Groundhog Day: The Animated Series

Groundhog Day: The Animated Series

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  1. 7 days ago

    Musical Residuals: The Animated Series

    • 7 days ago

      Honestly genius on their part. The formulaic nature of the show gave it infinite possible episode ideas and then allowed the characters to comment on tropes or running gags after enough time. And the songs not only paid for their mansions but also gave PnF some added memorability since SQUIRRELS or AGLET can easily pop up in your head at random.

      • 7 days ago

        This is exactly how P&F is written, and nobody can tell me otherwise.

        • 7 days ago

          By Season 3 or 4, yeah.

          • 7 days ago

            It should've ended on its second season, because there's only so much you can do with using only ONE formula.

          • 7 days ago

            I'd say it only really got bad during season four. Season three still had a moderately good pace still going.

      • 7 days ago

        Think we'll get another music video?

      • 6 days ago

        >since SQUIRRELS or AGLET can easily pop up in your head at random
        for me it's the dangerous drusselstein driving test waltz

      • 6 days ago


        • 6 days ago

          Fine, Platypus Controlling Me. Is that more accurate?

          • 6 days ago

            ?si=jR19R6kBJX7XWxoT Love the songs

      • 6 days ago

        ZUBA DAYA

        ZUBA DAYA

        ZUBA DAYA

        ZUBA DAYA

      • 6 days ago

        for me it's E.V.I.L.B.O.Y.S.

        Ol' Dan's got some CRAZY pipes

        • 6 days ago

          Wait, he sang that? Damn. That's a surprise.

  2. 7 days ago

    can anybody explain the appeal of this show to me? Moreso than any other cartoon I've watched, every episode of this show was literally the exact same thing over and over and over again. I mean sure, a lot of cartoons repeat tropes and plots like that, especially in the 2000's, but Phineas and Ferb was actually beat for beat the same thing every episode, down to repeating the exact same lines.

    The only comparable cartoon I can think of is Scooby-Doo. But at least that show had appealing character designs and aesthetics. Phineas and Ferb is ugly.

    • 7 days ago

      I'm 99.9% sure people liked it for the music, except I thought the songs in it were complete trash.

    • 7 days ago

      Ashley Tisdale's performance as Candace carried this show.

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      Honestly anon, if it doesn't work for you then it just doesn't work for you. While the show repeats some elements per segment and episode, rarely do they rarely do they tread the same ground.

    • 6 days ago

      Think of it like if Scooby Doo was well written.

      • 6 days ago

        Scooby Doo is far superior to this show. Unless you go back to the 60's.

        • 6 days ago

          >Scooby Doo is far superior to this show
          Not really

          • 6 days ago

            >Not really
            Yes, it is.
            It has a superior sense of aesthetics firstly. The characters' looks are so iconic that they've retained some sense of popularity for nearly 90 years. Also, most of the Scooby Doo shows and movies are good at creating an atmosphere for the individual mysteries. Secondly, it is conceptually more interesting. The Scooby Gang travel around the world solving mysteries and bringing understanding to the cryptic. On the other hand, Phineas and Ferb's creations are either destroyed or disappear by the end of each episode - thus the fantastical is rendered useless. In a certain way now that I think about it, this makes the shows inverses of each other. The Scooby Gang reveals the mystery by the end of each episode. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb's creations are always destroyed by the end of each episode - and so it will always be a mystery to their parents. Finally, I think the Scooby Doo franchise has proven itself to be more elastic than most other cartoons. While initially, it was always about people disguised as monsters, real supernatural elements were eventually incorporated (heh). It's also been able to bounce from various different styles for each cartoon, jump between shows and movies with relative ease (including live action) and continues to evolve and adapt to a changing landscape (Velma). Phineas and Ferb simply does not compare in the slightest.

            • 6 days ago

              >and continues to evolve and adapt to a changing landscape (Velma)
              have a nice day.

            • 6 days ago

              Thanks ChatGPT

    • 6 days ago

      Different inventions on both the boys and the scientist part, plus a new song almost every episode. Also jokes are obviously different from episode to episode.
      Think about it like this, let's say the plot heavy show Avatar is something you like, and then I were to go "What? The same characters appear in the next episode? And the one after that? It's literally the exact same thing over and over and over again! I want to see new characters and new settings and new genres!"

