Does Vegeta win any single fight in the movies?

I have seen 3 movies and in all of them he makes the entrance, lets out his random arrogant speech and the fight lasts about 10 seconds (literally).

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  1. 2 months ago

    To tell you the truth, I really don't know, Juan

    • 2 months ago

      actually it takes Juan to know, juan

  2. 2 months ago

    When he slapped Trunks. That's the only fight this maggot ever won.

    • 2 months ago

      He’s now technically won 3 fights against Goku. He killed the Ginyu Force and several of Frieza’s goons.

      • 2 months ago

        He didnt defeat a single Ginyu other than Guldo. The rest were all out of his league.

        • 2 months ago

          He killed Jeice like he was nothing.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, but he was strayan, so doesn't really count.

        • 2 months ago

          Black person, after his Zenaki boost he literally murders all of them. Captain Ginyu himself is also murdered by Vegeta like 20 years later

          • 2 months ago

            This also he brutally murdered chase a few scenes later

      • 2 months ago

        Vegeta himself says he never won against Goku.

        • 2 months ago

          That's only because Toriyama forgets what he himself wrote. We all know what we saw.
          >Goku crushed by great ape
          >ko'd by Majin Vegeta
          >defeated in sparring match in superhero

          At best, one of those is a draw.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Toriyama didn't forget, Bejita just doesn't count any of those as actual victories because they weren't. Third parties, Goku stopping the fight and then getting sucker punched after, etc. None of that is worth bragging about. Bejita defeating Goku in their 1 vs 1 however, as fair as possible, is the victory Bejita wanted and received

          • 2 months ago

            >ko'd by Majin Vegeta
            This is the king of all copes. Goku could have ass-raped Virgita if he wanted with SSJ3. He just didn't want to hurt his pride and let him have his little temper tantrum.

            • 2 months ago

              Toriyama hadn't even thought of SSJ3 by that fight, moron.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Toriyama wrote everything at the last minute and didn't think anything through ever, by his own admission. He just wanted to smoke and ride his bike all week until the weekend when he was forced to rush everything to meet the deadline. The art, the story, all the paneling, etc. If you read every chapter with this in mind, why the next chapter feels like cobbled together nonsense makes more sense, because it was

                >Takeda: That period was when Sensei began to try and make Dragon Ball more popular through its story line, and it certainly bore fruit.

                >Toriyama: At that time it began to be more fun to think up the story than to draw the pictures. But with the story, I basically only thought of each chapter. That’s why I end up getting caught in these quagmires. (laughs) Around the time of Trunks’ time travel, it was dreadful. I kept drawing, and it just got more and more incoherent.

              • 2 months ago

                >just want to smoke and ride your bike
                >half ass the story and still becomes extremely successful
                Toriyama was so based.

              • 2 months ago

                The fact that Toriyama’s art was crisp when he wrote chapters at the last minute is impressive. You can’t deny that. Also, the manga a weekly schedule is torture so I don’t blame him for wanting to relax.

              • 2 months ago

                >Also, the manga a weekly schedule is torture so I don’t blame him for wanting to relax

                That shitty life he led as a mangaka is most likely a huge contributor to what ended up killing him. Too bad he didn't actually apply the Turtle school mantra to his own lifestyle

                >"Work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty. That's the Turtle Hermit way to learn."

                Miura had a terrible lifestyle from working on Berserk too and he'd comment on how not well he was feeling often

              • 2 months ago

                Some of these guys are addicted to the work, it’s a love hate relationship. Toriyama came back to dragon ball. Miura was even working on another series while Berserk was running. Kishimoto immediately went to work on another series once Naruto ended

              • 2 months ago

                It doesn't matter, moron. It became canon that Goku had it all along, which means that he could have crushed Vegeta with it.

              • 2 months ago

                You're a fricking idiot and know nothing about the series. The entire point of him being controlled by magic and become Majin was to compensate for the fact he detected goku was miles ahead of him when goku revealed a little bit of his true power against that light eating monster. He sensed goku having a power like ssj3 and wanted the power boost that comes with Majin magic. He fricking explains it himself.

        • 2 months ago

          I forgot how rushed the art looked in the Buu saga

          • 2 months ago

            Toriyama's art started dropping even in the Android saga, probably because he was losing drive to keep going with the manga. The panels aren't exciting at all. By the time Buu came, the art fell off a cliff completely

            • 2 months ago

              Tori's peak was the 23rd Tenkaichi up to the end of the Saiyan arc. You could see him start to rush his work towards the end of the Frieza arc and by the Cell arc his work was rushed and ugly at times. But even at his worst he was still better than Toyotaro.

              • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        this should tell you everything about his "victories"

  3. 2 months ago

    I heard rumors he beat the red guy in the Ginyu Force, but those are some of the episodes I never actually saw myself so it could all just be lies

    • 2 months ago

      He did after Goku b***hslapped him and he tried to run away. Other than that he kicked almost perfect Cells ass and kills Pui Pui, one of Babidis monsters before Buu woke up.

      • 2 months ago

        Are you a moron or you just can't read?

    • 2 months ago

      he kills nappa like it was nothing
      he handles qui, dodoria and zarbon
      he kills some of the ginyu force after they were already crushed by goku
      he annihilates android 19
      he is handling cell before he decides to let him go perfect like a moron
      he beats one of babadi's monsters on the ship (pui?)
      i dont remember him winning a single one in any movies though

      • 2 months ago

        >annihilates android 19
        Why didn't 19 release him when he felt his hands were about to get ripped ?

