Diamonds from the Steven Universe show

I will just leave it here.

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  1. 2 months ago

    One of Su's themes was redemption and if people are worthy of it. DBZ's theme was not that, as Goku keeps some of his enemies alive because they would make for good rivals in the future. SU tried to make it complex and fricked it up, DBZ kept it simple.

    • 2 months ago

      >and if people are worthy of it
      I don't think the "IF" aspect of it has ever be a notion ever challenged by SU in the first place. Seems like a bad premise for your point.

    • 2 months ago

      >One of Su's themes was redemption and if people are worthy of it
      I don't think that the question of whether or not one deserve redemption has really been a significant focus of Steven Universe, it's more about self-worth and how to resolve conflicts.

    • 2 months ago

      >BZ's theme was not that, as Goku keeps some of his enemies alive because they would make for good rivals in the future.
      That only happened with Vegeta.

      • 2 months ago

        That also happened with Piccolo JR as well.

        • 2 months ago

          Goku figured out killing Piccolo would kill Kami. Goku made the right decision to keep god around.

      • 2 months ago

        Piccolo, Vegeta, Buu and technically Frieza after ToP

        I think only Tien fully redeemed himself without any rivalry, Kid Buu with Ub is up in the air

        • 2 months ago

          Tien didn't have any real redeeming to do to begin with. He was always in the rival position to begin with.

          At most you could consider how he cut ties with his toxic master,but that's it. And it was more for himself rather than a redeeming act.

          I guess there is what he did in the filler episode before the tournament, but I don't really consider it canon.

          • 2 months ago

            Same that's why I can't count him, it was more of a Roshi win than a Goku win
            Even Buu counts as a Mr Satan win

        • 2 months ago

          >technically Frieza after ToP
          Nah he straight up said he doesn't intend on changing his ways.

          • 2 months ago

            I was saying in Goku perspective of letting them live to fight them later

            Vegeta and Piccolo are perfect examples, Goku let Frieza live at least twice at this point, even if Frieza doesn't intend to change that one gotta count

    • 2 months ago

      Toriyama was taking a page Kinnikuman, where they figured out redeeming villains is really smart for marketing because it lets you keep popular characters around.

  2. 2 months ago

    Death is kinda meaningless in DragonBall since the wish they use at the end of most adventures resets everything.

    • 2 months ago

      >Death is kinda meaningless in DragonBall
      Well, Death of the gems are also kinda questionable, seeing we literally see Yellow Diamond putting back together shattered gems.

      Frick, Jasper get shattered and even her get brought back.

      The only sure way to kill a gem that we know so far is with a human dick.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        The shlong that saved the earth.

      • 2 months ago

        Having good children redeems you.

        That being said, it's time for the Diamonds to really earn their redemption.

      • 2 months ago

        Even humans can come back from death in Steven universe

    • 2 months ago

      there are potentially thousands if not millions of people vegeta killed that were never revived. and thats just the ones we saw onscreen

  3. 2 months ago

    If Steven Universe wanted to be more like a Xiaolin Showdown-esque very "black and white" show where any bad guy can be good if they just do good, that's fine. But the show consistently dabbles into this grey morality pool that makes you think the issues and resolutions are going to be more complex than they are. So when they end up just being simple black-and-white again, it's disappointing to the audience.

    • 2 months ago

      >So when they end up just being simple black-and-white again
      Do they, though?

      • 2 months ago

        All the Diamonds just kind of agree to do the right thing, all of the gem followers are fine with it-- including the Crystal Gems. Everyone just silently agreed, "If they fix us up, it's all good!" and the Diamonds just agree to no longer be ultimate dictators. It does feel very black-and-white hopeful of, "Do good things to make up for the bad things and everyone will forgive you for it".

        There's a small group of rebels, but it's mostly towards Steven. Nobody really wants to see the Diamonds see real justice or whatever. Nobody is salty about being a shard and losing thousands of years of their gem-life.

        • 2 months ago

          >All the Diamonds just kind of agree to do the right thing,
          Blue and Yellow's main motivation was the "murder" of Pink Diamond. Once they learned truth, they had very little motivation to keep fighting against Steven, especially once they understand that it's their treatment of Pink that drove her to do what she did.

          White Diamond is a being who saw herself as perfection that can not possibly be wrong and who was convinced that Pink was still alive and would come back after the end of her "power tantrum". Seeing the undeniable truth that she was wrong, that she could make mistake and error of judgement was all that was needed to shatter her worldview.