      Don't try to find tropes and running gags while watching, instead just experience it as it is. I have noticed this with some youtubers who when watching movies they think about camera lighting, which actors has performed in what other movies, whether each line foreshadows something in the future etc.
      Don't dissect the media you watch

      • 6 days ago

        I don't think this is the same thing really. Because then I would complain about every show ever. Phineas and Ferb, from what I've seen (which was a fair amount back in the day, I'd watch it when nothing else was on) had basically the same plot every episode; which was the parents leave the house, the kids build some crazy contraption, Candace tries to "bust" them (when she wasn't obsessing over that boy), and some B plot where Perry is thwarting Doofenshmirtz's latest evil plan. The show would consistently repeat itself ("MOM! PHINEAS AND FERB ARE BUILDING (x)" "A platypus? PERRY THE PLATYPUS!" "Whatcha dooooin?" "Oh, there you are Perry"). I'm not simply speaking to running gags or returning characters, I'm saying the show was just the same basic premise every episode.

        So in that regard, the ATLA analogy doesn't fit. There are some cartoon network shows that are probably comparable - Ed, Edd, n' Eddy comes to mind. But even there, I would say that cartoon at least broke the monotony every once in a while. The Eds would actually get a jawbreaker sometimes, maybe the Kanker sisters would show up, and then the whole last season shook things up by changing the setting to the school.

        Tropes and running gags will be a staple of any cartoon is what I'm saying, I guess. What I dislike about Phineas and Ferb though (aside from the art style which I really dislike) is the insistent repetition. Same settings, same basic plot, same ending twist.

        • 6 days ago

          the point of the Avatar analogy was that you were dissecting this show because you noticed a trend, when you don't notice the trends in Avatar because you're too focused on the things that do change in Avatar, unlike in Phineas and Ferb. You completely ignore the things that are different each episode.

          • 6 days ago

            No, we're talking past each other. I am asserting that basically every episode of Phineas and Ferb (from what I remember watching when I was younger, so maybe the show changed in later seasons) is the same. I am not talking about "trends" or "dissecting" the show's materials. I am talking about the actual, literal structure of the show. An episode of Avatar may begin with an action sequence, or a casual conversation between characters, or the weekly villain's perspective. Whereas an episode of Phineas and Ferb always begins with the parents leaving the house, oblivious to the outlandish contraption the kids are planning to build.

            What are the things that are completely different in each episode of Phineas and Ferb? Again, to be clear, I'm not talking about jokes or musical numbers - I'm talking about the actual plotting.

            >Same settings, same basic plot, same ending twist.
            no it isnt

            • 6 days ago

              >I am talking about the actual, literal structure of the show.
              Yes, yes it is.

              >What are the things that are completely different in each episode of Phineas and Ferb? Again, to be clear, I'm not talking about jokes or musical numbers
              Setting, since if it's not a literal new setting the invention will usually function as one. The conflict that derives from that invention or from Doof's inators. The character focus and new information we find out about those characters.

              And yes, the jokes and musical numbers.

              It's a formulaic show, I don't know what to tell you. What goes around that structure is what makes the show appealing. If you don't like that stuff then it wont work for you, and if it does, it does.

              • 6 days ago

                >What are the things that are completely different in each episode
                Dont just watch the show, pay attention. The "A plot" either has PnF, Candace, Isabella/fireside girls, Baljeet, Buford, Irving, Stacy and rarely their parents as protagonist. The souce of conflict are different. They either invent for fun, help Candace, help their friends/fireside girls or parents. Sometimes a combination of them. The same goes with the "B plot". It features Perry, Doof, Vanessa, Norm, Charlene, Carl, Monogram or his son Monty.
                > I'm not talking about jokes or musical numbers
                That's part of the nuances in every episode that you refuse to acknowledge for some reason. You are just grasping for straws now.

                Sorry, fell asleep.

                Well first of all, neither of these messages contradict what I say. You're basically saying that what I said is true - but people like the show is spite of that. And if you wanna make that argument, that's fine. But it's still the case that the overall plotting and structure of the show is the same each episode. You can still enjoy it, but just call it like it is. I still like Scooby Doo, for all the reasons I mentioned here:

                >Not really
                Yes, it is.
                It has a superior sense of aesthetics firstly. The characters' looks are so iconic that they've retained some sense of popularity for nearly 90 years. Also, most of the Scooby Doo shows and movies are good at creating an atmosphere for the individual mysteries. Secondly, it is conceptually more interesting. The Scooby Gang travel around the world solving mysteries and bringing understanding to the cryptic. On the other hand, Phineas and Ferb's creations are either destroyed or disappear by the end of each episode - thus the fantastical is rendered useless. In a certain way now that I think about it, this makes the shows inverses of each other. The Scooby Gang reveals the mystery by the end of each episode. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb's creations are always destroyed by the end of each episode - and so it will always be a mystery to their parents. Finally, I think the Scooby Doo franchise has proven itself to be more elastic than most other cartoons. While initially, it was always about people disguised as monsters, real supernatural elements were eventually incorporated (heh). It's also been able to bounce from various different styles for each cartoon, jump between shows and movies with relative ease (including live action) and continues to evolve and adapt to a changing landscape (Velma). Phineas and Ferb simply does not compare in the slightest.

