>Every scene contains every ethnicity ever, even when set in a small medieval village

>Every scene contains every ethnicity ever, even when set in a small medieval village
Ehh, fine
>All the black & female characters are more morally superior
>Random gay romance happening in the background of scenes for seemingly no reason
>Literally not a single attractive woman in the entire show, including background extras
>A sorceress wears a hijab, not within the context of the universe, but because of muh representation
Alright, I'm done

That's where I fricking dropped it. God fricking damn they pushed my suspension of disbelief far. This is the wokest garbage I have ever seen. I lasted 4 episodes

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  1. 2 years ago

    >That's where I fricking dropped it
    You should have dropped it when they announced the cast.
    Diversity casting in fantasy = complete shit every single time no exceptions.

    • 2 years ago

      Went in to the show with an open mind. Wanted to give it a fair shot. I think I deserve an award for even lasting 4 episodes

      • 2 years ago

        No you don't, you deserve a kick in the teeth for giving woke shit a chance, and ten more for posting a thread about it for a bunch of people to just say I DON'T LIKE THIS, which accomplishes nothing but telling the web scraping algorithms that more people are talking about this shit.

        >Top Gun proved that shit
        I doubt that will make much difference to the higher ups. The Terminal List which Amazon put out also proved audiences want non-woke shit yet they're still allowing Rings of Power to get pozzed up and I guarantee you S2 of Wheel of Subvert will be just as woke as S1. The real problem is that for years we told nerdy, autistic white kids to not get a degree in the arts, but to instead go to college for things like programming. Because of that, the pool of incoming, hirable writers have mostly been filled up by incompetent women and cucks.

        Everything is fricked. White nerds where always the guys that wrote/did the best comics, fantasy stories, action stuff, and sfx work but now they're all sitting in an office doing software programming or machine learning because boomers gaslit white men into thinking stem was the only path for a stable income.

        Yes Lord of the Rings is the same and every fricking season there will be more stupid fricking original TV series written around existing properties that will shit on the IP with woke garbage purely to make people post about it. Rings of Power has got people making whole fricking youtube essays about it, people are watching hours and hours of secondary content about the Rings of Power. The algorithms don't know or care that it's all hate, engagement is engagement, and angry eyeballs still get served the same ads, and it looks just as good on the reports to management. AND to top it off, it's the ultimate armor against criticism. Nobody can say your show is trash without risking agreeing with us Cinemaphile incels.

  2. 2 years ago

    Can someone explain to me why the shareholders keep allowing the political activists/women within the company ruin the monetary potential of the company's biggest IPs? It simply doesn't make any sense to me how this keeps happening.

    • 2 years ago

      I think vocal minorities on social media have given them a false impression that this stuff is actually profitable

      I think we are in the process of them learning that it isn't. Top Gun proved that shit

      • 2 years ago

        >Top Gun proved that shit
        I doubt that will make much difference to the higher ups. The Terminal List which Amazon put out also proved audiences want non-woke shit yet they're still allowing Rings of Power to get pozzed up and I guarantee you S2 of Wheel of Subvert will be just as woke as S1. The real problem is that for years we told nerdy, autistic white kids to not get a degree in the arts, but to instead go to college for things like programming. Because of that, the pool of incoming, hirable writers have mostly been filled up by incompetent women and cucks.

        Everything is fricked. White nerds where always the guys that wrote/did the best comics, fantasy stories, action stuff, and sfx work but now they're all sitting in an office doing software programming or machine learning because boomers gaslit white men into thinking stem was the only path for a stable income.

        • 2 years ago

          >they're all sitting in an office doing software programming or machine learning
          Honestly, at this point, machine learning/AI advancement is probably the only way we will be able to escape from woke entertainment. Look at the potential of dallee2 for example. As those large generative models get scaled up, indie guys will be able to use those tools to create art, assets, and etc for cheap. They won't have to go to israeliteberg and suck his wiener for investment money to get stuff done.

          • 2 years ago

            >indie guys will be able
            until they get stomped by state

          • 2 years ago

            >Look at the potential of dallee2 for example
            Anon, I...

