Did the movies get worse, or did the fanbase just grow up and realize superhero movies were always shit?

Did the movies get worse, or did the fanbase just grow up and realize superhero movies were always shit?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Babbies first Photoshop project
    I'll never understand how people pay money to see shit like that.

  2. 7 months ago

    >did the fanbase just grow up
    Lol that's optimistic

  3. 7 months ago

    Most of the movies were mid, some were good and a few (mostly DC's) were terrible. But the formula didn't change because people kept showing up for them. Now it seems general audiences are fed up with it.
    I still believe you can make a successful capeshit movie, but from now on, the writing is gonna have to be good or people just won't support it.

  4. 7 months ago

    you posted the newer CGI that looks worse than all the CGI in Iron Man 1
    which partially answers the question

  5. 7 months ago

    The movies got worse, but they were always bad anyway.

  6. 7 months ago

    A large part of the fanbase were already oldgays who grew up with the vintage comics and were happy to finally see an adaptation that wasn't cheap and shoddy. Age wasn't the issue, the movies got undeniably worse

    • 7 months ago

      >A large part of the fanbase were already oldgays who grew up with the vintage comics
      Definitely not true in my country
      It was all 14 year olds

      • 7 months ago

        The movie wasn't made for your poor ass sub-saharan shithole, Kunta.

        • 7 months ago

          I am slav my friend

  7. 7 months ago

    I should sue Marvel for the mental and emotional trauma that I went through from the embarrassment of watching this show.

    I didn't know it was going to be that bad.

  8. 7 months ago

    >Did the movies get worse

    No, they got worse. Your image shows why. Left is a woman and right is a Black person. You need little of left and zero of right for something to be good.

    • 7 months ago

      Some of the best actors of all time are women, if you hate women why are you indulging in any media? Or would you rather watch dudes?

      • 7 months ago

        >Some of the best actors of all time are women
        That's your opinion. Please learn what an opinion is.

        >if you hate women why are you indulging in any media?
        Not all media contains women. Something like Master and Commander doesn't, and there are movies that have women but they're unimportant (See: Lord of the Rings).

        >would you rather watch dudes?
        I am a dude, so why wouldn't I want to see dudes? If the movie has dudes then they're more likely to be competent. If a movie has women then I'll have to judge their appearance, because they don't have anything else of worth, and that's probably why most of the board is missing.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Thanks for the low quality. Reply again after I filter the thread and please doubt that I filtered everything on this board because it's all women and shitskins. Lol at that.

          • 7 months ago

            your defeat has been recorded into the collection.

        • 7 months ago

          So how have you not realized that you're a homosexual yet?

          • 7 months ago

            Guess how everyone knows you're a butthurt woman?

        • 7 months ago

          >I am a dude, so why wouldn't I want to see dudes?

        • 7 months ago

          >there are movies that have women but they're unimportant (See: Lord of the Rings).
          sounds like you're the one who should see Lord of the Rings

        • 7 months ago

          Women in the movies were never the problem. Forcing both female and male roles into caricatyres (masculine stoic woman and weak pathetic man), and gender swapping male characters got tiresome real fast. Audience wants to see masculine male heroes and femine female heroes. Disney doesn't want to give them neither anymore.

        • 7 months ago

          Gayest man of all time in massive denial

  9. 7 months ago

    theyre worse, they feel like advertisements for other movies which are advertisements too
    no movie can just stand on its own anymore

  10. 7 months ago

    movies and shows have all gotten worse because studios realized they can pay some dyed hair moronic fat nog 10 dollars an hour to write she hulk tier slop

  11. 7 months ago

    The movies got a lot fricking worse. Say whatever you want about them, but at least they used to be actual movies before with clearly identifiable acts. Now they're just incoherent trope collections, computer-generated jigsaw puzzles where half the pieces don't fit.

  12. 7 months ago

    just to be clear, indians made those effects

  13. 7 months ago

    >superhero movies were always shit?
    No, the problem lies with the people who produce the movies. Feige, for example, doesn't let actors do action scenes, which is why you have cringe-worthy fight scenes like Captain America vs. Winter soldier, you can clearly see the stunts there, and Scarjo on the other hand is prevented from doing fight scenes which is ridiculous because her character is all about physical combat and there's also the factor that Feige doesn't like hot, athletic women wearing comics costumes, so there's no way this genre can stay, and DC with James Gunn is going the same way as Feige, so the genre is dead.
    and speaking of women who didn't go to see Captain Marvel, look at this pic, it's of a fan cosplaying She-Hulk, not that MCU Ogre but that from the comics with the bathing suit and everything, what they like they can't see on the big screen or on TV.

    • 7 months ago

      >DC with James Gunn is going the same way as Feige
      Everything you said but this is true. Gunn is saying the right things, and seems to be approaching things as a filmmaker first. If his shit fails, it'll be because he's legitimately up his own ass, not because he's doing the Marvel thing again.

      I think the superhero genre imploding could be great for DC with Gunn at the helm. It's probably better for these movies if they start getting made with smaller budgets and tighter stories. And who better to run a studio with that than the former Troma guy.

