledge, literally everyone in 616 knows about it because The Coming of Galactus was on television. Like 616 kids learn about it in history class.

      2.Fernus J'onn wouldn't give a frick and would think it's funny.

      3. J'onn has been bound to the Wrath of God and stalemated him. There is no fricking way memories of Galactus busts him when a being constantly feeling the combined sins of the universe doesn't.

      They're going to make bad memories of Galactus >>>>> The Phoenix Force.

      • 10 months ago

        I just figured the secret would involve other Death Battles for a shared verse thing like hinted at with Gwen showing up in the Batcave

        • 10 months ago

          Naw, that's way too cool for DB.

          It's going to be Galactus, even though "public knowledge" has been a rule of DB for the longest, so J'onn should know damn good and well what's inside Norrin's mind. Galactus is going to pop up like Eternity in Palmer vs Pym and J'onn is going to AHHHHHHHHHH before being turned into Spoony's dog.

          I thought J’onn had his mindscape invaded by Surfer

          Is that it? I mean, maybeeeee, but given how he tries a telepathic attack, Norrin shrugs it off, he runs outside and the colors return, it seems more like J'onn tried to mind box him and Norrin resisted.

          It would be weird if Norrin invited J'onn into his mind...for J'onn to then telepathically attack him.

      • 10 months ago

        I thought J’onn had his mindscape invaded by Surfer

      • 10 months ago

        >Ah, I always knew Death Battle liked my comic!
        >Imagine being so scared of little ol' me that they do this to everyone associated with me.
        What are the odds Death Battle is deliberately booking fights that we hate?

        • 10 months ago

          What are some fights they've done that this place hates? and I mean hate before they're actually booked, like no one hated Misaka vs Killua because no one thought about that fight.

          • 10 months ago

            No one was particularly happy about CU vs Dragonborn and Dio vs Alucard

            • 10 months ago

              Dragonborn vs Chosen? No, only a select few loud doomies were complaining. Don’t try to rewrite history now.

              • 10 months ago

                If we're talking these threads? Hell yeah the reception wasn't great

            • 10 months ago

              Two incredibly popular matches?

            • 10 months ago

              People were fine with the resukt of CU VS Dragonborn. They hated the disgusting levels of swank it went with universe busting mftl CU that has instant unstoppable reviving and actual multiverse busting dragonborn

          • 10 months ago

            Guts vs Dimitri
            Raiden vs Excalibur
            Bond vs Wick
            Spongebob vs Aquaman

        • 10 months ago

          You guys hate everything

        • 10 months ago

          I doubt these threads matter enough to influence their decision making, even if it's out of spite.

          No one was particularly happy about CU vs Dragonborn and Dio vs Alucard

          I think that had more to do with the fear that Swan was going to relentlessly wank his favorites rather than the matchups themselves.

        • 10 months ago

          Very low, since I've been a Silver Surfergay since I was a preteen and he's about to kill a JL member.

          >J'onn uses the maha

          Mayavana, a 1-time use Martian telepathic technique which Black Mercy's the target, even if they're a high-level telepath like Despero. An alt universe J'onn recently used it on Marvin the Martian of all people.

          J'onn is less naked, since he's wearing his underwear and some boots. The Silver Surfer however, he's all naked and doesn't is afraid of crossing the cosmos like that.

          My veredic is that the green man has shame in his genitals and will lose because of his insecurities.

          No no no, the silver skin is actually an exoskin. Norrin can, and has, turned it off to pass as a normal Zenn-Lavian.

          • 10 months ago

            Oh, that. Norrin already endured reality warping so I doubt it'll be a winning condition

            • 10 months ago

              It's not reality warping, its a telepathic technique.

              • 10 months ago

                That warps reality

      • 10 months ago

        >J'onn uses the maha

      • 10 months ago

        I think the setup is supposed to add to the "mystery", they're both there for reasons unknown accusing the other, with MMH making it hostile. As for the echo thing, he's probably just using telepathy to talk to him outside the box because 1: he's far away and 2: they're in space.

    • 10 months ago

      Welp, that settles it, right there.
      Norrin's getting FETUS'D

      • 10 months ago

        I want to believe anon, but how do you figure? Fight seems to be setting up J'onn going AHHHHHHH at a Galactus memory.

        • 10 months ago

          Galactus culo

        • 10 months ago

          I kind of figured that would be the play. Jonn had a hard time against Joker and Black Adam before because they were too monstrous, they haven't done a tenth of what Galactus did while Norrin was his Herald.

          • 10 months ago

            >Jonn had a hard time against Joker and Black Adam before because they were too monstrous
            Everyone always brings these up but also forget pic related and that J'onn turned Joker sane for a while.
            This all comes down to what matters more, his jobbings or his feats?

            • 10 months ago

              Don't forget J'onn telepathically stared down Mageddon, which is just pure death and destruction on the supercosmic level.
              Galactus chowing on planets is nothing.

            • 10 months ago

              This did nothing to BA. J'onn in the previous page said he "couldn't bear" what he saw in Black Adam's mindscape which is exponentially less shocking than Norrin's memories and guilt

              • 10 months ago

                I'm once again asking, what matters more, his jobbings or his feats?
                And I'm being genuine lol, I don't watch Death Battle regularly.

              • 10 months ago

                Feats, generally. Unless DB want to screw a character over.

              • 10 months ago

                In Death Battle? High ends matter more than low ends depending on the character. I don't know if they'd give Rhino the feat of punching Nova into orbit for example.
                Incalculable high ends seem to matter more than calculable high ends too

              • 10 months ago

                >previous page
                Yeah, he's bearing it just fine.

        • 10 months ago

          J'onn isn't getting 'ahhh'd by a Galactus memory. What a silly idea. J'onn made a Galactus-tier cosmic 'ahhh' in JLA/Avengers, and beat Darkseid single-handed. Galactus is frick-all.
          Meanwhile, the fight appears to be taking place wholly in someone's (Norrin's) mindscape. It's a strong precursor to a FETUSing.

          • 10 months ago

            J'onn couldn't even touch Grandmaster and Uatu's minds

    • 10 months ago

      >Mind over Matter
      >Surfer running when Manhunter tries reading his mind once

      Yeah, this is going to be another DC win. Did like the black and white noir style and 50s-sci fi style titlecard though but thats about it.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yeah, this is going to be another DC win.
        DC is going to win 4/5 matches anyway because the research team is biased.

    • 10 months ago

      Better than than what I expected. In fact way better than raven vs jean.

      • 10 months ago

        it's going to be space kino

        • 10 months ago

          I hope, REALLY hope we have an AAAAARRGHHH! by J'onn

  23. 11 months ago

    >pay for membership
    >want to listen to the cast and submit matches for the ballot banter and whatnot
    >former goes off without a hitch
    >get emailed a link to the DB discord
    >this link is expired or invalid
    Imagine blacklisting people because they’re on a server you don’t like, holy frick lol

    • 11 months ago

      There's a whole process I think linked somewhere to link your Youtube and Discord IDs. Maybe make a new Discord ID?

      • 11 months ago

        That’s not working either

        • 11 months ago

          Try making a new ID I guess. Or contact their mods or something.