                >That's part of the nuances in every episode that you refuse to acknowledge for some reason. You are just grasping for straws now.
                Of course I'm not speaking to nuances, because my complaint is about plotting, format, and narrative. I'm not interested in WHAT is different each episode, I'm interested in HOW it is different. In other words, there may be a different musical number in each episode, but there is still a musical number in each episode. Doof may have a different evil plan each episode, but each episode will almost certainly contain an evil plan from Doof. The reason the kids invent something may be different, but they're still inventing something (which inevitably ends the same way; with the invention disappearing somehow and the parents remaining oblivious to their kids' contraptions).

                There are other cartoons that repeat themselves; I mentioned Scooby Doo and Ed, Edd, n' Eddy. I could probably think of others. But Phineas and Ferb stands out as one of the more egregious examples.

              • 6 days ago

                >complaint is about plotting, format, and narrative.
                It is different each episode.
                >I'm interested in HOW it is different
                You contradict yourself. The "hows" are explained. The plot, perspective and source of conflict are different for some episodes. You are the one whining about the "what" of the shows and bringing up gags and story devices and confusing it as the plot.

            • 6 days ago

              >What are the things that are completely different in each episode
              Dont just watch the show, pay attention. The "A plot" either has PnF, Candace, Isabella/fireside girls, Baljeet, Buford, Irving, Stacy and rarely their parents as protagonist. The souce of conflict are different. They either invent for fun, help Candace, help their friends/fireside girls or parents. Sometimes a combination of them. The same goes with the "B plot". It features Perry, Doof, Vanessa, Norm, Charlene, Carl, Monogram or his son Monty.
              > I'm not talking about jokes or musical numbers
              That's part of the nuances in every episode that you refuse to acknowledge for some reason. You are just grasping for straws now.

        • 6 days ago

          >Same settings, same basic plot, same ending twist.
          no it isnt

    • 6 days ago

      it's just like Pinky and the Brain or Coyote and the Road Runner

    • 6 days ago

      Its funny

    • 6 days ago

      Doof was the real heart of the show.

    • 6 days ago

      It's comfort food in the form of animation.

  3. 7 days ago

    I love Phineas and Ferb but we REALLY didn't need new episodes. The last episode couldn't be more conclusive, so now Dan & Swampy are covering "the next summer" apparently? Worst part is that everybody's gonna eat this up since modern TV/film viewers are obsessed with growing up alongside their favourite characters for some reason.

    • 7 days ago

      I would've preferred a Milo revival, and I HATED Season 2

      • 6 days ago

        >and I HATED Season 2
        Never saw an episode. What happened?

    • 6 days ago

      Haven't seen the movie yet but isn't that kid supposed to be blind in one eye?

  4. 6 days ago

    Where does Ferb shop for pants?

  5. 6 days ago

    Actually if you think on it, this is also a sisphyus' task.
    >Candace is sisphyus
    >Busting Phineas and Ferb is the rock
    >her not busting them sets her at 0 again and again
    and considering this went on for like 8 years irl, Candace is in hell basically

    • 6 days ago

      It was only 104 days in-universe (or a few more thanks to the Do-over-inator in Last Day of Summer).
      Most of the time the busting failed by mid-afternoon, so she had the rest of the day to do normal teenage-girl-on-summer-vacation things.

  6. 6 days ago

    >we are forced to get more of this shit instead while all the good DTVA shows get cancelled
    I hate this timeline and i hate dan povenmire and the clout/nepotism hes got at disneh

    • 6 days ago

      What are you talking about? Dan and Jeff are the ones who want to end the show. Its the company who keeps asking for more since the most of the shows are garbage.

      • 6 days ago

        Wrong. Dan & Swampy were basically pressured to end the show in its original run because Disney started being really slow and hesitant with its season renewals, only picking up more hour-long specials and then leaving most of the crew with no work to do. You can imagine it got tiring having to lay everyone off and then rehire them months later over and over again, so Dan & Swampy took the initiative to just wrap up the series altogether with "Last Day of Summer." They didn't WANT to end Phineas and Ferb, and that could explain their efforts to revisit the characters in their later works ever since:

        • 6 days ago

          Comparing those two clips, you can see in real time how Dwampyverse incidental designs have gotten so much worse since Hamster & Gretel. It's actually embarrassing

          • 6 days ago

            Don't care, hottest Dwampy mom to date.

        • 6 days ago

          The notion that Disney wanted to end the show doesn't remotely fit how they've treated it relative to every other show that Disney Channel has ever had.

