Did she deserve the hate?

Did she deserve the hate?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    What answer will cause you personally the most emotional distress?

  2. 5 months ago

    she singlehandedly caused the war of 5 kings. Littlefinger gave it a little nudge but anyone not moronic would have seen right through his bullshit.

  3. 5 months ago

    she literally wished jon would die as a baby. everyone kind of forgets about that scene for some reason. like yea whatever i can understand if you hated jon because hes supposed to be a constant reminder that ned cheated on her. but wish him to die? really?

    i think that was the scene when i really started hating her

  4. 5 months ago

    She's a malignant c**t

  5. 5 months ago

    why'd they axe the lady deathstroke plot

    • 5 months ago

      because ladystone would be dumb in the show, and her plot is pretty complex. beric dondarrion finds her body in the river near the twins and he sacrifices himself to bring her back alive. so we would have to lose beric in the show. and then when she resurrects she takes over the brotherhood without banners and a bunch of subplots are happening with them that are way to complicated for a tv show. like just for example - when jamie is besieging riverrun, there are brotherhood without banner spies in their camp, planning something that hasn't been fully explained in the books. brienne and pod are also involved with stonehearts plot, the brotherhood was about to hang both pod and brienne but she decides to do what they want, and she goes searching for jamie and shes going to bring him back to the brotherhood camp

      theres a lot of shit going on with stoneheart that would frick up multiple other characters

      • 5 months ago

        oh hey, thats educational. i kinda wanna read the books since the ending of the show was hot broiled ass, but more and more it seems like ASOIAF is gonna go the way of Berserk and lose its author before the story is concluded. rip to the Berserk author.

        • 5 months ago

          asoiaf takes a long time to read, it took me like 4-5 months to finish them. the books are way way way behind the show too. in the books jaime just finished the riverrun siege, tyrion hasn't even met dany yet, and jon is still dead.

          • 5 months ago

            goddamn. they really are far behind. i've heard about a lot of cool, book-only stuff over the years though. like Lady Stoneheart and how Euron is apparently way more scheming in the books, i've seen people allude to him trying to communicate with some primordial chaos god or something like that to do something terrible.

            • 5 months ago

              book euron is nothing like what he is in the show. he's actually scary in the books, he's psychotically evil in a very particular way thats hard to describe. he raped his brother victarion for years when victarion was a child. theres a drink called shade of the evening in the series, its mentioned once or twice in season 2, but its never brought up again. its kind of like an asoiaf version of acid i guess. euron drinks that stuff every day iirc. euron in the book kind of acts like hes on some type of twisted religious quest and he thinks of himself something of a god

            • 5 months ago

              Victarion being left out was worse. Guy is like Nathan Explosion if it was in Warhammer and he's even more moronic.

  6. 5 months ago

    The Red Wedding was shockingly hilarious both as a chapter in the book and as an episode in the series. Just knew GoT fans would go apeshit.

    GRRM loves to introduce character just so he can kill them in the most cruelest fashion.

  7. 5 months ago

    >ned you can trust littledick hes like a brother to me
    >littledick stabs ned in the back

  8. 5 months ago

    >she never came back from the dead as a Wraith in the show
    D&D are hacks

  9. 5 months ago

    I want to sit on her lap as she jerks me off from behind

  10. 5 months ago

    She made so many moronic moves.

  11. 5 months ago

    Arresting Tyrion started the entire war. She also let Jaime Lannister go so the North lost its best bargaining chip.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Makes moronic decisions and gets punished for it
    >Makes moronic decisions and gets rewarded for it

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe in the show, but Sansa has been nothing but punished throughout the books

  13. 5 months ago

    The Tullys as a whole deserve infinite hate, if you're a fan of the Starks.
    >Kat encourages Ned to take the Hand job despite his objections
    >Lysa manipulated into murdering Jon Aryn
    >Lysa manipulated into sending the letter
    >Hoster Tully raised all the three pivotal actors in causing the war of the five kings
    >Edmure disobeys Rob's orders and wins the battle of blackwater for the Lannisters
    >Kat releases the most important prisoner of the war on a promise
    >Kat negotiates the worst deal ever with the Frays
    It's unreal how the Blackfish is literally the only competent tully yet he's the black sheep of the family. Absolute shit house and they deserved to get dunked on every single time war breaks out

    • 5 months ago

      Oh yeah and she also arrests Tyrion because ??? technically initiating the war of the five kings, or at least the central Stark-Lannister conflict. She even persists when she realizes Littlefinger isn't super reliable. Her frickups are hard to keep track of due to how frequent they are.
      People attribute her poor decisions to blinding love for her daughters but she didn't consider their safety when arresting Tyrion despite both her daughters residing in a city dominated by Lannister power. Absolute brainlet

      • 5 months ago

        >because ???
        Because she believed he attempted to murder her son, and if she allowed him to go on to Kings Landing with the story of how he met Lady Stark hundreds of miles south of where she should be, it would accelerate the Lannister plot and put Ned and her girls in danger. The moronic part was falling for Littlefinger's story and then taking Tyrion to Lysa.

