Does Aquaman have any notable villains besides Black Manta and Ocean Master? Those two seem to be the only ones anyone ever talks about.

Does Aquaman have any notable villains besides Black Manta and Ocean Master?
Those two seem to be the only ones anyone ever talks about.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Dead Water
    The Thirst

    Some of these villains even have more interesting concepts than Manta and Orm but they need to be revitalized for new readers like Johns did with Orm but the main problem now is that no one in DC is interested in writing Aquaman and the current writers working in Aquatitles aren't great either

    • 2 years ago

      I liked Dead Water a lot. Rath was alright for a newer villain too in Rebirth

      • 2 years ago

        Corum Rath started out strong but like the rest of that story arc overstayed its welcome but I would like a return of him in future comics

        • 2 years ago

          His henchman Kadaver was fricking cool as hell, dude can manipulate fire coral. I'd like to see him return.

          • 2 years ago

            >dude can manipulate fire coral
            I love Aquaman's comics for the potential of cool shit like this and that's why it's so frustrating when writers are so uncreative like right now with the Aquamen comic where the main plot is atlantean suicide bombers in fricking land not even in the ocean like if I want read about terrorists fricking Gotham then I read Batman not Aquaman

          • 2 years ago

            I wish this dude would come back as a villain/rival for Garth or Jackson

    • 2 years ago

      None of these villains are interesting. They are 1) normal humans with silly themes (high tech fishing reels, lel), Greek-themed shit that Wonder Woman doesn't want to get wet to fight, and random magic monsters.

      Aquaman has "my own evil brother!" and an autistic nog in scuba armor.
      What's always hilarious is how they try to power-creep normal humans, like they do in Flash comics, so that we can pretend a guy with a gadget gun can fight the Speedforce or a guy who can give Superman a bloody nose, in his own oppressive native environment.

      • 2 years ago

        >None of these villains are interesting
        Tell me you have never read Aquaman without telling me you have never read Aquaman

        Fisherman is interesting specially Busiek's version

        • 2 years ago

          I've read even the olde Aquaman books, my grandmother had a basement full of Silver and Bronze age DC comics.

      • 2 years ago

        I read this in Shore Leave's voice

    • 2 years ago

      I'm kinda surprised no one considered making Killer Frost an Aquaman villain honestly

      • 2 years ago

        How would that make sense?

      • 2 years ago

        I think Killer Frost would not make a great villain for Aquaman specifically if Arthur is with Mera when he faced her, Mera's hydrokinesis would frick KF

    • 2 years ago

      >Dead Water
      >The Thirst
      good list in my humble opinion

    • 2 years ago

      "dead water" is such a fricking cool name, what's that one about?

      • 2 years ago

        They're like this parasitic eel-monster that the host transforms into when they're stressed out. They can move between any surface of water IIRC

      • 2 years ago

        Dead Water is an aquatic virus-like symbiote which possesses people and turns them into an eel-like hybrid-creature. It takes over their minds, forcing the consciousness of its host to act as a "passenger" while Dead Water takes over.

        They're like this parasitic eel-monster that the host transforms into when they're stressed out. They can move between any surface of water IIRC

        >They can move between any surface of water IIRC
        Correct. Dead Water is able to transport himself into any source of water he can exit out of, basically teleporting him around water sources. He is also capable of manipulating his own matter into water. When Dead Water is not in contact with water anymore, it turns back into its human form.

    • 2 years ago

      Those are definitely villains, but none of them are exactly "notable".

      • 2 years ago

        They just need the Jonhs treatment like Ocean Master. Like people forget how awful was Orm as character pre New 52.

  2. 2 years ago

    uh the exxon valdez?

