>Eating disorder

>Eating disorder
The 90s were wild if this was considered fat.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    >obviously skinny girl thinks someone is going to call her fat and gets preemptively upset
    >anon thinks this means she’s actually fat
    Did you just misunderstand the scene entirely?

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's actual doctors and influencers now who consider 130lbs to be fat

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eating disorders aren't about actually being fat, they're about mental problems.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Depending on your height and muscle, yeah, that could be fat.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not everyone is 4-foot-9, anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eugenia Cooney isn't a doctor

      • 2 weeks ago

        Any woman over 115lbs is fat. Special exceptions for preggos and really tall or muscular women.

      • 2 weeks ago

        if a doctor is on tiktok chances are they aren't an actual doctor

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's not just doctors
          It's fitness and dieting influencers, too

      • 2 weeks ago

        For many women it is. I’m not memeing. 5’6” and shorter should be 110-120.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sometimes I wonder if the medical system post-WWII lowered requirements for a "healthy" body weight to normalize the lithe figures of Holocaust survivors

          • 2 weeks ago

            advanced lard cope

            • 2 weeks ago

              t.Eugenia Cooney
              >Inb4 who
              You Annies are all the same with your tactics

    • 2 weeks ago

      >uses "wild"
      >r dey reyturdedad

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I need big hair to come back in fashion asap

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I need big hair to come back in fashion asap
      Yes. Immediately.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I need big hair to come back in fashion asap
      Everytime they draw Starfire with flat hear a fairy dies.

    • 2 weeks ago

      But hairspray erodes the ozone layer

      • 2 weeks ago

        Surely we can find a way to make big hair without ozone damage

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Why couldn't Quesada have stayed an artist?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Comics don't pay unless you're the guy that pays creators poorly, probably.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Women tend to look better with a few extra pounds on them.
    Howeverbeit we don’t ever let them know that, as they gain those few pounds naturally after childbirth.
    If a woman tries to get the beauty of a little excess weight before marriage and children, then after she pops out a baby she really might turn into a blimp
    So a woman who is sort of obese like my picrel with her muffin top is actually prime bodyweight, but any more before pregnancy would be overkill

    • 2 weeks ago

      You are objectively wrong.

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      IRL Senran Kagura body

  5. 2 weeks ago

    The whole "healthy at any size" and "fat acceptance" thing is, at least in part, a direct reaction to the 90s and 00s, where women really were pressured to be way too thin.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Frick modern Marvel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Anyone who praised this slideshow is a shill 100% guaranteed

    • 2 weeks ago

      I believe the show is drawn over cgi so the characters are always perfectly on model.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's 2D with some CGI shots in early eps, that shot is 2D also.

      • 2 weeks ago

        tracing over CGI make things especially off model since those 3D models don't have any decent muscles/fat physicis and weight shifting accorting to position, gravity and movement.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Anyone who praised this slideshow is a shill 100% guaranteed

      You didn't watch the show grifter-kun.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The show has good parts that deserve to be praised, but the intro is a mess. The original had that order for a reason: started as day with their leader, Cyclops; second leader Storm changed into night, then ended with Professor X.
        Now it's day, night, day, night.
        I did like Magneto's and Kurt's title card, though.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >here we go again
    stop bein an deisgenuous fatty

  8. 2 weeks ago

    OP, what's really going on here is that the artist has come up with a hot loose costume for the book's lead heroine, and the writer faces a choice of just have her start wearing the new costume with no real explanation, or make it a plot point in the story and try to justify why she's suddenly dressing like that. Pic related had a whole new Malice story arc just to justify it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      And the artist of OP was Joe Quesada who was the only one who insisted on that costume. he left only a few issues later and PAD had Polaris instantly drop the bawd suit. Funny how that worked out since Joe Q would end up being the guy who de-sexualized Marvel when he became EiC

    • 2 weeks ago

      Also, this costume was introduced in a medieval Avengers AU story, but was so popular with readers and with the people working on the book that it became her main costume for the next two years, and there was a token effort to explain it in story as Wanda "getting in touch with her roots".

      And the artist of OP was Joe Quesada who was the only one who insisted on that costume. he left only a few issues later and PAD had Polaris instantly drop the bawd suit. Funny how that worked out since Joe Q would end up being the guy who de-sexualized Marvel when he became EiC

      Peter David was off the book before Quesada, it's not clear if it was the new writers (Lobdell and DeMatteis IIRC) or the new artist who decided to drop the gold swimsuit. But that kind of thing happens a lot when one artist designs a new costume for a character, not even just with loose costumes but new costumes in general, when that artist leaves, nobody else on the book wants to keep it. Sometimes, as with the Wanda costume here, the new costume has just got too much elaborate detail for any other artist to want to draw, especially on a team book where you have a lot of other superheroes to draw every month as well.

