Get a Clue, Mary Sue! REBIRTH

Been a hot minute but we're back at it with a certain blondie that's hard to love, but harder to hate.

>What is this?
We breathed new life into a mary sue from a project that was destined to fail. Nice sampling of thread lore for those curious.

Because it's fun

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Ha I still say you should have done the basic summary but at this point seems peeps know about it to some degree. An now we've got the doc, thought you'd keep doing the numbers as well lol. but mayhaps this is truly her rebirth.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I figured it would grab people's attention kek, plus it's been a bit longer than a month so it felt like a good way to distinguish it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        True welp let's hope the old crew returns until then post the art.

        For context the mc of the concept, our little dyke knight mary sue that needs to get a clue
        >Clara a young aspiring knight who's going on many misadventures to become a hero

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not to mention the many emotional peaks and valleys she'll be experiencing along the way! From the heat of battle to her medieval penthouse apartment nursing her bruised body and ego.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Honestly this is my fave Clara drawing that's not horny lol. So sad also kind of has the luz face. But your about right she fails and fails but picks herself up it's commendable if stupid

            • 2 weeks ago

              Definitely gets the more pathetic aspects of her life out of the way in one fell swoop, and that she does kek. She doesn't know when to quit, even when she's been beat, both in the field and in bed kek.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not in the bed damn kek, honestly reminds me of the one cuck clara green from last thread. I should get on drawing stuff in a while need time to recompensate from work and other drawings.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah that's kind of what I was aiming for kek, and it's no big rush but it will be a boon when you get back into it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah I'll try soon, any ideas I'll take honestly always interested in new stuff like oc/character ideas or worldbuilding. I've still been thinking of power system stuff, I kind of want to do the magic we talked about plus relics and unique skill powers like a blessing type thing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not to mention the many emotional peaks and valleys she'll be experiencing along the way! From the heat of battle to her medieval penthouse apartment nursing her bruised body and ego.

          Definitely gets the more pathetic aspects of her life out of the way in one fell swoop, and that she does kek. She doesn't know when to quit, even when she's been beat, both in the field and in bed kek.

          It should end with the dykes getting dicked.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Quads confirm. This should be the ending now.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Quads confirm. This should be the ending now.

            Truly he has won Cinemaphile

  2. 2 weeks ago

    We should also give brief thing on the thread fave from last time, people really wanted me to draw more kitty but honestly I get in my head about her because I have no official ref

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think your stuff has kinda become the official ref in the absence of other stuff atm.

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah I suppose I just don't think I'm at all good enough for that to be true lol. I learned how to draw axel from magi kek

        What about that pic of her in the black gothic dress? I thought that was the primary one

        I suppose but it's also the first so honestly I was still confused and I've made changes here and there. Like i didn't know she had horns and I saw her more as half goblin. I did others why I said I want to draw some more kitty this thread to really flesh her out.

        >This was my last one if I remember correctly

        • 2 weeks ago

          Kek I mean ultimately Magi still used your stuff as a base, so that has to stand for something! I get what you mean though

          • 2 weeks ago

            you aren't wrong heh and he used it a lot lol, miss ole magi. But yeah just me now so I must be strong.

            But yeah I'll try and draw something a bit later and some ideas forreal tommorow should get a few things done. Hopefully by then the threads in full effect

            • 2 weeks ago

              Hopefully he decides to pop in her in a bit, know he was crankin out a lot of pics for that Charlie Brown thread.

              And all good, hopefully the momentum is properly built by then.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ha can't compare us to the charlie brown thread, that's like his lair. He loves that shit with his soul, and yeah it's about building that momentum.

                Since no one posted any ideas I'll just try and sketch a little something of Kitty

              • 2 weeks ago

                Hopefully he decides to pop in her in a bit, know he was crankin out a lot of pics for that Charlie Brown thread.

                And all good, hopefully the momentum is properly built by then.

                I've only drawn one new image in last peanuts thread, others are mostly accumulated over the years.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Based, also yeah makes sense I was pretty sure as I was like 90% of the peanut threads start with your old art and isn't just you but your stuff is like 30% of discussion. Also Really is the best way to handle clara

              • 2 weeks ago

                Fair enough kek, wouldn't have blamed you for staying there either way. Love the pic too! Would be funny if no one even bothers to try and use her and just write stuff like "dumbass" on her forehead with charcoal marker.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What about that pic of her in the black gothic dress? I thought that was the primary one

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I standby axel being voiced by Bryce Papenbrook using his Adrien voice (ladybug). It just fits so well lol. Along with Clara being the voice of buttercup from powerpuff girls.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think that could work he plays both a angry and playboy role well. Idk about buttercup for Clara though I mean honestly she's more mc optimistic protag idk what voice I'd pick myself though.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Any ideas for kitty stuff or new knights or enemies?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    is there any story beats for the romance plotline yet? the one with her and the guy

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think so someone did a green of her x kitty last thread though. I kind of prefer the build up of designs and lore stuff. But closest done was the first green back when it was more just a lewd idea lol

      • 2 weeks ago

        just checking if there's already anything established on that fromt

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Why are you guys obsessed over this cancelled pitch

    Do you guys hate lesbians that much

    • 2 weeks ago

      We don't hate lesbians, we just think the concept was fun and having characters go through hardships and change is just a natural part of fiction.

    • 2 weeks ago

      there is no reason to be upset, there is always another cartoon dyke just around the corner.