            • 2 years ago

              dalle2 is really pretty cucked
              they're spending a huge amount of time and effort to make sure when you input "teacher" it's not always a white woman, but they'll never stop AI from reflecting reality. The same thing happened recently with chatbots in China that started criticizing the politburo. It's a waste of time.
              also intentionally excluding nude people from the training set is a fricking crime, AI generated porn would be a net benefit for society

            • 2 years ago

              >One of the biggest and most successful AI companies in the world is using their time and funding not to advance robotics or to improve their human level chatbots--you know, things that can actually improve human lives--but to instead make sure their Image generators show women as firefighters and blacks as professors.
              So fricking depressing.

            • 2 years ago

              dalle2 is really pretty cucked
              they're spending a huge amount of time and effort to make sure when you input "teacher" it's not always a white woman, but they'll never stop AI from reflecting reality. The same thing happened recently with chatbots in China that started criticizing the politburo. It's a waste of time.
              also intentionally excluding nude people from the training set is a fricking crime, AI generated porn would be a net benefit for society

              >One of the biggest and most successful AI companies in the world is using their time and funding not to advance robotics or to improve their human level chatbots--you know, things that can actually improve human lives--but to instead make sure their Image generators show women as firefighters and blacks as professors.
              So fricking depressing.

              These types of AI aren't actually thinking. They just take whatever you feed it, and then generate a mixed up outcome. They're really no better than toddlers repeating whatever their parents say. If you say "frick" around your child, then they'll say "frick", without really understanding what the word means. And sure, they might even match your tone of voice too. But again, they don't have real anger to back it up, nor the experience to give the word real weight. It's an empty mimicry.

              That's what they mean when they say they're trying to rid AI of biases. Mirroring what it's fed isn't proof of anything. No more than a child mirroring its parent is proof of anything. And in fact, it's only revealing what the parent's biases are.

              • 2 years ago

                This claim that these models have no conceptual understanding or reasoning/thinking(whatever that means) capacity is outdated and not really believed by most ppl outside of anti DL cranks like Gary Marcus. Sure, around GPT-2 there might've been an argument that LLMs have zero real understanding because they performed so bad but to make that argument with the post GPT-3 models like Palm, Chinchilla, Minerva, and etc is really an indefensible position.

                For example, when GPT-3 says "dog" does it know what it is talking about, or is it just a meaningless symbol? Well, when you ask it what the dog would do if it went to the park, or what it looks like, or what it is thinking, or any number of other facts about it, it can reasonably answer. It has a rich, nuanced model of what the token [ dog] is in relation to all the other tokens it knows. Calling that anything but understanding seems to be prejudice and a cope.

              • 2 years ago

                It has the same understanding as a toddler who read what dogs do from children's books, and seen what dogs do from children's cartoons. It can tell you that dogs go "ruff ruff ruff", because you fed it with the context that dogs go ruff ruff ruff. It's just a really smart toddler, that has a high capacity for retaining a large amount of information. And so it's guesses at how dogs behave are very good guesses.

                Look, one of you guys said the following:
                >"they're spending a huge amount of time and effort to make sure when you input "teacher" it's not always a white woman, but they'll never stop AI from reflecting reality"

                What is reality exactly? Growing up, I've had multiple black teachers. 1 for math, and 2 for English. And the number of male teachers I've had are about equal to female teachers.(School was a long time ago now, so there are gaps in my memory. I could have had other non-white non-female teachers)
                So if an AI pulls up only white teachers, well... that isn't MY reality. Who's reality is it?

        • 2 years ago

          >I guarantee you S2 of Wheel of Subvert will be just as woke as S1
          Well that's unavoidable, considering they started filming S2 like half a year before S1 even aired.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think they actually lose money when pushing that shit down our throats
      they will have their profits via NPOs, all kinds of foundations, government subsidies and hidden lobbying for lucrative contracts.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget that they can rely on homosexual activists watching this propo media to own the chuds

    • 2 years ago

      BlackRock. ESG investing. Look it up.

    • 2 years ago

      because modern "shareholders" have relinquished their voting rights. most shares are held by companies that create index funds like blackrock and vanguard. if you hold index funds, they vote your shares for you. they have an agenda and no financial incentives other than ESG requirements.

