Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good? I honestly don't even see the point.

Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good? I honestly don't even see the point. Original Ultimate Marvel hit during the new millennium, this is an utterly random point in time. What makes it different from Earth One, which crashed and burned? And remember, the rumoured titles are
>Batman but he's poor
>Superman but he's detached
>Wonder Woman but she's Lara Croft
Poor Batman will be trite trash. Superman will still be a guy working as a journalist and eventually turn into the super wholesome chungus. WW is the only one that has a chance of being fun.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    The biggest issue with ultimate dc as a concept is that we've had way to many reboots and retellings to warrant it's existence. Want to read a story about a young superman? Well shit there is already like 5 of those from the last 16 years. Most if not all already being reimagining's of both silver and golden age superman. The other issue is that DC already tries to give what the majority fans want. Like 4 years ago people were b***hing about how DC disrespected Nightwing and they turned around a propped him up as like the single most important hero in the universe. So unless they do something really out of left field, ultimate dc has no reason to exist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Want to read a story about a young superman? Well shit there is already like 5 of those from the last 16 years.

      They could easily have a good writer take either the Earth One GN triology and use that Superman, very softly rebooting any problematic aspects of it as an AU earth, or simply taking American Alien with a good writer, and soft rebooting the problematic aspects of that.

      Superbro really can't be used and anything else is superfluous.

      They could also use Conner instead of Clark - which makes sense especially due to the upcoming public domain issue, even if the 'superboy' concept is partially wrapped up in that as well.

      They tried this with the New 52. Why are they so quick to do it again?

      Because Scott Snyder forced them to when he decided to kill off continuity at the end of death metal.
      Ironic is that if you had Scott Snyder explain it to you he'd say he was trying to undo the New 52 reboot.

      This all presumes that one anon is right that this is a reboot. Or that this is what's intended and that actual events (and thus actual books) will play out that way.

      I'm not going to hold my breath since people have been screaming click bait nonsense since before Rebirth was revealed, and only bits and pieces have ever turned out to be correct.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I disagree. I think a simplified shared universe, unburdened by continuity, where writers can innovate, take characters in new directions, or retell classic stories in modern context, is a great idea. They just need to move beyond Batman and Superman or even the Justice League.

    DC has so many team franchises and organizations that they could be pushing, but all they care about are the League, the Skwad, and the Titans. Even the Doom Patrol, with their TV show, don't get acknowledged in the books.

    How about they pick one of the lesser known teams and do something with them? Doom Patrol, Shadowpact (frick JLD), Omega Men, Seven Soldiers, Infinity Inc., Metal Men?
    Or you have the government organizations like Checkmate, the CBI, the DEO, ARGUS, or S.H.A.D.E
    You have the national superteams like Freedom Fighters, Big Ten, Big Science Action, etc.
    You have the private spy agencies like Spyral

    Try something different, maybe.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I think a simplified shared universe, unburdened by continuity
      Ok but that's not what this is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >And that as part of this, Absolute Comics will be a line of radically reworked versions of well-known DC Comics characters from major comics creators in the fashion of Marvel's Ultimate line, separate in continuity from the rest of DC, but sharing its own internal continuity between the books, unlike Elseworlds, Earth One, All-Star, or Black Label books. However, unlike the Ultimate line, there is intended from the get-go to be some "bleed through" so that the Absolute Comics line will be in the same multiverse as the standard DC continuity, suggesting awareness of each other, maybe competition or even crossover between them in years to come.
        t. rich

        • 2 weeks ago

          Oh dear.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Combined with the Pro-cop stance, it seems like Absolute will attempt to gain hatereaders by using a right-wing "law and order" stance

            • 2 weeks ago

              Now you lost me.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The main authority figures in Absolute are Amanda Waller and Task Force VII, however they're never presented as outright evil which was why I framed DC as "Pro-Cop", because they need the police characters to still have semblance or spark of good in them
                DC are the kind to give a "Bad apples" speech when corrupt cop behavior is in the news

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The main authority figures in Absolute are Amanda Waller and Task Force VII, however they're never presented as outright evil which
                Are we talking absolute power Or absolute DC? Because she is a villain in absolute Power who has been consistently for the past year and a half as unscrupulous.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Absolute Power is being treated as the gateway to introduce ADC

              • 2 weeks ago

                And in that case I have to disagree amd say Waller has been presented as outright evil in the buildup to Absolute Power.
                Now I have heard Waid saying he intends to write her with principles with lines she won't cross like threatening families or loved ones...seemingly unaware that's exactly what she's been doing in all the comics setting Absolute Power up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Waid can't come right out and insult the Williamsons and the Taylors who have been running the Wall into the ground the past few years, but he can explain how he thinks she should act and do that instead. What's the problem?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Well first of all Waid has totally thrown other writer underneath the bus before so the idea he's just too much of a professional to call people out when he dislikes what they're doing is laughable.
                But it's a huge fricking red flag for the event if there's this big of a dissoance between how she acted in the buildup to the event and the event proper.
                Please tell me you understand that right? That we can't have Amanda Waller act like the fricking devil then pretend that she's a saint in the story?

