Do you forgive him? Does he deserve a comeback?

Do you forgive him? Does he deserve a comeback?

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  1. 1 week ago

    What did he do?

    • 1 week ago

      Had a weird fetish. That's literally it.

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        It's common enough.
        Shit, I thought I invented it.

    • 1 week ago

      Nothing wrong.

    • 1 week ago

      >asked women if he could jack off in front of them
      >if they said yes, he did
      >if they said no, he didn't
      >years later some that said yes realized this was actually a problem
      that's the entire story

    • 1 week ago

      He jerk offd in front of a few women who had consented to it. When #metoo became a thing those women suddenly decided to destroy him for some reason. Such opportunistic prostitutes should be shamed, not encouraged. Louis did nothing wrong.

      • 1 week ago

        >Such opportunistic prostitutes should be shamed, not encouraged.
        >he doesn't realize that all women are exactly like that
        haha don't worry I'm just an incel. Women are people too haha. yeah..

    • 1 week ago

      founded the international breeding grounds

      • 1 week ago

        *tribal drums begin*

      • 1 week ago

        interRACIAL, get it right

      • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >asked women if he could jack off in front of them
      >if they said yes, he did
      >if they said no, he didn't
      >years later some that said yes realized this was actually a problem
      that's the entire story

      >ask if girls are okay with you jerking off in front of them
      >they say sure
      >jack off in front of them
      >for some reason they told everyone about it years later
      It's weird for sure but they said it was okay. It's not like he didn't ask first.

      iirc they were girls he was in a position of power over who probably felt an implicit threat to their career if they refused. Not rape by any means and I think people go way too far with the virtue signalling about power dynamics shit but it's not as if he did absolutely nothing wrong. I think he deserves a comeback but asking women with high incentive to not refuse you if they can watch you have a goon sesh is not cool

      • 1 week ago

        Exactly. He was doing this to non-comedians too. Anyone who worked around him was fair game. It’s way sleazier than Sarah Silverman giving consent.

      • 1 week ago

        At the end of the day, does your boss/mentor/any person with authority over you reserve the right to frick over your career if you won’t let them cum in front of you?

        • 1 week ago

          Are there any women who said no who he then fricked over? That’s the real story.
          Hell, are there any women who said yes and then were promoted or helped in some way?

          • 1 week ago

            >Hell, are there any women who said yes and then were promoted or helped in some way?
            the garfunkel amd oats girls got a better spot at a comedy festival after they let him

      • 1 week ago

        Exactly. He was doing this to non-comedians too. Anyone who worked around him was fair game. It’s way sleazier than Sarah Silverman giving consent.

        the way the stories sounded it was usually after them hanging for a while and drinking or partying in some way which I feel blurs the lines. it's not as though they worked in an office where he would stroll out and ask the receptionist to meet him in the break room where he then just threw the question out there.

        • 1 week ago

          Just to be clear I don’t give a shit either way but the stories you heard were from friends of his like Sarah Silverman, people who look up to him and would be willing to take a hit so to speak for him (though I wouldn’t be shocked if he paid them). I used to be friends with a guy who won an Emmy with CK who blabbed his mouth off (like to me, for instance) & got blacklisted as a result, anyway, our man says Louis was jacking off in front of interns. He jacked off in front anyone and everyone, it’s his kink. These stories have floated around for decades & the only surprising thing is it took so long to bite him in the ass. My personal opinion, which no one ever agrees with but this is Cinemaphile so maybe you will, is that he has some humiliation fetish & the point wasn’t to humiliate the women but to humiliate himself. THAT is his kink & doesn’t it make sense? If you were relatively normal & then all of a sudden everyone is saying you’re the king of comedy, wouldn’t that make you act out in some way? a healthy would say, “I’m not this great, in fact, I suck like everyone else.” He also needed a scandal to be Carlin in his mind (before you scoff, Louis even dresses like Carlin) & he was too much of a pussy to do anything as grandly self-destructive as his hero (remember, Carlins first arrest for indecency was WITH Lenny Bruce), hence the self-diddling. TOO LAZY TO PROOFREAD oops Ty for reading my online diary, verification not required.

          • 1 week ago

            Sounds pretty much right to me

          • 1 week ago

            yes jacking off in front of women is a humiliation fetish in and of itself
            nothing about that is powerful when you're a disgusting balding slob

            • 1 week ago

              Louis, is that you…?

              • 1 week ago

                If it IS you, I think Andy Kindler is annoying too, let’s collab!

      • 1 week ago

        Are billionaires allowed to have sex? If women say no then the billionaire won't give them lots of money and cool experiences, so he arguably has power over them because he has something they want, so is it rape for a billionaire to ask women to have sex with him?
        Asking this sincerely

        • 1 week ago

          All sex is rape, all men are rapists. Believe women, chud.