    • 2 years ago

      ESG, anon.
      This cursed fund has made every big company bend the knee to progressive nonsense.
      If you don't actively propagandize progressive values, you don't get the rating that gives the biggest investments.
      Add this to the universities producing nothing but intellectual hacks, and you get entire company departments dedicated to make sure employees have the "correct" opinions and skin colors.
      I used to dream about a WoT series, and was even excited at the prospect of an alternative to Hollywood, but given the current social-economical landscape, nothing good will come out of it.

    • 2 years ago

      Its just money laundering they dont want to be successful.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Because they don't actually care about making money if it means destroying white people. These are deeply deranged Hebraics at work.

    • 2 years ago

      it could just be wishful thinking but I think it has to end and end soon. i dont know how these companies can justify the massive missed profits because some frizzy haired african wagged her finger at them in their board meetings

  3. 2 years ago

    my biggest problem was how ugly the cast was, like holy shit they actually went uglier than the average person, you could go to a Walmart and find more attractive people. Also that woman playing Liandrin is clearly a botched plastic surgery job.

    • 2 years ago

      beauty (or lack thereof) is now party of diversity

  4. 2 years ago

    lotr is next

  5. 2 years ago

    Your tolerance for this type of trash is WAY too fricking high. None of that shit is "fine" at all. You shouldn't have even watched it in the first place.

    • 2 years ago

      im not fine-fine with it. it was death by a thousand cuts. but yeah i shouldve dropped it sooner

      >Top Gun proved that shit
      I doubt that will make much difference to the higher ups. The Terminal List which Amazon put out also proved audiences want non-woke shit yet they're still allowing Rings of Power to get pozzed up and I guarantee you S2 of Wheel of Subvert will be just as woke as S1. The real problem is that for years we told nerdy, autistic white kids to not get a degree in the arts, but to instead go to college for things like programming. Because of that, the pool of incoming, hirable writers have mostly been filled up by incompetent women and cucks.

      Everything is fricked. White nerds where always the guys that wrote/did the best comics, fantasy stories, action stuff, and sfx work but now they're all sitting in an office doing software programming or machine learning because boomers gaslit white men into thinking stem was the only path for a stable income.

      LOTR and wheel of time have been in production for years. I think if they started again now, they mightve tuned down the woke shit a little bit

      I think we are witnessing the last few failures of wokeness, before it ends. I think LOTR and GoT and wheel of time will all be ultra woke and i think they will all "fail" (relatively)

  6. 2 years ago

    Thank you. there needs to be more reviews of this kind of dogshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Always love the uppercase black. They just don't even care how divisive they are anymore.

  7. 2 years ago

    Wheel of Geriatric Interracial Lesbians

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    >I deserve an award for even lasting 4 episodes
    Good on you. I last 1/2 through the first episode when the strong village women teamed up on a Trolloc when in the novel the villagers get fricking steamrolled by them

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't seen the show but the book makes plenty of references to Two Rivers women being stronger than their husbands. I have no idea how fans of the books were oblivious to all the feminist shit in it for the first half of the series. Haral Luhan's wife is supposed to be bigger and bulkier than he is and he's a blacksmith. Every woman in the books cows every single man for like 6 books.

      So you could complain about a lot of shit in the show but feminism/strongk womyn isn't one of them. The book is riddled with it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Two Rivers women being stronger than their husbands.
        They're not. They're more stubborn and resilient than women in general, but that applies to ALL TR people. Their dynamic is pretty much like an Asterix comic where the women of the village might occasionally threaten them with a rolling pin or some shit and then both groups will continue going "heh, men" and "heh, women".
        >Haral Luhan's wife is supposed to be bigger and bulkier than he is
        Wrong. She's big and strong for a woman, but not stronger than her husband.
        >So you could complain about a lot of shit in the show but feminism/strongk womyn isn't one of them. The book is riddled with it.
        The book's themes are egalitarian and both men and women complement each other while being different. The women who keep trying to bully and browbeat the men are not successful or achieve optimal results until they learn to work together. The White Tower in general is a huge fricking monument to female hubris and gets immediately BTFO once men are allowed to channel again.

        • 2 years ago

          >They're not
          They quite literally are. They are described as being physically bigger and more imposing and intimidating than their husbands. Re-read the first book.