      >Funny how that worked out since Joe Q would end up being the guy who de-sexualized Marvel when he became EiC
      That's really more Alonso in the 2010s than Quesada. Marvel in the 2000s were probably the horniest and sleaziest they ever got, even if the heroine costume trend had largely moved away from the "show as much skin as possible" trend of the 90s.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Also, this costume was introduced in a medieval Avengers AU story, but was so popular with readers and with the people working on the book that it became her main costume for the next two years, and there was a token effort to explain it in story as Wanda "getting in touch with her roots".
        And this was back when she was still just adopted by Romani not Romani herself. So she was just cosplaying as a gypsy stripper. PROBLEMATIC, WANDA

        • 2 weeks ago

          We'll never see that costume drawn properly ever again because it's sexualizing a woman AND sexualizing an ethnicity.

          I prefer the Cinemaphile headcanon that Jan designs all the Avengers heroines' costumes and convinces them all that they've just got to wear them, no matter how loose it looks. But Wanda probably has a lot of stripper costumes intended only for private use in the bedroom.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Did Jan also convince Wanda to wear brownface to pretend to be a gypsy?

            • 2 weeks ago

              I choose to believe Wanda and Pietro are suffering from a chronic addiction to fake tan because someone bullied them for "not looking like real gypsies". One day they may find the confidence to just be themselves again.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The hilarious part is that Eastern European Romani are mostly REALLY FRICKING PALE after centuries of genetic drift. To the degree you can't even fricking tell.


              • 2 weeks ago

                You sure they are not one of those "taken into" Gypo kids?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Actually the opposite. After she was done be raised by a cow, she was pawned off onto a couple of golden age characters. The Whizer and Miss America.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Their whole history make no sense anymore. It didn't make any sense even when they were Magneto's kids because there were so many fricking retcons constantly thrown in there.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Someone tell the stupid idiots on Twitter and Tumblr that. This is all their fault.

                Of course, it would all have been avoidable some idiot hadn't retconned the twins into being Magneto's children because of Magneto and Pietro both having white hair, and some other idiot hadn't decided Magneto's wife was a gypsy without even considering how that affect the twins. Some moron deciding the white skinned, blue eyed auburn haired woman was actually part gypsy was always a mistake, but the morons on social media are casuals who don't know comics history, they actually think the twins were created for the purpose of being gypsy representation, because the only reason characters are ever anything other than white American just HAS to have been "representation", their minds can't process any other possibility.

                I fear Marvel are eventually going to start recoloring reprints of old comics with the twins in if this isn't stopped fast.

                Their whole history make no sense anymore. It didn't make any sense even when they were Magneto's kids because there were so many fricking retcons constantly thrown in there.

                The 1979s Magneto retcon was the point where things just stopped working at all. The twins remembered being raised by Bova and leaving to go live among humans as they got older, but this childhood they remember didn't happen, actually they were raised by gypsies but didn't remember.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What issue was Magda turned into a gypsy? Because in Claremont's stuff she was very clearly a German israelite like Mags. Her name is fricking MAGDA that's from Magdalene which is extremely fricking israeli.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't actually know, the earliest reference I've found for it was in the original Handbook of the Marvel Universe, IIRC it's mentioned in the profiles for Wanda and Pietro but not for Magneto, as if it happened between those issues, but I can't find where. It's possible one of the Handbook writing team just randomly decided it and all this nonsense since then stems from something that wasn't even established in an actual story.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm gonna have to look then. is it the 1982 version? If so it's probably from the Mantlo mini where they revealed Magneto was the father of the twins.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think so, but I don't remember it being mentioned at all in the first Vision & Scarlet Witch mini, the first issue of the second mini from 1985 is the earliest actual comic story I've found that mentioned it. And either Steve Englehart really liked the retcon of Magneto being the twins' dad, or was under orders to mention it in almost every issue to make it stick with readers.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Another anon in a previous thread said the retcon came from Claremont so maybe that

              • 2 weeks ago

                Claremont had nothing to do with the retcon of Magneto being the twins' father. Avengers and X-Men had the same editor at the time in 1979, John Byrne had been working on both books, and managed to convince editorial that this needed to happen because two people both having white hair just needed to be related, and apparently nobody at Marvel really liked the origin Roy Thomas came up with about the twins being legacy heroes and children of the Whizzer and Miss America so they were happy to undo that. Byrne had said Claremont didn't know what was happening until he got the pages for UXM #125 and there was the Magneto scene setting it all up, which hadn't been in his plot for the issue at all, and he was basically told this is happening, and to just go with it. The complete absence of the twins from his X-Men run should point to how enthusiastic he was about it all.