          • 11 months ago

            I just figured it out, they personally banned me years ago without warning because I was on a server they are on bad terms with. I never even posted anything there.

            Goddamn why are the mods there such sensitive children?

            • 11 months ago

              the server hasn't existed for more than a year, it's just an invalid link

            • 11 months ago

              Make a new ID

    • 11 months ago

      >He didn’t just wait in the stream to get gifted a membership for free

      • 11 months ago

        Hmm. How far in advance do they make those podcast waiting rooms? We could try getting more people from here onto the server. I think your account has to be non-branded and also you have to check an option that allows you to get gifted memberships.

        • 11 months ago

          Like, a multitude of days in advance. And the streams go on for an hour+, so someone here’s bound to get a membership at some point. Hell I got two already.

  24. 11 months ago

    New Therewolf track. Be warned it's RWBY vs Overwatch.

    • 11 months ago

      The only great hero they have added to Overwatch since Doomfist? Nice.

  25. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Sonic goes Super Sonic 2
      Already more memorable than Gear 5

      • 10 months ago

        >still this mindbroken and rent free.
        Gear 5 Luffy OWNS you, namegay.

        • 10 months ago

          >OWNS you
          Jobs to Naruto

    • 10 months ago

      Can't wait for this to only appear in Frontiers and never get referenced ever again

    • 10 months ago

      Base Mario still can win high diff. White Tanooki Raccoon Mario equipped with the Wonder Flower will still solo.
      No need for the other hax powerups like the Gold Flower with coin transmutation.

      • 10 months ago

        are you really allowed to combine power-ups from different games?

      • 10 months ago

        >White Tanooki Raccoon Mario equipped with the Wonder Flower

      • 10 months ago
        A SMB Mario Paisano powerscaler

        (And yes, I'm using RPG scaling for Base Mario. Galaxy Base form Super Mario is strong but not near or + above multiversal tier, unless you count moving in Tick Tock Clock while time was stopped as incalculable speed, or use the Star Child lore to the maximum; even so, he's about universal level, Mainline Mario could be much higher if you hypothetically give him all of his mainline game collectables like SMB Grand Stars, Power Stars, Shine Sprites, Moons, etc [for example Bowser was able to create entire dimensions inside the paintings with 1 power star in sm64, now give Mario 120 of the Power Stars he collects, or 150 if you include SM64DS DS, and you got a immensely powerful paisano])

        are you really allowed to combine power-ups from different games?

        >White Tanooki Raccoon Mario equipped with the Wonder Flower

        You can stack Mario bros. power-ups in your pockets for later use since forever now. I guess we'll have to see if the Reality bending Wonder Flower negates your previous powerup when the SMBW game comes out, don't see that happening though, I have a feeling we'll see a distorted fire Mario.

        Also Bottomless Gloves allows Mario to store/use powerups infinitely.
        (Putting a powerscaling name on temporarily because I saw some other /dbg/ anons do it last month for other verse characters and I think that's fun)

        • 10 months ago
          A SMB Mario Paisano powerscaler

          Also the fact a single Grand Star caused an entire universe to collapse on itself before Rosalina and the Lumas reset it, and Mario collects dozens of these Grand Stars.

          • 10 months ago

            only the Lumas reset it, Rosalina just shielded Mario from the Big Bang

        • 10 months ago

          Mario's strength is wacky since it's confirmed that mainline mario, rpg mario and even party mario are all the same guy so any feat really is fair game

          • 10 months ago

            So they're all the same paid actor?

      • 10 months ago

        Mario caps at wall level

        • 10 months ago

          >Mario caps at wall level becaus-

          • 10 months ago

            Wall level weakpoints
            Didn't even kill the dragon

            • 10 months ago

              Defeating = you scale to the opponent.
              You don't need to vaporize someone to scale to them, no one every does vs battles that way in feats.
              Also not reading anymore of your braindead downplay, but Mario defeated a Building level ape in literally his first appearance (Jumpman vs Donkey Kong Arcade)

              • 10 months ago

                >no one ever does vs battles that way with feats

              • 10 months ago

                No, moron, because Mario didn't take on the dragon head on, he hit the weakpoints

              • 10 months ago

                That makes zero sense, are you a first time debator?
                Mario literally defeats the ruined dragon.
                Are you trying to downplay every videogame boss fight in history with this braindead "weakpoints" logic?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not downplaying everyone in vidya history, I'm saying Mario thwacking weak points does not make him building level
                If the Hulk had a tiny red spot in the back of his head that instantly killed him if punched there, and I did so, would that make me Hulk levels of strong?

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm not downplaying everyone in vidya history,
                yes you are.
                >Also Mario literally tanks the ruined dragon's lightning breath before the boss fight. You dumb secondary, play the games.

              • 10 months ago

                Adress the post's main point

              • 10 months ago

                Adress the post's main point

                If you had the speed and the power to actually reach the hulk there without him retaliating, fighting back, or noticing you, then yes, you would scale to the Hulk.

                He didn't tank it idiot, the ship did

                It also clearly hits Mario idiot

              • 10 months ago

                No, why the frick would I have Hulk level AP and durability for touching his instakill spot while he's looking elsewhere????

              • 10 months ago

                You are a moron.
                In an honest battle how would you reach that weakspot against Hulk.
                >"I'd get oneshotted before even THINKING about reaching it"
                So you prove my point.

              • 10 months ago

                By shooting him from behind while he's looking elsewhere? Do you unironically believe I have star level gunshots now?

              • 10 months ago

                So now you're nerfing Hulk to gun level for your moronic point to work? You see the fallacy here? He'd react to that dodge and kill you.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm talking about shooting him in this hypothetical weakspot, brainlet.
                Drill it into your head.

              • 10 months ago

                Nope, you said you vs the Hulk
                Hulk is at full power here, you're not reaching a hypothetical weakspot because you're human level. You'd get destroyed.

              • 10 months ago

                I said shooting him from behind in a hypothetical weakspot while he's busy, moron. Work on your reading comprehension.

              • 10 months ago

                >I said shooting him from behind in a hypothetical weakspot while he's busy, moron. Work on your reading comprehension.
                While Hulks busy with what? You have Hulk tier mental powers now? You're an idiot.

              • 10 months ago

                Staring at a sandwich or something, you aphantasic brainlet.

              • 10 months ago

                Why are you nerfing Hulk this hard to make your moronic scenario work?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not nerfing the parts that matter, brainlet
                By your logic the dragon was also nerfed so it's a null feat
                So how about you post those "high-end" feats instead?

              • 10 months ago

                You are nerfing Hulk, now you're running away from your own braindead tier logic.
                Explain how a human with a gun beats Hulk in any scenario.

              • 10 months ago

                With a hypothetical weakspot, brainlet, like the one the dragon has
                Now post the "high-end" feats

              • 10 months ago

                >With a hypothetical weakspot, brainlet, like the one the dragon has
                And how does a human with a gun reach a weakspot of a character is above universe level with ease, with MFTL speeds.

              • 10 months ago

                While he's distracted
                Now post the feats

              • 10 months ago

                >while he's distracted
                the moment Hulk hears you coming you're dead.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a hypothetical brainlet, quit arguing specifics and focus on the main point

              • 10 months ago

                And your hypothetical depends on you nerfing Hulk to the ground, brainlet.