        • 1 week ago

          I'll be hounded for saying this here but I do think there's something wrong with a celeb fricking some nobody chick in the same industry. There's a difference between a chick having sex with a celebrity in order to attain something (who cares if a musician fricks a groupie, for example), and a chick having sex with a billionaire to not lose something. The second one seems worse to me, but very difficult in practice to figure out.

        • 1 week ago

          >so is it rape for a billionaire to ask women to have sex with him?
          No of course not, that's why I put so many qualifiers about how I don't think it's that bad and how I think people take the harmful power dynamics narrative way too far. What Louis did wasn't rape, I wouldn't even necessarily call it coercion depending on the context of each case, it was just a shitty thing to do. There is nuance between everything is rape and everything is totally moral and fine

          You are a total piece of shit and a BIG reason why society is collapsing and I will explain it to you and anyone willing to read this right the frick now.

          The amount of abuse that happens at the expense of men because of women getting any powerplay in any way they can due to being the inferior sex cannot be overstated. There are mountains of examples of women abusing and completely fricking men so fricking hard. no on cares or remembers any of it
          Women are not equal to men and yet they have equal status and the right to vote despite literally any benefit for anyone happening only because of what men have built and died for because we are the dominant sex.
          Women are the desired sex and weaker sex yet live on the same standards of men because they are equal now and literally fricking get all the things men get, on top of anything else they get because they don't actually deserve the same and get catered to and completely protected
          Contrary to what you understand based on your comment, women and men are not actually equal. we are not the same. rules exist and society isn't perfect.
          If women have equal rights and are just the same based on how law itself works, then nothing Louis did was wrong that wrong. If he did the same shit to some guy under him then fired him no one would care. You only care because they are women, he is only doing what he did because they are women.

          You all want men to stop being men after millions of years because suddenly women just get stuff now
          He would not fricking do what he did to people working those jobs if they weren't women. Women prove that they break apart all of society and we all have to cater to it. It's just like Seinfeld said, this isn't a industry issue, this is a men and women issue, this is a person issue.
          We aren't actually equal
          If men and women want to live equally with real balance and fairness, then men need more rights, because we are superior, and that would be true balance.

          now shut the frick up

          Sounds like you just projected everything you've ever heard any dumb feminist say onto my post and had a spergout. I'm not interested in discussing whether women are equal or deserve equal rights or not
          >If he did the same shit to some guy under him then fired him no one would care. You only care because they are women
          I'd think it's absolutely just as bad and have the exact same opinion. You say it's a gender issue and not an industry issue but Hollywood is full of deranged gays and worse shit than that probably happens to men all the time. You're the only one with double standards

      • 1 week ago

        You are a total piece of shit and a BIG reason why society is collapsing and I will explain it to you and anyone willing to read this right the frick now.

        The amount of abuse that happens at the expense of men because of women getting any powerplay in any way they can due to being the inferior sex cannot be overstated. There are mountains of examples of women abusing and completely fricking men so fricking hard. no on cares or remembers any of it
        Women are not equal to men and yet they have equal status and the right to vote despite literally any benefit for anyone happening only because of what men have built and died for because we are the dominant sex.
        Women are the desired sex and weaker sex yet live on the same standards of men because they are equal now and literally fricking get all the things men get, on top of anything else they get because they don't actually deserve the same and get catered to and completely protected
        Contrary to what you understand based on your comment, women and men are not actually equal. we are not the same. rules exist and society isn't perfect.
        If women have equal rights and are just the same based on how law itself works, then nothing Louis did was wrong that wrong. If he did the same shit to some guy under him then fired him no one would care. You only care because they are women, he is only doing what he did because they are women.

        You all want men to stop being men after millions of years because suddenly women just get stuff now
        He would not fricking do what he did to people working those jobs if they weren't women. Women prove that they break apart all of society and we all have to cater to it. It's just like Seinfeld said, this isn't a industry issue, this is a men and women issue, this is a person issue.
        We aren't actually equal
        If men and women want to live equally with real balance and fairness, then men need more rights, because we are superior, and that would be true balance.

        now shut the frick up

        • 1 week ago

          None of the women were "under" louis ck as far as i know, other than that they were fellow comedians in the field. He wasn't their employer or anything like that.

          • 1 week ago

            He did it to stars that had 3x his weight in fame so it's clear he was just being turbo horny and dumb
            other stars do way worse n no one cares. Will Smith literally fricking assaulted another person in front of everyone

            Louis makes everyone on the planet laugh after working his ass off for 30 years and we gotta even humor a narrative that says he's bad cause jerkin off?