        • 2 months ago

          Because Android 19 was a fat chinese moron

          I do like how the androids all had different tricks though, and Gero had a good idea going when it comes to energy absorbsion, he was just too old and weak to make proper use of it

  4. 2 months ago

    Years of jobbing are made up for in pic related.

    • 2 months ago

      >fight Vegeta loses

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah but not in 30 seconds like in every other movie and not before handing Broly his ass for a while.

  5. 2 months ago

    He comes in halfway through the list of Z movies and isn't even in 2 (Broly Second Coming & Bio-Broly) so I cut him some slack. He "technically" wins if you consider Fusion Reborn due to fusion, but other than that, he jobs just like in the show. Toriyama's curse seemed to roll over into movies, but Bejita is better than Goku in Buodkai Tenkaichi 3 (in all forms except maybe early), so at least there's that.
    He beats Goku I guess, but jobs all other times.

    • 2 months ago

      Why does tao get the craziest flexes in the show?

      • 2 months ago

        Because he was the first real, extremely deadly threat Goku faced. The RR Army was serious, but their commanders were still somewhat silly. Tao was a straight up killer who did his business. I still consider him more intimidating than some Z villains purely based off the fact he tries to off Goku the minute he realizes he's not a pushover. Tao also kills the big Indian guy and that was one of the first significant deaths of the show, and that Goku experienced.
        >t.watched DB for the first time recently after only watching Z & GT forever

        • 2 months ago

          >watched DB for the first time recently after only watching Z & GT forever
          how the frick does that even happen?

          • 2 months ago

            Z and GT were translated first I think

            • 2 months ago

              yeah but thats like 20 years ago. how do you not get curious or be baffled about the shitty start without context?
              DB classic is the best btw.

            • 2 months ago

              Maybe in some third world country. In the US dragon ball was fully translated and transitioned straight to Z by making dead zone the first couple of episodes.

              • 2 months ago

                >In the US dragon ball was fully translated and transitioned straight to Z by making dead zone the first couple of episodes.
                lmao even

              • 2 months ago

                Hey, it’s the only way anyone would willingly (or otherwise) watch dead zone

          • 2 months ago

            how is this weird? DBZ is astronomically more popular than db and obviously gt.
            So then the timelines goes watch dbz > want more > watch gt > want more > watch that silly looking shit called dragon ball.
            This is how it was for me before super came out so i don't know what it's like now

            • 2 months ago

              im sorry for your moronation 15 yo pablo.

              • 2 months ago

                >calls someone else a 15 year old
                >is apparently unaware of the fact that Z and GT were dubbed and shown overseas long before DB was dubbed and shown overseas

              • 2 months ago

                >greentexts because hes moronic
                >also cant read because hes moronic
                pablo ..

              • 2 months ago

                The only reason you're dumbfounded as to why someone watched Z and GT before watching DB is because you are a ilteral child that was not around during the 90s and early 00s when Z and GT were airing and DB was still only half translated and only 1/4 of it was ever aired.
                And by "aired" I mean broadcast on various television channels across the world. And by "television channels" I mean something similar to the streaming services you're used to now except with less content and on a set schedule.
                Figured I'd explain those couple of novel concepts for you since I doubt you're clearly unfamiliar with them.

              • 2 months ago

                this by the time DB aired I didn't give a frick about the series anymore

              • 2 months ago

                Im not and i was around in the 90s you dumb idiot. I even read the manga you homosexual. And even though im not from the worst continent in the world i still know your shitty release history but its still like 20 years ago.
                How do you watch DB classic for the first time in 2024?

              • 2 months ago

                >How do you watch DB classic for the first time in 2024?
                I didn't, I watched DB classic for the first time in like 03 because I pirated the entire series off kazaa

              • 2 months ago

                Thats cool and all anon but i was talking about this anon

                Because he was the first real, extremely deadly threat Goku faced. The RR Army was serious, but their commanders were still somewhat silly. Tao was a straight up killer who did his business. I still consider him more intimidating than some Z villains purely based off the fact he tries to off Goku the minute he realizes he's not a pushover. Tao also kills the big Indian guy and that was one of the first significant deaths of the show, and that Goku experienced.
                >t.watched DB for the first time recently after only watching Z & GT forever

              • 2 months ago

                >this homosexual is still b***hing
                I'm glad I waited till now to watch it. Not only is it apparently a big fricking deal to some stupid moron (you), but it also gave me something good to watch in time when everything coming out is corrupted, political, or just plain dumb.

              • 2 months ago

                im not. i just hate dealing with morons.

                >I even read the manga
                you're the homosexual acting like that's some kind of accomplishment more people have read the manga than watched the bloated anime

                sure anon. surely this time you didnt just talk out of your ass.

              • 2 months ago

                >I even read the manga
                you're the homosexual acting like that's some kind of accomplishment more people have read the manga than watched the bloated anime

              • 2 months ago

                >I even read the manga
                >you homosexual

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                yeah but thats like 20 years ago. how do you not get curious or be baffled about the shitty start without context?
                DB classic is the best btw.