              • 10 months ago

                No it doesn't moron
                No more nerfed than the dragon you scale mario to

              • 10 months ago

                Punisher Kill Marvel, Deadpool Kills Marvel, Civil War 2, Hulk dies to guys with regular weapons all the time.

                But I believe the crux of that Anon's argument is that scaling requires a straight fight, ie, not bringing their specific weakness or hitting big glowing videogame weakspots. Like it's one thing if my character, Awesome Man, fights Superman to a standstill, making him clearly on his level. But if Awesome Man is wearing a suit of Kryptonite Armor while fighting him under a red sun, he may as well have just fought Ted Kord. A competent fighter, but still just a normal man. Probably the best example is Prometheus in his intro arc, takes down all the League one by one with specific counter measures, but gets dropped by Catwoman whipping him in the dick. Catwoman's whip isn't stronger then the all of the Justice League, because Prometheus isn't either.

              • 10 months ago

                We're working with Death Battle logic here, fighters at their strongest. Not certain writer stories that nerf the characters to the ground.
                Flash would job to Archie Sonic if we utilized antifeats in vs battles.

              • 10 months ago

                But the point is that the victory itself hardly qualifies as a feat

              • 10 months ago

                You seem to misremember that the anon ignored when I proved Mario tanks the Ruined Dragon blast. He scales to him.

                Look at 00:26 of the video again, slowly.

                And FYI there's thousands of more feats that are above this level with the Mario series. This is just me humoring your downplay banter.

              • 10 months ago

                Even if we count that as tanking it doesn't scale Mario's AP
                He can frequently take more than he dishes out

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not talking anti-feats, I'm talking someone bringing a specific weakness to bear means they aren't on that level. Like in Dark Souls 3, you could say Ashen One scales to Yhorm if you fight him with your regular gear, but if you use the magic giant slaying sword, he just used a tool specifically designed to kill him. Anyone could have done that, so long as they had the sword.

              • 10 months ago

                This moronic conversation makes me want a Hulk vs Bizarro comedy series

              • 10 months ago

                Frick, I really want a series where these two try to fool, prank, and pull one over one another

              • 10 months ago

                The dragon just straight up lets Mario attack though, if it never stopped to rest its head Mario couldn't even hit it

              • 10 months ago

                Those are game mechanics. Every videogame Boss lets you attack
                You're suppose to see it as
                >This boss used his full power special move against me, I was fast enough to dodge it and/or tank it, and now that he's tired I can counter attack.

                Even if we count that as tanking it doesn't scale Mario's AP
                He can frequently take more than he dishes out

                We don't have the proper lore on how weak that weakpoint was, or what the weakpoint really does to the dragon.
                Is it an armor weakpoint? Or just causes a bad chemical reaction but you had to be strong enough to trigger it?
                Either way Mario tanking the blast is a durability feat.

                I'm not talking anti-feats, I'm talking someone bringing a specific weakness to bear means they aren't on that level. Like in Dark Souls 3, you could say Ashen One scales to Yhorm if you fight him with your regular gear, but if you use the magic giant slaying sword, he just used a tool specifically designed to kill him. Anyone could have done that, so long as they had the sword.

                >Anyone could have done that, so long as they had the sword.
                But not anyone could also tank attacks while being in their base form, which I proved.

              • 10 months ago

                Hitting a weak point explicitly casts aside the notion that Mario overpowered the dragon by raw physicals

              • 10 months ago

                The attacks themselves aren't impressive. It did no visible damage to the ship, and his attacks cause no visible damage to the tower. If your saying tanking attacks which can't even break bricks, which is something Mario has been doing since the 80s are supposed to be impressive, I think you already lost.

              • 10 months ago

                No it doesn't moron
                No more nerfed than the dragon you scale mario to

                >If your saying tanking attacks which can't even break bricks, which is something Mario has been doing since the 80s are supposed to be impressive, I think you already lost.

                You're obviously ignoring the entire thread and basic logic if you think that's the only thing Mario has done since the 80s. He's had hundreds of games. Anyway I've already posted some more impressive feats above if you scroll up that's not even high-end yet. I mean you're literally ignoring a universal black hole Mario feat being talked about at this time to try to downplay.
                Bowser tanks this universal black hole by the way and Mario scales to Bowser.

                >Muh battlefield damage fallacy
                Ruined dragon is a lord of lightning vs Mario, and we can infer that everything around him he destroyed himself.

                If you're using this logic, then for example almost every and I mean EVERY dragon ball character is heavily nerfed.
                The universal punch shockwave feat? Didn't destroy a single planet while moving through the universe.
                Gorillion AP attacks? Many fights don't destroy the planet they fight on even when slammed into the planet.
                DBS Manga is also tree level because when punched into trees, the tree doesn't even break.

                Almost every fictional black hole feat imaginable is also nerfed because it doesn't stretch anything.

                FYI I'm gonna post the high end feats now, just wanted to give you some fallacy info knowledge.

              • 10 months ago

                Post the super feats then

              • 10 months ago

                >Are you trying to downplay every videogame boss fight in history with this braindead "weakpoints" logic?
                Is a TIE fighter Death Star level

              • 10 months ago

                The Death Star is single photon torpedo level

              • 10 months ago

                Also Mario literally tanks the ruined dragon's lightning breath before the boss fight. You dumb secondary, play the games.

              • 10 months ago

                He didn't tank it idiot, the ship did

              • 10 months ago

                You are a moron. Mario is literally absorbed in Ruined Dragon's blast.

              • 10 months ago

                How did he "absorb" it? He has no reaction when it impacts, and starts trembling when the ship does

              • 10 months ago

                >No reading comprehension
                Moron. Mario is ENVELOPED by the Ruined Dragon blast and tanks it at 00:26 seconds of the video , not literally absorbing it.
                Shut up with your braindead downplay logic.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why doesn't he react until the ship starts shaking?

              • 10 months ago

                Because Mario TANKS the blast, moron. Do you not know what tanking means?

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't hit him

              • 10 months ago

                Look at 00:26 of the video again, slowly.

                And FYI there's thousands of more feats that are above this level with the Mario series. This is just me humoring your downplay banter.

              • 10 months ago

                Cool, post these high end feats then

              • 10 months ago

                With a hypothetical weakspot, brainlet, like the one the dragon has
                Now post the "high-end" feats

                BTW scroll up, I post some of the high Mario feats already. I'm not posting more until this braindead logic downplay anon explains himself.

              • 10 months ago
                A SMB Mario Paisano Powerscaler

                >Mario Galaxy
                The end of universe level, results in a Grand Star corrupting Bowser's Galaxy Reactor that caused the entire universe to collapse into itself Bowser is stated in the manual to have survived this and is just a bit shaken up.
                Bowser survives another giant black hole in SMG2 where you need to literally cross time and space to reach other locations, bowser is just shrunken down a bit after tanking this one.
                Bowser surviving a universal black hole means since Mario scales to Bowser, he has at least universal AP.
                >Dreamy Bowser
                Holds a nigh-infinite amount of dream universes in his power, Base Mario & Luigi defeat him.
                Dream worlds are listed as universes via Dream Depot.
                Said to be the master of time and space
                Holds the entire Mario timeline in his hands and fights Mario with it
                The fight is happening between dimensions where time and space don't exist so that gives Mario incalculable/immeasurable speed feats
                >Super Dimentio
                Miyamoto has said that every Mario is the same Mario.

