> Ends in a world where she doesn't grow old. > Doesn't need to eat either.

> Ends in a world where she doesn't grow old.
> Doesn't need to eat either.
> Immediately finds friendly people in her situation
> Makes a thoughtful, considerate friend immediately after joining in.
> Friendly all-powerful AI helps her get accustomed to the new place.
> AI takes care of her and the friendly people there.
> Lots of areas so she can stay entertained and won't get bored.
> AI even goes through the effort of making activities so no one goes insane.
What was her problem?
Her situation kind of sucks but could be way worse, she ended in one of the safest situations possible (friends, helpers, safe-ish place), but she acts as if it's the end of the world.
It seemed Pomni's life was already pretty shitty already (dirty PC, dark and dusty room), why is she being so dramatic?

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  1. 8 months ago
  2. 8 months ago

    >can't die
    >can't swear
    >can't have seggs
    >can't shit
    The place she's in is worse than being in a horror movie.
    Verification not required.

    • 8 months ago

      >can't have seggs
      If her libido is gone, it doesn't matter.
      >can't shit
      Do you actually enjoy defecating? Most people see it as a chore.

      • 8 months ago

        >Do you actually enjoy defecating?
        Gooseworx does, just look at this show

    • 8 months ago

      i don't swear anyway

      • 8 months ago

        That's a high IQ thing.

  3. 8 months ago

    Not everyone is a loser NEET
    Some people actually like the life they live.
    Yeah, it's great if you're a total failure with zero future prospects.
    But people tend to like have free will when their lives mean something.

    • 8 months ago

      >Not everyone is a loser NEET
      >Some people actually like the life they live.
      Based on Pomni's computer room, it was a shitty place.

      • 8 months ago

        What makes you think that place belonged to her in any capacity? It seems to be where she put on the headset and was transported to computer world or had her mind copied into it but she might have been a trespasser in some abandoned building who tried using the computer out of idle curiosity

        • 8 months ago

          Either it was her place or she was a trespasser troublemaker.
          Regardless which was it, it's not a sign of a well-adjusted individual.

          >There are plenty of other human characters that didn't go mad
          YET. The day she got there someone went nuts and Ragatha, while trying to be kind, wanders off into describing how her own sanity is degrading over time.

          How likely is it other characters will go mad though?
          Ragatha was by far the most optimist, even when she is aware they NEED distraction or their mental health will suffer.
          Jax even jokes about the situation and is amused by the whole thing.
          Zooble literally doesn't give a shit.
          Gangle emotions are heavily influenced by his masks.
          Kinger is crazy in a good way, he has no obsession about getting out, making him the least likely to abstract.
          From what we know, it seems Kaufmo was in a very rough place, his job was to make jokes and the rest didn't found them funny so he obsessed about getting out and went mad.

          • 8 months ago

            Ragatha is a single dashed hope away from breaking, if she saw the door instead of Kaufmo it would have been her.

            • 8 months ago

              >Ragatha is a single dashed hope away from breaking, if she saw the door instead of Kaufmo it would have been her.
              I honestly don't think so, based on what we saw.
              Jax said they all already tried it and got tired of looking for ways to get out when there obviously were none and Ragatha, while acknowledging you can lose your sanity, is aware their adventures keep them from abstracting.
              In other words, they all went through their "Pomni phase".
              Kaufmo's abstraction was a slow descend into madness, he had been obsessing over the exit for quite some time based on his room...until he absolutely lost it.

  4. 8 months ago

    Losing all memories. Like all of them, you don't remember your past life at all even your own name. Your body changes and you're in an insane new place with crazy strangers and monsters. Anon this is traumatizing no matter how much you wanna spin this.

    • 8 months ago

      >Losing all memories. Like all of them, you don't remember your past life at all even your own name.
      Do they lose ALL memories or just their name?
      Pomni knew she was using a weird VR set before she got in the circus and all the other non-AI characters knew they once were human, so they must have SOME memories of their past.

      >Why is Ted so sad? He has 4 friends, doesn't have to work, and AM gives him just enough food and life support so he can't die!
      Verification not required.

      >gives him just enough
      Eh, they are given more than just enough, in the end they were given a feast as a reward even if they don't need to eat.

    • 8 months ago

      >Like all of them, you don't remember your past life at all even your own name.
      Then you have nothing to miss, then. This world is functionally all you've ever known.

      • 8 months ago

        You know that something is missing but you can't say what it is exactly. That feeling could drive a person mad after a while.

      • 8 months ago

        The fact that you know you have had a past life that is "correct" is damaging enough. Kinda like waking up with five feet, and knowing you're only supposed to have two.

