did they have some kind of enlargement technology? like the Ant-Man films?

did they have some kind of enlargement technology? like the Ant-Man films?

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  1. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      >Had nightmares that they also gained sentience when they grew and they would start trying to kill me and my family
      >Somehow associate this feeling of resurfaced childhood fear with this Garfield strip
      This has been therapeutic, thanks bro

  2. 1 week ago

    I think one of the writers heard that the human body is mostly water so they figured a pizza must also be mostly water.

    • 1 week ago

      ... right, because compression via dehydration was never a concept ever, anywhere, at any point, except in some random writer's mind.

      • 1 week ago

        *glares scornfully at you*

      • 1 week ago

        The point is that they massively overestimated the water content of a pizza.

        • 1 week ago

          Why do you believe it's a regular pizza and not some sort of pizza-shaped product designed to expand when hydrated?

          • 1 week ago

            Please take your autism pill.

            • 1 week ago

              >Pizzah!™ brand premade food reconstitution wafers are not legally considered pizza due to EU trade laws.

              • 1 week ago

                >yfw they're imported as vegetables instead

      • 1 week ago

        the machine gives pizza a huge girth as moisture and warmth moves into the pathetic shriveled knob, expanding the meat, softening the crust

  3. 1 week ago

    If you put more energy into atoms they expand. Simply heat the pizza arbitrarily until it's the size you want.

  4. 1 week ago

    are those beans on that pizza or jalapenos cut lengthways

    • 1 week ago

      green bell peppers

    • 1 week ago

      he’s thinking about thos beans

  5. 1 week ago

    they were just trying to come up with cool tech that would look futuristic to someone in 1987. They had no idea about iphones, internet porn, the Metaverse, or doritos taco shells. Hell, they thought people would have a fax machine in every wall

  6. 1 week ago

    Aha, finally a FOAM FOOD THREAD.

    Ever notice that most fast food is extra easy to chew? Like the whole food was made of FLOAM chunks and flavored to match what the food is supposed to be? Part of that is an aging fussy population. Part of it is "maximized homogenization" (imagine you had 20 bottles of fresh unpasteurized milk, they would all taste slightly different, so you mix them all together, blend, now any unit of product made from that milk is homogeneous as a uniform flavor) in a fast food industry you want to sell a baseline uniform homogenized product. With that we begin.

    FOAM FOOD. Think of a sandwich bread, or a bathroom sponge, plenty of holes to fill, can be filled with any congealed liquid. Imagine you fill the sponge with cooked meat gravy. Now you have a chewy product of uniform quality you can make in any shape and any density. It can be flavored to be "bread" or "meat" or even "vegetable" slices. Now think of a heavily fatty vegetable soup infilled into a sponge shaped like a hamburger patty, now you have a veggie burger.

    A highly uniform easily chewed product that strongly resembles any precut shape. You just add your flavor powders, your fatty starchy soup, and salts or sweeteners. Think of those CAPSULE DINOSAURS, drop in water, squished sponge expands to become dinosaur sponge cutout. Remember JETSONS food pills or Scooby Doo food pills, a drop of water, then you've got a fully cooked roast turkey. Space Magic Food.

    But you say, a tiny pill cannot logically become more mass even if most food mass is water, dehydration can only do so much and worse, too much water will create a soggy cheeseburger even if it could expand from a pill shape. So how would you do it? I already explained it.

    Sponge burger shape, sponge bun shapes, sponge flavor disks, flavor powder, starches (potato mostly), the missing elements are FATS and waxes and excess water soakers. Chemistry-wise, fats are basically long-chain sugars turned into carbohydrates.

  7. 1 week ago

    They discovered the Fifth Element which enlarges food

    • 1 week ago

      Why doesn't this tech exist yet?

      • 1 week ago

        Suppressed by big oven

      • 1 week ago

        day 1 somebody tries to put their wieners in it

      • 1 week ago

        first you need a moolti pass

        • 1 week ago

          >no multipass
          >no chicken enlarger
          >no sexy bandage wraps
          Science has failed

    • 1 week ago

      I'd rather have the 3-D printer instead.

  8. 1 week ago

    Its a 3D printed pizza made from recycled materials. It uses the inserted object as a base.

  9. 1 week ago

    You would need extra nanotech elements to create a safe consumable food heater (like the limestone reaction to water, which causes a release of neutralizer acids once the wax melts). The food pill shape would be insufficient for a burger or cooked turkey as dehydration mass wouldn't be that high unless you desired a very spongy turkey-flavored turkey-shaped sponge. The nanotech would reshape water plus starches into proteins and harder shapes (think French Fry or Hard Candy). So any rehydrated Thanksgiving Turkey from a Food Disk would basically have hard candy edible bones (like a flavored candy cane) or French Fry plus wax coating "bones". Any oven type device making a food disk into food would require an extra water, extra starch, and flavoring powder reservoir (like a 3D printer) to season the expanded food sponges to full size semblances of the real food. Replication Tech would be easily superior, but Rehydration Tech would be fine if you don't mind everything having a protein powder, gravy, fatty mashed potato undertaste and texture.

    The key to remember is that the Dehydrated Food Disk is basically the collapsed edible sponge product at maximum density. For a Dehydrated Hamburger Sponge, ideally you would separate layers then steam to expand and unhydrated layers would be very unchewy. Pizza would be ideal, multi-layer food would require dissolvable layers (like cheese sauces) or injection needles. A burger bun would be a little rock until hydrated, but you could maximize hydration dynamics by adding Scissor Mechanisms in. So that as the first hydration steam hits the hamburger bun, it scissors outwards and upwards leaving lower density sponge cubes in between. A skeleton of highly reactive proteins and sugars which expand rapidly upon contact with steam. The meat patty layer would require more hydration than a bun, so needles would be required after the hamburger buns are hydrated. Or you could make the patty an open plank structure (like drinking straws).

  10. 1 week ago

    The key to remember with FLAVORED FOOD SPONGES in terms of practical construction is expansion and end density. Water requirements vary per dehydrated object (for example lettuce is 95% water, potatoes are 63% water). GOOGLE DRY MASS VEGETABLES or DRY MASS FRUITS.

    Assume everything else is powdered fats, powdered flavors and shaping tech, you'd have to either get everything of a food product sponge to a similar baseline Dry Mass (lettuce on a sponge hamburger would be very soggy if rehydrated the same as the burger or it would have to be protected by waxes and only suck up extra water from the bun layer and the meat layer). Think of a drinking straw as a hydration shape first. Like one of the novelty compressed sponge business cards. It would bulk up, leaving holes. You could add in a thin filler rod of sponge (like a spaghetti noodle thick) inside a drinking straw sponge to fill gaps once rehydrated. Or if you needed textures, coat dots of wax on the spaghetti filler rod to create chewy lump zones and partially hydrated denser crunchy zones. Powders coils also have slime factors to turn powder into nacho cheeses. Egg white binders to create Raman Noodle results or pastas that sponge uncoil. Confetti glitter sponges to make chunky veggie bites. It's not ideal for "crunch foods", mostly simple meals like ground hamburger patties or chicken nuggets or pizza. Scissor mechanisms would allow bigger less dense sponges like buns or dinner rolls or tater tots. Fat contents would have some hard limits unless injected from the Rehydration Device.

  11. 1 week ago

    Why was future food always portrayed as dehydrated in past shows? Just add water and you have a complete meal.

    • 1 week ago

      It is science(ish)stuff vaguely understood by the population at large, so that it can serve a narrative purpose of demonstrating the future and future tech.

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