                There's a lot of evidence that the first three Paper Mario in the OG trilogy are the regular Mario's adventures (One example, PM64 being called "Mario's Story", another example is Paper Mario characters like pm64 Goomboss/King Goomba reaching a mainline game, and even the pm 64 Star Spirits appear in Mario Party.
                Either way, Mario has scaled to Paper Mario and fought along side him.
                Super Dimentio was going to destroy all dimensions, and all worlds with the void. This could even scale to the Dream Depot.
                And that's just some of the high-end feats. The well known ones.

                All of this is base form Mario btw, before powerups.

                I'd also like you to know that there's another very strong Mario named Super Mario Kun that is full of gag force/toon force and he's above author level since he beat Bowser Kun who beat the author. This Mario also went through all game events. He's very overpowered.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                The universe literally collapses on top of Bowser in the SMG cutscene. The starting point is Bowser's location and this is before Rosalina and the Lumas even make a move.

              • 10 months ago

                The universe doesn't "collapse" before the lumas rush in, there's just a hole succing

              • 10 months ago

                It's a universal level black hole that's sucking.

              • 10 months ago

                But it hadn't collapsed yet

              • 10 months ago

                No the black hole was a universal threat to begin with so Rosalina and the Lumas had to reset the entire universe. If it wasn't that strong, the lumas wouldn't have sacrificed themselves in the first place.

              • 10 months ago

                "his narrow escape from a horrible fate" seems to imply he wasn't at the epicenter or the resulting explosion of a new reality

              • 10 months ago

                When did culex do that? When was he stated to be that?

              • 10 months ago

                In the SMRPG story manual. Culex also can see your future and your past, he is antimatter and matter. and he consumes time.

              • 10 months ago

                Fraudex can't even survive existing in marioland for an extended amount of time

              • 10 months ago

                >Doubting CHADlex
                Big mistake.

              • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Sonic still loses to the FLASH

      • 10 months ago

        Wrong Flash, anon. That’s Barry, Sonic fought Wally. You’d be better off using the “Billions of scraps of data” panel.

      • 10 months ago

        And the Flash still loses to the BIG RIG

    • 10 months ago

      Base Mario still can win high diff. White Tanooki Raccoon Mario equipped with the Wonder Flower will still solo.
      No need for the other hax powerups like the Gold Flower with coin transmutation.

      Didn't they already include "Hyper Sonic" in Mario vs. Sonic?

  26. 10 months ago

    If fights were determined by which character was more popular which results would change

    • 10 months ago

      All dragonball and naruto matches.

    • 10 months ago

      of this season?
      >Killua Wins
      >Guts wins
      >Vader wins
      >Rocket wins
      Chosen Undead might also win but Raven and Ant Man still win

      • 10 months ago

        Chosen Undead wouldn't beat FUS RO DAH man in popularity

        • 10 months ago

          That's a old meme now though, if it was the guy that talks about you crossing the border then you might be right. Skyrim has sold more overall but Dark Souls is probably more popular nowadays, everyone seems to love Fromsoft now, at least more than they love Todd.

          • 10 months ago

            Starfield will sell millions

            • 10 months ago

              I don't foresee it outselling Elden Ring still, but it will probably outsell the new Armored Core

          • 10 months ago

            The last main TES game released over a decade ago and Skyrim is still a juggernaut, no way is DS1 alone bigger

    • 10 months ago

      Green Lantern vs Ben 10 comes to mind. For the upcoming one it would probably be Norrin

    • 10 months ago

      >Boba vs Samus
      >Scorpion vs Ryu
      >Pokemon vs Digimon

      of this season?
      >Killua Wins
      >Guts wins
      >Vader wins
      >Rocket wins
      Chosen Undead might also win but Raven and Ant Man still win

      Who would win in the upcoming matches?
      >Surfer vs Martian
      >Bill vs Discord
      >Cole vs Alex

      • 10 months ago

        >Leaning Dickcord because horseshit is still somehow alive

      • 10 months ago

        >Bill wins
        The other two could go either way but I would bet on
        >Surfer wins
        >Alex wins
        Surfer because Galactus is probably gonna be in the MCU eventually, and Alex because that just feels more popular.

        >Leaning Dickcord because horseshit is still somehow alive

        MLP is still going on and Discord actually shows up in the gen 5 comics but Gravity Falls has a bigger fanbase nowadays even though it's been over for awhile now.

      • 10 months ago

        Probably Surfer
        Leaning Discord but who knows

      • 10 months ago


  27. 10 months ago

    J'onn is less naked, since he's wearing his underwear and some boots. The Silver Surfer however, he's all naked and doesn't is afraid of crossing the cosmos like that.

    My veredic is that the green man has shame in his genitals and will lose because of his insecurities.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >J'onn is less naked, since he's wearing his underwear and some boots. The Silver Surfer however, he's all naked and doesn't is afraid of crossing the cosmos like that.
      >My veredic is that the green man has shame in his genitals and will lose because of his insecurities

    • 10 months ago

      Non-reader anon, J'onn just shapeshifts himself to appear clothed. Or, alternately, he's wearing his alien shapeshifter buddy, Zook. Depends on the writer and era.

  28. 10 months ago

    Sonic is faster then a black hole and busted a moon, KNEEL plumber boy

    • 10 months ago

      Mario outswims Black holes, and survived being near a universal black hole. While Sonic's black hole didn't even swallow earth when it was near it.
      Kneel blue rat.

      • 10 months ago

        >doesn't instantly tear apart the rocks
        This what you're passing off as a black hole?

        • 10 months ago

          >Ignores the Universal Galaxy Black hole.
          As expected, fodder rat.

          • 10 months ago

            Prove it

            • 10 months ago

              Mario Galaxy ends with a universal reset. The last level is called "The end of the universe"

              • 10 months ago

                And that isn't the black hole from mario galaxy
                In fact, the vastly smaller black holes from galaxy that can't even pull the nearby formations to them can successfully pull and instakill mario

              • 10 months ago

                >In fact, the vastly smaller black holes from galaxy that can't even pull the nearby formations to them can successfully pull and instakill mario
                Game mechanics fallacy. I'm talking about a full on story cutscene here that happens in the game.
                Wow and sonic dies to getting crushed, and his super form is hurt by man made machines and meteors, and bomb carts (sonic lost world) if you wanna use that logic. Your point?

              • 10 months ago

                Actually forgot to add Super Sonic fully dies to Bomb Carts in his games.

              • 10 months ago

                You mean the black hole that harmlessly rebirthed the universe?

              • 10 months ago

                >You mean the black hole that harmlessly rebirthed the universe?
                Don't try to act slick, you've obviously never played the game. It literally tore the universe apart

              • 10 months ago

                I played it and it just sucked them in

              • 10 months ago

                You didn't play it then.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                how is rebirthing a universe harmless

    • 10 months ago

      No he wasn't. He had to have wisps saving his ass.