                The characters in Z cover all the big DB plot points in the filler, so I caught most of what I needed to know then. I have wanted to watch DB but never found time to dedicate to the 130 episodes or so. I remember catching some episodes on Toonami as well, so it's not I was clueless. It was cool seeing the how Goku became the badass he is in Z, it was like watching a prequel done right, except it was the done right from the beginning. Also,
                >EARLY DBZ > DB > POST NAMEK DBZ > GT > SUPER
                Late DB (King piccolo) is basically early Z to me. When Krillin is killed and Piccolo takes over the world it feels like the big action pieces are definitely coming in more, and the ridiculous power-ups.

              • 2 months ago

                almost right. DB was the best and it just got continuously worse.
                the alien thing was a tagged on asspull but it worked and was pretty good. cell was still ok. boo was watchable. everything after that felt like fanfiction which got increasingly worse to insultingly stupid with super.

              • 2 months ago

                You like it cause humans had ties to Goku as rivals. Tien was what happened if Master Roshi coddled him instead of being stern. King Piccolo was what happened if Master Roshi used martial arts to rule the world instead of kindness, making him the father figure Goku hate. Goku has not ties to Raditz, Bardock, Freiza, Broly. Only Cell, Turles, and maybe Dr. Wheelo have something resembling a dynamic with Goku. Even Cooler has ties to Goku as the guy who used him as a pawn to beat Frieza, then kill to rule the galaxy.

              • 2 months ago

                tumblr anon, you are talking out of your ass again. i like it because it was based on journey to the west and you felt it. it is liiterally based on that novel.
                but now goku beat literally all the strongest guys on earth even a demon god and his reincarnation so what do we do?
                Aliens! Goku: Alien! God: Alien! New bad guys: Aliens!
                i dont even know who all these other people are because i never watched a db movie.
                it took a major different direction.

              • 2 months ago

                Toriyama based Dragonball off Jackie Chan movies. Z was based off Terminator, Galaxy Quest

              • 2 months ago

                Not trying to start shit, but aliens were pretty much the only way to go if Toriyama was going to continue. Goku didn't need to be made into one considering all the weird characters in DB, but it didn't take away too much for me since the transformation was one of the bigger questions of the show. We never met another person with a tail in DB, and yeah some mystery is good, but it always comes back to "well where did he get it from?" for those types of mysteries, meaning more money as well.

              • 2 months ago

                as likable as some parts are, the cell/buu saga don't feel like Dragonball in plot sense, its just straight to stopping the bad guy and the repeating mass hunt for the dragonballs is forgotten - and honestly, for the show that it is, the way that dragonballs were used in namek with the mixture of genocide while tying a part of to piccolo also made it feel more grounded in the story's universe

                then after all that you go back and find out a human scientist invented robots that are 100x stronger anyway so its sort of deflating

              • 2 months ago

                That's why Tournament of Power is the best saga after Frieza saga in my opinion.

              • 2 months ago

                Toriyama would have liked endless road trips if he could have got away with it, but the editors pushed him into a battle manga, so he was forced to churn out Goku & friends crashing against another bad guy, over and over. He tried his hand at a road trip again with Sand Land

              • 2 months ago

                >Well, if it isn't the Turtle Hermit
                How do you argue this? The guy's hair is a bird so any attempt would be invalid.

          • 2 months ago

            I've watched z 3 or 4 times and super once. Haven't watched any movies. Red pill me what i should do

        • 2 months ago

          Is db worth it? Is there a kai version without the shit filler?

  6. 2 months ago

    In super hero he technically does

  7. 2 months ago

    he beats goku in the last movie

    • 2 months ago

      barely, but then the same can be said about goku's wins over vegeta. Still a wonderful moment

      • 2 months ago

        >goku's wins over vegeta
        never happened

      • 2 months ago

        >wins over vegeta
        >gets crushed by Vegeta great ape and bailed out by Gohan, Killin, and Yajirobe.

        • 2 months ago

          >first episode goku gets shot by a gun
          >it hurts him
          >to hurt goku you have to punch with as much force as a gun shot
          >after a billion power ups and kaioken goku should punch so hard and fast the air should burn
          >gets clean hits on vegeta
          >it hurts but its fine
          >vegeta gets nuked by the pure energy of every living being on earth
          >it hurts but its fine
          >a big hairy ape falls on vegeta
          >he is totally defeated and barely alive

        • 2 months ago

          Goku lost to Master Roshi, Taopaipai, Tien, King Piccolo, and Raditz. Vegeta didn't beat Goku so hard that his heart stopped like King Piccolo or Taopaipai did.

      • 2 months ago


        A win is a win, anon

  8. 2 months ago

    /dbs/ scholars, ASSEMBLE.

    • 2 months ago

      Future Trunks was cool

  9. 2 months ago


  10. 2 months ago

    He beats one of the ginyu guys
    He beat cell so hard he made him go perfect, en then got his ass kicked
    He beat Goku as majin

    That's when I stopped watching

    • 2 months ago

      >He beat Goku as majin

    • 2 months ago

      He also beat everyone in the audience at the world tournament, and everyone 20 blocks behind the world tournament

    • 2 months ago

      Don't forget the random ass planet his Final Flash hits when he tilted it up to only hit Cell then it just keeps flying out into the stratosphere.

    • 2 months ago

      >He beat Goku as majin

  11. 2 months ago

    In the movies who gives a shit
    >Beats Goku in the Saiyan Saga and only has to retreat because of Yajirobe cutting off his tail
    >Beats Goku during the Buu Saga when they duel
    >Beats Goku in Super Hero when they're having an all out in base form sparring session
    Gokus never won a fight against Vegeta.

