Donnie Darko

What's the appeal? Is it really all just vibes? The "story" is pants on head moronic and incomprehensible on a first watch.

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  1. 7 months ago

    It's a good movie when you're 15. Then the director tried to do it again with Southland Tales, and failed.

  2. 7 months ago

    Interesting theory on that movie according to a blind on cdan from many years ago. Is it true or not i have no idea, but it does make some sense.

  3. 7 months ago

    i think its a great film to be fair, a movie about finding god in a world where your fate is already determined. its an amazing story if you know whats actually going on.

  4. 7 months ago

    the late 90s-early 00s really spawned the worst 2deep4u pseud garbage I've ever seen, not a single other epoch reached such levels of pretentiousness while being completely devoid of any deep meaning whatsoever

    case in point

    >The Matrix
    >Fight Club
    >Donnie Darko
    >6th Sense
    >Blair Witch
    >Meet Joe Black
    >Good Will Hunting worst offender
    >The Matrix sequels
    >As Good as It Gets
    >Crimson Tide
    >Ghost in the Shell
    >A beautiful mind
    >The Others
    >Vanilla Sky
    >Minority Report
    >What Lies Beneath
    just the one that came to mind

    also infected a shitton of TV shows like CSI's first seasons etc.

    so fricking cringe

    • 7 months ago

      This, try re-watching Seven right now and focus on the dialogues and plot. Teenager tier level of writing.
      >inb4 muh cinematography

    • 7 months ago

      as opposed to what? most of those are god tier kino

    • 7 months ago

      Some of those are actually good though. I don't really interpret it as 2deep4u. I know plenty of people do, but I think mostly people just consider them movies with a cool "what if" kind of premise. I don't think films like Minority Report and The Matrix should be alongside something like Good Will Hunting. Two are clearly sci-fi fun premise movies and the other is just some weird present-age story about a janitor who is actually a genius.

      >what if in the future we can predict crimes before they happen
      >what if we're being used like batteries by alien and being kept in a dream state
      >what if we could have ai in our brains
      these don't necessarily have to have some deeper meaning. in fact, the message is usually pretty blatant (it's le bad), but its fun to explore the premise.

    • 7 months ago

      >2deep4u pseud garbage
      >Blair Witch
      >Meet Joe Black
      >Good Will Hunting
      >As Good as It Gets
      >Crimson Tide
      >Ghost in the Shell
      >A beautiful mind
      I never thought I'd see midwittery to the degree that someone would call Blair Witch, As Good as It Gets, and Crimson Tide "2deep4u". Is this bait? Are you actually moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      >Blair Witch
      You're a pleb, BWP is great. If you think it's too smart for you then you're a drooling moron, it's a found footage horror movie.

    • 7 months ago

      This is a good list of movies in general, stop being such a whiner

  5. 7 months ago

    so the theory goes is the writer of that movie died somehow in college (car accident) or something. So the roommate knew he was working on it or some shit, whatever the case he nabbed it for himself and said he wrote it. I don't think he had much success afterwards--southland tales? Could be a bs story and i'm not sure if the blind was ever revealed so i guess it could have been someone else.--but i remember that being the top guess at the time.

  6. 7 months ago

    wish fulfillment fantasy for loser men

    it's the american version of Shounens

  7. 7 months ago

    Whether you think the movie is good or not depends on what you think it's about

  8. 7 months ago

    >Is it really all just vibes
    yes. story is shit

    • 7 months ago

      >story is shit

  9. 7 months ago

    You're supposed to watch this movie when you're a teen/young adult and have a cringe main character complex.

  10. 7 months ago

    I didn't get it, is Donnie stuck in a time loop?

    • 7 months ago

      He's in a tangent universe that accidentally spawned off of the main continuity. It won't last very long, but the problem is the tangent universe is spawned by passage of an artifact from the main universe, in this case its a jet engine. In order to correct mistakes caused by the presence of the artifact, DD has to guide events to put the continuity back on track to prevent collapse of both universes. He's aided by powers from enigmatic metaphysical forces and Frank, who was not supposed to be dead, which means he's allowed to guide DD.

      He doesn't know what he's supposed to do until the very end when he realizes he has the power to go back reset the main event that set the two universes so wildly apart, his own death. He's not supposed to be alive in any universe.

