>Dexter: Built a time machine and remembers to use it

>Dexter: Built a time machine and remembers to use it
>Jimmy Neutron: Built a time machine, but would rather rely on brain blasts even though many of his problems are his fault
>Rick Sanchez: Would rather build a machine that kills an alternate universe version of his own grandson every time he uses it than build a proper time machine
Cinemaphile Geniuses get stupider with each new decade.

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  1. 1 month ago

    >and remembers to use it
    Dexter only used it like, 3 or 4 times in the show. And you're ignoring the fact he could easily use time manipulation to fix his lab every time Dee Dee destroys it, instead of building it all over again for several hours.

    • 1 month ago

      >Dexter only used it like, 3 or 4 times in the show
      That's actually pretty impressive given continuity not meaning much in kids shows around that time m

    • 1 month ago

      he uses Dee Dee's destruction to build those improvements he keeps thinking about but never gets around to making

      also he just likes building things

    • 1 month ago

      Dexter rebuilding his lab after Dee Dee destroys it is a sisyphean task that he finds joy in

  2. 1 month ago

    To be fair, the beings responsible for policing time in Rick's world are far more competent than Time Squad, and Jimmy's world may well be completely unguarded against people that could cause a paradox. I can't fault a guy for wanting to keep the cops off his back.

    • 1 month ago

      Just because we follow the most incompetent team of time squad doesn't mean the rest of time squad doesn't do their job.

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago



          • 1 month ago

            AND the other

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        No, but the time cops in R&M were immortal fourth dimensional beings, rather than just being humans and robots that police time. There's a bit of a power gap.

    • 1 month ago

      So that's why Rick doesn't just go back in time to save his wife. Guess we can add Doctor Who that to the list of franchises Rick and Morty have copied. Might as well add Time Variance Authority too while we're at it.

  3. 1 month ago

    While I agree that geniuses get dumber over time I think the reason behind this is that the shows they're in keep trying to be deeper and deeper
    Dexter's lab and Johnny Chromosome were both very comedic toons but Rick n Morty tried to be very 2deep4me as time went on and so his smarts seemed dumber in comparison, it's hard to write a character more intelligent than you yourself are but when you use cartoon logic it's excusable because they only need to be smart within the context of their own universe, and now the OBJECTIVE SMARTEST GUY IRL EVER FOREVER FORREAL THIS TIME NO TAKEBACKSIES

    That aside if I were to compare their personalities it'd be
    >Dexter: Built a time machine, used it once for it's purpose, got distracted by something else
    >Jason: Built a time machine to flex, got too distracted by showing off to heed his own safety protocol, got fricked up because of it
    >Rick: Didn't feel like building a time machine until he forgot his wallet somewhere and couldn't be bothered to go fetch it so he used to to not forget his wallet, then destroyed the time machine, also Morty dies somehow...

  4. 1 month ago

    What would happen if all three of them met?

    • 1 month ago

      He'd have a wary respect for Dexter that would express itself in a lot of defensive posturing and he'd call Jimmy "Smart Jerry" while refusing to elaborate.

      • 1 month ago

        What would they think of Rick? Assuming they knew the full extent who is, I feel they'd likely seen him as enemy or reluctant ally depending on the situation.

        • 1 month ago

          Depending on the episode I feel like Dexter would either see him as a fellow scientist and try to suck up to him or a rival

          He'd have a wary respect for Dexter that would express itself in a lot of defensive posturing and he'd call Jimmy "Smart Jerry" while refusing to elaborate.

          >"You started a fight over salt not being called sodium chloride at a fast food job? someone's gonna get laid in college."

          • 1 month ago

            >a fellow scientist and try to suck up to him or a rival
            Probably the last one, given how Rick usually tends to be. I could sorta see Dexter sucking up to Rick a bit at first, but after a while, Rick's callous attitude and overall behavior quickly eroding admiration he might have.

            Jimmy probably wouldn't like Rick at all, given Rick would def subtly mock him and treat him as a lessor, due to his inventions being rather low-grade an prone to malfunction on occasion. Plus, Rick intentionally causes problems for people around him and only bothers to fix them when he's bothered about it, feels like it, or because it inconveniences him; it'd just sour Jimmy further on the guy.

        • 1 month ago

          Dexter would probably be impressed by Rick's achievements but probably hate him after talking to him for a bit. Dexter's not the nicest kid and a rather ambitious scientist, but he has standards and a desire to actually improve the world, things Rick would mock to no end until Dexter told him to piss off. Jimmy and Rick would hate each other at first sight since Jimmy is extremely unambitious as a science whiz and mostly makes his inventions for novelty or to impress his friends and family, while Rick would beat the shit out of you for implying he cares about other's opinions or that he cares about his family. And that's even before getting into their different visions of what science is supposed to be or the value of the people around them.

          Basically, they're kids who have enough ego and spine to tell Rick to sit and spin, and he'd have too much ego to allow himself to be backtalked to by two snot-nosed punks who have the science wiz equivalent of a highschool diploma to his Master's degree.

          • 1 month ago

            jimmy mogs rick hard

            • 1 month ago

              Considering Jimmy became a town drug lord after a single afternoon and fixed the consequences of his actions in ten minutes without spending a single second in jail for the problems he caused, you're not wrong

              • 1 month ago

                >spending a single second in jail for the problems he caused
                Did he do anything truly illegal aside from the shock therapy, which really besides mind wiping was the only way to remove the addiction? That candy had no drugs in it, it's formula was just literally the best combination of flavors for the human mind to to fully comprehend.