    • 2 months ago

      Vegeta cries like a little b***h to Goku after he learned that Goku could have transformed into super saiyan 3 during that fight.

      • 2 months ago

        SS3 is a joke though. Goku himself admits that the form is fricking useless unless he is dead because it drains living stamina too much to be effective in a fight. Using it against Vegeta wouldn't have worked, because as soon as he did, he thought Vegeta would figure out the weakness of the form since Vegeta consistently figured things out before Goku every fricking time. Granted Goku is an actual brain damaged moron, but still.

        • 2 months ago

          >less unless he is dead because it drains living stamina too much to be effective in a fight. Using it against Vegeta wouldn't have worked, because as soon as he did, he thought Vegeta would figure out the weakness of the form since Vegeta consistently figured things out before Goku every fricking time.
          Goku would've one-shot'd him before Vegeta could figure anything out. Their difference in power was too big.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't know about that, it wasn't doing much more to Fat Buu than Vegeta was in 2. That's really the only point of comparison besides Battle of Gods where Vegeta rage boosts in 2 so hard against Beerus that he exceeds Goku in 3 from MUHBULMA. I don't think the difference is as big as you say.

            • 2 months ago

              >I don't know about that, it wasn't doing much more to Fat Buu than Vegeta was in 2
              Goku himself says he could've beaten fat Boo in SSJ3

              • 2 months ago

                I wonder if he really could have. Goku backpedals on this a bit later on, saying he wasn't sure if he could have really beat Buu or not. Both Fat Buu and Kid Buu were enjoying the fight a lot with SSJ3 and never looked concerned for their own safety, so it is doubtful

        • 2 months ago

          >Using it against Vegeta wouldn't have worked, because as soon as he did, he thought Vegeta would figure out the weakness of the form

          When did Goku sit down and ponder on how Bejita would have figured out how to beat him in SSJ3 form happen?

  12. 2 months ago

    He beats Android 15

    • 2 months ago

      Grim. All he defeats are some low level grunts and filler characters. He defeats imperfect cell too but let's him power up then gets rekt in 10min.

      In the buu saga, which is messy as frick I remember him kinda defeating goku and maybe some majins then self explodes to do nothing to buu. Toriyama hated vegeta and it's apparent.

  13. 2 months ago

    >your creator keeps setting you up for failure
    >you keep getting back up and get stronger each time
    vegeta is the real hero not goku

    • 2 months ago

      This. Toriyama unintentionally made one of the most relatable characters in modern fiction. Everybody can be a Vegeta, nobody is a Goku.

      • 2 months ago

        >prince of a warrior race
        >godlike power
        >hot wife

        Yeah, relatable.

        • 2 months ago

          You could have all those things if your foolish pride didn't get in the way.

  14. 2 months ago

    does taking BGC count as a win?

    • 2 months ago

      Thanks doc

  15. 2 months ago

    No one hates Dragonball more than Dragonball fans
    >NOO why is the main character getting all the focus?
    >NOOO how come the irrelevant human characters dont get more screen time?!
    >NOOO Dragonball should have ended with king Piccolo!!
    >NOO it should have ended with Frieza!
    >NOOO it should have ended with Cell!!!
    >NOOO GT sucks!
    >NOO Super sucks!!
    >NOOO why isn't Gohan the main character???
    >NOOO why can’t Vegeta save the day??!
    And yet you all still watch.

    • 2 months ago

      It's all self inserters unironically. People b***h about characters as if they personally slighted them. Vegeta hatred for example clearly comes from people that self insert as Goku and hate that Vegeta doesn't worship them.

  16. 2 months ago

    Anyone know where I can get this but as a shirt? Thanks.

    • 2 months ago

      Just look up any old custom design vendor online
      here's an example -

  17. 2 months ago

    Him and Goku took out Meta Cooler together.

    • 2 months ago

      >implying bejita's weak ass sent the final ki blast into Cooler's rebuilt head
      Goku needed him to get their, but Goku finished the fight.

      >first episode goku gets shot by a gun
      >it hurts him
      >to hurt goku you have to punch with as much force as a gun shot
      >after a billion power ups and kaioken goku should punch so hard and fast the air should burn
      >gets clean hits on vegeta
      >it hurts but its fine
      >vegeta gets nuked by the pure energy of every living being on earth
      >it hurts but its fine
      >a big hairy ape falls on vegeta
      >he is totally defeated and barely alive

      >what is being completely exhausted and smashed by a big ass monkey crashing to the earth

      almost right. DB was the best and it just got continuously worse.
      the alien thing was a tagged on asspull but it worked and was pretty good. cell was still ok. boo was watchable. everything after that felt like fanfiction which got increasingly worse to insultingly stupid with super.

      Eh, I loved how crazy and intense things always got by the end of the sagas. Namek, blowing up, Goku completely fricking up (betting all on Gohan) and almost getting everyone killed with Cell, then Goku & vegeta tag-teaming kid Buu for the fight for the universe. It got more and more ridiculous, but the ending with Kid Buu being taken out by Goku and the spirit bomb wrapped it up pretty well, in my opinion. DB ended well too, but felt more like the beginning of the real adventure.

      • 2 months ago

        he was not crashing he was falling. it was probably less impact then a car crash at 200km/h. but vegeta took hundreds of way worse car crashes this whole fight no problem. im just saying.