          As for the other Gems, they have spent their lives being told not to questions the Diamonds, so when the Diamonds themselves say that all the Gems are free, now, most will likely not question it, especially if is followed by a direct improvement of their way of living.

          It was not a silent agreement and those who regret the old way are to few in numbers to make a difference. It's not like they can force the Diamonds to get back in charge.

          Also, a point of note: the Diamonds are incredible powerful. They are never defeated by raw strength. That the most effective way to defeat them is to change their mind instead make way more sense than using brute strength alone.

        • 2 months ago

          >Nobody really wants to see the Diamonds see real justice or whatever.
          I mean, restoring the shattered Gems seems an higher priority than killing the Diamonds or bubbling them for eternity.

          History is filled with defeated leaders who, instead of receiving any kind of judgement, are sent in exile/villégiature.

          • 2 months ago

            All the Diamonds just kind of agree to do the right thing, all of the gem followers are fine with it-- including the Crystal Gems. Everyone just silently agreed, "If they fix us up, it's all good!" and the Diamonds just agree to no longer be ultimate dictators. It does feel very black-and-white hopeful of, "Do good things to make up for the bad things and everyone will forgive you for it".

            There's a small group of rebels, but it's mostly towards Steven. Nobody really wants to see the Diamonds see real justice or whatever. Nobody is salty about being a shard and losing thousands of years of their gem-life.

            This is how we got NASA

    • 2 months ago

      I think people need to realize that moral ambiguity just typically doesn't work well in kids media because it requires a lack of clear cut answers and no definitive "heroes".
      I feel like a lot of cartoons are now being damaged by a borderline fetishization of something being "also for adults" at this point where they keep feeling the need to push concepts beyond what they were designed for

  4. 2 months ago

    >Vegeta had an entire redemption arc where he admitted to himself that he's not innocent and he doesn't think he deserves forgiveness
    >throws away his life, accepts his death in return for saving his loved ones and his planet
    >throws away his pride and joins bodies with the man he hates most for the greater good
    >admits that he's second place to Goku and dedicates himself to saving the universe instead of proving himself the best
    >faces death multiple times, even accepts that he may vanish from existence completely without the ability to he wished back
    >beats Buu, spends the rest of his life with his family on Earth
    Vegeta was absolutely redeemed by the end of Z and he's one of the few characters in fiction thay actually earned it

    • 2 months ago

      My favorite part was that Goku didn't turn Vegeta good with Talk no Jutsu.

    • 2 months ago

      Thing is, the audience and Goku was considering him redeemed way before that. All he had to do was get his shit beaten by Cell and that was it.

      • 2 months ago

        >All he had to do was get his shit beaten by Cell and that was it.
        I mean Frieza

  5. 2 months ago

    The best thong about the Diamonds (pink aside) is they all have incredibly good voice actresses doing their part. Along with SU’s just generally very high quality sound design, whenever one of them talks it’s just immediately captivating and attention-holding.

  6. 2 months ago

    >you now remember that the response to the Diamond Redemption was so bad that Ian had to get on the horn and say that the Gem Empire has /never/ encountered organic life before Earth so they actually weren't that bad
    You just don't get damage control like that everyday.

    • 2 months ago

      He didn’t watch his own show then considering Pink Diamond literally brought home organic creatures from a colony, those caterpillar things. But maybe anon is misquoting and what he said was they never encountered *intelligent* life which would be a bit more believable considering Blue’s shock at Greg’s sentience

  7. 2 months ago

    Was steven universe big in mexico?
    Because there’s an awful lot of beaners here

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, honestly SU is just big because it had a long run.
      For some reason TOH is also big in Mexico.

  8. 2 months ago

    And the sad fact of the matter is people will still prefer Vegeta, lol

    • 2 months ago

      Fun fact Vegeta is a character Toriyama hated. This is why Toriyama wrote him as being a jobber who got humiliated and beat up to make the villains seem tough like when Cell and Majin Buu wrecked Vegeta. Even better is that Majin Buu's incident was supposed to be Vegeta for the first time ever doing something inherently noble but he still literally self sacrificed against a villain who can regenerate so Vegeta's effort was worth nothing. And the only thing it did was made Vegeta no longer being alive leaving his weak son to be threatened by a monster like Buu.