  29. 10 months ago

    so who's winning
    martian or silver?

    • 10 months ago

      Surfer, it fits the hack pattern Death Battle has been on. When they fight Marvel at the cosmic level, DC women win and the men lose.

      • 10 months ago

        Only DC has any wins at the cosmic level, anon.

        • 10 months ago

          You know that's not true

          • 10 months ago

            Anon, it's true, or you could name one certified Marvel cosmic with a win.

            • 10 months ago

              Doe Iron Man vs Batman count? They did bring out the cosmic suits for both in that one

              • 10 months ago

                >do these street level normal humans count as cosmics

              • 10 months ago

                Then they have no cosmic wins versus DC

            • 10 months ago

              Tony beat Lex and Batman, Doom beat Lex, Apocalypse beat Black Adam, Rogue beat Wonder Woman, Pym beat Palmer

              • 10 months ago

                Not a single cosmic in that list. In fact, every single one is 100% earthbound.

              • 10 months ago

                They made Hellbat = Darkseid and said the Final Batsuit would be negligible, Lex = Larfleeze, Black Adam = Quintessence and gave Palmer bullshit universal stakes...

              • 10 months ago

                Still earthbound humans, not cosmic entities in the slightest. Do you need to cope?

              • 10 months ago

                >Tony, Bruce, and Doom
                Not cosmics. Hint: When you're entire thing is stealing cosmic power and then losing it again and again and again, you aren't cosmic, you're a pretender.

                >Apoc and Adam
                Actual example here.

                >Rogue vs Wonder Woman
                Neither are cosmic and they stealth walked back this fight.

                >Pym beat Palmer
                Neither are cosmic.

                If you're being this broad with cosmic you might as well count stuff like Aquaman vs Namor.

              • 10 months ago

                Tripgay, Hellbatman was MULTIVERSAL in that matchup. As in "it can destroy the multiverse". Pym and Palmer were both regarded as existential threats to reality. How do YOU define "cosmic"?

              • 10 months ago

                not him but when i hear cosmic i always assume space people

              • 10 months ago

                Well then, would Star-Lord be "cosmic"?

              • 10 months ago

                superpowered space people specifically

              • 10 months ago

                Hellbat is not even close to multiversal what the frick are you on

              • 10 months ago

                No doubt, but in the context of the episode it was

      • 10 months ago

        i like the martian better

  30. 10 months ago


    >Tony's Phoenix Buster got stomped by the Phoenix and zombified, shambling Celestials tore up his Celestial buster.
    Do these "X"busters ever win? Seems like they always get ripped apart by the character it's suppose to counter

  31. 10 months ago

    >J'onn with morals on

    >J'onn with morals off
    Pic related.

    J'onn losing to Galactus memories is going to be such bullshit.

    • 10 months ago

      But what if he sees galactus culo

  32. 10 months ago


    What a cluster frick of a post.
    >Elders and Watchers are >>> Heralds
    I was addressing the part where he said Galactus is nothing. And you're being disingenuous here, he literally couldn't touch their minds. Simply being in there and reading is so rudimentary it serves as the basis of everything else, and he couldn't even do that. Not even against Terminus.
    >it doesn't actually warp reality
    What the frick? A martian's telepathy localizes its opponent's heart, and then the heart's innermost desire. It then turns that desire into their reality. Literally. By making that reality more real than the real reality. If that's not "reality warping" to you then you have some serious issues or some serious bias

    • 10 months ago

      I said Galactus is frick all, which he is compared to Mageddon and the sheer levels of destruction he represents. The entire cosmology of the Second World was extinguished, far more than a few worlds within a still-thriving cosmology.
      And telepathic attacks that show you a reality in your head are not in any way reality warping, moron.

      • 10 months ago

        mmm.. thats nice. galactus posed a threat to the entire multiverse as a side effect of fighting the scrier and the other

        • 10 months ago

          >posed a threat
          So did nothing. Gotcha.

          • 10 months ago

            and mageddon was one of many war machines and most certainly didn't cause ragnarok singlehanded. but from the ashes of the second the third and fourth emerge. but when galactus fought the scrier and the other all of existence would be submerged into oblivion meaning nonexistence. he was literally erasing the multiverse from existence and not just causing destruction which is more pedestrian

            • 10 months ago

              And yet none of that happened. The multiverse was just fine, and nobody was even slightly concerned.
              And Mageddon doesn't do anything so plebeian as 'cause destruction', non-reader. Mageddon is the proof that defines and signifies The End. All things then bring about their ending - Total Black person Death, with literally everything self-defining as Black folk. Mere destruction would be mercy.

              • 10 months ago

                everyone who knew was concerned which is why surfer, phoenix and thor stopped them. it was literally oblivion's plan because it was guaranteed to happen. they fight = doomed multiverse. not gonna read your pretentious description of mageddon
                nice digits tho

              • 10 months ago

                >i'm just gonna ignore your argument and cry about it
                Concession accepted. Galactus is frick all compared to the Ultimate Destroyer and will never compare. Enjoy getting no diff'd by Unicron and Matter-Eater Lad, fatso.

              • 10 months ago

                you can put the projector down sweet cheeks

              • 10 months ago

                >anon feels called out by my description of Galactus
                Have another sandwich, fatty.

              • 10 months ago

                If MM wins, the slaughterhouse needs a pic of crying wojak Galactus.

              • 10 months ago

                i don't know about galactus crying when one could just depict him as chomping a planet while making that face. norrin's iconic game over pose is where it's at

              • 10 months ago

                Have him chomp a planet while Norrin does the face.

              • 10 months ago

                a wojak doesn't go anywhere as hard as this

                Maybe you should read the issue in question, anon. We see everything from Despero's perspective, as he 'acheives' his heart's desire - absolutely eviscerating the entire Justice League and literally scorching the earth.
                But that wasn't, as it turns out, the reality. Non-readers really need to get fukt.

                i ordered a burger, funny boy

              • 10 months ago

                >ordered a burger
                >couldn't read a comic
                Smartest mousecuck ngl

              • 10 months ago

                i want it well done too

              • 10 months ago

                >It's sad, but on brand that half the footage is Gamera getting his ass beat.
                I'm still confused by what you mean by "Sad"

              • 10 months ago

                how bout a burger instead?

                Dude if a vague suggestion of cosmic annihilation is enough to AHHHH J'onn he'd get it just from reading the mind of anyone involved in Final Crisis.

                Norrin doesn't have memories of Galactus destroying a multiverse. At most he has a vague idea of the possibility. He has memories of planets dying.

                Goddamn, you're stupid. Are you one of the researchers or something? I'm going to be watching for them to call it reality warping now because of you.

                literally what does any of this have to do with what i said? i was talking about something galactus was fixin to do. it has nothing to do with how the fight animation will play out

              • 10 months ago

                It's irrelevant to Norrin weaponizing his memories against J'onn.

                >this UNBELIEVABLE ONE OF A KIND, ONCE IN A LIFETIME ABILITY IS.... hypnosis
                lol. how are YOU this dumb?

                It's a one-shot technique that works on Despero, who is such a strong telepath he kicked J'onn's ass (though it was alter revealed that J'onn was holding back and J'onn stomped him in the rematch, but point remains in that it's a powerful psychic one-shot attack that works on even the most powerful psychic warriors.