              • 2 weeks ago

                To be fair, DC has a lot of characters who 'act like the devil and get treated like saints or misunderstood' in story. It isn't good writing, but there is precedence.

                The biggest issue with ultimate dc as a concept is that we've had way to many reboots and retellings to warrant it's existence. Want to read a story about a young superman? Well shit there is already like 5 of those from the last 16 years. Most if not all already being reimagining's of both silver and golden age superman. The other issue is that DC already tries to give what the majority fans want. Like 4 years ago people were b***hing about how DC disrespected Nightwing and they turned around a propped him up as like the single most important hero in the universe. So unless they do something really out of left field, ultimate dc has no reason to exist.

                DC's reboots and retellings never do anything new or interesting.

                For example, they'll rehash Judas Contract with different characters, but never explored the concept of what might have happened if Terra didn't betray the Titans.

                Or they'll have a story where Batman breaks his 'no kill code' and goes crazy/ evil, but won't explore the possibility of Batman breaking his code and not becoming a psycho.

                There are a lot more examples of plots DC could use in a new universe, but tweak to make them actually 'new' instead of rehashes.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah but the entire point I'm raising is that

                Combined with the Pro-cop stance, it seems like Absolute will attempt to gain hatereaders by using a right-wing "law and order" stance

                and was flatout wrong. Absolute DC does not have a pro-cop stance as the majority of writer involved with Absolute Power has wrote Amanda Waller as an unsympathetic villain.

              • 2 weeks ago

                DC in general is pro cop, but that doesn't apply to Absolute Power and Waller. The writers are going for a anti-government angle with her.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >DC in general is pro cop,
                That's debatable as hell as costumed vigilantes is inherently an illegal position that implies law enforcement and the court system are inefficent.
                Though I guess that why you said cop instead of pro-state, you understand that distinction.

              • 2 weeks ago

                To be fair, law enforcement and courts in DC universe are inefficient. Most of the good cops turn a blind eye to vigilantism because they can't handle criminals. Usually, police who are anti vigilante are revealed to be working for the villains or are corrupt in general.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >DC in general is pro cop
                That’s the most moronic thing I’ve ever read on here.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You can tell that anon hasn’t read modern DC Comics.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It is embarrassing that stuff like this gets published. And I no that nobody bought this miniseries. They must've lost money on it. I don't see why they keep doing stuff like this. Thankfully Tim Sheridan reportedly ragequit DC over them not giving him enough "support" for his Gay Alan Scott series. Hopefully all those people leave.

              • 2 weeks ago

                DC probably saw Alan being gay as an obstacle that prevented them from reinventing him again
                Maybe they could give him a swing at being Parallax's host

              • 2 weeks ago

                lol, Hawkgirl was pretty good as an epilogue for Venditti's Hawkman run (mainly how Kendra fits now that she's no longer Shiera's reincarnation) but of course, you'd have to get over the fact that a trans char exists and we can't have that, no siree

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, we can't. Fricking repulsive.

              • 2 weeks ago

                For every book like Hawkgirl with a hacky trans writer trying to score diversity points there's at least three traditional copaganda titles. Always has been.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Green Lantern isn't copaganda.

              • 2 weeks ago

                top kek

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm serious anon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >at least three traditional copaganda
                Name three from each of the last three years.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Gotham City: Year One
                >that's it
                >that's the only copaganda title from the last year

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's a prelude to a reboot. Everything is about getting the readers comfortable enough to see Absolute DC as a continuation of mainline canon.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Good. Use it to reset everything. The biggest problem with the New 52 was that it didn't go far enough.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Use it to reset everything
              You don't even know what that means.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >unburdened by continuity
      The main universe might as well not have continuity with the way it is handled.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You know Scott Snyder set to make everything canon because he wanted to undo the new 52 reboot but everything now feels like those uncertain and messy day right after that reboot.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >or retell classic stories in modern context
      I mean it very genuinely when I say this: the world would be a better place if people like you all either fricked off to space or died of some immediate life-ending disease right this very moment.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I'm not reading anything from DC or Marvel right now except for Hellblazer but I'll at least give these a try/one issue. Sick and tired of these continuity heavy event riddled crap titles that are spinning their wheels 80% of the time.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    To be fair, we don't know for certain what's coming out of absolute DC.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Batman being poor only works if Joker is played up as a sleazy, rich Epstein-type figure

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good?
    Chance? Sure. What's the probability? -1% with a probability margine error of ±1.1%

  8. 2 weeks ago

    0% DC does not have a single competent editor left, I dare say a few are maybe even literate but it’s less than hopeless

  9. 2 weeks ago

    It's a lead up to the next meta-inspired event.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    They tried this with the New 52. Why are they so quick to do it again?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because Scott Snyder forced them to when he decided to kill off continuity at the end of death metal.
      Ironic is that if you had Scott Snyder explain it to you he'd say he was trying to undo the New 52 reboot.

      • 2 weeks ago

        So is it fair to say that Absolute DC is the New 52 done right (No Didio)?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Absolute DC is gonna make the Nu52 look like 52.