    • 2 weeks ago

      no need to be defensive, not like you're the original creator

  7. 2 weeks ago

    is this fricking character really named "Mary Sue"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah her name's Clara, the title just kinda stuck.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nope if you look below her names Clara, it was just a fun term the anon that makes the thread coined. I remember saying it's a good title for series about mary sue's getting commuppance like a tvtrope title kek.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Still trying to post characters for people that didn't check out the doc.

    Nameless boy- roundtable knight
    still workshopping a name but overall like my description in the doc he's a depressive but talented little knight. One idea for him is based off Dungeon Meshi he was like a corpse retrieve and his job was to try and heal or revive them. His talents in repairing sever damage and post morteum injuries got the notice of the head knights and he was basically strong armed into high and more stressful roles. He used to be the equivalent of receptionist basically just around to support knights and heal them after or try his best to revive and retrieve the bodies after quest

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Brea Hatchet

    >I specficially headcanon her as the bois partner
    >She's meant to be a bit of a parallel to Clara, tall muscular and strong but unlike her she is into men and is into being cute and feminine
    >I imagine when clara learns this she'd be really shocked and annoyed, but they'd be good friends both optimistic
    >Brea's more of a fight maniac schizo, raised by wolves type
    >Her clan are all warriors that love to fight so to her it's second nature.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    The other sultr spawn I designed honestly want to work on him some more feel to cartoony lol. Wanted more horror vibes like he seems reasonable but creeps ya out probably should play with distorted limbs and figure stuff

    Also yeah nameless right now
    >Was thinking of connecting him to Axel's backstory
    >Making him a deal making monster he's more chaotic neutral
    >But incredibly power because soul power or something

    Welp shall get back to drawing kitty hopefully post her in like 30 mins

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I'm not gonna say that it's -impossible- to have a project built on spite, but they usually don't work out.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why does everyone think it's spite lol, half the time we actively try to make clara likeable if a bit naive. But I think we try to keep it from being just punching down as I agree that you end up making a strawman also the fun just isn't there. I don't know if I want to make it a big project just fun ideas and practice for designing and trying new things for me

  12. 2 weeks ago

    So does anyone wanna do a Totally Spies thing where each episode is a new…

    • 2 weeks ago

      What totally spies thing?

      • 2 weeks ago

        He means fetishes, anon

        • 2 weeks ago

          Ah eh, feel that gets tired too fast and then everything becomes horny, but we did do the slimed and bikini armor thing before. But I don't think each adventure would be good sounds to horny but I wouldn't mind a lil as a concept

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah. Better to have each few episodes be about Clara trying to woo princesses or do things that she thinks will end with her impressing many girls. Have her fail but still learn something from the ordeal.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah sounds like the best route, honestly fetish stuff only works with TS because it's just the nature of it and the characters are already who they are lol.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Ok finally finished my first new kitty sketch damn took way longer than I thought lol

    I was having a bit to much fun with this one honestly even added a quick sketch of a random defeated female knight. made kitty a bit to thicc

    • 2 weeks ago

      Looks great. Shame that Kitty has yet to defeat the one knight she truly wants groveling beneath her
      Then again her goal is more so corruption

      • 2 weeks ago

        I always saw it as a mix of both, like she's conflicted corrupt her is the goal but she's cute as a foolhardy never say surrender idiot knight. Also honestly feel bad for that fem knight why isn't she good enough for kitty's mercy lol

        I wonder if kitty's creator is here? I wanted to ask his perspective on what type of magic kitty would use and with my unique skill idea what would hers be. I bought a shit ton of dnd stuff so I am quite into the skills stuff, May even use my new stuff from my b day to list potential skills and magic she'd have

        • 2 weeks ago

          I’m here, though not for super long so feel free to pitch.
          Personally I always envisioned her as just using general evil black magic. A combination of necromancy, monster summoning, mind control, curses, spying, and telekinesis. Basically the typical powers you’d see a villain using in these types of shows. I intentionally left much of her blank though because I wanted to give everyone else the opportunity to add on their own ideas

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah I feel that honestly, I also kind of in my own new headcanon from last thread. See her being like part of the main cast after her first few arching situations, just see her and axel and clara being a fun trio. So much going on there lol, more of a on off thing though.

            I kind of also see her having some form of teleportation skill or magic, maybe to nerf it some form of I need to make a magic circle or use a anchor point like a person or thing. But everything else yeah I kind of assumed fits more villainous type of character. I do hope you've liked my variations of her design still trying to perfect her honestly.

            Yeah, she wants to have Clara as a loyal lovey dovey wife. Which is a lot more wholesome than most bad guys in fantasy. And who’s to say the fem knight she’s sitting on doesn’t get corrupted into a shadow knight or werewolf later?

            True, a lot less love and more loyal but in a bad way kek. True always need more minions but I'm sure she doesn't want that, but also her fault for going into Kitty's castle I mean look at it looks like trouble

            • 2 weeks ago

              I really like the variations on her design and you are doing great.
              Maybe you could nerf the teleport by having her need to have a summoning circle in the location she wants to teleport to. So less true teleporting and more fast travel

              • 2 weeks ago

                Interesting I was saying the anchor because then she can always save clara if need be lol
                >clara about to get gangbanged by slimes again
                >she just teleports her home.
                >Or a way to set up impromptu dates

                But can see that as well for the more basic one needs a circle to travel the distance if she can't swap with a anchor point. If they became a trio I can see her trolling axel like that, swapping him to take a attack under guise of being the mage so low HP. But this could just be one of her magical abilities instead of unique skill I feel sultr being the whole conceptual ancient being his kids should have a somewhat op esque ability. Maybe with kitty being the youngest her's is the least developed but has potential.