              • 10 months ago

                no. it's a technique made for improving the life of your loved ones by making their reality better. if it was smoke and mirrors j'onn would have said so. the objective of it was to make despero happy and save earth by making his heart's desire a reality. but j'onn didn't anticipate what would happen because he didn't know what would be made into reality

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe you should read the issue in question, anon. We see everything from Despero's perspective, as he 'acheives' his heart's desire - absolutely eviscerating the entire Justice League and literally scorching the earth.
                But that wasn't, as it turns out, the reality. Non-readers really need to get fukt.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude if a vague suggestion of cosmic annihilation is enough to AHHHH J'onn he'd get it just from reading the mind of anyone involved in Final Crisis.

                Norrin doesn't have memories of Galactus destroying a multiverse. At most he has a vague idea of the possibility. He has memories of planets dying.

                No. It changed him in reality, into a baby. In other words, his reality was warped into his heart's reality. J'onn describes the process word for word as one would reality warping

                Goddamn, you're stupid. Are you one of the researchers or something? I'm going to be watching for them to call it reality warping now because of you.

              • 10 months ago

                That's...actually not a bad way of describing Mageddon.

    • 10 months ago

      >He couldn't touch their minds.
      With a scan.

      Again, compare J'onn vs Joker to Fernus vs Joker.

      J'onn kicked Terminus' ass.

      >It's reality warping
      Dude, did the alternate reality appear to anyone else but Despero? Think, anon!

      Tripgay, Hellbatman was MULTIVERSAL in that matchup. As in "it can destroy the multiverse". Pym and Palmer were both regarded as existential threats to reality. How do YOU define "cosmic"?

      The hacks at Fraud Battle think CU is multiverse level, it means nothing.

      >Pym and Palmer were both regarded as existential threats to reality
      That's a laugh.

      >How do YOU define "cosmic?"
      Imagine if Pym actually threw hands with the big boys in the not-White Hot Room. That's cosmic.

      Dr. Fate, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Zatanna, Scarlet Witch, Martian Manhunter, those are actual cosmics.

      No doubt, but in the context of the episode it was

      Again, frick that shit. "Multiversal" in a death battle context means nothing after CU vs DB.


      and mageddon was one of many war machines and most certainly didn't cause ragnarok singlehanded. but from the ashes of the second the third and fourth emerge. but when galactus fought the scrier and the other all of existence would be submerged into oblivion meaning nonexistence. he was literally erasing the multiverse from existence and not just causing destruction which is more pedestrian

      It's a moot point because Norrin doesn't have memories of Galactus destroying the multiverse, he has memories of Galactus destroying planets.

      • 10 months ago

        I've compared enough things. He couldn't enter into their minds, teamwork beat Terminus and J'onn only damaged him with a mind bolt, since he couldn't actually access the mind and therefore mindrape him. Despero's personal reality was changed, which is the exact same as what Norrin shrugged off in his last Rebirth issue.
        >The hacks at Fraud Battle
        -run Death Battle.

        • 10 months ago

          >Personal reality
          AKA his mind, holy shit, do you work for Death Battle or something? How are you so bad at understanding things?

          • 10 months ago

            No. It changed him in reality, into a baby. In other words, his reality was warped into his heart's reality. J'onn describes the process word for word as one would reality warping

            • 10 months ago

              Despero did the changing, non-reader tard. Based on what J'onn's telepathy showed him and convinced him was real.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                He's describing an illusion.
                How are you this dumb?

                >Mind over Matter
                >Surfer running when Manhunter tries reading his mind once

                Yeah, this is going to be another DC win. Did like the black and white noir style and 50s-sci fi style titlecard though but thats about it.

                They should have done the whole thing in black and white and made it a tribute to the Outer Limits. It was what was on tv back when J'onn was on the JL and The Coming of Galactus was printed.

              • 10 months ago

                >this UNBELIEVABLE ONE OF A KIND, ONCE IN A LIFETIME ABILITY IS.... hypnosis
                lol. how are YOU this dumb?

              • 10 months ago

                "...into his mind..."
                Yeah, man, try that reading shit. Works pretty good.

      • 10 months ago

        Not in vshomosexualry. Cosmics are homies who can destroy celestial objects. Doesn't matter if it's Tontoman that one guy who fought Supes once, if he scales he's a cosmic or more aptly a herald tier character. I don't make the rules, this is just how they think. By that logic, every character mentioned is cosmic, any other answer is cope.

  33. 10 months ago

    I hope J'onn wins but knowing how he's usually treated I expect him to lose.

    • 10 months ago

      little green martians creep me out so i hope he dies horribly and screaming with his skin bubbling from internal heat until he is atomized on the spot. i very much hope for total martian death as galactus consumes mars and all the martian ghosts

      • 10 months ago

        That's not very nice.

      • 10 months ago

        >Norrin has guilt over being the unwitting pawn of Galactus' multiple omni-cides.

        >He's about to genocide the Martian race.

        Man, poor dude. He's going to be one of the most remorseful winners up there with Tony and Johnny. He's going to be suicidal after this.

  34. 10 months ago

    tripgay backed lex, bruce, wanda, adam, ray and phoenix. has a 6 match losing streak on marvel vs dc and is 0 from 6 on non-street level marvel vs dc matches. whoever he's backing here is toast

  35. 10 months ago

    Who would win

    Archie Eggman vs Dr Doom

  36. 10 months ago

    Match ups for femto(griffith)?

    • 10 months ago

      Ryo Asuka (Satan) from DevilMan seems like his best MU

      • 10 months ago

        Satan from Devilman


        I shilled for Magneto once

        I see any particular reason why?

        • 10 months ago

          For Magneto: superiority above mankind themes, rivals with a "hopeful" disposition, le did nothing wrong, gravity vs magnetism. It's a stretch but I think the fight could be fun

    • 10 months ago

      Satan from Devilman

    • 10 months ago


      Ryo Asuka (Satan) from DevilMan seems like his best MU

      Satan from Devilman

    • 10 months ago

      I shilled for Magneto once

  37. 10 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like VS debates have rotted our brains to the point where we can't comprehend a fight that isn't a stomp

    • 10 months ago

      Speak for yourself. Not everyone can only think in 1’s and 0’s

    • 10 months ago

      Truth be told I think you guys are a bunch of idiots

  38. 10 months ago

    >leave this crap general for a while because waiting for guts vs dimitri was boring and I was going to wait for more Speddy the Hedgehog cringe to laugh at
    Spoil it for me. Who won? How bad was it?

    >Silver Surfer vs Martian Manhunter
    why even

    • 10 months ago

      Dimitri. It was rather mediocre. Song was good though.

      • 10 months ago

        >Who won?
        >How bad was it
        It was fine

        Damn, was kind of hoping Guts would win. Maybe I'll just listen to the song and skip the DB entirely.

    • 10 months ago

      >Who won?
      >How bad was it
      It was fine

  39. 10 months ago

    The preview was okay, I still think that Jiren vs MM was the better choice. The connections, the sheer contrast between their personalities and powersets would be marvelous to see in a death battle.