      Anyway Vegeta is a piece of shit and I hate how Dragon Ball has no death. I hate Vegeta and I hate Bulma the shitty bawd who happily had sex with a galactic criminal like Vegeta whose minions killed some of her actual friends. I don't care if death is a joke in Dragon Ball I hate Bulma for doing something so sleazy.

      I guess I never really liked Dragon Ball because I always hated Bulma. Always thought she was an annoying piece of shit Mary Sue. The smartest human on Earth is a piece of shit bawd. And she enables a serial killer. Dragon Ball is shit.

      • 2 months ago

        God you're fricking moronic. Stop trying to convince people you're an expert on a show that you admittedly hate.

      • 2 months ago

        you have shit taste, redditor.

      • 2 months ago

        >Anyway Vegeta is a piece of shit and I hate how Dragon Ball has no death.
        If you think death or self sacrifice are hte only forms of redemption then you are worng and are watching or readon Dragon Ball wrongt, too. Characters don't get redeemed there by simply being pious, killing or harming themsleves, They do by leading a peaceful life and learnign to be happy and content. Vegeta didn't get redeemed when he killed himself against Buu, he redeemed himself when he accepted he loved his family and earth.

        • 2 months ago

          Vegeta also apologized to the Namekians and attempted to help them survive against Moro.

      • 2 months ago

        You’re not wrong. The VAs for Bulma, Yamcha, and Vegeta said they hated how Vegeta was suddenly with Bulma and Yamcha was made into a cheater.
        Vegeta got his way too much but at least Toriyama humiliated him afterwards. That was the only good thing that made his character not so sufferable.

      • 2 months ago

        >hates best girl in all of anime

    • 2 months ago

      I know this is bait but Vegeta did those three things on the left side.
      -His dying speech to Goku before being killed by Frieza
      -He acknowledges Goku is stronger on multiple occasions
      -Has acknowledged his wrongdoings against the Namekians and fought to save them from Moro and he helped Granolah and Monaito in their arc, also helped kill Cell and Buu and every other main villain.

      There's nothing sad about preferring the much better character.

  9. 2 months ago

    the only problem i have with the diamonds' redemptions is how little time they were given to be redeemed because of cn or warner brothers or whoever fricking the writers over by shutting it down a whole season before intended

  10. 2 months ago

    When they introduced White Diamond, I expected the Anti-Spiral. Instead they gave me Lucile Bluth.

    • 2 months ago

      I was hoping for Rick or Princess Bubblegum. She sees the other Gems as not really people but objects to fiddle and experiment with.
      If she was anything like Lucille Bluth (or Malory Archer since they're basically the same character) she would be at least halfway engaging. She just came off as a bit boring. But, I'm not a chick with mommy issues.
      The grotesquerie that is Fluorite, with a couple of tweaks, could easily be a better villain then White Diamond.

      • 2 months ago

        She's at her most Malory-esque in the movie, imo. It's also the best characterization for her in the whole series.

        >I've been saying 'please' and 'thank you', even to lesser lifeforms!
        >What did we talk about?
        >Ugh... *equal* lifeforms.

        • 2 months ago

          It's really sad that the few minutes she got in the movie are easily the best moments the big bad of the series got.
          Just what is her character? She thought she was perfect, she was condescending to everyone, and then didn't do a damn thing. Sending Pearl in her place since she's got other shit to do would make sense. But it's shown that with the way her powers work she was using her full concentration and body to use the Pearl avatar. What was even the point of White Diamond as an antagonist?
          have a stock female antagonist as an apology for this rant

          • 2 months ago

            >Just what is her character?
            She considered herself to be all of the gems and all the other gems to simply be bad reflections of herself. She thought only she truly existed and thus any gems expressing though going against her way of thinking could only be a default in them, with only her having the right answer.

            Steven showing to her that she was wrong, that gems could exist outside of her own existence, shattered her way of thinking.

            You could see White Diamond as a fanfic writer suddenly becoming aware that the characters she is writing have a mind of their own.

          • 2 months ago

            I would rape and impregnate Sedusa, her ass is fine af

  11. 2 months ago

    Diamonds aren't sorry either, they are doing it just because Steven. Once he's dead they will be "evil" again.