                I always thought Kitty was meant to be Clara’s monkey’s paw. She’s a genuine princess who’s in love with Clara except she’s far from a damsel instead being an evil and dominant sorceress who wants Clara all to herself. And who said the knight would get a choice in her role. Whatever her name was before is now irrelevant, Kitty says her name is Winter now and she’s a loyal lycan guard for the castle

                Yeah definitely that, just these 3 have somewhat become the series face so welp trios are popular and most parties are trios lol. Also better than my idea I was going to go the esdeath route,
                >She does her bidding maybe being a proxy for clara until she's satsfied
                >She was once a respectable knight that had potential to rank up one day
                >she thought if she raided the castle and brought back Kitty's head she'd become a roundtable knight
                >Instead her party got washed and destroyed by kitty's minion and her scheming
                >Now she's waiting at her feet hoping for mercy hearing kitty is into girls
                >She forgoes her broken pride and worships her new queen hoping to be spared if she does good
                >but after her service kitty throws her to her giant spiders

                But at leas she lives in your idea kek

              • 2 weeks ago

                I like your route but personally I like to keep people alive if they have the potential for being funny.
                In my route, she’s alive and follows for similar reasons, but is slowly losing herself to both dark magic corruption and the experience slowly dwindling her own sanity.
                Eventually she nearly forgets she was ever a knight. Embracing her new role, maybe finding love in the dark army, and enthusiastically helping Kitty with any plots to seduce Clara

              • 2 weeks ago

                Now I kind of want an arc of Clara being summoned away from danger to the dark castle and slowly becoming more comfortable in it with each summon
                >first time she makes a run for it, injures several guards, gets thrown in the dungeon, and eventually escapes
                >next two are the same
                >on the fourth she’s summoned from being injured in battle so she waits to partially heal before escaping
                >next couple are similar but the escapes are faster
                >she’s injured again and talks to the guards this time
                >decides to explore before leaving
                >on her eleventh summon she’s more injured then normally so she allows Kitty to nurse her back to health
                >on thirteen she takes a break from escaping to check out the garden and antique weapons
                >by seventeen she’s willing to wait for a little while and actually learns she’s free to leave instead of escaping
                >by twenty one she’s choosing to stay the night
                >on twenty four she asks a servant to bring her some food.
                >a few more later and Kitty is able to convince Clara to try on a few outfits she picked out for her
                >more summons from danger fly by as Clara gets more and more used to the castle
                >eventually she becomes willing to indulge in the fantasy of being a princess herself, wearing a full crown and tiara ensemble, and bossing around the servants
                >one time while trying on a black knight suit of armor, a minion spilled a drink and Clara instinctively drew her sword and demanded an apology
                >she doesn’t know why she did it, but she can’t help but enjoy the respect she’s shown in the castle

            • 2 weeks ago

              I always thought Kitty was meant to be Clara’s monkey’s paw. She’s a genuine princess who’s in love with Clara except she’s far from a damsel instead being an evil and dominant sorceress who wants Clara all to herself. And who said the knight would get a choice in her role. Whatever her name was before is now irrelevant, Kitty says her name is Winter now and she’s a loyal lycan guard for the castle

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah, she wants to have Clara as a loyal lovey dovey wife. Which is a lot more wholesome than most bad guys in fantasy. And who’s to say the fem knight she’s sitting on doesn’t get corrupted into a shadow knight or werewolf later?

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Ah, so this is where this "humiliation ritual" stuff is projectd from

    • 2 weeks ago

      >humiliation ritual
      That’s just a description of Clara’s daily routine

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Axel and Kitty both want to break Clara’s brain so that they can remake her as they see fit. They just have opposing ideas on what the ideal Clara looks like.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Basically which makes them as a trio funnier and the potential growth for both of them interesting. Like how would they interact, imagine a adventure when Clara is sick or busy and they both show up and it's like when the one friend that is your buffer is gone kek.

      I do imagine something like kitty is wanted being a sultr spawn but being the baby of the family maybe she's like sanji or meliodas where everyone describes her as a tall domineering bombshell of a evil dark witch. Cut to bratty and somewhat childish kitty who's almost as tall as clara. Maybe her and axel have some form of deal, like he doesn't waste time trying to kill her and she assist him in his fight with her father mostly because she knows he's not strong enough to beat him

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah. And I can’t remember if Kitty disguises herself to join the party or if Clara knows, but if Clara doesn’t know, it would be hilarious if she said something like. if you were a princess I’d be in love with you to Kitty’s disguise self

        • 2 weeks ago

          Poor kitty, I thought it'd be more fun if the two know and have to keep kitty out of trouble. Imagine it's a learning curve for her to hang around the kingdom at first. Imagine kitty needs a place to stay because going back and forth from her castle is a hassle and could draw attention to her. She thinks at first it's perfect her and clara can live together but of course axel will allow many levies but not that, now insert odd couple soundtrack of her and axel having to be roommates.

          I like your route but personally I like to keep people alive if they have the potential for being funny.
          In my route, she’s alive and follows for similar reasons, but is slowly losing herself to both dark magic corruption and the experience slowly dwindling her own sanity.
          Eventually she nearly forgets she was ever a knight. Embracing her new role, maybe finding love in the dark army, and enthusiastically helping Kitty with any plots to seduce Clara

          True, I always go more dark and flippant with lives lol. Plus kind of miss when shows would honest to god kill off characters so haphazardly. But yeah you are right good idea, imagine she gets with some monster truly a fallen knight.