        • 5 months ago

          The '???' was really in refence to me not understanding her plan from that point. She didn't really have authority to arrest him and had to have known that doing so would put Ned and her daughters in danger in the capital. Even if the trial went off without a hitch, the exact same thing would have happened except Tyrion would die.
          >No ned! It's too dangerous NOT to take the Hand job!
          >Which is why you need to take our daughters to the capital
          >And also I'll create a diplomatic incident with the queen's family
          >I'm so concerned with my family's safety!

          • 5 months ago

            >No ned! It's too dangerous NOT to take the Hand job!
            >Which is why you need to take our daughters to the capital
            Her political ambitions directly contribute to her family getting fricked up and makes her grief all the more poignant. But in the show she tries to talk Ned out of going to KL. I wonder why they changed it?

    • 5 months ago
  14. 5 months ago

    She literally ruined everything.

  15. 5 months ago

    The only competent women in the series were the Tyrell girls and that one wildling princess.

    • 5 months ago

      Dany is competent, though her arc is her learning from repeated frickups, she is humble enough to recognize that. Cersei and cat would never admit weakness of any kind ever.
      There are plenty of women who are good at certain things. The whole series is about people fricking up.

      • 5 months ago

        >The whole series is about people fricking up
        Not my homie stannis. He has yet to frick up in the books.

  16. 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    I’ve read the series like 8 times and each time I notice another way in which she fricked up. She’s actually an amazingly written toxic female. Her coming off as a heroic character until you think it over is just part of the brilliance.
    Her every move is wrong. She not only starts the war, she loses it for her son near single-handed.

    • 5 months ago

      Thank you. Imagine negotiating a deal with a minor lord obliged to your own fricking house to cross a river that ends in a marriage obligation between two members of your family among other things. NOT very art of the deal imo

      • 5 months ago

        >”Son, this is my lord father’s most treacherous bannerman. He is a cruel, heartless man whose single talent is making people pay out the ass to use his bridge. Now we ABSOLUTELY MUST use this bridge. I’ll make that clear to him. You stay here, I consider him so dangerous I won’t have you place yourself under his power
        >what’s that? You betrayed him? Robb, you MUST place yourself totally under his power to make this right. Don’t worry, cultural taboo will protect us from this unsentimental man with no superego

        • 5 months ago

          Don't worry, they were protected by their most loyal bannerlord, Roose Bolton. You know, the guy that rules the Dreadfort and has a flayed man as his banner.

          • 5 months ago

            The house that has had consistent beef with the Starks for hundreds of years.

  18. 5 months ago

    i forgot how the tully/stark alliance worked. in the show brynden tells edmure that robb is their king. but riverrun is not in the north so i dont know why robb would be edmures king? robb says he only wants the north in the show iirc. so.....?

    • 5 months ago

      The Riverlands got involved in the conflict because the Lannisters began raiding them in retaliation for Kat taking Tyrion hostage. Ironically, this was a rare miscalculation by Tywin as it just brought another kingdom into the war against the throne.

      • 5 months ago

        did riverrun claim robb as their king in the books? i really dont remember if they did, i dont think they did? it was just an alliance iirc

        • 5 months ago

          Rob claimed to be an independent king whereas the Tullys made no such claim. I suppose that makes them de facto vassals in any alliance.

          >”Son, this is my lord father’s most treacherous bannerman. He is a cruel, heartless man whose single talent is making people pay out the ass to use his bridge. Now we ABSOLUTELY MUST use this bridge. I’ll make that clear to him. You stay here, I consider him so dangerous I won’t have you place yourself under his power
          >what’s that? You betrayed him? Robb, you MUST place yourself totally under his power to make this right. Don’t worry, cultural taboo will protect us from this unsentimental man with no superego

          Yeah Kat's autistic reliance on guest right is possibly the dumbest mistake in the books. It's like those people on Survivor that get blindsided off the back of a literal pinky promise

    • 5 months ago

      Marriage ties between Ned and Cat and the Starks were the only ones to lend the Riverlands some aid against Tywin.

  19. 5 months ago

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