>Got to HBO max. >Search for "Shark"

>Got to HBO max
>Search for "Shark"
What the frick is with literally the thousands of shark documentaries on HBO? It's disturbing to say the least. Is it some sort of money laundering scheme? There definitely is something horribly wrong for such a phenomenon to exist. Did all the producers smoke crack 24/7 and just went too far with this shit?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Shark board. Cope, seethe, dilate.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    There's been years and years of shark weeks on the discovery channel

    With discovery joining max/hbo/whatever, now you've got all those documentaries from previous shark weeks

    • 2 weeks ago

      >people like shark week on whatever channel it's on because it's a break from holocaust shit and "what if a platypus is an alien? part 2 of 5"
      >shark week gets all fricking full of itself
      >hollywood starts referencing shark week
      >streaming companies buy any shark related content, even the one that looks, sounds, and teaches far worse than a 15 minute youtube video from some 17 year old

      Thank you. It is starting to make sense now. I felt like I was losing my mind. Now I need to learn what the frick a shark week is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        it was just a week of "let's take a break from holocaust and aliens" on the discovery channel.
        just a long-ass string of shark related content, and the initial couple years had some actually well-produced stuff.
        The idea of a ____ week in TV shows isn't quite the same nowadays when you have shit like cartoon network exclusively playing teen titans go for 16 straight hours as normal programming

        • 2 weeks ago

          Cartoon network in the late 90s was probably the best channel. I haven't watched it for more than 20 years but I do know it significantly dropped the quality. Shame.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Early 00s cartoon network, nickelodeon and disney xd was kino

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Now I need to learn what the frick a shark week is.
        Underages dont even know tv events anymore. Maybe if discovery had a week long troony acceptance event you would know about it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          why the frick do you think people don't care about TV anymore, and haven't for a while?
          because of that exact shit you just said. that all happens this month. A zoomer hears "shark week" and pattern recognition dictates that the term means you have to say "no" when the machine asks you if you want to donate $5 to sharks. Their experiences lead them to believe "shark week" means the library is going to throw children into a tank full of aquatic predators to teach them acceptance and belonging.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I fricking wish. I just stopped watching TV when I was in my 20s and that was 20 years ago. Quality channels went to shit, too much ads and the only thing left was watching a football game, but that was exclusively in bars. And as for the news I could get all the information I wanted from the internet.

          • 2 weeks ago

            the internet talks about shark week. it always has.
            >I wasn't not around to experience it, I was constantly engaging with the system that puts humanity's collective knowledge at my fingertips
            >this is how I managed to avoid that knowledge
            sorry mate but that just doesn't make any fricking sense

            • 2 weeks ago

              I have very strong filters against bullshit and I guess this shark phenomenon was blocked by them. You do realize there's more than sharks on the internet, right? And I refuse to watch any of the Jaws films. I don't care if they are the pinnacle of cinema. A movie about a fricking fish that's not even a threat to humans. I know - let's make a movie about it! Frick off

              • 2 weeks ago

                >i willingly blind myself to knowledge and then pretend my ignorance is the fault of others
                >i don't care if the things are good
                >this topic we're discussing must be the only thing you care about, huh
                golly, what an inevitably successful approach to life, are you taking apprentices?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I just don't find sharks that interesting. Never did. My frustration was when I clicked on documentaries on MAX and I saw countless results for sharks. Who on earth needs that many shark documentaries?

              • 2 weeks ago

                remind me what the first two lines of greentext that started this thread were. Go ahead. Type them out for me.
                You're acting like someone forced sharks on you. Why?

              • 2 weeks ago

                They DID force sharks on me. I was browsing HBO max recently and clicked on the documentaries tab or whatever it is called and I found myself scrolling through endless amount of shark content. It immediately got my attention. I found it bizarre and was curious why such a phenomenon must exists. I have never seen anything like this with other topics that are WAY more popular than just a fricking fish.