          Now I kind of want an arc of Clara being summoned away from danger to the dark castle and slowly becoming more comfortable in it with each summon
          >first time she makes a run for it, injures several guards, gets thrown in the dungeon, and eventually escapes
          >next two are the same
          >on the fourth she’s summoned from being injured in battle so she waits to partially heal before escaping
          >next couple are similar but the escapes are faster
          >she’s injured again and talks to the guards this time
          >decides to explore before leaving
          >on her eleventh summon she’s more injured then normally so she allows Kitty to nurse her back to health
          >on thirteen she takes a break from escaping to check out the garden and antique weapons
          >by seventeen she’s willing to wait for a little while and actually learns she’s free to leave instead of escaping
          >by twenty one she’s choosing to stay the night
          >on twenty four she asks a servant to bring her some food.
          >a few more later and Kitty is able to convince Clara to try on a few outfits she picked out for her
          >more summons from danger fly by as Clara gets more and more used to the castle
          >eventually she becomes willing to indulge in the fantasy of being a princess herself, wearing a full crown and tiara ensemble, and bossing around the servants
          >one time while trying on a black knight suit of armor, a minion spilled a drink and Clara instinctively drew her sword and demanded an apology
          >she doesn’t know why she did it, but she can’t help but enjoy the respect she’s shown in the castle

          Heh Clara corruption route, I honestly can see it up to the full corruption. But more comedic like the guards and trap monsters just are so used to clara
          >after clara's 20th time
          >Random monster: Hey Clara
          >Clara: Hey david how's the wife and kids?

          Probably like you said after her 2 or 3rd time Kitty gives her free reign of the castle. I think also clara's to pig headed to fall for corruption easily, she's like that one abscond meme she'd realize evil and punch kitty in the face then jump out a window like a monty python sketch

          • 2 weeks ago

            imagine she gets with some monster truly a fallen knight.
            Imagine her continuing to tell herself that she’s eventually going to return to the kingdom even as she starts planning out her life with him and slowly turning into a monster herself

          • 2 weeks ago

            Lol that’d be great. I really like how Axel just barely tolerates her since she’s the least evil of the spawn, but even still he doesn’t really like her.

            I like to think that Clara would start off like that but over time get slightly corrupted due to how much love and respect she’s shown while justifying it to herself in various ways.
            Obviously she would always eventually escape, but I don’t think she could resist the temptation of a few nights in a genuinely comfortable bed and people waiting on her. She’d probably say she was collecting information and then remember absolutely nothing

            Also you made me think of a possible funny alternate universe/possibility episode where Clara joins the demon army but is in denial about how happy she is

  16. 2 weeks ago

    By the way I'll try to draw more tomorrow guys idk what maybe more of boy oc, really needs a name or more kitty kind of didn't give her any love last thread. But if I see a good idea I'll try and give it a sketch

    • 2 weeks ago

      A couple ideas I have are 1) Clara imagining the idealized magical princess who keeps saving her in a thought bubble while Kitty is standing right behind her or 2) Axel doing the water bucket over door prank to Clara

      • 2 weeks ago

        Lol why is axel so juvenile, but yeah I can kind of see the former. Just Clara fantasizing about a cute princess that loves her and can help her in battle then kitty's right there.

        imagine she gets with some monster truly a fallen knight.
        Imagine her continuing to tell herself that she’s eventually going to return to the kingdom even as she starts planning out her life with him and slowly turning into a monster herself

        Idk whether to say poor thing or cope, I honestly wonder Axel reaction is to that situation but guess he's seen knights get worse ends so probably says power to her. Brings up question of how she becomes a monster and if Kingdom of light denizens are shielded from things like that or is it some level of resistance?

        Lol that’d be great. I really like how Axel just barely tolerates her since she’s the least evil of the spawn, but even still he doesn’t really like her.

        I like to think that Clara would start off like that but over time get slightly corrupted due to how much love and respect she’s shown while justifying it to herself in various ways.
        Obviously she would always eventually escape, but I don’t think she could resist the temptation of a few nights in a genuinely comfortable bed and people waiting on her. She’d probably say she was collecting information and then remember absolutely nothing

        Also you made me think of a possible funny alternate universe/possibility episode where Clara joins the demon army but is in denial about how happy she is

        In my head ironically, Axel is the adult of the group and he's the civil of the two. Though more likely because he has resting PR face and is good with coping thanks to his childhood. I see her testing his patience especially if we do go through with the roommate idea. I think he trust Kitty as far as he can throw which is far actually lol. He probably views her as easier to be diplomatic with and manipulate since contrary to her m.o axel is better at it than her seeing as he does it without powers or skirmishes.

        The remembers absolutely nothing kills me and yeah sounds about right. Almost like a spa day getting to be respected even if by her enemies. Be funny if while she's getting more and more into the larp then kitty is getting more and more used to the light kingdom and humans. One idea of mine is that humanity started it so it's really just a meaningless war with no real winners because both sides just trying to survive type thing

        I see it just incompetently becomes employee of the month, reminded me of a idea I had that after seeing witch potential clara kitty gets obsessed with turning her into that. But like how in our world we call witches brides of satan. In their world they're called bawds of Sultr, and like nuns they are married to their lord sultr. Kitty basically gets cucked by her dad kek.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Probably some kind of alchemical byproduct that makes humans into monsters by physically amplifying personality traits

        • 2 weeks ago

          I feel like Axel is definitely the adult with a childish side that the others can bring up, and I really like the idea of the whole war being pointless.