            Nah. life is hard as shit. Louis was so funny. b***hes and hoes aint shit

          • 1 week ago

            Allegedly his agent made vaguely threatening remarks about how they need to keep quiet or get blackballed. But celebrity orbiters are always stuckup hardasses like that and their bosses usually have no involvement in or even knowledge of it.

        • 1 week ago

          >i am superior
          post body

      • 1 week ago

        So you would spread your cheeks if your boss asked you to? Sounds like something a prostitute would do.
        Not that any of that applies here, he was just a fellow comedian, and it was 2002 so he wasn't even that big yet.

      • 1 week ago

        is there any evidence he harmed the career of someone who turned him down?

    • 1 week ago

      He wants open boarders.

    • 1 week ago

      Be j*wish

      • 1 week ago

        >1/4 israeli ancestry from his father he never met
        He's not a israelite

    • 1 week ago

      got "cancelled" but not really
      turns out no one gives a shit

    • 1 week ago

      Sent his daughters to an interracial breeding ground and they got accidentally killed.

  2. 1 week ago

    There's nothing to forgive. I'd have done the same thing.

    • 1 week ago

      Same, but I'd have blown in their faces

  3. 1 week ago

    Yes and yes. Kevin Spacey does not though, people are attracted to the "cancelled man makes a comeback" story right now but not everyone deserves it. Louis did some creepy shit and probably realizes it was wrong now that he's being publicly humiliated and shamed for it, no need to keep him down

  4. 1 week ago

    CK Louis, the comedian

  5. 1 week ago

    >ask if girls are okay with you jerking off in front of them
    >they say sure
    >jack off in front of them
    >for some reason they told everyone about it years later
    It's weird for sure but they said it was okay. It's not like he didn't ask first.

    • 1 week ago

      He was doing this shit to interns when he worked at The Chris Rock Show.

      • 1 week ago

        A minor writer who was already in the room with a chick?
        I've "taken advantage" of situations like that as well when I felt on top of the world anon.
        What do girls get to bring up fricking guys who happen to wear the same cologne as their absent father as a case of abusing power?

  6. 1 week ago

    He’s funny but he needs to refrain from homosexual artsy movies.

    • 1 week ago

      Really fricking weird having him in this dating and then cheating on Cate Blanchett of all people

  7. 1 week ago

    I never had a problem with him jerking off in front of people but if "comeback" means making more gay arthouse movies instead of good standup or shows like the early days of Louie, then no. He seems to be in a good place now.

  8. 1 week ago

    Why would you jack off in front of anyone? Why not just have them do it? Why do all these "people" have such weird proclivities?
    Most Hollywood types should be nailed to the sign.

  9. 1 week ago

    No. He should be banned from civilized society.....oh, I thought we were talking about his comedy.

  10. 1 week ago

    Why jerk off in front of them when obviously at least one of them would do it for you if they all said yes? What are the odds at that point?

  11. 1 week ago

    A Hollywood liberal is actually a piece of shit and the opposite of everything he claims to be? Shocker.

  12. 1 week ago

    Long live the Cuck King

  13. 1 week ago


  14. 1 week ago


  15. 1 week ago


  16. 1 week ago

    He didn't do anything wrong if you don't like his stand-up and opinions that's fine but you can't hate the guy for liking to jack off in front of women who he got their consent from or whatever he did

  17. 1 week ago

    He's a self-loathing beta simp piece of shit that should be thrown off a tall building.

  18. 1 week ago

    The NY Times produced a whole ass documentary where the accusers seeth about his comeback. He won.

  19. 1 week ago

    Why would I need to forgive him? He never jacked off in front of me.

  20. 1 week ago

    he never left

  21. 1 week ago

    I don't think anyone wants to see cum on his back

  22. 1 week ago

    he deserve his cum back onto him

  23. 1 week ago

    >muh power dynamic

    The whole of life is a power dynamic and you get fricked literally or metaphorically because of it. I have to wageslave because I'm a subhuman male born into a poor family. 60 years of my life in boredom and agony

    A prostitute has high status men lusting over her begging to jerk off in front of them for millions of dollars

    Yet all you hear is abloo bloo

    • 1 week ago

      Comedians are not high status men. At best they are like shitty musicians.

      • 1 week ago

        Yet apparently her future and career depend on him


  24. 1 week ago

    I never really cared

  25. 1 week ago

    He's no longer funny and that was before the whole fiasco. He was funnier when he was broke and leaned heavily into the self-deprecation, but you can't only listen to self-dep humor for so long.

    An entirely fresh set with new material would be a surprise from him, he's like dave chapelle now and sells by the name.

  26. 1 week ago

    His podcast with Shane Gillis going through the history of every president is really good

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