        Toriyama based Dragonball off Jackie Chan movies. Z was based off Terminator, Galaxy Quest

        how are you constantly so confidently wrong holy shit. db has jackie chan and a lot of kung fu references but son goku is completely 100% based on Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. even db has terminator references.
        but with dbz the root for the character and the db story got completely thrown out of the window.

        Not trying to start shit, but aliens were pretty much the only way to go if Toriyama was going to continue. Goku didn't need to be made into one considering all the weird characters in DB, but it didn't take away too much for me since the transformation was one of the bigger questions of the show. We never met another person with a tail in DB, and yeah some mystery is good, but it always comes back to "well where did he get it from?" for those types of mysteries, meaning more money as well.

        thats what im saying. i didnt mind dbz when i was watching it as a teen. i thought it was the coolest shit but the older you get the better the original db becomes and the weirder dbz gets. i still like to watch dbz but it has a lot of asspulls and weird power ups.

        • 2 months ago

          Idk, if a monkey that big falls to earth unconsciously, he probably has a harder fall. And vegeta had tanked everything up to that point, yeah, but that's whtlat I'm saying. He had everything thrown at him and took it all until he couldn't. Hell, he could move more than Goku still at the end.
          As fir as the asspulls and power-ups, they do get to be a but much, but it seemed like Toriyama didn't want to leave anyone behind so the powerups were the answer. DB is definitely more wholesome, better overall story, and rivals but I still prefer Z because of the more intense fights, and nostalgia I'm sure.

      • 2 months ago


  18. 2 months ago

    As a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect....or you're not me.

  19. 2 months ago

    clap clap clap

  20. 2 months ago

    No. He gets the 2nd or 3rd in charge kills sometimes but will ultimately be defeated by the 1st in charge.

  21. 2 months ago

    No. He gets the 2nd or 3rd in charge kills sometimes but will ultimately be defeated by the 1st in charge.

  22. 2 months ago

    No. Never.
    Remember when he got b***hslapped by Hirudegarn?

  23. 2 months ago

    >loses to the team of Goku, Gohan, Krillin and Yajirobe
    >beats Cui
    >beats Dodoria
    >loses to Zarbon
    >beats Zarbon
    >loses to Recoome
    >beats Jeice
    >beats Ginyu in Goku's body
    >loses to Frieza
    >beats Android 19
    >loses to Android 18
    >could have killed Cell but fricked up
    >beats Goku (only because he didn't go SS3 for some reason)
    >sacrifices himself in vain against Fat Buu
    >stalls Kid Buu so Goku can kill him
    Not a great track record in the show either tbf.

    • 2 months ago

      He actually loses to #18 (I think) twice since Trunks' future is cannon and he dies in that one too. Toriyama really hated him lol.

    • 2 months ago

      He decapitates this dude in the movies.

      He also reks a lot of dudes during the tournaments in Super.

      • 2 months ago

        >in Super
        We don't talk about super. We act like super doesn't exists.

    • 2 months ago

      You credit him losing to teams but not winning as part of teams. The whole point of his character is learning not to be individualistic

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not denying him credit for Kid Buu, you can definitely count that as his victory too. He was essential in the battle and the final shot of him and Goku giving each other thumbs up serves as an acknowledgement of that.
        His first defeat on Earth was definitely a team effort by the heroes though. You can say he beat Goku 1v1 before the others arrived if you really want to but it should still count as the same battle and he retreated in the end.

  24. 2 months ago

    The Broly movie (original) is the worst for him, he just wanders off into the enemy's weird trap and doesn't really try to figure out anything about what's going on and literally gives up and starts shitting himself when he realizes what Broly is. It gets so bad we almost have actual Piccolo dick levels of humiliation with Piccolo dragging him by the ear to go fight basically and then when he does finally fight he gets his ass kicked horribly. Even if the movie isn't really canon it's the most humiliation Vegeta has ever endured in any DB material; it makes the Beerus kneeling look good by comparison.

  25. 2 months ago

    Toriyama just used Bejita to move the plot forward and little else. It makes sense that Bejita would never get a chance to do anything more than that. You'd think Toei at least would throw him a bone now and then though, but even they really didn't do much with him. I suppose they understood that Goku was the big draw and feeding any good bad guys to Bejita instead of Goku would be a waste of time. Goku brought in the yen, Bejita didn't

    • 2 months ago

      >Goku was the big draw
      >feeding any good bad guys to Bejita instead of Goku would be a waste of time
      I feel like this is a stretch. Giant one. Vegeta was the most beloved character, maybe not on par with goku but everyone I knew back then was team vegeta. Everyone loves goku but he is a giant moron and loving him is a given. Vegeta felt more controversial, more exciting as he was always lagging behind. Not throwing him a bone is a huge frick up and those arrogant japs failed to read the room. Maybe soiboy chinks didn't love vegeta that much that I don't know but in the west vegeta was cool.

      • 2 months ago

        Lol, Toriyama didn't care for him and intentionally shit on him because fans liked him so much. He was doomed to job.

        The Broly movie (original) is the worst for him, he just wanders off into the enemy's weird trap and doesn't really try to figure out anything about what's going on and literally gives up and starts shitting himself when he realizes what Broly is. It gets so bad we almost have actual Piccolo dick levels of humiliation with Piccolo dragging him by the ear to go fight basically and then when he does finally fight he gets his ass kicked horribly. Even if the movie isn't really canon it's the most humiliation Vegeta has ever endured in any DB material; it makes the Beerus kneeling look good by comparison.

        I watched it recently and had to laugh. Have to wonder if Toriyama ever heard about the dose before he died.