          And I’d imagine Kitty would probably start an offshoot of the system, trying to make Clara the sole bride of herself in her obsession to claim her perfect future waifu
          One potentially funny ending to the series could be Clara finally succumbing to her inner darkness and accepting her role as the witch knight of a dark princess, only for the war to have ended by that point meaning she’d have accidentally achieved her original goal thanks to Kitty no longer being considered evil by the kingdom due to the treaty

          • 2 weeks ago

            I feel he's more of a playful dick he's secretly to depressive and jaded to be super childish. I always felt a lot of his genuine growth came from being around a genuine person like Clara.

            I do love all these comedic endings, though honestly after last thread with all the stuff lore anon built up I would love to have a good mix of comedic and serious concepts and tone. I do also believe sultr has to go down for the war to end because of power imbalance. I do like the idea of even after finally giving in Clara still loses though.

            just checking if there's already anything established on that fromt

            Nah not yet honestly that green is like the start of the story a bit being like the peak of each character worst aspect. So if you want you can try writing something always pro more serious and longer lore drops

      • 2 weeks ago

        Hey anon I did the first one hope you like it, done for the night boys I try to at least do 2 sketches a day met my quota kek. I'll try to do some more stuff tommorow maybe kitty but she's gotten her love maybe the boy or work on that one sultr spawn who knows.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Lovely work as always man! Poor Kitty really latched onto the worst girl when it comes to this stuff.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Happy you liked it and yeah she really did, she's too evil for clara and her autismo keeps her loyal to knighthood

            • 2 weeks ago

              Sorry NTA, but yeah it's the worst kind of one-sided relationship, answer's literally right in front of her

              • 2 weeks ago

                Lol no reason to be sorry and yeah, I tried to uwu ify the girl in imagination and use whites to contrast Kitty's darks but honestly yeah. Kitty is in for a uphill battle, and as you said she's the daughter of humanities big bad and all monster hard to really break those boundaries, but she'll try

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I'm coming from the Kyle Saga thread, first time I read through the doc. Is it okay if I leave some feedback or suggestions based on what I've been reading?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah sure go ahead. This is a fun comedy community project

      • 2 weeks ago

        Okay. I'm mostly interested in Clara and Axel since they are the two mains.

        Has the "middle of nowhere" Clara comes from been explored more?

        I'm just wondering what kind of upbringing did Clara experience to be the way she is, and why she seems so entitled to princesses' affections.

        I was thinking she could have come from something like a closed off comunal settlement run by matriarchal close-minded cat ladies and Clara is the product of their upbringing. Like the circular ones in China to make it seem like it's a bubble, but could also be shaped like the feminist symbol.

        She grew up hearing epic tales of lady knights who can singlehandedly take out an army of bigger stronger men, and don't need to learn anything, because they are already perfect all along, and the stereotypical princess leaves the usual chauvinistic villain (someone she sees in axel maybe?) for them in the end. Basically yass queen modern movies as bard tales.

        So Clara internalized those tales and went out into the world with that mentality, and why reality is such as slap in the face.

        Because she can't take bigger dudes on her own, actually needs a mentor figure to listen to, learn skills, put effort, and realize she isn't entitled to get the girl.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah I really like that and I only really remember a bit of the background being touched upon there.
          Essentially Clara is a medium fish from a small pond entering the ocean where she’s competing against people far richer and more skilled then herself to take out monsters that can one shot her
          She’s not wrong about the strong female protagonist existing, but she is not the chosen one in this tale. I think
          I’d like to see her return home and see her perspective shift at some point. Could be very interesting

          • 2 weeks ago

            >She’s not wrong about the strong female protagonist existing, but she is not the chosen one in this tale.

            I'm not saying that there are no powerful women in that world, but they probably went through a learning curve and a proper heroe's yourney rather than being already powerful from the start.

            I meant that the problem with Clara could be that she grew up with this very warped modern feminist hero's journey we see in modern stories more and more, and is an obstacle she has to deal with internally in order to improve.

            So if she is not the chosen one of the story, then who is? Is there a chosen one at all?

            Also will she fall for Axel as well, or will it be one sided?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Also will she fall for Axel as well, or will it be one sided?
              pretty sure it's both, but not necessarily at the same time

            • 2 weeks ago

              Well we do imply their is/were, we say many of the heroes of the old age were op broken mary sues. But now their hasn't been a true hero in ages which is why humanity has been slowly losing the war.

              I do like this idea though I feel Clara is well meaning and meant to be more like a luz esque mc but the world isn't cowtoeing to her autistic dreams. She wants to show up the men as it's part of her fantasy to break norm and get princess almost like proving herself rather than a real hate thing.

              Idk honestly I feel it's just accepted ending now lol, I remember originally back in hornier days of yore goal was axel actually breaks Clara but he actually started liking her so he doesn't fully do it and more breaks all her bs almost like your idea of more butch femnazi jaded Clara. But I think it works best if Clara for all her flaws helps others by being so naive and genuine like axel is a super loved knight by the people but he has some negative opinions from more in the know people. I feel because of Clara axel's jadedness can change and he becomes better knight and person same with kitty. She actually corrupts them in reverse kek

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think this kinda sums it up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I now question if this is me because I just said it almost word for word lol. I think this fits her well gives her some comeuppance range but likeable enough to be cared for and not hated.

                Axel's role in the story is to be the frustratingly unmatchable rival. He mostly exists to make Clara feel inferior by comparison.
                So we shouldn't humanize and show his vulnerabilities with a backstory too soon I think.
                For a good first chunk of the story he's the two-bit egotistical braggart that any REAL Mary Sue would dunk on constantly.