          When Dan and Swampy are talking about "fooling" Disney, it's that they wanted a regular production schedule for themselves and their crew rather than the grim death march that Season Four of PnF was, which is what Disney really wanted them to do, and got it by sweetening the deal by connecting the new show to Phineas and Ferb. It worked to the point where a show Disney clearly had no interest in got a second season.

          • 6 days ago

            >a show Disney clearly had no interest in got a second season

            But my initial point still stands: Dan & Swampy never wanted to end PnF. They just got tired of waiting on Disney's renewals. And for a show that once rivaled SpongeBob in popularity, it makes no sense for Disney to have held off on season renewals for so long that it forced the creators' hands and made them wrap everything up for good at the time. Disney could've kept the renewals coming but they didn't. That's why I'm not surprised by the revival; it's what Povenmire's always wanted anyway.

            • 6 days ago

              Sure, they didn't want to end it. It took sixteen years to get the show made and anybody would be reluctant to end a show that took that long, especially one that was as successful as Phineas and Ferb was and remains. That doesn't change the fact that Disney gave them a fourth season production cycle that burned them out and the company also wanted future seasons to work the same way. Even the "light" versions of the schedule Disney proposed would have been a colossal pain in the ass because they'd have to constantly lay off and rehire people. Which was probably what Disney would have wanted anyway since a big reason they usually don't want shows to continue is because of contractually obligated pay raises after a certain number of seasons.

              The thing is that people keep wanting to pretend that Disney wanted rid of the show and that Dan and Swampy manipulated them into keeping it around which just isn't what happened on either end. Disney clearly want Phineas and Ferb to keep going; it stayed in promos, the show constantly aired in reruns, and was used as a selling point for Disney+.

      • 6 days ago

        Maybe if they had been good shows they wouldn't have been cancelled.

        They were better shows then povenmire shit

    • 6 days ago

      Maybe if they had been good shows they wouldn't have been cancelled.

    • 5 days ago

      They were better shows then povenmire shit

      have a nice day brown chaser

  7. 6 days ago

    As amusing it could be, if you've seen one episode, you've practically seen them all. Same deal with Regular Show

  8. 6 days ago

    Sex with Vanessa

  9. 6 days ago

    I like the show, but I’m going to have to disagree with some anons who say that it’s not repetitive, it definitely is. Nearly every episode is: I know what we’re going to do today, where’s Perry, whatcha doin, bust, inator, self-destruct, curse you Perry the Platypus, Candace calls mom, invention disappears. The different plots in every episode aren’t interesting or funny enough to overshadow these running gags.

    • 6 days ago

      >bust, inator
      Would've made for a fun episode

  10. 6 days ago

    Maybe I'm crazy, but am I the only one who hates Baljeet? His entire character boils down to ''I like school and I'm a crybaby''. He's just annoying.

    • 6 days ago

      I think it's funny how much they'd play it up, especially when paired with Buford. It was always a nice twist on the nerd/bully trope and led to some creative songs like Frenemies or Give Me a Grade.

      • 6 days ago

        True, I'm not saying he can't be funny sometimes and he and Buford have an interesting dynamic. But really his whole character is just smart Indian stereotype and that's it and it gets cringey at certain points. Like in the episode where they made superheroes and he called his ''Hanuman-Man''. Little on the nose guys.

        • 6 days ago

          He only fell back on Hanumanman after Isabella stole his original idea coughgay[/cough].

          • 6 days ago

            True but I still wanna steal his lunch money

    • 6 days ago

      Nah, I kind of agree. He's just not that interesting or entertaining.

  11. 6 days ago
  12. 6 days ago

    someone has the official soundtrack (mp3)?

  13. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      Heheh I get it

  14. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      I wish she was biting my...

      • 6 days ago

        You'd get busted if you finished that sentence.

  15. 6 days ago

    I was a quiet kid, so Ferb actually made me feel worse for not secretly harboring tons of impressive skills and abilities to make up for my lack of talking. Ferb Fletcher gave me an inferiority complex growing up since I could never live up to such an OP animated side character.

    • 6 days ago

      I can see that. While I like Ferb, he does set quite a high bar for kids who may see themselves in him.

  16. 6 days ago
  17. 6 days ago
  18. 6 days ago

    How does Groundhog Day even work tbh?

    • 5 days ago

      It's a reference to the Bill Murray movie, where he's living the same day on repeat.

      • 5 days ago

        >Bill Murray
        The Garfield guy?

        • 5 days ago

          The very same.

  19. 5 days ago

    Acknowledged by the show itself

  20. 5 days ago

    It's weird, when I was little I didn't like the sitcoms, because they felt too tween-oriented for my tastes, yet I liked Phineas and Ferb, which can be considered a tweenybopper series because of Candace

    Don't you find that fricking weird? I was a fricking hypocrite

  21. 5 days ago

    What's your favorite song?

    • 5 days ago



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