Do real life trophy hunters strap bombs to their chest?

You know, just in case they get into a losing hand-to-hand fight with a grizzly bear or something. Did he have a tough time getting that through intergalactic customs?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It was probably his species version of 'Prime Directive'. Not allow any piece of equipment to fall in the hands of the Prey, and not to destroy natural habitat too much (hence,the Wolf mission in AVP: Requiem.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh. Are you sure? It laughed at him and everything and everything, it's basically one of the most iconic action movie scenes ever. They wouldn't ruin it with some lore shit like that in the sequels would they?
      Well just out of spite I think it's a really good idea. If some gay wilderness creature is going to get the better of me, I want to take it with me in the messiest way possible.

      • 10 months ago

        Well,just because he have to activate that bomb it doesn't mean that he can't laugh at the confused primitive who is about to be vaporised in a few seconds.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, fair enough. I'd laugh too. It just feels like it detracts from the scene a little bit when it's no longer about the Predator being the sorest loser ever.

          wasnt ol preddy just on a hunting holiday? the pr disaster alone would shut this down surely

          I don't get the PR bit, but having not seen any of the other movies that's exactly how I interpreted the situation. He's the equivalent of a high-tech hick hunting down bunnies with an assault rifle.

          • 10 months ago

            >Predator being the sorest loser ever.
            I thought it was both; they're a culture of sore losers so they came up with this "tradition".
            I don't think it's an official law like the prime directive though

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't get the PR bit, but having not seen any of the other movies that's exactly how I interpreted the situation. He's the equivalent of a high-tech hick hunting down bunnies with an assault rifle.
            Yeah that's the correct interpretation. But for some reason chuds on the internet think the entirety of "Predator" society is based around hunting.
            Which is moronic. That's like saying all of human society is based around hunting because some dentist went to Africa to skill a lion or rhino or some shit.

      • 10 months ago

        You don't seem to have the best logic when it comes to deducing simple things kek

    • 10 months ago

      The fact the predators choose to use vastly more powerful weapons and blow themselves up when they get defeated proves they aren't honourable.

      >Predator being the sorest loser ever.
      I thought it was both; they're a culture of sore losers so they came up with this "tradition".
      I don't think it's an official law like the prime directive though

      Did none of you homies play Concrete Jungle? Using the bomb is a major dishonor that'll get you exiled to a hostile planet for 100 years. Even if you survive, you'll be demoted to b***h boy status.

      • 10 months ago

        We're talking about the Arnold film titled Predator

      • 10 months ago

        based concrete jungle enjoyer, muh second favorite ps2 game.

      • 10 months ago

        How are you supposed to survive?

  2. 10 months ago

    The "bomb" was the PSU (power supply unit)
    which powered his weapons and tech.

    It was essentially a quantum Fusion battery.
    It PSU battery also had an inbuilt self destruct mechanism.

    • 10 months ago


      Also it was not strapped to his chest but contained in a wrist module, It weighed less than a gram.

  3. 10 months ago

    wasnt ol preddy just on a hunting holiday? the pr disaster alone would shut this down surely

  4. 10 months ago

    The fact the predators choose to use vastly more powerful weapons and blow themselves up when they get defeated proves they aren't honourable.

  5. 10 months ago

    Did you guys know this movie was originally going to have a different title? They even did a title drop in the spoken dialogue, but you might not notice it at all since it's not what was written on the poster/cover.

    (Turns to camera)
    "It's like this Alien Freak (1987) is some kind of hunter or something..."

  6. 10 months ago

    >cla to be ultimate hunter
    >uses insane tech
    What gays. If you actually like the sport you'd use a bow or some shit. Maybe a spear of you wanted to really have fun

  7. 10 months ago

    the sequel tried to make you think they didnt go after women and kids because they were noble honourable hunters.
    The truth is they just want to hunt the most dangerous targets which is elite soldiers and who are men.
    This is why Prey is so fricking stupid, a Predator would never go after a woman.

  8. 10 months ago

    Childhood is idolizing predator and adulthood is liking alien more. At least there’s no “honorable savage” tropes to discuss about with alien.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >“honorable savage” tropes
      I dunno, man. I think that an entire alien civilization having any degree of nuance between members is the bare minimum of any kind of world building. One alien redneck answers a solo challenge with a laser blast to his back. Another alien redneck answers a solo challenge by drawing his sword and meeting it directly. Same species, but different responses because they're different people.

  9. 10 months ago

    I know that the bomb scene is iconic and well-loved, but it honestly ruins the movie. The Predator, prior to the bomb scene, had this rock-solid conceit where the Predator is just an alien Big Game Hunter. Everything he does to kill humans is the same stuff that humans use to kill animals
    >Fake "human noises" to lure people like how we use duck calls etc
    >Cloak, equivalent to hunter's camo
    >Bullshit weapons tech that the prey can't even comprehend
    >Takes trophies
    >Targets the strongest humans like we target the biggest animals for trophies
    >Implication that the same alien has been coming on occasional hunting trips again and again whenever the weather is right.
    The idea, in my mind, was exactly that. An alien trophy hunter who is as advanced over humans as humans are over animals. I imagined the predator was an accountant or a dentist or something semi-affluent on his home planet, and that hunting humans was just an eccentric hobby. When he somehow managed to die to humans, it would be like a big game hunter getting killed by a grizzly.
    But the bomb ruins all of that. Because now he came EXPECTING that he might die, and had a whole bullshit "honor-preserving" procedure in place. Instead of being a space-boomer on vacation, he's a warrior doing battle. His whole bullshit planet are suddenly warriors doing battle. And that makes him so much less scary and so much less interesting.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine writing all that text to say that moronic shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Wouldn’t you understand that the humans you are hunting can very well kill you? Its more than just “big game hunting” humans have the same skills predators employ just like you stated. If anything, this kind of hunting his for adrenaline junkies who like the thrill of combat while remaining in an advantageous situation. I doubt the first predator film is the first time a human has slayn a predator. There is a reason they come to earth and its cause the risk is still there though not as high compared to a xeno

    • 10 months ago

      >"A boomer dentist on safari" is more threatening that a psychopath suicidal alien

      Actually kys.

    • 10 months ago

      It can still be a space-boomer. The bomb is a failsafe. Like

      Obviously we do. What do you think would happen if I lost to the bear and it got a hold of my gun? Do you really want armed bears roaming the country side looking for revenge against man?

      said, you can’t hunt prey as smart as humans if you risk giving them your advanced tech. Our big game hunters don’t use self-destructing bombs because there is no risk of grizzly bears using our tech. However, you are correct to draw the analogy between the Predator’s behavior and the behavior of our hunters; the bomb is a logical continuation of hunting smarter game.

  10. 10 months ago

    This is a good point. To be like The Predator you have to enter the woods with the mindset that if you don't kill the prey you want, you must commit suicide. It really says a lot about having goals and following through

  11. 10 months ago

    Obviously we do. What do you think would happen if I lost to the bear and it got a hold of my gun? Do you really want armed bears roaming the country side looking for revenge against man?

    • 10 months ago

      Not only would I be okay with that, I would want that. It would be my little final gift of hate to the world.

      • 10 months ago

        Right, but youre both short sighted and a mentally ill misandrist

  12. 10 months ago

    The Yjuta are like the Klingons. The stole the tech from the race that tried to uplift them and murdered that race. Aside from understanding the tech they use to hunt with and their ships, they are really just tribals.

    • 10 months ago

      Indian allegory, both feather and dot. Redskins just used guns to over hunt their lands and kill each other and white men better. Street shitters still poop outside and worship animal shit and ride on the outsides of trains.

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