Explain to me what's wrong with it

Explain to me what's wrong with it

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    starting your film series with the final film

    • 12 months ago

      >Introduce Superman
      >Kill him in his second movie
      >Introduce Batman
      >He's already towards the end of his run
      >Introduce Aquaman
      >Team movie where he's established, then solo movie where he's not
      >Introduce Flash
      >Team movie first, solo movie is convoluted story that should be after multiple previous stories
      Is Wonder Woman the only one who got a decent introduction?

      • 12 months ago

        Cyborg was handled much better in the snyder cut

  3. 12 months ago

    Instead of making a Flash movie they made a supergirl movie: or how Batman got his groove back.
    At least in Flashpoint the Atlantean/Amazon fight was explained in one scene and the focus was immediately bought back to the Flash. The only thing I thought was cool was Savitar being Flash who kept going back and just got more battle damaged but nothing really came of that. He kills his past self and never exists. He could've been a good reoccuring villain like Black Racer.

    • 12 months ago

      At the end of the day, the movie took way too long to come out, and Ezra's shenanigans didn't help at all, but if we're talking about the JUST the movie, honestly? The VFX
      The rest of the movie is legitimately good, but the CG is goofy as frick and takes me out of it completely.
      I even liked Ezra's Barry and I fricking hate the idea of autism Barry Allen
      They even squeezed Flash's origin story in it, the first run and etc, without having to rely on flashbacks, having Young Barry really worked

      >Instead of making a Flash movie they made a supergirl movie: or how Batman got his groove back.
      It's a Flash movie through and through, Supergirl and Batman don't appear at all until the last half of the movie, come on, the movie has TWO Barry Allens and you're saying it's about characters that aren't even the focus at all?

  4. 12 months ago

    Introduces three characters, and due to editing none of those characters have satisfying endings.

    Young Barry just..becomes dark flash. And then accepts that his continuity is doomed. Supergirl just dies. Keaton Batman sort of has a nice moment with saying Barry brought him back..but pointless cause he had no reason to before, he was old and Gotham was peaceful.
    If we got the original ending(Keaton Batman and Supergirl in the new universe) it'd feel far more satisfying after seeing their sacrifice.

    • 12 months ago

      plus doesn't Keaton just end up dying anyway and getting replaced with Val Kilmer Batman?
      One thing that was set up in ZSJL and not even touched upon in the Flash movie was that it's a huge responsibility to travel through time. Guy rewrites whole universes when he does it but he never deals with the ramifications of it. I mean... how psychologically damaging would that be for him? Every fricking superhero and villain would be coming for Barry's neck. And they did in the Flash show. When Diggle found out that Barry erased the existence of his daughter he fricking snapped. Savitar was on Barry's ass because he played so fast and lose. Here? They treat it like a joke. Like I should be happy that Val Kilmar is Batman now. Like the in-universe reason everyone gets replaced is a good one to not care anymore. I say frick it. If they don't care why should I? I'll live in the past when things were good. Future can go screw.

      • 12 months ago

        The way he time travelled in the Flash movie was cooler than in the ZSJL. And the show was better than both despite relying on the cosmic treadmill

      • 12 months ago

        >One thing that was set up in ZSJL and not even touched upon in the Flash movie was that it's a huge responsibility to travel through time
        It's the whole point of the third act, why do you think young Barry became Black Flash?
        >Guy rewrites whole universes when he does it but he never deals with the ramifications of it
        They were literally destroying the multiverse because of it
        >I mean... how psychologically damaging would that be for him?
        Did you watch the movie at all? It's so psychologically damaging that he ends up a complete lunatic
        >And they did in the Flash show. Savitar was on Barry's ass because he played so fast and lose.
        Savitar was a shit villain who writers sincerely didn't know what to do with. Do you seriously think the whole "future barry" bullshit was thought of ahead of time? Do you remember what they did on Arrow with the "WHO'S GONNA DIE????" bullshit? It was the same. Everything after the middle of S02 of the Flash show is absolute fricking garbage
        >Here? They treat it like a joke. Like I should be happy that Val Kilmar is Batman now
        It's George Clooney you fricking moron, Val Kilmer is almost a vegetable now unfortunately, watch the movie before seething about it. And he's not the Batman now, Barry just ended up on a different universe, again.
        You'd know if you had watched the movie: The universe Barry ends up at was ALWAYS doomed, always. They had no Flash, no Superman, no Batman. Supergirl and Batman only come out to fight Zod because Barry urges them to, otherwise they wouldn't have come out at all. That earth dying was a fixed point in that timeline, the only thing Barry did was delay the inevitable, and because of it he made his younger alternate self into a villain. The entire movie is about time travel being extremely fricking stupid, dangerous, and not being the answer to their problems. Just the Spaghetti scene is enough for you to understand it if you don't have single digit IQ

        • 12 months ago

          You missed the point of my entire post.
          The reason I bring up ZSJL is because in that scene he turns back time, he even says that it's his one rule he isn't supposed to break. The reason I don't feel he took responsibility for destroying and rewriting universes is because he doesn't get called out on it. He goes back in time multiple times before he realises he's at the fixed point and that's the only reason he stops. He doesn't grasp the concept of having these God-tier world-breaking powers. Something that could've been fixed if they'd used Professor Zoom instead of past Barry. I won't disagree with the quality of the Flash after season 2 but when Barry tells people what he did they treat him different. They tell him he has no right and even Legends of Tomorrow take what he did and use it as a guideline of what not to do. And if you had watched the movie you would know that Savitar wasn't even a villain. He was still just trying to save Supergirl over and over and only attacked Barry because he told him to stop

  5. 12 months ago

    It didn't make enough money.