                I do agree he's meant to be the secret butthole, almost like a (feel this is way to high) but quasi all might. He's the peak and at clara's goal or perceived goal. Idk how we break it up lol, let's say not until S2 should the Backstory start for him. Think the first part is mostly solo Clara and her meeting and introducing the world and then S2 gives humbling moments to the whole cast shows that all of them are still young and can grow. That sounds about right, he's the guy they'd dunk on or show up but realistically he's more qualified and more well verse than them. I do like the original idea of him being good manipulator and makes clara think he's her only friend, so unlike usual butthole guys that show hand all at once he's the type to not care and hide it. He cares but not enough for the typical mental breakdown/tantrum they have these types usually throw, basically he's dangerous because he's realistic butthole good and in control of every situation he's in.

                I now imagine Clara still view him as a friend but as you say rival, maybe more like the Killua to her gon but still wants to show him up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I now imagine Clara still view him as a friend but as you say rival, maybe more like the Killua to her gon but still wants to show him up.
                The way I envision it she goes through several stages of cope.

                The first time they meet is when Clara first travels to Luxnor, thoroughly un-humbled.
                He's being a braggart and womanizer and she just kinda rolls her eyes at him. She sees him as so far below her that he's beneath notice.
                >'This guy is in for a rude awakening when we get to the city of heroes.'

                When she has the first few setbacks under her belt but is still very much in denial about her main character status, she starts to become annoyed at his success.
                >'A guy gets one magic item and he thinks he's a god. Whatever, I'll show him up when I get my big break.'

                Then when she ends up having to mooch off him she starts thinking of him as a friendly rival and an equal.
                >'Axel defeated a storm dragon? Then I can't stay behind.'

                Eventually after a big character development moment where she acknowledges her own weakness does she start seeing him as aspirational, even a mentor.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yep, but I feel he's also good at making it up to her when he goes to far or is cruel and he's good at the facade of being nice guy. As I said somewhere else he's PR trained

                Ha I had a similar idea, them going on some mission together as her start maybe he's there as a proctor or just to help rookies. I can definitely see this though she thinks their in competition and it was never even a contest.

                >Axel first sees clara as some rookie, he didn't care much tons of them come along less than half make it past their first year.
                >He hears her gloating about her giant sword and how she graduated from one of the academies.
                >Axel chuckles at this, he knows schooling doesn't equal experience
                >They have a short convo in passing as they are headed the same way for a mission.
                >Clara's eyes are filled with a brilliant light as she talks about her trip from some random Podunk village, and how she'll become a great knight
                >Weirdly enough he found the girl a bit endearing, He wished her luck
                >While their quest were in the same area he went a bit deeper into the abyssmal forest to hunt a "wind Elemental" that had been to much for the other knight parties.
                >Because of this their was no body to bring back after he defeated it
                >as he returned they encounter each other again she's covered in slime and her armor needs at least 3 coats of polish
                >She's holding a core of a common slime, as she looks at Axel with a girl on each arm
                >She gets a bit shocked and annoyed, then shows off her haul and gives him a smug look seeing he hasn't gotten anything.
                >"We all can't be so talented, you can have these barmaids I'll be looking for princesses to save and maybe smooch" she says the last part under her breath.
                >Axel was a bit annoyed but intrigued by her

                I think it wouldn't take long lol, I think Clara would be enamored by his talent and position immediately I see her as a knight nut really into all the stats buys the knight cards. How she missed he was a famous knight who knows.

        • 2 weeks ago

          As much as I like that femmy farm idea, I could see that kind of rhetoric being reserved for some city-dwelling family that comes back during reunions and the like with gifts for her favorite relative. Sort of a spin on the usual sagely elder relative that knows better, only here she's feeding her a bunch of half-truths to make her feel better as she toils on her family's plot of land...and it snowballs into her thinking she could actually be one of them.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I kind of love this idea has a mix of humor and character arc. I went with her being on a farmer to be a joke it was honestly only Clara. someone did bring up a idea of why she is the way she is that being because she wants to break through a non existent thing. Also being a small girl from a farm going to big city is play on girls going to big cities to make it big with no talent or experience and it being left on there family. I always saw her parents as supportive and Clara as a good daughter just a bit big headed and fearful of being made a fool or being looked down on. Imagine Judy hopes but if she wasn't op and somewhat competent. She also isn't typical I hate men girl she just a knight larper that's autismo was coddled and has dreams of grandeur now. I remember anon saying her mom would replace the knights in her stories as princess or female knights which hyped Clara up. Also small town so typical bias towards girl roles or girl x guy further alienating poor Clara forcing her more into wanting more.

          Yeah I really like that and I only really remember a bit of the background being touched upon there.
          Essentially Clara is a medium fish from a small pond entering the ocean where she’s competing against people far richer and more skilled then herself to take out monsters that can one shot her
          She’s not wrong about the strong female protagonist existing, but she is not the chosen one in this tale. I think
          I’d like to see her return home and see her perspective shift at some point. Could be very interesting

          That's actually a great idea seeing her go home both a bit ashamed and coping trying to show off fake talent. Maybe some general in sultr army shows up and she gets demolished in front of all the town. Then she has to fight it more strategically it's not flashy or pompous but it gets the job done. Shows her growth and character for forgoing pride for others.

          An honestly very realistic which fits my small-town girl move idea, girl is talented or thinks she is then moves and realizes others have been training for years or had great bloodlines and schooling.

          As much as I like that femmy farm idea, I could see that kind of rhetoric being reserved for some city-dwelling family that comes back during reunions and the like with gifts for her favorite relative. Sort of a spin on the usual sagely elder relative that knows better, only here she's feeding her a bunch of half-truths to make her feel better as she toils on her family's plot of land...and it snowballs into her thinking she could actually be one of them.