    • 10 months ago

      i'm not sure if surfer vs mmh was a discord thing or some kind of bid to keep viewers interested. they could make mmh go over jiren and we'd all see it coming a thousand light years away but norrin is something else

    • 10 months ago

      And by Jiren, I mean Piccolo

    • 10 months ago

      And by Jiren, I mean Piccolo

      Dragon Ball needs feats. They don't have what it takes to go against Marvel or DC

      • 10 months ago

        They don't even have feats above the HST (see granola vs goku)

        • 10 months ago

          True, Super isn't needed for HST. Buu arc Goku is enough for Naruto, Luffy and Ichigo.

          • 10 months ago

            I see your point. Buu arc goku was intelligent (by super standards). He would no doubt find a way to defeat the HST!

            • 10 months ago

              And also much stronger than HST.

              • 10 months ago

                He doesn't have defenses against genjutsu. Itachi solos

              • 10 months ago

                Goku overpowers genjutsu due to being much stronger than Itachi. Done.

              • 10 months ago

                Buu arc goku can't. He gets mindraped by itachi. In fact we don't even need him, ino yamanaka is enough. Or sakura, yeah sakura can cut his veins

              • 10 months ago

                He can. He is much stronger than Itachi. Itachi isn't even moon level. Buu arc Goku turns him into paste.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Genjutsu bypasses durability. Worse for goku due to having zero defenses. The saiyan (buu arc) WILL spent an eternity watching DBS episode 5 better you like it or not

              • 10 months ago

                Goku simply powers up and destroys the illusion. Simple as.

              • 10 months ago

                He will have no idea that he's in fact in a gentjutsu. Zero defeses=itachi soloes

              • 10 months ago

                Also, Roshi has resisted illusions, Bejita has broken mind control. Goku can do the same. Besides, genjutsu is stated to be an illusion caused by altering the chakra flow, Goku doesn't even have chakra, even if we equate ki to chakra, Itachi couldn't even comprehend the amount of Ki Goku has.

              • 10 months ago

                massive caveat for the mind control: it depended on controlling the evil inside someone

                as such the non-evil Goku and Gohan were flat out immune, Vegeta could break it because he wasn't completely evil, and the 100% evil Dabura was literally entirely unable to break it

                that's not a particularly good anti-mind control feat

              • 10 months ago

                Adding to what you said, the kaioshin read vegeta like book. Not once the prince noticed intrusion in his mind. If he can't even block basic telepathy then how do you expect to resist mind control?

              • 10 months ago

                >Bejita has broken mind control
                Wrong. He broke out of a spell that specifically targeted evil beings. While buu arc vegeta had evil in his heart, he was not as bad as his past self. Also, genjutsus are way more complex than anything seen in dragon ball. Goku gets TSUKUYOMI'D and then sakura can do whatever she pleases with him

              • 10 months ago

                massive caveat for the mind control: it depended on controlling the evil inside someone

                as such the non-evil Goku and Gohan were flat out immune, Vegeta could break it because he wasn't completely evil, and the 100% evil Dabura was literally entirely unable to break it

                that's not a particularly good anti-mind control feat

                Genjutsu is an illusion. Simple as. It doesn't transport you to a different dimension. Roshi has resisted illusions, Goku can too. Hell, Moro was using illusions and Goku saw through them.

              • 10 months ago

                You're comparing basic illusions from dragon ball to a literal simulation in your mind. Itachi, for instance, made his gf experience the rest of her life. Literally not comparable
                Ahem we are talking about buu arc goku

              • 10 months ago

                Didn't Goku get fooled entirely by the snake way castle illusion?

              • 10 months ago

                To be fair, to that anon, that was filler.

              • 10 months ago

                >Wah, waku waku I have finally defeated this Itachi guy. I can live my life happily.
                >*dies inside a genjutsu world where time is passing faster*

              • 10 months ago

                Lel, Krillin can probably solo most of Naruto's roster.
                Itachi would be better off fighting someone from Mortal Kombat, Ninja Scroll, Sengoku Basara or Shaman King.

              • 10 months ago

                Hax are shit against DB. Dragon Ball canonically has hax job to sheer power. Keep coping, SNOREutotroon

              • 10 months ago

                Itachi would probably allow Goku to beat him in the genjutsu world if that counts.
                It would only take a few seconds for Goku to drop dead in real life though.

              • 10 months ago

                That's from super, we are talking about buu arc stuff. Goku loses to genjutsu and then pain comes over then takes his soul (ding ding goku doesn't have soulfrickery defenses either)

                Billion x ftl speeds. Boom. Done. Inb4 instant activation. SHITachi is slow.

              • 10 months ago

                Billions of x ftl over what? They were struggling against LS Dyspo in the ToP arc. I have more grounds to tell you Itachi is at that speed over him being able to create genjutsu lifetimes that only last one or two seconds in real life.

              • 10 months ago

                >NaruTARD is being a moron
                That was a mistranslation. Blame the americans. Offical name is Maxium speed mode. There was no light speed in the name. Keep coping.

              • 10 months ago

                Was the part where Hit's movements were being tracked by sound also a mistranslation?

              • 10 months ago

                His movements weren't tracked by sound speedwatcher. Dyspo's hearing is so enhanced that he heard Hit's muscles tense up before he started moving. Dyspo is massively FTL.

              • 10 months ago

                >His movements weren't tracked by sound speedwatcher


              • 10 months ago

                >"whenever someone makes an action, their bodies make a sound"
                You mean what I said? Kek, Dyspo was literally attacking before Hit used his time skip due to hearing Hit tense up.

              • 10 months ago

                >billion ftl
                Superbu took several seconds reach kami hideout from his home. The same superbuu who goku himself was afraid to face(even with vegeta by his side). FTL buu arc goku my ass

              • 10 months ago

                Superbuu wasn't even serious. He was still a wienery bastard.

              • 10 months ago

                That's from super, we are talking about buu arc stuff. Goku loses to genjutsu and then pain comes over then takes his soul (ding ding goku doesn't have soulfrickery defenses either)

                that only applies to hax from db

                Even in Buu arc, hax jobbed to power. Buu literally screamed and opened a hole to a another dimension. Besides, genjutsu is caused by fricking up with chakra flow. Goku doesn't even have chakra, even if Ki was equated to chakra, Goku has so much Ki that Itachi cannot even comprehend it, let alone manipulate it.

              • 10 months ago

                >hax jobbed to power
                If you are referring to the candy incident, vegetto was still a candy, conscious and moving but still a candy. Even if that were the case, vegetto was miles above goku (the anime made base vegeto=buuhan).

              • 10 months ago

                The hax still jobbed to power. Vegito retained his sentience, every other candy was just candy.

              • 10 months ago

                He was still candy. Could eh punch really hard but still candy

              • 10 months ago

                Again, db hax jobbing to db

              • 10 months ago

                That's from super, we are talking about buu arc stuff. Goku loses to genjutsu and then pain comes over then takes his soul (ding ding goku doesn't have soulfrickery defenses either)

              • 10 months ago

                that only applies to hax from db

      • 10 months ago

        You missed my point. Thor/Bejita, Black/RF, these fights were stomps, but are already considered a classic. They had great connections, animations were solid, executions and presentations were fantastic. I just want to see some cool Dragon Ball fights.