      • 2 months ago

        >beats Goku (only because he didn't go SS3 for some reason)

        The reason is because Toriyama didn't think of it yet. In-universe reason is I don't even know. Bejita got mad at Goku for not clobbering him with SSJ3 and leading Bejita on to think he was actualy even with Goku. I forgot what Goku's excuse was. Probably that the form would have drained all of his time and he'd have been sucked back into the other world right afterwards, it was likely something more stupid than that because it is Goku

  26. 2 months ago

    Yea he has

  27. 2 months ago

    He literally didnt beat anyone of relevance between Zarbon and Topo. The fat android, and Pui Pui were completely irrelevant.
    Now imagine if DB ended in Namek, he would have died without landing a single punch on Frieza and died crying like a b***h. Unironically Krillin did a much better fight against Frieza.

  28. 2 months ago

    Vegeta makes people seethe because despite all the humiliation rituals they put him through, they accidentally made him the most compelling and 2nd most popular character. It constant cycle of it's over/I'm back.

    People relate to striving for something you may never achieve versus being a tantrum thrower like Gohan.

    • 2 months ago

      >vegeta drunk and alone in a pub watching president goku on TV and annoying the young people with stories of 'yeah I beat him once! I was the prince of saiyans! Once I was the strongest in the universe!' then he screams 'final flash' while washing down another shot of cheap vodka.

      • 2 months ago

        Goku's never kissed his wife.

    • 2 months ago

      I like Vegeta more than Goku.

      • 2 months ago

        same t b h, goku is a dumbass

    • 2 months ago

      Vegeta and maybe future Trunks are the only compelling characters in that mess of a franchise

  29. 2 months ago

    Top Bejita list:

    >God tier

    Namek Bejita

    >High tier

    Supa Bejita

    >Mid tier

    Arrival on Earth Bejita

    >Low tier

    Majin Bejita

    >Shit tier

    Alphabet people blue hair kneeling and cooking ramen Bejita

    • 2 months ago

      Majin Bejita is at least mid tier if not high. He was pure slime and it was entertaining seeing him like that.

    • 2 months ago

      >Earth Bejita
      What are you even saying?

    • 2 months ago

      >Top tier
      >High tier
      Sayan saga
      >Mid tier
      Vegeta in Cell / Android Saga
      >Low tier
      Buu Saga
      >Shit tier
      All the non canon Super, GT, movies, etc shit

  30. 2 months ago

    Friendly reminder that Goku has never beaten him

  31. 2 months ago

    he gives some of the best dialogue though

  32. 2 months ago

    Even as a kid I thought it was weird that Vegeta was still proud and arrogant despite getting humiliated regularly

  33. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I don't care what everyone thinks
      Krillinposting IS hilarious

  34. 2 months ago

    since you're all experts was demon king piccolo a namekian? what about garlic jr love that homie

    • 2 months ago

      >was demon king piccolo a namekian
      >what abou Garlic jr

      • 2 months ago

        but why was he called the demon king? was he not a demon

    • 2 months ago

      Why do you care where he is from? Are you some kind of bigot? He is an earthling. He born on earth and he belongs here now. Bigot.

  35. 2 months ago


  36. 2 months ago

    vageta is like wolverine in the 90s xmen cartoon. constantly jobs, but hes cool and strong enough to add to the story every time

  37. 2 months ago

    This is why I stopped caring about dragonball.
    Show teaches a weird message. The dude who works and trains the hardest always gets cucked by some dweeb who is just naturally good. In reality training and practice are the keys to success.

  38. 2 months ago

    Which Buu was the strongest one?

    • 2 months ago

      Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed)

  39. 2 months ago

    Yeah he exists in those only to job to the main villain.

    In the series at least he kills a lot of foes: Nappa, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, an entire Namekian village, Jeice, Recoom, Buter, Android 19, beats up Semi perfect cell almost to death and spares his life, Puipui.

  40. 2 months ago

    Beerus and Whis exist to retain the base theme its always had of the "there's always someone better out there so never stop improving".

    Super Saiyan 3? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Super Saiyan God? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Golden Freeza? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Super Saiyan Blue? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Ultra Instinct? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Gogeta and Broly? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Moro? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Ultra Ego? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Beast? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    Black Freeza? Beerus is still better. Whis is still better than Beerus. Grand Priest is still better than Whis.

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. There were already few stakes in the OG series compared to the average action series, but now there are nearly zero. And they're not even funny.

      Huh I like to eat a lot
      And I'm somewhat gay

      So freaking funny guys!

      The OG Toriyama had much better humour. Now it lacks both the humour of DB and the violence and risks of late DB and Z

      >A frilly gay man and a dumb cat are the constantly moving goal posts of power that can never be surpassed and always save the day if the problems become too severe for Goku to handle

      Beerus and Whis were the worst things to happen to the series. Everything involving them past The Battle of Gods, which wasn't a great movie either, has been liquid shit

      And I also hate the power scaling

      >yeah now base frieza can destroy ane ntire planet just by patting it with its hand, he doesn't even need a Ki blast

      >yeah also SSJ Blue Vegeta, canonically stronger than GOLDEN Frieza, can't lift 10000 tons (1/10 the weight of the average modern cargo ship / cruise ship)

      I fricking hate this. They inherited Toriyama's shit power scaling but none of his good aspects like story telling or humour

  41. 2 months ago

    >A frilly gay man and a dumb cat are the constantly moving goal posts of power that can never be surpassed and always save the day if the problems become too severe for Goku to handle

    Beerus and Whis were the worst things to happen to the series. Everything involving them past The Battle of Gods, which wasn't a great movie either, has been liquid shit

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. There were already few stakes in the OG series compared to the average action series, but now there are nearly zero. And they're not even funny.