      • 7 months ago

        >to go back reset the main event that set the two universes so wildly apart, his own death. He's not supposed to be alive in any universe.
        Close, except for this. The reason so much stuff gets better for Donnie, only to then, by the end, turn to shit is to make sure Donnie fixes the damage to the universes by sending the artifact back (referred to as an Ensurance Trap), something he presumably should know having read Roberta Sparrow's book. There's no reason he can't be alive, and a mention about Roberta Sparrow switching up personalities overnight implies she was a living receiver once. Him laughing and opting to die is either him thinking it'd be for the best, or being skeptical of what happened (dependent on how you want to view the ending).

        • 7 months ago

          I know about the return of the artifact and whatnot, of course I've read TPoTT. I left those elements out because I didn't feel like posting the link to the supplemental material (probably archived by now, right?)

          The thing the text leaves out is what I said, he still has to die to prevent all the harm his existence caused in the tangent, and part of the object's return seems to be dependent on that event occuring. The artifact was more of a harbinger for a larger two fold event. He obviously needs to be in that bed to truly close things down.

      • 7 months ago

        how the frick did the engine get there in the first place?

        • 7 months ago

          It fell from the sky you numbnuts

        • 7 months ago

          I dont think that is ever explained in either the film or the time travel book.

    • 7 months ago

      The movie doesn't explain anything but that's most likely what they were going for. Him dying breaks the time loop.

      He's in a tangent universe that accidentally spawned off of the main continuity. It won't last very long, but the problem is the tangent universe is spawned by passage of an artifact from the main universe, in this case its a jet engine. In order to correct mistakes caused by the presence of the artifact, DD has to guide events to put the continuity back on track to prevent collapse of both universes. He's aided by powers from enigmatic metaphysical forces and Frank, who was not supposed to be dead, which means he's allowed to guide DD.

      He doesn't know what he's supposed to do until the very end when he realizes he has the power to go back reset the main event that set the two universes so wildly apart, his own death. He's not supposed to be alive in any universe.

      >to go back reset the main event that set the two universes so wildly apart, his own death. He's not supposed to be alive in any universe.
      Close, except for this. The reason so much stuff gets better for Donnie, only to then, by the end, turn to shit is to make sure Donnie fixes the damage to the universes by sending the artifact back (referred to as an Ensurance Trap), something he presumably should know having read Roberta Sparrow's book. There's no reason he can't be alive, and a mention about Roberta Sparrow switching up personalities overnight implies she was a living receiver once. Him laughing and opting to die is either him thinking it'd be for the best, or being skeptical of what happened (dependent on how you want to view the ending).

      this is just headcanon from some IMDB poster.
      Not Canon at all.

      • 7 months ago

        No, its supplemental material written by Kelly. He does this. Try watching Southland Tales after reading the graphic novels. Its just how he makes films, across multiple mediums.

        how the frick did the engine get there in the first place?

        Its just universal frickery that happens. In the book they talk about in the movie that Kelly wrote a few pages of, it tells of swords and other metallic objects appearing out of nowhere to signal that the universe has split. Basically a metal object will "fall" out of its own continuity and into another from time to time and if its not returned to the principal continuity, things get bad.

  11. 7 months ago

    2 huge mysteries in this movie, first is what's a frickass and second is how to suck a frick

  12. 7 months ago

    It's trash so morons think it's "edgy and cool" when really it's just shit.
    Nothing but an advertisement for smoking and child abuse(they smoked around young children). Evil shit

  13. 7 months ago

    Vibes, characters, weird story. Just a solid film.

  14. 7 months ago

    DD is a crap time travel story. If you wanted something good pic related has a better plot and avoid time travel plotholes.

  15. 7 months ago

    Imagine getting filtered by Donnie Darko.

    • 7 months ago

      Have Darko babies even watched a good time travel story before?

      • 7 months ago

        DD is not a time travel story. Fixing time is just a story element. It a parallel reality story.

      • 7 months ago

        If you think the appeal of the movie is time travel then you didn't get it.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes you sure don't get time travel alright.

          • 7 months ago

            Being obsessed with time travel proves that you didn't get Donnie Darko. Kind of embarrassing that something that simple could go over your head but it's okay lol.

  16. 7 months ago

    >incomprehensible on a first watch
    horrific that I share this board with such moronic mouthbreathing c**ts

  17. 7 months ago

    >muh time travel plotholes
    lmao moronic reddit pseuds actually think they have a realistic grasp on time travel.

  18. 7 months ago

    That scene where "Under the Milkyway" plays was the definition of 80s teen nostalgia. Good movie overall, with some stunning scenes.

  19. 7 months ago

    Okay, I guess the ultimate canon reason is "god did it, I don't got to explain shit," pretty much what was meant by enigmatic metaphysical forces.

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