              • 2 weeks ago

                that's not what you said and your refusal to repeat the words this thread was engaged with proves that you know you made an error.
                Maybe try making the same thread without those mistakes tomorrow and you can have another chance at the "frick sharks" hugbox you desire so strongly

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's fair. It wasn't exactly what happened but after seeing so many shark documentaries I searched for shark and I was even more frustrated.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I appreciate your admission that I'm at least partially right.
                But knowingly seeking out more of what's bothering you and becoming extra agitated that it exists?
                That really fricking bothers a person who feels like they're not able to find the things they want/need

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm fine with all the shit our there to exist. I'm fine with even the most vile stuff. But when a very specific content exists in a suspicious volume on a single platform, something tells me that there's way more to that and I want to find the reason. I think it can be compared to a suspicion on why a whole shipping container is filled only with teddy bears. Even the lowest rank of the border police would be suspicious and start tearing the teddy bears one by one and they'll definitely find cocaine in them.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >a shipping container full of teddy bears is incomprehensible in a globalized planet of nearly 9 billion people
                this thread is a RIOT

              • 2 weeks ago

                I work in the risk department in a large financial company. I might have professional distortion or just plain autism.

              • 2 weeks ago

                i have the latter and it makes me argue with people on Cinemaphile at my shitty desk job at a small ag mechanic.
                eventually its going to lead me to add the smooth taste of .22 hollow point to my balanced breakfast.
                until then i speak for the sharks i guess

              • 2 weeks ago

                God bless America!

              • 2 weeks ago

                canada, else i wouldn't be limited to that one calibre of round and i could get more creative

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I've never searched for police procedurals or true crime documentaries or even low-effort animated barbie movies so that means the countless piles of them don't exist
                >i did search for sharks though and i'm real mad about that
                this thread is a riot

        • 2 weeks ago

          to be fair, ___ week or ____ month or ____ day in the life of a young person has typically meant "feel bad about yourself and give some undeserved respect to people demanding it from the state"

      • 2 weeks ago

        >jaws comes out
        >now everyone is afraid of sharks
        >cable company capitalizes on it by making a week of shark documentaries
        >has become a tradition since at least the 80’s
        that’s all it is. i hope it makes sense

        • 2 weeks ago

          okay wait shark week numero uno was in NINETEEN EIGHTY EIGHT?

          no, frick that, this is some mandela effect bullshit, it was like 2003 and it was a huge, big, new deal

          • 2 weeks ago

            it was new because you were underaged and probably didnt have cable, arent american or if you’re the one replying you were just ignorant and proud. its been a thing for ages like you said. the world doesnt hinge on you remembering everything you can remember. for instance, there was a world war 3 already when there was a conflict in the 90’s where literally half of africa was at war with itself but it wasnt reported on much or taught about since no one gives a shit about. is this a mandela effect?

            • 2 weeks ago

              they did a bigt of a rebrand (went after the WOAH SO MANLY spikeTV audience) and began marketing it a lot more around that time

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >people like shark week on whatever channel it's on because it's a break from holocaust shit and "what if a platypus is an alien? part 2 of 5"
    >shark week gets all fricking full of itself
    >hollywood starts referencing shark week
    >streaming companies buy any shark related content, even the one that looks, sounds, and teaches far worse than a 15 minute youtube video from some 17 year old

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Cant believe they would get weeks worth of content for that shit

    >top 10 deadliest sharks, top 3 always tiger great white and bull. Throw in oceanic white tip cause apparently they eat all survivors of ship wrecks
    > real life story of what jaws was based on, those attacks in new jersey way back when up some rivers
    >follow scientists doing some shark science shit
    >nature conservation show about how sharks are misunderstood being jlhunted to extinction shark fin soup etc
    >after week of hortifix detailed attacks and re enactments.
    >discovery presents Shark night in 3D

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Meg 2 is not a documentary.

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