    Money is the only measure of success in this World.

    • 12 months ago

      >Money is the only measure of success in this World.
      Unfortunately this is true. Based and redpilled

  6. 12 months ago

    Supergirl and Keaton Batman are both more interesting than the main character, but are hardly in it and then they die pointlessly. And then we got cucked out of the ending where they would survive.

    Also the fan service cameos scene near the end was laughable and terribly executed.

  7. 12 months ago

    As someone who doesn't read DC or care that much about DC, but knows basic premises to characters and the lore surrounding them, I found this movie really fun to watch. It wasn't GOOD but it was fun and something I'd definitely watch again with friends or family.

    My only gripe with the story and the movie, is the pacing of it all. Sure, it's the flash, but that doesn't mean you gotta speed past everything to cram in more cameos. It needed more fleshing out and more sustenance other than "barry go fast and time travel teehee"
    The alternate future Batsuit Barry idea was pretty cool too, but ultimately wasted. Them having Supergirl and Batman sacrifice themselves/be killed multiple times was boring and lame, they were built up to be so unstoppable and so "cool" and "badass" that it felt like a waste of time having them in the movie at all.

    overall, honestly though, i'd probably say it's 3/5 imo

  8. 12 months ago

    it combines the worst DC movies into a single canon

    it's Space Jam 3 without any classic movie character cameos or notable sports people or jokes

  9. 12 months ago
  10. 12 months ago

    Ezra Miller and the abundance of digital necrophilia

  11. 12 months ago

    >Explain to me what's wrong with it
    Ezra is a miscast and WB knew it and doubled down on it
    Flahspoint was the perfect story for a reboot but they only took 5% of the plot.
    Another movie with poorly written female characters that women can't identify
    So, they took a good story and destroyed it is so bad that they forgot to show who killed Flash's mother

    • 12 months ago

      >they took a good story
      holy kek people are being apologetic about flashpoint now we really have gone too far

      • 12 months ago

        The fallout that Flashpoint caused is what sucked

        • 12 months ago

          Flashpoint really shouldn't have been made in the first place, Geoff Johns decided to add tragedy into Barry Allen's backstory in the 2009 Flash Rebirth when there was really no need to add tragedy at all

          Plus it ends up raising questions like, why is Flash not allowed to change time but Thawne is? And then they had to come up with flimsy explanations why and it just doesn't hold up

    • 12 months ago

      >So, they took a good story and destroyed it is so bad that they forgot to show who killed Flash's mother
      It's not the point of the movie, he's not going against Thawne, they don't know if they're gonna keep this flash going forward, why show him?
      >Another movie with poorly written female characters that women can't identify
      Supergirl is great and Iris, despite the little time she has, is a fun romantic interest.
      Also who the frick thinks Flashpoint is a good story? Batman kills a speedster with a fricking sword, even the animated movie got that better, and guess what: Thawne didn't kill his mom in that too

  12. 12 months ago

    It's a two plus hour version of the boat ride from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

  13. 12 months ago

    They could've easily made Michael Keaton Thomas Wayne. Kept that moment from the comic where Barry gives Thomas's letter to Bruce. Would've kept with the theme of letting go of the past or not letting it go and letting the scars remind us of who we are. Instead Keaton is Le Cuhrazy Boomer Batman and Ben Affleck was a joke when they did the Lasso of Truth BS again

    • 12 months ago

      You have to remember, the objective of this movie, even pre-Zaslav, was to erase the Snyderverse completely. There was no way they were going to keep the moment Barry gives Thomas' letter to Bruce. They wanted Cavill gone, they wanted Affleck gone

      It's bad decision making, but that's WB for ya

      Plus, we already saw Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Thomas Wayne in BVS so it'd be weird to see Michael Keaton in his place

  14. 12 months ago

    >Erza Miller as Flash is terrible
    >Erza Miller as not Flash is even worse
    >but the movie can still do worse: Cage as Superman
    >shit villains from shit Snyder movie
    >Savitar is even worse than in the TV series
    >muh mom is becoming as tedious as muh parents and muh uncle

  15. 12 months ago

    When Barry and Past Barry went back in time during the Zod fight why didn't they see their past selves?

  16. 12 months ago


  17. 12 months ago

    My hispanic friends were cringing when the mother came up and started singing. Why is DC trying so hard to pander to them? This, the Rata Alada scene in Batman, and Blue Beetle have pretty much turned them off from the DCU

    • 12 months ago

      >Why is DC trying so hard to pander to them?
      you might be surprised to learn there are other people besides straight white men who watch movies.
      also dont pretend you have friends; let alone hispanic ones

      • 12 months ago

        And YOU might be surprised to know that a lot of Cinemaphile posters aren't complete shut ins.

  18. 12 months ago

    Ezra Miller has a weird face and mannerisms that I just don't want to stare at for 2 hours. I don't care about the controversies, this was a fact since he was first cast.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah. That fish eye lens effect was really off putting. And having a nose like his didn't make it better

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