          Lol literally the bad version of a wine aunt, sad aunt feeds kid lies so she makes mistakes just like her. Or again people trying to help her cope with boring farming life with illusions of great future.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Exactly, just tried to get her to buck up and maybe find a decent job, and she decided to just go full larper. Got in way over her head kek.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I see that also being why she does it, she hates being underestimated. If they let it be her choice she might have came home or been more honest about her fears of failing. But she feels her parents are judging her and don't believe in her which pushes her further into the path and overhyping herself to be great to show everyone but most of her villagers are cool

              >I talk about and add this idea hinting in this longer first green from the like og thread

              • 2 weeks ago

                Good point, now she feels like she has some esoteric point to prove to all those around her, even if it's ultimately an extension of her own domestic issues not unlike a certain she-turned-he we bring up quite a bit kek.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah really as someone brought up she's a play on multiple mary sue's combined but the world isn't their oyster so she gets a bit beaten down. She does at least have that stick-to-itiveness everyone can respect or finds humorous. I can see that very much girl has caring parents but feels they expected her to fail even though they are just concerned she's in over her head. Originally in the green I portrayed her like a girl in a toxic relationship being pushed further into Axel's web of manipulation Also who lol, so many now I can't remember all of them???

                I'm digging this idea of the whole world having different instances to show her that she fricking sucks and is the worst.

                Maybe have her rant over the sword being a patriarchy tool and then a girl just goes and pulls the sword without problems

                Ha I wouldn't go so that far, but more to humble her to become a better person and not be a autistic power fantasy mary sue. I imagine like at the start the sword was being chill but when she was to pigheaded to take the L it pissed him off. Another idea I had for a heel turn if we were doing arcs would be her taking one of Axel's missions after he denies putting her in his squad and she's in way over her head basically fighting just to survive and escape as it's another sultr spawn.

                kek never thought of another girl, me and the og green creator of the sword idea said it'd be some random schlub who is hard working but average soldier or knight. He basically gets the whole I worked hard and now I'm rewarded with a relic and a heroic destiny. But I think in terms of girl that's what brea exist for, Clara talks about being the first female knight then realizes their are tons but then says she'll be the first knight of this or that, then the first knight with real power. Then she learns that Knights like Brea are on the roundtable. An add on to that while brea loves a good fight she'd be ok being some guys housewife, which shocks clara a bit even if she grows to respect her decision.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah I think we kinda went over that in the previous threads, that she's just as plucky as the usual mary sue even if the world doesn't always revolve around her. Still love that one all this time later kek. Good point, meant Noelle in this case.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Happy you liked it honestly should we just make it the canon start, let's say that's like her third or so week as a offical knight lol. An yeah that fits her best, ah honestly honestly the actual creator of this pilot is trans to I believe so it's hard half of mary sue/plucky lucky fem mcs are so I genuinely couldn't tell kek.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I wouldn't be opposed to canonizing it, nice establishment of the status quo after a nice lengthy introduction kek. Yeah she went through the usual alphabet pipeline, doodlin herself like a boy and all. It's odd stuff.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Sounds good remind me to add it to the doc, I'll do it later on. An honestly not a bad start not all that horny but still there lol. Also it is weirdly a pipeline and feels female creative exclusive. Like again do whatever you want but weird how often it happens. Rebecca becomes non binary, Dana terrace becomes non binary, noelle becomes trans, Sage you guessed it non binary kek. Like something must be going on in those writer rooms.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'll be sure to, no big rush though this thread'll be here a while I think. And eh there needs to be buildup for the horny to be more impactful, and it most likely is, all fueled by penis envy in some form. Literally had that whole push for animation to stop being a "boy's club" and then the LGBT stuff got big so being just a woman wasn't a big achievement anymore, then they're told how shitty it is to be a woman, and probably trying to prove themselves to their families.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That is true and hopefully I plan to do more art in a few hours, Also this part I just forgot to spoiler but yeah damn sad if true they are Clara bad ends, but yeah weird how that works out cause like why so often and why become a boy if men are so shit lol, also doesn't that take away the woman achievement techincally? But maybe just all of them were super unhappy idk

              • 2 weeks ago

                Looking forward to it as always man! It's likely the culmination of a lot of conflicting emotions and narratives in their head, plus just being at a different stage in their lives than they were when they got into the industry. And yeah I've argued the same before kek.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Thanks I'll try and get on it soon. Thinking up ideas and all true but let's put a pin in this lol not to get too side track

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well we do imply their is/were, we say many of the heroes of the old age were op broken mary sues. But now their hasn't been a true hero in ages which is why humanity has been slowly losing the war.

            I do like this idea though I feel Clara is well meaning and meant to be more like a luz esque mc but the world isn't cowtoeing to her autistic dreams. She wants to show up the men as it's part of her fantasy to break norm and get princess almost like proving herself rather than a real hate thing.

            Idk honestly I feel it's just accepted ending now lol, I remember originally back in hornier days of yore goal was axel actually breaks Clara but he actually started liking her so he doesn't fully do it and more breaks all her bs almost like your idea of more butch femnazi jaded Clara. But I think it works best if Clara for all her flaws helps others by being so naive and genuine like axel is a super loved knight by the people but he has some negative opinions from more in the know people. I feel because of Clara axel's jadedness can change and he becomes better knight and person same with kitty. She actually corrupts them in reverse kek

            Oh okay, yah I had just assumed that because the story is calleed "Get A Clue, Mary Sue" there could be more jabs at Mary Sue story sins that are becoming more and more common and incorportae them in funny ways.