        Plus, if character expressions are to go by, you clearly do remember some things. The headset, for example.
        If Pomni lost all of her memories she wouldn't have had such a visceral reaction to seeing the computer + the headset. Seeing it it made her maniac, it's clear that she has some unconscious memory that is very traumatic and makes her fundamentally unable to accept this digital reality.

    • 8 months ago

      >you lose your memories and you're in a new body around new people in a crazy world
      >so traumatizing!
      Who's to say this doesn't apply to our current real life as well? Reincarnation theory/Simulation theory.

      Plus who's to say Pomni's situation is as hopeless as other people within the story make it seem?

  5. 8 months ago

    >Why is Ted so sad? He has 4 friends, doesn't have to work, and AM gives him just enough food and life support so he can't die!
    Verification not required.

    • 8 months ago

      AM doesn't give Ted enough food to live. He manipulates Ted's body on a cellular level so he can't die, even though he gets hungrier and hungrier with time because he doesn't eat.

  6. 8 months ago

    Pomni's design is so good there are dozens of it already.

    • 8 months ago

      Her neo-vegana carried.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, the pant legs and the curved rings really draw attention to her crotch

  7. 8 months ago

    She's trapped in a shitty playhouse eating holographic food seemingly forever and even on the first day there she almost gets murdered by a horrific monster that used to be one of the residents of the place who went insane.

    Its not exactly surprising that she wants out.

    • 8 months ago

      >even on the first day there she almost gets murdered
      She wouldn't have died. She would've glitched out and been in pain until Caine came at the end of the day to fix her.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh yeah going through horrible pain to the point you might just be abstracted anyway is totally better, why isn't she happy that her life and her health are fully at the whims of a nutcase who fricks off to god knows where whenever he feels like it?

  8. 8 months ago


  9. 8 months ago

    it's also a world where you can't have sex since their avatars don't have any genitals

    • 8 months ago

      >it's also a world where you can't have sex since their avatars don't have any genitals
      Like other anon said, that might kill their urges too, since their bodies are not human (nor follow biology logic).

      Oh yeah going through horrible pain to the point you might just be abstracted anyway is totally better, why isn't she happy that her life and her health are fully at the whims of a nutcase who fricks off to god knows where whenever he feels like it?

      >Oh yeah going through horrible pain to the point you might just be abstracted anyway is totally better
      Abstracted =/= Glitched.
      They only get abstracted when they go fully mad.
      Ragatha got glitched when she was attacked, not abstracted.
      And even the abstracted don't seem to die, they just go to a cellar, we don't even know if they can get better.

      • 8 months ago

        >Abstracted =/= Glitched.
        >They only get abstracted when they go fully mad.
        >Ragatha got glitched when she was attacked, not abstracted.
        >And even the abstracted don't seem to die, they just go to a cellar, we don't even know if they can get better.

      • 8 months ago

        She says she'll abstract if it attacks her enough and based on how many are in the basement I'll say there's no cure

        • 8 months ago

          maybe caine's working on a cure

  10. 8 months ago

    There are plenty of other human characters that didn't go mad, while it is a situation that might be considered bad, if they got over it then it can't be THAT bad.
    I think Pomni is being a little over-dramatic.

    • 8 months ago

      >There are plenty of other human characters that didn't go mad
      YET. The day she got there someone went nuts and Ragatha, while trying to be kind, wanders off into describing how her own sanity is degrading over time.

  11. 8 months ago

    It's a nightmare situation anon. It might even be more terrible than the traditional depictions of hell with the fire and torture

    • 8 months ago

      >It might even be more terrible than the traditional depictions of hell with the fire and torture
      Is it?
      Most of the characters got over it and they are fine.
      It's just Pomni having a mental breakdown.

      • 8 months ago

        >Most of the characters got over it and they are fine.
        Anon literally all of them are losing it.

  12. 8 months ago

    Compared to Gert she will be fine, she is still doomed

  13. 8 months ago

    This is every single noc thread on Cinemaphile
    Can teleport
    Any disease can be instantly fixed
    Doesn't have to experience physical pain

    • 8 months ago

      what is noc?

    • 8 months ago

      >Doesn't have to experience physical pain
      Ragatha was in agony after Kaufmo got to her.