      Huh I like to eat a lot
      And I'm somewhat gay

      So freaking funny guys!

      The OG Toriyama had much better humour. Now it lacks both the humour of DB and the violence and risks of late DB and Z

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. There were already few stakes in the OG series compared to the average action series, but now there are nearly zero. And they're not even funny.

      Huh I like to eat a lot
      And I'm somewhat gay

      So freaking funny guys!

      The OG Toriyama had much better humour. Now it lacks both the humour of DB and the violence and risks of late DB and Z

      And I also hate the power scaling

      >yeah now base frieza can destroy ane ntire planet just by patting it with its hand, he doesn't even need a Ki blast

      >yeah also SSJ Blue Vegeta, canonically stronger than GOLDEN Frieza, can't lift 10000 tons (1/10 the weight of the average modern cargo ship / cruise ship)

      I fricking hate this. They inherited Toriyama's shit power scaling but none of his good aspects like story telling or humour

      Moro feels like a Z saga.

      • 2 months ago

        Damn, those are some really boring panels. Everything I see of Torotaro seems underwhelming. Wasn't Toriyama supervising that guy heavily? How come he's such a bland artist?

        • 2 months ago

          Toriyama supervised gag scenes only, let’s be honest. You can’t copy someone else’s art style and paneling 1 for 1 either. Toriyama was the best at conveying fights

          • 2 months ago

            >You can’t copy someone else’s art style and paneling 1 for 1 either

            That is true, though Katsuyoshi Kakatsuru was so good at copying Toriyama's art that Toriyama himself often times couldn't even tell if he drew the art, or if Kakatsuru did. He'd only really know for sure by looking at how much more detailed the shading or muscle structure was and he'd know he didn't draw it. Kakatsuru drew a lot of the scenes people remember from the Toei anime. Scenes that weren't even in the manga, but look like they should have been

      • 2 months ago

        Is that fan art?

  42. 2 months ago

    Its over for vegetacels. Getting Bulma was his last true win.

    • 2 months ago

      That's more than enough don't you think
      >Good mother, bearer of chads

      • 2 months ago

        Bejita wasn't very satisfied with that, as he was happy to let her die and her baby, had Future Trunks not saved them both himself

        • 2 months ago

          >as he was happy to let her die and her baby
          that's some toei bullshit as usual

          • 2 months ago

            That happened in the manga too

  43. 2 months ago

    Anyone else feel like the sort of flashback scènes they had chronicling Vegeta and nappa conquering planets was kino as frick. I think there were more, where they showed random ass alien planets being fricked up by the Ginyu force or something. I would've really liked to see more of that.

  44. 2 months ago

    Most of movies piccolo cleans up the minions and losses to main bad guy they goku beats

    • 2 months ago

      >Tossing all the trash mobs into the garbage and then getting put in the garbage yourself by the big boss

      It is a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it

  45. 2 months ago

    Beat Goku. Killed Pui. Killed Guldo. Killed Zarbon. Killed Jeice. Destroyed Android 19. Beat Goku AGAIN. Beat Frost. Beat Magetta. Beat Cabba. Beat Toppo. Beat Goku AGAIN.

    • 2 months ago

      >Beat Goku

      • 2 months ago

        First fight Goku was dead until Yajirobe interfered. Second fight Goku made the same mistake Frieza made (trying to play with his food) and it cost him. Third fight at the end of Super Hero you could kinda call just fricking around I guess

        • 2 months ago

          >First fight Goku was dead until Yajirobe interfered.
          No one cares about Vegeta's furry mode.

          >Second fight Goku made the same mistake Frieza made (trying to play with his food) and it cost him.
          Goku didn't want to fight and it's already been established that Goku could have rekt Vegeta if he went SSJ3.

          >Third fight at the end of Super Hero you could kinda call just fricking around I guess
          Sure, whatever. Base froms are irrelevant.

          • 2 months ago

            >base forms
            Not according to Whis and anybody in the top tier. Or Gokek back when he was figuring out transforms. Pissing away energy transforming is a waste when you can perfect your lower state instead. Transforming is a crutch for shitters.

          • 2 months ago

            >No one cares about Vegeta's furry mode.
            >Sure, whatever. Base froms are irrelevant.

        • 2 months ago

          Vegeta doesn't consider any of those to be wins except the third one.

          • 2 months ago

            Except they're unironically, objectively wins.

            Goku was flat on his back, toes to the sky, incapable continuing after the first and was face down in the dirt catching an afternoon nap after the second.

            • 2 months ago

              How can you even say Vegeta won the second one with a straight face? It's bad enough that he had to beg Babidi for a power boost to catch up to Goku and he would have still lost if Goku went SSJ3. Vegeta seethed about it afterwards.

              • 2 months ago

                He didn't want to fight Vegeta because he KNEW he could beat him (and time was of the essence). He wanted to fight Majin Boo, who was the superior opponent. That's Goku 101 bro.

                >Gokeks malding over reality

                Vegeta has won every fight against Goku that they've had. Every. Single. One.