      • 7 months ago

        >Gunn is saying the right things, and seems to be approaching things as a filmmaker first.
        You're moronic. He might be SAYING the right things, but he's approaching his Superman reboot as a crossover bonanza. Crossovers are the late stage of capeshit. You need to establish, or in this case, RE-establish your characters in a post reboot as a SOLO protagonist first. You dilute the property when you cross it over with another property. It's just not as strong anymore. Gunn is doing things all fricking wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        He is doing the marvel thing of inundating audiences with streaming programs that you have to watch to understand the films but making it even worse by also including cartoons and videogames in the overall narrative. He was already going to have a hard time making successful films when marvel has poisoned the genre.

  14. 7 months ago

    The movies are way fricking worse. The reason why people give a shit about these movies are movies like iron Man, avengers, and guardians. All of the new shit is way worse than the old films. They were clearly rushed, or covid fricked them, or whatever excuse, but the quality is way way worse than it ever was in both movie or tv. Daredevil mogs all of disney+. It's all just worse

  15. 7 months ago

    The movies were always shit. Age of Ultron is one of the worst superhero movies of all the time and it still did 1.5b in box office.

    • 7 months ago

      Age of Ultron sucks but compared to some of the recent shit, it looks pretty good

  16. 7 months ago

    every single time you homosexuals still use the old cam of thor it implies that you think the new effect actually looks good

    • 7 months ago

      wasn't that one shown in theaters or something? I don't watch capeshit so I wouldn't know

  17. 7 months ago


  18. 7 months ago

    capeshit was always goyslop for the lowest common denominator but they definetly did get worse

  19. 7 months ago

    na i watched iron man 1 other day and it was still great.

  20. 7 months ago

    I saw everything up to endgame in theatres and haven't seen much since. I didn't grow up. I think the movies changed.

  21. 7 months ago

    Well She-Hulk isn't a superhero, She's a celebrity with powers.

  22. 7 months ago

    theyre all shit

  23. 7 months ago

    They got worse. They stopped caring about making entertaining products and started to believe people would watch anything they shit out if it's part of the MCU. Except all the characters and stories people liked are gone, and this endless stream of low quality side character projects appeal to no-one.

  24. 7 months ago

    They forgot that Avengers was a white man movie. That’s why it was successful. It wasn’t “diverse” though audiences were fine with black Fury because Samuel L Jackson. And it had one woman, which is how the comics were with the original teams (Marvel Girl, Invisible Girl). They fricked it all up with adding in diversishit. Really hit the gas with black Valkyrie which was my personal point of no return.

  25. 7 months ago

    Both, Captain Marvel and shang chi don't really have the same fan base as Captain America and Iron Man.
    Marvel also decided I guess that every movie had to be a dramedy, but more comedy than drama and it doesn't work for every movie.

  26. 7 months ago

    They got worse, for sure,

    Not that they were high-art to begin with but they were definitely enjoyable romps for the most part.

    You could tell things started to get weird around the end of Phase 3 with really weird choices and straight up BAD movies.
    Then everything after and including End Game is straight up trash.

  27. 7 months ago

    It's just goy siphoning.
    The goy slopper boys are locked in purchasers of capeslop so it doesn't pay to make the effort.
    Jews are somewhat based in this fashion, but their day will come.

  28. 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago


  30. 7 months ago

    There is a definite drop in quality even between the worst of the earlier movies and the best of the newer movies.

  31. 7 months ago

    superhero movies were always good. theyre getting better. its the people who are getting stupider and its Cinemaphile and other boards who are becoming more and more hateful

    my honest opinion

  32. 7 months ago

    They basically geeked out too hard. The real money comes from a normie audience, and they lost them by releasing a trillion movies and shows a year about literally who characters that average people haven't heard of and don't give a frick about.

    • 7 months ago

      Here's what actually happened :

      >release successful movies
      >everyone likes them
      >inflate marketing department to see what the audience likes
      >marketing department only looks at social media metrics
      >idiots on social media keep blabbing about progressive shit
      >marketing department brings data that says movies need progressive shit because the "audience" likes that
      >studio increases progressive shit
      >the real audience doesn't register the switch yet, but the social media explodes in support of how brave the studios are
      >marketing says this has been successful (despite not factoring in the sales at all)
      >now the studio doubles down on progressive shit
      >audience is put off by this, but the social media still keeps blabbing how amazing it all is
      >marketing reports it as a success
      >the studio notices that the sales are down so who is to blame
      >marketing reports that "everyone" loves the progressive stuff, so it must be evil trolls online undermining everything
      >the actual audience just starts to check out since they think the overtly progressive stuff is offputting
      >social media idiots have now become militant about protecting their progressive gains, further alienating audiences

      I blame whoever they hired to do their marketing metrics since they fricked up entirely. by trying to pander to vocal minority.

  33. 7 months ago

    Bad franchise got even worse because of diversity, women, and outsourcing CGI special effects to the lowest third-world bidder. Pretty simple to understand.

  34. 7 months ago

    Combination of the two. The movies are a little worse but mainly on the level of Thor 2. The biggest factor is fans losing interest.

  35. 7 months ago

    It's both, and also superhero fatigue, or at least Marvel formula fatigue.

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