  3. 2 years ago

    >implying anyone is better than Human Flying Fish

  4. 2 years ago

    The Ocean is just not an interesting setting for a running comic book.
    -Barely anything lives there besides animals, and whatever communities of fish-guys you plop down.
    -This means that "crime" and terrorism and whatnot is reduced to Kingdom A. wants to conquer Kingdom B. for no reason, as they have almost unlimited growth space and resources.
    -Everyone can swim-"fly" around, so most terrain is meaningless, and a lot of traditional comic perils like fire, falling from height ect cannot exist. Others only exist if you ignore water physics on a Spongebob level, like laser weapons.
    -Your average comic writer has a 4th grader's grasp of the conditions and variety of creatures in it. So sharks, octopi and stupid OC monsters.

    So in the end Arthur gets to be the sovereign of an uninteresting kingdom filled with boring NPCs, then he's usurped by X, or defending it from attacks by mercenary Y, or the ancient Z has awoken from a crack in the ocean floor.
    OR he's a generic strong-guy on the surface, hanging out with teams that are half-composed of people stronger than he is. Or they pull some half-baked "sea-theme" abilities out of the writer's ass.

    • 2 years ago

      >The Ocean is just not an interesting setting for a running comic book.
      Its basically space 2.0, you just need to be creative but sadly that is a hard quality to find in modern writers

      • 2 years ago

        DC has a long, long tradition of making Space boring as frick too, all the way back to the golden age. Part of it is D-student writers who cannot get published in any form, or even write for crappy television shows.

        • 2 years ago

          >DC has a long, long tradition of making Space boring as frick too
          Ok but then its not a settings problem but a writers problem

    • 2 years ago

      The City is just not an interesting setting for a running comic book.
      -Barely anything lives there besides pidgeons, and whatever communities of guys you plop down.
      -This means that "crime" and terrorism and whatnot is reduced to Company A. wants to conquer Company B. for no reason, as they have almost unlimited growth space and resources.
      -Everyone can use the stairs, so most terrain is meaningless, and a lot of traditional comic perils like fire, falling from height ect cannot exist. Others only exist if you ignore physics on a Spongebob level, like laser weapons.
      -Your average comic writer has a 4th grader's grasp of the conditions and variety of creatures in it. So mobsters, gangbangers and stupid OC monsters.

      So in the end Batman gets to be the sovereign of an uninteresting city filled with boring NPCs, then he's usurped by X, or defending it from attacks by mercenary Y, or the ancient Z has awoken from a lazarus pit.
      OR he's a generic strong-guy on the surface, hanging out with teams that are half-composed of people stronger than he is. Or they pull some half-baked "bat-theme" abilities out of the writer's ass.

      • 2 years ago

        At least you tried.

        >DC has a long, long tradition of making Space boring as frick too
        Ok but then its not a settings problem but a writers problem

        DC's writers ARE a problem. They have a hard enough time with "vigilante fighting crime in bustling city of the sort we are directly familiar with", let alone exotic adventures in some environment they might have tv-show vague familiarity with.

      • 2 years ago

        >Everyone can use the stairs, so most terrain is meaningless
        okay, i laughed

      • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    Anyone here reading Aquamen? If so what is your opinion of the book?

  6. 2 years ago

    Aquaman has the same problem as Wonder Woman in the sense that both have villain rosters DC refuses to fricking use

    • 2 years ago

      They both need to do "done in one' villain based stories to build up the rosters.

      • 2 years ago

        See that's why early Amazing Spider-Man is so strong. It's rapid fire boom boom boom villains

        • 2 years ago

          Flash did the same thing.
          I think when a writer does a huge multi-parter they feel like the stakes need to be larger than life so you can't use a "minor villain" and the pay off has to be big too.
          Just use Aquaman villains for some small time adventure and if fans "connect" to them then bring them back
          Its like wrestling can't make every match a ladder match/ royal rumble type.
          you need smaller matches to build up first.

        • 2 years ago

          I would say ASM, Fantastic Four, and the Silver Age Doom Patrol were the kings of setting up a rogues gallery at rapid speed. Within 2 years they had a whole gallery of enemies.

    • 2 years ago

      We need also more team ups between Arthur and Diana
      Maybe an event between Atlanteans and Amazons that isn't awful like Flashpoint

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