Gambit > Wolverine

I don’t get why everyone in the 90s got such a boner over Wolverine. His costume is downright laughable and his little claws are ridiculous. Gambit is Peak 90s and does the suave yet scummy antihero thing while also having much cooler powers and an kickass costume. Imagine how much better the entire X-Men brand would’ve been without Wolverine. He should’ve always remained a genetically enhanced Hulk villain.

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  1. 7 months ago

    X-Men without Wolverine would be like doing the JL without Batman. They may be oversaturated but they are an important piller to the brand.

    • 7 months ago

      NTA but I stil don't understand Wolverine's appeal
      What makes him so good apparently?

      • 7 months ago

        He's just an all around fun character when written right. He's a likeable butthole who loves to push peoples buttons yet also deeply cares for his friends. He becomes boring however the minute he takes center stage for an unneeded amount of time.

    • 7 months ago

      OP you are correct

      frick off, wolverine is a flat, overused and overrated character

    • 7 months ago

      >important pillar to the brand

      you mean beast who was also an avenger?

      Gambit became too dependent on Rogue and his character really suffered for it in the comics. His entire character was just being obsessed about Rogue for 20 years.

      >too dependent on another character
      cool, lets get rid of cyclops, jean grey, emma frost. it would be far more entertaining to focus on OG Cable and Nate Grey

    • 7 months ago

      Wolvergay exists to be the angsty guy. Literally anyone else could replace him and nothing would change. He’s a non-character in the wider scheme of things.

  2. 7 months ago

    >He should’ve always remained a genetically enhanced Hulk villain
    Excuse me, what?

    • 7 months ago

      True, but Gambit is fake French so he never stood a chance. At least Wolverine is from the good part of Canada and doesn't speak French unless he absolutely has to.

      Picture related.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't want to split hairs or anything but the arrow reads like they just used the issue to launch Wolverine intending for him to be a good guy and a separate entity. Man, imagine the X-Men as a franchise without Wolverine.

        • 7 months ago

          > they just used the issue to launch Wolverine intending for him to be a good guy and a separate entity
          According to Herb Trimpe he was originally intended to be a one-off character with no connection to anyone other than being an agent for the Canadian government.

          >It was just one of those secondary or tertiary characters, actually, that we were using in that particular book with no particular notion of it going anywhere. We did characters in The [Incredible] Hulk all the time that were in [particular] issues and that was the end of them.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm with you about the costume and claws, but HerbbTrimpe can say whatever he want, he wasnt part of the discussion back then. Also he wasn't part of the character's creation.
            God I never thought I would "defend" Wolverine.

        • 7 months ago

          >imagine x-men as a franchise without wolverine

          okay i imagined it. replace wolverine with warpath in uncanny x-force and it's still a good story without wolverine

  3. 7 months ago

    What's Gambit's back story? I know very little about him other than what I saw in the 90's animated series. Wolverine was hinted as being experimented on and stuff.

    • 7 months ago

      He was a thief who occasionally did jobs for Mister Sinister before getting tangled up with and eventually recruited by the X-Men.

    • 7 months ago

      His backstory isn't really important as he's a character who works best when you can just jump straight into action but basically. Gambit was kidnapped and later raised by thieves since he was kid. Eventually he runs into Mr Sinister who fixes his power allowing him to control his kinetic blast. Then does some anti hero to slight villain stuff for a bit before joining the X-Men.

  4. 7 months ago

    Gambit became too dependent on Rogue and his character really suffered for it in the comics. His entire character was just being obsessed about Rogue for 20 years.

  5. 7 months ago

    Gambit fans are comically delusional. I understand Wolverine-bashing, but claiming Gambit is a better character is stupid. He's a relic of the 90s that's only remembered by coomers and boomers. Every Gambit story is either about "muh Tieves Guild" or him trying to frick Rogue, and it's always boring as shit. As oversaturated as he is, at least Logan actually brings something of value to the franchise. The concept of Weapon X alone is more interesting than any story starring Remy Le Pew.

    He's not even the best French-speaking thief in the x-books anymore (that would be pic related).

    • 7 months ago

      bro you posted fantomex and as much as i relaly like remender and uncanny x-force, fantomex was a way to cut corners to move the plot along and no he hasn't been picked up since. gambit would have been great in uncanny x-force, fantomex was just flavor of the week and memoryholed

  6. 7 months ago

    I see your point about Wolverine, but Gambit sucks and has always sucked.
    He's what nerds think is the kind of guy who steals their girl when she goes on vacation with her parents, but he just doesn't have the depth or charm to make that actually work since, you know, he's usually written by nerds.

  7. 7 months ago

    I always liked Gambit as a kid. When I played X-Men on the playground I always picked Gambit. My friends would be Wolverine and Cyclops, and we'd get the tard kid nobody wanted to play with to play Juggernaut or Magneto and we'd fight him. Sometimes a girl would join and she'd want to be Rogue because she liked me. She didn't know shit about X-Men but she touched my penis in class a couple times when we sat next to one another (not as Rogue thankfully). I think the teacher caught on because she moved our seats.

    • 7 months ago

      Are you me? I always picked Gambit as well, with my friends picking Wolverine and Cyclops.

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