            Also, does Axel's rich background play into why he is so jaded?

            Like, many think all his successes are due to his family's wealth, but he is actually someone who worked hard to be a capable fighter on his own right. Yet many still don't buy it? So he stopped caring. If Clara is like Judy, then Axel can be like Nick Wilde?

            • 2 weeks ago

              I think that was more of just a term coined as a joke of what you should call it when a mary sue gets rightfully called out. But yeah honestly I think we try to keep it a good mix as someone above asked the other day, why is this such a hatefic. I know he seemed to be just kind of taking a quick glance but that's not the vibe you want as it then slowly turns clara into a pure strawman and things get to aggressive. I find her as a well meaning girl that does take jabs at certain mary sue trends here and there, also the typical mindset of some types but always accidental or unintentionally to keep her likeable. But sounds about right with the incorporating them in funny ways thing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm digging this idea of the whole world having different instances to show her that she fricking sucks and is the worst.

                Maybe have her rant over the sword being a patriarchy tool and then a girl just goes and pulls the sword without problems

              • 2 weeks ago

                Clara is not a Mary Sue straw man. She’s the type of person who would write a Suefic on a journey of personal growth

                Did another Kitty sketch, found a ref I really liked for a lil evil gremlin mage. Hope you guys like it

                Lol love this little gay maniac

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah exactly you don't want her to unlikeable but she needs those flaws to make her grow and have some reason to start or have a journey to begin with.

                Happy you like it anon, I need to stop only looking at my tablet my tablet purple's look way darker than my pcs. But yeah sad no one had said anything yet. Tried a new outfit and everything, no lie need to finalize a outfit for her but just trying new things from time to time

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah, I was writing some backstory stuff for him last thread. My idea was him being opposite clara because he is from a bloodline of one of the last heroes of yore and that leads to his family being somewhat cult like and connected with the typical fantasy church. His family has deep connection with the Light element, and axel has most potential out of anyone in a long while. But growing up all he ever got was compared to the hero and praise and he suffered a massive defeat on his first campaign with his father as a young lad/pre teen. At the hand of the sultr spawn I'm working on, and him being the sole survivor and failing led to him being expunged from his family. So he went from noble to commoner living life as a adventurer/knight to survive many rumors about him linger to this day. but now he's clawed his way back to the top, and is rich and successful but with his own power and popularity. Many even forget which noble family he's from but still people whisper how he's a nepobaby and all his achievements are fake and how he only got into the roundtable because his daddy died and left him a seat. Axel very much is like doffy from one piece, he saw the top and wants back into it. Add on the holier than thou and obsession with birthing and raising another hero. Axel is jaded to the inner machinations of the kingdom

              Lol crazy I honestly didn't even read the third line, but yeah this exactly I think Axel would think he'd want to be brought back into his family. But he secretly wouldn't only member in his family that was good to him was his Father(not from the noble bloodline). I also see that he does fit it, he knows this town and I play him like a manipulator the type to see all the cards or do underhanded unknightly things to get a win in. As he learned as a kid that's what it takes to beat sultr and his spawn.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Meant to send this fit the whole PR and being the almost face of Knights thing. Super rookie Axel but he's actually been a knight since he was like 8 lol.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Axel's role in the story is to be the frustratingly unmatchable rival. He mostly exists to make Clara feel inferior by comparison.
                So we shouldn't humanize and show his vulnerabilities with a backstory too soon I think.
                For a good first chunk of the story he's the two-bit egotistical braggart that any REAL Mary Sue would dunk on constantly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah definitely happy to hear you've taken a interest. All feedback is good, I'd love to hear your idea on stuff like characters or worldbuilding.

      Yeah sure go ahead. This is a fun comedy community project

      huh always thought it was more dark comedy with all the corruption and war and talk of death and light and dark but then the morbid apathy the cast have to a fricked world. I kind of see it like a black comedy but can go more light hearted

  18. 2 weeks ago

    so you 'upgraded' from a mary sue to coomer shit?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Did another Kitty sketch, found a ref I really liked for a lil evil gremlin mage. Hope you guys like it

  20. 2 weeks ago
  21. 2 weeks ago

    Have Mary ever Sue someone?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah they just mary them

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Proper way to fix your mary sue

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Would this have nudity?
    If so how far?
    Convenient censored
    Bare butts
    Full frontal

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Convenient censored
      >Bare butts
      This should be the case. Mostly played for laughs too. Have both male and female characters experience it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah have to keep it casual and comedic for it to work, not like this is a new least for male characters kek.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Convenient censored
      >Bare butts
      This should be the case. Mostly played for laughs too. Have both male and female characters experience it.

      Be a chad and go all in

  24. 2 weeks ago

    These threads remind me of the Stella and the Metal Men threads as well as the High Guardian Spice threads. It keeps appearing every now and then and I am starting to get interested. Hopefully, you Anons don't stay as just idea guys and actually create comics based on this premise.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah, I've seen those and wanted to check them out did a few peeks into the HGS ones honestly interesting stuff. Idk if I'm anywhere near good enough to do a full comic lol. My short burst comics are so shitty as is, plus by the time I'm able to do a comic I have my own series idea kek. I see this as just fun way to practice character designs and get opinions on backstories and story writing and what is and isn't funny ideas and concepts. I would lowkey love to do key points but again not skilled enough. But happy you like it I'll try my best to be a decent drawgay for the thread. Planning on finally working on some new kitty or character stuff now.

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