                Coping and seething and trying to shove in context that doesnt exist like you shove dilaters into your surgical Wounds isn't going to change anything.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not arguing that. I don't know why you quoted me. I was telling you Goku didn't want to fight Vegeta, as it would've been pointless, from his point of view. He only did it because Vegita was being a b***h and wouldn't let go and probably would've killed everyone on earth if he hadn't obliged him.

              • 2 months ago

                Goku gave in because he's stupid and he really wanted a fight with Majin Bejita too, as you can see them both grinning their asses off at each other while Gohan is getting his lights punched out, trying to clean up the mess. Only after Buu was released from his egg did Goku realize he shit the bed again

              • 2 months ago

                Before their fight, Goku told Vegeta he did not want to take damage from Vegeta and was going to go all out from the start.

                And even after Vegeta goes Super Saiyan 2, he does not go Super Saiyan 3, his true full power that could defeat Vegeta in a blink of an eye. Toriyama didn't had Super Saiyan 3 in mind until Goku went after Babidi and Boo. He even says there's no way he could beat Majin Boo even before he knew the kids could fuse.

            • 2 months ago

              Vegeta doesn't buy into your cope gymnastics.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not sure why Bejitafans feel the need to try to give Bejita victories that he doesn't consider legit. It would be one thing if Bejita was making an argument that he won all these fights, but he does the opposite and says clearly that he did not. He won a single fight against Goku and that was their base form battle that took hours, which Bejita felt really good about

    • 2 months ago

      >Never actually beat Goku until the last movie Toriyama ever worked on before he died and only by a hair
      >Manage to kill off some of the Luigi characters

      Not a bad run for Vegetables, all things considered, but even still, he can't run with number one. Goku is the big dick player on the block and that won't change

      • 2 months ago

        >never actually beat goku

        First fight as I said, Goku was dead until Yajirobe interfered. Even then, Goku was physically incapable of fighting anymore afterwards. Krillin and Gohan finished off Vegeta, hilariously enough.

        Goku could've just whipped out his dick with SSJ3 vs Vegeta but wanted to toy with his food the same way Frieza should've just gone Final Form max power vs Goku from the jump. Goku and Frieza both lost as a result. Goku should've known better.

        • 2 months ago

          Also, you can tell Goku learned not to ficj around so much from that fight when later vs Hit he whipped out kaioken + Blue to not get ragdollled.

          • 2 months ago

            >Also, you can tell Goku learned not to ficj around so much from that fight

            Yeah, like when he let Frieza blow up the planet and kill everyone and needed to get bailed out by Whis resetting time

            • 2 months ago

              That has nothing to do with Goku being moronic or trying to play with his food though.

              • 2 months ago

                >Goku: "Waku waku, that was a good fight, despite you wanted to kill me and my friends! Would you like to be my sparring partner now, galactic emperor ethnic cleanser? :DDD"
                >Frieza: "No."
                >Murders Goku's entire family
                >This has nothing to do with Goku being moronic


              • 2 months ago

                Meds. Take them. You are clearly not okay.

              • 2 months ago

                Sure because clearly I'm the one that needs the meds

              • 2 months ago

                You're delusional. You're probably a troony, too. Meds or a .45 ACP ibuprofen.

        • 2 months ago

          >Goku should've known better.
          Goku didn't want to fight at all, and it wasn't even such a big deal in the manga. It was just a temper tantrum from Vegeta. Saying Vegeta won because Goku wasn't trying isn't doing Vegeta any favors.

          • 2 months ago

            >doesn't want to fight

            >h-he just didn't want to.. t-thats why he

            Gokeks on suicide watch. In absolute frickin shambles.

            • 2 months ago

              Yes, Goku wanted to deal with Buu. You know this.

            • 2 months ago

              He didn't want to fight Vegeta because he KNEW he could beat him (and time was of the essence). He wanted to fight Majin Boo, who was the superior opponent. That's Goku 101 bro.

  46. 2 months ago

    He's the ultimate cuck.
    >in awe and slack jawed as goku saves his life against the ginyu force and defeats them
    >watched as a warrior becomes a super sayain and defeats frieza
    >helpless and gaped as he watches the son of his trivial save his life and defeat cell
    >concedes goku is the best as he watches from the sideline when goku fights buu
    Vegogays have to cope with Toyomorontaro fanfiction to justify loving this manlet

  47. 2 months ago

    How can a character ever come back from being BTFO like this?

    • 2 months ago

      God, I need Android 18 to stomp on my testicles with the force of a thousand suns.

    • 2 months ago

      Even Piccolo Jr said Bejita is probably not very happy that he got floored by some blonde girl

  48. 2 months ago

    You're better than me Kakarot. You are the Best.


    • 2 months ago

      Bejitabros i dont feel so good....our response?

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          thanks doc

  49. 2 months ago

    He doesn’t need to win, he already won our hearts

  50. 2 months ago

    Bejita will kill freezer forma de Black

    • 2 months ago

      He got BTFO twice using his Ultra Ego form in the arc it was introduced in.

  51. 2 months ago

    >all those latrinx subhumans ITT
    the floors wont clean themselves you lazy monkeys, go back to work

  52. 2 months ago

    All you need to know is that Vegeta wins literally every fight he has against Goku ever in the history of the show so f*** you f*** you and get f*****

  53. 2 months ago

    He beat Goku Black until he had to merge with Zamasu.

    • 2 months ago

      Eh no one is keeping super as head cannon

      • 2 months ago

        Speak for yourself.

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