                The retcon of the twins being part gypsy is what we're trying to track down the start of. It was basically imposed on them by way of someone saying Magda was a gypsy, rather than someone at Marvel intentionally and specifically deciding to do this to the twins. It's possibly a Claremont idea because he's the one most likely to have come up with background details for Magneto's origin, but it's possible he just gave it to the Handbook writers to include as background trivia rather than introducing it in an actual story.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Claremont showed Magda in several short flashbacks and backup stories in X-Men Classic and nothing in those ever indicate her ethnicity. And once again, Claremont named her. He created this character. And he named her "Magda" which is not a Romani name in any way but a traditional israeli name. So where did this idea come from? Was it Claremont being subtle and having her be part-Roma? Was it a mistake? What was it? Was it someone else mixing up Claremont's revised Magneto origin with the twins being raised by Django Maximoff and figuring their mother must have been a Roma relative of Djangos? Despite the fact they first went to the High Evolutionary long before ending up with Django's Romani? I'm leaning towards it being a simple error, a frickup trying to collate two different origins.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >source: dude trust me

              • 2 weeks ago

                >source: The actual John Byrne

                >"That sequence of recuperating Magneto reviewing "memory tapes" has a bit of backstory. Roger Stern (as editor) agreed with my suggestion that Magneto was the father of Wanda and Pietro, and we decided to slip in that scene, not in the plot, as a set-up to be developed later. Chris knew nothing about it until he saw the page. When he asked me why I had included it, I said "I figured a character like Galactus needed a herald. 10,000 JBF Gold Points to the first to correctly source that reference."

              • 2 weeks ago

                Byrne truly is the end villain of Marvel

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I prefer the Cinemaphile headcanon that Jan designs all the Avengers heroines' costumes and convinces them all that they've just got to wear them, no matter how loose it looks. B
            That's less cannon and more actually what goddamn happened.

            • 2 weeks ago

              less head cannon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              She never actually wore that version of the costume.

              The little prude b***h. She would be remembered if she did.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She actually did wear it the whole run. She just through something on underneath. Actually read comics.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The cleavage version occasionally shows up too.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >She actually did wear it
                >cleavage is consistently covered up after that lone page
                Anon please.

              • 2 weeks ago

                IIRC Brevoort and possibly Busiek as well told Perez that Firestar wouldn't wear that, and forced him to cover her up. Brevoort's first editorial job was on New Warriors so he was probably more attached to her, while happy to let Wanda wear the bawdtiest costume in late 90s Marvel.

                >I prefer the Cinemaphile headcanon that Jan designs all the Avengers heroines' costumes and convinces them all that they've just got to wear them, no matter how loose it looks. But Wanda probably has a lot of stripper costumes intended only for private use in the bedroom.

                Series where Jan just gives all the new female Avengers sexy stripper makeovers and they're too polite to tell her no and then it's just a bunch of cheesecake adventures.

                >Series where Jan just gives all the new female Avengers sexy stripper makeovers and they're too polite to tell her no and then it's just a bunch of cheesecake adventures.
                >Jan in her yellow boob window swimsuit
                >Black Widow in the 60s fishnets costume
                >Wanda back in the Perez costume
                >Carol back in the thong swimsuit
                >Firestar actually wearing the cleavage costume
                >Mockingbird back in her 80s swimsuit
                >guest starring Sue in the boob window costume and She-Hulk in one of her skimpier outfits from Byrne's run on her book
                >all the costumes are noticeably several sizes too small for them
                >villains are just lining up to surrender to them

            • 2 weeks ago

              is there any art of them with swapped costumes?

            • 2 weeks ago

              haha imagine somebody jizzing down her cleavage wouldn't that be silly haha just as a joke

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I prefer the Cinemaphile headcanon that Jan designs all the Avengers heroines' costumes and convinces them all that they've just got to wear them, no matter how loose it looks. But Wanda probably has a lot of stripper costumes intended only for private use in the bedroom.

            Series where Jan just gives all the new female Avengers sexy stripper makeovers and they're too polite to tell her no and then it's just a bunch of cheesecake adventures.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >That's really more Alonso in the 2010s than Quesada. Marvel in the 2000s were probably the horniest and sleaziest they ever got, even if the heroine costume trend had largely moved away from the "show as much skin as possible" trend of the 90s.
        This. However the 2000's still had a lot of fanservice, the whole Brian Reed Ms Marvel book was just endless nudie scenes and great wobbling breasts with hard nipples. Alonso heralding in the MCU age was the true death knell.