          • 2 weeks ago

            If the Nu52 was 52 then who was Countdown?

            • 2 weeks ago


  11. 2 weeks ago

    but he's poor
    Isn't Batman currently poor in canon?
    Last I checked, he'd been evicted from Wayne Manor and was living/operating out of a small townhouse flat

    • 2 weeks ago

      Batman is still rich, he's just millionaire instead of a billionaire because James Tynion got too caught up in mediocre twitter takes.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Batman but he's poor
    wasnt that supposed to be the plot of aronofskys batman film?

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good?

    Eh, I think there's a non-zero chance it could be "good" in the sense that it's a fine out-of-continuity story that's got nothing wrong with it. But I don't think that's enough to save DC. DC's main problem is that even in-continuity stuff feels like an Elseworlds now because there's no editorial oversight, and Absolute seems like it'll just drown in a sea of very similar products.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I bet Absolute Harley isn't even going to be that "radical" of a reinvention, it'll just be Lady-Gaga-inspired instead of Arkham/Margot Robbie-inspired

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Woman but she's Lara Croft

    Honestly a massive improvement.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >Does DC's Ultimate/Absolute DC have any chance of being good?
    Stop asking this dumbfrick question.
    You know it's going to keep getting worse, and it hasn't been good in decades.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I'm optimistic because I think this is could be a great way to get new talent on these books but DC would never do that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I'm optimistic
      You're moronic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I really like DC and I'm reading a lot of the comics they're putting out now. I am excited to dive into their new line as well.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't care. I have only recently gotten into comics, and DC is what I've been drawn to. I'm reading tons of their ongoings and miniseries.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I want a new Superboy and the Legion reboot instead of setting Clark back in year 1 of metropolis again

    • 2 weeks ago

      Only if they'd make Superboy a dick and not do any wholesome revisionism.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    An Ultimate style revamp is going to feel weird at this point, given how much has been milked with Earth One, All Star, New52, The DCAU, DCYou, Black Label, Elseworlds, 5G--> Dawn of DC.

    Someone said this was going to be more like Tangent Universe than an Ultimate style reboot for casuals.

    I think pop culture has changed and we don't need another casual friendly circa 2000s deconstructed modern reboot of origins. People are more aware of superhero tropes than they were in 2011.

    What will work/what we want is a sustainable line that isn't too unwieldy: Ghost Machine, Energon U, Spawn New U, Massive-verse, nu Ultimate verse, Massive verse, etc,

    If DC can just find an interesting creative hook for a small imprint line, then it could potentially be fun

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What will work/what we want is a sustainable line that isn't too unwieldy: Ghost Machine, Energon U, Spawn New U, Massive-verse, nu Ultimate verse, Massive verse, etc,
      I agree. I'm loving this trend of small shared universes with a very cohesive vision. The shared universe aspect is what originally drew me to comics, but diving into Marvel or DC at this point is intimidating. But right now I'm buying every Ultimate series, every Energon series, and every Ghost Machine series, and I'm really loving it, and I'm more excited about comics than I've been in forever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Someone said this was going to be more like Tangent Universe than an Ultimate style reboot for casuals.
      I doubt it though, Tangent was entirely original ideas.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Now if I were in charge of developing a fun breath of fresh DC imprint line, these are the kind of creative swings I would take at bat:

      A Golden Age verse: something specifically set in WW2, maybe a chance to do a JSA + Fleischer Superman "social justice" crimefighter, pulpy moody Batman w gun (who kills?), big busty Wonder Woman are the frontlines of war and confidently sexy as a Dom with her Amazon supporting cast. Authentic Shazam book.

      A Superfriends verse: think Marvel Adventures. A more kid focused line, but not "for babies". More cartoonish, more goofy Silver Age like stories with apes and robots and aliens. Vibe like the Brave and the Bold cartoon, but less retro, more modern and toyetic.

      A Dark Universe: basically a dark moody Vertigo-ish revamp of the mainline DCU. More edgy, more supernatural. Vampires, Black magic, leather jackets, etc.

      A Mangaverse: it might be eye rolling, but the aesthetic sells. DC needs their own Peach Momoko thing. As a twist, I would make it teen centric: Superboy, Supergirl, Batgirl, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, Robin. Maybe its a "world without a Trinity."

      • 2 weeks ago

        >A Superfriends verse
        Isn't this basically the World's Finest line?

        • 2 weeks ago

          More or less, but WF is very much Waid being nostalgic. I'm talking more like a "tooniverse"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Absolute or All-In or whatever the frick it's called should be like early Vertigo 2.0. Ongoings with less popular characters vaugley set in the DC universe to allow writers to get fricking nuts with stories. Give me Absolute Sideways‚ Absolute Doom Patrol‚ Absolute Captain Atom and so on dammit.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Sounds about as lazy as superhero but evil

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Depends on the creative teams
    If it's people like Taylor, Ridley, King, etc it is FRICKEDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    • 2 weeks ago

      The rumoured writers were Aaron for Superman, Snyder on Batman again, and Ewing on Wonder Woman.

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