          >Their dynamic is pretty much like an Asterix comic where the women of the village might occasionally threaten them with a rolling pin or some shit and then both groups will continue going "heh, men" and "heh, women".
          What a weird interpretation. The books have the women constantly looking down on and putting down men and the men act confused and meek. It feels like you didn't even read it. They don't jostle the other guys and go "Haha those goofy c**ts", they go "Huh?? I wonder what she meant by that. *blushes*"

          >Wrong. She's big and strong for a woman, but not stronger than her husband.
          Yeah you didn't read the books. They literally describe her as bigger than him. I don't even want to read the rest of your post.

        • 2 years ago

          >The book's themes are egalitarian and both men and women complement each other while being different. The women who keep trying to bully and browbeat the men are not successful or achieve optimal results until they learn to work together. The White Tower in general is a huge fricking monument to female hubris and gets immediately BTFO once men are allowed to channel again.
          I swear this must be some moronic shit some YouTuber spit out because I hear people parrot this dumb interpretation constantly. The women achieve plenty by themselves while abusing the men. They achieve their best works at the end of the books by working together but that happens REALLY late in the series. So while it is an eventual point, the idea that this notion is present and intentional all along in the books is completely horseshit. As is the idea that the White Tower is some intentional condemnation of female hubris.

    • 2 years ago

      >Two Rivers women being stronger than their husbands.
      They're not. They're more stubborn and resilient than women in general, but that applies to ALL TR people. Their dynamic is pretty much like an Asterix comic where the women of the village might occasionally threaten them with a rolling pin or some shit and then both groups will continue going "heh, men" and "heh, women".
      >Haral Luhan's wife is supposed to be bigger and bulkier than he is
      Wrong. She's big and strong for a woman, but not stronger than her husband.
      >So you could complain about a lot of shit in the show but feminism/strongk womyn isn't one of them. The book is riddled with it.
      The book's themes are egalitarian and both men and women complement each other while being different. The women who keep trying to bully and browbeat the men are not successful or achieve optimal results until they learn to work together. The White Tower in general is a huge fricking monument to female hubris and gets immediately BTFO once men are allowed to channel again.

      Bro, it's been a while since I've read the book. But I do vaguely recall two rivers women participating in the fighting. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Alsbet_Luhhan

      >When the trollocs attack Emond's Field on Winternight, she bravely fights them off with a frying pan and then wanders the village searching for more so she can seek revenge for the destruction to her home.

      Also, when Perrin organizes the defense, the women were told to flee with the children, but instead they chose to fight.

  10. 2 years ago

    The show is utter shit, but the books aren't exactly "based", there's a lot of gender identity politics shit.

    • 2 years ago

      A much different sort of gender politics though. Much more "men and women are fundamentally different but need to work together" than anything acceptable today. That distinction isn't even allowed today except to portray men negatively. Even the idea of men and women controlling different powers in different waya that are metaphors for their roles in life is unacceptable and was dropped in the show.

      Aside from that, the show was awful because the people writing or running the show just clearly do not like the books or the ideas in them. They just see it as an "epic fantasy" series to compete with GoT and all the shit is just window dressing

      • 2 years ago

        >A much different sort of gender politics though. Much more "men and women are fundamentally different but need to work together" than anything acceptable today
        Too bad it takes Robert Jordan like 7 fricking books to even begin to make this point and another 5 to conclusively make it.

        The early parts of it are female dominated and then later it's male dominated with all this weird revenge rapey shit.

  11. 2 years ago

    >I lasted 4 episodes
    You managed to avoid the absolute trainwreck of an ending then. Even the diehard shills couldn't defend that.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Filmed in Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Croatia
    THINK ABOUT IT. They literally flew mutts in from Muttmerica and the HueK and paid them American wages instead of hiring locals. The American worship of n*ggers knows no bounds.

    • 2 years ago

      >mutted abominations don't exist in BASED EVROPA

      Embarrassing cope

  13. 2 years ago

    jfc then DON'T WATCH IT. There's millions of shows, pick a different one. I'm sure there's plenty with no minorities so your little sensitive fee-fees don't get hurt

    • 2 years ago

      Not everyone worships them like you do, my fighting Amerimutt.

      • 2 years ago


  14. 2 years ago

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