  14. 8 months ago

    > Ends in a world where she doesn't grow old.
    Immortality is something that's only cool until you think of the ramifications.
    > Doesn't need to eat either.
    No, but as one of them explained, you don't get the feeling of fullness from it, either. That's part of what makes eating satisfying.
    > Immediately finds friendly people in her situation
    True, minus Jax, but the world she ended up in is still really weird, and not Pomni's home. She could have friends and family back in her own world that she misses or that would miss her.
    > Makes a thoughtful, considerate friend immediately after joining in.
    True, but see above. Also, things seemed awkward between Pomni and Ragatha at the end of the episode. They weren't wanting to look at each other; Ragatha could be harboring some resentment for how Pomni bailed, even though she said she'd "understand" if Pomni did so, and Pomni I'd wager is feeling guilty.
    > Friendly all-powerful AI helps her get accustomed to the new place.
    Friendly, yes, but Caine's also a massive weirdo, and you know how it goes with these "friendly all-powerful" types: They're typically only amicable as long as you play whatever role they've decided you should have.
    > AI takes care of her and the friendly people there.
    See above; could very well be that it's only as long as Pomni plays her role. Also, despite this, he did nothing to stop Kaufmo from going insane, and couldn't - or wouldn't - fix him once he became fully abstracted; Caine's solution was to basically push it under the bed and pretend it didn't happen.
    > Lots of areas so she can stay entertained and won't get bored.
    A lot of the areas Caine showed were basically empty, though. Also, the ability to be bored is something you don't appreciate until your life suddenly becomes constant craziness and struggle.
    > AI even goes through the effort of making activities so no one goes insane.
    If the "adventure" in the pilot is anything to go by, Caine's activities aren't terribly pleasant.

    • 8 months ago

      >If the "adventure" in the pilot is anything to go by, Caine's activities aren't terribly pleasant.
      Ragatha said she felt sorry because Pomni's first day was a mess, so it's likely their activities are normally much safer.
      I think most people think it is hell is because they are judging the world based on Pomni's reaction, rather than look at the world itself.
      It sucks, but not as much as Pomni made it look like.

  15. 8 months ago

    So ok... Forgive me if this has been said before because I can't be the only one who's thought of it.
    Is this show basically about the Gnostic concept of the Archons, which many people believe are the so-called Jesters people meet on psychedelic drugs, who are the servants of the Demiurge and keeping souls trapped in this Matrix system through the good/evil illusion (or karmic system if you're into that)?

    I mean hell, even OP's pic has the classic Free Mason symbolism of the checkerboard floor (also in pic related), which symbolizes playing both light and dark against each other as a form of deception and control.

    And just from watching some youtube videos about this show it looks like half of it is about "escaping" whatever system they're in, some want to and some just accept their place within the system. That's basically the Matrix system in a nutshell.

  16. 8 months ago

    She doesn't have any genitals.

  17. 8 months ago

    >Forever trapped in a dumb wacky show for little children
    can't think of a worse fate to be honest, i'd probably go crazy and corrupted in a week.

  18. 8 months ago

    Starving children in Africa think your life must be fricking bliss, OP, yet you still want to die

  19. 8 months ago

    The horror of having your personality eaten by your new body is bad enough. Just look at how heavy Garble and Jaxx have fallen into their roles, and Ragatha couldn't have always been so limp-wristed and spineless like a doll.

  20. 8 months ago

    Ungrateful b***h is living my dream...

    • 8 months ago

      Being a Ken doll?

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe. At least he is sexy

  21. 8 months ago

    >no freedom whatsoever, almost always being monitored by Caine
    >your entire world is the size of a mid-sized amusement parc. Its also filled with deranged and dangerous things.
    >forced to go on daily "adventures" that can go horribly wrong and in which you can at worse get hurt, tortured, or go insane.
    >forced to deal with daily bullying from Jax and manic depression from everyone else
    >exit simply doesn't exist and was a jape by Caine
    what's her problem? she's literally stuck in hell

    • 8 months ago

      to be fair the adventures are safe when somebody doesn't abstract

      • 8 months ago

        death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you

  22. 8 months ago

    The feeling that you're supposed to be human but now you look like some strange freak alone would make people go insane.
    Just look at how Pomni reacted when she saw herself in the mirror.

    • 8 months ago

      >The feeling that you're supposed to be human but now you look like some strange freak alone would make people go insane.
      Pomni is arguably the most human character there.
      She is basically a big-eyed girl wearing a jester costume.
      If all the other characters, which look WAY less human got over it, it really feels as if Pomni is just being overly dramatic.

      • 8 months ago

        She's just arrived, who knows how long the others have been there? Besides, chalk-white skin with weird clothing - or the clothing might be her body now, who knows? Would explain why Cain said there can't be anything lewd, since she can't get nude - would still get people freaking out, I think.

  23. 8 months ago

    >What was her problem?
    She's just a big, worthless fricking pussy b***h that couldn't even make it through one day without breaking down because she lacks the will to survive and, like a SAS member once said, lacking will is guaranteed to get you killed!

  24. 8 months ago

    Good organic thread sir, very yes.

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