      • 2 weeks ago

        New costumes can be a really hard sell in general. Most characters, at least the major ones, will have a single "iconic look" so good look shaking that up. Other characters might not have an iconic look but that's just more fuel for new artists to change things up as they go. Especially if one new guy decides to introduce an outfit that's harder to draw or they get the same idea and want to make their own new look.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Polaris is so hot. Too bad she's Polaris.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Polaris isn't the problem, her being stuck in books that have no idea what to do with her is the problem. She should wear this more.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Polaris is so hot. Too bad she's Polaris.

        Her becoming Magneto's child through bad research is hilarious. Not only are specific powers not supposed to go down in bloodlines but her NOT being Magneto's kid was LITERALLY central to her origin. And nobody ever corrected it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Nobody even knows if Morrison just meant for her to be crazy or if he meant for them to actually be related, but he did it so everyone afterwards just ran with it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            She was clearly delusional since it was one single line and she originally was conditioned to think magneto was her dad in her debut arc. But Chuck Austen thought it was literal and fricked it all up beyond repair. Now she's stuck as his daughter despite her origin being she's not his daughter and nobody knows what to do with her.

            • 2 weeks ago

              We don't really know if it was Austen's decision or an editorial decision, but someone made the choice to commit to it, and it was probably because they thought Morrison meant it seriously, but couldn't check with him because he apparently wasn't communicating with anyone else working on the books at all.

              Claremont showed Magda in several short flashbacks and backup stories in X-Men Classic and nothing in those ever indicate her ethnicity. And once again, Claremont named her. He created this character. And he named her "Magda" which is not a Romani name in any way but a traditional israeli name. So where did this idea come from? Was it Claremont being subtle and having her be part-Roma? Was it a mistake? What was it? Was it someone else mixing up Claremont's revised Magneto origin with the twins being raised by Django Maximoff and figuring their mother must have been a Roma relative of Djangos? Despite the fact they first went to the High Evolutionary long before ending up with Django's Romani? I'm leaning towards it being a simple error, a frickup trying to collate two different origins.

              Anon, it seems like Magda being a gypsy was something that happened before Classic X-Men began, and the whole "Magneto had a wife who looked exactly like Wanda" was not Claremont's idea, it was forced into an issue he worked on. It's possible someone else who was more invested in the whole thing came up with her name. Keep in mind this was all two years before Claremont came up with the entire Holocaust backstory for Magneto, which he apparently only did after Byrne had blocked him from using Doctor Doom in more X-Men stories.

              • 2 weeks ago

                But are you sure? I need something from an actual comic that says she was Romani because I've been looking and there's nothing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Keep the thread alive for a few hours and I'll look when I get back.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >We don't really know if it was Austen's decision or an editorial decision, but someone made the choice to commit to it, and it was probably because they thought Morrison meant it seriously, but couldn't check with him because he apparently wasn't communicating with anyone else working on the books at all.
                I'm pretty sure it was Austen to justify his awful "Lorna goes insane and becomes a villain" arc. Because evil is genetic as we all know.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Polaris isn't the problem, her being stuck in books that have no idea what to do with her is the problem. She should wear this more.

      No being Lorna is actually a debuff. She has a special ability to only attract the worst plot ideas and is always going crazy, doing something unspeakably evil or having a breakdown. When she's not she's fawning over daddy Magneto despite him being an abusive shit to her for most of her adult life.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Polaris isn't the problem, her being stuck in books that have no idea what to do with her is the problem. She should wear this more.

      No being Lorna is actually a debuff. She has a special ability to only attract the worst plot ideas and is always going crazy, doing something unspeakably evil or having a breakdown. When she's not she's fawning over daddy Magneto despite him being an abusive shit to her for most of her adult life.

      Lorna's just Jean without favoritism. Similar to how Alex is the more neglected version of Scott.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Havok at least has the plot angle of being the younger brother stuck in Cyclops' shadow. Lorna being a similar personality archetype to Jean means most writers won't want both on the same team, so Lorna tends to get relegated to lower tier books if she's even going to get to be in a book. Worse, the cumulative effect of all those stories where she got possessed or mind controlled has led to some writers just treating her like she's crazy. Tying her to Magneto hasn't helped her at all, and now X-Men readers who never wanted Wanda around in the first place are whining about not wanting Lorna as a replacement for Wanda.

  10. 2 weeks ago


  11. 2 weeks ago

    Polaris never had a personality

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