              • 1 month ago

                Probably nothing that specifically covers what he did, since you could argue that it wasn't addictive by design, he which is precisely why it's so genius

                >Jimmy is extremely unambitious as a science whiz and mostly makes his inventions for novelty or to impress his friends and family, while Rick would beat the shit out of you for implying he cares about other's opinions
                Wouldn't Rick largely be like this too? While he doesn't care about his family, a lot of his inventions are merely for himself, whether it be because he's too lazy and wants to make things convenient or something else. He at the very least secretly leans towards wanting Morty to like what he makes, although he doesn't say it. (and beth with froopyland)

                His thing is more that he will invent extremely elaborate and insanely powerful devices for the sake of being petty or to avoid doing things the easy way, which is why I consider him far more 'ambitious' in the sense that he goes to obnoxiously grand lengths for the stupidest of reasons, even compared to Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy tried to avoid picking up his pants by making pants with AI. Rick would be the type to create a sentient lifeform to do it and then leave it to suffer an existential crisis once he's bored of it.

          • 1 month ago

            >Jimmy is extremely unambitious as a science whiz and mostly makes his inventions for novelty or to impress his friends and family, while Rick would beat the shit out of you for implying he cares about other's opinions
            Wouldn't Rick largely be like this too? While he doesn't care about his family, a lot of his inventions are merely for himself, whether it be because he's too lazy and wants to make things convenient or something else. He at the very least secretly leans towards wanting Morty to like what he makes, although he doesn't say it. (and beth with froopyland)

  5. 1 month ago

    Rick solved time travel in like 5 seconds in the Snake Terminator episode, he just hates it for meta reasons about originality and because he can’t stop the time police.
    Also the reset button made a poignant point that if he can undo any action then none of his hardearned achievements would have any meaning longterm either, or something like that.

  6. 1 month ago

    didn't Jimmy build a time machne while stuck in the dinosaur period?
    or was that just the remote?

  7. 1 month ago

    why are super geniuses such morons?

    • 1 month ago

      They'd be far less interesting/funny if they were not

    • 1 month ago

      You know what? Frick you Spider-Man. What have YOU done to cure cancer? You call yourself a genius, but you spend most of your time webgagging males like Mega Man. You're the reason I prefer DC over Marvel.

      • 1 month ago

        Later in that same run they actually did take Sauron's device and use it as a cancer detector iirc for a science competition against Beast making a surface to orbit teleporter.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm assuming either Spider-Man is trans now, or it was 100% other people and negative infinity percent Spider-Man. Spider-Man is still a male webgagging gay pedophile piece of shit. J Jonah Jameson has every right to hate you.
          No shut up. Sure at least that little girl was female, but she could have just held her breath. How come you never cocoon MJ like that. And get that image of her hanging without her arms pinned to her side nor a gag out of my face. That's no cocoon. What is MJ, your sister?

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm assuming either Spider-Man is trans now, or it was 100% other people and negative infinity percent Spider-Man.
            Nah, Spider-Man was spearheading the whole thing. This was during the "Spider-Man teaching a bunch of X-Delinquents" books.

            • 1 month ago

              >one is a rock monster
              >one is a walking shark
              >one is a brain in a jar with blood jelly encasing a skeleton
              I can't imagine why they'd become delinquents.

              • 1 month ago

                They started doing good by the end and actually LIKED being good people and looking forward to going on patrols with Spider-Man. it was a nice read. And then Marvel threw all that shit in the trash afterwards but you know, it was fun while it lasted.

          • 1 month ago

            What THE FRICK are you talking about, you fricking schizo? Take your meds, you're something of a genius yourself, I cannot fricking understand you.

    • 1 month ago

      A U T I S M

  8. 1 month ago

    >Cinemaphile Geniuses get stupider with each new decade.
    yes, considering that 60s-70s genius was this.

  9. 1 month ago

    >Builds herself robots that by all intents and purposes are literally children, sentient and thinking and dependent on her
    >as weapons of destruction
    >Locks them all up in her basement with each new iteration
    Are geniuses just sociopaths

    • 1 month ago

      She should have been the Final Boss of the series. Remember when she just stood by and let her Daughter get taken over by a Parasite because she wanted to analyze the results? And lets not forget the Prom episode. She is an absolutely horrible, insane Person.

  10. 1 month ago

    Most responsible Cinemaphile scientists is probably Professor Utonium

  11. 1 month ago

    Jimmy is the one least close to any kind of real Science since he is basically just warping reality with his mind to make things work. Things that should not work will work simply because Jimmy interacted with it, in the same way that you cannot make 1 paperclip into 1000 paperclips just by holding it and then saying you did "Science" to do it.

    Rick has done this as well, like when he banged some blocks of metal together and that magically made a device that made the car transform.

    I don't remember much about Dexter's processes.

  12. 1 month ago

    >>Rick Sanchez: Would rather build a machine that kills an alternate universe version of his own grandson every time he uses it than build a proper time machine
    That was just to frick with morty specifically, Rick did Time Travel well enough that he parried the Time Cops into the Snake Planet

    >>Cinemaphile Geniuses get stupider with each new decade.
    Thats the problem with smart/genius/prodigy characters, they can only be as smart as the person writing them and no more.

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