  12. 2 months ago

    Since someone else brought up Steven Universe and DBZ, it's time to bring up some questions that really need answers.
    Is the Dr. Gero that works with Connie's mom the Dr. Gero from the Android Saga, or is it the female Dr. Gero from FighterZ? What is the other one doing while this one is working in the Hospital?
    What is the Red Ribbom Army up to in the Steven Universe world?

    • 2 months ago

      At that time the doctor's wife did not exist.

      • 2 months ago

        So it stands to reason Connie's mom works directly with the head scientist of the Red Ribbon Army. Who else in Beach City do you think is involved with the RR operations? Clearly the RR Army must have their base of operations in Beach City because their head scientist wouldn't be working in the hospital that far away from his main job. He probably was working on experiments using Gem shards and forced fusions for the RR Army

  13. 2 months ago

    Goku simply doesn't give a frick, nobody even saw Vegeta as redeemed or a good guy until the buu saga
    Not every bad guy deserves to be redeemed, not every bad guy has to be killed either but when something goes completely against the theme if the show I'm going to call it out

  14. 2 months ago

    It’s been a while since I watched steven universe but aren’t the diamonds responsible for the cluster? If so they absolutely don’t deserve redemption.

  15. 2 months ago

    White Diamond a cute

  16. 2 months ago
  17. 2 months ago
  18. 2 months ago
  19. 2 months ago

    i hate how a fan comic where white is technically dead for the entity of it managed to make her into more of an imposing villain than the actual show

    • 2 months ago

      sir.johnald's? good taste anon

      • 2 months ago

        frick that was a doozie

        • 2 months ago
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              • 2 months ago

                How would Steven handle her?

    • 2 months ago

      I heard positive things about that text-based fangame someone made, though mixed things about its endgame's plot. It at least sounded interesting.

  20. 2 months ago

    Vegeta made up for his actions against the Namekians by giving his life for them though

  21. 2 months ago

    Anyone else think the Diamonds are faking being redeemed and just waiting for Steven to die?

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe, but dismantling an entire space empire is really inconvenient. Imagine having to reintergrate all the disparate gems, and that's even going into the fact that many of these same gems would probably fight for their indepedence too.

  22. 2 months ago

    Vegeta isn't sorry but he does try and make amends for his past actions. He is the embodiment of ego, his thought process is "yeah I did bad stuff in the past but I was a bad guy doing what was in my nature, now I'm a good guy so I do good stuff" and leaves it at that. His self awareness that he now has feelings for his friends and family is enough for him to not feel the need to elaborate.

  23. 2 months ago

    >the shitmonds do all that
    >steven fricking hates her still and wants nothing with them
    >bejita decides to kill people one last time before killing himself, as a joke
    >earns the respect of every character in the series

  24. 2 months ago

    I never watched SU but it doesn't really feel annoying in DBZ because all the characters just focus on fighting and it's not like they are really good people.

  25. 2 months ago

    >Right has volumes and volumes of presence acclimating the viewer to his presence as something other than a primary antagonist
    >Left says sorry, then there's a time skip and it ends
    Truly a mystery for the ages.

    • 2 months ago

      has volumes and volumes of presence acclimating the viewer to his presence as something other than a primary antagonist
      Also most importantly his PoV in the Namek arc tells you a lot about himself as a person and his circumstances without talking directly to the viewers.

  26. 2 months ago

    What is with some autist’s obsession with baby pearl? He has been spamming her in the AI thread for like 6 months. Currently he has a bunch of pictures of her being cooked, chopped up and stuffed into jars, etc in there

    • 2 months ago

      What's wrong with that?

      • 2 months ago

        Im asking why he likes or hates her so much or if any of that can be traced back to the show

  27. 2 months ago

    The irony here is that the Diamonds are basically just sentimental lesbian Frieza, the villain who oppressed the character on the right and used him to conquer planets. While Vegeta’s ego and sadism are also part of the Saiyan race, he did a lot of foul crap just to get rid of Frieza and be free. So Frieza and Diamonds are more equal than Vegeta.
    If you wanted to draw a parallel with Vegeta on SU, its Jasper. And guess what, she didn’t get redemption and barely any sympathy. So I’m guessing whoever did this is a Lapis fan.

  28. 2 months ago

    dragon ball didn't hinge on vegeta being redeemed and also gave him multiple seasons to develop instead of just doing over a timeskip. plus vegeta was actually able to a entertaining villain prior to his redemption so that helped

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