      • 10 months ago

        They have enough feats across the anime and manga. Either way, Martian Manhunter and Piccolo fit thematically better than with Jiren.
        They are incredibly similar, not just in looks, powers but even demeanor.
        Jiren is more comparable to General Zod.

        • 10 months ago

          >"Either way, Martian Manhunter and Piccolo fit thematically better than with Jiren"
          >"Jiren is more comparable to General Zod"
          Incerdible, everything that you have said is wrong.

          • 10 months ago

            How is Jiren more similar to MM than Piccolo?
            That's simply inaccurate

            • 10 months ago

              MM is just Piccolo and Jiren doing a fusion dance

            • 10 months ago

              Jiren and MM. Both are aliens that have survived a great tragedy that has molded them into the people they are today. Both are a part of a super hero team and are considered to be the heavy hitters of said teams. Both are stoic in personality and willing to protect what they cherish and while Jiren believes in "power is everything", MM is more like a dad/uncle in the Justice League. Martian Manhunter is a literal swiss knife with all the powers he has, while Jiren is a total brick. Great contrast that could be highlighted during a fight. Also, both Jiren and MM are based on classical depictions of aliens, the greys and little green men. Shit is SOVL.

          • 10 months ago

            Jiren and MM. Both are aliens that have survived a great tragedy that has molded them into the people they are today. Both are a part of a super hero team and are considered to be the heavy hitters of said teams. Both are stoic in personality and willing to protect what they cherish and while Jiren believes in "power is everything", MM is more like a dad/uncle in the Justice League. Martian Manhunter is a literal swiss knife with all the powers he has, while Jiren is a total brick. Great contrast that could be highlighted during a fight. Also, both Jiren and MM are based on classical depictions of aliens, the greys and little green men. Shit is SOVL.

            SHITren is about as deep as a Paper Bag. Stop trying to gas Jiren's generic backstory up.

            • 10 months ago

              MM vs Jiren is a better matchup. Stop coping.

              • 10 months ago

                No it isn't. Piccolo is a much better character than Jiren.
                Martian Manhunter vs Piccolo >>>>>> Forced Meme Jiren

                >Both mystical strange Aliens brought to earth under strange means.
                >Both have been both villain and hero before.
                >Both stoic & wise individuals
                >Both have a extreme regeneration/healing factors
                >Both can change their shape, grow to become giants, and use unexplainable almost-magic like abilities in their media
                >Both visually/thematically similar if they were to battle. Start out as green, and have stronger orange forms (Fernus The burning Martian vs Orange Piccolo)
                You're coping if you think ALLINEEDISPOWERen is a good matchup for him.

              • 10 months ago

                Thematically, Piccolo and MM are nothing alike. Keep coping. Jiren vs MM is better.

              • 10 months ago

                Thematically Jiren is like no one with his stale as brail 50 minute generic personality. Piccolo vs MMH is better.
                You only like Jiren because of forced /dbs/ memes.

              • 10 months ago

                Piccolo vs MM is in the same tier as Piccolo vs SS. Surface tier matchup.

              • 10 months ago

                >Surface tier matchup.
                ...but enough about Jiren.

              • 10 months ago

                ...'s vassal Piccolo.

              • 10 months ago

       he thought in his mind, but he knew he was a false fantasy, since it was true that Orange Piccolo solos Jiren.

              • 10 months ago

                .....'s teammate Dyspo.

              • 10 months ago

                ... with jiren himself as collateral.

              • 10 months ago

                ......coped Piccolo while jobbing to Jiren.

  40. 10 months ago

    Columbo vs. Light, but it's just an actual physical fight

  41. 10 months ago

    This doesn't feel like a reasonable pairing at all. Martian Manhunter couldn't handle core Dragonball characters anywhere past the original Frieza saga. It's not even a comparable power scale. It's like putting Rorschasch up against Thanos. What's even the point?

  42. 10 months ago

    Mayuri would also be a funny mu for someone as moronic as Goku. He can do the same to him.

  43. 10 months ago

    Point blank goku loses against tsukuyomi. However the likes of buu and babidi would defeat the naruto world though.

    • 10 months ago

      Tsukoyomi is just an illusion. Goku beats it.

  44. 10 months ago

    Dragon Ball is a sad fricking franchise on a battleboard set up.

    The wank makes it rape their weaker match ups but isn't nearly enough to get them to beat their mid to stronger match ups. That's because to get to those levels you have to use a ton of moronic assumptions, once you can't do that anymore you're stuck with a shitty verse with no feats and only wank to go by.

    • 10 months ago


  45. 10 months ago

    >Muh thematic matchups
    Shut up all of you, Naruto vs Luffy has the potential to be the best Death Battle episode and they are nothing alike.

    • 10 months ago

      >Naruto vs Luffy
      >best episode
      Not even in the top 5.

      • 10 months ago

        Naruto vs Luffy will SOLO the internet.

        • 10 months ago

          >delusions of grandeur
          Not even top 5.

        • 10 months ago

          You're just pushing this because you believe Luffy wins. Luffy loses to base Naruto at the moment of this post.

    • 10 months ago

      They’re both dreamers

      • 10 months ago

        >Naruto wants to be in a dead end hokage job for one village (Leaf) while Luffy wants to rule the world as pirate king and set everyone free from military/celestial dragon oppression.

        • 10 months ago

          >military/celestial dragon oppression.
          I meant Navy/Celestial Dragon.
          Luffy has much bigger aspirations than Naruto.

        • 10 months ago

          >Luffy wants to rule the world as pirate king and set everyone free from military/celestial dragon oppression.
          What? Luffy doesn't want to 'rule' anything. The only reason why he wants to be Pirate King is because in his mind, the Pirate King is the freest man in the world.
          He doesn't give a shit about the World Government. Sure he hates them, but he's not going out of his way to fight them unless they directly get in his way. He'd team up with the Revolutionary Army if he cared about bringing down the Celestial Dragons.

          • 10 months ago

            The Final Luffy vs Blackbeard fight shockwaves will unintentionally destroy all Celestial Dragons and the Navy without them even realizing it in the backlash.
            Oda (aka GODA) will make it happen.

        • 10 months ago

          >military/celestial dragon oppression.
          I meant Navy/Celestial Dragon.
          Luffy has much bigger aspirations than Naruto.

  46. 10 months ago

    Weebish verbal diarrhea is the most pathetic SHIT

    • 10 months ago

      I'm sorry if my mom didn't buy me american comic books, I trully am.
      Well, save for the Spiderman and Hulk issues that came with the newspapers and my father bought for me. Those were kino, I actually got to see Devil Hulk's debut in them.

      • 10 months ago

        I got a comic book only one time in my life (other than the archie ones they sold in supermarkets) and of all things it was the one where Bane had just broken Batman and he was crippled. Definitely not the kind of thing that gets a kid into comics.

        • 10 months ago

          In my country it's difficult to even find a store that sells them. but I'm European, there was a huge bias in favor of European comics and manga in here. I bet my ass this sold more than Superman comics did in here, at least during my lifetime.

  47. 10 months ago

    European comics have always been better, ngl about that.

  48. 10 months ago


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